MPLABX 5.25 IPE User Guide
MPLABX 5.25 IPE User Guide
MPLABX 5.25 IPE User Guide
• Microchip believes that its family of products is one of the most secure families of its kind on the market today, when used in the
intended manner and under normal conditions.
• There are dishonest and possibly illegal methods used to breach the code protection feature. All of these methods, to our
knowledge, require using the Microchip products in a manner outside the operating specifications contained in Microchip’s Data
Sheets. Most likely, the person doing so is engaged in theft of intellectual property.
• Microchip is willing to work with the customer who is concerned about the integrity of their code.
• Neither Microchip nor any other semiconductor manufacturer can guarantee the security of their code. Code protection does not
mean that we are guaranteeing the product as “unbreakable.”
Code protection is constantly evolving. We at Microchip are committed to continuously improving the code protection features of our
products. Attempts to break Microchip’s code protection feature may be a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. If such acts
allow unauthorized access to your software or other copyrighted work, you may have a right to sue for relief under that Act.
All documentation becomes dated, and this manual is no exception. Microchip tools and
documentation are constantly evolving to meet customer needs, so some actual dialogs
and/or tool descriptions may differ from those in this document. Please refer to our web site
( to obtain the latest documentation available.
Documents are identified with a “DS” number. This number is located on the bottom of each
page, in front of the page number. The numbering convention for the DS number is
“DSXXXXXXXXA”, where “XXXXXXXX” is the document number and “A” is the revision level
of the document.
For the most up-to-date information on development tools, see the MPLAB® X IDE online help.
Select the Help menu, and then Topics to open a list of available online help files.
This chapter contains general information that will be useful to know before using the
MPLAB® Integrated Programming Environment (IPE) is installed. This document is
compatible with the version of the IPE installed with MPLAB X IDE v4.20 or greater.
Items discussed in this chapter include:
• Document Layout
• Conventions Used in this Guide
• Recommended Reading
This document describes how to use the MPLAB IPE programming tool to program
devices. The document is organized as follows:
• Chapter 1. IPE Application Overview – Defines the IPE, provides software
installation requirements and upgrade procedures, lists the supported tools, and
provides a feature matrix.
• Chapter 2. General Setup – Discusses launching and setting up the application,
and provides Advanced Mode login and options information.
• Chapter 3. MPLAB IPE Reference – Provides reference information for the
menu items.
Description Represents Examples
Arial font:
Italic characters Referenced books MPLAB X IDE User’s Guide
Emphasized text the only compiler...
Initial caps A window the Output window
A dialog the Settings dialog
A menu selection select Enable Programmer
Quotes A field name in a window or “Save project before build”
Underlined, italic text with A menu path File>Save
right angle bracket
Bold characters A dialog button Click OK
A tab Click the Power tab
N‘Rnnnn A number in verilog format, 4‘b0010, 2‘hF1
where N is the total number of
digits, R is the radix and n is a
Text in angle brackets < > A key on the keyboard Press <Enter>, <F1>
Courier New font:
Plain Courier New Sample source code #define START
Filenames autoexec.bat
File paths c:\mcc18\h
Keywords _asm, _endasm, static
Command-line options -Opa+, -Opa-
Bit values 0, 1
Constants 0xFF, ‘A’
Italic Courier New A variable argument file.o, where file can be
any valid filename
Square brackets [ ] Optional arguments mcc18 [options] file
Curly brackets and pipe Choice of mutually exclusive errorlevel {0|1}
character: { | } arguments; an OR selection
Ellipses... Replaces repeated text var_name [,
Represents code supplied by void main (void)
user { ...
This user's guide describes how to use Microchip MPLAB IPE. Other useful documents
are listed below. The following Microchip documents are available and recommended
as supplemental reference resources.
Once you’ve installed the software, the IPE application can be accessed through the
MPLAB IPE icon on your desktop or startup menu.
Feature Description
Config Memory Displays the configuration memory contents Off
Flash Data Displays the Flash data memory contents Off
User IDs Displays the User ID memory contents Off
EEPROM Displays the data memory contents Off
Memory Edit
Program Memory Program memory contents can be edited Off
Auxiliary Memory Auxiliary memory contents can be edited Off
Flash Data Flash data memory contents can be edited
EEPROM Data memory contents can be edited Off
User IDs User ID memory contents can be edited Off
Boot Memory Boot memory contents can be edited Off
Config Memory Configuration memory contents can be edited Off
Save Environment Creates or overwrites the environment Off
View Memory Views the memory ranges
Edit Memory Changes the memory ranges
View Voltage Views the voltage values
Edit Voltage Changes the voltage values
Create SQTP Generates the SQTP file Off
Manual Download To select and download the firmware into the
Firmware Hardware tool
Auto Download When a tool is connected, the latest firmware
Firmware (available in the system) will be downloaded
Erase All Before Erases the device before programming
Note: Selecting the Recently Used option from the Family menu lists the latest 10
devices used in the Device menu.
2. Click Apply to configure the IPE to the current device (e.g., Target Memory
Views, checksum).
3. Connect the development tool to the PC and attach the appropriate target board,
device and power. Refer to the tool’s online help for additional instructions and
information on connecting to target boards, etc.
4. Use the Tool drop-down menu to select the tool you want to use. If more than one
development tool is connected to the PC, select the one you wish to use.
5. Click the Connect button (next to the Tool name) to establish a connection
between the IPE and the tool.
2.5.1 Operate
After validating the password to log in to the Advanced Mode, the dialog opens in the
Operate view. This display is similar to the main display, with the addition of option
buttons located along the left side of the window. The dialog shows the device and tool
that has been selected (see Section 2.3 “Setting Up the Programmer”).
2.5.2 Power
The Power option is available only when a tool is connected. From the Advanced Mode
dialog, click Power to display the available settings.
2.5.3 Memory
From the Advanced Mode dialog, click Memory to display the available settings for the
device and tool you selected. You can control the memory address and other
parameters related to a programming operation. Some of the options in this window are
also available on the main screen, for viewing and to provide easy access to these
Note: The memory settings for the MPLAB PM3 Programmer may be different in
versions of MPLAB IPE prior to v3.60.
2.5.4 Environment
Environments allow you to save settings, so that all of the same settings can be
reloaded in another programming session. Environments are supported, under all
tools, as either .pen files or .pm3 files.
Note: MPLAB PM3 programmer does not support the Preserve Memory options
in the environment .pm3 files.
From the Advanced Mode dialog, click Environment to display the available settings.
2.5.5 SQTP
SQTP (serial quick turn programming) is used to program a unique serial number into each device. This
number can be used as an entry code, password or ID number. From the Advanced Mode dialog, click
SQTP to display the available settings.
If using SQTP with MPLAB PM3, see Section “Using SQTP with MPLAB PM3” for additional
information. If using PIC32 devices, see Section “Using SQTP with PIC32 Devices” for information
on the import methods. For information about how the SQTP files are produced, refer to the SQTP File
Format Specification (DS50002539).
2.5.6 Production
From the Advanced Mode dialog, click Production to display the available settings.
The Production Settings dialog enables authorized personnel to select the options that
are available during production programming. The options that are selected in the
Production Settings determine which commands will be available under the File, View,
and Settings menus in Production Mode.
Select the appropriate settings for your production programming project by checking or
unchecking the settings. Selecting a check box in the Production Settings dialog
causes a check mark to display in front of that option under the IPE Settings menu.
A check mark indicates that an option has been set in the Advanced Mode. If the item
is available and has a check mark, then the production specialist can control this item
by toggling it on or off.
2.5.7 Settings
From the Advanced Mode dialog, click Settings to display the available options. If you
are connected to an MPLAB ICD 4 or PICkit 4 In-Circuit Debugger, there are additional
Segments to Program Available only for devices with CodeGuard, e.g., dsPIC33FJ12GP202, etc.
Supported by REAL ICE, MPLAB ICD 3 and PICkit 3.
Select the segments to program:
• Full Chip Programming
• Boot, Secure and General Segments
• Secure and General Segments
• General Segment Only
Disable operations if Selecting the check box prohibits further programming if all SQTP values from
SQTP values are the specified .num file have been exhausted.
Display the next SQTP Select this check box to display the next SQTP sequence in the output window.
sequence in the output
Programming Method
This option allows you to choose the Test mode entry method for devices. This feature is supported by
the tools which can power the target (except for PM3).This setting refers to the order in which the VPP
and VDD voltages will be applied when programming/reading the target device.
2.5.8 Logout
After the settings are selected, click Logout to save your settings, exit the Advanced
Mode, and return to the main window.
3.2.1 File>Import
The Import menu item allows you to import files into the IPE.
File->Import->Hex – select to import the hexadecimal file (*.hex).
Note: If using a Hex file in the IPE and the file is modified using Notepad, MPLAB
X IDE, etc., outside the IPE, the following message displays:
3.2.2 File>Export
The Export menu item allows you to export data from IPE to storage media. By default,
these commands are not available in Production Mode. However, in Advanced Mode,
an authorized user can change the default states of this feature for the Production
File->Export->Hex – this command allows you to export all the memory contents into
Intel® Hex file format.
3.2.3 File>Exit
This command closes the IPE application.
Points To Be Considered
• Please ensure the PM3 operating system firmware version, stored on the SD
card, matches the operating system firmware version on the MPLAB PM3
programmer. A mismatch may occur if an upgrade of the PM3 operating system
was performed but the SD card firmware was not updated. Use the MPLAB IPE
v3.40 or greater to select the Settings>Save firmware into SD Card option to load
the PM3 SD card with the desired PM3 operating system firmware version.
• Any firmware versions of v3.40 or greater are not compatible with earlier versions
of MPLAB IPE. It is highly recommended that the MPLAB PM3 use the firmware
packaged within the same MPLAB IPE version.
Version Support
Prior to MPLAB IPE v3.25 One operating system supported.
MPLAB IPE v3.25-3.35 Two operating systems supported (32-bit and all
other devices).
MPLAB IPE v3.40 or greater Three operating systems supported (8-, 16-, 32-bit
If your development tool package includes a Warranty Registration Card, please
complete the card and mail it in promptly. Sending in your Warranty Registration Card
entitles you to receive new product updates. Interim software releases are available at
the Microchip web site.
Users of Microchip products can receive assistance through several channels:
• Distributor or Representative
• Local Sales Office
• Field Application Engineer (FAE)
• Technical Support
Customers should contact their distributor, representative or field application engineer
(FAE) for support. Local sales offices are also available to help customers. A listing of
sales offices and locations is included in the back of this document. See our web site
for a complete, up-to-date listing of sales offices.
Technical support is available through the web site at
Documentation errors or comments may be emailed to
Edit Memory Settings ............................................... 11 ICD 4 ........................................................................ 26
Edit Voltage Settings................................................ 11 Import ....................................................................... 31
EEPROM ................................................................. 11 Import Environment.................................................. 10
Enable programming if hex file loaded..................... 24 Import Hex File......................................................... 10
Environment ............................................................. 20 Import SQTP File ..................................................... 10
Environment Settings ............................................... 20 Internet Address, Microchip ..................................... 39