Group 5 - Advocacy On Disaster Management and Prevention
Group 5 - Advocacy On Disaster Management and Prevention
Group 5 - Advocacy On Disaster Management and Prevention
According to the World Disaster Report of 2018, The Philippines is one of the
most disaster-prone countries. Because of its geographic location and geologically
unstable region, natural disasters such as typhoon, landslides, volcanic eruptions
and tsunamis are inevitable to affect our country. Man-made disasters such as
pollution and environmental degradation also contribute to promoting other
calamities such as floods and landslides.
One of the key priorities in the National Disaster Risk Reduction Management
Plan is disaster preparedness. It aims to increase awareness of the different
communities to the different threats and impacts of all hazards and risks and to
equip the community necessary coping skills for the negative effects and to increase
capacity of institutions.
Listed below are the activities that can help us fulfill the goals of our
The goals and activities discussed above are very important because this will
help us attain safer communities as we work together to reduce risk and build
capacity and save lives.