Curtain Wall
Curtain Wall
Curtain Wall
Presented to:
Client Logo
NFEStructural Ltd
Cariocca Business Park, 2 Sawley Road, Manchester, M40 8BB
Incorporated in England No. 10926287
Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction & Loadings ................................................................................................................. 3
1.1 Introduction / Method of Analysis .................................................................................................. 3
1.2 Loadings .......................................................................................................................................... 3
2.0 Structural Materials ....................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Aluminium ...................................................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Steel ................................................................................................................................................ 3
3.0 Structural element and summary .................................................................................................... 4
3.1 Mullion Verification ........................................................................................................................ 4
3.2 Transom Verification ....................................................................................................................... 5
3.3. Head Bracket .................................................................................................................................. 7
4.4.1 Cill Bracket ............................................................................................................................ 9
4.2.1 Rainscreen Bracket .............................................................................................................. 11
4.2.1 Window Fixing ..................................................................................................................... 13
Appendix A - SFS intec Fastener Capacities................................................................................................. 16
NFEStructural Ltd
Cariocca Business Park, 2 Sawley Road, Manchester, M40 8BB
Incorporated in England No. 10926287
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1.0 Introduction & Loadings
The following assessment of a roof light support to CLEARLINE drawings is carried out using manual
calculation methods.
NB: Glass Calculation by others to be included in this Documentation
1.2 Loadings
Dead Load:
The dead load here is based on the density of glass (25000N/m3) and an overall glass thickness of 16mm.
The potential snow load in combination with the dead load is not design governing here.
Wind Load:
The max wind load considered here is 1.76kN/m2 obtained from previous wind load calculations carried
out for this project converted from zone A wall wind loads to zone F roof wind load (see separate report
M1810 White City One – London Wind Load Calculations)
2.1 Aluminium
Aluminium properties
Density: 2700kg/m3
Young’s Modulus: 70000N/mm²
Co-efficient of linear thermal expansion: 23 x 10-6 per oC
2.2 Steel
Steel properties
Density: 7850kg/m3
Young’s Modulus: 205000N/mm²
Co-efficient of linear thermal expansion: 12 x 10-6 per oC
NFEStructural Ltd
Cariocca Business Park, 2 Sawley Road, Manchester, M40 8BB
Incorporated in England No. 10926287
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3.0 Structural element and summary
Horizontal cross centres X= 1500 mm
Span /Fixing centres L= 3475 mm
Span Situation Single Span
Deflection limit, span/ span / 300 .+5
Wind load qk = 1.01 kN/m2
Selfweight gk = 10 kg/m2
Variable Action Safety Factor γQ = 1.5
NFEStructural Ltd
Cariocca Business Park, 2 Sawley Road, Manchester, M40 8BB
Incorporated in England No. 10926287
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Lateral buckling here is considered due to transom centres of max 2200mm as ok without further proof.
Deflection limit L/δ L/δ = (C17/C19)+5 mm
Deflection δ = (5qkXL )/(384Iyy) =
7.21757014 mm PASS
Section Properties
Moment of Inertia Ixx = 5096500 mm4
Moment of Inertia Iyy = 480100 mm4
Centroid of Inertia Wx,pl = 52040 mm3
Centroid of Inertia Wy,pl = 19200 mm3
Section Area As = 115700 mm2
Material properties
Material (select)
Yield Strength fy = 160 N/mm2
Elastic Modulus E= 70000 N/mm2
Glass Properties
Selfweight of glass g= 25000 kg/m2
Density of glass ρ= 25000 N/m3
Glass thickness tg = 0.012 m
Framing weight fw = 50 N/m2
Total weight of the Glass gk = ρ x tg x fw = 350 N/m2
Transom Spacing: X= 2200 mm
Transom Span L= 1500 mm
NFEStructural Ltd
Cariocca Business Park, 2 Sawley Road, Manchester, M40 8BB
Incorporated in England No. 10926287
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Glass Support a= 100 mm
Wind load qk = 1.44 kN/m2
Variable Action Safety Factor γQ = 1.5
Permanent Action Safety Factor γG = 1.35
NFEStructural Ltd
Cariocca Business Park, 2 Sawley Road, Manchester, M40 8BB
Incorporated in England No. 10926287
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3.3. Head Bracket
Structural Model
NFEStructural Ltd
Cariocca Business Park, 2 Sawley Road, Manchester, M40 8BB
Incorporated in England No. 10926287
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Max Reactions @ Fixings The max tensile force to the fastener is: 2.5kN
Use FAZ II 10/20 anchor as shown above. Recommended torque setting: 45Nm.
NFEStructural Ltd
Cariocca Business Park, 2 Sawley Road, Manchester, M40 8BB
Incorporated in England No. 10926287
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4.4.1 Cill Bracket
Structural Model
The cill bracket comprises of a 175mm x 170mm x
6mm aluminium plate with a min 150mm long
mullion specific spigot Ref.326270 as above
welded to it via continuous 3mm fillet weld.
The fixing to the concrete plinth is via 2no 10mm
expansion anchors.
NFEStructural Ltd
Cariocca Business Park, 2 Sawley Road, Manchester, M40 8BB
Incorporated in England No. 10926287
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Max reaction @ Fixings
The max shear force to the fastener is: 1.9kN
NFEStructural Ltd
Cariocca Business Park, 2 Sawley Road, Manchester, M40 8BB
Incorporated in England No. 10926287
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4.2.1 Rainscreen Bracket
Structural Model
The bracket comprises of 1no 124/80... 4.8mm
thick 100mm long steel angle.
The fixing to the SFS section is via 2no 5.5mm self
drilling screws.
The attachment to the secondary rainscreen panel
rail is via 2no 5.5mm self drilling screws.
NFEStructural Ltd
Cariocca Business Park, 2 Sawley Road, Manchester, M40 8BB
Incorporated in England No. 10926287
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The max tensile force to the fastener is: 1600N
NFEStructural Ltd
Cariocca Business Park, 2 Sawley Road, Manchester, M40 8BB
Incorporated in England No. 10926287
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4.2.1 Window Fixing
4.2.1 Overview
Position fixings as indicated above. Min 150mm from the corners evenly distributed.
The max tributary area for a fixing is: 0.75m x 0.70m = 0.525m2
Fixing Detail
NFEStructural Ltd
Cariocca Business Park, 2 Sawley Road, Manchester, M40 8BB
Incorporated in England No. 10926287
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Window Bracket
Structural Model
The bracket comprises of 1no 145/20... 4.0mm
thick 80mm long steel angle.
The fixing to the SFS section is via 4no 5.5mm self
drilling screws.
The attachment to the window frame via 2no
4.8mm self drilling screws.
NFEStructural Ltd
Cariocca Business Park, 2 Sawley Road, Manchester, M40 8BB
Incorporated in England No. 10926287
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Max Reactions @ Fixings
The max dead load of the window is: 1.50m x 1.70m x 450N/m2 = 1148N
There are 2no window cill brackets supporting the dead load.
The brackets are not subject to bending.
Each bracket is fixed via 4no 5.5mm screws to the stud flange.
The max shear to each screw is: 1148N/8 = 144N
The shear capacity of the screw in > 2mm steel is > 3623/1.4= 2588N > 144N so ok.
NFEStructural Ltd
Cariocca Business Park, 2 Sawley Road, Manchester, M40 8BB
Incorporated in England No. 10926287
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Appendix A - SFS intec Fastener Capacities
NFEStructural Ltd
Cariocca Business Park, 2 Sawley Road, Manchester, M40 8BB
Incorporated in England No. 10926287
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