Competency Exam in Organic Chemistry

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Hydride ion
PHILIPPINES c. Proton ion d. Alkyl
FINAL EXAMINATION 12. The most acidic hydrogen in an alpha
SET A carbon occurs in
a. alkane b. alkene
__________________ DATE OF
EXAM________________________ c. alkyne d. alcohol
SUBJECT/SECTION_______CHE 13. A carbonyl group occurs in all of the
324L2_________________________INSTRUCTO following groups EXCEPT
R: ENGR. LORRAINE A. CARRILLO a. aldehydes b. ketones
Directions: Shade the circle that corresponds to c. ether d.
the correct answer. carboxylic acid
1. It was first used as an anesthetic in 1824. It 14. The reason why some alcohols are soluble
produces unconsciousness and insensitivity to pain in water
by inhibiting activity of the central nervous system. a. hydrophobic interactions b. hydrogen
a) chloroform b) diethyl ether bondings c. electrostatic interactions d.
c) benzaldehyde d)
van der vaal’s forces
thiopental sodium
2. They are a class of cyclic ethers in which the 15. Which of the following alcohols will
ether oxygen is included in a three-membered ring. undergo a 1,2-methyl shift when it is heated
a) furan b) esters with acid?
c) epoxides d) a. 1-methylcyclohexanol b. 2,3-
ethers dimethyl-3-hexanol c. 3-methyl-2-butanol d.
3The acidic ingredient in vinegar and the pure acid 1,1-dimethylcyclohexanol
is a useful solvent and manufacturing intermediate. 16. The interconversion between the keto and
a) Benzoic acid b) Nitric acid enol forms is a special kind of isomerism.
c) acetic acid d) oxalic acid a. geoisomerism b. tautomerism
4. These are different compounds that have the c. enantiomerism d.
same molecular formula but different structural
a. isomers b. enantiomers c. 17. The reaction of carboxylic acids in their
isobars d. polar conversion into esters by reaction with an
5. This geometric isomer indicate that a particular alcohol ( the substitution of an -OH group with
group are on the same side of the molecules. an -OR)
a. cis-isomer b. diastereomers a. Fischer esterification b.
c. trans-isomer d. saponification c. Wolf Kishner Reaction
enantiomer d. Aldol Condensation
6. This principle states that the addition of an acid to 18. Ethers can also exist as cyclic molecules.
the carbon-carbon double bond of an alkene, the a. ethylene glycol b. furans
hydrogen of the acid attachés itself to the carbon c. epoxides
that already holds the greater number of hydrogens.
a. Markovnikov’s Rule b. Anti- Markovnikov’s
Rule c. Saytzeff’s Rule d. Hund’s Rule of
maximum Multiplicity
7. The name use to indicate that the alcohol has two
19. This reagent oxidizes aldehydes while
OH group
a. diene b. diol c. reducing cupric ion to red cuprous oxide
triol d. triene precipitates indicating the presence of
8. The angle separating hybrid orbitals in an alkane aldehydes
HC such as methane . a. Benedict’s reagent b. Tollens reagent
a. 110º b. 120º c. c. Lucas Reagent d. Beilstein
180º d. 90º Reagent
9. The most stable structure for a carbocation 20. The oxidation of aldehyde using chromic
a. tertiary b. secondary c. acid gives this product.
primary d. quaternary a. hemiacetals b. hemiketals
10. The IUPAC name for the substance c. ketones d. carboxylic acid
21. The addition of alcohols (in excess) to
a. 2-butyne-1,3-diol b. 2-butyne-1,4
diol c. 2-ene-1,3-diol d. aldehydes yields this product.
2-ene-1,4-butanediol a. acetals b. ketals
11. This substituent is an example of a good c. hemiacetals d. hemiketals
leaving group. 22. It is the reaction when an enolate ion is
prepared from an aldehyde, remaining un-
ionized aldehyde is attacked by the formed 35. The product of the reaction CH3CH=CH2
enolate ion. + H2 is
a. Fischer esterification b. a. CH3CHOHCH3 b. CH3CH2CH3
saponification c. Wolf Kishner Reaction c. CH3CH2CH2OH d.
d. Aldol Condensation CH4 + C2H6
23. It is the reaction of sodium alkoxides with 36. The hybridization of carbon 3 in 2-hexene.
alkyl halides producing an ether. sp b. sp2 c. sp3 d. sp4
a. Williamson synthesis 37. Aromatic hydrocarbons such as benzene
b. saponification c. Wolf kischner undergo what type of reactions.
reaction d. Fischer esterification a. nucleophilic aromatic substitution reactions
24. Which of the following compounds is 5- b. electrophilic addition
bromo-4-chloro-1-heptene reactions
a. CH3CH2CHClCHBrCH2CH=CH2 c. electrophilic aromatic substitution reactions
b. CH3CH2CHBrCHClCH2CH=CH2 d. electophilic aliphatic
c. CH3CH2CBr=CClCH2CH2CH3 substitution reactions
d. CH3CH2CHBrCHClCH2CH2CH3 38. What is the major product formed from the
25. How many carbons does the smallest reaction of benzene with isobutyl chloride and
asymmetrical internal alkyne have? AlCl3?
a. 5 b. 3 c. 4 d. 6 a. 2-methyl-2-phenylpropane b. 2-
26. The molecular formula of a cyclic alkyne phenylpropanec. isobutylbenzene d. 2-
with 10 carbon atoms? methyl-1-phenylpropane
a. C10H14 b. C10H18 39. The name of the electrophile that is used to
c. C10H16 d. C10H20 nitrate benzene.
28. The molecular formula of benzene was a. nitrate ion b. nitronium ion
established by Faraday but the structure was c. nitrite ion d. nitrosonium ion
proposed by_________ 40. Which series of reactions would give 1-
a. Kekule’ b. Fischer c. phenylbutane as the major product?
Pauling d. Watson and Cricks a. ) butanoyl chloride + benzene + AlCl3 2)
29. This rule determines whether a compound is N2H4 + HCl
aromatic or not. b) butanoyl chloride + benzene 2) Zn + HCl
a. 4+2 rule b. Huckel’s rule c) butanoyl chloride + benzene + AlCl3
c. Resonance Hybridization d. Hund’s rule d) 1-chlorobutane + benzene + AlCl3
30. Methyl groups, although it does not possess 41. In what positions are the two carbonyl
a pair of non-boned p electrons are ortho- and carbons in hexanedial?
para- directing because they undergo a special a. 1 and 4 b. 1 and 5
type of resonance. c. 1 and 6 d. 3 and 4
a. hybridisation b. hyperconjugation 42. Which of the following compounds is the
c. resonance hybrid d. conjugation most reactive?
31. This test determines a primary, secondary, a. 3-methyl-2-pentanone b. 3-pentanone
and tertiary alcohols by observing the c. 2-pentanone d. 3-methyl-2-butanone
differences in the reaction rates. 43. The reagent needed to convert a ketone or
a. Benedict’s test b. Tollens test an aldehyde into an oxime.
c. Lucas test d. Beilstein test a. amine b. hydroxylamine c.
32. It is the reaction of esters with excess hydrazine d. semicarbazide
alcohol in the presence of a strong acid catalyst 44. Common table sugar, sucrose, is a
to give a new ester. disaccharide made up of one molecule of
a. saponification b. glucose and one molecule of
alcoholysis c. ammonolysis _______________.
d. hydrolysis of esters a. mannose b. galactose c.
33. It is the most abundant naturally occurring fructose d. glucose
polysaccharide in nature. 45. Test for hydrocarbons using KMnO4
a.glycogen b. amylose solution.
c. cellulose d. starch a. Baeyer’s test b. Tollen’s test
34. They are derivatives of carboxylic acids in c. Fehling’s test d.
which the hydroxyl of the carboxyl group has Benedict’s test
been replaced by an alkoxy group. 46. The following are ortho-, para- directors
a. ethers b. esters except
c. waxes d. oils a. –NO2 b. –CH3 c.
-CN d. -Cl
47. A substance that donates a hydrogen ion 60. Which of the following is not a polyhydric
(H+) alcohol
a. Bronsted-Lowry acid b. a. 2,2.Dimethyl propanol b. glycerol c.
Bronsted-Lowry base c. Lewis acid propylene glycol d. 1,6- hexanedicol
61. The alkane containing a total of 20 hydrogen
d. Lewis base
atoms must be an isomers of
48. A substance that has a vacant valence a. cyclononane b. decane c.
orbital and can thus accept an electron pair. eicosane d. nonane
a. Bronsted-Lowry acid b. 62. A liquid hydrocarbon is converted into a mixture
Bronsted-Lowry base c. Lewis acid of gaseous hydrocarbons by
d. Lewis base a. Cracking b. Hydrolysis c.
49. An alkyl group is attached to an aromatic oxidation d. reduction
ring on reaction with an alkyl chloride, RCl, in 63. An Sp3hybrid orbital possesses
the presence of AlCl3 catalyst, a process called a. ¼ of S character b. ½ of s character c.
_______. 2/3 S character d. ¾ s character
a. Friedel-Crafts alkylation reaction b. 64. The following reaction: RadC2H4∙ + C2H4 =
Clemmensen Reaction c. Wolf-Kishner RadC2H4 C2H4∙
Reaction d. Wittig Synthesis a. addition b. elimination c.
50. C6H5OH substitution d. rearrangement
a. phenyl alcohol b. Phenone 65. Which of the following characteristics of
chirality is not true?
c. phenol d. 1-benzene
a) The carbon atom is single bonded to four
alcohol different atoms or groups of atoms.
51. Enantiomers are different molecules that are b) The chiral carbon atom is said to be unsaturated.
mirror images of each other. c) Chiral molecules have optically active isomers.
a. structural isomers b. d) Chiral molecules have two enantiomers.
diastereoisomers 66. A compound whose molecular structure rotates
c. stereoisomers d. polarized light counterclockwise:
none of the given a) is designated as being dextrorotatory.
52. Enantiomers are different molecules that are b) always has two chiral carbon centers.
mirror images of each other. c) is designated as being levoratatory.
a. structural isomers b. d) belongs to the most abundant or naturally
diastereoisomers occurring group of carbohydrate enantiomers.
c. stereoisomers d. 67. The product between benzene and ethyl chloride
none of the given in the presence of aluminum chloride is
53. The dehydration of 2-propanol produces a. phenyl ethane b. chlorobenzene
a. 2- propene b. propyne c. phenyl chloride d. NOTG
c. propene 68. The reaction between benzene and 2-chloro-3-
d. NOTG methylbutane in the presence of aluminum chloride
54. What is the molecular formula of the produces _______
molecule shown to the right: a. 2-methyl-2-phenylbutane b. 2-methyl-3-
a) C8H10 b) C6H6 phenylbutane c. 2-phenyl-3-methylbutane d.
b) C6H8 d) C8H12 NOTG
55. The correct IUPAC name for the molecule 69.All of these are ortho, para directors and
activator except one which is deactivating.
below is:
a. OH b. CH3 c.
a) 5-methyl-5-propylheptane F d. NH2
b) 4-ethyl-4-methyloctane 70. the product between nitrobenzene and chlorine
c) 3-methyl-3-propyloctane in the presence of FeCl3 is _____
d) 3-methyl-3-propylheptane a. 3-chloronitrobenzene b. 2-chloronitrobenzene c.
56. Which of the following is not a disubstituted 4-chloronitrobenzene d. NOTG
benzene 71.Friedal-crafts Alkylation only works with
a. O-xylene b. 2,4-dinitrotoluene c. benzne, halobenzene and _________________.
1,3-diamino benzene d. p-dichlorobenzene a. deactivated compounds b. activated
57. Which of the following molecules does not compounds c. NOTG
contain C=O? 72.They make benzene ring less reactive than
a. methanol b. methanal c. benzene.
pentanone d. glucose a. activating group b. deactivating group c.
58. Another name for methoxybenzene substituent d. NOTG
a. aniline b. xylene c. 73. The reaction between butanoic acid and sodium
anisole d. cresol hydroxide produces
59. Another name for aminobenzene a. butanol b. butanone c.
a. aniline b. xylene c. butanal d. sodium butanoate
anisole d. cresol 74.Ethanoic acid reacts with ethanol to give
a. Diethanoic acid b. ethyl ethanoate
c. hydroxyethanoic acid d. NOTG
75. Give the reagents and/or catalyst necessary to
carry out the conversion of benzene to 3-
nitrobenznesulfonic acid.

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