Operating States
Signal Descriptions
Timing diagrams
ARM processor signal names. Also used for terms in descriptive lists,
where appropriate.
Monospace - Denotes text that you can enter at the keyboard, such as
The APB is part of the AMBA 3 protocol family. It provides a low cost
interface that is optimized for minimal power consumption and reduced
interface complexity.
The APB interfaces to any peripherals that are low-bandwidth and do not
require the high performance of a pipelined bus interface. The APB has
unpipelined protocol.
All signal transitions are only related to the rising edge of the clock to
enable the integration of APB peripherals easily into any design flow.
Every transfer takes at least two cycles.
The APB can interface with the AMBA Advanced High-performance
Bus Lite (AHB-Lite) and AMBA Advanced Extensible Interface (AXI).
You can use it to provide access to the programmable control registers of
peripheral devices.
Changes for AMBA 3 APB Protocol
Specification v1.0
Write transfers
Two types of write transfer are described in this
With no wait states
The enable signal, PENABLE, is de-asserted at the end of the transfer. The select signal,
PSELx, also goes LOW unless the transfer is to be followed immediately by another transfer to
the same peripheral.
With wait states
Figure shows how the PREADY signal from the slave can extend
the transfer. During an Access phase, when PENABLE is HIGH, the
transfer can be extended by driving PREADY LOW. The following
signals remain unchanged for the additional cycles:
address, PADDR
write signal, PWRITE
select signal, PSEL
enable signal, PENABLE
write data, PWDATA.
Write transfer with wait states
PREADY can take any value when PENABLE is LOW. This
ensures that peripherals that have a fixed two cycle access can
Figure shows a read transfer. The timing of the address, write, select, and
enable signals are as described in Write transfers on page 2-2. The slave
must provide the data before the end of the read transfer
With wait states
Figure shows how the PREADY signal can extend the transfer. The
transfer is extended if PREADY is driven LOW during an Access phase.
The protocol ensures that the following remain unchanged for the
additional cycles:
address, PADDR
Figure shows that two cycles are added using the PREADY signal.
However, you can add any number of additional cycles, from zero
Error response
LOW when it is not being sampled. That is, when any of PSEL,
Error response contd..
Transactions that receive an error, might or might not have changed the
state of the peripheral. This is peripheral-specific and either is acceptable.
When a write transaction receives an error this does not mean that the
register within the peripheral has not been updated. Read transactions that
receive an error can return invalid data. There is no requirement for the
peripheral to drive the data bus to all 0s for a read error.
APB peripherals are not required to support the PSLVERR pin. This is
true for both existing and new APB peripheral designs. Where a
peripheral does not include this pin then the appropriate input to the APB
bridge is tied LOW.
Write transfer
with an error.
Read transfer
A read transfer can also complete with an error response, indicating that
there is no valid read data available. Figure 2-6 on page 2-7 shows a read
transfer completing with an error response.
Mapping of PSLVERR
When bridging:
From AXI to APB An APB error is mapped back to
RRESP/BRESP = SLVERR. This is achieved by mapping
PSLVERR to the AXI signals RRESP[1] for reads and BRESP[1]
for writes.