This document contains a transcript of grades (provisional) for Fuad Muhamad Fachrudin from the Faculty of Economics and Business at UNSIKA. It lists 41 courses taken, their codes, names, credits, and grades. The total credits are 115, total cumulative score is 330.5, and the GPA is 2.87.
This document contains a transcript of grades (provisional) for Fuad Muhamad Fachrudin from the Faculty of Economics and Business at UNSIKA. It lists 41 courses taken, their codes, names, credits, and grades. The total credits are 115, total cumulative score is 330.5, and the GPA is 2.87.
This document contains a transcript of grades (provisional) for Fuad Muhamad Fachrudin from the Faculty of Economics and Business at UNSIKA. It lists 41 courses taken, their codes, names, credits, and grades. The total credits are 115, total cumulative score is 330.5, and the GPA is 2.87.
This document contains a transcript of grades (provisional) for Fuad Muhamad Fachrudin from the Faculty of Economics and Business at UNSIKA. It lists 41 courses taken, their codes, names, credits, and grades. The total credits are 115, total cumulative score is 330.5, and the GPA is 2.87.