Final Paper in Compliance For Readings in Philippine History

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Azalea C. Navarra

As I grow up, maybe it’s just me but I realized how life can be very complex and
the mode of difficulty continues to rise up. Maybe it really is just me who sees it. I grew
up seeing nothing but negativity in every people’s lives including mine. Reality is
something that I had accepted long before people around my age did. On the main
thesis of Eric Gamalinda’s “English is your Mother Tongue, or Ang Ingles ay ang
Tongue ng Ina Mo” which one of my classmate, concluded that, “The Death of the
Philippine Language is already predictable and slowly beating the system.” Just like in
our life that everything we do is becoming too much of a routine that it’s so predictable.
For me, everyone dies everyday by living the same old life they lived yesterday. Again,
maybe it’s just me and how my life is on a nutshell.

Ever since I stepped in 10th grade, my life was nothing but filled with a lot “I do
not want to live anymore,” “I want to disintegrate.” and a lot more negativity. I continued
life with this kind of mindset. I was being a hypocrite and a living oxymoron. According
to John Locke in his master work, "Essay Concerning Human Understanding,"
“Locke refutes ideas proposed by Réné Descartes that human beings know
certain concepts innately. Locke believed the human mind was what he
called a "tabula rasa," which is Latin for "clean sheet of paper." He believed
infants know nothing when they are born, and that all the ideas humans
develop come from experience.” Maybe it’s because of what I put in my mind
that made me have this kind of life.

To be honest, I wanted change. A sudden change. In Teresa

Encarnacion Tadem’s “Philippine Technocracy and the Politics of Economic
Decision Making During the Martial Law Period ”, according to the main thesis
that my classmate stated in his presentation, “The Technocrats has
competing interests on providing development on the economy and the
society but it just led to an economic instability.” You see this main argument
is kinda relatable to how am I doing in my life. Just like my parents who only
want the best for me. Thing is, I’m competing with them because I know
better than anyone, what I really want and none of what my parents think is
the best for me is yet to be the best for me but they still keep on pushing
things to me and the result is all this. Their own daughter can barely cope up
in school, has zero motivation whatsoever and wants to be isolated from the

In Abinales and Amoroso’s book entitled, “State and Society in the

Philippines”, on the ninth chapter where the main argument says that, “There
is a recurring state-society dilemma in the Philippines.” Relating it to how my
life works as of the moment, I highly think that not only do experience and
what other people shapes my life, it’s also those unsolved dilemmas that I
have yet to solve that contributes to this. In Erikson’s “Psychosocial Theory”,
there are different stages that once you successfully completed it, it will
result in a healthy personality and you get to acquire virtues that are going to
be useful in your life. For me, maybe it’s because I nev er got to successfully
complete the stages before the stage I am in right now and that is why I
never got to live and think normally unlike everybody else.

As what in the book edited by Angel Velasco and Luis Francia entitled,
“Vestiges of War: The Philippine-American War and the Aftermath of an
Imperial Dream”, it suggests that, “there are many details left to be found
and analyzed as distinct yet connective narratives in social, political and
cultural contexts”. Life is very vague and it has yet to unravel more as I wake
up every day. Honest to whomever, I do not really care if I discover a lot or if
I perish right now without being able to discover whatever it is that life offers
mankind. Point is, it’s gonna be a shame if the remaining details that I
already know hasn’t been interpreted by me f or a much clearer
understanding. Maybe life isn’t really for me who has already given up on
myself. Maybe it still is and there is still a tiny ray of hope for me. I don’t
what the future holds and honestly I don’t care at all. If I perish right now that
I’m doing this then so be it. If I still get to breathe then so be it as well.

Abinales, Patricio N., & Amoroso, Donna J., "State and Society in the
Philippines" Chapter Nine, Democratization (1986 -1998).

Erikson, Erik "Psychosocial Theory" ( -


Gamalinda, Eric., "English Is Your Mother Tongue"

( -is-your-mother-tongue.html)

Locke, John., "Theory of Tabula Rasa" ( -


Shaw, Angel Velasco & Francia, Luis H., "Vestiges of War: The Philippine -
American War and the Aftermath of an Imperial Dream (1899-1999)"

Tadem, Teresa Encarnacion S., "Philippine Technocracy and the Politics of

Economic Decision-Making: A Comparison of the Martial Law and Post -
Martial Law Periods" Vol. 3 No. 2 (https://englishkyoto

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