Care Nurse As Well As The Institute For Healthcare Improvement (IHI) Website Were

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University of San Francisco

CNL Online Program

Summary Brief
VAP Prevention in the CTICU
Pres Lorenzo BSN, RN, CCRN, CSC

Specific Aim: We aim to decrease the incidence of ventilator-associated pneumonia

(VAP) in the cardio-thoracic intensive care unit (CTICU) to zero within the next six
months (by August 31, 2015).

Background: The clinical microsystem is a busy 25-bed CTICU within a leading

academic medical center that is Magnet designated and nationally recognized as a center
for excellence in cardiovascular care. The patient acuity is typically high, and there has
been a 35% increase in the volume of cases within the past year. The patients are
admitted directly from surgery for post-operative care, the majority of whom require
mechanical ventilation. Despite diligent efforts by the staff to prevent VAP, such as rapid
extubation, mechanically ventilated patients (MVP) remain at risk for developing VAP.

Supportive Data: In 2014, four episodes of VAP were identified in the CTICU. The
Fishbone diagram (See Appendix A, Figure 1) delineates the potential causes of VAP,
which are categorized by staff, patients, policy and procedure, and documentation. The
Process Map (See Appendix B, Figure 1) illustrates the VAP prevention strategies
employed by the staff from the time the patient is admitted to the CTICU until
mechanical ventilation is discontinued.

Microsystem Status Relative to the project: The CTICU’s established record of zero
incidence of VAP, as well as its academic medical center status, provides incentive to
incorporate best practices. The SWOT analysis (See Appendix D, Figure 1) highlights the
resources available in the institution and the staff potentials, particularly in the
“strengths” and “opportunities” sections. The “weaknesses” and “threats” sections
identify the challenges that the staff must overcome in order to ensure the success of the
project. The recent episodes of VAP provided an impetus to participate in the CUSP 4
MVP-VAP or Comprehensive Unit-based Safety Program, which is aimed at improving
the care for mechanically ventilated patients. This quality improvement program is
federally funded through the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ).

Search Strategies: The key words “VAP prevention” and “VAP prevention team” were
used to generate peer-reviewed articles that are relevant to the project, with dates ranging
from 2012 to 2014. The publications American Journal of Critical Care and Critical
Care Nurse as well as the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) website were
consulted for evidence-based information and guidelines for VAP prevention.

Databases Used: The search for evidence was performed using CINAHL and PubMed.

Summary of Evidence: The following articles strongly support the significance of

interdisciplinary rounding and adherence to the principles of evidence-based practice for
preventing VAP:

Goutier et al. (2014) suggest that the “Four E’s” model (Engage, Educate, Execute, and
Evaluate) promotes translation of guidelines or evidence into practice. Their study
validated a high compliance rate for evidence-based practice among institutions that
adopt this “Four E’s” model.
Mendez et al. (2013) emphasize the value of a specific rounding team, rather than the
primary medical team, that is tasked with addressing VAP prevention measures such as,
weaning from sedation. Their study revealed better compliance with “sedation vacation”
when managed by the ventilator rounding team, as opposed to the ICU rounding team.

Dosher et al. (2014) argue that a biweekly VAP prevention rounding to monitor staff
compliance with protocols reduced VAP rates.

The IHI, with its Ventilator Bundle (n.d.), proposes that interventions contained in the
guideline are more effective when implemented concurrently rather than separately.
Moreover, Sedwick et al. (2012) emphasize that strict adherence to bundled practices for
preventing VAP and interdisciplinary collaboration can significantly improve patient

Theoretical Direction: The ACE Star Model of Knowledge Transformation supports the
implementation of this project. This model follows a structured approach that includes
the following steps: (1) discovery of new knowledge; (2) summary of evidence; (3)
translation of the evidence for clinical practice; (4) integration of the recommended
change into practice; and (5) evaluation of the impact of the practice change (Schaffer,
Sandau, & Lee, 2012). These steps highlight the significance of incorporating the latest
evidence when designing an outcomes-driven clinical practice guideline. Integrating
change into practice remains the most challenging aspect of this evidence-based practice
model. In order to overcome this barrier, a group of champions are tasked to educate, role
model and evaluate staff, which will be explained further in the Methods section.

Stakeholders: The primary stakeholders of this project are the mechanically ventilated
patients in the CTICU and their families. Clinical key stakeholders include the CTICU
health care staff—physicians, nurses, respiratory therapists, and rehabilitation staff.

Business Case: According to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ),
VAP is the most common healthcare associated infection (HAI) in the ICU. It is costly
and contributes to an increase ICU length of stay. The average cost of treating each
episode of VAP is $40,000 to $57,000 (Sedwick, et al., 2012).

The cost associated with the project includes the Clinical Nurse Leader (CNL)
student/nurse champion’s salary for the 220 hours that were earmarked for educating staff
at the bedside and during staff meetings, conducting research and audits, preparing
reports, and attending meetings for an aggregate amount of $13,200. In addition, there is
also an incurred expense for purchasing 6 units of sub-glottic ETT suction devices, which
is valued at $4,200. In total, total project cost is $17,400. Conceivably, the savings that
will be generated by preventing merely one episode of VAP will compensate for the cost
to fund the project, thus yielding a minimum net benefit of $22,600, and a cost-benefit
ratio of 2.3 for every dollar spent (See Appendix F, Figure 1). Moreover, meeting the
goal of decreasing the VAP rate to zero each month within the next six months will save
the institution at least $240,000, which could offset direct care wages, such as payroll

The project’s non-monetary benefits include increased patient and family satisfaction,
and an enhanced reputation as a cutting-edge medical center. When clinical outcomes are
optimized, so too are the savings in healthcare cost. Therefore, the project yields a
positive return on investment.

Methods: Assessing the staff knowledge of VAP through online surveys and educating
them of its implications were significant aspects of the project’s implementation. During
the first six months, the focus was placed on reinforcing the Daily Care Processes for
VAP prevention as highlighted in the CUSP Wheel poster (See Appendix C, Figure 1),
which was displayed in the unit for educational purposes. The nursing champion
monitored staff compliance by conducting a daily audit of the Daily Care Processes while
simultaneously role modeling best practices to the staff. In addition, in-service
presentations were conducted to promote staff awareness of the impact of VAP and to
provide updates on the project’s progress.

Steps for Implementation: This 2-year multidisciplinary project commenced in January

2015. The specific activities in each phase of the project and the corresponding
evaluation tools are enumerated in the timeline chart (See Appendix E, Figure 1). In the
planning phase, the CUSP team organized and identified the potential causes of VAP in
the CTICU. In the initiation phase, the clinical staff’s knowledge and awareness of the
institution’s safety culture and VAP prevention protocols were evaluated through online
surveys. The execution phase focused on integrating evidence into practice through staff
education and role modeling of best practices. Also during this phase, the champions
monitored compliance with Daily Care Process measures and corrected the deficits that
were identified. In the later part of the execution phase, the team designed a progressive
mobilization plan for mechanically ventilated patients. The emphasis during the
monitoring phase is on staff compliance and consistency with adopting best practices.
Lastly, the effectiveness of the recommended CUSP VAP prevention measures was
appraised during the evaluation phase.

Evaluation: The effectiveness of the CUSP project will be validated by the reduction or
absence of VAP in the CTICU. The rate of staff adherence to VAP prevention measures
was monitored during the Daily Care Processes audits whose results are monitored and
analyzed each month for progress. These metrics are extremely valuable for measuring
the success of the project and for ensuring that the staff provides standardized and
evidenced-based care.

Results: The audit results revealed low compliance rate in the implementation of the
Daily Care Processes, particularly in the areas of SAT and SBT. In addition, insufficient
nursing and respiratory therapy collaboration and lack of standardized time for
performing SAT and SBT were identified. Lastly, the champions noted limited use of
sub-glottic ETT in the CTICU.

Outcomes: Since the project’s implementation, there have been no episodes of VAP
identified, which demonstrates the benefits of the CUSP guidelines. However, despite
this positive outcome, the gaps in clinical practice with regard to the implementation of
the Daily Care Processes, such as SAT and SBT, and the use of sub-glottic ETT need to
be addressed accordingly.

Recommendations: In order to sustain a zero VAP rate in the CTICU and correct gaps in
clinical practice, revision of policies to conform to CUSP guidelines, interdisciplinary
collaboration, and staff engagement are essential. A culture of inquiry must be promoted
to increase staff awareness of evidence-based practice. In addition, a CNL who possesses
an in-depth knowledge of the CTICU patient population, integrating evidence into
practice, and the role function of each member of the interdisciplinary team must be
employed to help facilitate this initiative. Lastly, hospital senior executives must be
solicited for their support of policy changes, and to appropriate funding for the necessary
resources (adequate staffing) and equipment (sub-glottic ETT and suction) to ensure the
continued success of this quality improvement project.
Appendix A
Fishbone Diagram

Fishbone Diagram

Policy & Procedure Staff/Personnel

Limited amount of staff for actual and
Sub-glottic ETT not routinely used in CTICU anticipated rise in volume of patients

Adherence to oral care policy Communication gaps between providers

Compliance with sedation vacation Nursing staff turnover

Standard time for performing SAT and SBT Rotating medical staff (residents)
VAP in the
Multiple areas to document patient progress High acuity and co-morbidities CTICU
Inconsistencies with the use of ICU daily goal sheet Complex cardiac surgeries (open chest)

Uniform sedation vacation documentation Lengthy surgical procedures

35% increase in volume of surgeries (2014)

Documentation Patients

Figure 1. Fishbone Diagram. This figure delineates the potential causes of VAP in the CTICU
into different categories.
Appendix B
Process Map for VAP Prevention in the CTICU

Figure 1. Process Map. This algorithm demonstrates the appropriate steps of implementing the
rapid extubation protocol in the CTICU, which is a VAP prevention measure.
Appendix C
CUSP Wheel

Figure 1. CUSP Wheel. The highlighted section of the CUSP Wheel poster illustrates the Daily
Care Processes for VAP prevention, which was the focus of the project.
Appendix D
SWOT Analysis of the VAP Prevention Project

Strengths Weaknesses
• Staff commitment for optimizing • Recent high nursing staff turnover
clinical outcomes • Inadequate staff education about the
• Availability of clinical resources and implications of the project
experts given its academic medical • Inconsistencies with the use of sub-
center setting glottic ETT
• Maximum RN/patient ratio in the ICU • Low adherence to established
of 1:2 protocols by some staff
• Rapid extubation protocol for cardiac • Constant change in medical staff
surgery patients coverage
• Daily multidisciplinary rounds
Opportunities Threats
• To participate in a multi-center patient • High patient acuity and clinical
safety and quality improvement instability that my hinder rapid
project extubation and other VAP prevention
• To incorporate best practices based on measures
current evidence • Multiple competing projects
• To promote patient-family centered • Projects are perceived as additional
care work for frontline clinicians
• To foster teamwork among CTICU

Figure 1. SWOT Analysis. This figure highlights the significance and challenges of
implementing the CUSP 4 MVP-VAP prevention project.
Appendix E
Activities Timeline

Figure 1. Activities Timeline. This figure chronicles the specific activities in each phase of the
VAP prevention project during the first six months of implementation.
Appendix F
Cost Benefit Analysis and Cost Benefit Ratio

Item Cost Net Benefit

Each episode of VAP $40,000

Nurse champion salary (220 hours) $13,200 $26,800

Suction equipment $4,200 $35,800

Total project cost $17,400 $22,600

Cost benefit ratio 2.3 for every dollar spent

Figure 1. Cost Benefit Analysis and Cost Benefit Ratio. Bold written items include the cost to
treat each episode of VAP, total project cost, net benefit, and cost-benefit ratio.

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (2015). Ventilator Associated Pneumonia:

Brief Update Review (Chapter 11). Retrieved from



Dosher, W. B., Loomis, E. C., Richardson, S. L., Crowell, J. A., Waltman, R. D., Miller,

L. D., Nazim, M., & Khasawneh, F. A. (2014). The effect of a nurse-led

multidisciplinary team on ventilator-associated pneumonia rates. Critical Care

Research and Practice, 2014, 1-5.

Goutier, J. M., Holzmueller, C. G., Edwards, K. C., Klompas, M., Speck, K., &

Berenholz, S. M. (2014). Strategies to enhance adoption of ventilator-associated

pneumonia prevention interventions: A systematic review. Infection Control and

Hospital Epidemiology, 35(8), 998-1005. DOI: 10.1086/677152

Institute for Healthcare Improvement. (n.d.). Implement the IHI Ventilator Bundle.

Retrieved from


Mendez, M. P., Lazar, M. H., DiGiovine, B., Schuldt, S., Behrendt, R., Peters, M., &

Jennings, J. H. (2013). Dedicated multidisciplinary ventilator bundle team and

compliance with sedation vacation. American Journal of Critical Care, 22(1), 54-60.

Schaffer, M. A., Sandau, K. E., & Lee, D. (2012). Evidence-based practice models for

organizational change: overview and practical applications. Journal of Advanced

Nursing, 69(5), 1197-1209. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2648.2012.06122.x

Sedwick, M. B., Lance-Smith, M., Reeder, S. J., & Nardi, J. (2012). Using evidence-

based practice to prevent ventilator-associated pneumonia, Critical Care Nurse,

32, 41-51. doi: 10.4037/ccn2012964

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