Immunohistochemical Techniques
Immunohistochemistry Detect organisms in cytologic preparations
Selective cellular epitopes or antigens in frozen or paraffin-embedded tissues
Antigen-antibody interactions
IgG Most commonly used
Epitope Structural part of the antigen that reacts with an antibody
Polyclonal antibodies Immunizing an animal with an immunogen that contains antigen of interest
Rabbit, goat, pig, horse, guinea pig
Non specific staining
Monoclonal antibodies Individual clones of plasma cells
Preparing tissue for IHC 1. Proteolytic enzyme digestion
2. Microwave antigen retrieval
3. Microwave and trypsin antigen retrieval
4. Pressure cooker antigen retrieval
Proteolytic enzyme digestion Demonstrate heavy chain immunoglobulins, complement and specific antigen
Destroy exogenous peroxidase Treated with 0.5% methanolic hydrogen peroxide for 10-15 minutes
Trypsin method 0.1% trypsin in 0.1% calcium chloride in distilled water
Cold running water: terminate enzyme digestion
Protease method 0.05 – 0.1% protease in distilled water
Faster rate of enzyme digestion
Microwave antigen retrieval Boiling of formalin-fixed deparaffinized sections
1. 0.01 M-citrate buffer: pH 6.0
2. EDTA: pH 8.0
3. Tris EDTA: pH 9.9-10
Proliferation markers Ki67
Hormone receptors ER
Growth factor receptors HER-2/neu
Optimal length of exposure 10-60 minutes
Vectabond Strong adhesive
Pressure cooking antigen Less time consuming
retrieval More consistent recovery of many antigens
Subjected to “hot spots” and “cold spots”
Inconsistent antigen recovery
Epithelial tumor markers Keratin
PAS CHO, Glycogen, Mucins, PAS (+):Magenta red Basic fuchsin: essential component of
Bacteria & Fungi, basement Schiff reagent
PAS w/ diastase ctrl Glycogen Red Method of choice for glycogen staining
Best Carmine Glycogen Bright red Selective & highly specific for glycogen
Langhan’s iodine method Glycogen Mahogany brown Obsolete
Not specific for glycogen
Alcian blue Acid mucins Blue Avoid celloidinization of slides
Alcian Blue-PAS Any mucins (acid/neutral) Acid mucin: blue Avoid Ehrlich’s
Neutral mucin: magenta
Gomori’s aldehyde fuchsin Acid MPS Sulfated mucins: purple
stain Sulfated mucins Carboxylated mucins: blue
Carboxylated mucins
Mucicarmine stain Cryptococcus neoformans Mucin: red Avoid Ehrlich’s hematoxylin
Colloidal (Dialyzed) iron Acid mucins Dark blue
Acridine orange Acid mucins/MPS Acid MPS: black Lasts for only 2 hrs
Fungi Fungi: greenish red
Sudan black Lipids Blue black
Sudan IV (Scharlach R) Lipids (TAG) red Most commonly used stain
Oil red O Lipids Brilliant red
Osmium tetroxide Lipids Black
Nile blue sulfate method Neutral fat = Pinkish red Nile blue: preliminary indicator of the
Cholesterin esters = Light red type of lipid present
Cholesterin fatty acids = Light red -Red oxazone (dissol. neutral lipids)
Fatty acids & soap = Deep blue to violet -Blue oxazone (reacts w/ PL and FFA)
Cerebrosides = Light blue
Toluidine blue-acetone mtd Sulfatide Metachromatic red-brown
or yellow
Borohydride-Periodic-Schiff Gangliosides Red
Alkaline fast-green method Histones Green Fast green stains basic groups in
Protamines tissues
Peracetic acid-Alcian blue Cystine Blue-green
Sakaguchi’s test Arginine Orange-red Uses Milton reagen
Gomori calcium method Alkaline phosphatase Brownish-black
Gomori lead method Acid phosphatase Black Substrate: β-glyceroPO4
Lead method 5’-nucleotidase Blackish brown deposits
Metal precipitation ATPase Dark brownish-black ppt For skel. muscle biopsies
Calcium cobalt method ATPase Cobalt phosphate ppt For skel. muscle biopsies
α-naphthyl acetate method Nonspecific esterase Reddish brown α-naphthyl acetate method
Indoxyl acetate method Nonspecific esterase Blue
Tetrazolium method Monoamine oxidase Bluish black
Feulgen technique DNA Red-purple Most reliable & specific histochemical
staining technique for DNA
Contains Schiff’s reagent
Methyl green-pyronin RNA RNA (nucleoli): red
DNA DNA (chromatin): green
Gomori’s silver impregnation Reticulin fibers black Reticulin = Argyrophilic (silver stain)
Van Gieson’s stain Collagen = Pink/deep red Contains acid fuchsin & picric acid
Muscle, cytoplasm, RBC, = Yellow
Masson’s trichrome stain Collagen & mucus = Blue = Red
Muscle, RBC & keratin
Mallory’s aniline blue Collagen fibers, cytoplasm, = Red (-) Fuchsin: Excellent & colorful
fibroglia fibrils, axon = Pale pink/yellow method of demonstrating CT fibers
cylinders, neuroglia = Yellow