ChemTech Diagnostic

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1. This is a type of analysis wherein the percentage of a constituent 9.

9. The following are the desirable characteristics of primary standards 17. To obtain the mass of MgO from a given mass of Mg2P2O7, the
element of a chemical substance is determined. EXCEPT: gravimetric factor needed is:
A. Ultimate analysis C. Complete analysis A. High purity and known composition A. MW Mg2P2O7 / 2
B. Proximate analysis D. Percent analysis B. Low molecular weight B. 2 MW M2P2O7 / MW MgO
C. Unreactive to components of the atmosphere C. 2 MW MgO / MW Mg2P2O7
2. This term refers to the type of the amount of sample in which the weight D. Readily available D. MW Mg2P2O7 / 7 MW MgO
of the sample is between 10 to
100 mg. 10. A student obtained the ff. concentrations of chloride in a sample after 18. Which of the following is done to convert the precipitate to a suitable
A. Micro C. Macro analysis of replicates: 0.1015, 0.0991, 0.1016, and 0.1017. What is the weighing form?
B. Semi-micro D. Semi-macro mean and the standard deviation of the set of data? A. Ignition C. Digestion
B. Occlusion D. Nucleation
3. This is designated as the constituent in a chemical analysis whose A. Mean = 0.1010; SD = 1.25 x10-3 19. Precipitates must have low solubility to ___.
overall concentration that is found on B. Mean = 0.1012; SD = 7.35x10-4 A. decrease the von Weimann ratio
a certain sample is very low (ex. in ppb amounts). C. Mean = 0.1012; SD = 8.49 x10-4 B. increase rate of particle growth
A. Major constituent C. Semi-major constituent D. Mean = 0.1010; SD = 7.35 x10-4 C. prevent loss of analyte during washing
B. Minor constituent D. Trace constituent D. prevent peptization
11. Which of the ff. will NOT be classified as quantitative analysis?
4. This laboratory apparatus is used to store materials in a vacuumed A. Determination of the presence of lead in water sample 20.Which is true regarding the digestion of a solution containing a
condition to prevent moist and B. Determination of the percentage calcium in chalk precipitate?
contamination for the sample. C. Standardization of 0.1 M AgNO3 solution with 0.1234 KSCN A. Digestion increases particle size of the precipitate.
A. Refrigerator C. Beaker D. Standardization of 0.1 M KSCN solution with pure silver nitrate B. Digestion is used to slow down the coagulation of a colloidal
B. Dessicator D. Erlenmeyer flask precipitate.
12. Which of the following pairs of compounds and ions could be used to C. It enables impurities to become trapped in the crystal lattice of the
5. This equipment is used for accurate separation of precipitates from the form a buffer solution? precipitate.
supernatant liquid. A. 0.10 M HCl and 0.10 M NaCl D. Large precipitates are dissolved and become colloidal.
A. Micropipettor C. Wire gauze B. 0.10 M HNO2 and 1.0 x 10-4 M NaNO2
B. Centrifuge D. Filter funnel C. 0.10 M NH4Cl and 0.10 M NH3 21. Which gravimetric factor is correct?
D. None of the above.
6. A chemical grade of relatively high quality with exact levels of impurities
unknown; usually pure enough for educational applications. This is not 13. Which of the combinations will produce a buffer solution?
pure enough to be offered for food, drug, or medicinal use of any kind. A. 10 mL of 0.100 M NaOH and 50 mL of 0.100 M CH3COOH
A. Technical grade C. Reagent grade B. 40 mL of 0.100 M HNO3 and 40 mL of 0.100 M CH3COOH
B. USP grade D. Lab grade C. 50 mL of 0.050 M KOH and 50 mL of 0.100 M CH3COONa
D. 10 mL of 0.100 M NaOH and 50 mL of 0.100 M HCl
7. Titrator A obtains a mean value of 6.96% and a standard deviation of
0.03 for the purity test of a certain sample. Titrator B obtains the 14. A buffer solution was prepared by mixing 50.0 mL of a 0.100 M For numbers 22-23, refer to the information given below:
corresponding values of 7.10% and 0.05. The true value is 7.02%. solution of CH3COOH with 0.500 grams of NaCH3COO. The resulting A 0.3500 g sample containing only NaCl (58.45 g/mol) and KCl (74.55
Compared to Titrator B, Titrator A is: mixture is diluted to 100.0 mL. What is the pH of the solution? Ka for g/mol) was treated with silver nitrate. A precipitate of AgCl (143.32 g/mol)
A. Less accurate, more precise acetic acid is 1.75 x 10-5. weighing 0.7379 g was obtained.
B. More accurate, less precise A. 4.84 B. 4.97
C. More accurate, more precise C. 7.67 D. 5.46 22. Determine the percentage of NaCl in the sample.
D. Less accurate, less precise A. 21.50% B. 35.10%
15. Assuming equal concentrations, which compound will give the highest C. 47.43% D. 85.98%
8. A chemical of such purity that can be weighed out and used to pH?
standardize a solution to a very high degree of accuracy is referred to as: A. HCl B. KOH 23. What is the percentage of KCl in the sample?
A. Standard solution C. Reagent grade chemical C. CH3NH2 D. NaC2H3O2 A. 64.90% B. 52.57%
B. Secondary standard D. Primary standard C. 55.68% D.14.02%
16. It refers to a group of analytical methods based on measurements of
A. Gravimetry C. Chromatography
B. Titrimetry D. Spectroscopy
34.What is the molar mass of a substance if 0.322 mole has a mass of
For numbers 24-27, write 245.62 grams? 43. Which of the following is used as a titrant for iodometry?
A if the first statement is true, and the second statement is true. A. 79.1 g/mol C. 1.31 x 10-3 g/mol A. KI C. Na2S2O3
B if the first statement is false, and the second statement is true. B. 763 g/mol D. 245.942 g/mol B. KIO3 D. S4O62-
C if the first statement is false, and the second statement is false.
D if first statement is true, and the second statement is false. 35. What is the mass of 2.14 moles Ca(NO3)2? 44. Which component of starch forms a dark blue complex with iodine?
A. 76.6 g C. 1.29 x 1024 g A. amylopectin C. triiodide
24. The formation of a wine red-colored solution serves as the endpoint B. 164 g D. 351 g B. amylose D both B and C
for EDTA titration. In EDTA
titrations, heavy metals are masked by adding sodium cyanide to prevent 36. Calculate the number of molecules of 15.78 moles of phosphoric acid, 45. EDTA is one example of a _____ ligand.
interferences. H3PO4 (H = 1.0, P = 31.0, O = A. bidentate C. Tetradendate
16) B. hexadentate D. none of these
25. The presence of stray light does not result to significant errors in the A. 9.503 x 1024 C. 6.210 46. Which of the following serves as the indicator for EDTA titration for
analysis of colored solutions. B. 1.546 x 103 D. 3.816 x 1022 water hardness?
Dissolving CaCO3 in concentrated HCl produces carbon dioxide. A. EBT C. Methyl red
37. What is the normality of a 0.0800 M KMnO4 solution when it is used B. starch D. phenolphthalein
26. Calcium ions have greater affinity to react with EDTA compared to for titrations in neutral
magnesium ions. The Mg-EBT solutions? For numbers 47-48: Consider the standardization experiment in which
indicator complex has a red color at a pH of 10. A. 0.3200 C. 0.2400 0.6120 g of KHP (MW = 204.2)
B. 0.4000 D. 0.1600 were dissolved in 50 mL of distilled water and titrated with a NaOH
27. Parts per thousand refers to the mass of analyte per volume of sample solution.
expressed in mg/L. The initial 38. A sample is analyzed for chloride by the Volhard method. Calculate
pH of a sample containing sodium carbonate dissolved in water is found the %Cl from the ff. data: 47. If 24.00 mL of the base were required to completely neutralize the
below 7.00. wt. of sample: 0.500 g; AgNO3 added: 30.00 mL of 0.135 M; KSCN back- acid, the molarity of the NaOH
titration: 13.60 mL of 0.093 M solution is
28. Iodide and bromides can serve as interferences in the determination of A. 2.98% C. 3.73% A. 0.0125 M C. 0.1249 M
salinity with AgNO3. Blank B. 1.49 % D. None of the above B. 0.0250 M D. 0.2498 M
correction is done to account for the presence of interferences.
39. Total water hardness is due to 48. If the same amount of KHP were dissolved in 100 mL of distilled
For Nos. 29 – 30. 25.00 mL of 0.100 M HOAc is titrated with 0.100 M A. Ca alone C. Ca & Mg water, the volume of NaOH that
KOH. Ka of HOAc = 1.8 x10-5 B. Ca & Fe D. Ca & Al would be required for neutralization?
29. What is the pH after 15.00 mL KOH has been added? A. 24.00 mL C. 12.00 mL
A. 7.00 C. 4.57 40. All ofthe ff. methods are argentometric methods EXCEPT B. 48.00 mL D. 96.000 mL
B. 2.87 D. 4.93 A. Mohr’s method C. Fajan’s method
B. Volhard’s method D. Haber’s method 49. What is the absorbance of a solution that transmits 30.0% of incident
30. What is the pH after 30.00 mL KOH has been added? light?
A. 2.04 C. 11.96 41.In the reaction: 3HCO3- + 2MnO4- + H2O à 2MnO2 + 3CO2 + 5OH-, A. 70.0 C. 0.523
B. 1.00 D. 13.00 the number of moles of MnO4- is B. 0.155 D. 3.0 x 104
equal to:
31. Which of the following solutions is acidic? A. # moles HCO3- C. 3 x #moles HCO3- 50. The typical instrumentation diagram of an UV-VIS spectrophotometer
A. [OH-] = 1.0 x 10-10 M C. [OH-] = 1.0 x 10-7 M B. 1.5 x #moles HCO3- D. 2/3 x #moles HCO3- is
B. [H3O+] = 1.0 x 10-10 M D. [H3O+] < 1.0 x 10-7 M A. light source → monochromator → sample holder → read out device
42. → detector
32. What is the pKa of a weak acid with Ka = 9.00 x10-8? B. light source → sample holder → monochromator → detector → read
A. 8.95 C. 8.00 out device
. Which of the ff. statements is TRUE regarding the
B. 7.04 D. 9.00 C. light source → monochromator → sample holder → detector → read
reaction given above?
out device
A. I- is reduced
33. What is the pH of 0.0045 M Ca(OH)2? D. light source → monochromator → detector → sample holder → read
B. Cr2O72- is oxidized
A. 3.05 C. 1.35 out
C. H+ acts as the reducing agent
B. 10.95 D. 11.00
D. Cr2O72- acts as the oxidizing agent
51. A device that allows the selection of a single wavelength of light for 61. Which of the following techniques would be most useful to identify and 70. This involves the measurement of the potential of a suitable indicator
excitation in spectrophotometers quantify the presence of a electrode with respect to a
A. Light source C. Detectors known impurity in a drug substance? reference electrode as a function of titrant volume.
B. Monochromator D. Amplifiers A. NMR C. IR A. Potentiometric titration C. Argentometric titration
B. MS D. HPLC B. Spectrometric titration D. Redox titration
52. Which of the following colors has the longest wavelength?
A. Blue C. Red 62. Theoretical plates are used to 71. What is the purpose of QA/QC?
B. Green D. Orange A. estimate the efficiency of a column A. To determine the precision and accuracy
B. determine the thickness of the stationary phase B. To demonstrate absence of interferences
53. Which of the following colors has the highest energy? C. measure the distribution of the analyte between mobile and stationary C. To demonstrate absence of contamination from sampling equipment,
A. Blue C. Red phases glasswares, and reagents
B. Green D. Orange D. None of the above D. All of the above

54. How does the absorbance vary with concentration? 63. The GC graph obtained after an experiment is called a 72. This term refers to the systematic or persistent distortion of a
A. Directly proportional C. Exponentially proportional A. chromatograph C. chromatophore measurement process that causes error in
B. Inversely proportional D. No relationship B. chromatogram D. graph one direction.
A. Bias C. Personal error
55. In an instrumentation process, this device converts the analytical 64. Column bleeding occurs when B. Random error D. Uncertainty
signal into electrical or mechanical A. elution of the analyte is extended over time
signal. B. the column is cracked and stationary phase leaks out 73. Ensures that a set of data is a faithful reflection of all the processes
A. Signal generator C. Transducer C. traces of the stationary phase are eluted and procedures used in generating
B. Detector D. Signal Processor D. the column breaks during installation and causes personal injury the data.
65. In an electrochemical cell, which of these salts could be used in a salt A. Data analysis C. Data examination
56. Which of the ff. is the sample holder for Atomic Absorption bridge? B. Data verification D. Data acquisition
Spectrophotometer? A. NaNO3 C. NaC2H3O2
A. Flame C. Cuvette B. KNO3 D. HNO3 74. This type of blank confirms that the source of contamination was not
B. Nebulizer D. Hollow Cathode Lamp from laboratory contamination.
66. A cathode can always be defined as A. Field blank C. Reagent blank
57. Which of the ff. word pairs best describes Reverse Chromatography? A. the electrode at which oxidation occurs. B. Equipment blank D. Method blank
A. polar SP – nonpolar MP B. the electrode at which reduction occurs.
B. nonpolar SP – polar MP C. the negative electrode. 75. A material that is sufficiently homogeneous and stable with respect to
C. semipolar SP – aqueous MP D. the electrode at which reducing agent is found one or more specified
D. None of the above properties, which has been established to be fit for its intended use in a
67. The basis for potentiometric analysis. measurement process.
58. Which type of chromatography is suited for determining the molecular A. Nernst equation A. Blank C. Quality control standard
size distribution of polymers? B. Langmuir equation B. Reference material D. Primary standard
A. Reverse HPLC C. Henderson-Hasselbach equation
B. Size Exclusion Chromatography D. Clausius equation
C. Normal Chromatography
D. Ion-exchange Chromatography 68. The electrode in a potentiometric set up that has a potential that varies
with variations in the
59. Standards addition methods eliminate the effects of: concentration of an analyte.
A. Matrix effects C. Sampling effects A. Indicator electrode C. Auxiliary electrode
B. Sample effects D. Method effects B. Reference electrode D. Counter electrode

60. In a chromatographic separation, which of the following indices is most 69. A typical cell for measuring pH consists of a glass indicator electrode
appropriate for the qualitative and a:
identification of a substance? A. Saturated calomel reference electrode
A. Relative retention factor Rrel C. Retention time B. Hydrogen electrode
B. Retention factor Rf D. Resolution C. Mercury reference electrode
D. None of the above

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