Characteristics of The Driver, The Pedestrian and Vehicle

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Characteristics of the Driver, the Pedestrian and

The four main components of the highway mode of transportation are the driver, the pedestrian,
the vehicle, and the road.

To provide efficient and safe highway transportation, a knowledge of the characteristics and
limitations of each of these components is essential. It is also important to be aware of the
interrelationships that exist among these components in order to determine the effects, if any,
that they have on each other.

 Sight and hearing vary considerably across age groups

 Vehicles

This chapter discusses the relevant characteristics of the main components of the highway mode
and demonstrates their importance and their use in the design and operation of highway

One problem that faces traffic and transportation engineers when they consider driver
characteristics in the course of design is the varying skills and perceptual abilities of drivers on
the highway demonstrated by a wide range of abilities to hear, see, evaluate, and react to

Abilities may also vary in an individual under different conditions, such as the influence of alcohol,
fatigue, and the time of day.

Therefore, it is important that criteria used for design purposes be compatible with the
capabilities and limitations of most drivers on the highway.

I.1. The Human Response Process

Actions taken by drivers on a road result from their evaluation of and reaction to
information they obtain from certain stimuli that they see or hear. However, evaluation
and reaction must be carried out within a very short time, as the information being
received along the highways is continually changing. It has been suggested that most of
the information received by a driver is visual, implying that the ability to see is of
fundamental importance in the driving task. It is therefore important that highway and
traffic engineers have some fundamental knowledge of visual perception as well as of
hearing perception.


The principal characteristics of the eye are:

 Visual acuity
 Peripheral vision
 Color vision
 Glare vision and recovery
 Depth perception

VISUAL ACUITY. Visual acuity is the ability to see fine details of an object. It can be
represented by the visual angle, which is the reciprocal of the smallest pattern detail in
minutes of arc that can be resolved and given as:

𝜑 = 2 tan−1 ( )
𝜑 = Visual acuity
L = diameter of the target (letter or symbol)
D = distance from the eye to target in the same units as L

 Static visual acuity

 Background brightness
 Contrast
 Time

Static acuity increases with an increase in illumination up to a background brightness

of about 3 candles (cd)/sq. ft and then remains constant even with an increase in

ILLUMINATION- may also refer to - Lighting, the use of light sources

When other visual factors are held constant at an acceptable level, the optimal time
required for identification of an object with no relative movement is between 0.5 and
1.0 seconds.

 Dynamic visual acuity

The driver’s ability to clearly detect relatively moving objects, not
necessarily in his or her direct line of vision, depends on the driver’s
dynamic visual acuity. Most people have clear vision within a conical angle
of 3 to 5 degrees and fairly clear vision within a conical angle of 10 to 12
degrees. Vision beyond this range is usually blurred. This is important when
the location of traffic information devices is considered. Drivers will see
clearly those devices that are within the 12 degree cone, but objects
outside this cone will be blurred.

PERIPHERAL VISION. Peripheral vision is the ability of people to see objects beyond the
cone of clearest vision. Although objects can be seen within this zone, details and color
are not clear. The cone for peripheral vision could be one subtending up to 160 degrees;
this value is affected by the speed of the vehicle. Age also influences peripheral vision.
For instance, at about age 60, a significant change occurs in a person’s peripheral vision.

COLOR VISION. Color vision is the ability to differentiate one color from another, but
deficiency in this ability, usually referred to as color blindness, and is not of great
significance in highway driving because other ways of recognizing traffic information
devices (e.g., shape) can compensate for it. Combinations of black and white and black
and yellow have been shown to be those to which the eye is most sensitive.

GLARE VISION AND RECOVERY. There are two types of glare vision: direct and specular.
Rowland and others have indicated that direct glare occurs when relatively bright light
appears in the individual’s field of vision and specular glare occurs when the image
reflected by the relatively bright light appears in the field of vision. Both types of glare
result in a decrease of visibility and cause discomfort to the eyes. It is also known that age
has a significant effect on the sensitivity to glare, and that at about age 40, a significant
change occurs in a person’s sensitivity to glare.

The time required by a person to recover from the effects of glare after passing the light
source is known as glare recovery. Studies have shown that this time is about 3 seconds
when moving from dark to light and can be 6 seconds or more when moving from light to

Glare vision is of great importance during night driving; it contributes to the problem of
serving older people, who see much more poorly at night.
This phenomenon should be taken into account in the design and location of street
lighting so that glare effects are reduced to a minimum.
o Glare effects can be minimized by reducing luminaire brightness and by increasing
the background brightness in a driver’s field of view. Specific actions taken to
achieve this in lighting design include using higher mounting heights, positioning
lighting supports farther away from the highway, and restricting the light from the
luminaire to obtain minimum interference with the visibility of the driver.

DEPTH PERCEPTION. Depth perception affects the ability of a person to estimate speed
and distance. It is particularly important on two-lane highways during passing maneuvers,
when head-on crashes may result from a lack of proper judgment of speed and distance.

The ability of the human eye to differentiate between objects is fundamental to
this phenomenon. It should be noted, however, that the human eye is not very
good at estimating absolute values of speed, distance, size, and acceleration.

This is why traffic control devices are standard in size, shape, and color.

Standardization not only aids in distance estimation but also helps the color-blind driver
to identify signs.

The ear receives sound stimuli, which is important to drivers only when warning
sounds, usually given out by emergency vehicles, are to be detected. Loss of some
hearing ability is not a serious problem, since it normally can be corrected by a
hearing aid.

I.2. Perception-Reaction Process

~ The process through which a driver, cyclist, or pedestrian evaluates and reacts
to a stimulus

1. Perception: the driver sees a control device, warning sign, or object on

the road
2. Identification: the driver identifies the object or control device and thus
understand the stimulus
3. Emotion: the driver decides what action to take in response to the
stimulus; for example, to step on the brake pedal, to pass, to swerve, or to
change lanes
4. Reaction or volition: the driver actually executes the action decided on
during the emotion sub-process

Time elapses during each of these sub processes. The time that elapses from the start of
perception to the end of reaction is the total time required for perception, identification,
emotion, and volition, sometimes referred to as PIEV time or (more commonly) as
perception-reaction time.

Perception-reaction time is an important factor in the determination of braking distances, which

in turn dictates the minimum sight distance required on a highway and the length of the yellow
phase at a signalized intersection.

Perception-reaction time varies among individuals and may, in fact, vary for the same person
as the occasion changes.

 These changes in perception-reaction time depend on how complicated the situation is,
the existing environmental conditions, age, whether the person is tired or under the
influence of drugs and/or alcohol, and whether the stimulus is expected or unexpected.

Triggs and Harris described this phenomenon in detail. They noted that the 85th-
percentile time to brake, obtained from several situations, varied from 1.26 t over 3
seconds. The reaction time selected for design purposes should, however, be large
enough to include reaction times for most drivers using the highways.

Recommendations made by the American Association of State Highway and

Transportation Officials (AASHTO) stipulate 2.5 seconds for stopping-sight distances.
This encompasses the decision times for about 90 percent of drivers under most highway
conditions. Note, however, that a reaction time of 2.5 second may not be adequate for
unexpected conditions or for some very complex conditions, such as those at multiphase
at-grade intersections and ramp terminals.

For example, when signals are unexpected, reaction times can increase by 35

 Older drivers’ Characteristics

As one grows older, his or her sensory, cognitive, and physical functioning ability
declines. Specific declining abilities of older drivers include reduced visual acuity,
ability to see at night, and flexibility and motion range. This group also suffers from
narrower visual fields, greater sensitivity to glare, higher reaction times, and reduced
muscle strength


Pedestrian characteristics relevant to traffic and highway engineering practice include those of
the driver. In addition, other pedestrian characteristics may influence the design and location of
pedestrian control devices.

 Special pedestrian signals

 Safety zones
 Islands at intersections
 Pedestrian underpasses
 Elevated walkways
 Crosswalks

Apart from visual and hearing characteristics, walking characteristics play a major part in the
design of some of these controls.

 Walking speed of pedestrians

 Population (type of pedestrian)
 Location (of highway facility)
 Characteristics of handicapped pedestrians

For Normal Pedestrians:

1. Walking speeds vary between 3.0 and 8.0 ft /sec

2. At intersections, mean male walking speed to be 4.93 ft /sec
For females, 4.63 ft /sec

(A more conservative value of 4.0 ft /sec is normally used for design purposes)

For Elderly Pedestrian:

1. 20 percent or lower: elderly’s population, average walking speed is 4.0 ft /sec

Higher than 20 percent: elderly’s population, reduces to 3.0 ft /sec

For Handicapped Pedestrians:

1. Average walking speed can vary from a low of 1.97 ft /sec to 3.66 ft /sec.
II.1. Bicyclists and Bicycles Characteristics

Bicycles are now an important component of the highway mode, especially for highways
located in urban areas. It is therefore essential that highway and traffic engineers have an
understanding of the characteristics of bicycles and bicyclists.

The basic human factors discussed for the automobile driver also apply to the bicyclist,
particularly with respect to perception and reaction.

It should, however, be noted that unlike the automobile driver, the bicyclist is not only
the driver of the bicycle, but he/she also provides the power to move the bicycle. The
bicycle and the bicyclist therefore unite to form a system, thus requiring that both be
considered jointly.

Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities by AASHTO, Three classes of bicyclists:

 CLASS A. Experienced or advanced bicyclists. Class A bicyclists typically

consider the bicycle as a motor vehicle and can comfortably ride in

 CLASS B. Less experienced bicyclists. Class B bicyclists prefer to ride on

neighborhood streets and are more comfortable on designated bicycle
facilities, such as bicycle paths.

 CLASS C. Children riding on their own or with parents. Class C bicyclists

use mainly residential streets that provide access to schools, recreational
facilities, and stores.

In designing urban roads and streets, it is useful to consider the feasibility of incorporating
bicycle facilities that will accommodate class B and class C bicyclists.

Bicycle Characteristics according to the studies conducted in Florida:

1. Minimum design speed for bicycles on level terrain is 20 mi/h

2. Downgrade speeds can be as high as 31 mi/h
3. Upgrade speeds can be as low as 8 mi/h
4. Mean speed of bicycles when crossing an intersection from a stopped
position is 8 mi/h
5. Mean acceleration rate is 3.5 ft /𝒔𝒆𝒄𝟐

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