The 26 Annual Biosciences Quiz Bee
The 26 Annual Biosciences Quiz Bee
The 26 Annual Biosciences Quiz Bee
The Biosciences Quiz Bee is an annual science competition for high school students held by the UP
MBBS in line with furthering the organization’s mission of advancing science and technology in the
country, especially among the youth.
The competition aims to test students’ theoretical and practical abilities in six fields of science: (1)
biology, (2) chemistry, (3) physics, (4) mathematics, (5) earth science, and (6) molecular biology and
1. The competition is open to all high schools in the Philippines.
2. Each school can field up to two teams, each composed of exactly three members, who
must be students from Grades 9-12.
3. The registration fee is PhP 800 per team for public schools and PhP 1000 for private schools.
Schools are highly urged to pre-register to guarantee their slot as only 80 teams can be
accommodated, and pre-registered teams avail of a discount of PhP 100 off the registration
fee. For pre-registered teams, an initial payment of 50% of their registration fee must be
made on or before the deadline of registration. A photo of the deposit slip shall serve as a
proof of payment. Failure of downpayment results in the forfeiture of the reserved slot.
Registration rates
Public schools Private schools
4. Teams must have the complete set of three members on the day of the competition itself.
Teams with less than three members will not be allowed to enter the competition. For pre-
registered teams, if one of the members cannot make it for a valid reason (e.g. sickness, death
in the family), a substitution may be allowed provided that there is proper documentation of
the reason for absence (e.g. medical certificate) and that the substituting student is also eligible
to join the competition. Ultimately, the team must still have three members to join the
General Guidelines
1. Any form of cheating or academic dishonesty is strictly prohibited and will be punished by
disqualification (of the entire team) at the decision of the organizers.
2. Participants must bring their own pens and non-programmable scientific calculators to
use throughout the competition. The organizers will not provide these materials to participants
who neglect to bring them.
3. Whenever applicable, answers must be expressed in the correct units of measurement.
4. Whenever applicable, answers should be expressed to three significant figures (unless
otherwise stated). Truncation errors should be avoided as much as possible. Variations of up
to only ± 1 unit in the smallest significant place can be accepted.
5. The Biosciences Quiz Bee will be composed of three rounds — the Elimination, Semi-Final,
and Final round.
Elimination Round
1. The initial phase of the competition is in the form of an individual written exam that will be
taken independently by all participants.
2. There will be 15 multiple-choice questions from each of the six subjects, for a total of 90
3. Students will have 90 minutes to finish the exam. Latecomers may still be accommodated,
but will not be given additional time.
4. The top 24 teams with the highest total scores will proceed to the semi-final round.
5. Any ties will be resolved by taking the sum of the higher two scores of each team. Any further
ties will be resolved through the highest score of each team. Any further tied teams will be
allowed to go through to the next round.
Semi-final Round
1. The semi-final round will be a move-type exam involving problems and tasks that test
practical and theoretical skills, answered as a team.
2. There will be two stations per subject area, except for Mathematics, for a total of 10 stations.
Teams will have five minutes to finish all the tasks in one station. Each station will be worth
10 points, plus a bonus question worth 1 point.
3. The 24 qualifying teams will take the exam in two batches. Teams will be asked to wait in a
separate holding area while the other batch is taking the exam. During this time, the use of
mobile phones and other communication devices is strictly prohibited, and may result in
4. Teams must strictly follow the instructions in each station, including signals to start and stop
working. Failure to do so (e.g., touching set-ups that should not be touched or working outside
the allotted time) may result in their points for that station being declared void.
5. The top 12 teams in this round will proceed to the final round.
6. Ties will be resolved via clincher questions prior to the final round.
Final Round
1. The final round will be a series of quiz bee-style questions from all six fields covered in
the competition; these questions may be multiple-choice, identification, or problem-solving.
For the difficult round, all questions will be from molecular biology and biotechnology.
2. There will be 30 questions in three sets of ten: easy (5 seconds, 1 point each), average (7
seconds, 2 points each), and difficult (10 seconds, 3 points each). Additional time will be given
to questions that require problem solving.
3. The quizmaster will read each question twice, and then say "go". Participants must wait for
this signal before writing their answers on the whiteboard provided.
4. Any contentions must be raised by the contestants after the answer is announced, and will
be resolved by the judges.
5. The top three teams from the semi-final round will have bonuses of +3, +2, and +1 added
to their score. Teams will be awarded Champion, First Runner-Up, and Second Runner-Up
based on their total points (including the bonus).
6. Any ties will be resolved via clincher questions.