Parkinsonism A General Motor Disability PDF
Parkinsonism A General Motor Disability PDF
Parkinsonism A General Motor Disability PDF
Received on 17 November 2018; received in revised form, 30 April 2019; accepted, 01 May 2019; published 01 June 2019
DNA and a decrease in the levels of glutathione cognitive decline in PD 43. Activated microglia
(GSH) 38. There is evidence of oxidative stress in produce a variety of inflammatory cytokines,
the brains of PD patients. Sufficient data is including interleukin (IL)-2. Furthermore, activated
available which indicates the presence of increased microglia can be phagocytic and release pro-
levels of malondialdehyde (MDA), and lipid inflammatory factors such as TNFα, prostaglandin
hydroperoxide, products of lipid peroxidation in the E2 (PGE2), INFγ, and ROS such as NO-, H2O2, and
substantial Niagra pars compacta (SNpc) region in O2−, which are all toxic to neurons 44. Furuya and
the brain of PD patient 39. Oxidative stress has colleagues reported that caspase-11, which is
received the most attention in PD because of the predominantly expressed in microglia in the SN,
potential of the oxidative metabolism of dopamine can produce cell death by regulating the expression
to yield hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and other of cytotoxic cytokines. Caspase-11 null mice were
reactive oxygen species (ROS) 40. Oxidant stress resistant to the neurotoxic effects of an acute MPTP
and consequent cell death could develop in the treatment 45. However, inhibition of microglia
SNpc under circumstances in which there is (a) activation relieved the degeneration of DAergic
increased dopamine turnover, resulting in excess neurons 46, 47. Increased levels of inflammatory
peroxide formation; (b) a deficiency in glutathione cytokines have also been found in the nigrostriatal
(GSH), thereby diminishing the brain’s capacity to regions and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of patients
clear H2O2; or (c) an increase in reactive iron, with PD. Clinical studies have shown that IL-2
which can promote OH- formation. levels are increased in the caudate nucleus and the
CSF of the patients with PD 48. Since DAergic
Indeed, postmortem studies in PD brains neurons are more vulnerable to inflammatory
demonstrate increased iron, decreased GSH, and cytokines, these cytokines have been implicated in
oxidative damage to lipids, proteins, and DNA, cognitive impairment in PD 43.
suggesting that the SNpc is in a state of oxidant
stress 41. Most attention has been directed to the Mitochondrial Dysfunctioning: Mutations in five
finding of a selective decrease in the reduced form genes encoding α-synuclein, parkin, UCH-L1,
of glutathione (GSH) in the SNpc in PD 42. A PINK1, and DJ-1 are associated with familial forms
reduction in GSH may impair H2O2 clearance and of PD through pathogenic pathways that may
promote OH- formation, particularly in the commonly lead to deficits in mitochondrial and
presence of increased iron. The cause of the UPS function. PINK1, parkin, and DJ-1 may play a
decrease in GSH in PD is unknown. The major role in normal mitochondrial function, whereas
enzymes linked with glutathione synthesis remain parkin, UCH-L1, and DJ-1 may be involved in
unaffected. There is, however, a significant normal UPS function. α-Synuclein fibrillation and
increase in the level of gamma-glutamyl aggregation are promoted by pathogenic mutations,
transpeptidase, the enzyme responsible for the oxidative stress, and oxidation of cytosolic
translocation of glutathione precursors and dopamine (DA), leading to impaired UPS function
metabolism of the oxidized form of glutathione and possibly mitochondrial damage. α-Synuclein
(GSSG) 44. Increased ϒ-GTT helps to survive cells may normally be degraded by the UPS 49. Some
to recruit glutathione precursors into the cell to environmental toxins can inhibit complex-I and
replenish diminished levels of GSH or a lead to mitochondrial dysfunction 50, 51. Impaired
compensatory mechanism to remove potentially mitochondrial function leads to oxidative stress,
toxic GSSG formed as a consequence of oxidant deficits in ATP synthesis, and α-synuclein
stress 39. aggregation, which may contribute to UPS
dysfunction 52.
Inflammation: Inflammation has also been
proposed as a possible mechanism in the Impairment of the Ubiquitin-Proteasome
pathogenesis of PD. Activated microglia have been System: Impairment of the UPS and protein
observed in the substantia nigra, putamen, where mishandling may also cause the molecular
DA loss is prominent, and also in the hippocampus pathogenesis of familial and sporadic forms of PD
of patients with PD, which has been suggested to . PARKIN, UCH-L1, and DJ-1 may be involved
be responsible for neuronal dysfunction and in maintaining normal UPS function; disease-
linked mutations in these genes would lead to a dopaminergic system; they are not successful
similar set of events precipitating in the demise of enough to study the progressive nature of PD 57.
DA neurons. Structural and functional deficits in Below is a brief overview of major experimental
the 20/26S proteasome in the SNpc of sporadic PD models of PD.
patients are observed. Failure of UPS results into
the accumulation of misfolded proteins, which Mouse models using 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-
further degrade the degradative capacity of the tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) are among the most
proteasome and thus leading to further impairment widely used. MPTP mouse models have shed light
in PD 26. on the pathophysiology as well as some of the
causes of the disease. MPTP model has provided
Exposure to Manganese and Other investigators with a reliable and valid model for
Catecholamine-Depleting Agents: Manganese is studying symptomatic relief and neuroprotective
an essential trace mineral necessary for normal effect of drugs. MPTP resembles some known
development and biological function 53. Excessive environmental compounds, including herbicides
exposure to manganese is a well-recognized such as paraquat 58 and the garden insecticide/fish
occupational and environmental hazard, which can toxin, rotenone 59; both have been shown to induce
lead to an extrapyramidal syndrome, referred to as degeneration of dopaminergic neurons 60, 61. The
manganism 54. Although this condition has motor neurotoxin 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydro-
symptoms that resemble PD, it also has several pyridine (MPTP) results in a clinical syndrome
characteristics features different from PD, such as closely resembling Parkinson’s disease (PD) in
dystonia and the lack of response to dopamine both man and primates. MPTP is a meperidine
replacement therapy 14. Catecholamine-depleting analog which is metabolized to 1-methyl-4-
agents like Reserpine and Alpha-methyl-para- phenylpyridinium (MPP+) by the enzyme
tyrosine (AMPT) are known to induce monoamine oxidase B (MAO-B).
Parkinsonism. The first animal model for PD was
demonstrated by Carlsson in the 1950s using MPTP has been shown to accumulate within the
rabbits treated with reserpine. Reserpine is a mitochondria as MPP+ 62, which, through its
catecholamine-depleting agent that blocks vesicular interaction with complex I of mitochondrial
storage of monoamines. Alpha-methyl-para- oxidative phosphorylation, causes a reduction in
tyrosine (AMPT), like reserpine, serves as an mouse striatal and midbrain ATP levels. This
effective catecholamine-depleting agent. By reduction in conjunction with the increased
directly inhibiting tyrosine hydroxylase (the rate- generation of reactive oxygen species most likely
limiting enzyme in dopamine biosynthesis), the results in the ultrastructural abnormalities that
nascent synthesis of dopamine in neurons of the befall mitochondria and the rest of the cell. The
substantia nigra pars compacta and the ventral major advantage of this model is that the behavioral
tegmental area is prevented 55. syndrome closely bears a resemblance to the
clinical features of idiopathic PD 63, 64, 65.
Experimental Models of Parkinson’s Disease:
Valid animal models that mimic the progressive The first toxin-induced animal model of PD to be
disease state of PD are essential tools to better generated was the 6-OHDA model 66. 6-OHDA
understand the early pathogenesis of PD. Exposure model involves the unilateral ablation of the
to certain neurotoxins like 1-Methyl-4-Phenyl- dopaminergic neurons, which project from the
1,2,3,6-Tetrahydropyridine (MPTP), 6-Hydroxy- SNpc to the striatum. 6-OHDA is a hydroxylated
dopamine (6-OHDA), Rotenone and Paraquat can analogue of dopamine with a high affinity for
induce Parkinson’s disease. These neurotoxins are DAT, which does not cross the blood-brain barrier
known to produce the key features of PD like and thus must be locally injected into the brain.
certain motor defects, progressive loss of After entering into the cell through DAT-mediated
dopaminergic neurons in substantia nigra pars transportation, 6-OHDA tends to accumulates in
compacta (SNpc), and the formation of Lewy mitochondria where it inhibits complex I. 6-OHDA
bodies 56. Since 6-OHDA and MPTP models are can also auto-oxidate, resulting in the production of
known to induce an acute ablation of the hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) 67.
6-OHDA is directly injected into the SNpc or into cycling to produce the free radical superoxide, thus
the medial forebrain bundle (MFB), which harbors inducing oxidative stress-mediated neurotoxicity 74.
the projections of the A9 dopaminergic cells that The toxicity of this herbicide is mediated through
originates in the SNpc and end in the striatum. the formation of monocationic radical by NADPH:
Dopaminergic neurons start to degenerate 12 h cytochrome P-450 reductase and NADH:
after the 6-OHDA injection, and after 2-3 days ubiquinone oxidoreductase reduction of paraquat.
there is a marked loss of dopaminergic terminals in In comparison to MPP+ and rotenone, the affinity
the striatum is observed which is accompanied by of paraquat complex is much low, therefore
dopamine depletion and leads to 90-100% loss of complex do not appear to be part of its neurotoxic
dopaminergic neurons 67. It is common to perform mechanism 73.
SNpc/MFB 6-OHDA lesions unilaterally, leaving
one hemisphere intact, which increases the viability CONCLUSION: Unfortunately, our understanding
of the animals and provides a useful model system of the critical molecular events causing neuro-
to study and quantify L-DOPA-induced dyskinesias degeneration in PD is limited, and consequently
and stereotypes 68. Unilaterally lesioned animals there is little progress in the pharmacotherapy of
display a characteristic rotational behavior when PD, especially to interfere with the disease
challenged with drugs that stimulate striatal progression. The genuine complexity of PD as a
dopamine receptors directly or indirectly, such as syndrome with multiple aetiologies should be kept
apomorphine, L-DOPA and amphetamine 69. In in the spotlight to ensure progress in the field.
another 6-OHDA-induced model the injections are Thus, it seems logical to stress the importance of
made into the striatum, often bilaterally, resulting the ability to diagnose potential Parkinsonian
in a comparatively milder and progressive loss of patients accurately.
dopaminergic neurons over 4-6 weeks post-
Many simulated animal models of PD have been
injection 70.
developed to understand the pathogenesis and test
Rotenone is a naturally occurring, a highly potential therapeutics of this disease. Such
lipophilic cytotoxic pesticide. Rotenone exposure is simulated models are useful to screen drugs for
known to produce certain hallmark features of PD symptomatic treatment of the disease, besides these
which include nigrostriatal dopaminergic models, transgenic and knockout models are useful
degeneration and formation of alpha-synuclein for evaluating the role of genetics in PD. With
filamentous inclusions in brain samples of PD using the model of toxins, it is possible to develop
patients. Chronic exposure to pesticides is a known a progressive model by tempering the toxic doses.
risk factor of PD, which has led to numerous
Future scope of the study involves improvement in
studies on agricultural pesticides and neuro-
the screening and the evaluation of Anti-
degeneration, and to the discoveries of additional
Parkinsonian drugs and developmental processes.
toxin-induced animal models of PD. Chronic
The above-mentioned animal models can prove to
systemic injections of the pesticide rotenone induce
be helpful in understanding mechanisms for the
Parkinsonism in rats by entering dopaminergic
death of dopaminergic neurons. Hence, it is
neurons in a DAT-independent manner and
necessary to investigate these animal models to
inhibiting mitochondrial complex I 71. Inhibition of
understand the involvement of mitochondrial
complex I lead to the formation of ROS, and
dysfunction, energy (ATP) depletion, free-radicals
subsequently to selective nigrostriatal
72 production, apoptosis, and glutamate excitotoxicity
dopaminergic degeneration .
in the pathogenesis of PD.
The herbicide paraquat, which is structurally
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: The author was deep
similar to MPP+, is also used as a systemic model
sense of gratitude to Hygia Institute of
of PD. In contrast to MPTP and rotenone, paraquat
Pharmaceutical Education and Research (HIPER),
is incapable of crossing the blood-brain barrier.
for their continuous support and inspiration.
Paraquat is known to enter the brain via amino acid
transporters 73, and dopaminergic neurons via DAT CONFLICT OF INTEREST: Nil
. Within the neuron paraquat go through redox
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