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Government of Karnataka

Department of Technical Education

Board of Technical Examinations, Bengaluru

Course Title: Programmable Logic Controller Course Code: 15MC51T

Mode (L:T:P) : 4:0:0 Credits:4 Core/ Elective: Core
Type of Course: Lectures & Student Activities Total Contact Hours: 52
CIE :25 Marks SEE : 100 Marks
Pre-requisites: Knowledge of Fundamentals of Digital Electronics Engineering, Basics of
Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Fluid Pneumatics and Industrial Electronics.

Course Objectives: to understand Programmable Logic control, Programming and Ladder

diagrams to implement in Engineering Applications.

Course Outcome: At the end of the course, the student should be able to,

1. Explain PLC and its Architecture.

2. Build the PLC Programs using Ladder Diagrams.

3. Develop the PLC Applications involving Arithmetic and Timer functions.

4. Develop the PLC Applications involving Counter Functions.

5. Explain the Data handling functions and Shift Register Applications.

6. Explain the Advanced PLC Operations.

Cognitive Level Linked Teaching

Course Outcome
with PO Hours
CO1 Explain PLC and its architecture. U 2 10
CO2 Build the PLC Programs using Ladder
U/A 2 08
Develop the PLC Applications
CO3 involving Arithmetic and Timer U/A 2 10
CO4 Develop the PLC Applications
U/A 2 10
involving Counter Functions.
C05 Explain the Data handling functions U/A 2 10
and Shift Register Applications.
C06 Explain the Advanced PLC
U 2 04
Total sessions 52

Legend: R; Remember, U: Understand A: Application

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC51T Page 1

Mapping of Course Outcomes with Program Outcomes.

Course Programme Outcomes

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Programmable Logic
- 3 - - - - - - - -

Course Content and Weightage For SEE

Unit CO Hour Marks allocated for Marks
No Unit Name different Cognitive Weightage (%)
level Questions

1 Introduction and Architecture of 1 10 25 - 17.24
2 Basic PLC Programming 2 08 - 10 10 13.80

3 PLC Arithmetic and Timer 3 10 - 10 20 20.68

4 PLC Counter Functions 4 10 - 10 20 20.68

5 Data handling functions and 5 10 - 20 10 20.68

Shift Registers
6 6 04 - 10 - 6.9
Advanced PLC Operations.
Total 52 145 Marks 100

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC51T Page 2



Introduction and Architecture of PLC

Introduction, Block diagram of PLC system, Classification of PLC, Relay Logic Control and
PLC Logic Control, PLC advantages and disadvantages, Internal Architecture of PLC, I/O
Modules (Interfaces), Memory organization.
10 Hours


Basic PLC Programming

Programming standards, PLC Input Instructions, Outputs: Coils, Indicators and others, Contact
and Coil Input/ Output Programming Examples, Relation of Digital Gate Logic to Contact/Coil
Logic, Conversion from word description to ladder diagram and vice-versa.

8 Hours


PLC Arithmetic and Timer Functions

PLC arithmetic functions (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication & Division), Basic comparison
function, Comparison functions in application process, Introduction to Timer functions, PLC
timer functions, Applications of timing functions in process control -- On Delay Timer
Function, Of-delay Timer Function, Limited on time Timer Function , Repeat cycling Timer
(Pulsed Timer) Function, one shot Timer operation Function.
10 Hours


PLC Counter Functions

Introduction, PLC counter functions, Applications of PLC counter function in process control --
Basic PLC Counter Operation , Dual Counter Operation ,Count and Time Program ,delay of the
start of the Counting Process, Rate per Time Period Program Sequencer Function.

10 Hours

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC51T Page 3


Data Handling Functions and Shift Registers

Skip function, Master control relay function, Jump with non-return, Jump with return, MOVE
function and application, Block MOVE function and applications, FIFO Functions. Bit patters in
a register, changing a register big status, Shift Register functions, Shift Register applications --
Flashing Arrow Patterns and Registers, Morse Code SR Patterns.

10 Hours

Advanced PLC Operations

PID module, PLC and the Internet, SCADA system, Distributed Control System, Selection of
PLC and its Maintenance.

4 Hours

1. “Programmable Logic Controllers Principles and Applications” by John W. Webb –
Ronald A. Reis. , 5th Edition, Published by PHI Publication.
2. “Introduction to PLC’s” by Gary Dunning, 3rd Edition, Thomson India Edition
3. “PLC’s” by W. Bolton, 4th edition.
4. Programmable Logic Controllers by Frank D Petruzella, 4th Edition, McGraw Hill Publications.

E-References/ Urls

1) http://www.automazione.ingre.unimore.it/pages/corsi/materialedidattico/CMA1213meccatr
2) http://www.slideshare.net/indira_kundu/basics-of-automation-plc-and-scada.
3) http://applicationofscada.blogspot.in/2012/05/introduction-of-power-plant.html

Student Activity

Activity No. Description of the Student Activity

1 Carry out a Survey and Prepare a hand written report on the different PLC’s available
in market.
2 Students can make simulations of PLC applications beyond the curriculum.

3 Prepare a hand written report on the various Sensors and Actuators used in the PLC

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC51T Page 4

1. Group of max four students should do any one of the above activity or any other similar activity related
to the course COs and get it approved from concerned Teacher and HOD.
2. No group should have activity repeated or similar
3. Teacher should ensure activities by different groups must cover all COs
4. Teacher should asses every student by using suitable Rubrics approved by HOD

Sample Rubrics

Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning Roll No. of the Student

5/4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5
Information Information in Difficult to Cannot Ex:
presented in logical follow understand
Organization logical, sequence presentation-- presentation-- 2
interesting student jumps no sequence
sequence around of

Subject Demonstrates At ease with Uncomfortable Does not 3

Knowledge full expected with have a grasp
knowledge by answers to information of the
answering all questions but and is able to information.
class does not answer only Cannot
questions with elaborate rudimentary answer
explanations questions questions
and about subject

Explain and Relate to text Occasionally Uses 4

reinforce and uses graphics superfluous
Graphics screen text presentation that rarely graphics or
and support text no graphics
presentation and

Oral Maintains eye Maintains eye Occasionally Reads with 5

Presentation contact and contact most of uses eye no eye
pronounces all the time and contact, mostly contact and
terms pronounces reading incorrectly
precisely. All most words presentation, pronounces
audience correctly. Most and incorrectly terms. Speaks
members can audience pronounces too quietly
hear members can terms.
hear Audience
presentation members have

Total Score=2+3+4+5=14/4=3.5=4

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC51T Page 5

Institutional Activity

Activity No Description of the Institutional Activity

1 Organize Seminar, workshop, Lecture, from an experts in the following domain:

1. Modern trends in Industrial Electrical and Electronics, PLC.
2. Modern trends in Motor controls.
2 Organize an industrial visit.
3 Motivate student to take case study on Applications of PLC’s to inculcate self and
continuous learning.

Course Assessment Pattern

Particulars Max Evidence Course outcomes


Direct Assessment CIE Three tests 20 Blue books 1,2,3,4,5,6

(Average of
three tests)

Student 05 Student 1,2,3,4,5,6

Activity Activity

SEE End of the 100 Answer scripts 1,2,3,4,5,6

course at BTE

Indirect Assessment Student Middle of the Feedback 1, 2 and 3

Feedback course forms
on course
End of the Feedback 1,2,3, 4, 5and6
course forms

Note: I.A. test shall be conducted for 20 marks. Average marks of three tests shall be rounded off to
the next higher digit.

Note to IA verifier: The following documents to be verified by CIE verifier at the end of
1. Blue books ( 20 marks)
2. Student suggested activities report for 5 marks and should be assessed on RUBRICS
3. Student feedback on course regarding Effectiveness of Delivery of instructions &
Assessment Methods.

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC51T Page 6

Model Question Paper (CIE)

Date and Time Semester Course Max Marks

th V SEM Programmable Logic Controller
1Test (6 week of
sem) 10-11 Am Year: 2017-18 Course code:15MC51T
Name of Course coordinator : Units:1,2 CO: 1,2
All questions carries equal marks
Question CL CO PO
1 Explain the Block diagram of PLC system.
U 1 2
Classify between Relay logic control and programmable logic control..

2 Explain any two i) Discrete I/P modules, ii) Analog I/P modules that can be
interfaced with PLC.
U 1 2
Explain any two i) Discrete O/P modules, ii) Analog O/P modules that can be
interfaced with PLC.

3 Explain the different Programming standards used in PLC.

Construct the PLC logic using ladder diagram for the following logic gates U/A 2 2

4 Construct the PLC diagram for Forward-reverse-stop process control application

with mutual interlocks using contacts and coils.
OR U/A 2 2
Develop the following Boolean expression P = A BC+A B C+AB C +ABC in
logic diagram using gates and PLC ladder diagram.

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC51T Page 7

Model Question Paper
V Semester Diploma in Mechatronics Engineering
Programmable Logical control Instructions

Answer any six questions from part-A and Seven full questions from part-B


Answer any six questions. 5X6=30 marks

1 Explain PLC and Summarize major advantages of using a PLC.

2 Explain the working principle of PLC.
3 Compare between Relay logic control and programmable logic control.
4 Explain different PLC programming standards.
5 Construct the PLC Ladder diagram for Forward-reverse-stop with mutual interlocks circuit..
6 Explain the Addition Arithmetic function with example.
7 Explain the PLC sequencer function.
8 Explain i) block format ii) Up-Down Combination Counter, of PLC counter function.
9 Explain the Block MOVE functions.


Answer any seven full questions. 10x7=70 Marks

1) Explain the different i) Discrete I/P module ii) Analog I/P module that can be interfaced with
PLC. (5+5)M

2) a) Develop the following Boolean Expression Z= [(P+ Q +R). (U+V). W .X] +(S+T).Y in Logic
diagram using gates and PLC Ladder diagram.

b) The Process Fan is to run only when all of the following conditions are met,
i) Input 1 is OFF.
ii) Input 2 is ON or Input 3 is ON, or both 2 and 3 are ON.
iii) Inputs 5 and 6 are both ON.
iv) One or more of the inputs 7,8 or 9 is ON.

Develop the above conditions in the Boolean expression and write the Logic diagram using gates
and PLC Ladder diagram. (5+5)M.

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC51T Page 8

3) Construct the PLC Ladder diagram and timing diagram to illustrate the one shot Timer operation
Function for process control application. 10M

4) Construct the PLC Ladder diagram and timing diagram to illustrate the Of-delay Timer Function
for process control application. 10M

5) The Counter has to keep track of net number or parts on a conveyor. The number of parts going
on the conveyor is counted by one proximity device’s count. The number leaving the conveyor is
counted by a second proximity devices count. Each Proximity device feeds information into its
own counter function. Construct a PLC diagram using Counters Used for a Net Count. 10M

6) An output Indicator is to go on when six of Part C and eight of Part D are on a conveyor. This
Circuit should monitor the proper counts.IN002 and IN003 are proximity devices that pulse on
when a part goes by them. Note that the circuit should not indicate more than six or eight parts; it
would only indicate when there are enough parts. Construct a PLC Ladder diagram to illustrate
the above scenario (Dual Counter Operation). 10M

7) a. Explain the operation of skip function.

b. Explain how a jump with return instruction work (5+5)M

8) Explain the Flashing Arrow Patterns and Registers, application of shift register. 10M

9). a. Explain how to Modify the status of Register bit using all the 3 Instructions.
b. Explain i) Rotate Left ii) Rotate Right Register functions with Examples. (5+5)M

10). a) Illustrate PID Module.

b) Explain the factors to be considered to select a PLC for a process control application. (5+5)M.

Model Question Bank

V Semester Diploma in Mechatronics Engineering
Programmable Logic Controller

Introduction and Architecture of PLC
Cognitive level- Understand
1. Explain PLC.
2. Explain the various types of solid state memory used in a PLC CPU.
3. Summarize the advantages of using a PLC.
4. Summarize the disadvantages of using a PLC.
5. Explain the different Discrete I/P module input modules that can be interfaced with PLC.
6. Explain the different Analog I/P module input modules that can be interfaced with PLC.
7. Explain the different Discrete O/P module input modules that can be interfaced with PLC
8. Explain the different Analog O/P module input modules that can be interfaced with PLC.
9. Explain the Block diagram of PLC system layout.
10. Explain the working principle of PLC.
11. Explain the classification of PLC and explain.

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC51T Page 9

12. Compare between Relay logic control and programmable logic control.
13. Compare data processing and a process control computer.
14. Explain the internal architecture of PLC.

Basic PLC Programming

Cognitive level - Understanding

1 Explain different PLC programming standards.

2 Explain the PLC Input Instructions.
3 Explain the different types of Outputs used in PLC.

Cognitive level - Application.

1 Construct the PLC Ladder diagram for Simple one –contact, one-coil circuit.
2 Construct the PLC Ladder diagram for Standard start-stop-seal circuit circuit.
3 Construct the PLC Ladder diagram for Forward-reverse-stop with mutual interlocks circuit.
4 Construct the PLC Ladder diagram for Forward-reverse-stop with direct reversal circuit.
5 Construct the PLC Ladder diagram for Start-stop-jog circuit.
6 Construct the PLC logic using ladder diagram for AND, OR, NOT logic gates.

7. Output is to be ON only when either inputs 7 and 8 are ON or if Inputs 17 and 18 are ON.
Output can be ON when all the four Inputs are ON. Construct the above conditions in the
Boolean expression and write the Logic diagram using gates and PLC Ladder diagram.

8. The Process Fan is to run only when all of the following conditions are met,

a. Input 1 is OFF.
b. Input 2 is ON or Input 3 is ON, or both 2 and 3 are ON.
c. Inputs 5 and 6 are both ON.
d. One or more of the inputs 7,8 or 9 is ON.

Develop the above conditions in the Boolean expression and write the Logic diagram using gates
and PLC Ladder diagram.

9. Construct the following Boolean Expression Z=[(P+ Q +R).(U+V). W .X]+(S+T).Y in Logic

diagram using gates and PLC Ladder diagram.

PLC Arithmetic and Timer functions
Cognitive level - Understand.

1 Explain the Addition Arithmetic function with example.

2 Explain the Subtraction Arithmetic function with example.
3 Explain the Multiplication Arithmetic function with example.

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC51T Page 10

4 Explain the Division Arithmetic function with example.
5 Explain basic compare functions.
6 Explain the PLC sequencer function.
7 Explain PLC retentive functions.

Cognitive level-- Application

1. We are banding dowels into bundles of 40. Counter function keeps track of the count of number
of dowels in the bundle as they are added .The dowel counter’s count number is kept in
HR0005. Running Count is compared to 40. When the counter reaches 40, the output CR0019
goes ON. Output CR0019 is connected to a bander that operates when 40 is reached. Construct
a ladder diagram using Equal - to Compare Function.

4 Output is to be ON except when an input count is exactly 87. Input count is tracked in IR0062.
Operand 2 can be programmed as the number 0087. Develop the ladder diagram using
i. Not- Equal - to Function,
ii. Equal - to Function.

5 Construct the PLC Ladder diagram and timing diagram to illustrate the On –Delay Timer
Function for process control application.

6 Construct the PLC Ladder diagram and timing diagram to illustrate the Of-delay Timer Function
for process control application.

7 Construct the PLC Ladder diagram and timing diagram to illustrate the Limited on time Timer
Function for process control application.

8 Construct the PLC Ladder diagram and timing diagram to illustrate the repeat cycling Timer
(Pulsed Timer) Function for process control application.

9 Construct the PLC Ladder diagram and timing diagram to illustrate the one shot Timer operation
Function for process control application.

PLC Counter functions.
Cognitive level- Understand

1. Explain i) block format ii) Up-Down Combination Counter, of PLC counter function.
2. Explain i) High Speed Counter ii) Counter with Separate Enable and Reset, of PLC counter

Cognitive level - Application

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC51T Page 11

1. Develop a PLC Ladder diagram to illustrate the Basic PLC Counter Operation.

2. An output Indicator is to go on when six of Part C and eight of Part D are on a conveyor. This
Circuit should monitor the proper counts.IN002 and IN003 are proximity devices that pulse on
when a part goes by them. Note that the circuit should not indicate more than six or eight parts,it
would only indicate when there are enough parts. Construct a PLC Ladder diagram to illustrate
the above scenario (Dual Counter Operation).

3. The Counter has to keep track of net number or parts on a conveyor. The number of parts going
on the conveyor is counted by one proximity device’s count. The number leaving the conveyor is
counted by a second proximity devices count. Each Proximity device feeds information into its
own counter function. Construct a PLC diagram using Counters Used for a Net Count.

4. Construct a PLC Ladder diagram to illustrate the combination of Count and Time Program.
5. Construct a PLC Ladder diagram to illustrate the delay of the start of the Counting Process.
6. Construct a PLC Ladder diagram to illustrate the Rate –per-Time –Period Program.

Data handling functions and Shift Registers
Cognitive level -- Understand

1 Explain the operation of skip function.

2 Explain the operation of master control relay function.
3 Explain how a jump with non-return instruction works.
4 Explain how a jump with return instruction works.
5 Explain how jump differs from the skip and MCR functions.
6 Explain MOVE functions and its applications.
7 Explain the Block MOVE functions.
8 Explain FIFO and other stacking functions.
9 Explain how to modify the status of Register bit using all the 3 Instructions.
10 Explain i) Shift Left ii) Shift Right Register functions with Examples.
11 Explain i) Rotate Left ii) Rotate Right Register functions with Examples.

Cognitive level - Application

1. Applying the Concept of shift Registers, Explain Flashing Arrow Pattern and Registers.
2. Applying the Concept of Shift Registers, Explain Morse code SR Patterns.

Advanced PLC Functions
Cognitive level -- Understand.

1 Explain PID Module.

2 Explain SCADA system.
3 Explain the Distributed control system.
4 Explain the concept of PLC and the Internet.
5 Explain the steps involved in maintaining a PLC system.
6 Explain the factors to be considered to select a PLC for a process control application.

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC51T Page 12

Government of Karnataka
Department of Technical Education
Board of Technical Examinations, Bengaluru

Course Title: Micro Electro Mechanical Systems Course Code:15MC54A

Mode (L:T:P) : 4:0:0 Credits:4 Core/ Elective: Elective
Type of Course: Lectures & Student Activities Total Contact Hours: 52
CIE= 25 Marks SEE= 100 Marks
Pre-requisites: Knowledge of Applied Science, measurement system

Course Objectives: Understand the importance and application of micro electro mechanical

Course Outcome: At the end of the course, the student should be able to

1. Explain the concept of Microsystems & Smart system

2. Explain the Concept working of Micro sensors & Actuators Understand various welding
3. Explain the various materials used for Microsystems & Smart system
4. Explain scaling in Microsystems
5. Explain various Micro manufacturing techniques & Micro fabrication processes
6. Explain various factors to be considered in Micro system Design & levels of Micro system

Cognitive Linked Teaching

Course Outcome
Level with PO Hours
Explain the concept of Microsystems &
CO1 Smart system U 2 6

CO2 Explain the Concept working of Micro U 2 9

sensors & Actuators
CO3 Explain the various materials used for U 2 8
Microsystems & Smart system
CO4 Explain scaling in Microsystems U 1,2 8
Explain various Micro manufacturing
C05 techniques & Micro fabrication processes U 2 10

Explain various factors to be considered

in Micro system Design & levels of Micro
C06 system Packages U 2 11

Total sessions 52

Legend: R; Remember, U: Understand A: Application

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC54A Page 1

Mapping of Course Outcomes with Program Outcomes

Course Programme Outcomes

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Micro Electro Mechanical
1 3 - - - - - - - -

Course Content and Weightage For SEE

Unit CO Hour Marks allocated Marks

No Unit Name for different weightage (%)
Cognitive level
Introduction to Micro System and
1 Smart System 1 06 - 15 - 10.34

2 Micro Sensors & Actuators 2 09 - 25 - 17.24

Materials for Microsystem and Smart
3 System 3 08 - 20 - 13.80

4 Scaling in Microsystem 4 08 - 20 - 13.80

Micro manufacturing and Microsystem
5 5 10 - 30 - 20.68

6 Microsystem Design & Packaging 6 11 - 35 - 24.14

Total 52 145 Marks 100



Introduction to Micro System and Smart System

Microsystem, MEMS, System-on-a-chip, Application of MEMS, Smart Material System,
Components of a Smart System, Engineering disciplines involved in Micro system Design,
Manufacture & Packaging. 06 Hours

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC54A Page 2

Casting technology
Micro Sensors & Actuators
Introduction to sensors and actuators, principle of operation, advantages and applications of
Silicon Capacitive Accelerometer, Piezoresistive Pressure Sensors, Conductometric Gas Sensor,
Electrostatic Comb-Drive, Magnetic Micro relay, Portable Blood Analyzer, Piezoelectric Inkjet
Print head.

9 Hours

Materials for Microsystems and Smart System

Properties of Materials used in MEMS Design, Substrates & Wafers, Group of materials
Welding technology
classified as Conductors, Semiconductors & Insulators, reasons for the popular application of
Silicon as Substrate Material, three Silicon Compounds often used in Microsystems, Silicon
Piezoresistors, Piezoelectric Crystals and its application, Quartz, Polymers with its advantages
and applications, Smart Materials & Shape Memory Alloys (SMA) with examples of their
application in smart system
8 Hours

Scaling in Microsystems

Introduction to Scaling and its importance, simple scaling law, Scaling in Geometry,
Comparision of Macro & Micro worlds with pictorial depiction, Dynamic Forces, scaling in
Heat Transfer, Scaling in, Electrostatic Forces, Scaling in Electricity, scaling in electromagnetic
forces, scaling in fluid mechanics,
8 Hours

Micro manufacturing and Microsystems Fabrication

Introduction to Micromachining or Micro manufacturing, Bulk Micro manufacturing by dry and wet
etching with their comparison, Surface Micromachining, LIGA Process, Introduction to Microsystems
fabrication- Silicon Wafer Preparation, Thin Film Deposition by thermal evaporation, sputtering and
CVD processes, key processes involved in Photolithography, surface micro machining.

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC54A Page 3

10 Hours

Microsystem Design & Packaging

Overview of Mechanical Design of Microsystems, Factors to be considered for the design,

Design constraints, principal substrate materials-advantages and disadvantages, three principal
manufacturing process-advantages and disadvantages, options for signal transduction in
Microsystems, suitability of a particular process design, Mechanical Design Parameters with
respect to Thermo Mechanical Loading, Thermo mechanical Stress Analysis, Dynamic Analysis,
Introduction to Mechanical Packaging of Microsystems, Principal design requirements in
packaging design, three levels of micro system packaging


1: MEMS & MICROSYSTEMS - Design and Manufacture by Tai-Ran Hsu , McGraw Hill Education
Private Ltd.,

2: Micro and Smart Systems by G.K.Ananthasuresh, V.K.Aatre, K.J.Vinoy, S.Gopalakrshnan, K.N.Bhat,


3: MEMS by Mahalik, McGraw Hill Education Private Ltd.,


1. http://www.slideshare.net/navinec1/micro-electromechanical-system-mems
2. https://www.mems-exchange.org/MEMS/what-is.html
3. http://mspde.usc.edu/inspiring/resource/sensor/Microsensors.pdf
4. http://www.engr.sjsu.edu/trhsu/ME189_Chapter%207.pdf
5. http://www.technologystudent.com/equip1/sma1.htm
6. http://www.slideshare.net/deepika46/smart-materials-39205546
7. http://www.engr.sjsu.edu/trhsu/ME189_Chapter%206.pdf
8. http://www.engr.sjsu.edu/trhsu/ME189_Chapter%209.pdf
9. http://www.gbv.de/dms/ilmenau/toc/330321218.PDF
10. http://www.pitt.edu/~qiw4/Academic/ME2080/lecture23.pdf

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC54A Page 4

Student Activity

Activity No Description of the Student Activity

1 Write a report on micro systems or micro sensors not mention in the

curriculum.(Hand written 2 or 3 pages)

1. Group of max four students should do any one of the above activity or any other similar
activity related to the course COs and get it approved from concerned Teacher and HOD.
2. No group should have activity repeated or similar
3. Teacher should asses every student by using suitable Rubrics approved by HOD

Sample Rubrics

Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning Roll No. of the Student

5/4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5
Information Information in Difficult to Cannot Ex:
presented in logical follow understand 2
Organization logical, sequence presentation-- presentation--
interesting student jumps no sequence
sequence around of
Subject Demonstrates At ease with Uncomfortable Does not 4
Knowledge full expected with have a grasp
knowledge by answers to information of the
answering all questions but and is able to information.
class does not answer only Cannot
questions with elaborate rudimentary answer
explanations questions questions
and about subject
Explain and Relate to text Occasionally Uses 5
reinforce and uses graphics superfluous
Graphics screen text presentation that rarely graphics or
and support text no graphics
presentation and
Oral Maintains eye Maintains eye Occasionally Reads with 3
Presentation contact and contact most of uses eye no eye
pronounces all the time and contact, mostly contact and
terms pronounces reading incorrectly
precisely. All most words presentation, pronounces
audience correctly. Most and incorrectly terms. Speaks
members can audience pronounces too quietly
hear members can terms.
hear Audience
presentation members have
Total Score=2+3+4+5=14/4=3.5=4

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC54A Page 5

Institutional Activity

Activity No Description of the Institutional Activity

1 Organize seminar, workshop, lecture from eminent person in the following

a) micro sensors and actuators
b) micro electro mechanical systems
c) nano technology

Course Assessment Pattern

Particulars Max Evidence Course

Marks outcomes

Direct Assessment CIE Three test 20 Blue books 1,2,3,4,5,6

(Average of
three tests)

Student 05 Student 1,2,3,4,5,6

Activity Activity

SEE End of the 100 Answer scripts 1,2,3,4,5,6

course at BTE

Indirect Assessment Student Middle of the Feedback 1, 2&3

Feedback course forms
on course
End of the Feedback 1,2,3, 4,
course forms 5&6

Note: I.A. test shall be conducted for 20 marks. Average marks of three tests shall be rounded off to
the next higher digit.

Note to IA verifier: The following documents to be verified by CIE verifier at the end of
1. Blue books ( 20 marks)
2. Student suggested activities report for 5 marks and should be assessed on RUBRICS
3. Student feedback on course regarding Effectiveness of Delivery of instructions &
Assessment Methods.

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC54A Page 6

Model Question Paper (CIE)

Date and Time Semester Course Max Marks

Micro Electro Mechanical
1Test(6 th week of V SEM
Systems 20
sem) 10-11 Am
Year: 2017-18 Course code:15MC54A
Name of Course coordinator : Units:1,2 Co: 1,2
All questions carries equal marks
Question CL CO PO
1 Explain briefly miniaturization and micro system U 1 1,2
Explain typical smart system with block diagram
2 Explain application of MEMS in automotive industry. U 1 1,2
Explain application of MEMS in aero space industry
3 Explain in detail of functioning sensors with examples U 2 1,2
Explain in detail of functioning actuators with examples
4 Explain the principle of operation of Magnetic Micro relay U 2 1,2
Explain the principle of operation of Piezoelectric Inkjet Print

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC54A Page 7

Model Question Paper
V Semester Diploma in Mechatronics Engineering
Micro Electro Mechanical Systems
Instructions: Answer any six questions from part A and Seven full questions from part B


Answer any six questions. 5X6=30 marks

1. Explain difference between MEMS and micro system
2. Explain materials used for capacitive accelerometer and for Electrostatic Comb-Drive
3. Explain micro sensor and micro actuator with an example for each
4. Explain group of materials that are classified as electric Conductors, Semiconductors &
5. Explain Scaling in Geometry
6. Explain general process of Surface Micro machining
7. Explain silicon wafer preparation
8. Explain merits and demerits of bulk micro manufacturing
9. Explain mechanical engineering Design of micro system over that of other products


Answer any seven full questions. 10X7=70M

1. Explain five engineering discipline involved in micro system design, manufacture and

2. Explain the principle of operation of silicon capacitive accelerometer

3. a) Explain micro sensor and micro actuator with an example for each
b) Explain the applications of polymers for mems and micro systems

4. Explain briefly 3 silicon compounds often used in micro systems

5. a) Explain Scaling in Geometry

b) Explain scaling in fluid mechanics

6. a) Explain pictorial depiction of the scaling law compare Macro & Microworlds
b) Explain principal substrate materials used in micro system

7. Explain thin film deposition by thermal CVD processes

8. Explain with sketches major steps in the LIGA Process

9. Explain principal design requirements in packaging design

10. Explain mechanical design parameters with respect to thermo mechanical stress analysis


Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC54A Page 8

Model Question Bank
V Semester Diploma in Mechatronics Engineering
Micro Electro Mechanical Systems

Unit -1
Introduction to Micro System and Smart System
Cognitive level- Understanding
1. Explain briefly miniaturization and micro system
2. Explain MEMS
3. Explain system- on-a- chip with graphical representation.
4. Explain difference between MEMS and micro system
5. Explain application of MEMS in healthcare industry.
6. Explain application of MEMS in aero space industry.
7. Explain application of MEMS in automotive industry.
8. Explain application of MEMS in industrial and consumable product.
9. Explain typical smart system with block diagram
10. Explain the purpose of various components of a smart system.
11. Explain application of smart system in various areas along with purpose.
12. Explain five engineering discipline involved in micro system design, manufacture and

Unit –II
Micro Sensors & Actuators
Cognitive level- Understanding
1. Explain in detail of functioning sensors with examples
2. Explain in detail of functioning actuators with examples
3. Explain the principle of operation of silicon capacitive accelerometer
4. Explain the advantages and typical application silicon capacitive accelerometer
5. Explain the principle of operation of Piezoresistive Pressure Sensors
6. Explain the advantages and typical application Piezoresistive Pressure Sensors
7. Explain the principle of operation of Conductometric Gas Sensor
8. Explain the advantages and typical application Conductometric Gas Sensor
9. Explain the principle of operation of Electrostatic Comb-Drive
10. Explain the advantages and typical application Electrostatic Comb-Drive
11. Explain the principle of operation of Magnetic Microrelay
12. Explain the advantages and typical application Magnetic Microrelay
13. Explain the principle of operation of Portable Blood Analyser
14. Explain the advantages and typical application Portable Blood Analyser
15. Explain the principle of operation of Piezoelectric Inkjet Print head
16. Explain the advantages and typical application Piezoelectric Inkjet Print head

Unit –III
Materials for Microsystem and Smart System

Cognitive level- Understanding

1. Explain properties of materials that play important role in MEMS Design
2. Explain Substrates & Wafers in micro system

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC54A Page 9

3. Explain the reasons for the popular application of silicon as substrate Material
4. Explain briefly 3 silicon compounds often used in micro systems
5. Explain Piezoelectric Crystals and its application
6. Explain Quartz with its application and advantages
7. Explain briefly Polymers and its advantages as industrial materials
8. Explain smart materials, shape-memory-alloys with examples of smart materials used in
smart systems

Scaling in Microsystem
Cognitive level- Understanding
1. Explain the importance of scaling and also state two types of law, simple scaling law
2. Explain Scaling in Geometry
3. Explain comparison of Macro & Micro worlds with pictorial depiction
5. Explain scaling in Dynamic Forces
6. Explain scaling in Heat Transfer
7. Explain scaling in Electrostatic Forces
8. Explain scaling in Electricity
9. Explain scaling in electro magnetic forces
10. Explain scaling in fluid mechanics

Micromanufacturing and Microsystem Fabrication
Cognitive level- Understanding

1. Explain bulk micro manufacturing by dry etching

2. Explain bulk micro manufacturing by wet etching
3. Explain general process of Surface Micro machining
4. Explain with sketches major steps in the LIGA Process
5. Explain silicon wafer preparation
6. Explain thin film deposition by thermal evaporation
8. Explain thin film deposition by the Sputtering.
9. Explain thin film deposition by thermal CVD processes
10. Explain the key processes involved in photolithography

Microsystem Design & Packaging

Cognitive level- Understanding

1. Explain mechanical engg. Design of micro system over that of other products
2. Explain overview of mechanical design of micro system
3. Explain design constrains for micro system
4. Explain the options for signal transduction in micro system
5. Explain the suitability of particular process
6. Explain mechanical design parameters with respect to thermo mechanical loading
7 Explain mechanical design parameters with respect to thermo mechanical stress analysis
8. Explain mechanical design parameters with respect to dynamic analysis

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC54A Page 10

9. Explain principal design requirements in packaging design.
10. Explain die- packaging
11. Explain – device level packaging
12. Explain system level packaging

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC54A Page 11

Government of Karnataka
Department of Technical Education
Board of Technical Examinations, Bengaluru
Course Title: Industrial Engineering and Management Course Code:15MC53T
Mode (L:T:P) : 4:0:0 Credits:4 Core/ Elective: Core
Type of Course: Lectures & Student Activities Total Contact Hours: 52
CIE= 25 Marks SEE= 100 Marks
Prerequisites: Knowledge of Manufacturing technology,

Course Objectives: On successful completion of the course, the students will be able to know
the basic management skills in optimum utilization of the resources with greater productivity,
superior quality and sustainable development.

Course Outcome: At the end of the Course, the student should be able to

1. Explain the basic principles of production management.

2. Explain importance of managing the materials, inventory control and maintenance of the plant.
3. Summarize the need of Total Quality management and the usage of TQM tools in quality control.
4. Explain Modern Production Management techniques which plays major role in present industries.
5. Explain labour laws in maintaining harmonious relationship between employee and employers.
6. Explain the importance of Occupational Health, safety and Pollution control.

Course Outcome CL Linked PO Teaching Hrs

CO1 Explain the basic principles of production 08

management. U 2
Explain the importance of managing the U
CO2 materials, inventory control and 2 08
maintenance of the Plant
Summarize the need of Total Quality U
CO3 management and the usage of TQM tools
2 10
in quality control
Explain Modern Production Management U
CO4 techniques which plays major role in 2 08
present industries.
Explain labour laws in maintaining U
CO5 harmonious relationship between 2,5 08
employee and employers
Explain the importance of Occupational
CO6 U 2,5,6 10
health, safety and Pollution control.

Total Sessions 52

Legend: R; Remember, U: Understand A: Application

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC53T Page 1

Mapping of Course Outcomes with Program Outcomes.

Course Programme Outcomes

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Industrial Engineering
0 03 0 0 01 01 0 0 0 0
And Management

Course Content and Weightage For SEE

Unit CO Hour Marks allocated for Marks
No Unit Name different Cognitive Weightage (%)
level Questions

1 Production Management 1 08 - 15 - 10.34

2 Material Management And 2 08 - 15 - 10.34


3 Total Quality Management 3 10 - 45 - 31.0

4 Modern Production 4 08 - 15 - 10.34

Management Techniques

5 Industrial Relation And Labour 5 08 - 15 - 10.34


6 Occupational Health And 6 10 - 40 - 27.58


Total 52 145 marks 100

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC53T Page 2



Production Management

Management- Functions of Management, Henry-Fayol’s principles of management, Functions of

Organization- types of organization
Production planning and Control (PPC) - Functions of PPC: planning, routing, scheduling,
dispatching and Inspection ,
Productivity: factors to improve productivity
Project Management - Market survey, Project planning, Project capacity, selection of site for
project, Aids of project management-CPM (Critical path Method)- PERT (Program evaluation
and review Technique).
Cost analysis - Objectives of costing, Elements of costing, Material cost, Labor cost &
8 Hours


Material Management And Maintenance

Material management- different methods of purchasing, Purchase procedure, Comparative

statement, purchase order, Tender-Types of tender
Inventory and Inventory control - Definition, Functions of inventory control, Steps involved in
inventory control, ABC Analysis, Advantages of Inventory Control,
Management Information System (MIS) - Objectives of MIS,
Material Requirement Planning (MRP)-concept, applications.
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) - concept, features and applications.
Plant maintenance -Types of maintenance, Preventive maintenance, Break down Maintenance,
Advantages and disadvantages, Total Productive Maintenance, benefits of TPM, Tools of TPM,
planned maintenance and predictive maintenance.

8 Hours

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC53T Page 3


Total Quality Management

Quality Control - Factors affecting quality, Advantages of quality Control, Inspection, types of
Total Quality Management -Principles of Total Quality Management, PDSA cycles, PDCA
cycles, Quality Circles,
Statistical Quality Control (SQC), - Acceptance sampling, Sampling inspection,
TQM Tools- Control Charts, Histograms, Pareto Charts, Cause and effect diagram
SIX SIGMA–Concepts, Benefits of Six Sigma,
Quality Certification Systems- ISO 9000 series, (ISO 9000, ISO 9001, ISO9002, ISO9003 &
ISO 9004,) ISO9000 quality certification procedure, Benefits of ISO Certification
ISO-14000, Benefits of ISO-14000 Certification.

10 Hours


Modern Production Management Techniques

Lean Manufacturing- Objectives, types of wastes, Steps for lean Production, Benefits
Just in Time-concepts and benefits,
KANBAN production- concepts and benefits,
Kaizen- concepts and benefits
SAP (Systems Applications and Products) - concepts and benefits
World class Manufacturing (WCM) - Basic concept-Principles of world class manufacturing
Concurrent Engineering-Elements of Concurrent Engineering
8 Hours


Industrial Relation And Labour Laws

Introduction to industrial relation -Objectives of industrial relation, International labour

Organization (ILO), Objectives of ILO,
The Indian Factories Act-1948-Important definitions, Health provisions, Safety provisions,
Welfare provisions, working hour’s provisions.
The Payment of Wages Act 1936-Payment of wages, Deductions from salary, Imposition of

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC53T Page 4

The Minimum Wages Act 1948- Objectives, Provisions.
The Apprentices Act 1961-Provisions under apprentice act
The Workmen’s Compensation Act 1923- Important definitions, Provisions, Employers liability
for compensation.
The Employees State Insurance Act 1948- Objectives, Benefits to employees
The Employees’ Provident Funds & Miscellaneous Provisions Act 1952- Salient features of the
The Payment of Gratuity Act 1972- Salient features of the act.

8 Hours

Occupational Health and Safety

Introduction to Occupational Safety, National safety council of India, Indian standard on OH& S
management system, occupational health & safety management system (OHSAS), OHSAS
18001, How to use OHSAS 18001.
Accident-causes for accident, Direct and indirect losses due to an accident, Steps to prevent
accidents, Personal protective devices for Mechanical hazards, Role of safety officer in industry
Fire safety-Fire prevention and Protection, Sources of Fire, Principles of fire extinguishing, A,
B, C-Types of fire extinguishers.
Electrical safety - Hazardous of Electricity, Safety precautions to prevent electrical shocks.
Industrial Pollution- Air pollution, Water pollution, Noise pollution, Soil pollution, Sources,
Effects and Prevention of above pollutions, Industrial wastes and their control.
Environment - Climate change, Global warming, acid rain, Green house effect, ozone layer,
depletion- Causes, effects and Preventive measures, National environmental Legislations
10 Hours

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC53T Page 5


Sl.No. Title of Books Author Publication

1. Industrial Organization and T.R.Banga & S C Sharma Khanna.Publishers
Engineering Economics
2. Production and operation S N CHARY Mc Graw Hill
management-5th Edition publication,
3. Industrial management and K.K.Ahuja -
organizational behavior
4. Industrial management and O.P.khanna Khannapublishers
engineering economics
5. Industrial Engineering and M. MAHAJAN Dhanpat rai and co.
Production management
6. Production and operations -Dr .K.Aswathappa and Himalaya publishers
management Dr.Sreedhar Bhatt
7. Safety Management in Industry Krishnan.N V Jaico Publishing House,
Bombay, 1997
8. Total Quality Management S Raja Ram, Shivashankar -
9. A hand book of Occupational S.P.RANA, P.K.GOSWAMI, S. CHAND Publication
Safety and Industrial Psychology Dr.INDU RATHEE

e- References

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=10S03_VkFmk
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yYIVumq6sVM
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDrpfL1TkP0
4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H58TPQNr2kM
5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=set2cb-TMA0
6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNNP60MEaYw
7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYq3tP7RArE
8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBFKBf1rOyo
9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7hk_sMings
10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Ld78M3hfjo&list=PLMiiHACprHh3AfvcbGoZSdF
11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DAQapF-F4Vw&list=PL678705AFF9E8064E

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC53T Page 6

Student Activity

Activity No. Description of the Student Activity

1 prepare Comparative statement, Placing the purchase order with necessary terms and
2 Given the data, prepare the scheduling using Gantt chart.

3 Visit a nearby industry make a Power point presentation on Modern production

management techniques in use.
4 Identify any one product ,being manufactured in local industry, Study the process
they are following for manufacturing the product, submit hand written report
5 Visit a nearby industry, make a report on quality system is put in practice and quality
tools they are using in work place
6 case study on plant maintenance of nearby industry, observe what type of
maintenance they undertake in their industry.
7 Visit a nearby industry, make a report on safety measures and safety equipments
using in work place

1. Group of max four students should do any one of the above activity or any other similar activity related
to the course COs and get it approved from concerned Teacher and HOD.
2. No group should have activity repeated or similar
3. Teacher should ensure activities by different groups must cover all COs
4. Teacher should asses every student by using suitable Rubrics approved by HOD

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC53T Page 7

Sample Rubrics

Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning Roll No. of the Student

5/4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5
Information Information in Difficult to Cannot Ex:
presented in logical follow understand
Organization logical, sequence presentation-- presentation-- 2
interesting student jumps no sequence
sequence around of

Subject Demonstrates At ease with Uncomfortable Does not 3

Knowledge full expected with have a grasp
knowledge by answers to information of the
answering all questions but and is able to information.
class does not answer only Cannot
questions with elaborate rudimentary answer
explanations questions questions
and about subject

Explain and Relate to text Occasionally Uses 4

reinforce and uses graphics superfluous
Graphics screen text presentation that rarely graphics or
and support text no graphics
presentation and

Oral Maintains eye Maintains eye Occasionally Reads with 5

Presentation contact and contact most of uses eye no eye
pronounces all the time and contact, mostly contact and
terms pronounces reading incorrectly
precisely. All most words presentation, pronounces
audience correctly. Most and incorrectly terms. Speaks
members can audience pronounces too quietly
hear members can terms.
hear Audience
presentation members have

Total Score=2+3+4+5=14/4=3.5=4

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC53T Page 8

Institutional Activity

Activity No Description of the Institutional Activity

1 Organize seminar, workshop, lecture from eminent persons in the following

a) Enterprise resource planning
b) Six sigma
c) Safety issues in industries
b) Labour laws
c) Safety importance and equipments
e) Role of industries in preventing environment pollution
f) World class manufacturing
g) Lean manufacturing etc

2 Organize industrial visit

3 Motivate student to take case study on Environmental pollution to inculcate self

and continuous learning

Course Assessment Pattern

Particulars Max Evidence Course outcomes


Direct Assessment CIE Three tests 20 Blue books 1,2,3,4,5,6

(Average of
three tests)

Student 05 Student 1,2,3,4,5,6

Activity Activity

SEE End of the 100 Answer scripts 1,2,3,4,5,6

course at BTE

Indirect Assessment Student Middle of the Feedback 1, 2and3

Feedback course forms
on course
End of the Feedback 1,2,3, 4, 5and6
course forms

Note: I.A. test shall be conducted for 20 marks. Average marks of three tests shall be rounded off to
the next higher digit.

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC53T Page 9

Note to IA verifier: The following documents to be verified by CIE verifier at the end of
1. Blue books ( 20 marks)
2. Student suggested activities report for 5 marks and should be assessed on RUBRICS
3. Student feedback on course regarding Effectiveness of Delivery of instructions &
Assessment Methods.

Test/Date and
Semester/year Course/Course Code Max Marks

Industrial Management and

Ex: I test/6 th weak Vth SEM
Engineering 20
of sem 10-11 Am Year: 2017-18 Course code: 15MC53T

Name of Course coordinator : Topic: Units:1,2 CO: 1,2

Note: Answer all questions

n no

Explain Henry-Fayol’s principles of management.

1 OR 5 U 1 2
Explain with line diagram how Functional
Organization will suit for Steel industry.
2 Explain production-planning and control and 5 U 1 2

Explain the concept and features of ERP

3 5 U 2 2
Explain MRP
4 Explain the advantages and disadvantages of 5 U 2 2
Preventive maintenance

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC53T Page 10

Model Question Paper( SEE)

V Semester Diploma Examination

Industrial Management and Engineering
Time: 3 Hours] [Max Marks: 100

Part A

Note: Answer any SIX from Part A 6x5=30 marks

1. Explain the functions of organization

2. Explain preventive maintenance
3. Summarize the duties of purchasing officer
4. Explain the objectives of quality control
5. Explain different types of control charts
6. Explain Lean manufacturing
7. Explain the objectives of Industrial relation?
8. Explain Health provisions Under Indian factory act-1948
9. Explain global warming effects and control measures

Part B

Answer any SEVEN from Part B 7x10=70 marks

1. Explain Administration, Management and Organization
2. Explain the benefits and tools of TPM
3. Outline the applications of Material Requirement Planning (MRP)
4. Explain 𝑋 and 𝑅 Charts with graphical representation
5. Explain the application of sampling inspection in industries
6. Explain 7 forms of wastes
7. Explain steps involved in KANBAN
8. Explain Workmen’s Compensation Act
9. Explain acid rain with effects and control measures
10. Explain soil pollution , its effects and control measures to prevent the same

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC53T Page 11

Model Question Bank
V- Semester Diploma Examination

Industrial Management and Engineering

Note: The paper setter is of liberty to set the questions on his/her desecration based on cognitive levels notified for
that unit. They have to follow only blue print of SEE question paper format. The model question bank is only for
reference to students/course coordinator to initiate the process of teaching-learning only.


Production Management

Cognitive level –Understanding

1. Explain Henry Fayol’s principles of management

2. Explain the types of Business Organization
3. Explain 1) Administration 2)Management c) Organisation
4. Explain the functions of Manager?
5. Explain organization and list the types of organization.
6. Explain production and explain the needs for production
7. Explain productivity
8. Explain the factors to improve productivity
9. Explain production-planning and control and mention its needs
10. Explain planning and mention the functions of planning
11. Explain scheduling and explain master schedule
12. Explain scheduling and explain manufacturing schedule
13. Explain despatching and mention its types
14. Explain the functions of despatching
15. Explain inspection and mention the objects of inspection
16. Explain the inspection standards
17. Explain the functions of inspection department
18. Explain the types of Inspection
19. Explain management
20. Explain administration
21. Explain Organization
22. Explain Administration, Management and Organization
23. Explain with line diagram how Line staff & Functional Organization will suit for Steel
24. Explain line organization and mention its advantages and limitations.
25. Explain functional organization and mention its advantages and limitations.
26. Explain Line & staff organization and mention its advantages and limitations.

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC53T Page 12

27. Explain PPC
28. Explain the procedure for routing
29. Explain the functions of despatching
30. Explain centralised inspection and mention its advantages and disadvantages
31. Explain Floor Inspection and mention its advantages and disadvantages
32. Explain Patrolling Inspection and mention its advantages and disadvantages
33. Explain the duties and responsibility of chief inspector.

Unit- II
Material Management and Maintenance

Cognitive level –Understanding

1. Explain material management and mention its functions

2. Explain purchase and mention the objects of purchasing department
3. Explain the duties of purchasing officer
4. Explain the terms and forms used in purchase department
5. Explain tender
6. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of inventory control
7. Explain plant maintenance and explain its needs
1. Explain the Explain the different methods of purchasing
2. Explain the functions of purchasing department
3. Explain the Performa of purchase order
4. Explain the procedure for purchasing the materials
5. Explain the specimen copy for preparation of comparative statement
6. Explain different types of tender
7. Explain stock or inventory control and mention the functions of inventory control
8. Explain the steps in inventory control
9. Explain Management Information System
10. Explain the concept and features of Enterprise resource planning (ERP)
11. Explain the concept of Material Requirement Planning (MRP)
12. Explain TPM and tools of TPM
13. Explain the objectives of plant maintenance
14. Explain preventive maintenance
15. Explain Breakdown maintenance
16. Explain preventive maintenance and Breakdown maintenance
17. Explain planned maintenance and predictive maintenance
18. Explain plant maintenance schedule
19. Explain break down maintenance and mention its advantages and disadvantages
20. Explain with a block diagram ABC classification of materials

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC53T Page 13

Unit -III
Total Quality Management

Cognitive level –Understanding

1. Explain quality and list the factors affecting quality

2. Explain quality control and mention the objectives of quality control
3. Explain the advantages of quality control
4. Explain inspection
5. Explain Total quality management
6. Explain the Obstacles associated with TQM Implementation
7. Explain SQC
8. Explain acceptance sampling
9. Explain the advantages of acceptance sampling
10. Explain different types of control charts
11. Explain flow charts
12. Explain quality circle and mention its functions
13. Explain the benefits of ISO 14000
14. Explain advantages of Quality control
15. Explain different types of inspection
16. Explain continues process improvement in TQM
17. Explain basic concepts of TQM
18. Explain the benefits of TQM
19. Explain the principles of Total quality management
20. Explain about PDCA cycles
21. Explain about PDSA cycles
22. Explain the benefits of Quality circle
23. Explain about control charts
24. Explain 𝑋 and 𝑅 Charts with graphical representation
25. Explain different types of control charts
26. Explain sampling inspection
27. Explain the application of sampling inspection in industries
28. Explain about Six Sigma concepts
29. Explain about Six Sigma benefits
30. Explain Histogram with graphical representation
31. Explain Pareto charts with graphical representation
32. Explain with graphical representation the Cause-and-Effect Diagram
33. Explain the Need for ISO 9000- ISO 9000-2000 Quality System
34. Explain about ISO 9000 Family

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC53T Page 14

35. Explain the benefits of ISO Certification
36. Explain ISO9000 quality certification procedure.
37. Explain the Benefits of ISO-14000 Certification.

Unit – IV
Modern Production Management Techniques

Cognitive level –Understanding

1. Explain Lean manufacturing

2. Mention the objectives of lean manufacturing
3. Mention the benefits of lean manufacturing
4. Explain 7 forms of wastes
5. Explain steps involved in lean production
6. Explain concepts and benefits of JIT
7. Explain concept of KANBAN
8. Explain steps involved in KANBAN
9. Explain the concept of 5S
10. Explain steps involved in 5S
11. Mention the benefits in implementing 5S
12. Explain events involved in Kaizen
13. Explain concept of SAP ERP
14. Explain the basic concept of WCM
15. Explain the Principles of WCM
16. Explain the elements of Concurrent engineering
17. Write a short note on application of SAP ERP in industries
18. Write a short note on application of Kaizen in industries

Unit – V
Industrial Relation and Labour Laws

Cognitive level –Understanding

1. Explain the objectives of Industrial relations

2. Explain the objectives of ILO
3. Explain Health provisions Under Indian factory act-1948
4. Explain Safety provisions Under Indian factory act-1948
5. Explain Welfare provisions Under Indian factory act-1948
6. Explain working hours provisions Under Indian factory act-1948

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC53T Page 15

7. Explain the provisions under Workmen’s Compensation Act 1923
8. Explain employers liability for compensation under Workmen’s Compensation Act 1923
9. Explain the Salient features of Employees PF Act-1952
10. Explain the Salient features of Payment of Gratuity Act 1972

Unit - VI
Occupational health and safety
Cognitive level –Understanding

1. Explain the purpose of national safety council of India (NSCI)

2. Explain the Indian standard on OH&S management system
3. Explain OHSAS-18001(Occupational Health and Safety management system)
4. Explain industrial safety and mention the needs and importance of safety
5. Explain industrial accidents
6. Write the Direct and indirect losses due to an accident
7. Describe the role of safety officer , safety supervisor and safety committee
8. Explain various personal protective devices as a safety measures against accidents
9. Explain Fire prevention and Protection
10. Explain main sources fire
11. Explain detection and prevention of fire, fire alarms and fire extinguishers
12. Explain various classification of fire
13. Explain the principle of fire Extinguishing
14. Explain the types of fire Extinguishers
15. Explain the hazardous of electricity
16. Explain safety measures to prevent electrical shocks
17. Explain industrial pollution
18. Explain the types of air pollutants
19. Explain air pollution , its effects and control measures to prevent the same
20. Explain with a sketch Cyclone separator
21. Explain with a sketch electrostatic precipitator
22. Explain water pollution , its effects and control measures to prevent the same
23. Explain soil pollution , its effects and control measures to prevent the same
24. Explain noise pollution , its effects and control measures to prevent the same
25. Explain the factors affecting for climate change
26. Explain global warming with effects and control measures
27. Explain acid rain with effects and control measures
28. Explain ozone layer depletion.

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC53T Page 16

Government of Karnataka
Department of Technical Education
Board of Technical Examinations, Bengaluru

Course Title: Control Engineering Course Code:15MC54B

Mode (L:T:P) : 4:0:0 Credits:4 Core/ Elective: Elective
Type of Course: Lectures & Student Activities Total Contact Hours: 52
CIE= 25 Marks SEE= 100 Marks
Pre-requisites: Knowledge of Mathematics,
Course Objectives: Understand the importance and application of control systems with respect
to stability, response of the system to various types of inputs/signals
Course Outcome: At the end of the course, the student will be able to

1. Explain the importance of control systems

2. Explain the modelling of physical systems
3. Explain transfer functions, draw block diagrams and signal flow graphs
4. Explain time response of feedback control systems
5. Examine the stability of a given transfer function
6. Explain the importance of frequency response analysis
Cognitive Linked Teaching
Course Outcome
Level with PO Hours
Explain the importance of control
systems U 2 4
Explain the modelling of physical
systems U 1,2 8
Explain transfer functions, and draw
block diagrams and signal flow
U 1,2 10
Explain time response of feedback
control systems U 1,2 8
Examine the stability of a given
transfer function A 1,2 12
Explain the importance of frequency
response analysis U 1,2 10

Total sessions 52

Legend: R; Remember, U: Understand A: Analyzing

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC54B Page 1

Mapping of Course Outcomes with Program Outcomes

Course Programme Outcomes

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Control Engineering 3 3 - - - - - - - -

Course Content and Weightage For SEE

Unit CO Hour Marks allocated Marks

No Unit Name for different weightage (%)
Cognitive level

1 1 4 - 10 - 6.90
Introduction to Control Systems
Modeling of Physical Systems 20 -
2 2 8 - 13.80
Transfer functions, Block diagrams
3 and Signal flow graphs 3 10 - 30 - 20.68

Time response of feedback control

4 systems 4 8 - 20 - 13.80

Stability – concepts and analysis

5 and Root Locus Techniques 5 12 - - 35 24.14

6 Frequency response and analysis 6 10 - 30 - 20.68

Total 52 145 Marks 100

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC54B Page 2


Introduction to Control Systems
Introduction, Open loop control system,, Closed loop control system, Development of control
systems, Multivariable control system, Advantages of control systems
4 Hours

Casting technology
Modeling of Physical Systems

Physical system, Physical model and Mathematical model, Differential equations: Mechanical
translational system, Mechanical rotational system, Thermal system, Liquid level system,
Analogous systems (Force-Voltage and Force-Current)
8 Hours
Transfer functions, Block diagrams and Signal flow graphs
Introduction to Laplace transform, Definition of Laplace transform, Inverse of Laplace
transform, Laplace transform theorems, Laplace transform pairs, Transfer function, Procedure
for deriving transfer functions, Block diagram algebra, Block diagram of a Single-input closed-
loop system, Signal flow graphs: Signal flow graph of a closed-loop system, Construction of
signal flow graph, Mason’s Gain formula (only definition and equation)
10 Hours
Time response of feedback control systems
Transient response and Time response of control system, Standard test signals: Step signal,
Ramp signal, Parabolic signal, Impulse signal, Time response of first-order systems for step-
signal, Time response specifications, Performance indices for step response, Compensations in
second and higher order systems (PD, PI and PID controller), Lag-Lead Compensation
8 Hours
Stability – concepts and analysis and Root Locus Techniques

Concept of stability, Relative stability, Conditions for stability, methods determination of

stability of linear continuous data system (without involving root solving) of Routh-Hurwitz
stability criterion, Introduction to Root locus concept, Construction of Root loci, Construction
rules, Breakaway points on real axis – analytical approach, Breakaway points on real axis –
graphical approach, Breakaway directions of Root locus branches, Determination of roots from
Root locus, Root contours
12 Hours

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC54B Page 3


Frequency response and analysis

Introduction to Frequency response specifications, Polar plots, Bode plots, General procedure
for constructing Bode plots, All-pass and Minimum-phase systems, Log-magnitude versus phase
10 Hours
1. I.J. Nagarath and M. Gopal, “Control Systems Engineering”, 5th edition, New Age
International, New Delhi,
2. Benjamin C. Kuo and Farid Golnaraghi, “Automatic Control Systems”, 8th edition, Wiley
India, New Delhi,
3. Katsuhiko Ogatta, “Modern Control Engineering”, 4th edition, Pearson Education, Bangalore,
4. Schaum’s Outline of Feedback and Control Systems
5.S N Verma, “Automatic Control System”, Khanna Publishers


1. http://www.site.uottawa.ca/~rhabash/ELG4152LN01.pdf
2. https://www.ent.mrt.ac.lk/~rohan/teaching/EN2142/Reading/DORFCH1.pdf
3. http://www.electrical4u.com/signal-flow-graph-of-control-system/
4. http://ocw.nctu.edu.tw/upload/classbfs1209114844102343.pdf
5. https://www.maplesoft.com/content/EngineeringFundamentals/11/MapleDocument_11/Blo
6. http://lpsa.swarthmore.edu/Root_Locus/RLocusExamples.html
7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRvVDoQJjYI
8. http://www.me.ust.hk/~mech261/index/Lecture/Chapter_7.pdf
9. https://www.facstaff.bucknell.edu/mastascu/eControlHTML/Freq/Freq5.html
10. https://www.facstaff.bucknell.edu/mastascu/eControlHTML/Freq/Freq5.html

Student Activity

Activity No Description of the Student Activity

1 Prepare root locus for given problems

2 Prepare bode plot for given problems

1. Group of max four students should do any one of the above activity or any other similar
activity related to the course COs and get it approved from concerned Teacher and HOD.
2. No group should have activity repeated or similar
4. Teacher should asses every student by using suitable Rubrics approved by HOD

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC54B Page 4

Sample Rubrics

Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning Roll No. of the Student

5/4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5
Information Information in Difficult to Cannot Ex:
presented in logical follow understand
Organization logical, sequence presentation-- presentation-- 2
interesting student jumps no sequence
sequence around of

Subject Demonstrates At ease with Uncomfortable Does not 4

Knowledge full expected with have a grasp
knowledge by answers to information of the
answering all questions but and is able to information.
class does not answer only Cannot
questions with elaborate rudimentary answer
explanations questions questions
and about subject

Explain and Relate to text Occasionally Uses 5

reinforce and uses graphics superfluous
Graphics screen text presentation that rarely graphics or
and support text no graphics
presentation and

Oral Maintains eye Maintains eye Occasionally Reads with 3

Presentation contact and contact most of uses eye no eye
pronounces all the time and contact, mostly contact and
terms pronounces reading incorrectly
precisely. All most words presentation, pronounces
audience correctly. Most and incorrectly terms. Speaks
members can audience pronounces too quietly
hear members can terms.
hear Audience
presentation members have

Total Score=2+3+4+5=14/4=3.5=4

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC54B Page 5

Course Assessment Pattern
Particulars Max Evidence Course
Marks outcomes
Direct Assessment CIE Three tests 20 Blue books 1,2,3,4,5,6
(Average of
three tests)
Student 05 Student 1,2,3,4,5,6
Activity Activity
SEE End of the 100 Answer scripts 1,2,3,4,5,6
course at BTE
Indirect Assessment Student Middle of the Feedback 1, 2&3
Feedback course forms
on course End of the Feedback 1,2,3, 4,
course forms 5&6
Note: I.A. test shall be conducted for 20 marks. Average marks of three tests shall be rounded off to
the next higher digit.
Note to IA verifier: The following documents to be verified by CIE verifier at the end of
1. Blue books ( 20 marks)
2. Student suggested activities report for 5 marks and should be assessed on RUBRICS
3. Student feedback on course regarding Effectiveness of Delivery of instructions &
Assessment Methods.

Model Question Paper (CIE)

Date and Time Semester Course Max Marks
1Test(6 th week of V SEM Control Engineering
sem) 10-11 Am Course code:15MC54B
Year: 2017-18
Name of Course coordinator : Units:1,2 Co: 1,2
All questions carries equal marks
Q. No Question CL CO PO
1 Explain open loop control system with examples U 1 1,2
Explain difference between open loop and closed loop control
2 Explain Closed loop control system (automatic) with a block U 1 1,2
Explain basic control system with a block diagram and
3 Explain Physical system with an example U 2 1,2
Explain Mathematical model with an example
4 Explain thermal system with an example U 2 1,2
Explain force-current analogy

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC54B Page 6

Model Question Paper
V Semester Diploma in Mechatronics Engineering
Control engineering

Instructions: Answer any six questions from part A and Seven full questions from part B


Answer any six questions. 5X6=30 marks

1. Explain Open loop control system with a block diagram
2. Explain Physical system with an example
3. Explain transfer function with an example
4. Explain Mason’s Gain formula with its related equation
5. Explain the significance of transient response of a control system
6. Explain relative stability of a system
7. Explain root contours with an illustration
8. Explain explain frequency response test on a system
9. Explain a simple illustration, explain Bode plot

Answer any seven full questions. 10X7=70M

1 a) Explain closed loop control system with examples

b) Explain force-voltage analogy

2 a) Explain torque equation for inertia, torsion spring and damper element in mechanical
b) Explain mechanical rotational system with its related force equation

3 a) Explain assumptions made for deriving transfer functions of physical systems

b) Explain briefly block diagram of a control system with an example

4 Explain the terminology of signal flow graph with an example of a closed-loop


5 With a sample curve of damped oscillatory nature, explain the time response
specifications of control systems to a step-input

6 Solve for the breakaway points of the root locus for the loop transfer function
K ( s  4)
G ( s) H(s)  2
( s  2s  4)

7 Using Routh-Hurwitz criterion, explain the stability of closed loop system that has the
characteristic equation s3  25s2  10s  450  0 . Solve for the number of roots of each equation
that are in the right half of s-plane and on jω-axis

8 Explain the breakaway points of the root locus for the loop transfer function0

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC54B Page 7

9 a) Explain phase margin and gain margin
b) Explain the general procedure for constructing Bode plots
10 a) Explain between minimum phase transfer and all-pass systems.
b) Explain the significance of a Log-magnitude versus phase plot


Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC54B Page 8

Model Question Bank
V Semester Diploma in Mechatronics Engineering
Control Engineering

Unit -1
Introduction to Control Systems
Cognitive level- Understanding

1. Explain basic control system with a block diagram and terminology

2. Explain Open loop control system with a block diagram.
3. Explain open loop control system with examples
4. Explain Closed loop control system (manually operated) with a block diagram.
5. Explain Closed loop control system (automatic) with a block diagram
6. Explain closed loop control system with examples
7. Explain difference between open loop and closed loop control system
8. Explain with a block diagram describe a multivariable control system.
9. Explain advantages of control systems.

Unit –II
Modeling of Physical Systems
Cognitive level- Understanding

1. Explain Physical system with an example

2. Explain Physical model with an example
3. Explain Mathematical model with an example
4. Explain force equation of the mass, spring and damper element in mechanical system
5. Explain torque equation for inertia, torsion spring and damper element in mechanical
6. Explain mass-spring-dashpot system with its free body diagram with related force
7. Explain mechanical translation system
8. Explain mechanical rotational system with its related force equation
9. Explain thermal system with an example
10. Explain liquid level system with an example
11. Explain force-voltage analogy
12. Explain force-current analogy

Unit –III
Transfer functions, Block diagrams and Signal flow graphs
Cognitive level- Understanding

1. Explain transfer function with respect to mass, spring and dashpot system.
2. Explain Laplace transform with an example.
3. Explain inverse Laplace transform with an example.
4. Explain important theorems of Laplace transform without derivation
5. Explain transfer function with an example

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC54B Page 9

6. Explain the procedure for deriving transfer functions of physical systems.
7. Explain assumptions made for deriving transfer functions of physical systems.
8. With a block diagram explain the reduction of a Single-input closed-loop system.
9. Explain briefly block diagram of a control system with an example
10. Explain block diagram elements of typical sensing device
11. Briefly explain the terminology of signal flow graph with an example of a closed-loop
12. Explain in brief the construction procedure of signal flow graph.
13. Explain Mason’s Gain formula with its related equation

Time response of feedback control systems
Cognitive level- Understanding
1. Explain the significance of transient response of a control system.
2. Explain the significance of transient time response of a control system.
3. Explain step signal with its graphical and mathematical representation
4. Explain ramp signal with its graphical and mathematical representation
5. Explain parabolic signal with its graphical and mathematical representation
6. Explain impulse (rectangular response) signal with its graphical and mathematical
7. representation.
8. Explain time response of first-order systems (Unit-step Input only).
9. With a sample curve of damped oscillatory nature, explain the time response specifications of
control systems to a step-input.
10. Explain the performance indices that characterize the step response of a control system.
11. Explain Compensation
12. Explain Proportional plus Derivative (PD),
13. Explain Proportional plus Integral (PI)
14. Explain Proportional plus Integral and Derivative (PID) Controller.
15. Briefly explain lead-lag compensation in control systems.

Stability – concepts and analysis and Root Locus Techniques
Cognitive level- Analyzing

1. Using Routh-Hurwitz criterion, explain the stability of closed loop system that has the
following characteristic equation. Solve for the number of roots of each equation that are
in the right half of s-plane and on jω-axis
a. s3  25s2  10s  450  0
b. s3  25s2  10s  50  0
c. s3  25s2  250s  10  0
d. s 4  2s3  8s 2  4s  3  0
e. s5  s 4  3s3  9s 2  16s  10  0

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC54B Page 10

2. Determine and solve for the breakaway points of the root locus for the loop transfer
function G ( s) H(s) 
( s  2)( s  4)
3. Determine and solve for the breakaway points of the root locus for the loop transfer
K ( s  4)
function G ( s) H(s)  2
( s  2s  4)
4. Determine and solve for the breakaway points of the root locus for the loop transfer
function G ( s) H(s) 
s(s 2)( s  2s  10)

5. The open loop transfer function of a unity feedback control system is

G(s)  . Solve for the values of K and s at the breakaway points of the root
( s  2)( s  3)
6. Solve for the value of K and the location of breakaway points of the system defined by
K ( s  3)
the loop transfer function G ( s) H(s) 
s( s  2)

Frequency response and analysis
Cognitive level- Understanding

1. Explain frequency response test on a system

2. Explain the frequency domain specifications
3. Explain procedure to draw Polar plots.
4. Explain procedure to draw Bode plot.
5. Explain phase margin and gain margin
6. Explain the general procedure for constructing Bode plots.
7. Explain minimum phase transfer and all-pass systems.
8. Explain the significance of a Log-magnitude versus phase plot.

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC54B Page 11

Government of Karnataka
Department of Technical Education
Board of Technical Examinations, Bengaluru

Course Title: : Design of Mechatronics Systems Course Code:15MC52T

Mode(L:T:P) : 4:0:0 Credits: 4 Core/ Elective: Core
Type of Course: Lectures & Student Activities Total Contact Hours: 52
CIE= 25 Marks SEE= 100 Marks

Prerequisites: Knowledge of Basics of Mechanical engineering, Basics of Electrical and

Electronics engineering and Measurement systems.

Course Objectives: Understand the techniques to design Mechatronics systems.

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be able to

1. Explain how Mechatronics integrates knowledge from different disciplines in order to

realize engineering and consumer products that are useful in everyday life.
2. Explain the need of real time interfacing in the Mechatronics systems.
3. Explain the Case studies on Data acquisition systems.
4. Explain the Case studies on Data acquisition and control systems.
5. Explain the Case studies of design of Mechatronics products.
6. Explain the advanced applications in designing of Mechatronics systems.

Cognitive Linked Teaching

Course Outcome
Level with PO Hours
Explain how Mechatronics integrates
knowledge from different disciplines in
order to realize engineering and U 2 10
consumer products that are useful in
everyday life.
Explain the need of real time interfacing U 2
CO2 06
in the Mechatronics systems.
Explain the Case studies on Data U 2
CO3 06
acquisition systems
Explain the Case studies on Data U 2
CO4 06
acquisition and control systems
Explain the Case studies of design of U 2
C05 12
Mechatronics products
Explain the advanced applications in U 2
C06 12
designing of Mechatronics systems
Total sessions 52
Legend: R; Remember, U: Understand A: Application

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC52T Page 1

Mapping Of Course Outcomes with Program Outcomes

Course Programme Outcomes

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Design of Mechatronics
3 - - - - - - - -

Course Content and Weightage For SEE

Unit CO Hour Marks allocated for Marks weightage
No Unit Name different Cognitive (%)
level Questions

Introduction to Mechatronics 1 10 - 30 - 20.68
system design
Real time interfacing 2 06 - 20 - 13.79

Case studies on Data 3 - 20 - 13.79

3 acquisition systems 06

Case studies on Data 4 - 20 - 13.79

acquisition and control 06

Case studies of design of 5 - 30 - 20.68

5 Mechatronics products 12

6 - 25 - 17.25
Advanced applications 12

Total 52 145 marks 100

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC52T Page 2


Integrated design issues in Mechatronics, key elements: Information system, Mechanical
system, Electrical system, Computer system, Sensors and Actuators, Real time interfacing,
Mechatronics Design process, Advanced approaches in Mechatronics.




Introduction, elements of Data Acquisition and Control System, overview of I/O process,
Installation of I/O chard and software.




Testing of transportation bridge surface material, Transducer calibration systems for automotive
application, Strain gauge weighing system, Solenoid displacement calibration systems and
Rotary optical encoder.


Thermal cycle Fatigue of a Ceramic Plate, PH control system, De-Icing Temperature Control
System, Skip control of CD player, speed control of a DC Motor and speed control of a Stepper



Pick and Place robot, car park barrier system, Automatic Camera, car engine management
system, Bar Code Reader, coin counter, automatic washing machine, automatic windscreen
wiper in Car Systems, automatic room heating system, Intelligent Mechatronic Devices.


Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC52T Page 3


Sensors for condition monitoring, Mechatronic control in automated manufacturing, Artificial
Intelligence in Mechatronics, Fuzzy logic applications in Mechatronics and Micro-Sensors in


References Books.

1.Devadas shetty,Richard A Kolk,”Mechatronics system design”, Thomson Learning Publishing

company,Vikas publishing house,2001

2.Bolton Mechatronics-Electronic control systems in Mechanical and Electrical engineering, Addison

Wesley Longman Ltd.,1999

3. Brian Morris, Automated Manufacturing systems –Actuators, Controls, Sensors and Robotics, Mc
Graw Hill International Edition 1995

4. Clarence de Silva_Mechatronics an Integrated Approach , click to download :


e-References/ URLS



Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC52T Page 4

Student Activity

Activity No. Description of the Student Activity

1 Students can study the Mechatronics systems viz. currency machine, ATM
machine, Metro rail door open and close etc. and make report

1. Group of max four students should do any one of the above activity or any other similar
activity related to the course Cos and get it approved from concerned Teacher and HOD.
2. No group should have activity repeated or similar
3. Teacher should ensure activities by different groups must cover all COs
4. Teacher should asses every student by using suitable Rubrics approved by HOD

Sample Rubrics

Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning Roll No. of the Student

5/4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5
Information Information in Difficult to Cannot Ex:
presented in logical follow understand 2
Organization logical, sequence presentation-- presentation--
interesting student jumps no sequence
sequence around of
Subject Demonstrates At ease with Uncomfortable Does not 3
Knowledge full expected with have a grasp
knowledge by answers to information of the
answering all questions but and is able to information.
class does not answer only Cannot
questions with elaborate rudimentary answer
explanations questions questions
and about subject
Explain and Relate to text Occasionally Uses 4
reinforce and uses graphics superfluous
Graphics screen text presentation that rarely graphics or
and support text no graphics
presentation and
Oral Maintains eye Maintains eye Occasionally Reads with 5
Presentation contact and contact most of uses eye no eye
pronounces all the time and contact, mostly contact and
terms pronounces reading incorrectly
precisely. All most words presentation, pronounces
audience correctly. Most and incorrectly terms. Speaks
members can audience pronounces too quietly
hear members can terms.
hear Audience
presentation members have
Total Score=2+3+4+5=14/4=3.5=4

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC52T Page 5

Institutional Activity

Activity No. Description of the Institutional Activity

1 Organize Seminar, workshop, Lecture, from experts on modern Mechatronics

system designs.

2 Motivate student to take case study on different Mechatronics system designing.

Course Assessment Pattern

Particulars Max Evidence Course outcomes


Direct Assessment CIE Three tests 20 Blue books 1,2,3,4,5,6

(Average of
three tests)
Student 05 Student 1,2,3,4,5,6
Activity Activity
SEE End of the 100 Answer scripts 1,2,3,4,5,6
course at BTE
Indirect Assessment Student Middle of the Feedback 1,2,3
Feedback course forms
on course End of the Feedback 4, 5, 6
course forms

Note: I.A. test shall be conducted for 20 marks. Average marks of three tests shall be rounded off to
the next higher digit.

Note to IA verifier: The following documents to be verified by CIE verifier at the end of
1. Blue books ( 20 marks)
2. Student suggested activities report for 5 marks and should be assessed on RUBRICS
3. Student feedback on course regarding Effectiveness of Delivery of instructions &
Assessment Methods.

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC52T Page 6

Model Question Paper (CIE)

Semester Course Max Marks

Date and Time
3rd Test(14 th weak of V SEM Design of Mechatronic Systems
sem ) 10-11 Am Year: 2017-18 Course code:15MC52T
Name of Course coordinator : Units:5,6 Co: 5,6
Answer the following questions.
Question CL CO PO
1 Explain the design of Pick and Place robot U 5 2
Explain the design of car park barrier system 10m
2 Explain the design of Mechatronic control in automated manufacturing. U 6 2
Explain Artificial intelligence in Mechatronics. 5m
3 Explain Fuzzy logic applications in Mechatronics. U 6 2
Explain Micro sensors. 5m

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC52T Page 7

Model Question Paper
V Semester Diploma in Mechatronics Engineering
Design of Mechatronic Systems

Instructions: Answer any six questions from part A and Seven full questions from part B


Answer any six questions. 5X6=30 marks

1. Explain the integrated design issues in Mechatronics.

2. Explain the block diagram of general scheme of hardware and software integration.
3. Explain the I/O channels of Analog signals.
4. Explain Digital Signals.
5. Explain the Strain gauge weighing system.
6. Explain the Solenoid displacement calibration systems.
7. Explain the Skip control of CD player.
8. Explain the speed control of a DC Motor.
9. Explain the applications of Sensors for conditioning monitoring.


Answer any seven full questions. 10x7=70 Marks

1. Explain the design of Mechatronic control in automated manufacturing. 10m

2. Explain Artificial intelligence in Mechatronics. 10m
3. a) Explain the concept of Overframing 5+5m
b) Explain the methods to overcome Overframing
4. a) Explain Testing of transportation bridge surface material 5+5 m
b) Explain the Transducer calibration systems for automotive application.
5. a) Explain the PH control system
b) Explain the De-Icing Temperature Control System
6. Explain the design of Coin Counter. 10m
7. Explain the design of automatic washing machine. 10m
8. Explain the design of automatic windscreen wiper in Car Systems 10m
9. Explain the design of Mechatronic control in automated manufacturing.

10. a) Explain Artificial intelligence in Mechatronics.

b) Explain Fuzzy logic applications in Mechatronics.


Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC52T Page 8

Model Question Bank
V Semester Diploma in Mechatronics Engineering
Design of Mechatronics Systems


Cognitive level- Understanding

1. Explain the term Mechatronics.

2. Explain the three phases of Mechatronics system design.
3. Explain the key elements of Mechatronics system design.
4. Explain the integrated design issues in Mechatronics.
5. Explain the block diagram of general scheme of hardware and software integration.
6. Explain the Mechatronics key elements.
7. Explain the automatic controls.
8. Explain the Mechanical system.
9. Explain the Electrical system.
10. Explain the Computer system.
11. Explain the Sensors and Actuators.
12. Explain the block diagram of Mechatronic design process.
13. Explain the Model based monitoring system with block diagram.
14. Explain the block diagram of open- architecture system.


Cognitive level- Understanding

1. Explain the elements of a data acquisition and control system.

2. Explain the Real Time Interfacing
3. Explain the safety used in Mechatronics
4. Explain the I/O channels of Analog signals
5. Explain Digital Signals
6. Explain Frequency signals
7. Explain the concept of Overframing
8. Explain the methods to overcome Overframing


Cognitive level- Understanding

1. Explain the Cantilever Beam Force Measurement
2. Explain Testing of transportation bridge surface material
3. Explain the Transducer calibration systems for automotive application
4. Explain the Strain gauge weighing system
5. Explain the Solenoid displacement calibration systems
6. Explain the Rotary optical encoder.

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC52T Page 9


Cognitive level- Understanding

1. Explain the Thermal cycle Fatigue of a Ceramic Plate

2. Explain the PH control system
3. Explain the De-Icing Temperature Control System
4. Explain the Skip control of CD player
5. Explain the speed control of a DC Motor
6. Explain the speed control of a Stepper Motor


Cognitive level- Understanding

1. Explain the design of Pick and Place robot

2. Explain the design of car park barrier system
3. Explain the design of Automatic digital Camera
4. Explain the design of car engine management system
5. Explain the design of Bar Code Reader
6. Explain the design of Coin Counter.
7. Explain the design of automatic washing machine.
8. Explain the design of automatic windscreen wiper in Car Systems
9. Explain the design of automatic room heating system.
10. Explain the design of intelligent Mechatronic system.


Cognitive level- Understanding

1. Explain the applications of Sensors for conditioning monitoring.

2. Explain the design of Mechatronic control in automated manufacturing.
3. Explain Artificial intelligence in Mechatronics.
4. Explain Fuzzy logic applications in Mechatronics.
5. Explain Micro sensors.
6. Explain the advanced applications of Mechatronics.
7. Explain the three different types of microsensors.
8. Explain the process of fabrication of microsensor.

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC52T Page 10

Government of Karnataka
Department of Technical Education
Board of Technical Examinations, Bengaluru

Course Title: Interfacing Lab Course Code: 15MC56P

Mode (L:T:P) : 0:2:4 Credits :3 Core/ Elective: Core
Type of course: Tutorials and Practical’s Total Contact Hours: 78
CIE- 25 Marks SEE- 50 Marks

Prerequisites: Knowledge of Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Digital

Electronics, Measurements and Microcontrollers

Course Objectives: The students are able to Interface Mechanical, Electrical and Electronics
component using Arduino or suitable Interfacing boards.

Course outcome: At the end of the Course, the students must be able to:

1. Interface Mechanical, Electrical and Electronics component using Arduino or suitable

Interfacing boards

2. Build an intelligent Device/System/Process using Arduino or suitable Interfacing


Cognitive Linked Teaching

Course Outcome Level with Hours

Interface Mechanical, Electrical and Electronics Understanding/

CO1 component using Arduino or suitable Analyzing/ 2,3,4 30
Interfacing boards

Build an intelligent Device/System/Process
Application/ 2,3,4 48
using Arduino or suitable Interfacing boards

Total sessions 78

Legend: R; Remember, U: Understand A: Application

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC56P Page 1

Mapping of Course Outcomes with Program Outcomes

Course Program Outcomes

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Interfacing Lab - 3 3 3 - - - - - -

List of Circuits to be build using Arduino or suitable Interfacing boards:
1. Blinking of an LED
2. Controlling the brightness of an LED Using a potentiometer
3. Create unique color combinations Using RGB LED
4. Create various lighting sequences by Connecting 8 LED
5. Giving an input using push buttons
6. Controlling the ON/OFF of an LED by Connecting photo resistor
7. Connecting temperature sensor and reading the output
8. Using PWM to control and rotate a servo
9. Using flex/force sensor to control and rotate a servo
10. Using soft potentiometer to control RGB LED
11. Switching ON/OFF a piezoelectric buzzer
12. Control spinning of motor
13. Control ON/OFF of a relay
14. Using a shift register to control eight LEDs
15. Using ultrasonic sensor module to activate buzzer
16. Using pressure sensor module to activate relay
17. Detecting vibration and knocks using sound and piezomodule
18. Build an Intelligent system Using accelerometer/gyroscope/ gsm/Bluetooth/IR module/light
sensor/LCD/keypad/camera/wifi……any other modules ( Any Two)

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC56P Page 2

Sl No Contents CO PO

1 Blinking of an LED 1 2,3,4

2 Controlling the brightness of an LED Using a potentiometer 1 2,3,4

3 Create unique color combinations Using RGB LED 1 2,3,4

4 Create various lighting sequences by Connecting 8 LED 1 2,3,4

5 Giving an input using push buttons 1 2,3,4

6 Controlling the ON/OFF of an LED by Connecting photo resistor 1 2,3,4

7 Connecting temperature sensor and reading the output 1 2,3,4

8 Using PWM to control and rotate a servo 1 2,3,4

9 Using flex/force sensor to control and rotate a servo 1 2,3,4

10 Using soft potentiometer to control RGB LED 1 2,3,4

11 Switching ON/OFF a piezoelectric buzzer 1 2,3,4

12 Control spinning of motor 1 2,3,4

13 Control ON/OFF of a relay 1 2,3,4

14 Using a shift register to control eight LEDs 1 2,3,4

15 Using ultrasonic sensor module to activate buzzer 1 2,3,4

16 Using pressure sensor module to activate relay 1 2,3,4

17 Detecting vibration and knocks using sound and piezomodule 1 2,3,4

18 Build an Intelligent system Using accelerometer/gyroscope/ 2 2,3,4

gsm/Bluetooth/IR module/light sensor/LCD/keypad/camera/wifi……any
other modules (Any Two)

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC56P Page 3

Scheme of valuation for SEE

Sl. No. Performance Max. Marks

1 Writing a Program for a given Task 15

2 Interfacing 20

3 Execution 15

Total 50

Student Activity

Activity No. Description of Student Activity

1 Perform a Task beyond the curriculum using Arduino or suitable

Interfacing boards

1. Group of max four students should do any one of the above activity or any other similar
activity related to the course COs and get it approved from concerned Teacher and HOD.
2. No group should have activity repeated or similar
3. Teacher should ensure activities by different groups must cover all Cos.

4. Teacher should asses every student by using suitable Rubrics approved by HOD

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC56P Page 4

Sample Rubrics

Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning Roll No. of the Student

5/4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5
Information Information in Difficult to Cannot 2
presented in logical follow understand
Organization logical, sequence presentation-- presentation--
interesting student jumps no sequence
sequence around of

Subject Demonstrates At ease with Uncomfortable Does not 3

Knowledge full expected with have a grasp
knowledge by answers to information of the
answering all questions but and is able to information.
class does not answer only Cannot
questions with elaborate rudimentary answer
explanations questions questions
and about subject

Explain and Relate to text Occasionally Uses 4

reinforce and uses graphics superfluous
Graphics screen text presentation that rarely graphics or
and support text no graphics
presentation and

Oral Maintains eye Maintains eye Occasionally Reads with 5

Presentation contact and contact most of uses eye no eye
pronounces all the time and contact, mostly contact and
terms pronounces reading incorrectly
precisely. All most words presentation, pronounces
audience correctly. Most and incorrectly terms. Speaks
members can audience pronounces too quietly
hear members can terms.
hear Audience
presentation members have

Total Score=(2+3+4+5)=14/4=3.5=4

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC56P Page 5

Course Assessment Pattern

Particulars Max Evidence Course

Marks outcomes

Direct Assessment CIE Two tests 10 Blue books 1 &2

(Average of
Two tests)

Practical 10 Practical 1 &2

record record

Student 05 Student 1 &2

Activity Activity

SEE End of the 50 Answer scripts 1 &2

course at BTE

Indirect Assessment Student Middle of the Feedback 1 &2

Feedback course forms
on course
End of the Feedback 1 &2
course forms

*CIE – Continuous Internal Evaluation *SEE – Semester End Examination

1. I.A. test shall be conducted as per SEE scheme of valuation. However obtained marks
shall be reduced to 10 marks. Average marks of two tests shall be rounded off to the next
higher digit.
2. Rubrics to be devised appropriately by the concerned faculty to assess Student activities.

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC56P Page 6

Government of Karnataka
Department of Technical Education
Board of Technical Examinations, Bengaluru

Course Title: : Professional Practice Course Code: 15MC57P

Mode(L:T:P) : 0:2:4 Credits: 3 Core/ Elective: core

Type of Course: Lectures, Practice & Activities Total Contact Hours: 78
CIE= 25 Marks SEE= 50Marks

Prerequisites: Knowledge of First to Fifth semester courses of Diploma in Mechatronics

Engineering program

Course Objective: To make students to participate in seminars, group discursion, and related

Course Outcomes: On successful completion of the course, the students will be able to:
1. Survey relevant information from various sources and interpret the data
2. Take part in a seminar on the given topic
3. Take part in sharing and discussing the thoughts with peer group
4. Examine a report on expert lecture and similar activities

5. Take part in teams in executing a given task

Linked Teaching
Course Outcome CL
PO Hours
Survey relevant information from various
CO1 sources and interpret the data Analysing 2,10 10

Take part in a seminar on the given topic

CO2 Analysing 2,9 15

Take part in sharing and discussing the

CO3 thoughts with peer group Analysing 9 10

Expert a report on expert lecture and similar

CO4 activities Analysing 2,9 28

Take part in teams in executing a given task

CO5 Analysing 8 15

Total 78 Hours

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC57P Page 1

Mapping of Course Outcomes with Program Outcomes.

Course Programme Outcomes

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Programmable Logic
- 3 - - - - - 3 3 1


Information Search and interpretation of Data

Information search and interpretation of data should be done through manufacturer’s

catalogue, websites, magazines, books etc. and submit a report on any two topic.

Following topics are suggested (Any Similar topics may be considered):

 Engine lubricants & additives

 Automotive gaskets and sealants
 Engine coolants and additives
 Power steering
 Different drives/Transmission systems in vehicles
 Heat Exchangers
 Maintenance procedure for solar equipment
 3G & 4G mobile communications
 E-waste disposal
 Artificial Intelligence
 Biometric Systems
 PLC Applications
 Microcontrollers and its application
 Machine vision
 Recycling of plastics and other waste material
 Pneumatic tools and equipments
 Rain water harvesting
 Nano technology
 Traffic Control System
 Cloud computing


1. The student should individually select the topic, and search the information related to
the topic.
2. The report is strictly hand written document to have knowledge of precise writing
and report making based on data interpretation
3. Carry out presentation using power point presentation.
4. Asses the student based of Appropriate Rubrics

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC57P Page 2


Seminar on any Two advanced technical topic should to be presented by individual student.
Before the seminar the student should submit a report of at least 10 pages and deliver a
seminar by using power point presentation(Presentation time – min10 minutes)


1. The student should individually select the topic, and get it approved from Course
2. The student should prepare a report and get it corrected from Course coordinator
before Presentation
3. Carry out presentation using power point presentation
4. Asses the student based of Appropriate Rubrics

Group Discussion

The students should discuss in a group of six to eight and write a brief report on the same.
Two topics for group discussions may be selected by the faculty members.

Some of the suggested topics are (Any Similar topics may be considered):

 Sports
 Current news items
 Discipline and House Keeping
 Current topics related to Mechatronics engineering field.
 Solar Vehicles / Electric Vehicles.
 Auto Vehicles – Comparison.
 Recycling of plastics and other waste material
 Creativity and innovativeness
 Energy conservation in institutes
 Value engineering
 Revolution in communication technology
 CNG versus LPG as a fuel.
 Load shading and remedial measures.
 Rain water harvesting.
 Disaster management.
 Safety in day to day life.
 Energy Saving in Institute.
 Nano technology.
 Polythene bags must be banned
 Do we really need smart cities
 E – Books or Printed books

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC57P Page 3

 Globalization and its impact on Indian Culture.
 Analytically evaluate the solutions to traffic problems
 Global warming is caused more by developed countries
 Rain forests help in maintaining the earth’s ecosystem
 How to deal with terrorism
 Water resources should be nationalized
 Nuclear power is a safe source of energy
 Electronic media vs. print media
 Privatization will lead to less corruption.
 China market - a threat to Indian market
 Smaller businesses and start-ups have more scope
 Freedom of press should exist
 India needs a strong dictator
 Mobile phones - requirement of the day.
 The medium of teaching in schools should be English
 E-Learning is good for the education system and society


1. The course coordinator should allot a topic for a group of six to eight students
2. The course coordinator should give an introductory talk on Ways and rules to carry
out group discussion
3. The placement officer , any other senior faculty of the institute, HOD of other
department should be invited and they should act as observing members, apart from
course coordinator
4. The course coordinator should fix up the time duration for conducting the activity
5. Asses the student based of Appropriate Rubrics

Lectures by Professional / Industrial Expert

The students should participate in Lectures by Professional / Industrial Expert and write a
brief report on the same. (Minimum Two Lectures should be arranged in a semester)
Some of the suggested topics are (Any Similar topics may be considered):
 Pollution control.
 Non destructive testing.
 Acoustics.
 Illumination / Lighting system.
 Fire Fighting / Safety Precautions and First aids.
 Computer Networking and Security.
 Traffic Control System
 Communication in Industry
 Yoga and Meditation
 Aids awareness and health awareness
 micro processor based instrumentation in Automobiles

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC57P Page 4

 Earth moving machines.
 Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV)
 Career opportunities in Service sector, Marketing, Surveyor, Insurance, R&D, call
canters, CAD, NDT, Railways, Defence, Aeronautics, Marine, Software development,
Information Technology etc
 Continuing education / Open university Programs
 Use of a plastics in automobiles
 Nonferrous Metals and alloys for engineering application
 Selection of electric motors for various applications.
 Computer aided drafting.
 Industrial hygiene.
 Composite Materials.
 Heat treatment processes
 Safety Engineering and Waste elimination
 Interview Techniques.
 Transducer application in automobiles.
 Vehicle aerodynamics & design.
 Biotechnology
 Nanotechnology
 Rapid prototyping
 Programmable logic controllers
 Hybrid motor vehicles
 Packaging technology
 Cloud computing
 Safety awareness on driving
 Program on Personality development
 Computer Networking and Security


1. The course coordinator should fix up the date for guest lecture.
2. The HOD of the department should chair the event.
3. The students are allowed participating in the session.
4. Each students should prepare the brief hand written report on the guest lecture and
submit to the course coordinator
5. Record of the guest lecture by using any smart devices.

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC57P Page 5


Students Activities in a Team

The students in a group of 3 to 4 should perform any Two activities and present a report as a
part of term work:

Some of the suggested topics are (Any Similar topics may be considered):

 Collect and study IS code for Engineering Drawing.

 Collecting information from Market regarding Nomenclatures and specifications of
engineering materials.
 Draw orthographic projections of a given simple machine element using and CAD
 Collect and study Failure data for automobile / machines / equipments.
 Study of Hydraulic system for any one application like – dumpers, Earth moving
equipment, Auto service station.
 Survey of oils used for hydraulic circuits – specifications, properties, costs,
manufacturers names etc.
 Study any one type of CNC machining center and prepare report on tooling and tool
holding devices
 For a given job write a sequence of operations performed by automated
manufacturing system. Draw a block diagram of control system to perform above
 Compare non traditional methods on the basis of working principles, accuracy , MRR,
Applications and limitations a) EBM b) PAM C)AJM d)WJM
 Collection of data regarding loan facilities or other facilities available through
different organizations / banks to budding entrepreneurs
 Survey and interviews of successful entrepreneurs in near by areas
 Survey of opportunities available in thrust areas identified by Government
 Measuring Screw thread parameters on floating carriage dial micrometer and select
the optimum diameter of wire.
 Survey of data regarding different types of pumps with specifications from
manufacturers catalogue, local markets, end users (any other engineering products
may be considered for survey
 Survey for local social problems such as mal nutrition, unemployment, cleanliness,
illiteracy etc


1. The student should individually select the topic, and get it approved from Course
2. The student should prepare a report on performance of an activity and get it
corrected from Course coordinator before Presentation
3. Carry out presentation using power point presentation

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC57P Page 6

4. Asses the student based of Appropriate Rubrics
Course Assessment Pattern

Particulars Max Evidence Course outcomes


Direct Assessment CIE 25 Reports 1,2,3,4,5

Each unit of
activities (5
marks each)

SEE As per the 50 Answer scripts 1,2,3,4,5

Scheme of at BTE

Indirect Assessment Student Middle of the Feedback 1, 2and3

Feedback course forms
on course
End of the Feedback 1,2,3, 4, 5
course forms

Sample Rubrics

Unsatisfactory Developing Satisfactory Good Exemplary Student

1 2 3 4 5
Collects very Collect much Collects Collects a Ex:
Does not collect
limited information; some basic great deal of
Collection any information
information; but very information; information; 4
of data relating to the
some relate to limited relate most refer to all refer to
the topic to the topic the topic the topic
Does not perform Performs all
Fulfill Performs very Performs
any duties Performs very duties of
team’s roles little duties but nearly all 5
assigned to the little duties assigned
& duties unreliable. duties
team role team roles

Rarely does Usually does Always does

Shares Always relies on the assigned the assigned the assigned 3
does the
work others to do the work; often work; rarely work without
equally work needs needs having to be
reminding reminding reminded.

Usually does Talks good;

Is always talking; Listens, but
Listen to most of the but never Listens and 2
never allows sometimes
other Team talking; rarely show interest speaks a fair
anyone else to talk too
mates allows others in listening amount
speak much
to speak others

Average / Total marks=(4+5+3+2)/4=14/4=3.5=4

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC57P Page 7

1. The I A Verifier should verify Student activities report for 25 marks
2. The I A Verifier should verify the three years records of students activity to prevent
duplication of the activity.

Scheme of Valuation for SEE

Serial no Description Marks

1 Survey report on Information Search and Data Interpretation 10

2 Participation report on seminars 10

3 Recording of Group discussions made by any smart devices 10

4 Participation report on expert lecture and similar activities 10

5 Report on team work 10


Note: The Examiner should award marks on the basis of Reports/Documents submitted by
the student duly attested by Lecturer In Charge, HOD and Principal

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC57P Page 8

Government of Karnataka
Department of Technical Education
Board of Technical Examinations, Bengaluru
Course Title: Project work-I on Design of Course Code: 15MC58P
Mechatronics System and industrial visit
Mode (PBL) : 03/week Credits: - Core/ Elective: Core
Type of Course :Project based Learning Total Contact Hours: 39
CIE- 25 Marks
Prerequisites: Knowledge of First to Sixth semester courses of Diploma in Mechatronics
Engineering Program
Course Objectives: is to provide the opportunity for the students to think, imagine, and to
integrate all the technologies in creating an intelligent system/device/process through Project
based Learning Mode

Course outcome: At the end of the Course, the students must be able to:

1. Design an intelligent Device/System/Process by Integrating Mechanical, Electrical

and Electronics component

2. Build Prototypes of an intelligent Device/System/Process using Adriano or similar

development boards

3. Acquire practical Knowledge through industrial visits

Cognitive Linked Teaching

Course Outcome Level with Hours
Design an intelligent Device/System/Process
CO1 by Integrating Mechanical, Electrical and Application/Ana 1,2,10 15
Electronics component
Build Prototypes or an intelligent Application/Ana
Device/System/Process using Adriano or lyze/Evaluation/ 1,2,3,4,8 24
CO2 similar development boards
Acquire practical Knowledge through industrial
Application/Ana 2,8
CO3 visits lyze/

Total sessions 39

Legend: R; Remember, U: Understand A: Application

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State MECHATRONICS

Mapping of Course Outcomes with Program Outcomes

Course Program Outcomes

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Project work on Design of
Mechatronics System and 1 3 2 2 - - - 3 - 2
industrial visit


Suggested List of Projects (Any Similar Projects may be considered)

1. A Mobile Robot
2. A Mechatronics Race Car
3. An Electronic Canon / Catapult
4. An Elevator
5. An Air Boat
6. An Automatic Window Curtain
7. A Crane
8. A Basic Robotic ARM
9. A Stamping Machine
10. An Automated Box/Item Sorter
11. A Goods Transporter
12. An Automated Garage Door
13. A Car Park Barrier
14. A Remote Plant Watering System
15. A Pet Feeder
16. Remote controlled car using Arduino and T.V. remote

You may also visit following links

1. http://www.electronicshub.org/arduino-project-ideas/
2. https://www.elprocus.com/mini-electronics-project-ideas/
3. http://www.circuitstoday.com/arduino-projects-and-circuits-collection
4. http://todayscircuits.blogspot.com/2012/07/arduino-based-project-ideas-top-

1. The project must be selected so as to has to Integrate Mechanical, Electrical
,Electronics and related technologies in building up of an intelligent
2. The Project has to be carried out by the students in a convenient groups of four to six
students per batch

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State MECHATRONICS

3. Project committee in the institution should give the approval for doing the project
4. Maintain the Register in the institution to record all project to avoid the repetition
5. After approval the students list should be displayed in the notice board along
with guide at the beginning of Fifth semester
6. Six periods per week should be allotted in the time table and this time should be
Utilized by the students to receive the information from the guide, Literature Survey,
Computer analysis or field work as required by the project
7. Each batch of students should submit their synopsis at the end of 5th semester
8. The guide should monitor the progress of Project periodically and it should be
evaluated for 25 marks at the end of 5 & 6 semester as CIE based on Rubrics
9. The Project Report should consist of Candidate declaration, Certificate, synopsis,

Acknowledgments, Table of Contents, List of table & figures, Introduction, Literature

Review, principle of working, Methodology, Design, fabrication, Tests, Result,

Conclusion and scope for future improvement and References.

10. Project reports should be prepared in Times New Roman with font size 14 for

Titles and 12 for text with 1.5 line spacing on an A4 size paper. The margins should be:

Left – 1.5", Right - 1", Top and Bottom - 0.75"

Industrial Visit
Students should visit industries in their respective domain during 5 semesters and
submit the comprehensive report focusing on study of plant layout , product, process,
, tooling, jigs and fixtures and quality aspects etc.

Scheme of Valuation

Sl No. Particulars Marks

1 Project synopsis 15
2 Industrial visit & Report 10
Total 25

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State MECHATRONICS

Sample Rubrics

Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning Roll No. of the Student

5/4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5
Organization Information Information in Difficult to Cannot Ex:
presented in logical follow understand 2
logical, sequence presentation-- presentation--
interesting student jumps no sequence
sequence around of
Subject Demonstrates At ease with Uncomfortable Does not 4
Knowledge full expected with have a grasp
knowledge by answers to information of the
answering all questions but and is able to information.
class does not answer only Cannot
questions with elaborate rudimentary answer
explanations questions questions
and about subject
Graphics Explain and Relate to text Occasionally Uses 5
reinforce and uses graphics superfluous
screen text presentation that rarely graphics or
and support text no graphics
presentation and
Oral Maintains eye Maintains eye Occasionally Reads with 3
Presentation/ contact and contact most of uses eye no eye
Demonstration pronounces all the time and contact, mostly contact and
terms pronounces reading incorrectly
precisely. All most words presentation, pronounces
audience correctly. Most and incorrectly terms. Speaks
members can audience pronounces too quietly
hear members can terms.
hear Audience
presentation members have
Total Score=2+3+4+5=14/4=3.5=4

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State MECHATRONICS

(Specimen Copy)


(Font Style Times New Roman – size -18)

(Font Style Times New Roman – size -16)

Certified that the project report on“……….TITLE OF THE

PROJECT……………..”is the bonafide work of “…………..NAME OF THE
CANDIDATE(S).…………”who carried out the project work under my
(Font Style Times New Roman – size -14)



(With Seal) (With Seal)


1) ......................

Signature, Name, Designation & Address.

2) ......................

Signature, Name, Designation& Address,



Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State MECHATRONICS

(Specimen Copy)

I, ------------------------------------------ a student of Diploma in ------------------------------ Department

bearing Reg No---------------------------------------of ---------------------------------------------- hereby

declare that I own full responsibility for the information, results and conclusions provided in this

project work titled “----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “submitted

to State Board of Technical Examinations, Government of Karnataka for the award of Diploma

in Mechatronics Engineering.

To the best of my knowledge, this project work has not been submitted in part or full elsewhere in any

other institution/organization for the award of any certificate/diploma/degree. I have completely taken

care in acknowledging the contribution of others in this academic work. I further declare that in case

of any violation of intellectual property rights and particulars declared, found at any stage, I, as the

candidate will be solely responsible for the same.


Place: Signature of candidate

Name: -----------------
Reg No-------------------

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State MECHATRONICS

(Specimen Copy)

Certificate issued by guide



Address with pin code

Department of ……………………………………………………..

Certified that this project report entitled ----------------------------------------------------------------

---- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------”which is being

submitted by Mr./Ms. ………………………….……………….., Reg. No…..……………, a

bonafide student of …………………………………….in partial fulfilment for the award of

Diploma in Mechatronics Engineering during the year ……………………... is record of

students own work carried out under my/our guidance. It is certified that all

corrections/suggestions indicated for internal Assessment have been incorporated in the

Report and one copy of it being deposited in the polytechnic library.

The project report has been approved as it satisfies the academic requirements in respect of
Project work prescribed for the said diploma.

It is further understood that by this certificate the undersigned do not endorse or approve any

statement made, opinion expressed or conclusion drawn there in but approve the project only

for the purpose for which it is submitted.

Signature of the Guide Signature of the HOD

Name and Designation Name with Seal



Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State MECHATRONICS

Government of Karnataka
Department of Technical Education
Board of Technical Examinations, Bengaluru

Course Title: Programmable Logic Controller Lab Course Code: 15MC55P

Mode (L:T:P) : 0:2:4 Credits :3 Core/ Elective: Core
Type of course: Tutorials and Practical’s Total Contact Hours: 78
CIE- 25 Marks SEE- 50 Marks

Prerequisites: Knowledge of BEEE, PLC Programming, Digital Electronics, Fluid Pneumatics.

Course Objectives: understand ladder programming, interface and develop PLC program for
broadly defined engineering applications.

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, students should be able to

1. Develop and execute ladder programs for given Engineering applications.

2. Interface PLC with hardware for given Engineering applications.

Cognitive Linked Teaching

Course Outcome
Level with PO Hours
Develop and execute ladder programs
CO1 A 2,3,4 60
for given applications
Interface PLC with hardware for given
CO2 A 2,3,4 18
Total sessions 78
Legend: R; Remember, U: Understand A: Application

Mapping of Course Outcomes with Program Outcomes

Course Programme Outcomes

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Programmable Logic Controller
- 3 3 3 - - - - - -

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC55P Page 1

1. Develop a PLC ladder diagram to construct an alarm system which operates as follows
. If one input is ON nothing happens
. If any two inputs are ON, a red light goes ON
. If any three inputs are ON, an alarm sirens sound
. If all are ON, the fire department is notified.
2. Develop a PLC program using ladder diagram for start-stop jog.

3. Develop a PLC program using ladder diagram for Forward-reverse-stop with mutual

4. Develop PLC ladder diagram to realize the following logic gates.


5. Develop the following Boolean expressions in to ladder diagram and realize

I) [(P+ Q +R).(U+V). W .X]+(S+T).Y=Z.

II) B.(C.( D  E  C )  F .C ) = A.

6. In certain process control application a fan is to run only when all of the following conditions
are met

. Input A is OFF

. Input B is ON or i/p C is ON, or both B &C are ON

. Inputs D &E both are ON

. One or more of inputs F, G, or H is ON

Develop Gate logic, equivalent Boolean expression & realize the same using PLC ladder

7. Develop a PLC ladder diagram to realize the following Timer operation. Write timing

i) One shot operation

ii) Limited ON time

8. There are 3 mixing devices on a processing line A,B ,C. After the process begin mixer-A is to
start after 7 seconds elapse, next mixer-B is to start 3.6 second after A. Mixer-C is to start 5

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC55P Page 2

seconds after B. All then remain ON until a master enable switch is turned off. Develop PLC
ladder diagram, timing diagram and realize the same.

9. An indicating light is to go ON when a count reaches 23.The light is then go off when a count
of 31 is reached. Develop, construct, and test PLC circuits for this process.

10. In certain process control application when the count reaches 25, a paint spray is to run for 40
seconds. Develop, construct, and test PLC circuits for this process.

11. Develop a Ladder diagram for the forward and reverse moment of a piston in pneumatic
cylinder. The Ladder diagram should consist of 2 input Push button switches I1 and I2 .The
output O1 and O2 of PLC are connected to Forward and retract Coil of the Pneumatic Cylinder.

12. In bottling plant of cool drinks the bottles are kept on the conveyor. Some bottles are capless,
so these bottles are to be removed from the conveyor. I1 are I2 are two toggle switches
connected to input unit of PLC. I1 is used to operate (ON) the conveyor and I2 is used to stop
(OFF) the conveyor at any time. O1 is the output used to operate the conveyor. S2 is the
Proximity Switch which predicts that metal cap is not present on the bottle top. Use I3 switch to
operate the conveyor after the removal of capless bottle from the conveyor. Develop the Ladder
diagram to achieve the above Industrial Scenario.

13. There are 4 cars parking spaces .Car is to detected and allowed to enter into the parking space
if space is available. I1 is the proximity switch at the gate for detecting the presence of Car. I2,
I3, I4, I5 are proximity switches which are installed at suitable places in 4 parking spaces. When
the car is parked in a parking place , presence of Car is indicated by corresponding output
O2,O3,O4,O5 (by glowing the Output) .If space is vacant the corresponding light will not glow
and the car owner will have to go in that parking place. Develop the Ladder diagram to achieve
the above Scenario.

14. Develop and Interface a PLC program for the following real time applications

i) Traffic light controlling

ii) Water level controlling


1. “Programmable Logic Controllers Principles & Applications” by John W. Webb –

Ronald A. Reis. , 5th Edition, Published by PHI Publication.

2. Exploring Programmable Logic-Controllers with Applications by Pradeep Kumar Srivastava, BPB


Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC55P Page 3

Contents linked with CO and PO

Sl No Contents CO PO

1 Develop a PLC ladder diagram to construct an alarm system which 1 2,3,4

operates as follows
. If one input is ON nothing happens
. If any two inputs are ON, a red light goes ON
. If any three inputs are ON, an alarm sirens sound
. If all are ON, the fire department is notified

2 Develop a PLC program using ladder diagram for start-stop jog. 1 2,3,4
3 Develop a PLC program using ladder diagram for Forward-reverse- 1 2,3,4
stop with mutual interlocks
4 Develop PLC ladder diagram to realize the following logic gates. 1 2,3,4
5 Develop the following Boolean expressions in to ladder diagram and 1 2,3,4
I) [(P+ Q +R).(U+V). W .X]+(S+T).Y=Z.
II) B.(C.( D  E  C )  F .C ) = A.
6 In certain process control application a fan is to run only when all of 1 2,3,4
the following conditions are met
. Input A is OFF
. Input B is ON or i/p C is ON, or both B &C are ON
. Inputs D &E both are ON
. One or more of inputs F, G, or H is ON
Develop Gate logic, equivalent Boolean expression & realize the
same using PLC ladder diagram.
7 Develop a PLC ladder diagram to realize the following Timer 1 2,3,4
operation. Write timing diagrams.
i) One shot operation
ii) Limited ON time
8 There are 3 mixing devices on a processing line A,B,C. After the 1 2,3,4
process begin mixer-A is to start after 7 seconds elapse, next mixer-B
is to start 3.6 second after A. Mixer-C is to start 5 seconds after B.
All then remain ON until a master enable switch is turned off.
Develop PLC ladder diagram, timing diagram and realize the same.
9 An indicating light is to go ON when a count reaches 23.The light is 1 2,3,4
then go off when a count of 31 is reached. Develop, construct, and
test PLC circuits for this process.
10 In certain process control application when the count reaches 25, a 1 2,3,4
paint spray is to run for 40 seconds. Develop, construct, and test PLC
circuits for this process.
11 Develop a Ladder diagram for the forward and reverse moment of a 1 2,3,4

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC55P Page 4

piston in pneumatic cylinder. The Ladder diagram should consist of 2
input Push button switches I1 and I2 .The output O1 and O2 of PLC
are connected to Forward and retract Coil of the Pneumatic Cylinder.
12 In bottling plant of cool drinks the bottles are kept on the conveyor. 1 2,3,4
Some bottles are capless ,so these bottles are to be removed from the
conveyor. I1 are I2 are two toggle switches connected to input unit of
PLC. I1 is used to operate (ON) the conveyor and I2 is used to stop
(OFF) the conveyor at any time. O1 is the output used to operate the
conveyor. S2 is the Proximity Switch which predicts that metal cap is
not present on the bottle top. Use I3 switch to operate the conveyor
after the removal of capless bottle from the conveyor. Develop the
Ladder diagram to achieve the above Industrial Scenario.
13 There are 4 cars parking spaces .Car is to detected and allowed to 1 2,3,4
enter into the parking space if space is available. I1 is the proximity
switch at the gate for detecting the presence of Car. I2, I3, I4, I5 are
proximity switches which are installed at suitable places in 4 parking
spaces. When the car is parked in a parking place , presence of Car is
indicated by corresponding output O2,O3,O4,O5 (by glowing the
Output) .If space is vacant the corresponding light will not glow and
the car owner will have to go in that parking place. Develop the
Ladder diagram to achieve the above Scenario.

14 Develop and Interface a PLC program for the following real time 2 2,3,4
i) Traffic light controlling
ii) Water level controlling

Scheme of valuation for SEE

S Performance Max. Marks
l. No.
1 Writing two Ladder diagrams. 10.
2 Entering two programs in computer system 10.
3 Simulation\Execution 10.
4 Result 10
5 Viva - Voce 10
Total 50

Student Activity

Activity No. Description of Student Activity

1 Prepare the hand written report on various sensors, actuators, transducers
used in industrial automation.
2 Students can make models of Programmable Logic Controller applications
beyond the curriculum.

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC55P Page 5

1. Group of max four students should do any one of the above activity or any other similar
activity related to the course COs and get it approved from concerned Teacher and HOD.
2. No group should have activity repeated or similar
3. Teacher should ensure activities by different groups must cover all Cos.

4. Teacher should asses every student by using suitable Rubrics approved by HOD

Sample Rubrics

Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning Roll No. of the Student

5/4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5
Organization Information Information in Difficult to Cannot Ex:
presented in logical follow understand 2
logical, sequence presentation-- presentation--
interesting student jumps no sequence
sequence around of
Subject Demonstrates At ease with Uncomfortable Does not 3
Knowledge full expected with have a grasp
knowledge by answers to information of the
answering all questions but and is able to information.
class does not answer only Cannot
questions with elaborate rudimentary answer
explanations questions questions
and about subject
Graphics Explain and Relate to text Occasionally Uses 4
reinforce and uses graphics superfluous
screen text presentation that rarely graphics or
and support text no graphics
presentation and
Oral Maintains eye Maintains eye Occasionally Reads with 5
Presentation contact and contact most of uses eye no eye
pronounces all the time and contact, mostly contact and
terms pronounces reading incorrectly
precisely. All most words presentation, pronounces
audience correctly. Most and incorrectly terms. Speaks
members can audience pronounces too quietly
hear members can terms.
hear Audience
presentation members have
Total Score=(2+3+4+5)=14/4=3.5=4

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC55P Page 6

Course Assessment Pattern

Particulars Max Evidence Course

Marks outcomes

Direct Assessment CIE Two tests 10 Blue books 1 &2

(Average of
Two tests)

Practical 10 Practical 1 &2

record record

Student 05 Student 1 &2

Activity Activity

SEE End of the 50 Answer scripts 1 &2

course at BTE

Indirect Assessment Student Middle of the Feedback 1 &2

Feedback course forms
on course
End of the Feedback 1 &2
course forms

*CIE – Continuous Internal Evaluation *SEE – Semester End Examination

1. I.A. test shall be conducted as per SEE scheme of valuation. However obtained marks
shall be reduced to 10 marks. Average marks of two tests shall be rounded off to the next
higher digit.
2. Rubrics to be devised appropriately by the concerned faculty to assess Student activities.

List of Equipments
1. PLC Trainer Kits with interfacing facility

2. Interfacing modules.
2.1 Traffic light controller
2.2 Water level controller

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15MC55P Page 7

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