Email: Age: Date of Birth (DOB) : Gender: Male/Female Race: Religion: University: Cgpa: Quiz 1: /10 Quiz 2: /10 Quiz 3: /20 Quiz 4: /20 Final Exam: /40
Email: Age: Date of Birth (DOB) : Gender: Male/Female Race: Religion: University: Cgpa: Quiz 1: /10 Quiz 2: /10 Quiz 3: /20 Quiz 4: /20 Final Exam: /40
Email: Age: Date of Birth (DOB) : Gender: Male/Female Race: Religion: University: Cgpa: Quiz 1: /10 Quiz 2: /10 Quiz 3: /20 Quiz 4: /20 Final Exam: /40
Gender: Male/Female
Quiz 1: /10
Quiz 2: /10
Quiz 3: /20
Quiz 4: /20
Below is a list of statements dealing with your general feelings about yourself. Please indicate how
strongly you agree or disagree with each statement NOW.
7. I feel that I'm a person of worth, at least on an equal plane with others.