PhysRevB 98 224102
PhysRevB 98 224102
PhysRevB 98 224102
Stephen Carr,1 Daniel Massatt,2 Steven B. Torrisi,1 Paul Cazeaux,3 Mitchell Luskin,2 and Efthimios Kaxiras1,4
Department of Physics, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, USA
School of Mathematics, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455, USA
Department of Mathematics, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas 66045, USA
John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, USA
(Received 17 May 2018; revised manuscript received 31 October 2018; published 5 December 2018)
We introduce configuration space as a natural representation for calculating the mechanical relaxation patterns
of incommensurate two-dimensional (2D) bilayers. The approach can be applied to a wide variety of 2D materials
through the use of a continuum model in combination with a generalized stacking fault energy for interlayer
interactions. We present computational results for small-angle twisted bilayer graphene and molybdenum
disulfide (MoS2 ), a representative material of the transition-metal dichalcogenide family of 2D semiconductors.
We calculate accurate relaxations for MoS2 even at small twist-angle values, enabled by the fact that our approach
does not rely on empirical atomistic potentials for interlayer coupling. The results demonstrate the efficiency of
the configuration space method by computing relaxations with minimal computational cost. We also outline
a general explanation of domain formation in 2D bilayers with nearly aligned lattices, taking advantage of
the relationship between real space and configuration space. The configuration space approach also enables
calculation of relaxations in incommensurate multilayer systems.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.98.224102
I. INTRODUCTION three of the layers’ unit cells are linearly independent). Letting
ij be the bilayer moiré cell generated by layers i and j , then
Layered materials consist of two-dimensional (2D)
12 and 23 are not guaranteed to form a periodic supercell.
atomically thin sheets that are weakly coupled by the van der
This is not a statement about atomistic commensurability, but
Waals force. For understanding the electronic and mechanical
rather commensurability of a pure continuum model. From
properties of multilayered structures of such materials, it is
this perspective, we argue that existing continuum models
useful to view them as a series of conventional crystals with a
developed for twisted bilayers may not be easily extended
weak perturbative interaction between sheets [1]. Bilayer sys-
with full generality to multilayer systems.
tems with slight lattice misalignment due to differing lattice
To address this problem, we revisit the bilayer continuum
constants or relative twist angle are of interest in optical and
relaxation problem, but we introduce a different approach:
transport experiments [2–5]. In small-angle twisted bilayer
consider minimizing total energy over a collection of all pos-
graphene (tBLG) and graphene-hBN bilayers, highly regular
sible local atomic environments, which we call configuration
domain-wall patterns have been observed experimentally and
space [21]. In brief, every atomic site in a real-space bilayer
studied theoretically [6–9], and they have been attributed
structure has a corresponding local environment that describes
to the general strain-soliton phenomenon [10–12]. The
the relative stacking disregistry. A construction of configu-
appearance of domain walls is the result of atomic relaxation,
ration space is outlined in Fig. 1, and it is explained more
which serves to minimize the additional energy due to mis-
precisely later in the text. We introduce the formalism of con-
alignment. Under electric-field gating, the domain walls give
figuration space here and discuss some of the challenges of the
rise to interesting topologically protected edge states [13–18].
multilayer problem, but we leave the multilayer implementa-
Understanding this relaxation and predicting its behavior in
tion to a future work. We find that in the twisted bilayer case,
other nearly aligned bilayers may be useful in the search for
the configuration space methodology reduces to existing real-
topological edge states and quantum information applications.
space continuum models up to a change of variables while
We study three different bilayer systems, namely graphene
providing a different physical insight. The bilayer relaxation
and the two high-symmetry alignments of MoS2 , which is a
patterns in configuration space show high-energy stacking
standard representative of the transition-metal dichalcogenide
environments “flowing” to low energy, a phenomenon that is
family of 2D materials. Bilayer graphene and graphene-
not as obvious in real-space relaxation patterns.
hBN systems have been modeled with a continuum approach
[8,19,20], where the discrete atomic positions are replaced by
a continuous field of displacements. These real-space contin- II. CONTINUUM APPROXIMATION
uum approaches work well in the case of a twisted bilayer
because any bilayer moiré pattern becomes periodic in the To begin, we summarize the common continuum approach
continuum limit. However, not every incommensurate system to bilayer relaxation in real space before generalizing it for
is periodic in a continuum limit. As an example, consider a configuration space. It is convenient to separate the energy
three-layer system that is mutually incommensurate (e.g., all into interlayer (stacking) and intralayer (strain) energy, as
These intralayer and interlayer couplings are obtained
from total-energy calculations based on density-functional
theory (DFT) with the Vienna Ab initio Simulation Package
(VASP) [29,30].
√ A unit cell with basis vectors a1 = a(1, 0) and
FIG. 1. How to map the atomic degrees of freedom of a moiré a2 = a( 3/2, 1/2) is used, where the lattice parameter a for
cell in real space to configuration space. Two triangular lattices (red graphene is 2.47 Å and for MoS2 is 3.18 Å. For the intralayer
and blue) are twisted relative to one another, forming a moiré pattern coupling, isotropic and anisotropic strain are applied to an
(dashed black line). Three blue atoms are highlighted in cyan, purple, optimized monolayer unit cell, distorting the x and y axes by
and green, and their stacking relative to the underlying red lattice ±1.5% in steps of 0.3%. We obtain K and G of Eq. (1) by
is shown in the boxed insets. These environments are described linear fitting of the ground-state energy dependence on this
by vectors that lie within the unit cell of the red layer, allowing applied strain. For MoS2 , the sulfur atom heights for each
one to translate every atom in real space to a specific point b in strain sample are relaxed while calculating the ground-state
configuration space. energy.
For the interlayer GSFE, we use previously reported DFT
the two layers weakly interact with one another. We will results for bilayer graphene stacking [27]. In MoS2 , the
assume smooth and slowly varying relaxation in each layer, GSFE was parametrized by evaluating the energy on a grid
described by a position-dependent displacement vector field of points for an MoS2 bilayer, with the van der Waals
Ui (r ), where i indexes the layer number. We will only con- force implemented through the vdW-DFT method using the
sider in-plane relaxation, which is appropriate for a bilayer SCAN+rVV10 functional [31,32]. The in-plane positions of
encapsulated in a stiff substrate, although the method can be all atoms in the bilayer are fixed, but they are allowed to
extended for out-of-plane relaxations as well. Such encapsu- relax in the out-of-plane direction. The top layer is shifted
lated systems show improved optical and electronic transport relative to the bottom layer over a 9 × 9 grid in the unit cell to
properties [22] and are of great experimental interest. sample the GSFE energy landscape. To fit the VGSFE to this
Under these assumptions, the intralayer energy for a layer set of values, we use a form similar to that used by Zhou
is well described by a linear isotropic continuum approxima- et al. [27], but with modifications that better highlight how the
tion, symmetry of the bilayer affects the GSFE. First, we define two
parameters, (v, w) ∈ [0, 2π ] × [0, 2π ], which describe b(r)
1 1 in terms of the unit-cell vectors. For the bilayers studied here,
Eintra = lim E (∇Ui ) Ci E (∇Ui )dr
R→∞ |BR | B 2 v and w are related to the stacking vector (bx , by ) by
1 1 √
= lim [Ki (∂x Uix + ∂y Uiy )2 v 2π 1 −1/ 3 bx
R→∞ |BR | B 2 = √ . (3)
R w α 0 2/ 3 by
+ Gi [(∂x Uix − ∂y Uiy )2 + (∂x Uiy + ∂y Uix )2 ]]dr, The GSFE can then be written in a relatively simple form
(1) in the (v, w) basis:
where E (∇Ui ) = 21 (∇Ui + ∇UiT ) is the 2 × 2 infinitesimal VGSFE = c0 + c1 [cos v + cos w + cos (v + w)]
strain tensor and BR is a sphere of radius R used to normalize + c2 [cos(v + 2w) + cos(v − w) + cos(2v + w)]
the integral. The fourth-order stiffness tensor C depends on
+ c3 [cos(2v) + cos(2w) + cos(2v + 2w)]
the two parameters K (bulk modulus) and G (shear modu-
lus), which represent the energy cost associated with strain. + c4 [sin v + sin w − sin(v + w)]
This approximation does not capture short-range symmetry- + c5 [sin(2v + 2w) − sin(2v) − sin(2w)] (4)
breaking effects such as Peierls distortions, but it can describe
the long-range domain walls observed in twisted bilayer with the coefficients c0 , . . . , c5 given in Table I. For hexagonal
graphene. systems like graphene that have symmetry between the AB
For the interlayer energy, we use the generalized stacking and BA stackings, the coefficients of the sine terms are
fault energy (GSFE) surface. This concept was originally used constrained to be zero as the GSFE functional must be even
to describe the energy of defects in bulk crystals [23–26] and around the origin (AA stacking).
has recently been employed to explain relaxation in graphene There is always a lowest-energy stacking between layers,
and hBN bilayers [27,28]. The GSFE provides the interlayer and relaxation should distort the layers to maximize the area
energy per unit cell and depends only on the relative stacking of that stacking (or stackings, in the case of degenerate ground
between two successive layers. We denote this functional by states). Examples of bilayers under lattice mismatches (λ) and
VGSFE , with the initial local stacking configuration between twists (θ ) are displayed in Fig. 2. When the lattices are nearly
TABLE I. Coefficients for the strain energy and Fourier components of the GSFE in bilayer graphene and the two high-symmetry forms
of bilayer MoS2 . All values are in units of meV per unit cell.
Material K G c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5
Graphene 69 518 47 352 6.832 4.064 −0.374 −0.095 0.000 0.000
0◦ MoS2 49 866 31 548 27.332 14.02 −2.542 −0.884 0.000 0.000
180◦ MoS2 49 866 31 548 30.423 12.322 −2.077 −0.783 2.397 0.259
aligned, only small amounts of lattice straining are necessary This modeling strategy works best when the twist angle
to form a large area of uniform stacking. As the misalignment is close to the one used to fit the GSFE (0◦ ), and we do not
increases, the strain needed for creating uniform stacking recommend using the functionals provided here for studying
grows larger, making domain formation less favorable. To un- relaxations at angles larger than 10◦ . For larger angles, one
derstand the stacking energy landscape of layered materials, should find a commensurate supercell that is closer to the
we show the GSFE for graphene and the two high-symmetry angle of interest, and then treat the corresponding bilayer
stacking orientations of MoS2 (0◦ and 180◦ rotation between supercell as an effective untwisted unit cell. The strain energy
layers) in Fig. 3. The two different orientations in bilayer and GSFE functional for this enlarged cell can be readily
MoS2 are due to the presence of different atomic species obtained. If the supercell has many atoms, the GSFE is
(Mo and S) on the two sublattices of the honeycomb lattice. likely very smooth and does not lead to appreciable domain
The 0◦ MoS2 bilayer has two identical low-energy stackings,
similar to graphene, while the 180◦ MoS2 bilayer has only
one low-energy stacking. Symmetry arguments can predict the
critical points of the GSFE, and their relative energies can be
ranked by comparing interlayer distances between atoms at
each stacking. Our use of the GSFE for interlayer interactions
is expected to be more accurate than empirical atomistic
potentials when they exist (for materials such as graphene and
hBN) [33], and it allows for modeling of bilayers where no
such potentials exist to our knowledge (e.g., MoS2 ).
STEPHEN CARR et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 98, 224102 (2018)
formation. However, near angles that form small supercells, two arbitrary lattices, with the GSFE computed over 1 , the
such as 21.78◦ for twisted honeycomb lattices, the GSFE may total energy is given as
still have enough structure to show domain formation. We
leave such investigation to future work.
Etot (u1 , u2 ) ≡ Einter (u1 , u2 ) + Eintra (∇ui ),
(i) 1
Eintra (∇ui ) = [Ec (∇ui ) Ci Ec (∇ui )]dbĩ ,
Since the stacking configurations of untwisted layers give ĩ 2
a clear picture of the bilayer energetic landscape, framing
the relaxation problem entirely in terms of configurations Ec (∇ui ) = ∇ui Aδi + ATδi ∇uiT , (7)
may prove useful. The collection of all local stackings in
an incommensurate system forms a dense compact domain Einter (u1 , u2 ) = VGSFE [b2 + u2 (b2 ) − ũ1 (b2 )]db2 ,
called configuration space [34–36], and we now outline its 1
construction. We define 2 × 2 matrices A1 and A2 as the
ũ1 (b2 ) ≡ u1 −A2 A−1
1 b2 ,
Bravais lattice vectors of layer 1 and layer 2, whose unit
cells are labeled as 1 and 2 . Any point in the Bravais where ĩ is the unit cell of the layer opposite layer i. The total
lattice of layer 2 is indexed by an integer tuple, n ∈ Z2 , and interlayer coupling is described by a single integral evaluation
it will have position r = A2 n. We can compute its stacking of VGSFE over the configuration space of only one layer. This
configuration relative to layer 1 by b2 : A2 Z2 → 1 explicitly works well if the two layers have similar unit cells. Alter-
by b2 (A2 n) = A2 n = r(n). Although the function b2 lacks an natively, the interlayer coupling can be split into two equal
explicit modulation in its definition, it is implicitly periodic components of 21 VGSFE for each i . This introduces additional
over the torus 1 . As defined, b2 would vary quickly on the complexity in the twisted case, as the relative orientations
scale of the unit cell if r is formally substituted for r(n). This between the twisted i ’s need to be taken into account.
is not desirable, so instead we smoothly interpolate b2 (r(n)) To illustrate how to transform the relaxation problem to
between lattice points. We define lattice mismatch matrices configuration space, we focus on a bilayer system with small
that encode the effective moiré pattern: 1 − A1 A−1 2 = Aδ2 and twist-angle θ . Letting layer 2 be rotated counterclockwise by θ
1 − A2 A−11 = Aδ1 , which yield interpolated mappings, relative to layer 1 gives A2 = Rθ A1 , with Rθ the conventional
rotation matrix. Then Aδ1 = 1 − Rθ−1 and Aδ2 = 1 − Rθ , and
b2 (A2 n) = 1 − A1 A−1 2 A2 n we can expand the rotation matrix to first order in θ to get
⇒ b2 (r) ≡ Aδ2 r, b1 (r) ≡ Aδ1 r, (5) bi (r):
where bi (r) will vary slowly on the atomic length scale −ry ry
b2 (r) ≈ θ , b1 (r) ≈ θ . (8)
and should be considered modulo the unit-cell torus of the rx −rx
opposite layer. There is also a relationship between atomic Substituting this approximation for Aδi into Eq. (7) also
displacements in configuration space, ui (bi ), and those in real shows how the gradient of ui contributes to the strain-energy
space: Ec with a factor of θ . This scaling predicts that as θ → 0,
Ui (r) = ui (Aδi r) ⇒ ∇Ui = ∇ui Aδi . (6) eventually ui can balance the intralayer and interlayer energies
by forming strain solitons. The width of the domain walls
Each ui is periodic over the unit cell of the opposite in configuration space should diminish like θ , resulting in
layer, e.g., u1 is periodic on 2 . In this way, ui represents a constant real-space width.
regular sampling of the atoms that make up layer i, whereas To further simplify the model in the case of twisted bilay-
conventional continuum real-space approaches sample Ui (r) ers, notice that VGSFE depends only on the difference of atomic
on a mesh of positions. This difference allows ui to accu- displacements u ≡ u2 − ũ1 . If we consider a bilayer system
rately reproduce incommensurate relaxed atomistic structures where layer 1 is frozen and only layer 2 can relax, we have
where purely real-space approaches are ill-suited. Aδi can u1 = 0 and u = u2 . As u minimizes the total stacking
be interpreted as a map from real space to configuration energy, when relaxing both layers we want to obtain a similar
space, and A−1 δi as the inverse map. This transformation has u while minimizing the strain energy. The two unit cells
been done in previous work for studying electronic structure are nearly identical, so the true solution is one that splits u
in incommensurate materials [34,37], and here it allows for equally between the two layers. This can be done by setting a
relaxation of incommensurate bilayers. single u field u ≡ u2 = −u˜1 over a single ≡ 1 , leading to
To calculate relaxation for twisted bilayers in configura- a total energy functional:
tion space, the energy functionals must be defined over the
configuration space {1 , 2 }. As each i is the unit-cell torus Etot (u) = [2Eintra (∇u) + VGSFE (b + 2u)]db. (9)
independent of twist angle, the configuration space remains ||
periodic and compact even when the bilayer is incommen- For the three bilayers studied here, there is also a mirror-
surate in real space. Throughout the energy functionals, the plane symmetry along the vertical plane that bisects the
real-space displacement fields Ui (r) must be replaced by the twist angle, which we will label S. This symmetry gives the
configuration space displacement fields ui (bi ). This substitu- relation u = Su(Sb) as an additional constraint during any
tion assumes that if two atoms on layer 2 have similar stacking optimization procedure. We minimize the total energy given
relative to layer 1, then they must have similar relaxation. For in Eq. (9) with a standard optimization routine implemented
FIG. 4. Relaxation for a graphene and 180◦ MoS2 bilayer with a 3◦ relative twist. Interlayer coupling was amplified by a factor of 100 for
easy visualization. (a) The graphene displacement field u over . (b) VGSFE [b + 2u1 (b)] over that shows the moiré pattern in configuration
space for graphene. (c) The graphene atomistic positions after applying the displacement fields. Parts (d)–(f) are the corresponding plots for
in the OPTIM JULIA package [38] after uniformly sampling Furthermore, due to the antisymmetric nature of b(r) in
configuration space with a discrete Fourier basis of plane Eq. (8), ∇ × U(r) ≈ θ [∇ · u(b)], that is, the local change in
waves. This yields the smooth displacement field in config- the real-space twist angle (∇ × U) caused by the relaxation
uration space corresponding to the ground state of the relaxed can be computed by taking the divergence of the configuration
bilayer system. The result can then be mapped to real space space displacement field. The low-energy stackings have ∇ ·
for use in other applications (for example, electronic structure u < 0, which implies an “untwisting” of those areas in real
calculation) with Eq. (6). space. Meanwhile, the high-energy stackings have ∇ · u > 0,
In summary, this method makes four approximations to which implies additional twisting. This is why the domains
arrive at a greatly simplified configuration space continuum show almost no local twist angle in real space, while the high-
model: (i) the in-plane and interlayer coupling energies are energy nodes are twisted more. We find that the local twist an-
well-fitted by the strain moduli and GSFE functionals of the gle at the AA stacking in twisted bilayer graphene converges
untwisted bilayer; (ii) short-range symmetry-breaking relax- to 1.7◦ as the global twist angle approaches 0◦ , which agrees
ations are ignored; (iii) the relaxation pattern for any con- with the results of a recent real-space approach [9].
figuration can be smoothly interpolated by sampling nearby At small twist angles, large domains that have 0◦ local
configurations (e.g., a smooth and quasiperiodic deformation twist angle can appear. This is related to the commensurate-
field in space); and (iv) the bilayer is made of homogeneous incommensurate transition that occurs in nearly aligned bi-
layers, allowing for the relaxation of both layers to be related layers, such as the graphene-hBN system with lattice size
to a single layer’s relaxation by symmetry (only needed if one mismatch [7]. The commensurate-incommensurate transition,
wishes to simplify the energy functional). which would cause a discontinuity in our configuration space
model, has been studied rigorously but is only well understood
in the one-dimensional case under certain assumptions (the
IV. RESULTS Frenkel-Kontorova model) [39]. A discussion of how our
method relates to the Frenkel-Kontorova model is presented
To illustrate the general nature of domain formation in
in our formal study of the mathematical problem [35].
incommensurate graphene and TMDC bilayers, we wish to
To show that these phenomena are general, we calculate
show domain-wall formation on a scale where both the unit- relaxed structures for various twist angles in Fig. 5. We note
cell and the moiré supercell are easily visible. We exaggerate that Ui (r) is aperiodic and captures incommensurate structure
the interlayer coupling by increasing VGSFE by a factor of even though u(b) is periodic on . Consequently, the moiré
100 for θ = 3◦ twisted bilayers of graphene and 180◦ MoS2 domains in Figs. 4 and 5 cannot be obtained from a supercell
in Fig. 4. For both systems, relaxation causes the regions approach since they do not exactly repeat. The relaxations for
of lowest-energy stackings to expand in configuration space graphene and 0◦ MoS2 are almost indistinguishable, except
and the higher-energy stackings to reduce in size, producing the twist angle needed in 0◦ MoS2 is roughly twice what is
thin lines and nodes. In real space, this means the bilayers needed in graphene for a comparable relaxed structure. For all
form large domains of uniform stacking surrounded by thin three structures, the strain solitons and nodes shrink in config-
solitons that intersect at “pinned” high-energy stacking nodes. uration space proportionally to the twist angle. As translating
For bilayer graphene and bilayer 0◦ MoS2 , there are two the relaxation in configuration space to real space involves a
identical ground-state stackings, commonly referred to as the factor of θ −1 , the shape of solitons and nodes in real space is
AB and BA stackings. These stackings are equal in energy unaffected by the twist angle at sufficiently small angles. This
and compete to create a tiling of AB and BA triangular is expected, as there is an optimal width for a strain soliton.
domains as observed in dark-field imaging studies of twisted As the twist angle decreases, the walls do not change in width,
bilayer graphene [6,9]. For 180◦ bilayer MoS2 , there is only but only in their length as the domains become larger.
one low-energy stacking. It expands and causes the formation When considering multilayer systems, where the number
of hexagonal domains. of layers p is greater than two, this formalism generalizes
STEPHEN CARR et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 98, 224102 (2018)
FIG. 5. Configuration relaxation results for twisted bilayers with five incommensurate twist angles each. The left panel of each column
shows VGSFE [b + 2u(b)] over (the relaxation pattern in configuration space) and the right panel shows VGSFE (r) (over real space).
but produces a more difficult PDE. In a p-layered system, away from such an angle, the domains will become smaller
each layer has p − 1 unique configurations with respect to and their boundaries less sharp until almost no relaxation
other layers. Therefore, the configuration space is a 2(p − 1)- occurs at large misalignment. The geometry of the domains
dimensional torus [21]. The configuration space can still be and walls is determined by the number and nature of the
sampled using a uniform mesh, and the interlayer stacking critical points in the interlayer energy functional, and their
energy is easy to evaluate once one has defined the proper domain size scales with the twist angle. This naturally creates
interpolation scheme given the system geometry. The in- regular patterns of uniformly stacked bilayers divided by thin
tralayer strain energy is less straightforward as the in-plane strain solitons. If the bilayer geometry encodes important
connections between lattice sites span a two-dimensional topological information for electrons, or if the strain and
submanifold of the 2(p − 1)-dimensional torus. This strain sharp stacking potentials act as a useful source of electron
energy, although not impossible to implement, makes the confinement, small twist angles can create regular networks
resulting PDE nonelliptic and may be difficult to properly of confined 1D states that are easily realized in experiment.
optimize. For additional information, please see Ref. [21].
We have presented an approach for modeling relaxations We acknowledge H. Yoo, R. Engelke, P. Kim, S. Fang,
in incommensurate systems. The methodology, based on and K. Zhang for helpful discussions. Calculations were per-
treating the incommensurate system consistently, has led to formed on the Odyssey cluster supported by the FAS Division
identification of key physical ingredients for predicting what of Science, Research Computing Group at Harvard University.
relaxations may occur. If the lattices are aligned close to This work was supported by the ARO MURI Award No.
a commensurate angle that yields a small cell, large-scale W911NF-14-0247. S.B.T. is supported by the Department of
domain-wall formation is expected. As the lattices are twisted Energy Computational Science Graduate Fellowship.
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