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Letters To The Readers

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To god who always guiding us and protecting us. To parents for their encouragement and

supporting all we have done. “Work immersion will help develop among learners life and career

skills, and will prepare them to make decisions on postsecondary education or employment,” the

guidelines read.“Through partnership building, DepEd hopes that partner institutions will

provide learners with work immersion opportunities, workplace or hands-on experience, and

additional learning resources,” it added. The agency said schools may partner with recognized

institutions or organizations to come up with agreements on work immersion for students. As the

students are still minors, DepEd said work immersion requires parental consent.

We would like to convey our gratefulness to you and you colleagues for the excellent

OJT which have undergone in your company. The skill and knowledge which we have gained

through put my practical training we perceive as very valuable component in my future career

development. We have to thank you for providing as this opportunity.

I made this portfolio so you can learn about who I am outside of school and read what I

learn in it. I want this portfolio to show not only my work but how I learn to work with other

people and just do my work. I can say one of the most important things I learned while doing all

of these projects is to grow up

Teach ourselves and learn that we have to be independent but also steered in the right

direction once in a while. While reading my portfolio you can see my progress, growth as a

programmer, and also as a new programmer student


Objectives of the Work Immersion……………………………………………..
Duration and place of Work Immersion………………………………………..


Organization Stucture…………………………………………………………..

THE TRAINING EXPERIENCE……………………………………………………

Observation and Insight………………………………………………………..
Overall Reflection and Self – Appraisal……………………………………….

Resume` of the Trainee………………………………………………………...
Daily Time Record…………………………………………………………….
Evaluation Sheet……………………………………………………………….

Work Immersion is one of the course requirements for graduation. A Senior High School

student has to undergo work immersion in a business organization/establishment whose work

requirements are related to the specialization. Through this work immersion, the students are

exposed to and become familiarized with work-related environment related to their field of

specialization.“Work immersion is a key feature in the senior high school curriculum. It can be

conducted in different ways depending on the purposes and needs of the learners,” Education

Secretary Leonor Briones said. The guidelines said work immersion – which can range from 80

to 320 hours – will enable students to become familiar with the workplace, experience workplace

simulation and apply their competencies in areas of specialization.

“Work immersion will help develop among learners life and career skills, and will

prepare them to make decisions on postsecondary education or employment,” the guidelines

read.“Through partnership building, DepEd hopes that partner institutions will provide learners

with work immersion opportunities, workplace or hands-on experience, and additional learning

resources,” it added. The agency said schools may partner with recognized institutions or

organizations to come up with agreements on work immersion for students. As the students are

still minors, DepEd said work immersion requires parental consent.

II.Objectives of the Work Immersion

My institution, Sta lucia Senoir High School let the students engage and experience the

things happening in the actual world of Fast Food Industry through On-The-Job-Training

(Practicum)in , restaurants and other business establishments related. We have given 80 hours to

undergo and pursue this training that will help us to acquire knowledge and skills that will serve

as a tool to face the challenges of life and to prepare students for our future careers. It’s a set of

training, learning and the most important ingredients of all, the experience.

Experience is vital to one’s improvement and preparing students to the career is the best

way to set them on success. program geared towards equipping students with necessary

knowledge, skills and attitude to provide quality service in the industry. Its primary concentration

is on the development of practical and management skills which are achieved through theoretical

classes, practicum exercises, and experimental learning where we are going to indulge OJT and

gain more specific learning which is gaining confidence, initiative, high level of responsibility

and flexible work schedule regarding to the said trainings

II.Duration and place of Work Immersion

Having the immersion was really a good start to experience how does it feel to be in a

work place

In my case, I was so to fortunate enough to have my immersion at the bank because in the

strand of ABM, only the few of us were able to be accepted to have our immersion there because

banks don’t usually accept OJTs. I am very much happy because working at the bank is one of

my dream jobs in the near future and spending my immersion there, even in just a short span of

time had really opened my eyes on how fun at the same time, stressful to be working at the bank.

So far, my experience there was fun at the same time, I can say that it is also somewhat

boring because most of my time was wasted by sitting and waiting for nothing. Why? Because

there are 5 OJTs there, including me. The 3 OJTs are graduating students from RMMC. While

the other two are me and my classmate Judy Ann. And because we were that many, things to do

are also divided but I have noticed that most of the work was assigned to the 3 OJTs maybe

because they came first rather than us, that means that they already knew what to do and also

they’re about to graduate that is why they should experience more, than us. All you have to do is

wait and be patient if there is something that is assigned to you.

After a few weeks of immersion, I have realized some things that will really be useful for

my future. First, punctuality is very essential because in this simple way, you can how serious

you are to your job, next would be patience. Patience when it comes to the tasks that they’re
going to give you, as well as the times that you’re just waiting for the next task that will be given

to you, even if you already got bored waiting for nothing. And lastly, always poses a positive

attitude. Because positivity is next to tranquility.

To sum it all up, I am glad for another experiences that I will treasure the most. There, I

have experienced new things that aren’t familiar with the things I usually do at school. I have

met new people. And learned something

Colegio de Sta. Teresa de Avila, a co-educational foundation, was established by Mr.

Gregorio Roxas, Sr. and his family in 2007. It is located at 06 Kingfisher and Skylark Streets,

Zabarte Subd., Kaligayahan, Novaliches, Quezon City. It is one of the fastest growing higher

education institutions in the Northeastern part of Quezon City that is primarily known for its

ladderized curricular programs.

Considering the needs of the community and the demands overseas for more skilled

workers, Mr. Gregorio Roxas Sr., the founder and pioneer Chairman of the Board of Trustees of

CSTA, created a training center for Hospitality and Restaurant Services (HRS), Information and

Communications Technology (ICT), and other short-term courses.

The seventy-six (76) pioneering students were accommodated in a building supposedly

constructed to serve the unprecedented increase of student populace in the family owned

integrated school, the St. Teresa’s School of Novaliches. Driven by a pristine spirit to heed to his

humanitarian calling, Mr. Gregorio Roxas, Sr. typologized the college into a foundation; thus

offering minimal tuition fees to financially challenged students.

In 2008, three baccalaureate programs were added including Bachelor of Science in Hotel

and Restaurant Management (BSHRM), Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSIT),

and Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English (BSEd).

In June 2009, the rapid soaring of student populace up to 1057 prompted the

administration to acquire the annex building with 5 huge classrooms, 3 of which are air

conditioned. Facilities were upgraded and modernized to address the advancement in technology.

In response to this phenomenal growth, more faculty members were added to the roster.
In 2010, the relentless and concerted efforts of the administration, the faculty and the

staff in Colegio de Sta. Teresa de Avila yielded fruits when the Commission on Higher Education

(CHED) issued Government Recognitions for the operation of BSIT and BSEd. In 2011, the BS

Hotel Restaurant Management likewise obtained its recognition.

Beginning Second Semester of AY 2010-2011, the School of Education, headed by Dr.

Erlinda G. Dejarme, offered three more majors in BSEd. Aside from English, future educators

can choose Filipino, Mathematics and Social Science. Simultaneous with the addition of such

three majors was the offering of Bachelor of Elementary Education with Specialization in

Preschool and General Education. CSTA continues to upgrade its quality of professors to serve

the increasing demands of professors for both private and public schools not only nationwide but

likewise worldwide.

When Mrs. Adoracion S. Roxas assumed as Chairperson of the Board of Trustees, the

CSTA administration purchased adjacent lots to respond to the expansion demand to establish

additional educational infrastructure. The period 2014-2016 marked the revitalized expansion

initiative of the administration in terms of facilities and academic offerings. In addition to the

Gregorio Roxas, Sr. Building, the Multipurpose Hall, and the Adoracion S. Roxas Building, the

Executive Building was completed with modern facilities, bigger space and improved

educational amenities.

While BS Tourism Management prepares for its recognition, the institution started

complying with the requirements for the offering of AB Political Science, BS Accounting

Technology, and BS Entrepreneurship soon.

CSTA, the home of TESDA Assessors, serves as a TESDA Training and Assessment

Center for Events Management NC III, Front Office Services NC II, Foods and Beverage NC II,

Bartending NC II, Housekeeping NC II, Cookery NC II, Bread and Pastry Production NC II and

Caregiving NC II. It is also the home of a member of CHED NCR Regional Quality Assessment


To sustain the propensity of both faculty and students, CSTA has affiliations with the

Philippine Association for Teacher Education, Philippine Society of Information Technology

Education, Philippine Society of Educational Research and Evaluation.

CSTA stands proud of its accomplishments. It has produced well rounded graduates,

quality educators, information technology experts and successful hoteliers. With this, the college

continuously upgrades its governance, leadership, instruction, research, creative works, extension

program, and its academic outcomes, thus soaring further towards genuine quality education.

CSTA thus gets nearer to the realization of its vision of becoming a premier higher

education institution offering ladderized education as it moves expeditiously onwards to its 10 th

founding anniversary (2007-2017).

CSTA commits itself towards the attainment of a true education geared to the formation

of a person in the pursuit of his ultimate end for the good of the society of which, as man, he is a

member of, and in whose obligation as an adult, he will share.

Towards this end, CSTA envisions a citizenry whose physical moral and intellectual

endowments have been harmoniously developed so that they may gradually acquire a mature

sense of responsibility while striving to form their own life and pursue true freedom as they face

the vicissitudes of life with courage and constancy.

Specifically, CSTA envisions the development of the student’s potentials in order to meet

the challenges of life:

1. Physically, so that he may be aware of his particular bodily capabilities and develop them

for service to country and fellowmen.

2. Morally and socially, so that he may acquire an integrated personality and the attitudes

and skills, which will enable him to fulfill his responsibilities and commitments as a

member of a free democratic humane society.

3. Intellectually, so that he may seek the necessary knowledge and skills that will enable

him to achieve only the best; and

4. Spiritually, that he may unreservedly render service to God and his peop

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