EIA Procedure
EIA Procedure
EIA Procedure
Presented by: Carlin Miel L.
• To provide a comprehensive understanding of the
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) procedure,
elucidating its key components, stages, and significance
in the evaluation and mitigation of environmental
effects associated with proposed projects
• The presentation aims to equip the audience with
knowledge about the systematic steps involved in EIA,
fostering an appreciation for its role in sustainable
development and responsible decision-making.
What is EIA Procedure?
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a systematic process
that evaluates the potential environmental impacts of a proposed
project, plan, or program before it is carried out. The primary
objective of an EIA is to ensure that decision-makers, as well as
the public, are informed about the potential environmental
consequences of a project, and to identify measures that can be
taken to minimize or mitigate these impacts.
The EIA process makes sure that environmental
issues are raised when a project or plan is first
discussed and that all concerns are addressed as a
How does the Environmental Impact project gains momentum through to
Assessment (EIA) process contribute to implementation. Recommendations made by the
addressing environmental concerns at EIA may necessitate the redesign of some project
various stages of a project? components, require further studies, suggest
changes which alter the economic viability of the
project or cause a delay in project implementation.
Why is it that an environmental assessment
should be conducted early in the project
Why is it that an environmental assessment should be
conducted early in the project cycle?
To be of most benefit it is essential that an environmental assessment is carried out
to determine significant impacts early in the project cycle so that recommendations
can be built into the design and cost-benefit analysis without causing major delays
or increased design costs. To be effective once implementation has commenced,
the EIA should lead to a mechanism whereby adequate monitoring is undertaken to
realize environmental management. An important output from the EIA process
should be the delineation of enabling mechanisms for such effective management.
There are three options to consider in establishing EIA
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Legislative Policy
Option Optio
Legislative Option
The legislative option is the more formal legal approach in which
EIA procedures become law and are enforced by the courts.