Environmental Laws
Environmental Laws
Environmental Laws
and Regulations
Environmental Impact Statement
System P.D. 1586
Historical Background -No projects shall be
implemented without an
• Environmental regulations have
Environmental Compliance
existed for centuries.
Certificate (ECC)
• In about 1300 A.D., King Edward
Pollution Control Law P.D. 984
II of England reportedly ordered
any person burning coal to be Provides permitting requirements
hanged because of poor quality
Provides penalty provisions
of air
Provides Air and Water Standard
• The first significant laws were
federal statutes passed in the Environmental Impact Statement
United States in the 1970’s (EIS) System DAO 2003-30
dealing with air and surface water
quality and hazardous waste • Clarification on the Scope of the
Philippine EIS System.
Why are Environmental Laws
Passed? • Simplification of Requirements for
Securing ECC.
• After environmental problems
were understood and made • Streamlining of Procedures.
public, citizens and US congress • Strengthening the
had to be convinced of the Implementation of the Philippine
seriousness of the risks, so laws EIS System
could be passed to protect
human health and environment. Amending an ECC