Trimteck Testimonial Power Bulletin

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Control Valve Solutions for

Critical Power Applications

Chief Electrician, Kentucky Utilities

May 2014

I have had the Trimteck-Optimux OpGL Globe Control Valve installed

for about 16 months. Mine is a severe duty socket-weld valve to reduce
1450psi/1000°F steam to 300psi steam to supply the air ejector for
the turbine condenser. The valve was designed to supply 750#/hour
with one set of jets in service, and 1500#/hour with two sets of jets in
service. The original sizing of the orifice was ¼”, however evaluation of
the flow characteristics showed that the flow with two jets in service
was reaching >90% of the valve opening. Trimteck resized the orifice
to 3/8” opening and re-evaluated the characteristics. This was a much
better fit, with the one jet in service being around 40% open and the
2 jets in service being around 60%.
The valve was very simple to disassemble. We pulled the actuator and
The valve arrived on time, and we brought it to our shop to test and valve as an assembly and took it to our shop for further inspection and
examine before installation. We hooked up air and stroked the valve. disassembly. We called tech support with one question and they were
The positioner was on the valve 180° from extremely helpful. The tech on the other end of the phone seemed to
where we needed to be. I called tech have assembled the valve I had on the bench. Upon inspection of the
support and they were able to talk me plug, seat, and stem there was no discernable wear whatsoever. Even
“I am overall very through rotating the actuator 180°. It was where the packing had leaked there was no indication of wear. We
happy with the really easy. reassembled the valve and returned to service. We have tightened the
performance of the packing one time after that.
valve. The ease of The valve was installed and nominal values
were put into the control circuit in the DCS. I am overall very happy with the performance of the valve. The ease of
disassembly to me It worked great with these numbers the disassembly to me surpasses any valve that I have worked on (including
surpasses any valve first time the unit came on after outage. Fisher). I currently have my Fisher valves rebuilt by an outside contractor.
that I have worked There were a few minor adjustments to I will not hesitate to let my technicians work on this valve, and other than
on (including the control numbers but within a week myself, at our facility there is very little valve experience.
the valve was controlling to within 4-5psi.
Fisher).” On startup the valve would operate from I have 30 years of power plant experience and have worked with many
full open and close as the inlet pressure types of valves in many different applications from low-pressure (dp) low
increased. The factory had predicted the temperature (such as water tank level control), to high pressure, high
valve to run at 40% open with one jet in service it runs at 39%. I was temperature (gland steam control). I am familiar with many brands
very impressed. (Copes Vulcan, Fisher, Leslie, and DFT). I consider the Trimteck to be as
good as any you can buy. I however did not buy Trimteck because it was
After about 10 months I noticed the valve was leaking at the stem the cheapest or the best (I was unfamiliar with the brand). The biggest
packing. On a brief outage we tried to tighten packing, but we did not contributing factor was their ability to supply me with the valve I needed
succeed in stopping the leak. Our annual outage was just a few weeks in the time frame I needed. I called a couple of references, both of who
away so we decided to leave the valve in service and replace both were pleased with their valves. I also went to the and
upper and lower packing during the outage. I also decided to inspect gathered information. I am very glad I decided to go with Trimteck. The
trim as the valve had been in a severe service application for 12 months. wear characteristics seem to surpass the others, and the company has
We had not had an operating control valve in this application in 10 had the best tech support of any valve company I have worked with.
years, and I did not know what to expect when it was disassembled.
Installation was straight-
forward. We spun the actuator
180-degrees to make the The primary purpose of the valve (in green) is to regulate steam to the air ejector during start-up. As the chart
positioner more accessible indicates, the process is controlled to within 10 pounds through a wide range of open positions. The OpGL
and welded the valve in place. holds a steady state to within +/– 2 psi while moving less than 1%. The repeatability is less than 0.5% over
several months of operation.

About Trimteck
Trimteck is a NASA VDB-approved, ISO 9001-2008-certified U.S.
company (Registration No. 2012-98243) with over thirty years of
experience engineering, manufacturing, and marketing high-quality,
cost-effective flow, pressure, and temperature control solutions
and equipment
Trimteck for critical
is a NASA processes,ISO
VDB-registered, and our products areedcurrently
9001-2008-certifi U.S. company (Registration No. 2012-98243) with over
helping customers
thirty years safely improve
of experience quality,
engineering, optimize throughput,
manufacturing, and high-quality, cost-effective flow, pressure, and
and marketing
reduce emissions and energy costs across an array of industries
temperature control solutions and equipment for critical processes, in and our products are currently helping customers
safelythan 42 countries.
improve quality, optimize throughput, and reduce emissions and energy costs across an array of industries in
We than 42 countries.
a comprehensive line of control valves – and
variety of actuators, positioners, severe service trims, and other
We design and
accessories manufacture
– that a comprehensive
our applications linerepresentatives
engineers and of control valves
use– and variety of actuators, positioners, severe
to solvetrims,
even and other complex
the most accessories
flow– control
that ourproblems
applications engineers
quickly and and representatives use to solve even the most Products in compliance with:
complex flow control problems quickly and economically.
economically. ASME B16.34
ANSI/ISA-75.05.01-2000 (R2005)

TRIMTECK Headquarters For more information, contact:

USA Manufacturing Operations
Trimteck LLC
12461 NW 44th Street
Coral Springs, FL 33065
Phone – (954) 753-5545
Fax – (954) 753-5561
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