Dynamometer is a device which is used to measure the frictional resistance. By knowing the
frictional resistance we can determine torque transmitted and hence power of the engine.
Dynamometer can be used to measure either torque, force or power.
Types of Dynamometer:
Dynamometer is further classified into two major type:
Absorption Dynamometer
Transmission Dynamometer
Absorption Dynamometer:
This dynamometer measure and absorb the power output of the engine to which they are
coupled. The power is usually dissipated as heat by some means.
Following are the types of absorption dynamometer:
Prony brake dynamometer
Rope brake dynamometer.
Transmission Dynamometer:
In this dynamometer, the energy is used for doing work. The power developed by the prime
mover is transmitted by the dynamometers to some machine which the power is suitably
Following are the type of transmission dynamometer:
Belt transmission dynamometer
Epicyclic train dynamometer
Torsion dynamometer.
Torsion Dynamometer:
A torsion dynamometer is used to measure large power developed by a turbine or marine
engines. A large number of torsion dynamometers are used to measure the angle of twist.
Therefore, a torsion dynamometer works on the principle of angle of twist. When power is
transmitted along a shaft, the driving end twists through a small angle relative to the driven
end. Torque transmitted is directly proportional to the angle of twist.