Quantum Dots
Quantum Dots
Quantum Dots
(Received 29 January 2019; revised manuscript received 15 March 2019; published 3 May 2019)
A simple and reliable finite-difference approach is presented for solution of the Dirac equation eigenproblem
for states confined in rotationally symmetric systems. The method sets the boundary condition for the spinor
wave function components at the external edge of the system and then sweeps the radial mesh in search for
the energies for which the boundary conditions are met inside the flake. The sweep that is performed from the
edge of the system towards the origin allows for application of a two-point finite-difference quotient of the
first derivative, which prevents the fermion doubling problem appearing with spurious solutions and rapidly
oscillating wave functions.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.99.195406
where v f is the Fermi velocity, k = −i∇ + h̄e A, and A is the TABLE I. Zeroes of the J|m+η| Bessel function for η = 1, or
vector potential. This Hamiltonian acts on a wave function of energies of states confined within a circular flake of radius R and
(r) zigzag termination in the units of vRh̄ .
form (r) = ( 1 ), whose components correspond to the f
2 (r)
A and B graphene sublattices [2], respectively. In Eq. (1), n=1 n=2 n=3
UA and UB stand for potentials at the two sublattices. The
potentials can be made unequal due to the substrate of, e.g., m = −2 3.831706 7.015587 10.173468
m = −1 2.404825 5.520078 8.653727
a hexagonal boron nitride [31]. Vertical electric field applied
m=0 3.831706 7.015587 10.173468
to a graphenelike 2D hexagonal crystal with the buckled
m=1 5.135622 8.417244 11.619841
crystal lattice, e.g., the silicene also introduces unequal UA
and UB values, that introduces the energy gap to the dispersion
relation [32,33].
Hamiltonian for a circular flake of graphene in the ver- [16]. For the flake that is terminated by the A sublattice, the
tical magnetic field (0, 0, B) and symmetric gauge A = second component of the wave function that describes the B
(−By/2, Bx/2, 0) commutes with generalized angular mo- sublattice, needs to vanish at r = R, hence f2 ( Evmnf h̄R ) = 0. This
mentum operator Jz = Lz I + η 2h̄ σz , where Lz is the z com- condition defines the spectrum of the states confined within
ponent of the orbital angular momentum. For the polar co- the flake, where n numbers the eigenvalues for fixed m. For the
ordinates, r = x 2 + y2 and φ = arctan(y/x), the operator is conduction band states we use positive values of n. From the
Lz = −i h̄ ∂φ and σz is the Pauli matrix in the sublattice space. boundary condition we find the nonzero energy eigenvalue,
Therefore, the stationary states can be labeled with magnetic Z|m+η|,|n| v f h̄
quantum number m and have the form, Emn = sgn(n) ,
f1 (r) where Z|m+η|,|n| is the nth zero of J|m+η| Bessel function [34];
m,η = exp(imφ) . (2)
f2 (r) exp(iηφ) see Table I.
The radial functions f1 (r) and f2 (r) of Eq. (2) are solutions to
the system of eigenequations, IV. DIAGONALIZATION OF THE
i h̄ ieBr
UA (r) f1 + vF −η (m + η) f2 − i h̄ f2 − η f2 = E f1 , For illustration of the problem of spurious solutions, we
r 2
solve Eqs. (4) and (5) in a finite-difference approach using
i h̄ ieBr diagonalization of the resulting algebraic equations. For that
UB (r) f2 + vF η m f1 − i h̄ f1 + η f1 = E f2 .
r 2 purpose we need a boundary condition at the origin. The
radial functions f1 , f2 , near r = 0 behave as r |m| and r |m+η| ,
respectively. A natural Dirichlet condition at r = 0 indepen-
dent of the orbital angular momentum can be obtained by
III. ANALYTICAL SOLUTION substitution fi = ψr i for i = 1, 2. Since fi is finite at r = 0,
An analytical solution [16,28] to Eq. (3) without the exter- ψi needs to vanish at the origin independent of m. The system
nal fields will be used for the test calculations. For B = 0 and of eigenequations for functions ψi then reads
UA = UB = 0, Eq. (3) reads
i h̄ηm
vF − ψ2 − i h̄ψ2 = E ψ1 , (8)
i h̄ r
vF −η (m + η) f2 − i h̄ f2 = E f1 , (4)
r i h̄(ηm + 1)
vF ψ1 − i h̄ψ1 = E ψ2 . (9)
i h̄ r
vF η m f1 − i h̄ f1 = E f2 . (5)
r The boundary conditions are then ψ1 (0) = ψ2 (0) = 0 at
For E = 0 one can eliminate f2 from (5) and plug it into (4) the origin and the zigzag boundary at the edge ψ1 (R) =
to obtain 1, ψ2 (R) = 0. We use N + 1 points on the radial mesh, in-
cluding the origin r = 0 where the boundary conditions are
2 r2E 2 applied, and the discretization step dr = NR . For discretization
r f1 + r f1 + − m f1 = 0,
v 2f h̄2 we use the difference quotient ψ = ψ (r+dr)−ψ
with the
exception of the last point on the mesh for r = R, where a
which upon introduction of a dimensionless radial coordinate
ρ = h̄v
, produces the Bessel equation, two-point formula is used ψ (R) = ψ (R)−ψdr(R−dr) . The result-
f ing algebraic eigenequation is described by a nonsymmetric
ρ 2 f1 + ρ f1 + (ρ 2 − m2 ) f1 = 0, (7) matrix and is solved with the LAPACK library (procedure
where, up to a normalization constant f1 = Jm (ρ), and Jm For the numerical calculations we use v f = 3ta 2h̄
, for the
is the mth Bessel function of the first kind. Using identities silicene tight-binding hopping energy of t = 1.6 eV and the
[34] ρ2 Jm = Jm−1 + Jm+1 , 2Jm = Jm−1 − Jm+1 , one finds f2 = nearest neighbor distance of a = 0.225 nm. For the radius of
iJm+η (ρ). For the test calculations we take a finite flake of the flake we take R = 80 nm. The positive eigenenergies are
radius R and apply a so-called zigzag boundary condition listed in Table II for m = 0 and η = 1, and a varied number
n = 1 n = 2 n = 3 n = 4 n = 5
N = 200 2.419 3.850 5.548 7.049 8.696
N = 400 2.412 3.841 5.535 7.033 8.675
N = 800 2.409 3.836 5.528 7.024 8.665
Origin Boundary
rent must vanish (cos φ, sin φ) · j = 0, which implies tan φ =
Re( ∗ )
−η Im(1∗ 22 ) . With Eq. (2) this condition is translated for the
Re( f ∗ (R) f (R) exp(iηφ))
radial functions as tan φ = −η Im( f1∗ (R) f22 (R) exp(iηφ)) . To fulfill
this condition we set at the end of the flake f1 (R) = 1 and
f2 (R) = i, for which one gets tan φ = η tan ηφ, which is
fulfilled for both the valleys η = ±1.
Let us look at the appearance of the wave function confine-
ment by the mass boundary. We consider a spatial dependence
of the energy gap as introduced by finite UA = −UB potentials.
Figure 7 shows the real part of f1 and the imaginary part
of f2 for η = 1 and m = 0. At the end of the flake the
(c) infinite mass boundary condition is applied. The components
f1 and f2 are—as for the zigzag boundary—purely real and
FIG. 7. Real and imaginary parts of the f1 and f2 radial func- purely imaginary, respectively. Moreover, the infinite-mass
tions, respectively, for an infinite mass boundary condition at the boundary condition implies Re{ f1 (r = R)} = Im{ f2 (r = R)}.
edge of the flake R = 80 nm (a) and R = 100 nm (b) and (c). We The results of Fig. 7(a) were obtained for a flake of radius R =
consider η = 1 state with m = 0. In (a) no external potential is 80 nm in the absence of the external potentials. In Figs. 7(b)
applied. In (b) and (c) the external potential is introduced UA = −UB
with UA = 0.1 eV (b) and UA = 1 eV (c).
(a) (b)
0.1 K K'
dependence of the energy gap [30] of equivalently by an 0.05
external potential due to, e.g., a substrate [31].
E [eV]
and 7(c) we extended the flake to R = 100 nm but introduced We have presented the finite-difference method, applicable
the energy gap beyond r > R = 80 nm with UA = −UB . In to Dirac carriers in circular confinement, that sweeps the mesh
Fig. 7(a), UA = 0.1 eV and UA = 1 eV in Fig. 7(c). We can see from the external edge of the system, where the boundary con-
that for larger UA the functions penetrate only weakly into the ditions are defined, to the center. The energies of the confined
gapped region for r > R = 80 nm, and the values Re{ f1 } and states are pinned by the internal boundary conditions. The
Im{ f2 } become equal at r = R , where the gap is introduced. method is simple, free of spurious solutions and the fermion
In this way the infinite boundary condition is found in the limit doubling problem. Applications to circular flakes, quantum
of large UA at r = R . rings, and the energy gap modulated in space were presented.
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