Water Crisis in Pakistan
Water Crisis in Pakistan
Water Crisis in Pakistan
Ali Inan
Lexical Chain
Water- Hydro, Water Tables, Blue Economy, Blue Gold, Rivers, Water Tables, Surface Water, Ground Water
Crisis- Challenges, Water Scarcity, Low Storage Capacity, Water mismanagement, Woes
Issues- Water Wastage, Water Theft, Dependence, Scarcity, Water Policy
Implications- Impact, Social Implications, Economic Implications, Agrarian Implications, Energy
Implications, Health Implications, Political Implication
Solutions- Recommendations, Remedies, Way Forward, Policy Options, Dams, Reservoirs, Desalination
Plants, Strategies
Applying 5ws
Thesis Statement: The issue of water scarcity cannot be ignored any longer because the consequences will
endanger not just the agriculture, economy and stability of Pakistan but its very survival.
1. Introduction
i. Water scarcity in Pakistan
ii. Plummeting ground water tables
iii. The misuse of water - agricultural, economic, climatic and political disturbance.
iv. Water War in South Asia
2. Issues
i. Pakistan’s dependence on western rivers
a. Indus – sole source of consumption in some areas of Pakistan
ii. India’s hydro terrorism
a. “Blood and water can not flow together” (Narendra Modi)
b. Construction of Dams on Pakistani waters
c. 5th generation warfare – limited war
iii. Water Scarcity
a. Pakistan- 3rd worst water scarce country (IMF)
b. 24 MAF ground water and 150 MAF surface water
c. Water wastage
d. Low storage capacity
e. “If the government does not take action, the country will run out of water by 2025.” (Pakistan
Council of Research in Water Resources)
iv. Water Management
a. Canals
b. Irrigation
c. Water Theft
v. Water Policy
a. 1ST Water Policy
b. What is wrong with water policy?
vi. Energy Woes
a. Untapped Hydro power
b. Dams
vii. Economic woes
a. Agriculture
b. Industry
viii. Political Differences
a. Ethnic and Provincial divide
b. Economic Insecurities
c. Kalabagh Dam
3. Pakistan’s water woes
a. High Water Intensity Rate
b. Pakistan’s Plummeting ground water tables
c. Pakistan’s declining Water Resource since 1984
d. Pakistan’s Annual Per capita usage 1700 m3 (World Bank)
e. ‘Pakistan is on track to become the most water stressed country in the region, and 23 rd in the
world, by the year 2040. No person in Pakistan, whether from the north with its more than
5,000 glaciers, or from the south with its ‘hyper deserts’, will be immune to this.’ (Report by
World Resources Institute-2017)
4. Implications
i. Social Implications
a. Inter Provincial discord
b. Criminal activities
c. Changing Life styles
ii. Economic Implications
a. Industrial usage
b. Blue Gold/Economy
c. Wastage of Water worth $ 70 bn
d. Water Challenge will have detrimental impact on economy and social fabric. (Sustainable
Development Policy Institute)
iii. Agrarian Implications
a. 50% irrigation water wastage
b. On the verge of mass drought (PCRWR)
c. Adverse implications for exports
d. Decline agrarian GDP growth
iv. Energy Implications
a. Hydro Power Potential
b. Energy deficiency
v. Health Implications
a. Water borne diseases
b. Water deficiency diseases
c. Hygiene Issues
vi. Political Implications
a. Inter Provincial Discord
b. Changing alliances
c. Political narratives
d. Electoral Politics
vii. Security Implications
a. Water war with India
b. Food insecurity
c. Nuclear flashpoint
viii. Humanitarian Implications
5. Way Forward / Solutions
i. Options with Pakistan against Indian Hydro Terrorism
a. Legal Option
b. Exploit India’s Inter State Water Disputes
c. Play China Card
d. Construct Dams
e. Public Awareness Programmes
f. Raise Issue at UN and Expose India
ii. Are Dams the right Choice?
iii. Reservoirs
iv. Water Management
v. Comprehensive Water Policy
vi. Desalination Plants
vii. Small Dams
viii. Water Tax
ix. Awareness Campaign
x. Realistic strategy for constructing Kalabagh Dam
6. Conclusion
i. Disastrous consequences
ii. Economic, Social and Humanitarian Impact
iii. Threat to peace in the region
iv. An issue of survival for Pakistan
v. Need of a Proactive and Prudent Policy
vi. “For every drop of water you waste, you must know that somewhere on earth someone is
desperately looking for a drop of water.” (Mehmet Murat Ildan – Turkish writer)