Ch. 6 Notes

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6- Elasticity: The Responsiveness of Demand and Supply

 Elasticity: measure of how much one economic variable responds to changes in another economic
variable; sensitivity of Demand/Supply to change

Price Elasticity of Demand: responsiveness in quantity demanded to a change in price

% change in Qd
Price Elasticity of Demand=
% change in P

Elastic/ Inelastic Demand

 Elastic demand: %age change in Qd > %age change in P;
 price elasticity is > 1 in absolute value

 Inelastic demand: %age change in Qd < %age change in P

 Price elasticity < 1 in absolute value

 Unit-elastic demand: %age change in Qd = %age change in P

 Price elasticity = 1 in absolute value

Mid-Point Formula : use formula to ensure we have only one value of price elasticity of demand
between same two points on D curve

Price elasticity of demand=

Variety of Demand Curve Elasticities
 Flatter curve -> bigger elasticity
 Steeper curve -> smaller “ “

Perfectly Inelastic Demand (Extreme Case) Inelastic Demand

D-curve: relatively steep

D-curve: vertical C.P.S.: relatively low
C.P.S: zero Elasticity < 1

Unit-elastic Demand Perfectly Elastic Demand (other extreme)

D-curve: intermediate slop D-curve: horizontal

CPS: relatively high CPS: extreme
Elasticity: 1 Elasticity: ∞
Determinants of Price Elasticity of Demand
 Availability of close substitutes
o Price elasticity is higher when close substitutes are available
 Breakfast cereal vs. Sunscreen
 Definition of the market
o Price elasticity is higher for narrowly defined goods than broadly defined goods
 Blue jeans vs. clothing
 Luxuries versus necessities
o Price elasticity is higher for luxuries than for necessities
 Insulin vs. Cruise
 Passage of Time
o Price elasticity is higher in long run than short run
 Gasoline In short run vs. long run
 Xx Share of good in consumer’s budget
o Price elasticity is higher in a larger share of the good in the average consumer’s budget

Determinants of Price Elasticity of Supply

 ability/willingness of firms to alter quantity they produce as price increases
o supply will be increasingly elastic in longer run
 products that require resources that are fixed in supply are exception
o e.g. French winery rely on specific type of grape; if all the land on which that grape can be grown
Is already planted in vineyards, supply of that wine will be inelastic even over a long period

Elastic Demand Inelastic Demand

Elasticity > 1 Elasticity > 1

Variety of Supply Curve Elasticities

Perfectly Inelastic Inelastic

Elasticity = 0 Elasticity <1

Unit-Elastic Perfectly Elastic

Elasticity = 1 Elasticity = ∞
Income Elasticity of Demand
 measures responsiveness of Qd to changes in income

% ∆ Qd
= Income elasticity of demand
% ∆ Income

Normal good Inferior good Income

>0 <0
Cross-Price Elasticity of Demand
 how quantity demanded of good 1 changes as price of good 2 changes
 percentage change in Qd of one good divided by the percentage change in the price of another

% ∆ Qd1
= Cross-price elasticity of demand
% ∆ P2

Cross-Price Elasticity of Demand is…

0 = not related
>0 = substitute good
<0 = complement good

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