The Economist Notes
The Economist Notes
The Economist Notes
Reaching the next level
Commissioned by
2 List of abbreviations
3 About this report
4 Executive summary and key findings
6 Introduction
7 Chapter 1: The Swedish model and lessons for others
14 Chapter 2: The backlash and obstacles to further
21 Chapter 3: Overcoming limitations and potential
steps forward
29 Conclusion
List of abbreviations
AI: artificial intelligence
The findings of the report are based on desk research and ten in-
depth interviews with experts on VBHC in Sweden, including health
economists, healthcare providers and policymakers. Our thanks are
due to the following for their time and insights (listed alphabetically):
January 2019
Executive summary
The need to get better value from healthcare investment has never
been more important as ageing populations and increasing numbers
of people with multiple chronic conditions force governments to make
limited financial resources go further.
This paper looks at the ways in which Sweden has implemented VBHC,
the areas in which it has faced obstacles and the lessons that it can
teach other countries and health systems looking to improve the value
of their own healthcare investments.
Key findings
Defining VBHC is still a challenge. Finding a single definition of VBHC,
let alone a policy that can command widespread support, has been a
challenge in Sweden, as elsewhere. The country has been a pioneer in
experimentation with organisational restructuring designed to improve
efficiency and patient satisfaction. There have also been some efforts
to link remuneration of healthcare providers and reimbursement of
medicines to outcomes. Yet, although there is little disagreement that
more successful outcomes for patients and doctors alike should be a key
priority, there is significant disagreement on the steps needed to get to
that point.
The Economist Intelligence Unit, The enabling environment for value-based healthcare,
VBHC is not always “one size fits all”. Although there have been
some efforts to pilot VBHC experiments in multiple regions of Sweden,
the country’s decentralised healthcare structure means that there is
unlikely to be a comprehensive national VBHC policy imposed from
the centre. At the same time, there are numerous instances of co-
operation between regions and national working groups dedicated
to making it easier to share information about best practices. These
include a platform between the country’s health ministry and seven
county councils to monitor value in healthcare and reimbursement, and
more recent efforts to come up with a common infrastructure for using
registry data.
Sweden has long been a global leader in value-based healthcare (VBHC),
helped by its highly developed system of disease registries, outcome-
based reimbursement for some specialised care and a decentralised
health system that helps to encourage experimentation at the local level.
“If you are talking about registering outcomes data, there has been
investment from national funds in building better infrastructure,” says
Peter Lindgren, managing director of the Swedish Institute for Health
Economics. “If you are talking about organisational principles, there is
quite a bit of a backlash at the moment.”
This report will first look at what Sweden does well and what other
countries can learn from Sweden’s experience with VBHC. The second
chapter will then highlight some of the challenges the country has faced
in implementing VBHC. Chapter 3 will look at how to overcome the
limitations and examine some of the potential steps forward.
Harvard Business School, Value-Based Health Care Delivery,
The Economist Intelligence Unit, The enabling environment for value-based healthcare, http://vbhcglobalassessment.eiu.
Decentralised Sweden
21 290
County councils Municipalities
Source: Ministry of Health and Social Affairs Sweden.
Policymakers are hoping to use the registries is no requirement to have these registries,”
to underpin more evidence-based treatment he adds. “They have different coverage and
and real-time medical research. Yet levels of degrees of acceptance; they are very good in
coverage of the registries vary by medical the areas of cardiology and hip replacement,
speciality, according to Mr Lindgren. and in other areas cover just a fraction of care.”
“Swedish National Quality Registries and their Contribution to the Best Possible Care for Patients,” presentation by Thor,
J., et al to the International Forum on Quality & Safety in Healthcare, Gothenburg, April 15th 2016, p. 32, http://aws-cdn.
Government Offices of Sweden and SALAR, Vision for eHealth 2025 – common starting points for digitisation of social
services and health care, March 2016,
Webster, P. C., “Sweden’s health data goldmine”, CMAJ, 2014 Jun 10; 186(9): E310.
Another project, Primary Care Quality has developed different ways of approaching
Sweden, seeks to improve co-ordination on the problem. The country is already using
the primary care level. The project is a quality bundled payment systems in different
improvement system comprising around 150 regions, where health providers are paid for a
quality measures and technical methods for complete episode of care lasting for a year or
collecting data automatically, so healthcare longer, giving the provider full responsibility
providers do not need to spend time compiling for the care cycle, including complications.
additional documentation, and making it This package price is adjusted based on the
available at both the local and national levels.7 preconditions of the patients and expected
The data are real-time, evidence-based and cost for each, based on demographic factors.
updated annually. It covers primary care-
specific indicators such as comorbidities, Different payment models are also being
lifestyle habits and pharmaceutical treatment, applied in the primary care sector. Payments
diagnosis-specific indicators for 12 categories are generally based on capitation for
of conditions commonly seen in primary registered patients, based on an estimated
care, as well as patient-reported data.8 “illness burden” as well as some fee-for-
service and performance-based payments.10
The system currently covers half of Sweden’s In addition, 15 of Sweden’s 21 county councils
1,200 health centres and can answer have put in place risk-adjusted capitation
questions such as what proportion of patients based on the country’s Care Need Index
with atrial fibrillation are not treated with (according to research published in 2018),
anticoagulants and which patients with which increases capitation payments to
chronic disease have not had a check-up primary-care centres with a large number of
within the past 18 months.9 patients with “unfavourable socioeconomic or
demographic characteristics”.11
Value-based pricing
In both Stockholm (the capital region) and
Meanwhile, value-based pricing models are some parts of western Sweden, there have
also progressing in Sweden. Value-based been experiments in reimbursing health
pricing for pharmaceuticals and medical providers for so-called bundled care, an entire
devices has been in operation since 2002 in episode of care in which remuneration is
some regions of Sweden, those interviewed based in part on outcomes. Stockholm County
say. Sweden, together with the UK, was one has introduced bundled care programmes for
of the first countries to adopt value-based spinal surgery and hip replacements (see the
pricing as a decision-making framework, but it case study on the next page). Meanwhile, in
Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions, Primary Care Quality Sweden,
Elmroth, U., Primary Care Quality Sweden: Made by primary care, for primary care, presentation to Amsterdam International Forum on Quality and Safety
in Healthcare, May 2nd-4th 2018,
European Forum for Primary Care, Primary Care in Sweden,
Anell, A., et al., “Does risk-adjusted payment influence primary care providers’ decision on where to set up practices”, BMC Health Services Research, 2018
Mar 14;18(1):179.
western Sweden, health providers are running toolbox, but it’s a usable framework,” said
a trial for the same two procedures, as well Niklas Hedberg, chief pharmacist at Sweden’s
as for bariatric surgery, with 10% of total Dental and Pharmaceutical Benefits Agency
payments based on health outcomes.14 Tandvårds-Och Läkemedelsförmånsverket
(TLV) and chair of the European Health
“Most partners would agree that [value-based Technology Assessment Network (EUnetHTA).
pricing] is not the only tool you need in your “When it comes to VBHC, I think it remains
Clawson, J., et al., “Competing on Outcomes: Winning Strategies for Value-Based Healthcare”, Boston Consulting Group,
January 2014.
OECD Expert Group Meeting on Payment Systems, SVEUS – National collaboration for value-based reimbursement and
monitoring of health care in Sweden, April 7th 2014, SVEUS-National-
to be defined and discussed in more detail quality-adjusted life year basis, although
before we can draw any firm conclusions.” there is no specific threshold for approving
reimbursement that is enshrined in law,
TLV assesses drugs for outpatient care and Mr Hedberg adds. Instead, the threshold can
makes reimbursement decisions, but must be overridden depending on the severity
ensure that decisions conform to the Swedish of the disease, with higher costs approved
parliament’s ethical platform, which is based for conditions such as terminal cancer or
on the principle of equal human value, says Mr Gaucher’s disease, a rare and severe condition.
Hedberg. Medical need and conformity with If treatments can fulfil several conditions—
the solidarity principle must also be balanced substantial effectiveness, high severity of
with cost-effectiveness. In the case of hospital disease and no treatment alternative—the
medicines, although health assessment TLV board is prepared to pay a higher cost.
is done in the same way, TLV delivers its At the same time, concepts such as medical
assessment straight to the county boards need carry a certain amount of ambiguity, and
that make decisions on what medicines and a reference group of European researchers
devices their own hospitals will use. based in the Netherlands is trying to sort out a
“Since county councils are responsible for more consistent approach.
delivering care in all these sectors, they are
trying to come together in a more structured, Dr Nordenström gives the example of a
knowledge-based and evidence-based new biological drug used to treat metastatic
approach,” Mr Hedberg explains, adding that melanoma, which has a cure rate in 20% of
the regions have formed national committees, cases. At a cost of SEK800,000 (US$89,109)
including a new therapies council that works per treated patient, health providers were
closely with TLV. reluctant to prescribe it, but drug companies
offered to provide the drug for free to any
patients, with the condition that insurance
companies would have to fully reimburse the
cost for those who were cured.
[County councils] are trying
to come together in a more Ultimately, Mr Hedberg says, Sweden could
structured, knowledge-based follow in the steps of other countries, such as
and evidence-based approach.” Italy, and enter into so-called managed entry
agreements with pharmaceutical companies,
Niklas Hedberg, chief pharmacist, TLV; and chair
where both the payer and the manufacturer
of the executive board, EUnetHTA
accept the fact that final data on a treatment
Like some other European countries, the won’t be available for some time after it is
Swedish system in theory assesses new desirable to make it accessible to patients, and
drugs or devices according to a cost per where both sides agree to share that risk.
• S
weden’s advanced and • W
ith its disease registries, electronic
interconnected system of electronic records and plenty of real-world data,
health records, along with its emphasis Sweden’s potential for predictive
on egalitarianism in its health system, analytics, machine learning and
put a great emphasis on improving and applications for AI is enormous and
standardising care. has already been piloted in several
• T
he country’s quality health
registries create a foundation for the • S
weden’s digitalisation has empowered
collection and management of data, patients to become part of their own
and provide a basis for clinicians to care, making them an active partner
measure health outcomes. Although in collecting their patient-reported
there are differences in the level of outcomes.
coverage in individual registries, the
infrastructure provides a solid basis • Sweden’s decentralised health
that is likely to be improved on with the system has provided opportunities for
further development of technologies, experimentation, including different
such as artificial intelligence (AI). The forms of value-based pricing and
data provided to registries in Sweden reimbursement.
“Payers have been more reluctant, primarily Similar work being done by the National
due to a fear of the administrative burden on Board of Health and Welfare is supporting
physicians and administrators,” he explains. co-ordination, but there is a lack of legal
Meanwhile, “the coverage in registries is requirements to organise systems in a
of varying quality, entry into the system is particular way.
voluntary and some registries don’t want a “I think there is a need for more investment in
financial component being tied to the data, national IT infrastructure, in terms of having
feeling it might pollute the quality of the data,” an information backbone,” says Mr Lindgren.
Mr Lindgren adds. “We are never going to have one national
system, but there needs to be a better and
Indeed, those interviewed say that VBP
easier system to exchange data.”
models are likely to be more applicable
to isolated healthcare events or relatively Data-sharing issues also remain unresolved,
straightforward treatments and surgeries, as something that has yet to be a priority on the
opposed to more complex cases involving legislative level.
multiple chronic conditions, for example.
Although Sweden’s quality registries and well-
Finally, Dr Thor notes that some of the entrenched medical records system make
more ambitious and radical experiments, its population one of the most well tracked,
such as reforms implemented at Karolinska health-wise, in Europe, extricating valuable
RWE from these systems in a form that can be comparing your results when you are done.”
used to assess the value of healthcare is still a EUnetHTA is consulting on this process from
longer-term goal. early 2019.
“It’s more obvious now that we are facing Regional variation and data banks
decision problems where we cannot expect
to have our answers from random controlled A key underlying issue, Dr Thor says, is that
trials or to make decisions within a relevant Sweden’s quality registries remain incomplete,
time frame,” Mr Hedberg explains. At the making it difficult to use them for determining
same time, he notes, variation in the “amount payment for providers.
of data, coverage levels of data, and quality
“There are competing and incompatible
and accessibility of data” constitute obstacles
motivations for using that kind of data,” he
to relying on the registries in the short term,
explains. “Using them for payment purposes
especially given that most patients have
is sometimes in conflict with using them for
consented to their data being stored for
learning purposes because we know that
narrow purposes in the first place.
payment incentives are very powerful.”
Ultimately, however, RWE has great potential
Although data quality “varies greatly”
to provide substantial amounts of data that
between different quality registries, there
could help inform care, include larger and
are continuing efforts to improve quality, Ms
more inclusive populations of patients, current
Göransson says, adding that an increasing
methods of treatment, outcomes and risk of
number of registries are receiving higher
treatment, sub-populations that might be at
scores, indicating that they are improving
greatest risk, and the cost of treating or not
their content and relevance. Research based
treating them.15 And it has the capability to
on data from the quality registries is also
provide similar information about new drugs.
steadily increasing, she notes. The number
“We need to come to a point where there are of scientific articles based on data from 69
no practical or technical hurdles, given that quality registers in Sweden and published in
there will still be privacy and legal issues,” Mr peer-reviewed journals rose to 496 in 2016,
Hedberg adds, something that will require from 121 in 2009.16
the strengthening of national and regional
structures and international collaboration. “In general, you could say that when the
diagnosis or procedure is well defined and
“We need to start gathering data together,” the patient group not too big, we have higher
he demands. “Now, more and more people NQR [Swedish national healthcare quality
are talking about federated analysis for registry] coverage and better data,” says
distribution, gathering all data, sharing it and Fredrik Westander, senior policy analyst at
See Cavlan, C., Chilukuri, S., et al., “Real-world evidence From activity to impact in healthcare decision-making,” https://
Lysholm J. and Lindahl B., “Strong development of research based on national quality registries in Sweden”, Ups J Med Sci.,
2018 Oct 1:1-3.
SALAR. “But large areas of healthcare needs survival rates for the country’s 74 cardiac
and volume are not covered very well or at hospitals and a quality index tracking the
all, for example, hypertension in the general hospitals’ success in complying with clinical
population, mental health and primary guidelines, improvement rates in the average
care in general.” A national project, the quality-index score rose from 13% to 22% per
PrimärvårdsKvalitet (Primary Care Quality), is year. In addition, providers with the highest
likely to improve the availability of clinical data mortality improved their quality scores by
for follow-up use at the primary care level, 40%, narrowing the gap between the best and
he adds. worst performers.17
The data are more applicable when it comes Moreover, the time it takes to accumulate
to enabling clinicians and managers to sufficient outcomes data across registries
understand how their system and own service makes it harder to use them to back up
perform, Dr Thor says. Extra investment shorter-term changes in clinical practice,
in registries for the five years to 2016 according to those interviewed and some
contributed to their enhancement. recent studies.18
Clawson, J., et al., “Competing on Outcomes: Winning Strategies for Value-Based Healthcare”, Boston Consulting Group, January 2014.
Nilsson, K., et al., “Experiences from implementing value-based healthcare at a Swedish University Hospital – a longitudinal interview study”, BMC Health
Services Research, 2017 Feb 28;17(1):169.
Yet, for that to happen, clinicians and patients Policymakers need to make sure that VBP is
will need to identify which outcome measures used in areas where it can be most effective,
are important, and put procedures in place to those interviewed say, such as orthopaedic
monitor them. surgeries, obesity management and prostate
cancer, where it is easier to reach agreement
In the case of widespread efforts to
on how to measure outcomes.
restructure entire care pathways in order to
improve outcomes, perceptions of success In his own consulting business, Dr
appear to be closely connected to how Nordenström says he has found that
innovators lay the groundwork. In the case of looking at process measures is a vital part of
Stockholm’s Karolinska University Hospital changing outcomes.
(see case study), the stated goal of improving
value was overshadowed by a complex “If you have a problem with outcomes, there
restructuring of care delivery that fuelled is something wrong with the way people
perceptions of heavy-handed management work,” he explains. “Looking how it should
that did not adequately listen to the concerns ideally be done according to scientific
of clinicians. In Uppsala University Hospital, knowledge is much more a question of
by contrast, careful planning and a slow quality improvements.”
roll-out has kept stakeholders engaged
with the project and provided a catalyst for Measurements such as waiting lists, infection
continued improvement. rates and patient experience of pain help
healthcare providers focus on quality, he says.
One lesson is that even when a concept, such And they are already in use. The US Institute
as payment for results rather than process, is of Medicine has outlined a framework that
popular, it is complex to implement in cases can be used to evaluate quality: care that is
where there are complex care pathways or safe, timely, effective, efficient, equitable and
patients are suffering from multiple conditions. patient-centred.19
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US), Six Domains of Health Care Quality,
Nilsson, K., et al., “Experiences from implementing value-based healthcare”
frequently leaving it unclear who was in centric lines, and there were a lot of
charge of their training. “The pathways problems, both in terms of construction
are a very good idea for these patients, and consultants being contracted on
but for some of the residents, they sketchy grounds,” says Mr Lindgren. “This
made life more complicated for them,” reorganisation was not particularly popular
says Jörgen Nordenström, emeritus among professional groups and unions,
professor of surgery, and freelance and VBHC has become the blame centre.”
consultant in healthcare quality
Karolinska is split into two sites, north
improvement projects at
and south, and the new hospital, in
Yet the abandonment of traditional the north of the campus, is designated
departments involved particular for specialist care and has fewer beds
change for senior physicians, stirring a by design. Stockholm’s other three
considerable amount of resistance, those hospitals will by necessity provide
interviewed say. The main doctors’ union for those who do not need the highly
personified this opposition, approaching specialised care that Karolinska can
the country’s most powerful newspapers offer. Indeed, the emergency room in
claiming that the reorganisation concept the new Karolinska site is only accessible
“hadn’t been tried anywhere else and to patients arriving by ambulance or
that there was no evidence that it helicopter, not those arriving by foot.
works,” Dr Nordenström explains.
“People falling between pathways are
“One of the criticisms that has been still a challenge, and they were often a
leveraged in Stockholm is that challenge in the old system,” Mr Öhrn
VBHC is another form of new public observes. “In a perfect world, you
management and another way for would have patients [for whom it is]
payers to measure and oversee always obvious where they belong. You
[providers’] work,” says Mr Lindgren. can’t always compare to an industry
setting—a patient is a human being.”
“In Stockholm, they were trying to
reorganise departments along patient-
In addition, physicians complained that the The hospital’s IT system also provided
consultants did not have sufficient knowledge insufficient support to analyse health
about the hospital’s clinical practice but were outcome measurements, with the result that
nevertheless “driving and controlling”, and “measurements were frequently chosen based
that the teams were forced to stick to a rapid upon ease of access to data”, according to a
change timeline imposed by the consultants.21 2017 longitudinal study.22
The case of Karolinska shows that reformers The reorganisation forced clinicians who
had tried to implement two complex had previously worked at different clinics to
series of changes in parallel, notes Jonas apply for new jobs, raising more opposition
Wohlin, founder of Ivbar, a Swedish from doctors than from nurses, with large
health technology advisory and product newspapers chiming in to the backlash against
company: building a new hospital and the reformers.
changing the structure of care delivery so
that it was organised around themes and “The term value-based healthcare was used
patient groups rather than using traditional as the main term of the debate”, Mr Wohlin
models. An argument could be made for says. “They put all the changes going on at
implementing both changes simultaneously, Karolinska—challenges with reorganisation,
Mr Wohlin adds, as that allowed hospital new building and discussions around
managers to “build the hospital around procurement practices, etc—in the VBHC
how you want to operate”. However, so bucket. This has also affected VBHC-related
far it has proved to be challenging. initiatives outside Karolinska.”
care with continuity between different The region set up a mobile care pilot
healthcare providers over time,” he adds. programme in which health providers from
“The ‘what’ was figuring out how to organise. both hospitals and primary care provide
‘How’ is last. You don’t start with ‘how’.” care to patients at home, allowing them
to avoid emergency hospitalisations.
Organisational reform, from
tentative to radical “By going home to patients in teams, we
In the Västra Götaland region, local healthcare can avoid 80-90% of hospital admissions,”
providers were already implementing Mr Nilsson explains. “We can co-ordinate
the limited bundled care projects around pharmaceuticals, additional care and
orthopaedic and bariatric surgery taking internal medicine, and much of that
place in several other regions in the country. care can be provided at home as well.
Yet they had also identified a different We can avoid spontaneous and, to
problem that was undermining efforts to some extent, unnecessary visits.”
keep older, frail patients and those with
The project is innovative, both in the fact
complex health needs out of hospital.
that it involves hospital teams working
“We had to do something, because we outside their normal environment, and
were not using the resources we have as because it bridges a key communications gap
efficiently as we could,” says Tobias Nilsson, between hospital and primary care, which
chief of healthcare strategy for the region. is traditionally organised by the regions, and
“Too often, citizens have to co-ordinate elderly home care, which is operated by local
care themselves, and once we get care municipalities, allowing greater co-ordination
there, we haven’t incorporated what is between them. The programme has shown a
important to the patients enough.” decrease in emergency admissions and gets
Inclusion criteria
• >3 more chronic disease
• >3 in hospital (last year)
• >6 pharmaceuticals
Primary care
Source: Nilsson, T., “Learnings on an holistic integrated care model to tackle pertinent challenges for a sustainable health system of the future”,
presentation for Singapore-Sweden Dialogue: The Swedish Example – an Integrated Health Care Model, April 18th 2018.
regular feedback from patients about their The programme’s goals are defined as
daily living experience. supporting greater efficiency and integration,
including an increased focus on patient
“[Health teams] weren’t used to working value, and securing an attractive working
like that,” Mr Nilsson says. “Once they environment for healthcare professionals.23
understand it, they welcome it, so
It is also designed to contribute to knowledge
we don’t have to convince them, but
about different populations, hospitals and
we have to show them the tools.”
regions, including what types of patients
Nationwide adoption of VBHC are being treated, their health outcomes
and costs.
While Sweden’s decentralised healthcare
system has made it more challenging to The programme organisers have worked with
introduce value-based reform initiatives on a medical organisations, patient organisations,
national level, there have been isolated cross- universities, the private sector and the regions
regional projects. themselves to determine how to monitor
populations and build technology to allow for
Sweden’s health ministry and seven county continuous monitoring.
councils, representing 70% of the country’s
population, launched the Swedish national The SVEUS platform includes algorithms
collaboration for value-based reimbursement analysing performance and treatments and
and monitoring of health care (SVEUS) identifying areas on which to improve. There
platform in 2013. The initial phase of are plans eventually to scale up the platform
SVEUS was organised around eight medical across the entire country. Based on combined
conditions and financed by the health analytics and payments platforms, the system
ministry. The platform is designed to support is already being used in both Sweden and
improved population health, better resource Finland and is being tested by the French
use, improved equality and increased clinician state payer. Mr Westander at SALAR notes
satisfaction with how the health system that the SVEUS project is one of the initiatives
is governed. contributing to efforts to build structures in
Sweden for collecting and presenting data
“The starting point was that Sweden is unique on healthcare performance. “There are also
in terms of the amount of data we have, linked others, even apart from the national quality
with personal identification numbers,” says Mr registries, and there is a national ambition to
Wohlin. “But we have not been using the data co-ordinate different initiatives,” he adds.
to its full potential to support development in
the healthcare system. And one of the things Today, the SVEUS platform covers 7m people
we haven’t been able to do is monitor value; and continuously monitors outcomes and
ie, outcomes and cost over entire treatment costs for a growing number of patient groups.
cycles for specific populations.” The platform applies advanced analytics
OECD Expert Group Meeting on Payment Systems, SVEUS – National collaboration for value-based
reimbursement and monitoring of health care in Sweden, April 7th 2014,
countries, most recently with the Netherlands for elderly patients who are uncertain
and Norway, Ms Göransson adds. about leaving their homes for treatment.
Still, Fredrik Öhrn, senior innovation manager Ultimately, Mr Nilsson says, sharing
at Karolinska University Hospital, says he is information between providers has
sceptical that there will be a single approach improved, but on the individual health
for a value-based system extended to the provider level a mind shift is needed.
entire country. Providing patient outcome
“We’re used to thinking about physical places
data will also be more important to changing
and patients are supposed to come here,
the health culture on the regional and national
and then we might have waiting times, but
level than merely working together, he adds.
that is the problem of the patients, not us,”
Harnessing technology for he says. Showing the impact of changes
on outcomes can go a long way toward
integrated healthcare
validating reforms, with many patients
Better use of technology could help to reporting higher levels of security and
harness results and reduce the extent to feelings of being cared for since the mobile
which patients have to co-ordinate their own home programme was implemented.
care and follow-up, according to Mr Nilsson.
Diagnosis tests that can be done at home and Ultimately, continued evaluation of such
digitally transferred to hospitals help patients programmes is also likely to support calls for
avoid having to go there themselves unless fewer hospitals and more concentrated care,
it is absolutely necessary, he notes. Swedish Mr Nilsson says. “Do we use the resources
patients have already been able to get kidney more efficiently? We need to constantly
dialysis and blood transfusions at home for a evaluate if the new method of working is
couple of decades, he says. Now, those with better than the old, and if we find the new
inflammatory bowel disease can use digital way is better, we have to stop the old.”
tools to measure the degree of inflammation
Providing patient outcome data will also
they are suffering from. Health providers are
be more important to changing the health
increasingly looking at other tools that can be
culture on the regional and national level
used with chronic disease patients.
than merely working together, he adds.
from security threats and help speed up used to answer specific research questions,
the process of exchanging information. she said in the presentation.
“Data loss makes it difficult with the existing The need for political will and
system; that’s why we are exploring blockchain
as a possible step forward,” he adds. “We’ve
built a system where data collected from Yet having the political will is also important,
patients’ homes can be shared with doctors. those interviewed say, at a time when most
politicians are focusing on waiting lists and
Ultimately, those interviewed say, better
health budgets rather than value.
linkage between the registers, patient-
outcome data and RWE from EHRs could
“The Swedish system is a politically driven
help expand VBHC in Sweden and make
system, and what is still lacking is the political
the country the leader in transforming
focus on health outcomes,” says Mr Wohlin of
health systems based on value measures.
Ivbar. “It’s easier if it comes from the centre.
The government has already invested in I think if the politicians were clearer in saying
a Register Utiliser Tool, the prototype of they want there to be a system in place
which contains two registers from Statistics that monitors both outcomes and costs for
Sweden and a healthcare quality register for different patients, allowing comparison and
hand surgery. In a presentation in Helsinki in learning from one another, we could follow
2016, Maria Nilsson, of the Swedish Research up on that.”
Council’s Unit for Register-based Research,
highlighted that the tool would include an Getting stakeholders on board is also a crucial
interface for register holders to use to manage precondition for focusing more closely on
metadata. The tool provides for harmonisation value measures. In this respect, Uppsala
between databanks, allowing analysis of University Hospital may be a better model
differences and similarities of different than Karolinska’s top-down approach. Uppsala
variables, including PREMs and PROMs.24 took a bottom-up approach with strong
Ultimately, the register utiliser tool should be management support and engagement of
able to help investigators understand what different patient groups to implement greater
kinds of data exist and where, whether data integration. “We don’t know which will be
from different registers can be compared, and more successful, says Mr Wohlin. “The jury is
identify whether there are data that can be still out.”
Nilsson, M., “Infrastructure for Register-based Research”, presentation to the Nordic Conference on Real World Data,
Sweden’s consideration of value in a number of different aspects of
healthcare makes it a leader globally in VBHC, at the same time as its
quality registries offer a model of how population data can be collected
and potentially shared. Some of its registries are viewed as international
examples of best practice, and the country’s experiments with a variety
of payment and reimbursement models are viewed as case studies for
other countries looking to introduce value-based payment models.
Moreover, the Swedish case studies outlined in this paper show that
there is clearly a need for close engagement from clinicians and
other stakeholders in order to build sufficient support for reforms.
This process should also include greater involvement of patients in
consultations about changes in care pathways, as well as in defining
the kinds of outcomes measurements that will be used. The experience
of Uppsala University Hospital shows how this can work in practice.
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