What Is Social Corporate Responsibility?

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What is social corporate responsibility?

Corporate social responsibility is defined by different other by different words.

“Corporate social responsibility is welfare work for betterment of stakeholder,
society. Community which is not duty or law to do”. Company mostly do for
environmental and also social activity to protect them from its negative impact on
community. Business doing their operation when do its such way which safe the
environment from haram pollution its also come under CSR. Different company has
their different CSR strategy some are them working on environment safety, and
some are them are philanthropy to do something for society.
Why company doing CSR?
Although CSR is not mandatory on company to run but company do corporate
social responsibility for different purpose. the following reason due to which the
company doing CSR activity.
 For betterment of society.
Company doing their operation in the society to earn money so that’s way the
company what do such thing due to which they may make the society happy. these
activities may be in different way it’s may be social activity, economic activity,
financial support, environmental and for health etc.
 For company recognition purpose.
Mostly company doing their social corporate responsibilities for their recognition
purpose. While doing CSR activity they are good image in society and good brand
image. they are doing activity where their image highlight with speed not their
need. There is research that the company who involve in CSR activity are better
brand image than other which not offer.so that’s way company offer social
corporate responsibility to society.
 Increase employee engagement.
Mostly company doing social corporate responsibility for employee engagement.
Company use CSR as leverage for employee engagement, the company play with
the psychology of employee. Because when the company do their CSR activity
mostly employee work with engage with them as compare to other.
 For investor.
Mostly company engage in social corporate responsibility because of investor
attraction and also for maintenance of existing investor. Its has proved from
research that mostly investor invest in those company which active in social
corporate responsibility and retail large number of investors in the company which
company part of social corporate responsibility.
Company name Their activity Entrepreneurship
Nestle philanthropy Social activity investment

For rural activity Development activity

development entrepreneur
For education sector Entrepreneurship in

Dasani brand of coca cola Lunched innovative idea Bringing innovative idea
competition which help in
entrepreneurial activity

Engro Skill development These all activity which

done by Engro help in
entrepreneurial activity.
And social development
PTCL Pakistan Razakaar volunteer These all activity help in
program which help in entrepreneur activity
the hamartian activity
Youth development
In disaster managing

Pakistan state oil Education The all activity which

undertaken by PSO help
in entrepreneurial
environment and
community building
Skill development

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