Current Simulation Time Value of Clock Signal Reset
Current Simulation Time Value of Clock Signal Reset
Current Simulation Time Value of Clock Signal Reset
21. Write a Verilog description of SR latch using gate level description. Also write stimulus block
22. Explain kinds of stimulus applied with an example each
23. Write a note on i) registers ii) memories iii) vectors
24. Write a note on i) parameter ii) arrays iii) nets
25. Explain value sets and strength levels in Verilog
26. Use $monitor to display the value of clock signal that toggles every 5 screen time units and
reset value that goes down up every 15 screen time units. Let the monitor statement display
Current simulation time value of clock signal = reset =
27. Mention the difference between stop and $finish using an example
28. Explain compiler directive with an example
29. Declare following variables in Verilog
a. An 8-bit vector net called a_in
b. A time variable called snap_shot
c. A 32-bit storage called address in Little endian format.
30. Explain little endian and big endian format. Explain with an example in Verilog declaration.\
31. Explain vector part select with various examples
32. Define parameter. Declare a parameter cache_size equal to 512
33. Define array. Declare array that contains 20 elements of the type integer
34. Declare a memory MEM containing 256 words of 64 bits each
35. What would be the output of following statement
a. Latch = 4’d12;
$display(the current value of latch = %b\n”,latch);
What is %b, \n ?
b. in_reg = 3’d12;
$monitor($time, “register value in_reg = %b\n” in_reg);
c. ‘define MEM_SIZE 1024
$display(the maximum memory size is %h”,MEM_SIZE);
36. Declare a toplevel module as “stimulus”. Define din 4bit, clk 1-bit as registers and dout 4bit
as wire. Instantiate a “shift_register” module that has A(4-bit),clock(1-bit) and Out(4 bit)
output. No need to write any logic of internal functions. Write a Verilog code to connect
ports by ordered list.
37. Write a stimulus block for 4-bit ripple carry counter.Explain components of simulation
38. Define identifiers, keywords,escaped identifiers with an example
39. Explain Verilog port list with an example
40. What are port connection rules in Verilog
41. How to connect ports to external signals? Explain with example
42. Explain Design Hierarchy ? hierarchical path name ? explain with an example of SR latch
43. What are basic components of module? Which components are mandatory?
44. Does a module that does not interact with its environment have any i/o ports? Does it have
a port list in module definition?
45. Declare a toplevel module as “stimulus”. Define din 4bit, clk 1-bit as registers and dout 4bit
as wire. Instantiate a “shift_register” module that has A(4-bit),clock(1-bit) and Out(4 bit)
output. No need to write any logic of internal functions. Write a Verilog code to connect
ports by name
46. Declare a toplevel module as “stimulus”. Define din 4bit, clk 1-bit as registers and dout 4bit
as wire. Instantiate a “shift_register” module that has A(4-bit),clock(1-bit) and Out(4 bit)
output. No need to write any logic of internal functions. Write the hierarchical names for
47. Declare a toplevel module as “stimulus”. Define din 4bit, clk 1-bit as registers and dout 4bit
as wire. Instantiate a “shift_register” module that has A(4-bit),clock(1-bit) and Out(4 bit)
output. No need to write any logic of internal functions. Write the hierarchical names for
shift_register, clock, A
48. List string format specification in display system task.
49. Explain number specification Verilog
50. What is instance? Explain with an example.