Sync and Asyc FIFO
Sync and Asyc FIFO
Sync and Asyc FIFO
The purpose of this exercise is to design an asynchronous FIFO for communication between different clock
domains. First, synchronous FIFO design is reviewed followed by an introduction to asynchronous FIFO
Synchronous FIFO
A Block diagram of a synchronous FIFO is shown below. It is synchronous because only one clock signal
exists, and this clock signal is used for both writing and reading.
write_data_in read_data_out
full empty
We assume that the Dual port memory has 2^n locations, i.e. the write and read addresses have n bits:
waddr[n-1:0],raddr[n-1:0]. Internally in the FIFO control module, pointers are used to determine memory
addresses, full status, empty status and FIFO occupancy. As we will see in the following, it is convenient to
have (n+1) pointer bits. Thus, the write and read addresses are determined from the n least significant
waddr[n-1:0] = wptr[n-1:0],
raddr[n-1:0] = rptr[n-1:0].
Full/empty flags.
The write pointer is incremented for each write operation. The most significant bit (wptr[n]) indicates if the
write address has wrapped around an even or uneven number of times. Ditto for the read pointer.
If (waddr=raddr) the FIFO is either full or empty. The additional pointer bit can be utilized to distinguish
between the two situations: if (wptr[n]=rptr[n]) the FIFO is empty, and if (wptr[n]!=rptr[n]) the FIFO is
FIFO occupancy.
The FIFO occupancy can be calculated from the pointer values. Also in this case, the most significant
pointer bits are utilized to perform the calculation:
(wptr[n]=rptr[n]) : fifo_size = wptr[n-1:0] - rptr[n-1:0],
(wptr[n]!=rptr[n]) : fifo_size = 2^n – (rptr[n-1:0] - wptr[n-1:0])
The relationship between FIFO pointers and occupancy is illustrated below with three examples.
wptr=000 rptr=000 wptr=010 rptr=000 wptr=100 rptr=000
11 11 11
10 10 10
01 01 01
00 00 00
occupancy = 0 occupancy = 4
occupancy = 2
FIFO is empty FIFO is full
Asynchronous FIFO
Asynchronous FIFOs are commonly used to transfer data between two clock domains. A block diagram is
shown below. In order to determine full/empty flags and FIFO size, the read pointer (rptr) must be syn-
chronized to the write domain, and the write pointer (wptr) must be synchronized to the read-domain.
write_data_in read_data_out
reset reset
full empty
wptr wptr_sync
Explain why this circuit is insufficient for use in the asynchronous fifo design. Would it be beneficial to
add more flip-flops in the chain?
Correct synchronization is obtained with the circuit below. Explain why. Specify logical equations for the
binary to gray code converter and for the gray to binary code converter.
Implement the Asynchronous FIFO. The entity declaration is given below. The Xilinx LogiCORE tool can
generate the dual-port memory.
entity async_fifo is
port (
reset : in std_logic;
wclk : in std_logic;
rclk : in std_logic;
write_enable : in std_logic;
read_enable : in std_logic;
fifo_occu_in : out std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
fifo_occu_out : out std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
write_data_in : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
read_data_out : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)
end async_fifo;
Synthesize and place & route the code and note the clock frequency (device: Xilinx XCV 812E – 8C).
Verify the design in a testbench.
The report must contain:
• Answers to questions in task 1 & task 2
• VHDL code
• Test results
• Synthesis report, Place & route report