Lab Report Format
Lab Report Format
Lab Report Format
Surname1, F.N., Surname2, F.N., Surname3, F.N., Surname4, F.N., Surname5, F.N., Surname6,
F.N., Surname7, F.N.
Abstract. Start abstract here. These instructions give of results in paragraph form, and (3)
you guidelines for preparing your Lab Report. Use answers to the guide questions.
this document as a template and as a guide. Limit The graphs, tables and figures must be
abstract to at most 150 words. Font Size is 11, properly labeled. For graphs and figures,
Italicized. Do not cite references in the abstract. The
Abstract portion generally gives a summary of your captions are placed at the center and below the
paper. figure. Figures can be abbreviated as Fig. 1 or
Fig. 2. Titles for tables are placed at the center
Keywords: In alphabetical order, write the index and above the table. Use Roman numeral in
terms or keywords that describe the important points numbering the table. Indicate the units used.
of your paper. List at most 5 keywords or key phrases. Be careful in formatting. Graphs, tables, and
Separate each with a comma. figures must not cover the 2 columns of the
paper. The table to be presented in this paper
must show a summary of the data from
I. INTRODUCTION experiment. (Calculations are to be presented
First, discuss the theory behind the experiment. in Appendix, not in this section.)
You can include the significance of the topic. For the interpretation of results, analyze the
At the end, state the objectives in performing results obtained from the experiment. Show it
the experiment. in a figure or graph. (If figure is from another
source, cite it properly).
Lastly, discuss the concepts/principles that
II. METHODOLOGY answer the guide questions given in the
experiment handout. Answer the questions in
State the materials and equipment used in the
paragraphs. Show calculations in the
Paraphrase the procedure stated in the
experiment handout. All steps must be written in
paragraph form. Check grammar & verb tenses.
Write the findings of the experiment with
respect to the problem, objectives and scope of
study. Include summary of what happened in
Include in this section the (1) results shown in the experiment. Include justification of
graphs, Tables and Figures, (2) Interpretation objectives not met.
Also include suggested recommendations to Electronic Age, E-Publishing Inc., New York,
reduce errors in the experiment. 1999, pp. 281-304.
Write all your computations in this section.
Write your acknowledgments in this section.
References are cited just by square
brackets [1]. Two or more references at a time
may be put in one set of brackets [3,4]. The
references are numbered in the order in which
they are cited in the paper and are listed under
this section. APA format is used for citation.
Journal references include: author’s
initials and surname; initials and surnames of
remaining authors; article title (where it is
provided); abbreviated journal title (italicized),
year of publication, volume number and page
Book references include: author’s initials
and surname; initials and surnames of remaining
authors; book title (italicized); place of
publication and name of publisher; year of
Listed here are examples of the citation of
[1] J. van der Geer, J.A.J. Hanraads, R.A.
Lupton, The art of writing a scientific article, J.
Sci. Commun. 163 (2000) 51-59.
Reference to a book:
[2] W. Strunk Jr., E.B. White, The Elements of
Style, third ed., Macmillan, New York, 1979.
Reference to a chapter in an edited book:
[3] G.R. Mettam, L.B. Adams, How to
prepare an electronic version of your article, in:
B.S. Jones, R.Z. Smith (Eds.), Introduction to the