Mba HHM 2022 23
Mba HHM 2022 23
Mba HHM 2022 23
Periods ESE O ure CREDIT
Fundamentals of 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FC 0
Accounting & Finance
Fundamentals of 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FC 0
Business Mathematics
Management Concepts &
Organizational Behavior 3 0 0 20 20 40 60 100 CC 3
Managerial Economics 3 0 0 20 20 40 60 100 CC 3
Accounting for Managers 3 0 0 20 20 40 60 100 CC 3
Business Communication 2 0 2 20 20 40 60 100 CC 3
Business Statistics 3 0 0 20 20 40 60 100 CC 3
Marketing Management 3 0 0 20 20 40 60 100 CC 3
Computer 2 0 2 20 20 40 60 100 CC 3
Application for
IT Skills Lab 0 0 4 0 40 40 60 100 AEC 2
T L L cture
Financial Management 3 0 0 20 20 40 60 100 CC 3
International Business 3 0 0 20 20 40 60 100 CC 3
Human Resource Management 3 0 0 20 20 40 60 100 CC 3
Periods ESE T Code CREDIT
Strategic Management CC
4 0 0 20 20 40 60 100 4
Legal Aspects of Business 3 0 0 20 20 40 60 100 CC 3
Quality Management & 3 0 0 20 20 40 60 100 CC 3
Accreditation in Hospitals
Specialization Group 1- 3 0 0 20 20 40 60 100 SEC 3
Specialization Group 1- 3 0 0 20 20 40 60 100 SEC 3
Specialization Group 1- 3 0 0 20 20 40 60 100 SEC 3
Specialization Group 1- 3 0 0 20 20 40 60 100 SEC 3
Summer Internship 0 0 0 0 40 40 60 100 AEC 4
Project (Hospital/ (NTCC)
Healthcare Industry)
TOTAL 800 26
Note: Students may choose any 4 electives from Specialization Group 1 Courses.
Periods INTERNAL Structure
Entrepreneurship Development 3 0 2 20 20 40 60 100 CC 4
Digital Marketing & E- 3 0 0 20 20 40 60 100 GE 3
Specialization Group 2- 3 0 0 20 20 40 60 100 SEC 3
Specialization Group 2- 3 0 0 20 20 40 60 100 SEC 3
Specialization Group 2 - 3 0 0 20 20 40 60 100 SEC 3
Specialization Group 2 - 0 0 4 20 20 40 60 100 SEC 3
Dissertation & Viva Voce 0 0 0 0 40 40 60 100 AEC 6
TOTAL 700 25
Note: Students may choose any 4 electives from Specialization Group 2 Courses.
Concepts of Epidemiology
Disaster Management
MBA (HHM)-1st Year
Course Name: Fundamentals of Accounting and Finance Course Credit: NIL
Course Code: FC1 (Foundation Course) Course Contact Hours: 10
Course Description: This bridge course intends to provide basic understanding of accounting concepts
and theories. This course enables the study of basic accounts and applying them to business theory in
general. This will help non-commerce students to have a basic understanding of the accounting concepts
before their regular classes begin.
Course Objectives:
• To provide the accounting foundations necessary for business and management.
• To bring non-commerce students at par with those who had studied accounts .
Course Content:
1. Introduction: Meaning, Definition, Features, Scope & Objectives of Accounting, Basic Terminology of
2. Books of Original Entry: Journal and Subsidiary books, Ledger and Trial Balance
4. Trial Balance and Final Accounts: Classification of Capital and Revenue Transactions, Final Accounts
with Adjustments and Adjusted Trial Balance.
5. Depreciation & Accounts of NPO: Depreciation Accounting & Accounts of Non-Profit Organization
& Professional People
Assessment Method: NA
Suggested Readings:
1) Maheshwari S.N &Maheshwari S K – A text book of Accounting for Management (Vikas)
2) Singh, Jain & Gupta- Accounting for Managers (PHI)
MBA (HHM)-1st Year
Course Description: This bridge course intends to provide basic understanding of business mathematics.
This will help students from non-mathematics background to have a basic understanding of the business
mathematics before their regular classes begin.
Course Objectives:
• To provide the business mathematics foundations necessary for business and management
• To bring non-mathematics students at par with those who had studied mathematics.
Course Content:
1. Introduction: Introduction to Mathematics and Statistics, Mathematics and you, Ratio and
proportion, Percentage, Profit and Loss, Partnership and Discount.
2. Functions: Arithmetic and Geometric Progression, Functions: constant function, linear function,
demand and supply function, total revenue function, total cost and profit function and their
3. Descriptive Statistics: Introduction, Frequency Tables, Histograms, Measures of Central
Tendency: Mean and Median, Measures of Dispersion: Variance and Standard deviation.
4. Basic Probability: Introduction, Sample space and events, Axioms of Probability and simple
Assessment Method: NA
Suggested Readings:
1) B Aggarwal- Business Mathematics & Statistics, Ane Book Pvt. Limited
2) A P Verma- Business Mathematics, Asian Books Pvt. Limited.
3) Martin Anthony and Norman Biggs-Mathematics for Economics and Finance Methods and
Modelling, Cambridge University Press
MBA (HHM)-1st Year
Course Description: This course provides basic understanding of the concepts and theories of
organization behavior. It enables students to understand how managers should behave to motivate and
control employees.
Course Objectives:
• To help the students understand the concepts of organizational behavior.
• To apply the concepts of management and organizational behaviors in real world situations.
• To familiarize the students with the contemporary issues in management.
• To develop managerial and leadership skills among students
Course Content:
Unit -I:
Fundamentals of Management: Introduction, Nature, Scope and Significance of Management; Different
levels of management, Managerial skills, Roles & Functions, Manager and Business environment. Functions of
Management: Planning- Objective of planning, planning process, Types of planning, Types of plans, Management
by Objective, Decision-making; Organizing & staffing- Meaning of organization, types of organization,
Organization structure, Span of management, Line and staff relationship, Departmentation, Delegation-
Centralization and decentralization of authority, Meaning of staffing, Recruitment, selection & placement,
Training & development. Directing & Controlling- Principle of directing, Essence of coordination, Different
control techniques, Management by exception.
Unit -II:
Fundamentals of OB: Evolution of management thought , five functions of management, Definition,
scope and importance of OB, Relationship between OB and the individual, Evolution of OB, Models of
OB (Autocratic, Custodial, Supportive, Collegial & SOBC), Limitations of OB. Values, Attitudes and
Emotions: Introduction, Values, Attitudes, Definition and Concept of Emotions, Emotional Intelligence -
Fundamentals of Emotional Intelligence, The Emotional Competence Framework, Benefits of Emotional
Intelligence , difference between EQ and IQ. Personality & Attitude: Definition Personality, importance
of personality in Performance, The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and The Big Five personality model,
Johari Window , Transaction Analysis , Definition Attitude Importance of attitude in an organization,
Right Attitude, Components of attitude, Relationship between behavior and attitude.
Unit -III:
Perception: Meaning and concept of perception, Factors influencing perception, Selective perception,
Attribution theory, Perceptual process, Social perception (stereotyping and halo effect). Motivation:
Definition & Concept of Motive & Motivation, The Content Theories of Motivation (Maslow’s Need
Hierarchy & Herzberg’s Two Factor model Theory), The Process Theories (Vroom’s expectancy Theory
& Porter Lawler model), Contemporary Theories- Equity Theory of Work Motivation.
Unit -IV:
Group and Team Dynamics : The Meaning of Group & Group behavior & Group Dynamics, Types of
Groups, The Five -Stage Model of Group Development Team Effectiveness & Team Building.
Leadership: Introduction, Managers V/s Leaders. Overview of Leadership- Traits and Types, Theories
of Leadership.- Trait and Behavioral Theories.
Unit -V:
Conflict Management: Definition and Meaning, Sources of Conflict, Types of Conflict, Conflict
Management Approaches. Organizational Culture: Meaning and Nature of Organization Culture - Origin
of Organization Culture, Functions of Organization Culture, Types of Culture, Creating and Maintaining
Organization Culture, Managing Cultural Diversity.
CO1. Understand theories about how managers should behave to motivate and control employees.
CO2. Build people and leadership skills essential for managerial success.
CO3. Analyse causes of conflict and outline conflict management strategies that managers can use to
resolve organizational conflict effectively.
CO4. Explain group and team dynamics leading to organizational effectiveness
Assessment Method:
(Continuous Internal Assessment =40%, End Semester Examination =60%)
Assessment 1 -05%
Assessment 2 -05%
Mid-term exam -20%
Assessment 3 -05%
Assessment 4 -05%
Total Internal Assessment -40%
Suggested Readings:
1) Koontz Harold &Weihrich Heinz – Essentials of management (Tata McGraw Hill, 5th
Edition,2008) L. M. Prasad- Principles and Practices of Management, Sultan Chand & Sons, 7th
edition, 2007.
2) Stephen P. Robbins, ―Organizational Behaviour, 12th Edition, Prentice Hall
3) Dr. Premvir Kapoor, Principles and Practices of Management, Khanna Publishing House, Delhi
4) Aswathappa K, ―Organizational Behaviour (Text, Cases and Games), Himalaya Publication
MBA(HHM)-1st Year
Course Description: Students will develop an understanding of the modern managerial decision rules
and optimization techniques. They will be equipped with the tools necessary in analysis of consumer
behaviour as well as in forecasting product demand.
Course Objectives:
• To understand the importance of Managerial Economics in management and businesses.
• To understand the tools necessary in analysis of consumer behaviour as well as in forecasting
product demand.
• To apply the principles of managerial economics in achieving business objectives.
• To understand and be able to apply latest pricing strategies.
Course Content:
Unit –I
Basic Concepts and principles: Definition, Nature and Scope of Economics-Micro Economics and
Macro Economics; Managerial Economics and its relevance in business decisions; Fundamental
Principles of Managerial Economics - Incremental Principle, Marginal Principle, Opportunity Cost
Principle, Discounting Principle, Concept of Time Perspective, Equi-Marginal Principle. Utility
Analysis-Cardinal Utility and Ordinal Utility
Unit –II
Demand Analysis: Theory of Demand-Law of Demand, Exceptions to the law of Demand, Types of
Demand, Determinants of demand, Demand Function, Demand Schedule, Demand curve, Shifts in
demand curve, Elasticity of Demand and its measurement; Price Elasticity; Income Elasticity; Arc
Elasticity; Cross Elasticity and Advertising Elasticity; Uses of Elasticity of Demand for managerial
decision making;
Demand forecasting- Meaning, significance and methods (Numerical Exercises)
Unit -III:
Supply Analysis: Law of Supply; Supply Elasticity, and its uses for managerial decision making; Market
Equilibrium-Price of a Product under demand and supply forces
Unit –IV
Production and Cost Analysis: Production concepts, Production function, Types of production
function-Laws of production and Law of returns to scale; Cost concepts, Types of costs, Cost-output
relationship in the short-run, and Cost output relationship in the Long-run; Estimation of Revenue-
Average Revenue, Marginal Revenue and Total Revenue
Unit –V 10
Market structures: Perfect and Imperfect Market Structures; Perfect Competition- Features,
Determination of price under perfect competition; Monopoly- Feature, Pricing under monopoly, Price
Discrimination; Monopolistic Competition- Features, Pricing under monopolistic competition; Product
differentiation; Oligopoly- Features, Kinked demand curve, Cartels, Price Leadership.
Assessment Method:
(Continuous Internal Assessment =40%, End Semester Examination =60%)
Assessment 1 -05%
Assessment 2 -05%
Mid-term exam -20%
Assessment 3 -05%
Assessment 4 -05%
Total Internal Assessment -40%
Suggested Readings:
1) Managerial Economics: Concepts and Applications (SIE), Thomas& Maurice, McGraw-Hill
Education, 9th Ed
2) Managerial Economics, H. L Ahuja, S. Chand, 8th Ed
3) Managerial Economics, D.N. Dwivedi, Vikas Publication, 7th Ed
4) Managerial Economics – Theory and Applications, Dr.D.M. Mithani, Himalaya Publications, 7th Ed
MBA (HHM)-1st Year
Course Description: This course is intended to introduce the basic theory, concepts and practice of financial
accounting and to enable students to understand information contained in the published financial statements of
companies and other
Course Objectives:
• To understand the fundamentals, basic theory and concepts of financial accounting.
• To know about various Accounting Standards used in preparation of financial statements.
• To understand of preparation, presentation and analysis of financial statements.
• To acquaint with current trends and social responsibility accounting.
Course Content:
Unit -I:
Introduction to Financial Accounting: Overview of Accounting, Users of Accounting, Accounting
Concepts Conventions, Book keeping and Accounting, Principles of Accounting, Basic Accounting
terminologies, Accounting Equation, Overview to Deprecation (straight line and diminishing method).
Nature of Accounting, Branches of Accounting, Types of ownership- Capital Structure, Accounting
Cycle, Double entry system of Accounting, journalizing of transactions; Ledger posting and Trial
Unit -II:
Accounting Standards: Accounting Standards- GAAP & IFRS, International Accounting Principles and
Standards; Matching of Indian Accounting Standards with International Accounting Standards,
Unit -III:
Preparation of Financial Statement: Preparation of final accounts (Profit & Loss Account and Balance
Sheet) according to companies act 2013 (vertical format). Accounting for Dividend and Retained
Earnings, Statement of changes in equity.
Unit -IV:
Analysis of financial statement: Ratio Analysis- solvency ratios, Profitability ratios, activity ratios,
liquidity ratios, Market capitalization ratios; Common Size Statement; Comparative Balance Sheet and
Trend Analysis of manufacturing, Service & banking organizations.
Unit -V:
Latest Developments, Trends & Practices: Human Resource Accounting, Inflation Accounting,
Forensic Accounting, Green Accounting, Accounting for corporate social responsibility.
Assessment Method:
(Continuous Internal Assessment =40%, End Semester Examination =60%)
Assessment 1 -05%
Assessment 2 -05%
Mid-term exam -20%
Assessment 3 -05%
Assessment 4 -05%
Total Internal Assessment -40%
Suggested Readings:
1) Singh, Jain and Gupta- Accounting for Managers (PHI)
2) Maheshwari S.N &Maheshwari S K – A text book of Accounting for Management (Vikas)
3) Essentials of Financial Accounting (based on IFRS), Bhattacharya (PHI,3rd Ed)
4) Khan and Jain - Financial Management (Tata McGraw Hill, 7th Ed.)
5) PC Tulsian- Financial Accounting (Pearson, 2016)
MBA(HHM)-1st Year
Course Description: This course will teach students the significance of good communication skills and
provide them the opportunity to practice them through discussions, group projects, written assignments,
and video roleplays. These projects provide the opportunity to examine and improve in communication
areas that could inhibit students' ability to be effective in a professional setting.
Course Objectives:
• To understand the principles & techniques of business communication.
• To develop all forms of communication skills of the students to enable them to conduct well in
any business process without any communication barrier.
• To train students to enhance their skills in written as well as oral Communication through
practical conduct of this course.
Course Content:
Unit -I:
Introduction: Importance of communication skills in Business Management, Types of communication:
the media and tools of communication, The Communication Process. Barriers and Gateways to
Unit -II:
Oral communication: What is oral Communication – principles of successful oral communication –
barriers to communication – what is conversation control – reflection and empathy. Presentation Skills:
What is a presentation – elements of presentation – designing a presentation.
Unit -III:
Written Communication: Purpose of writing – clarity in writing – principles of effective writing –
approaching the writing process systematically
Unit -IV:
Business letters and reports: Introduction to business letters – writing routine and persuasive letters –
positive and negative messages- writing memos – what is a report purpose, kinds and objectives of report
writing. Presentation skills: What is a presentation – elements of presentation – designing a presentation.
Advanced visual support for business presentation types of visual aid.
Unit -V:
Employment communication: Introduction – writing CVs – Group discussions – interview skills Impact
of Technological Advancement on Business Communication networks – Intranet – Internet – e mails –
SMS – teleconferencing – video conferencing. Case Studies
Course Outcomes (COs):
CO1. Application of knowledge by speaking confidently and communicating effectively in different
business situations.
CO2. Developing effective written communication skills.
CO3. Develop an understanding of appropriate organizational formats and channels used in business
CO4. Able to communicate via electronic mail, Internet, and other technologies for presenting business
Assessment Method:
(Continuous Internal Assessment =40%, End Semester Examination =60%)
Assessment 1 -05%
Assessment 2 -05%
Mid-term exam -20%
Assessment 3 -05%
Assessment 4 -05%
Total Internal Assessment -40%
Suggested Readings:
1) Lesikar, Petit & Lesikar’s, Basic Business, Tata McGraw
2) Poe & Fruchling, Basic Communication, AITBS
3) Diwan & Aggarwal Business Communication Excel
4) Baugh, Frayer & Thomas, How to write first class Business Correspondence, Viva Books
MBA (HHM)-1st Year
Course Description: This course intends to introduce students to business statistics, or the application of
statistics in the workplace. Statistics is how we gather, analyze, and interpret data. The course emphasizes
understanding the process associated with statistical decisions, defining and formulating problems, analyzing the
data, and using the results in decision making.
Course Objectives:
• To understand the different basic concept of business statistics.
• To know the concept of Probability and its usage in various business applications.
• To comprehend the Hypothesis Testing concepts and use inferential statistics- t, F, Z Test and Chi
Square Test
• To evaluate the practical application of Descriptive and Inferential Statistics concepts and their
uses for Business Analytics.
Course Content:
Unit -I:
Descriptive Statistics: Meaning, Scope, types, functions and limitations of statistics, Measures of
Central tendency – Mean, Median, Mode, Quartiles, Measures of Dispersion – Range, Inter quartile
range, Mean deviation, Standard deviation, Variance, Coefficient of Variation, Skewness and Kurtosis.
Unit -II:
Time Series & Index Number: Time series analysis: Concept, Additive and Multiplicative models,
Components of time series, Trend analysis: Least Square method - Linear and Non- Linear equations,
Applications in business decision-making. Index Numbers:- Meaning , Types of index numbers, uses of
index numbers, Construction of Price, Quantity and Volume indices:- Fixed base and Chain base
Unit -III:
Correlation & Regression Analysis: Correlation Analysis: Rank Method & Karl Pearson's Coefficient
of Correlation and Properties of Correlation. Regression Analysis: Fitting of a Regression Line and
Interpretation of Results, Properties of Regression Coefficients and Relationship between Regression and
Unit -IV:
Probability Theory & Distribution: Probability: Theory of Probability, Addition and Multiplication
Law, Baye’s Theorem Probability Theoretical Distributions: Concept and application of Binomial;
Poisson and Normal distributions.
Unit -V: 16
Hypothesis Testing& Business Analytics: Hypothesis Testing: Null and Alternative Hypotheses; Type I
and Type II errors; Testing of Hypothesis: Large Sample Tests, Small Sample test, (t, F, Z Test and Chi
Square Test) Concept of Business Analytics- Meaning types and application of Business Analytics, Use
of Spread Sheet to anlayze data-Descriptive analytics and Predictive analytics.
CO1. Compute various measures of central tendency, Measures of Dispersion, Time Series Analysis,
Index Number, Correlation and Regression analysis and their implication on Business performance.
CO2. Evaluate basic concepts of probability and perform probability theoretical distributions.
CO3. Apply Hypothesis Testing concepts and able to apply inferential statistics- t, F, Z Test and Chi
Square Test
CO4. Demonstrate understanding of statistical thinking and data analysis techniques for decision-
making under uncertainty.
Assessment Method:
(Continuous Internal Assessment =40%, End Semester Examination =60%)
Assessment 1 -05%
Assessment 2 -05%
Mid-term exam -20%
Assessment 3 -05%
Assessment 4 -05%
Total Internal Assessment -40%
Suggested Readings:
1) G C Beri – Business Statistics, 3rd ed, Tata McGrawHill.
2) Chandrasekaran & Umaparvathi-Statistics for Managers, 1st edition, PHI Learning
3) Davis , Pecar – Business Statistics using Excel, Oxford
4) Ken Black – Business Statistics, 5th ed., Wiley India
5) Levin and Rubin – statistics for Management, 7th ed., Pearson
6) Lind, Marchal, Wathen – Staistical techniques in business and economics, 13th ed, McGrawHill
7) Newbold, Carlson, Thorne – Statistics for Business and Economics, 6th ed., Pearson
MBA(HHM)-1st Year
Course Description: This course offers a complete introduction to professional marketing thought and
action. The course explains the nature and purpose of marketing, followed by the fundamentals of each of
the most important marketing tasks. It analyses the business need for customer orientation, the evaluation
of markets and the targeting of market opportunities.
Course Objectives:
• To facilitate understanding of the conceptual framework of marketing and its applications in
decision making under various environmental constraints.
• To develop understanding on Consumer requirements and their buying behaviour.
• To assess market opportunities by analyzing customers, competitors, collaborators, context, and
the strengths and weaknesses of a company.
• To develop effective marketing strategies to achieve organizational objectives.
Course Content:
Unit -I:
Introduction: Nature and scope of marketing, Various marketing orientations, Need, Want, Demand,
Elements of Marketing mix, customer value and the value delivery process. Understanding Consumer
Behavior: Buying motives, factors influencing buying behavior, buying habits, stages in consumer
buying decision process, types of consumer buying decisions.
Unit -II:
Market segmentation, Targeting and Positioning: Meaning, Factors influencing segmentation, Market
Aggregation, Basis for segmentation, Segmentation of Consumer. Targeting: Meaning, Basis for
identifying target customers, Target Market Strategies. Positioning: Meaning, product differentiation
strategies, tasks involved in positioning. Branding: Concept of Branding, Brand Types, Brand equity,
Branding Positioning.
Unit -III:
Product and Pricing Decisions: Concept, product hierarchy, new product development, diffusion
process, Product Life cycle, Product mix strategies. Packaging / Labeling: Packaging as a marketing tool,
requirement of good packaging, Role of labeling in packaging. Pricing Decisions: Pricing concepts for
establishing value, Pricing Strategies-Value based, Cost based, Market based, Competitor based, New
product pricing – Price Skimming & Penetration pricing
Unit -IV:
Place and Promotion Decision: Meaning, Purpose, Channel alternatives, Factors affecting channel
choice, Channel design and Channel management decisions, Channel conflict, Retailing & Types of
Retailers. Advertising: Advertising Objectives, Advertising Budget, Advertising Copy, AIDA model,
Public Relation: Meaning, Objectives, Types, and Functions of Public Relations. Sales Promotion: Sales
Promotion Mix, Kinds of promotion, Tools and Techniques of sales promotion, Push-pull strategies of
promotion, Personal Selling: Concept, Features, Functions, Steps/process involved in Personal Selling,
Direct Marketing: Meaning, Features, Functions, Growth and benefits of direct marketing, different
Unit -V:
Recent Trends and Innovations in Marketing: CRM- Meaning, Relationship Marketing Vs. Relationship
Management, Types of Relationship Management, Significance of Customer Relationship Management.
Global Marketing: current scenario, Global Marketing environment, Entry strategies, Global P’s of
Marketing., Recent trends and Innovation in Marketing- Green Marketing, Agile Marketing
CO1. Understand basic marketing concepts and interpret complex marketing issues and problems using
relevant theories, concepts and methods
CO2. Understand and Analyze Business/ Consumer Markets and able to identify & evaluate Market
Segments and Target.
CO3. Able to apply and develop Marketing Strategies and Plans
CO4. Organize information and data to reveal patterns and themes to understand Consumer
requirements and their buying behavior.
Assessment Method:
(Continuous Internal Assessment =40%, End Semester Examination =60%)
Assessment 1 -05%
Assessment 2 -05%
Mid-term exam -20%
Assessment 3 -05%
Assessment 4 -05%
Total Internal Assessment -40%
Suggested Readings:
1) Kotlar, Philip, Marketing Management, Prentice Hall, New Delhi.
2) Stanton, Etzel, Walker, Fundamentals of Marketing, Tata-McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
3) Saxena, Rajan, Marketing Management, Tata-McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
4) McCarthy, E.J., Basic Marketing: A managerial approach, Irwin, New York.
5) Ramaswamy, V. S., & Namakumari, S. (2009). Marketing management: global perspective Indian
context (4th ed.). New Delhi: Macmillan.
MBA(HHM)-1st Year
Course Description: This course provides basic understanding of the Information technology and its
applications in various business processes. The topics include various domains of IT like database
management, networks, software and emerging trends in the field.
Course Objectives:
• To provide conceptual knowledge of computers
• To discuss the architecture and functioning of networks
• To understand the processing of data into information and its storage in databases.
Course Content:
Unit -I:
Basics of Computers: Introduction, Evolution of Computers, Computer Generations, Classification of
Computers, Computer Applications. Computer Organization, Memory and Storage, Central Processing
Unit. Basic trouble shooting. Connecting a desktop, laptop to LCD, printer, etc
Unit -II:
Computer Software: Introduction, System Software, Application Software, Software Installing and
Uninstalling, Booting, Software Development Steps, Programming Languages - Classification of
Programming Languages. Operating System - Introduction, Role and functions of Operating System,
Working Knowledge of GUI Based Operating System, Use of menus, tools and commands of windows
operating system, File Handling and Management.
Unit -III:
Data organization and Data Base Management System: Data organization: Character, field, record,
file and database. Types of Data Processing Systems [Serial, Batch, Real-time, Online, Centralized,
Distributed], File Organizations [Sequential, Direct, Indexed-Sequential, Relative], Traditional file
organization Vs. Database File organization.
Data Base Management System: Concept of Data Base Management System, Important terms of
Database [including Entity, Attribute, Primary Key, Foreign Key, Candidate Key, Referential integrity,
Table, Views, Data Dictionary]. Types of database [hierarchical, network and relational]. Basic ideas of
Data Warehouse and Data mining.
Unit -IV:
Computer Networks: Overview of Computer Network, Types of computer networks (LAN, WAN and
MAN), Network topologies, Components of computer networks (servers, workstations, network interface
cards, hub, switches, cables, etc.) Internet and its Tools - Introduction, Internet Evolution, Basic Internet
Terminology, Data over Internet, Modes of Data Transmission, Types of Networks, Types of Topologies,
Protocols used in the Internet, Getting Connected to Internet Applications, Internet Applications,
Computer Ethics.
Unit -V:
Emerging Trends in IT: Introduction, Electronic Commerce, Electronic Data Interchange, Smart Cards,
Mobile Communications, Internet Protocol TV
Assessment Method:
(Continuous Internal Assessment =40%, End Semester Examination =60%)
Assessment 1 -05%
Assessment 2 -05%
Mid-term exam -20%
Assessment 3 -05%
Assessment 4 -05%
Total Internal Assessment -40%
Suggested Readings:
1) Computers Today, Basandra SK, Galgotia.
2) Fundamentals of Information Technology, Leon, Vikas
3) Information Technology: Inside and outside, Cyganski, Pearson
4) Computer Applications in Management, Kakkar DN, Goyal R, New Age
5) Information Technology for Management, B Muthukumaran, Oxford University Press
MBA(HHM)-1st Year
Course Description: This course is designed to provide practical knowledge of basic IT including MS
OFFICE application. This will enable students to utilize this knowledge in research oriented applications.
Course Objectives:
• To provide knowledge about the functioning of computers and its uses for managers
• To provide hands on learning on Internet and its applications
• To provide hands on learning on Word processing software
• To provide hands on learning of applications on Spreadsheet software
• To provide hands on learning on Presentation software
Course Content:
Unit -I:
Windows and Users Interface: Windows operating System: Introduction and characteristics, Elements
of GUI. Windows Explorer: Viewing of File, Folders and Directories Creating and Renaming of files and
folders Opening and closing of different Windows, Windows Setting.
Unit -II:
Word processing concepts: Opening, Saving, Closing the file, Opening an existing document, Selecting
text, Editing text, Finding and replacing text, printing documents, Creating and Printing Merged
Documents, Character and Paragraph Formatting, Page Design and Layout. Editing and Profiling Tools:
Checking and correcting spellings. Using Graphics, Tables, Charts, Document Templates and Wizards.
Unit -III:
Spreadsheet: Concept and Working Interface, Creating, Saving and Editing a Workbook, Inserting,
Deleting Work Sheets, entering data in a cell / formula Copying and Moving from selected cells.
Functions in Spreadsheet, Using Function Wizard. Formatting a Worksheet and Cell, Printing
worksheets, Charts and Graphs – Creating, Previewing, and Modifying Charts. Integrating word
processor, spread sheets, web pages.
Unit -IV:
Presentation Software: Creating, Opening and Saving Presentations. Professional Look of the
Presentation: Working in different Design & Views, Working with Slides. Formatting and Editing: Text,
Image and Paragraph formatting, Checking Spelling and Correcting Typing Mistakes, Making Notes
Pages and Handouts, Drawing and Working with Objects, Adding Clip Art and other pictures, Designing
Slide Shows.
Unit -V:
Practical Assigments.
Note: The entire course should be delivered in the computer lab in an application oriented manner.
CO1. Gain in depth knowledge about the functioning of computers and its uses for managers
CO2. Learn to use Internet and its various applications
CO3. Understand and implement Word processing software, Presentation and spreadsheet.
Assessment Method:
Note: The Faculty in Charge of this will do Continuous Internal Assessment of the involvement and
performance of the students and award marks for a total of 40 marks. At the end of the semester, there
will be a Viva Voce to ascertain the learning of the student and the skills acquired or developed out of
this course. The Viva Voce will carry a maximum of 60 marks.
Suggested Readings:
1) Leon - Fundamentals of Information Technology, Vikas Publishing.
2) Nasib Singh Gill – Handbook of Computer Fundamentals, Khanna Publishing House, Delhi
MBA(HHM)-1st Year
Course Description:Students will get exposed to medical terminology of healthcare management. They will learn
about various medical terms used in different branches. The students will learn about medical records and record-
Course Objectives:
• To give insights into various medical terms to understand it better.
• To help students understand medical jargons pertaining to different fields of medical science.
• To help students understand about medical records and record-keeping.
Course Content:
Unit –I
Human Anatomy and Physiology: Basic Functions and Importance of the following Systems in Human Body:
1. Digestive System
2. Respiratory System
3. Circulatory System
4. Central Nervous System
Unit –II
Human Anatomy and Physiology: Basic Functions and Importance of the following Systems in Human Body:
Introduction to Medical Terminology, Word Formation & Syntax, Greek Alphabets, Greek & Latin Prepositional
& Adverbial Prefixes, Singular & Plural Endings, Commonly Used Prefixes in Medical Terminology, Commonly
Used Suffixes in Medical Terminology.
Commonly used Root Words in Medical Terminology, Common Latin Terms used in Prescription Writing, Study
of Standard Abbreviations, Commonly used Medical Terms to Define Different parts of the Body. 24
Unit –IV
Medical Terminology used by Cardiologist, Medical Terminology used by Neurologist, Medical Terminology
used by Nephrologist, Medical Terminology used by Gastro-Intestinologist, Medical Terminology used by ENT
Surgeon, Medical Terminology used by Dentist, Medical Terminology used by Orthopedic surgeon, Medical
Terminology used by Gynecologist, Medical Terminology used by Oncologist, Medical Terminology used by
Dermatologist, Medical Terminology used by Endocrinologist.
Hospital Records: Meaning – Functions- Importance of medical records to patients, Doctors, Hospitals, Public
Health, Press, LIC, Police- Court of Law, Education and Research.
Hospital Records: Types - Out-Patient record, Causality Emergency, Surgery, Obstetrics and gynecology,
pediatrics, investigation and diagnosis.
Records Management : Registers, forms, importance. Principles of record keeping – Merits and limitation –
Electronic form records maintenance. Hospital statistics – Evaluation of medical care (Medical, Nursing,
Pharmacy etc. audits).
CO1. Understanding the basic importance of medical terms into their component
CO2. To identify combining forms, prefixes, suffixes and terminology associated with
each of the body systems.
CO3. To analyze a medical report displaying use of medical terms.
CO4. Understanding of the Medical Records and Record Management.
Assessment Method:
(Continuous Internal Assessment =40%, End Semester Examination =60%)
Assessment 1 -05%
Assessment 2 -05%
Mid-term exam -20%
Assessment 3 -05%
Assessment 4 -05%
Total Internal Assessment -40%
Suggested Readings:
3 - Mogli. J.D. Medical Records: Organization & Management. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers.
MBA (HHM)-1st Year
Course Description: This course introduces current financial concepts and tools towards money
management in organizations participating in the local and global economies. The course covers the current
best practices in financial analysis and planning through the application of financial concepts. These include
financial performance ratios, time value of money, financial markets and institutions, securities and valuation
of firms, cost of capital, risks and return, long-term financial budgeting and working capital management.
Course Objectives:
• To develop adequate level of knowledge of broad areas of financial decisions.
• To introduce the students the basic techniques and methods of Financial Management of
• To evaluate various capital structure techniques and selecting best source of finance.
• To analyze various dividend models and its applicability.
• To acquaint students about corporate valuation in mergers and acquisitions.
Course Content:
Unit -I:
Introduction: Financial Management or Corporate Finance: Meaning & its scope, Corporate
Governance and Agency Problem, Corporate valuation Models: Asset Based Valuation Model, Earning
based Valuation Model, Cash flow-based Model, CAPM Model, APT, EVA Analysis, Introduction to
start-up finance, Financial Decisions, Time Value of Money.
Unit -II:
Investment Decision: Concept of Opportunity Cost, Cost of Debenture, Preference and Equity capital,
Composite Cost of Capital, Cash Flows as Profit and components of Cash Flows, Capital Budgeting
Decisions, Calculation of NPV and IRR, Excel Application in Analysing Projects.
Unit -III:
Financing Decision: Capital Structure, Relevance and Irrelevancy theory, Leverage analysis – financial,
operating and combined leverage along with its implications, EBIT EPS Analysis, Point of Indifference.
Unit -IV:
Dividend Decision: Factors affecting Dividend Policy, Forms of Dividends, Types of Dividend Policies,
Dividend Models: Walter and Gordon Model, Miller- Modigliani (MM) Hypothesis.
Unit -V:
Mergers and Acquisition: Introduction, Exchange Ratio, Synergy Benefits, Post Merger EPS, Post
Merger Price of share, Required rate of return of merged company, De-Merger.
Assessment Method:
(Continuous Internal Assessment =40%, End Semester Examination =60%)
Assessment 1 -05%
Assessment 2 -05%
Mid-term exam -20%
Assessment 3 -05%
Assessment 4 -05%
Total Internal Assessment -40%
Suggested Readings:
1) Pandey, I.M: Financial Management. 9th Ed. Vikas Publishing.
2) Khan and Jain: Financial Management. McGraw Hill.
3) Prasanna Chandra: Financial Management. McGraw Hill.
4) Breabley R.A. and S.C. Myers: Principles of Corporate Finance, McGraw Hill, 6th Ed.
5) V.Saran, Financial Management, PHI.
MBA(HHM)-1st Year
Course Objectives:
• To familiarize the students with the concepts, functions and practices of international business.
• To enable them get global perspective on issues related to business.
• To understand the operations of MNCs and challenges faced by them.
Course Content:
Unit -I:
Overview of International Business: Introduction, Definition of International Business, Changing
Environment of International Business, Globalization of Markets, Trends in Globalization, Effects and
Benefits of Globalization, Modes of entering International Markets.
Unit -II:
International Trade and Theories: Mercantilism; Absolute Cost theory, Comparative Cost theory,
Opportunity Cost theory, factor endowment theory, Complimentary trade theories –stopler –Samuelson
theorem, International Product life Cycles. Instruments of Trade Policy-Tariffs, Subsidies, Import
Quotas, Voluntary Export Restraints, Administrative Policy, Anti-dumping Policy
Unit -III:
International Institutions: Balance of Payments, WTO and its importance for Indian Business,
International Monetary Fund (IMF), Word Bank (IBRD). Regional Economic Integration: Introduction,
Levels of Economic Integration, Regional Economic Integration in Europe, Regional Economic
Integration in U.S.A., ASEAN, SAARC, Integration for Business.
Unit -IV:
Exchange rate determination: Introduction, Fixed and Flexible exchange rate, Convertibility of Rupee
and its implication, Foreign Institutional Investors (FII), Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), Euro-
Unit -V:
Multi-National Corporations: Definition and Meaning – Importance and dominance of MNCs – Code
of conduct – MNCs in India – Transfer of Technology – global competitiveness – indicators of
competitiveness -competitive advantage of nations – Technology and Global competitiveness.
International Operations – Global supply chain management – global manufacturing strategies – factors
affecting international HRM and staffing policy – International negotiations – international asset
protection –Protection of IPRs.
Assessment Method:
(Continuous Internal Assessment =40%, End Semester Examination =60%)
Assessment 1 -05%
Assessment 2 -05%
Mid-term exam -20%
Assessment 3 -05%
Assessment 4 -05%
Total Internal Assessment -40%
Suggested Readings:
1) Charles W Hill: International Business, TMH Publishing Company Ltd.
2) Darrell Mahoney: International Business, Longman.
3) Donn Ball &Wendell Mcculloch:International Business, Irwim McGraw Hill.
4) John D. Daniels & Lee Radfaugh: International Business, Pearson
MBA (HHM)-1st Year
Course Description: The course develops a critical understanding of the role and functions of the
various human resource activities in an organisation, providing students with a comprehensive review of
key HRM concepts, techniques and issues. Topics include job analysis and design, recruitment and
selection, evaluation, performance management, occupational health and safety, and the strategic
contribution of HRM to organisational performance and evaluating HRM effectiveness. Working with
contemporary case studies, students not only engage in collaborative and individual work processes but
use communication and discourse characteristic ofthe HRM context and environment.
Course Objectives:
• To discuss the basic concepts and tools of Human Resource Management
• To provide an insight as to how to use Human Resource as a tool to implement strategies.
• To review current issues, trends, practices, and processes in HRM
Course Content:
Unit -I
Essentials of HRM: Nature of HRM, Scope, functions and importance of HRM, HRM vs. HRD, SHRM:
Introduction, characteristics and scope of SHRM, SHRM vs. Conventional HRM, Barriers to strategic
HRM,Linking HR strategy with business strategy, HRM linkage with TQM and productivity.
Unit -II
Human Resource Planning and Employee Hiring: Nature of job Analysis, job design, Human Resource
Planning, Demand forecasting for manpower planning, HR supply forecasting, factors influencing
HRP, Employee hiring- Nature of Recruitment, Sources of recruitment, Employee selection, process of
employee selection, recent trends in recruitment.
Unit -III
Employee Training & Development: Nature and importance of Training, methods and types of
training, career planning, promotion, transfer, demotion and separation, Performance Appraisal:
Meaning and types of appraisals, Job Evaluation: Meaning and methods of job evaluation.
Unit -IV
Compensation Management and Employee Relations: Introduction to compensation management,
Components of employee and executive compensation, Factors affecting employee compensation,
Employee incentive schemes, and recent trends in compensations management. Meaning and nature of
employee relation and industrial relations.
Unit -V
Employee Safety/ Health and International Human Resource Management: Basics of ethics and30fair
treatment at work, measures and policies for employee safety at work, basic principles governing
International Human Resource Management and the role of culture.
Course Outcomes (COs):
CO1. Effectively manage and plan key human resource functions within organizations
CO2. Examine current issues, trends, practices, and processes in HRM
CO3. Contribute to employee performance management and organizational effectiveness
Assessment Method:
(Continuous Internal Assessment =40%, End Semester Examination =60%)
Assessment 1 -05%
Assessment 2 -05%
Mid-term exam -20%
Assessment 3 -05%
Assessment 4 -05%
Total Internal Assessment -40%
Suggested Readings:
1) V.S.P. Rao, Human Resource Management (Text and Cases) Himalaya Publications, Thirteenth Edition.
2) Durai Praveen, Human Resource Management Pearson Publication, 2nd Edition.
3) Gary Dessler and BijuVarkkey Human Resource Management, Person Publication, 2013, 14th Edition.
4) Seema Sanghi, Human Resource Management, Vikas Publications, 2014, 5th Edition.
5) K. Aswathappa, Human Resource Management, McGraw Hill Education, 2013, 7th Edition
MBA(HHM)-1st Year
Course Description: This course intends to provide understanding of the trends and challenges of
productions and operations management in the current business environment. The course aims to provide
deep knowledge about the techniques of effective utilization of operational resources.
Course Objectives:
• To understand the trends and challenges of Operations Management in the current business
• To familiarize the students with the techniques for effective utilization of operational resources and
managing theprocesses to produce good quality products and services at competitive prices.
• To evaluate various techniques for effective utilization of operational resources and managing the
processes to produce good quality products and services at competitive prices.
Course Content:
Unit -I:
Production Concept: Difference between Production and Operations Management, Productivity, Work
Study, Productivity measurement, Factors affecting Productivity. Production Technology – Types of
Unit -II:
Operations Concept: Difference between product and service, Product and service design,
Characteristics of service, Classification of service, factors affecting service operations, Service capacity
planning, SERVQUAL model of measuring service quality.
Unit -III:
Material and Inventory Management: Types of production planning, process of Production planning
and control (PPC) – Routing, Scheduling, Loading, Just-in-time (JIT), KANBAN. Types of inventories,
Inventory control techniques- EOQ, ABC and others. (Simple numerical on Inventory control
techniques) Factors affecting Plant Location, Types of Plant layout.
Unit -IV:
Supply Chain Management: Conceptual model of SCM, Supply chain drivers, Demand forecasting in
Supply Chain – Simple moving average, weighted moving average, exponential smoothening method,
Supply Chain efficiency, Core and reverse Supply Chain, International Supply Chain, Aggregate
planning, inbound and outbound SCM, bullwhip effect in SCM. Latest trend in Production and operation
– Lean manufacturing, agile manufacturing.
Unit -V: 32
Productivity and Quality: TQM, Deming’s 14 principles, PDCA cycle - KAIZEN, Quality Circles, 7QC
tools andits advancements, ISO 9000-2000 clauses, Six Sigma, Total Productive Maintenance (TPM).
Course Outcomes (COs):
CO1. Understand the input–process–output framework, the extensions of it, and apply them to a
wide range of operations.
CO2. Examine the types of transformation processes occurring within operations.
CO3. Define the roles and responsibilities of operations managers and the challenges they face.
CO4. Apply techniques for effective utilization of operational resources and managing the processes to
produce good quality products and services at competitive prices.
Assessment Method:
(Continuous Internal Assessment =40%, End Semester Examination =60%)
Assessment 1 -05%
Assessment 2 -05%
Mid-term exam -20%
Assessment 3 -05%
Assessment 4 -05%
Total Internal Assessment -40%
Suggested Readings:
1) R.V. Badi& N.V. Badi - Production & Operation Management (Vrinda Publications 3rd Edition)
2) Raghuram G. (I.I.M.A.) - Logistics and Supply Chain Management (Macmillan, 1st Edition)
3) Krishnan Dr. Gopal - Material Management, (Pearson, New Delhi, 5th Ed.)
4) Adam JrEveretl E. R J – Production and Operations Management (Prentice-Hall
MBA(HHM)-1st Year
Course Description: It provides the theoretical and practical preparation for business research. The
course covers the necessary skills and requirements for a literature review, qualitative and quantitative
methods, and a research proposal.
Course Objectives:
• To understand the concept / fundamentals of research and their types.
• To recognize the practical application of various research techniques.
• To analyse the importance of scaling & measurement techniques and sampling techniques
• To evaluate and apply the concept of statistical analysis which includes ANOVA technique
and technique of report writing.
Course Content:
Unit -I:
Research: – Definition, Meaning, Importance types and Qualities of Research; Research applications in
functional areas of Business, Emerging trends in Business research. Research & the Scientific Method:
Characteristics of scientific method. Steps in Research Process Concept of Scientific Enquiry: –
Formulation of Research Problem – Management Question – research Question – Investigation Question
Research Proposal – Elements of a Research Proposal, drafting a Research Proposal, evaluating a research
Unit -II:
Research Design: Concept, features of a good research design, Use of a good research design; Qualitative
and Quantitative research approaches, Comparison – Pros and Cons of both approaches. Exploratory
Research Design: Concept, Types: Qualitative techniques – Projective Techniques, Depth Interview,
Experience Survey, Focus Groups, Observation. Descriptive Research Designs: Concept, types and uses.
Concept of Cross-sectional and Longitudinal Research Experimental Design: Concept of Cause, Causal
relationships, Concept of Independent & Dependent variables, concomitant variable, extraneous variable,
Treatment, Control group.
Unit -III:
Scaling & measurement techniques: Concept of Measurement: Need of Measurement; Problems in
measurement in management research – Validity and Reliability. Levels of measurement – Nominal,
Ordinal, Interval, Ratio. Attitude Scaling Techniques: Concept of Scale – Rating Scales viz. Likert Scales,
Semantic Differential Scales, Constant Sum Scales, Graphic Rating Scales – Ranking Scales – Paired
comparison & ForcedRanking – Concept and Application.
Unit -IV:
Sampling: Basic Concepts: Defining the Universe, Concepts of Statistical Population, Sample,
Characteristics of a good sample. Sampling Frame (practical approach for determining the sample frame
expected), Sampling errors, Non-Sampling errors, Methods to reduce the errors, Sample Size constraints,
Non Response. Probability Sample: Simple Random Sample, Systematic Sample, Stratified Random
Sample, Area Sampling & Cluster Sampling.Non-Probability Sample: Judgment Sampling, Convenience
Sampling, Purposive Sampling, QuotaSampling & Snowballing Sampling methods. Determining size of the
sample – Practical considerations in sampling and sample size, sample size determination.
Unit -V:
Data Analysis: Editing, Coding, Tabular representation of data, frequency tables, Construction of
frequency distributions, Graphical Representation of Data: Appropriate Usage of Bar charts, Pie charts,
Histogram. Hypothesis: Qualities of a good Hypothesis –Framing Null Hypothesis & Alternative
Hypothesis. Concept of Hypothesis Testing – Logic & Importance. Test of Significance: Small sample
tests: t (Mean, proportion) and F tests, Z test, Cross tabulations, Chi-square test; Analysis of Variance: One
way and two-way Classifications. Mechanism of Report Writing- Report Preparation: Types, Report
Structure: preliminary section, main report, interpretation of results, suggestions and recommendations,
limitations of the study, Report formulation.
Assessment Method:
(Continuous Internal Assessment =40%, End Semester Examination =60%)
Assessment 1 -05%
Assessment 2 -05%
Mid-term exam -20%
Assessment 3 -05%
Assessment 4 -05%
Total Internal Assessment -40%
Suggested Readings:
1) Research Methodology, Deepak Chawla, Neena Sondhi, Vikas Publication
2) Business Research Methods, Naval Bajpai, Pearson Education Reference Book
3) Research Methodology, C R Kothari, New Age International.
4) Business Research Methods by Donald Cooper & Pamela Schindler, TMGH, 9th Edition.
MBA (HHM)-1st Year
Course Description: The programme is about imparting knowledge about hospital administration and bio
medical waste management.
Course Objectives:
• The programme creates awareness about HCW and its management practices.
Course Content:
Unit –I
Conception of idea, formation of hospital planning team, market survey, feasibility study, selection of location,
financial planning of hospitals, Macro level planning Conception to commissioning-site development, architects
brief working drawings and specifications, engineering drawing drawing, equipment planning, bed distribution,
space allocation, interior designing and construction of building-commissioning, shake down period
Unit –II
Planning for the outpatient services, accident and emergency services and day care services - Planning for patient care units
–Inpatient services and intensive care units. Planning for surgical suites. Planning for labour and delivery suites-LDRP
Unit -III
Planning for advanced facilities- Cardiac catheterization laboratory, various endoscopy units, Extra corporeal
shock wave lithotripsy, radiotherapy unit, IVF unit, Dialysis unit, Planning for supportive services-medical
gases, HVAC, housekeeping, CSSD, Food and beverages
Unit –IV
Definition of Biomedical Waste, BMW – Segregation, collection, transportation, disposal, Liquid BMW, Radioactive
waste, Metals / Chemicals / Drug waste, BMW Management & methods of disinfection, Impact of healthcare waste on
Unit –V
Modern technology for handling BMW, Monitoring & controlling of cross infection (Protective devices), BMW from
Administrative point (Budget, Health check-up, Insurance)
Assessment Method:
(Continuous Internal Assessment =40%, End Semester Examination =60%)
Assessment 1 -05%
Assessment 2 -05%
Mid-term exam -20%
Assessment 3 -05%
Assessment 4 -05%
Total Internal Assessment -40%
Suggested Readings:
MBA (HHM)-1st Year
Course Description: The course primarily deals with issues related to efficiency, effectiveness, value and behavior
in the production and consumption of healthcare. It deals with the Economics in the Healthcare industry.
Course Objectives:
• To use economic theory to maximize the use of scarce resources, in turn improving the quality of health care
and promoting evidence-based medical practices.
• To lower costs, increase revenues, drive profit, and offer value to the end customer.
To seek to understand the role that individuals, health care providers, insurers, government agencies, and public and
private organizations play in driving these costs.
• To reduce the overall costs in the Healthcare industry.
Course Content:
Unit –I
Nature and Scope of Health Economics: Introduction to Economics, definition and meaning, basic concept of Health
Economics, Natural Resources of a country, Economic Levels, GNI, GDP, Per Capita Income, Gross National
Product (GNP), Net National Product (NNP).
Unit –II
Utility analysis in Health Economics: Concept of cost in health care, Fixed and Variable costs, Opportunity cost, Cost
Benefit and Cost-Effective Analysis.
Unit -III:
Evaluation in Health Economics: Economic evaluation of health programs, basic Economics of Health Programs in
India for communicable and non-communicable diseases. Health Programs run by the Govt. of India.
Unit –IV
Demand and Supply in Health care; Concept of Demand and Supply in health Care; Analysis of Demand and Supply
situation in the Country.
Unit –V
Price Elasticity and characteristics of Third-Party Administrators in Hospital Economics, Role of Insurance
Companies during hospitalization.
CO1. To analyze and evaluate complex policy and organizational challenges at both the micro level and 38
at higher
levels within healthcare systems
CO2. To analyze the work of management accounting, incorporating budget preparation and budget appraisal in
healthcare systems.
CO3. To use relevant econometric models for the analysis of the economic agents’ behavior.
Assessment Method:
(Continuous Internal Assessment =40%, End Semester Examination =60%)
Assessment 1 -05%
Assessment 2 -05%
Mid-term exam -20%
Assessment 3 -05%
Assessment 4 -05%
Total Internal Assessment -40%
Suggested Readings:
MBA (HHM)-1st Year
Course Description: The aim of the course is that the students should understand market analysis and be
able to apply this on the specific conditions that prevail within different industry.
Course Objectives:
• To discuss the importance of industry analysis in these turbulent times.
• To develop analytical skills amongst students.
• To enable students exhibit analytical skills .
Course Content:
Since this is a non-teaching credit course wherein the students had to undergo briefing sessions and
accordingly choose a particular industry and prepare an analysis report and present it in Viva Voce. They
will be allocated faculty guides for briefing them the requirements and will guide them in carrying on the
tasks, writing the report and responding in the Viva Voce. The faculty may discuss the following: