Pivot Magazine Sept 24 2019
Pivot Magazine Sept 24 2019
Pivot Magazine Sept 24 2019
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Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad China-Pakistan Study Centre Copy of PIVOT
‘Pakistan is the PIVOT of the world, placed on the frontier on which the future position
of the world revolves.’ Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah, January 1948
eventy years of founding
Patron in Chief of People’s Republic of
Amb. Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry China marks the seven
decades of all-weather
Chief Editor friendship of Pakistan and
Dr. Talat Shabbir China. The relations between
the two countries, from the
beginning, drew its strength
from principles of mutual trust,
Uroosa Khan economic cooperation, common
goal of prosperity and shared
Contributing Editors destiny. Though bilateral ties
Neelum Nigar between China and Pakistan were
Mohammad Faisal established in 1951 but the historical linkages between the two
Ali Haider nations date back to thousands of years when an adoring homage
was paid to areas that now form part of Pakistan. Centuries old
bond continues to flourish in modern day era.
Managing Editor
Dost Muhammad Barrech Besides the already existing strong political, economic and
strategic ties between China and Pakistan, China Pakistan
Graphics & Layout Design Economic Corridor is a mega-venture between both countries and
Bushra Mushtaq Khan is a testimony of the will and aspiration of the able leadership
and hardworking people of the two countries. CPEC focuses on
development and connectivity that is ushering in a new era of
Network Administrator connectivity and prosperity. CPEC has not only helped establish
Syed Mohammad Farhan much needed people to people contacts between Pakistan and
China but has also given the relationship between the two
Contact Us countries a newer and inclusive dimension.
Email: pivot@issi.org.pk
Website: www.issi.org.pk Chinese have emerged as great persevering nation who with
Address: China-Pakistan Study Centre their commitment, focus and hard work have transformed China
Institute of Strategic Studies into a modern day success story for the rest of the world. Besides
F-5/2, Islamabad success in human development and host of other fields, China
Phone: +92-51-9204423-24 exhibited soft power model to the world which is in sync with
its approach of peaceful coexistence. China wishes to share its
Printer resources and expertise in several areas of modern high-tech fields,
Farhan’s International Printers such as telecommunication, modern construction, high-speed
5-A Abbas Centre, Fazal-e-Haq Road trains, infrastructure, health-care, digital economy, IT and financial
Blue Area, Islamabad system with the world.
Phone: 051-2150285 - 051-2278837
As the modern China enters into 70 years of its founding, it has
Disclaimer every reason to celebrate the great success. With the advent
he views and opinions expressed herein
T of CPEC, Pakistan and China have more avenues in key areas
and references if any, are those of the writers essential for development and prosperity. As China celebrates the
and contributors, and do not necessarily auspicious occasion of National Day, the people of Pakistan convey
reflect the outlook of Institute of Strategic
best wishes for the people of China. Long live Pakistan-China
Studies Islamabad, China-Pakistan Study
Centre or the Editorial Board of PIVOT.
Coal Fired Power Plant : A Technology
Unlatching New Horizons
Hamza Tariq
Emerging World Order: What is Next for
China in Global Governance?
Junaid Ashraf
Development of Internet and Social Media in
This Issue China : Lessons for Pakistan
Dr. Abdul Rauf
China and 5G Technology
Usama Anjum
China at 70 : Seven Decades of Momentous
Irfan Shahzad
The Impact of CPEC on Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Prof. Dr. Zahid Anwar
China and Pakistan : The Unique All-weather and All-
Dimensional Strategic Cooperative Partners
Du Youkang
34 46 68
70 80 82
akistan-China ties are rooted in shared
principles and values and form the basis
of fruitful cooperation in myriad fields.
The long and rich history of our bilateral
relations dates back to Pakistan’s recognition of
the People’s Republic of China on 4 January 1950
and the establishment of diplomatic relations
on 21 May 1951. Over time, our friendship
has matured into an All-Weather Strategic
Cooperative Partnership.
aintaining a trust-based and mutually beneficial
relationship with China has been a constant
objective of Pakistan’s foreign policy. Cooperation
in nearly seven decades is testament to the fact
that bilateral political and strategic relations remain firmly
rooted in mutual support to each other’s core interests. It
has, gradually, paved way for practical cooperation in diverse
domains. PIVOT since its launch has been highlighting the
dynamic nature of the bilateral relationship and showcases the
progress made in multiple areas from politics and diplomacy to
business and people-to-people exchanges.
China-Pakistan Study Centre at the Institute of Strategic Amb. Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry
Studies Islamabad has published a special edition of the
PIVOT to celebrate decades of Pakistan-China Friendship on
the eve of China’s National Day. China is celebrating its 70th
National Day on October 1 to commemorate the founding
of People’s Republic of China after successful revolutionary
war led by Chairman Mao Zedong. Since then, China has
been committed and focused on national development that
has helped China lift millions of people out of poverty and
that makes China a success story in the contemporary
world. Resultantly, China has emerged as a great power and
continues to expand its influence across the globe. Pakistan’s
bilateral relations with China have continuously improved to a
point where both the countries called each other iron brothers.
With the advent of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, the
foundations of relationship built on mutual trust, equality and
shared destiny have been further cemented. The uniqueness
of relationship is that it is founded on mutuality of interest and
he choices humankind for the League of Nations and international law, and uphold the
makes about the future multilateral coordination to rules-based multilateral trading
are usually based on function properly. These lessons system with the WTO at its center.
its understanding of the were learned the hard way. Global issues require global
past. A hundred years ago, in the responses. We need to follow a
immediate aftermath of the First Today, world is once again win-win approach.
World War, the Versailles System confronted with crises and
with the League of Nations as its challenges brought by disorder China is a country that always
pillar was established to create and change. Fortunately, in matches its commitments with
‘durable peace’. Just 20 years the face of unprecedented actions. It has always been
later, the Second World War challenges, there is a growing a promoter of world peace, a
broke out. An important reason consensus among the contributor to global development
why the Versailles System failed international community for and an upholder of the international
to prevent the war was that upholding multilateralism. We order. China has firmly upheld
countries concerned put their own need to uphold the international multilateralism and free trade.
interests above those of others, system with the United Nations We call for actively promoting
which made it next to impossible at the core and governed by economic globalization based on
View Point
mutually beneficial cooperation Cooperative Partnership between four decades, this relationship
and the building of an open two countries have expanded has come a long way. China-US
world economy. Adhering under China-Pakistan Economic relations is now going through the
to the principle of extensive Corridor (CPEC), a flagship project most complex and sensitive period
consultation, joint contribution of Belt and Road Initiative. since diplomatic relations were
and shared benefits, we have formalized four decades ago. How
engaged in open, green and China has elevated South-South things play out will significantly
clean Belt and Road cooperation cooperation to a new height. In impact the future of both countries
to deliver high-standard and September last year, over 50 and that of the world. It should be
sustainable outcomes beneficial leaders from China and Africa emphasized that the challenges
to people’s livelihood. gathered at the FOCAC Beijing currently facing the US cannot be
Summit to discuss China-Africa blamed on China.
President Xi Jinping chose cooperation and jointly celebrated
Europe as the destination ‘a golden week of China-Africa Threat of tariffs and decoupling is
of his first overseas trip this friendship’. Since then, the follow- not the solution. China has been
year. He met with leaders up actions have been actively engaging in the trade negotiations
from France, Germany and implemented, producing early and with the US in good faith to
the EU, Meanwhile, China and high-quality results and making a manage our differences. However,
Europe have reached extensive visible difference for the livelihood the negotiations should be on an
consensus on global governance, of local communities. equal footing, and their outcomes
multilateralism and free trade. should be balanced, mutually
We will strengthen coordination China‘s development beneficial, and demonstrate mutual
and cooperation at the UN, fully means opportunities respect and accommodation of
leverage the constructive role of and contributions each other’s legitimate concerns.
the G20 and other multilateral to the world, rather The two sides need to strengthen
mechanisms to do more in than a challenge or strategic communication on the
seeking political settlement of threat. A more open basis of mutual respect and
international disputes, addressing China that actively mutual benefit to deepen mutual
climate change and promoting interacts with the rest understanding, expand cooperation
sustainable development.
of the world will bring in various areas, and properly
China has stepped up efforts more opportunities, manage differences. This will go
influence and becoming a good US$200 billion. interacts with the rest of the world
example of regional cooperation will bring more opportunities, and
This year marks the 40th
featuring unity, mutual trust, make greater contributions to the
anniversary of China-US
shared security, mutual benefit world
diplomatic relations. In the past
and inclusiveness.
Naghmana A. Hashmi
Ambassador of Pakistan to China
IVOT: How do you relationship is based on mutual trade, defence, culture, education,
see Pakistan-China interest and deep-rooted trust. Our science and technology, and
relations? friendship has stood the test of time people-to-people realms. China-
notwithstanding the changes in Pakistan Economic Corridor has
domestic, regional and international added yet another dimension to our
environment. It is truly a unique traditional cooperative partnership.
Relations between Pakistan
relationship in modern inter-state
and China are rooted in history We see our relations with China
and nurtured by successive as a factor of peace, security and
generations of leaders and Our two countries have excellent stability in the region and beyond.
diplomats. The edifice of this cooperation in political, economic, Both countries support each
other on issues of core complete understanding Pakistan and China also
national importance and and cooperation is key to closely cooperate with
work closely in multilateral peace in the region. Both Afghanistan in an Afghan-
organizations and forums. countries believe that peaceful owned and Afghan-led peace
We are confident that our neighbourhood is critical for and reconciliation process, as
friendship will grow from socio-economic development. well as practical development
strength to strength and have The countries of the region cooperation. Our collective
agreed to further develop would only be able to realize efforts are aimed at ensuring
our all-weather strategic their shared destiny by joining a peaceful, stable and
cooperative partnership to a hands to deal with common prosperous Afghanistan which
China-Pakistan Community challenges. is vital for regional stability
of Shared Future in the new and development.
era. The edifice of
PIVOT: How are China- this relationship We see regional organizations
and initiatives as central
Pakistan relations influencing is based on to these efforts. Shanghai
regional security dynamics? mutual interest Cooperation Organization
Our region is beset and deep- (SCO) and the Belt and Road
Initiative are good platforms
with abject poverty and rooted trust. avenues for addressing
underdevelopment. We
Our friendship connectivity bottlenecks
the changes
disputes also plagued relationship between Pakistan
our region. Situation and China changed under the
in Afghanistan and the in domestic, leadership of Prime Minister
longstanding Kashmir regional and Imran Khan?
Dispute are creating regional
instability. These challenges
international The deep-rooted friendship
require regional peace and environment between Pakistan and
stability and cooperation China has been nurtured
China fully understands the by successive generations
amongst states.
importance of resolving the of leaders. In the same
Pakistan-China relations are Kashmir Dispute and has stood tradition, Prime Minister Imran
a source of mutual strength by Pakistan in demanding Khan is fully committed to
and pillar for regional peace, its resolution on the basis of strengthening Pakistan-China
security and stability. Our UNSC resolutions. bilateral relations.
In less than a year he has met opportunities for the people of clear that this dispute remained
three times with President Xi Pakistan. We are confident that on the agenda of the Security
Jinping and Vice President this new phase would contribute Council till its settlement in
Wang Qishan and Prime to further strengthening of our accordance with the wishes
Minister Imran Khan met bilateral relationship. of the people of Jammu and
twice with Premier Li Keqiang. Kashmir and the Security
During these interactions, he PIVOT: How vital has China’s Council resolutions.
has established a personal support been to Pakistan at the
rapport with the Chinese United Nations? PIVOT: Now that China is
leaders. Prime Minister recognized as a powerful
Pakistan and China have economy and country, what are
Khan’s vision for socio-
excellent cooperation at some of the benefits Pakistan
economic development, good
multilateral forums including can gain from it based on their
governance and people-
at the United Nations. Our well-established friendship?
centric policies aligns with
two sides are committed to
the vision of President Xi
the purpose and principles Economic and trade
Jinping. Prime Minister Imran
of the UN Charter, promoting cooperation between Pakistan
Khan admires China’s poverty
international peace and and China predates China’s
alleviation and anti-corruption
security, safeguarding the stellar rise. China has
contemporary world order and historically supported Pakistan
by Pakistan
in safeguarding their legitimate Prime Minister
Khan’s vision for
interests at the United Nations.
in demanding You would recall that in early
its resolution 1970s Pakistan led the efforts socio-economic
on the basis
at the United Nations in development,
securing the rightful place for
the Peoples Republic of China
good governance
resolutions as the Permanent Member of and people-
the UN Security Council. Since centric policies
During Prime Minister’s first
official visit to China, the two
then, China has safeguarded
global peace and security, and
aligns with
sides unveiled the Pakistan- upheld common interests of the vision of
China All-weather Strategic the developing countries at the President Xi
Cooperative Partnership for United Nations.
Jinping. Prime
Minister Imran
Shared Future in the New Era.
The two sides also agreed Following India’s unilateral and
on a blueprint for enhanced illegal actions of August 5 2019, Khan admires
China’s poverty
bilateral cooperation. We aimed at altering the status of
disputed territory of Jammu
are now implementing these
commitments which cover the and Kashmir, China once again alleviation and
entire gamut of our bilateral acted earnestly to uphold the anti-corruption
relations. principles of international law
and preserving the sanctity
The two sides have now of the UN Security Council With its remarkable economic
entered into the second phase resolutions on Jammu and strength China has become
of China-Pakistan Economic Kashmir. China’s support was the most important player in
Corridor that focuses on instrumental in convening the world economy. Countries
socio-economic development consultations of the Security around the world now compete
and improved livelihood Council, making it abundantly to get Chinese investment.
Chinese companies are since the operationalization become a global phenomenon.
also looking for overseas of Pakistan-China Free Trade It may have originated in China,
partners and looking for Agreement (FTA) in 2007. Our but it belongs increasingly
investment opportunities. two countries have concluded to the world. More than 130
This offers enormous win-win Phase-II of the FTA this year, countries and international
opportunities for Pakistan. which would facilitate enhanced organizations have lent their
and sustainable growth in trade support to the BRI. At the Belt
The BRI renews relations between our two & Road forum these countries
the momentum countries for mutual benefit and have collectively agreed to
to the role of
on China’s Belt and Road BRI’s practical manifestation
Initiative (BRI) as a new in the form of CPEC which is
Asia – including development model? Do you destined to bring enormous
both Eurasia think it has the potential to turn economic opportunities for our
Pacific – as the The advent of the Belt and PIVOT: To what extent is the
primary drivers
Road Initiative (BRI) in 2013 China-Pakistan Economic
marked the continuation of
of future
Corridor (CPEC) significant for
two inter-related trends of Pakistan?
economic contemporary history. Firstly,
In the early-harvest phase What makes CPEC different in pursuit of our national goals,
of CPEC, we focused on the and significant is its and for realizing the aspirations
physical infrastructure needed comprehensive approach as a of our people for development
for Pakistan’s economic major pillar of Pakistan-China and prosperity.
modernization. We have, economic relations. More
therefore, implemented remarkably, CPEC is providing PIVOT: What are the major
power and transportation an opportunity for Pakistan to challenges you think Pakistan
infrastructure projects. These learn from China’s development is facing in realizing the CPEC
projects are complemented experience and adapt useful dream?
by moves to establish Special lessons to our own unique
CPEC is unprecedented in its
Economic Zones (SEZs) that national circumstances.
scale, scope and size. It is a
can serve as laboratories
PIVOT: Do you think CPEC project that has translated into
for industrial policy and
will be able to meet the reality within a short span of
investment incentives that
expectations of the people few years. Our success is a
could then be applied to rest
of Pakistan with regards to result of close cooperation and
of the country. It is important
economic development? consultation and learning from
to note that these SEZs will
our experience on a daily basis.
be open to Pakistani, Chinese
As the world’s second
and foreign investors.
largest economy and a The government
The next phase of CPEC close neighbour and friend and people
is focused on industrial of Pakistan, China will
undoubtedly figure prominently
of Pakistan
development and harnessing
its dividends for Pakistan’s in Pakistan’s international congratulate
socio-economic development. economic relations. China is China on the
In order to accomplish that already our largest trading
partner and a major source of
70th anniversary
objective, both countries are
working closely in the areas direct investment, even outside of the founding
of education, vocational of CPEC. of the People’s
training, and agriculture,
CPEC has already delivered Republic.
which is traditionally a major
tangible benefits to the people In these 70
years China
component of our economic
of Pakistan in a short span of
has continued
time. For instance, the power
to overcome bureaucratic
online and the transmission and procedural issues that
is passed on network is reinforced and arise from time to time. Our
to the next
modernized. In other areas, the success in building CPEC
benefits of CPEC projects are
and the enormous economic
also beginning to become more opportunities, it would unleash
readily apparent. I have no has also attracted attention of
We have also stepped up our doubt this will continue in the our adversaries. We have seen
cooperation in the priority years ahead. negative propaganda based on
areas of poverty alleviation,
utter falsehoods to make CPEC
health care, and water CPEC is one important aspect
controversial. Some forces are
supply so that the benefits of China’s support for our
already engaged in activities
of Pakistan’s economic economic modernization. At
to target CPEC projects and
development will be delivered the same time, Pakistan’s
Chinese workers. We are
to the People and shared by socioeconomic development
resolute in fighting against all
all. is a national undertaking. We
such forces and confident that
should make concerted efforts
would defeat them and make
CPEC a reality.
We are
proud of the
of our iron
brother, good
various fields in Pakistan. of Pakistan congratulate China
Close interaction between on the 70th anniversary of
and strategic youth ensures that the flame of the founding of the People’s
prosperity in
all spheres of human endeavor
of friendship and brotherly setting new benchmarks. This
the years to bond. By fostering greater unprecedented feat of progress
collaboration between our and prosperity bears testimony
towns and cities, we are to its sagacious leadership
working to increase interaction and the indefatigable will
Education, youth and cultural
at the grass roots level. and industry of the Chinese
exchanges and tourism
are key to this interaction. people. We are proud of the
PIVOT: What would be your
achievements of our iron brother,
More than 28,000 Pakistani message on the eve of 70
students are studying good neighbor and strategic
years of founding of People’s
in Chinese universities. partner. We wish the people of
Republic of China?
Similarly, Chinese students China greater prosperity in the
are pursuing education in The government and people years to come.
IVOT: What development from standing up, getting rich and which is the great rejuvenation of
has China achieved in the becoming stronger. The Chinese the nation at an early date.
70 years since the founding people have moved from closed
of the People’s Republic of backwardness to openness The world has witnessed the
China? and progress, from a society miracle of China’s development
lacking of food and clothing to a in many aspects. Economic
October 1, 2019 is the 70th comprehensive well-off society, growth is the most remarkable.
anniversary of the founding of from common poverty to prosperity. In 2018, China’s GDP reached
the People’s Republic of China. The country is devoting its full 90 trillion RMB($12530 billion),
Under the strong leadership of enthusiasm and efforts for the accounting for nearly 16% of the
the Communist Party of China, realization of the Chinese dream, world economy. The GDP grew
the Chinese nation has grown by 175 times compared with 1952,
with an average annual growth exploration, supercomputer and continuous reforms, and has
rate of 8.1%. The per capita satellite navigation. Now, the stepped out of a road to enrich the
national income reached $9,732, country highlights innovative, people, strengthen the country,
comparing to $16.6 in 1952. coordinated, green, open and and revive China.
700 million people have been shared growth.
uplifted from poverty, the poor The second is to actively expand
population has decreased to Progress has been made in the openness and integrate into the
16.6 million. China has become peaceful reunification of the tide of economic globalization.
the first developing country country and the international Peace and development are
to achieve the UN’s poverty status and influence have been the prevailing theme of the
reduction goals, contributing improved significantly. In 1997 time. China is the beneficiary,
more than 70% of global poverty and 1999, China resumed the builder and contributor of the
reduction. exercise of sovereignty over current world economic order.
Hong Kong and Macao, and It stands firm to maintain the
Progress has successfully implemented the multilateral trading system, build
been made in
‘one country, two systems.’ The an open world economy, and
Communist Party of China, guide economic globalization
the peaceful the Chinese government, toward a more open, inclusive
status and
historical task. China has also free trade zones, from joining
comprehensively promoted major the World Trade Organization to
influence have country diplomacy with Chinese jointly building the Belt and Road
significantly to the miracles Firstly, promoting the building of upholding justice while pursuing
China have achieved and a community with a shared future shared interests and works
numerous challenges it has for mankind. This concept stems to strengthen solidarity and
conquered so far. from traditional philosophy of cooperation with other developing
‘If beauty represents itself with countries.
In terms of diversity and integrity, the world
new stage of
its ‘friend circle.’China adheres of peace, and made a solemn
to mutual benefit and win- commitment to never seek
win results, seeks common broadening and hegemony or expansion. China
development, and promotes the
construction of new international
expansion. 15 has always been a staunch force
in safeguarding world peace.
relations and a community of projects have
shared future for mankind. been completed Fourthly, maintaining a win-win
strategy of opening-up. Nowadays
PIVOT: Please introduce the and 10 projects the world is highly open and the
characteristics and goals of are under smooth trend of economic globalization
major-country diplomacy with is irreversible. China is a
Chinese characteristics? participant, supporter, beneficiary
and defender of economic
At present, world is undergoing China is exploring a new model
globalization. China has a clear
profound changes unseen in a of major-country relations
opposition to trade protectionism,
century. China is moving closer that features ‘no conflict or
supports the multilateral
to center stage as never before, confrontation, mutual respect,
trading regime, promotes the
and China’s future and destiny and win-win cooperation’. China
establishment of free trade areas,
are increasingly closely linked to will deepen relations with its
and promotes the construction of
the future of the world. Under the neighbors in accordance with the
an open world economy. China
guidance of President Xi Jinping, principle of amity, sincerity, mutual
actively promotes international
major country diplomacy with benefit, and inclusiveness and the
cooperation through the Belt
Chinese characteristics is in full policy of forging friendship and
and Road Initiative, providing
swing. partnership with its neighbors.
a new public goods to promote
China adheres to the principle of
global common prosperity.
Many countries along the China and Pakistan are time- the corner stone of its foreign
route including Pakistan have tested friends. As President Xi policy. Likewise, China always
become participants, builders Jinping put it, China-Pakistan prioritize Pakistan in its foreign
and beneficiaries in this relations should be a model policies and neighborhood
initiative. of good-neighborly friendship, diplomacy.
a pillar of regional peace and
Fifthly, actively participating stability, and a benchmark for Politically, the two sides maintain
in the reform and construction international cooperation on the close high-level exchanges,
of the global governance BRI. consolidate strategic mutual
system. Changes in the global trust and strengthen exchanges
governance system should
In terms of of experience in governance.
defense and
better reflect changes in President Xi Jinping met with
the international landscape, Prime Minister Imran Khan
especially reflecting the security, we three times and Prime Minister
willingness and interests of
emerging market economies
promote Imran Khan visited China twice
within one year. Chinese Vice
and developing countries. In cooperation President Wang Qishan, Vice
changing the global governance and exchanges Chairman of the Central Military
between the
system, China adheres to Commission Xu Qiliang, State
the international order and Councilor and Foreign Minister
international system centered military and law Wang Yi visited Pakistan in 2019.
on the purposes and principles
of the UN Charter, and strives
enforcement China and Pakistan support
agencies of the
each other on issues involving
to strengthen its voice in the their core interests. China and
international governance two countries Pakistan jointly promote the
system, actively participate reconciliation in Afghanistan
in the formulation of relevant In the new era, China and and jointly oppose trade
rules, and promote relevant Pakistan are working hard to protectionism, unilateralism, cold
governance systems in the establish a closer community of war mentality and power politics,
line with common interest of all shared future, which is based and promote to build a new type
countries in the world. on mutual trust, mutual support, of international relations and a
friendship and amity, and shared community with a shared future
PIVOT: How do you view interests. We appreciate Pakistan for mankind.
the current China-Pakistan takes its relations with China as
In terms of economic and trade increasing employment and in drilling wells around Quetta
investment, China and Pakistan expanding exports, and in Balochistan to solve 20,000
promote balanced trade accelerating its integration into people’s water shortage and
development and vigorously the international industrial chain. benefit local Afghanistan refugee
carry out capacity cooperation. China has become Pakistan’s camps.
Since the implementation of the largest trading partner for five
Free Trade Agreement (FTA) consecutive years, ranking first in We believe that
between China and Pakistan in
July 2007, Pakistan’s exports to
Pakistan’s source of foreign direct
investment for six consecutive
Pakistan will
China have achieved three-fold years. protect national
increase, from US$575 million
In the development of CPEC,
security and
to US$1.85 billion. In April this
year, the second phase of FTA it has entered a new stage of stability and
between China and Pakistan broadening and expansion. 15 create a solid
was signed in Beijing. This is projects have been completed
and 10 projects are under smooth
for economic
an effective measure taken by
China to promote the balanced construction. The energy projects
development of bilateral trade. completed provide more than
20% of the electricity in Pakistan.
and social
The relations The booming port construction development
between the two
and operation is making Gwadar
We have built the Faqeer Primary
a bright star. Engro Thar Block
armed forces II 2×330MW Coal fired Power
School in Gwadar, which has
expanded from 150 students
have maintained Plant and surface mine, CPHGC
1,320MW Coal-fired Power
to about 500 in five years, and
stable Plant in Hub, Balochistan and
becomes the most popular local
primary school. The agreement
Peshawar-Karachi Motorway
to build a middle school has been
(Multan-Sukkur Section) were
signed recently. We established
completed recently. The Pakistani
and carried government will set up the
Fraternity Emergency Care Center
in Gwadar. Chinese doctors
out in-depth CPEC Authority and Special
Security Division (South), which
have overcome difficulties and
and pragmatic will facilitate to accelerate the
stationed in Gwadar to provide
basic medical services for local
implementation of CPEC projects.
people. In response to the most
in high-level CPEC Phase-II will aim at high
quality development, highlight
pressing youth employment
and counter-
and law enforcement agencies
In terms of development
of the two countries. The
terrorism cooperation, we focus on
improving people’s livelihood.
relations between the two armed
forces have maintained stable
The two sides have substantially More projects will be carried
developing momentum and
lowered the tariff. Pakistan’s out in agriculture, education,
carried out in-depth and pragmatic
export-oriented products such medical care, drinking water,
cooperation in high-level
as cotton yarn, leather, clothing, and employment. The priority is
exchanges of visits, joint drill and
seafood products and nuts are given to the northern and western
training, weapons and equipment,
included in tariff reduction lists. regions of Pakistan. 27 priority
and counter-terrorism. The two
China supports the development projects have been selected by
sides resolutely cracked down
of Pakistan’s manufacturing Chinese government with grants,
on the ETIM and the Balochistan
industry, improving its capacity of which 17 fast-track projects
separatist. China acknowledge
for independent development, will be commenced within one
the sacrifice Pakistan has made
year. We have also assisted
in fighting against terrorism and
supports Pakistan’s anti-terror
drive in accordance with its
national conditions. We believe
that Pakistan will well protect
national security and stability
and create a solid foundation
for economic and social
China and
South Asian
countries have
enhanced the people to people exchanges. with the UN Charter, relevant UN
China and South Asian countries Security Council resolutions and
have continuously enhanced the bilateral agreements. This is also
cooperation pragmatic cooperation through the consensus of the international
situation, China is willing to unilaterally change the status
continuously promote open quo and escalate the tension.
Economic cooperation with South Asian Meanwhile, China firmly opposes
Corridor(BCIM) countries, seek mutual benefits using the Kashmir issue to
under the
and win-win results, and jointly assert illegal claim over Chinese
boost the economic development territory. China calls on both the
Belt and Road of all parties, thus benefit the Indian and Pakistani sides to
of the situation in Afghanistan religious belief in Xinjiang. For a times higher than the beginning
and actively support the peace period of time, with the support of China’s reform and opening
and reconstruction process. of certain countries, terrorism up in 1978.
China has provided substantial and extremist forces have risen
assistance to Afghanistan. in Xinjiang, which have badly PIVOT: What is the position of
China consistently insists damaged the social economic the Chinese government on the
that the Afghanistan issue order and threatened the unity Hong Kong issue?
can only be resolved through of the people in Xinjiang. In
The application of ‘one country,
political manner. China order to combat terrorism and
two systems’ in Hong Kong
firmly supports an inclusive, maintain social stability, Xinjiang
since 1997 has achieved
Afghan-led and Afghan-owned adopted a series of anti-
universally recognized
reconciliation process and the terrorism and de-extremization
achievements. Hong Kong
relevant parties in Afghanistan measures, which have been
remains prosperous and stable,
to strengthen dialogue, in proved very effective. There
and is recognized as the world’s
order to create conditions have been no violent incidents
freest economy. Hong Kong’s
for the final settlement of the in the past three years.
rule of law index ranks high in
Afghanistan issue. China
China is willing
the world. However, since this
hopes that the outcome of the
June, there have been violent
U.S. and Taliban negotiations
could be conducive to the
to continuously demonstrations and gatherings
reconciliation process, and promote open in Hong Kong with the support
of external forces. Radical
calls on the U.S. to withdraw cooperation demonstrators have seriously
its troops responsibly. China
encourages Taliban to hold
with South Asian threatened public security,
an early peace talk with a countries, seek affected the rule of law, social
order, economic livelihood and
broadly representative Afghan
mutual benefits international image of Hong
and win-win
delegation including the
Afghan government, and build
up consensus on reduction results The Chinese government’s
of violence, counter-terrorism position on Hong Kong issue
and combating illegal drug Now, there are more than is very clear. Hong Kong
production & smuggling, 15 million ethnic minorities affairs are purely China’s
thus helping Afghanistan living in Xinjiang, who enjoy internal affairs. The Chinese
restore peace, stability and 25,000 mosques, churches, central government resolutely
development at an early date. monasteries and other places supports the Hong Kong SAR
for religious activities. On government in its administration
PIVOT: What is the position of average, every 530 Muslims of the law. The Chinese
the Chinese government on have a mosque. The people government will never allow
the issue of Xinjiang? in Xinjiang now live and work any external forces to intervene
in peace and happiness, in Hong Kong affairs, and will
As President Xi Jinping
and sincerely support the not allow any foreign forces to
said, the people of all ethnic
government’s policy. attempt to destroy Hong Kong.
groups should hold together
like pomegranate seeds and We solemnly demand that
Prevailing itself of the
cherish national unity. The certain countries abide by the
opportunity of Belt and
Chinese government has basic norms of international
Road Initiative, Xinjiang’s
attached great importance law and international relations,
economic development has
abide by their own commitments
to safeguard the security, also accelerated. In 2018, the
promote the social and not to intervene in Hong Kong
total GDP of Xinjiang was 1.15
economic development, affairs, stop supporting violence
trillion RMB($160 billion), and
protect the people’s right of and stop interfering in Hong
the per capita GDP was 48000
development and freedom of Kong affairs in any form
RMB($6683), which was 294
Greeting the Anniversary of the
Founding of New China and Writing a New
Chapter of China-Pakistan Friendship
By Prof. Tang Mengsheng
he year 2019 is the 70th anniversary of the With the establishment of the Communist Party
founding of People’s Republic of China. Since of China in 1921, new leading force for Chinese
1949, China has gone through a great journey revolution started, and the development of China’s
to achieve prosperity of the country, revival of social system saw a new direction. After 28 years of
the nationhood, and the happiness of Chinese people. arduous new democratic revolution, on October 1,
As the commemorative year comes, the magnificent 1949, chairman Mao Zedong declared the founding
history always reminds us to review the initial wish and of the People’s Republic of China to the whole
gives us power to prepare for a new start. world from the upper floors of Tiananmen Square.
Chinese Communist Party, represented by chairman
The outbreak of the Opium War in 1840 opened a Mao Zedong, started to work on to change the
mortifying history, during which China became a conditions of poverty in old China, and realized the
semi-colonial and semi-feudal society, invaded by and deepest and greatest social revolution in the history
suffered from the western powers. of China, which provided valuable experience and
construction and the ‘reform and opening-up’ cooperation has been enhanced and endowed with
policy as the core work of the party and of the new strategic significance.
state government. The decision fully released the
vitality of China’s economy: over the past years, Located at the intersection of ‘New Silk Road
the economic growth rate has been significantly Economic Belt’ and the ‘21st Century Maritime Silk
higher than the world average, making the most Road’, the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor is
contribution among other countries to world a major contributing project of the Belt and Road
economic growth. At the meantime, Chinese GDP Initiative. At present, China and Pakistan have formed
ranks second in the world, the volume of imports a ‘1+4’ cooperation layout: the construction of the
and exports trade has leapt to the first place in the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor as the center, the
world, and the number of Chinese people below port of Gwadar, energy, infrastructure construction
poverty line has been greatly reduced. Through the and industrial cooperation as the four major priorities.
By reinforcing the infrastructure construction
other countries along the road. As the founding father
connectively, the Initiative aims at promoting the
of Pakistan, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, said, ‘We do not
multi-level and in-depth cooperation between
quit to go through fire and water, because we believe
countries along the route, to contribute to the
in the future of sunshine ’
building of a paradigm of global governance. At the
same time, China-Pakistan cooperation in political,
economic, cultural and other fields has become The writer is a Professor and Director
increasingly close, and by the Belt and Road of Centre for Pakistan Studies Peking
University, China.
Strategic Concept, China-Pakistan friendship and
View Point
Of Confucian ideals,
meritocracy and
Pakistan By Hamzah Rifaat Hussain
he Prime Minister of Pakistan, to have an impact on Pakistani society with
Imran Khan has constantly cited greater focus on the meanings of responsibility,
meritocracy, transparency, good transparency and upward mobility. The concept
governance and the establishment of ‘Zhi’ or the ability of an individual to adjudge
of a welfare state as the bedrock of his righteousness and fairness is an example of
vision of the country. He has cited Western a tenet of Confucian doctrine. Currently, there
ideals of democracy and the Westminster are numerous Confucious institutes under the
style of governance as ideal for Pakistan China Pakistan Economic Corridor in Pakistan
given that the country has historically been which allow prospective Pakistani students and
shackled by corruption, nepotism, cronyism scholars to understand, learn, read and reflect on
and exploitation by the ruling elite which has its philosophy.
impeded development and prosperity. China
has also been repeatedly cited as a model The system of merit in China which is based on
for economic progress where its success the Communist Party’s long standing beliefs of
in poverty alleviation has been stunning for the ‘right man for the right job’ philosophy has
observers. The strong pro Sino sentiment also helped China immensely. The country’s
can be capitalized upon further in Pakistan history and the manner in which its policy makers
if the Confucian ideals underpinning China’s have taken on various challenges from the Great
governance with emphasis on meritocracy, Leap Forward, the Cultural Revolution and the
loyalty and values are implemented in the era of economic development is commendable
central tenets of Pakistan’s government. and required prudent policy making and
shrewd decision making. Now, with Xi Jinping’s
Confucianism is less of a religion and ascendancy to the office, China is looking to
more of a philosophy and has the potential expand its economic clout with a message of
View Point
peace. All of China’s achievements may not have Comparative Religion and democracy are taught
materialized had poor decision making taken to students who are slated to become future
place and meritocracy been compromised. champions of change. Confucian ideals being
imparted to the general population thus, has the
Developing young leaders, thinkers and ability to have a long term sustainable impact on
innovators for tomorrow is essential for Pakistan development where the focus would be on policy
as much as instilling civic sense with due making with strong leadership. Such potential
cognizance of pressing realities such as the becomes even more relevant given that despite
economic downslide that the country is facing. Pakistan’s diversity, the majority of the population
As per Confucian ideals, individuals which form is united in their beliefs which consider good
the core of the society can be perfected further governance, poverty alleviation and a rewarding
through teaching and improvement. Skills innate system as indispensable to their wellbeing which
in Pakistanis which range from problem solving, is where Confucian ideals can play an important
analytics and even leadership can be furnished role.
by imparting Confucian ideals as a philosophical
subject to be taught in universities and colleges Some important aspects of Confucianism are
along with Chinese as a language or Chinese ‘Filial Piety’ and ‘Loyalty’, where family values
culture as a course as well. and dedication towards one’s commitments
and priorities are considered to be extremely
China has also been important aspects of life and aspects of culture
repeatedly cited as a which both Pakistanis and Chinese share. Such
Confucian ideals, its philosophical tenets and its
stunning for observers emphasis on merit can equally be cited, imparted
and instilled for the collective good of Pakistani
Pakistani society is known for following certain society, its economy and its political system
ideologies which vary and differ significantly
in scope and disposition. Right wing ideals
are followed as much as Left wing beliefs
The writer is an anchor for PTV World and a
across many segments of the country’s lecturer at Air University Islamabad.
diverse landscape where Marxism, Capitalism,
istory is witness become world’s second largest friends and strategic partners
to the fact that economy and has made and both have stood with each
prosperous nations tremendous progress in the other in times of need. This
attained the heights past 70 years and that can time tested relationship has
of glory after endless struggle rightly be attributed to China’s now attained new heights in the
and continued resilience strategy of cooperation rather recent years after the China
and China is one of the than competition. Pakistan and Pakistan Economic Corridor
finest examples. China has China have been all-weather (CPEC) has been initiated.
China’s economic growth is political system has also economies. China, over a
also candidly termed as an helped China to reform and period of time, has become
‘economic miracle’ which open up to world. Economic a manifestation of a state
has outwitted its older trade innovation in China started in that believes in reformation
partners and economic the early eighties through which without compromising on its
adversaries. China quickly re-established sovereignty and cultural ethos
itself with strength and dignity and defending its integrity while
China’s economic whereas the 1978 ‘Reform and respecting the national and
growth is also Opening Up’ helped China cultural integrity of its global
candidly termed to become the world’s most partners.
as an ‘economic
vigorous and resilient economy
when measured in terms of Pakistan needs to learn from
miracle’ which Purchasing Power Parity (PPP). China’s success story. There
has outwitted is a lot to learn from Chinese
challenges, such as climate its primary and secondary political stability, continuity
change, global health and education systems focusing of policies and inflexibility on
education. The ability of a on science and technology known and settled national
country to cultivate its capacity which will promote national interests. Pakistan should also
for innovation rests with its development. create a peaceful environment
domestic education system. to attract local and foreign
A well-educated workforce Over a period of time, China has investment which is the only
contributing to technological also reformed its bureaucratic way to lift our economy with
and scientific discovery can help cadre and in China the political great success.
a country develop knowledge leadership and bureaucracy
based global economy. work in harmony. Conclusively, the immediate
doable things for Pakistan
Pakistan also Pakistan also needs to maintain
a balanced relationship
entail, furthering trade with
a balanced
of sustainable government
and bureaucracy in order machinery that can remain
relationship to increase the efficiency in unaffected by the tumultuous
between political implementing the policies with political changes, optimal use
leadership and
regards to development and its human resource making
reforms. Pakistan may also
bureaucracy in
huge youth bulge an asset
follow the Chinese principles instead rather than a liability.
order to increase
of merit based selections and Pakistan may learn and follow
the efficiency in progression. This has led to China’s success model that
excellence in every sphere of provides an outstanding recipe
institutional stability. China owes
the policies its consistent growth pace to
for prominence
with regards to
development and The writer is a Research Scholar and Public
reforms Policy Analyst.
Years of
Pakistan China
Looking to Future
By Ambassador Syed Hasan Javed
hat unites societies a ‘benchmarking’ for their own friendship
and nations, is not and cooperation, while to the enemies, it
shared history, culture generates unavoidable ‘heart burning’.
or geography. Nations
come together not because they have The emergence of People’s Republic of
shared interests, ideology or political China in October 1949 was the result of
system. There is no undeniability for their popular awakening of the Chinese people
importance but nations come together against the forces of aggression and abuse
because of their belief in ‘common for 200 years.
Party after their victory in 1949 had a global community. When China became a
rudimentary set-up dealing with Foreign member of United Nations, it utilized the
Relations. Pakistan became the first facilitation and experience of Pakistan’s
Muslim country to recognize the People’s Permanent Mission in New York. Such
Republic of China in January 1950. On a level of diplomatic ‘bonhomie’ is rare
the Korean Conflict, Pakistan abstained in contemporary foreign relations.
from US sponsored resolution branding Pakistan also wholeheartedly supported
China as an aggressor. Both countries China’s membership of the World Trade
established diplomatic relations on 21st Organization (WTO). The Chinese
May 1951. The Chinese people have diplomats have been highly appreciative
always traditionally followed a policy of of the professional insight and advice
amity, cooperation and assistance in their on pressing regional and global issues
neighborhood, in line with their ancient by Pakistan’s finest diplomats in global
civilization value ‘prosperity thy neighbor’. capitals. Pakistan has steadfastly
Friendly Silk Route exchanges with South supported China’s position on Human
Asia are part of its historic record. Rights issues, including Taiwan, Xinjiang
and Tibet.
Pakistan became the
first Muslim country On the other hand, China has always
provided valuable support to Pakistan in
to recognize the nation building, infrastructure, science
People’s Republic and technology and in the defense fields.
sponsored resolution
respect and admiration.
and development in the South Asian
region generates a genuine hope and
optimism that security and stability will
Pakistan is China’s most trusted friend
be achieved in the Asia Pacific Region.
from its difficult days, when it faced
The forces for peace and security are
boycott from the Western nations.
becoming stronger in Asia. China’s Belt
Pakistan was in the forefront of states
and Road Initiative(BRI) with investment
supporting China at all regional and
of US$1.3 trillion is projected to add
international forums. During the last six
YS$4 trillion to the regional economies by
and a half decades, China-Pakistan
2030 AD. More than 128 countries who
friendship has been marked by trust,
have signed up for BRI, see it as the next
sincerity, mutual understanding, respect
phase of globalization.
and support for each other. Irrespective
of the changes in regional and global
situation, Pakistan-China relations have
Chinese total
remained steady. China has never been investment in
an opportunistic power. It has played a Pakistan has reached
positive and constructive role in crisis
and conflict situations in the region and
more than US$ 5.6
globally. billion, making it the
largest investment
destination in South
In the days of past, at the United Nations,
Pakistan was among the frontline
countries, supporting China’s demand Asia
for its rightful place as a member of the
so-called ‘Epicenter’
taxation, education, overseas Pakistanis,
industrialization, SEZs, SMEs and Start Ups,
of regional and global etc., promoting inclusiveness and adopting
transformation innovation driven knowledge economy.
it the largest investment destination in South
teaches us that challenges are meant to
Asia. Despite the great achievements in
elevate nations and societies to their due
the Sino-Pakistan friendship, there is huge
place on the high table. An Opportunity
scope for enhancing cooperation. China is
grabbed, only multiplies’
willing to help Pakistan realize its ‘dream’
as its own dream. The key to this will be
hen the idea of fired power plant, a technology
erecting a coal opening new horizons to
fired power plant Pakistan’s power industry
on the fertile generating 1320 MW. For
land of Sahiwal came up it was this purpose, my Pakistani
appreciated and welcomed by colleagues and I were sent
the local and civil institutes. to China for a systematical
The plan was to build and training, which was provided Pakistani colleagues have made
operate Pakistan’s first by the esteemed professional it all possible. Now this power
supercritical coal fired power experts. plant is not only nourishing
plant, a technology unfolding our national grid but it is also
new horizons for Pakistan’s stabilizing it and is a source of
power industry generating livelihood for many. Pakistani
1320 MW. Considering the engineer’s level of commitment
geological position of the is at its peak as they believe
project site, the importance that they are not just working
and the contribution it here but are actually in service
would have made to the to their country by fulfilling
national grid was invaluable. country’s energy demand.
This project was pioneer
of energy projects under As the 70th anniversary of the
CPEC aimed at eliminating People’s Republic of China is
energy crisis of national grid. During the construction phase, coming up so the success of
Therefore, quality, efficient my Chinese and Pakistani Sahiwal Project has proved
planning, leadership and high colleagues worked hard the worth of cooperation and
perseverance was required together. We completed this friendship between two great
and I feel lucky to be a part of project within 22 months, 200 nations. CPEC is not only
such a tremendous journey days ahead of the schedule. the testimony of the great
of hard work and commitment As of March 2019, the output friendship between the two
which turned this dream into a of Sahiwal Power Plant has countries, but also a symbol
reality. exceeded 16.11 billion Kilowatt- of rapid development and
hours, which has injected a progress of both nations. It’s
strong impetus to the socio- the beginning of new era, an
economic development of era of brotherhood, an era of
Pakistan. strong economic growth, an era
of enlightening and this epoch
Since the time of training in will enrich the lives of people
China, commissioning of plant for their betterment and for the
and now normal operation, progress of both nations
The plan was to build joint efforts of Chinese and
and operate Pakistan’s
first supercritical and The writer is a Trainee Assistant and In-
charge Engineer at Sahiwal Coal Power Plant.
environmental-friendly coal
View Point
G lo b al Governance?
in By Junaid Ashraf
he world as it moves , the role of China seems to grander and impactful part in the
into the 21st century have increased in the existing emerging world order.
has shifted its focus international order vis-à-
and reliance on vis economic governance.
economic governance. This Entering the 21st century,
progress can be viewed with economic globalization has
regard to ‘multilateralization not only accelerated the
of the Chiang Mai Initiative,’ process of the integration
solidification of BRICS and of the world economy but
upsurge of the grand regional also increased competition
Free Trade Agreement (FTA) among countries, especially
consultations such as; Trans- among big powers. With ‘In an important event of
Pacific Partnership (TPP), the announcement of the 2017 at World Economic
Regional Comprehensive BRI and developing strong Forum, President Xi Jinping
Economic Partnership (RCEP), economic relations with the represented his country China,
and Trans-Atlantic Trade littoral countries of the Indian as enthusiastic guardian of
and Investment Partnership Ocean that could possibly as the FTAs and open market.
(TTIP). More importantly, after well provide political influence He continuously stressed on
announcement of Belt and in the future, it is evident need of China to get into a
Road Initiative (BRI) by China, that China wants to have a more decision making and
View Point
pursues to build
the image of a leading
powerhouse in the global
political environment.
View Point
G20, but also reinforced its The entire global order is remains quite challenging
bilateral strategic relations experiencing a fundamental for China to balance the
with the countries across the alteration as the ‘multipolar international responsibilities
world. aligned powers’ collaborate with the domestic affairs and
in improving the worldwide also the balancing of socio-
Entering the 21st economic, political as well as economic development and
century, economic financial systems. However, economic growth, China has
globalization this is creating a significant left no opportunity to show
has not only friction with the US, who that it is very much a part of
accelerated came out as figurehead of the global economic order
the process of the capitalist agenda, after and would actively participate
integration of the the World War II. ‘The US in it.
world economy does not want to lose its
‘It is within this
hegemony in the international
but also increased sphere of warning,
politics. The US States does
competition not want to be ‘one among anxiety and doubts
among countries, equals’ in this 21st century. about the rising
especially among It does not want to be part Chinese standing
major powers of a ‘great global power in the global
‘It is within this sphere
concert’ like model, towards political scenario
of warning, anxiety and
which the countries now are that country has
progressively transitioning
doubts about the rising positioned itself
to. Nevertheless, US wants
Chinese standing in the
to maintain its grip over the
as an ‘essential’
global political scenario that
global politics as a significant
part of the major
country has positioned itself
‘decision maker’ in the world
regional as well
as an ‘essential’ part of the
affairs.’ as international
major regional as well as
international bodies. With this As China continues with a
setting, China promotes that it more proactive policy in the Nevertheless, China has
follows the global polices but international arena, some also displayed a revisionist
global economic governance aspects indicate that local stance by setting competing
restructuring is also quite problems may obstruct the economic institutions such
significant for the steadiness advancement of China in its as the Asian Infrastructure
of the global structure. global initiative. This definitely Investment Bank (AIIB),
View Point
if no progress is made after talks and negotiations after the 21st century may have an
90 days, the US will raise a series of intensifications to optimistic and positive outlook
those tariffs to 25 percent.’ their nations’ tariff clash which in spite of the numerous
Despite meetings and positive has threatened to unsettle the hurdles ahead
statements, no progress global economic order and
was made before the next G
20 held in Japan Osaka on
28th and 29th June 2019. The writer is a data analyst at
Management Systems International.
‘Another truce was agreed
upon between Donald Trump
and Xi Jinping on the sideline
meeting in the G 20 summit.
eventy years old modern China cyberspace and providing secure Internet and
has made tremendous progress social media services through an effective
in various fields of life and being cyber security mechanism.
a close friend supported Pakistan
on various forums in large number of Internet is no doubt beneficial for everyone
projects. However, presumably we could may it be an individual, an organisation, an
not draw benefits from our great neighbour institution or a country but if left unchecked it
as we could have learnt from China’s might have ill effects.
and governments are common and are on and information is being used as a weapon,
increase. Internet is also used by terrorists even by states, thus there is a need to have
and criminals for a host of illegal activities. effective controls over use of such weapons.
Critical threat, especially in current hybrid Privacy of social media users over Internet is a
warfare scenario is the use of Internet and major concern even for open societies like EU
social media to attack our minds, ideology, and their courts have very recently imposed
and national integrity. Social media is being huge fines on Facebook and other Internet
used effectively to launch propaganda players where they were unable to protect the
campaigns. We have seen role of social user’s data.
media during ‘Arab Spring’, US elections,
different ethnic conflicts and in recent
live streaming of mass shooting in New
Zealand. The question is whether such
things should be allowed over the Internet
in the name of freedom of speech or not. If
the answer is ‘No’ then an effective Internet
management mechanism is need of the
hour. China has successfully implemented
an effective Internet management
mechanism and successfully developed
domestic social media platforms. We must
draw positive lessons to secure our Internet
users and indigenously develop social China has deployed a very effective and
media platforms to meet our needs. efficient system of Internet management
and social media services. Chinese Internet
To safeguard our Internet users we management mechanism is aimed to make
must first fully understand the Internet their cyberspace secure and to keep financial
vulnerabilities and privacy issues and other benefits from Internet use within
concerning social media users. It is their own economy. Internet management
rightly said that ‘surveillance is the has not restricted the growth of Internet in
business model of the Internet’. This China in anyway rather it helped the domestic
situation demands that every country companies to grow by developing and using
must effectively safeguard its cyberspace their own services over the Internet. Western
and Internet data. Internet, social media social media platforms are not available in
China but this has not affected the Chinese Internet to store data in local servers. Data
users who are rather satisfied with the sovereignty achieved in this way is considered
Internet services developed indigenously an essential part of cyber sovereignty of a
as an alternative to the non-available country.
western resources. In fact, China has
specially designed and developed the Every country must safeguard its cyber
social media services for Chinese people space as it protects its physical boundaries.
and local Chinese social media platforms We cannot allow any cyber-criminal, to
are providing much better services. enter into our cyberspace unchecked just
WeChat is more powerful than Facebook like we protect our physical borders and do
and can do multiple tasks. This has also not allow anyone with malicious intentions
provided an opportunity for Chinese IT to enter into our country. We need to take
companies to grow at much higher rate effective measures against all threats on the
as a large domestic market is available to Internet. May it be safeguarding of sensitive
them without any international competitor. data, spreading of hate speech, fake news,
Chinese companies, Alibaba and Tencent rumours, misinformation, disinformation or
are among the top ten most-valued public any other offensive contents. Again we can
tech companies in the world, and Meituan learn from China where China has developed
Dianping, Baidu, JD.com, NetEase, and Great Firewall of China (GFW) also known
Xiaomi are in the top thirty. as the Golden Shield Project, which is
the combination of legislative actions and
Chinese companies, technologies to safeguard their cyberspace
to privacy concerns All such actions need a policy framework
and increasing and a strategy at national level and we must
data breaches, therefore develop our national cyber security
countries are now policy at priority
demanding ‘data
localisation’ from The writer holds PhD in Telecom
companies providing Engineering from University of
Sheffield, UK and is a faculty member
services over at NUST
The 70th Anniversary of the founding of
The People’s Republic of China
View Point
a n
a k i o ist n:
i n Coo a-P pera ser
fC e i n g e C lo
r s o r a d u i l d
B d F ongyi u t u r
Ye ic ana dT S
d nit
r i
ecu y of S By
t o
ty hare Dr. Liu Z
n o m t e
gy mmu
The first stage
S t r a C o
is from the founding
was very small. This situation is heavily influenced
akistan is China’s ‘good neighbor,
by the Cold War and South Asian regional structure,
good friend, good partner and good
and the two countries’ foreign policy focuses,
brother’. China-Pakistan relations are
which are on national security, independence and
now considered ‘all-weather strategic
territorial integrity, but also closely related to the
cooperative partnership’. Economic and trade
development levels of China and Pakistan.
cooperation is one of the important ties between
China and Pakistan. But it is undeniable that in 70
The goal of CPEC is to
improve the hematopoietic
years of China-Pakistan relations, strategic and
security cooperation has been the main content
for quite a long time, while economic and trade capacity of economy of
cooperation is relatively lagging. After entering the
Pakistan. In the process,
China should help Pakistani
21st century, China-Pakistan economic and trade
relations have become increasingly important.
At present, China-Pakistan economic and trade government solve its
cooperation, along with strategic and security economic difficulties from
cooperation and people-to-people exchanges
have become the three pillars of the closer China- the root
Pakistan community of Shared Future. But at that stage, the two countries completed
In the past 70 years, China-Pakistan economic and the Karakoram Highway, a miracle in the history
trade relations have gone through three stages in of highway construction, which promoted China-
general: Pakistan’s trade and personnel exchanges and
View Point
opened up a new channel for China’s interaction one hand, the construction under CPEC will
with the world. After China’s reform and opening expand to industrial cooperation, Industrial Park
up, in October 1982, the two countries established construction, social and livelihood fields; on
the Joint Committee on China-Pakistan the other hand, CPEC will truly enter the stage
Economic, Trade and Scientific and Technological of multilateral cooperation. Saudi Arabia, the
Cooperation, but the development levels of the United Arab Emirates and other countries have
two countries limited their bilateral economic and decided to invest in this mega-venture. China
trade exchanges. In the 1990s, bilateral trade and Pakistan also hope to establish a trilateral
volume hovered around $1 billion. cooperation platform between China, Pakistan
and Afghanistan, to extend CPEC to Afghanistan,
The second stage is from 2001 to 2013. With so that CPEC can truly play its role of regional
China becoming a member of the WTO and its interconnectivity, as well as its driving effect on
further integration into globalization, and with the the economic, trade and social development of
improvement of Sino-Indian relations and the neighboring countries and regions.
easing of India-Pakistan relations, in May 2001,
Premier Zhu Rongji, during his visit to Pakistan, Industrial cooperation
put forward the idea of further developing
China-Pakistan ‘comprehensive cooperative
will be the focus of future
partnership’, and expounded the four proposals economic and trade
of strengthening China-Pakistan economic and cooperation between
trade cooperation. In 2006, China and Pakistan
signed a free trade agreement. Pakistan was
China and Pakistan
the first country in South Asia to sign free trade Now Pakistan is facing severe challenges in
agreement with China. The bilateral trade volume terms of economy and foreign trade. The trade
increased from less than US$1.4 billion in 2001 to imbalance between China and Pakistan still
US$8.7 billion in 2010. During this period, China’s exists. This problem is determined by the level
foreign aid and contracted projects in Pakistan of industrialization, which is obviously different
were a highlight of the bilateral economic and between the two countries. The goal of CPEC
trade cooperation. China helped Pakistan to is to improve the hematopoietic capacity of
build large-scale projects such as Gwadar Port, economy of Pakistan. In the process, China
Shandak Copper Mine and Chashma Nuclear should help Pakistani government solve its
Power Plant-2 (CHASNUPP-2). economic difficulties from the root. Compared
with China, Pakistani government has insufficient
In the third stage, since the leaders of China
experience in economic development and social
and Pakistan jointly proposed China-Pakistan
governance. Therefore, China should guide
Economic Corridor (CPEC) in 2013, the
Pakistani side to change their patterns and ideas
economic and trade cooperation between the two
for bilateral economic and trade cooperation. In
countries has entered a new stage of synergy of
terms of cooperation in project selection, the two
development plans and jointly building China-
governments should fully negotiate and implement
Pakistan Community of Shared Future. Since the
the project after reaching an agreement based on
initiation of CPEC, with the joint efforts of China
in-depth research from both sides, to increase its
and Pakistan, significant advancement has been
transparency. This should be the path that CPEC
achieved. At present, there are 22 cooperation
should take in the future. Industrial cooperation
projects under the framework of CPEC. Ten of
will be the focus of future economic and trade
them have been completed and 12 are under
cooperation between China and Pakistan. In terms
construction, with a total investment of 19 billion
of industrial cooperation, agriculture is a field that
US dollars. This has led to an additional annual
can help Pakistan form industrial advantages and
economic growth of 1-2% and created 70,000
industrial chains and achieve export earnings
jobs for Pakistan. Pakistan’s energy and power
faster. At the same time, China should try its best
shortages have eased. Especially remarkable is
to open its markets to agricultural products of
that the construction of CPEC has played a great
Pakistan, expand imports of Pakistani products
role in improving Pakistan’s international image,
and restore balance of bilateral trade
and Pakistan’s attraction for foreign investment
has greatly increased.
The writer is the Secretary-General
At present, the construction of CPEC has entered of South Asia and China Centre,
a new stage of enrichment and expansion: on Shanghai Institute for International
China and 5G
Techno ogy By Usama Anjum
n past few years, the superfast internet speed, it also experience enormous changes,
world has witnessed an allows all electronic devices to such as real-time experience
unprecedented growth by communicate with virtually zero via virtual reality devices. For
China in the technological lag time, thus revolutionizing the layman, complete wireless
sector. To meet its ‘Made in entire industry. In the new connection, improved data rate
China 2025’ agenda, which technological world, a surgeon and volume will be one of many
outlines moving the country in one part of the world would advantages this new technology
from low-end to high-value be able to perform surgery with shall offer.
products, the government help of robotics in any part of
has encouraged widespread the world. Self-driving cars, Not only is 5G technology
innovation in the technological on which major technological important in transforming entire
sector. This has placed to the giants have been working for industry, it has the capacity of
world in digital technology, years including Apple, will see influencing the entire global
culminating in Chinese massive innovation such as economy. Many laud it as the
companies establishing detection of other cars in vicinity catalyst for next technological
5G network. The much- due to enhanced sensors. Even revolution. Much like the Space
coveted 5G technology – Fifth entertainment industry, such Race during Cold War, there is
Generation – not only provides as video-gaming sector, will a constant race by leading world
economies in advancing their However, there have been reached the third phase.
technology since this reflects concerns aired by few countries.
the primacy of one state over the US alleged Huawei violating The companies are testing it in
other in the highly competitive cyber security norms and that different domains, such as the
global market. Currently, China, amounts to spying allegations. research giant Baidu having
the United States, Japan, and Consequently, the US put a ban already successfully tested
South Korea are in competitive on Huawei among other tariffs in self-driving cars in March 2018
struggle of surpassing each its trade war with China though and by 2019, have managed to
other, although, China is the US president hinted of lifting manufacture over a hundred self-
beginning to be in the lead now. the ban soon during the recent driving buses. In medical field,
G20 summit. a Chinese surgeon performed
Presently, the Chinese tech the world’s first 5G-powered
giant, Huawei, is leading in Despite its immense benefits, brain surgery. He used remotely
the 5G technology. Huawei 5G network is costly, not just controlled robot surgeons on a
not only manufactures smart in manufacturing but also in patient 3000 kilometers away.
phones, but builds telecoms deployment as this technology
networks and equipment as well, requires setting up of huge towers launching 5G in their
including signal transmitters and transmitting mechanisms. domestic market
vital for setting up 5G towers. Unlike other states, the Chinese alone will give the
Western countries such as the government has played an Chinese companies
United Kingdom too used signal important and central role in access to nearly
transmitters manufactured by helping acquire this technology. one billion people,
Huawei when it tested 5G this Despite their main competitor ensuring largest
year. being the US, with a much consumer market.
The much-coveted
stronger economy, China has
Not only will this be
5G technology –
surpassed it by $24 billion,
financially profitable,
but will give the
investing heavily in building
Fifth Generation 5G infrastructure across the
– not only provides entire country. The government
Chinese nation a
superfast internet has not only provided financial technological edge
speeds, it also allows assistance, but gave subsidies. over rest of the world
all electronic devices With a consumer market of a China, it seems, is already well
to communicate billion people (larger than South on its way to achieving the ‘Made
with virtually zero Korea, the U.S. and Japan’s in China 2025’ goals. However,
lag time, thus combined), even with international it needs to be mindful of the stiff
revolutionizing bans or stiff resistance by rivalry with other states.
entire industry foreign technological firms in
The US led the world in technology
their own turf, launching 5G in
Smart phones being in the past century, enabling the
their domestic market alone will
manufactured by Huawei will superpower to boast a strong
give the Chinese companies
be capable of 5G network, a economy and dominate global
access to nearly one billion
major hurdle that even leading markets. Even today, the telecoms
people, ensuring largest
American companies are unable industry employs 5 million people
consumer market. Not only will
to tackle currently. As such, and generates $47 billion. A
this be financially profitable, but
it’s much ahead of other tech research by Qualcomm Industry
will give the Chinese nation a
firms in commercializing 5G estimates the benefits of 5G
technological edge over rest of
technology; according to the technologies reaching up to $3
the world.
Turkish media –TRT World – trillion dollars and providing 22
million jobs. Therefore, if China
China has already installed 350 Currently, testing the 5G
000 mobile towers supporting technology is far more imperative. manages to launch 5G first,
5G network, in contrast to only While Western countries such it will then go on to dominate
30 000 set up by the United as Germany and the UK have and set course of future global
States. Huawei is also helping already started, China has by now economy
setup 5G connections in other
states, such as Germany and The writer studies International Relations at
Russia. Bahria University, Islamabad.
Cherish: Living
in Pakistan By Ayijiang Bahatihan
y name is Ayijiang. list goes on. So when I decided from that there was a lot more we
I am a Chinese to come to Pakistan my family needed to buy. That night after we
language lecturer at was divided on this, my mother went to sleep, we woke up with
Confucius Institute, was totally supportive because loud and heavy footsteps and
Islamabad in National University she met two friendly Pakistani in some people were talking loudly
of Modern Languages. I’ve our city. Though my father was in Urdu outside our apartment.
worked and lived in Islamabad for double-minded about my decision I asked my husband: ‘What’s
almost 9 years. You can say that but my mother insisted that I follow happening, are we in danger?’
Pakistan is my second home now. my dream of becoming a Chinese Then I heard someone knock
In February 2011 when we first language teacher and Chinese on our door, and then a middle
landed at Benazir Bhutto airport, cultural ambassador. Six month aged bodyguard answered: ‘Sir?
to see the gunned army soldiers later, I packed my luggage and Darwaza open kardu!’ I whispered
and a huge tank was a shocking set off to Islamabad. I thought to to my husband, do not make
thing for me and my husband. myself, at least my husband is with a sound. But the knocking got
I feel very proud to tell you that me, so if this won’t turn out to be louder and louder it was as if they
we were the pioneer Chinese good choice, we would just come were determined to wake up the
language teachers of Roots back to China and choose another whole neighborhood. I never had
School System at that time. A few country to teach Chinese language. experienced any robbery in my
years later Roots School System life, and now I thought this must
split up into Roots Millennium When we arrived, Roots be it. Then I found my cellphone,
Schools and Roots International manager told us that our the time showed it was 2 o’clock
Schools etc. and we stayed with accommodation was not ready at night. Because we had been in
Roots Millennium Schools for a yet. ‘What? You knew we were Pakistan for two months, so I did
while before I joined Confucius coming six months ago, are you not have contact numbers of a
Institute at National University of building a new house for us’? I lot of people at that time. Luckily
Modern Languages. joked. This was our first cultural I found a few numbers: one of
shock, that things will be done them was Mr. Chang Liang, third
Ever since I was a little girl, I in a really unimaginable speed. secretary of Chinese cultural
wanted to go and see the world So we lived in a farm house that office in Chinese embassy. I asked
outside China; youngest Chinese belonged to Nawaz Sharif outside my husband, should I call him? Or
graduates would choose western Islamabad. Two months later, we should I call someone in Roots?
countries for their jobs and moved into our new apartment in Just when we were deciding
studies. I was also one of them. F-8 Islamabad. The apartment whom to call, I heard a woman’s
I knew very little of Pakistan was quite big for two people, but voice calling from outside ‘Ayjan?
before I came here. Let’s face it was empty. There was a queen Ersin? Are you guys asleep? It is
it, on the news we usually see size bed in the bedroom, and some me, Mam Sabi! Open the door!’
and hear negative things about sofas in the living room, also a ‘Mam Sabi?!’ I cried out in a happy
every country; bomb blasts, earth refrigerator was given to us by the and surprised tone. Mam Sabina
quakes, floods, poverty and the administration of Roots but apart Zakeer was the principal of the
sleep? In Pakistan we sleep
dances for him at Pakistan-China living my dream fully. In a nutshell,
very late! You have classes in
friendship center. This encouraged living in Pakistan has been and
the morning, I could not bring
my students a lot who were still is one of my most cherished
all these things to school and
studying Chinese language at the experience of my life
then give you, this way it was
time. I was teaching more than
easier and convenient’. This
was my first real experience The writer is a lecturer of Chinese
of Pakistani friendship. Mam language at National University of
Sabi was my boss, but she was Modern Languages Islamabad.
Xinjiang and
Silk Road
Belt By Naveed Aman Khan
injiang’s economy water conservancy, energy and programs actively also.
is developing with telecommunication projects, Livelihoods development has
each passing the infrastructures and the been continuously pushed
day. With the production and living conditions forward here.
great support of the Central of urban and rural residents
Government, Xinjiang has of Xinjiang are experiencing In 2018,
completed a number of historic changes. By the Xinjiang’s GDP
infrastructural and basic
industry’s projects significant
end of 2018, Xinjiang had a
railway mileage of 5,959km, reached 1.22
to its overall and long-term expressway accesses to all its trillion Yuan,
development in recent prefectures and cities, highway more than 200
years along China Pakistan
Economic Corridor (CPEC). In
accesses to 99.74% of its
administrative villages, 21 civil
times of that in
2018, Xinjiang’s GDP reached airports and opened subways the initial years
1.22 trillion Yuan, more in Urumqi, the 2nd subway of the People’s
than 200 times of that in the city in North Western China
Republic of
initial years of the People’s which initiates CPEC route
Republic of China. Because up to gwader. So far, Xinjiang
of CPEC Xinjiang’s industrial has set up a transport network
A number of livelihood
economy rapidly grows up, integrating aviation, railway
difficulties, such as the
presenting an obviously (high-speed railway, subway)
housing, employment,
optimized economic structure and highway transport to speed
education, health care, social
with agriculture as the basis, up momentum of CPEC.
welfare and accesses to
industry as the dominant force
Again because of CPEC water, highway, electricity and
and service with the biggest
in Xinjiang people’s living natural gas, are solved. People
share. Because of China
conditions have remarkably of various ethnic groups of
Pakistan Economic corridor
improved. In Xinjiang CPEC Xinjiang are striving toward
with the start and completion
has carried out major welfare a moderately prosperous
of a number of transport,
society with people across groups to have greater sense of of regional ethnic autonomy,
China. The per capita annual gains, happiness and security. carried out the Party’s ethnic
incomes of Xinjiang’s urban and religious policies, cultivated
and rural residents were In Xinjiang freedom of religious a number of outstanding ethnic
increased from 319 Yuan and belief is respected and cadres, safeguarded the rights
119 Yuan in 1979 to 32,764 protected. of various ethnic groups to
So far Xinjiang
Yuan and 11975 Yuan in use and develop their own
2018, respectively and it is spoken and written languages,
all because of CPEC though has set up respected and protected
the momentum of work on a transport normal religious activities of
CPEC is yet not at ideal pace
For years, above 70% of its
network religion followers, respected
customs and habits of various
public budget expenditures integrating ethnic groups, developed and
were spent on securing aviation, railway consolidated the new-type
and improving livelihoods.
Xinjiang has carried out
(high-speed socialist ethnic relationship
featuring equality, solidity,
the policies of dynamically railway, subway) mutual aid and harmony.
guaranteeing job offers to and highway Xinjiang has unremittingly rolled
zero-employment families,
free physical examinations
transport out ethnic solidity and progress
activities, promulgated and
for all citizens, free 3-year Freedom of religious belief is a implemented the Regulations
pre-school education in rural basic right of Chinese citizens of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous
areas, affordable housing in endowed by the Constitution of Region on the Work of Ethnic
rural areas and settlement China. We have unswervingly Unity and Progress, carried
of herdsmen, severe illness insisted on the correct path forward ethnic unity as a
insurances, and minimum with Chinese characteristics family and other ethnic unity
living allowances for urban for solving ethnic problems, activities. Ethnic exchanges,
and rural residents, to enable fully implemented the system communication and fusion are
people of various ethnic vigorously promoted through
various channels and forms. important part of international efficiency improvement. In recent
People of various ethnic groups community’s actions toward years, Xinjiang has insisted on
live, learn and work together religious extremism. ‘ushering in eastern and western
to live in amity, defeat difficulty resources, linking with the east
and develop in harmony, and While insisting on the freedom and exporting to the west’,
unite together like pomegranate of religious belief and protecting stressed on expanding opening-
seeds firmly curbing the the normal religious activities up to other domestic regions
religious extremism according of citizens, Xinjiang has worked and global countries, and striven
to laws. Lots of facts prove hard to combat extremism, to build itself into a portal of
that religious extremism has promoted to establish the the core area of the Silk Road
become a realistic threat to concepts of progress, opening- Economic Belt and for China’s
jeopardize regional and even up, inclusiveness, civilization and westward opening-up. In 2018,
global peace, regional stability science and abandon the close- China’s foreign trade volume
and the life and property safety door, out-dated, conservative amounted to $20 billion, 1,481
of the people. and fatuous thoughts of times of that at the beginning of
closeness among the people the People’s Republic of China.
Xinjiang has of various ethnic groups, and Xinjiang has given full play of
unremittingly build the consciousness of the its unique tourism resource
rolled out
community of Chinese nation in competitiveness, showed
the innermost of various ethnic
ethnic solidity
the dividends from stability,
groups. energetically carried out tourism-
and progress based development strategy
In May 2014, China proposed
and seen a blowout growth in
to build Xinjiang into the core
promulgated and area of the Silk Road Economic
unity as a family
Xinjiang recruited 12,400
‘one port (Urumqi International
foreign students. Five hospitals
and other ethnic Land Port), two zones (Horgos
in Xinjiang have launched
unity activities
and Kashgar economic
international medical services,
development zones), five
providing more than 20,000
centres (trade and logistics
Containing the religious treatments for foreign patients.
centre, transport hub centre,
extremism according to laws It conducted cross-border
culture and scientific education
is a just action to safeguard remote medical service platform
centre, medical service centre
the fundamental interests of pilot construction. A total of 29
and regional financial centre),
the country and the people of hospitals in the region have
and port economic belt’, has a
various ethnic groups, and an set up a cross-border remote
clearer road map and a notable
medical service platform global peace and development. have overcome this monster of
with 24 large hospitals in the Herewith, I sincerely wish you to terrorism by crushing terrorist
neighbouring three countries. give an objective and true report groups.
on what you see, hear, experience
Xinjiang has and think in Xinjiang and the The way
insisted on hospitality and friendliness of the government
‘ushering in people of various ethnic groups of
of Xinjiang
eastern and the region to enable your audience
in particular
western resources, and international community
and Central
linking with
to have a better understanding
on the true situation of Xinjiang government in
the east and and of China.’ Truly this is what general have
exporting to the
west’, stressed
I have observed in China during
my recent visit to Urumqi, Akesu
proved in curbing
on expanding and historic city of Kashgar. The terrorism in the
opening-up to way government of Xinjiang in great province
other domestic particular and Central government of Xinjiang is
regions and
in general have proved in curbing
remarkable and
terrorism in the great province
global countries, of Xinjiang is remarkable and
and striven to exemplary. Pakistan and China
For safe and prosperous future
build itself into a
have long been suffering from
of our nations both China and
portal of the core terrific hazards of extremism and
Pakistan need to crush extremists
area of the Silk terrorism by common enemies.
and terrorists with iron hands by
Road Economic
But because of strong positive
all means
policies both China and Pakistan
Belt and for
China’s westward
opening-up The writer is a columnist, political analyst
and author of several books.
In 2017, Chinese President Xi
Jinping said, ‘Not angling for
compliments, I’d be content to
let my integrity fill the universe’,
indicating Chinese people’s
calmness and stability, and the
CPC’s insistence on the initial
mind of seeking happiness for
Chinese people and peace
for the world. Regardless of
‘over criticism’ or ‘over flattery’,
Chinese government and people
will forge ahead, strive to make
further progress in fairness and
justice, and maintain harmony
and stability to contribute to
View Point
Chinese investment
in the social sector of
Pakistan By Maham Khan
he scale and Recently, China has pledged areas were identified: education,
unprecedented level of investment to the tune of $1 agriculture, poverty reduction,
development that China billion in the social sector of skill development, healthcare,
has demonstrated Pakistan in order to relieve water supply, and vocational
over the past few decades some of the burden on the training projects, with a focus
since it opened up to the world economically haggard state. on lesser developed areas such
has undoubtedly left many as Gilgit-Baltistan, Balochistan,
awestruck. China’s success During the Joint Coordination southern Punjab and Sindh.
story is a model for other Committee meeting in Beijing
developing countries to emulate. last year on CPEC, a joint In healthcare alone, China has
With regards to China-Pakistan working group on socio- decided upon opening of six
relations, both the countries economic development was burn centres across Pakistan:
have supported each other and established. In February 2019, a Hyderabad, Sukkur, Bahawalpur,
remained ‘all-weather friends’. As 13-member group headed by Du D. I. Khan, Swat and Quetta.
part of China-Pakistan Economic Zhenli visited Pakistan to finalise This is in addition to the planned
Corridor (CPEC), China has projects and sectors which Pak-China Friendship Hospital
invested heavily in multiple required investments. in Gwadar costing $100 million,
sectors across the country. an emergency hospital under
For the first phase, six key construction by the Chinese Red
View Point
Cross Foundation in Quetta, methods of farming, irrigating warehouses and storage facilities
and collaboration between and even storing, resulting in in Pakistan for post-harvest
Chinese and Pakistani medical over one-third of annual post- storage.
institutions on medical facilities, harvest loss. As China moves
training, and scientific research. to outsource its food supplies in The Chinese are also assisting
countries along the BRI, Pakistan in dairy and meat industries, with
In education sector, besides stands to gain a lot from food the friendly Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
25 000 Pakistani students exports to China. Higher yield Initiative aimed at exploiting
studying in China on grants and crops, mechanised farming and the untapped dairy market of
scholarships, five Confucius proper storage facilities to that Pakistan for export to the Middle
centres for learning Chinese, end are needed, and China has East, and the Inner Mongolia
and establishment of the thoroughly helped. Yili Industrial Group company
Pakistan Academy of Social helping the local Fauji Food Ltd.
Sciences in partnership In education sector, in manufacturing high value-
with Chinese Academy for besides 25 000 Pakistani added dairy products to China.
Social Sciences, the Chinese students studying in In the meat industry, the Kashi
government has established China on grants and Mufeng Biological Technology
schools such as the China- Co. has built cold storage centres
scholarships, five
Pakistan Faqeer Primary school which are transporting sea
which helps educate the poor
Confucius centres for imports from Gwadar port all the
of the region where no primary
learning Chinese, and way to mainland China.
school existed before. There is
establishment of the
also the CPEC Consortium of Pakistan Academy These investments could not
business schools, an academic of Social Sciences have been timelier for Pakistan’s
collaboration between in partnership with economy. Besides financial
universities from both states Chinese Academy for backing, the technological and
that jointly work on tasks as part Social Sciences, the technical know-how that the
Chinese are bringing to all areas
of assisting the governments Chinese government has
of Pakistan is crucial. Not only
on CPEC projects. China established schools such will this speed up the process,
has also invested $87 million as the China-Pakistan but will help enormously the
in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’s Faqeer Primary school
education sector to help digitise poorer segments of society who
which helps educate the would have otherwise never had
its curriculum, a project to be
implemented across three
poor of the region where access to such facilities.
phases and entirely funded by
no primary school existed
before In contrast to the assistance
we have traditionally received
Most importantly, Huawei, the The Yuan Ping High Tech from western countries – mostly
Chinese technological giant, Agriculture Co. Ltd., a major monetary aid – support from
with the Higher Education Chinese hybrid seed production China not only covers more
Commission of Pakistan has set company, researched areas in ground, but it’s also detailed,
up the Pakistan education and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to develop intricate and touches each
research network, IT research heat-resistant rice, a crop that segment of our society, down to
and development centres, can grow in all ecological zones remote villages in Balochistan
and Gilgit-Baltistan. While we
Huawei’s Technical Support of Pakistan. The company has
Center, and started a smart also provided training to the have witnessed the Chinese
school project, equipped with Pakistan Agriculture Research economic miracle, we are more
latest technology. Council on hybrid seed breeding than hopeful it will be a success
and field management skills. in Pakistan as well
Pakistan, as a chiefly agrarian Besides this, it is developing
economy with half the
population dependent one way
or another on the agriculture The writer studies International
sector, unfortunately, has Relations at Quaid-i-Azam University
an antiquated system still Islamabad.
dependent upon traditional
China at :
Seven Decades of
Momentous Achievements By Irfan Shahzad
s the People’s a major global power in these in terms of economic
Republic of China seven decades – particularly in development is unappalled.
(PRC) celebrates the post reform and opening No other major economy has
its 70th founding up period since 1978 – has ever been able to sustain
day on October 1, 2019, it is simply been miraculous. a growth rate of around
now a globally established 10% per annum for almost
fact that the country’s rise as What China has achieved three decades, tells us the
on the far side of the moon, a the Cultural Revolution were no 2008 Olympics, but also topped
first of its kind. mean feats either. the medals table. Chinese
athletes’ performance since then
Another ‘technological’ However, China’s most onwards has been extraordinary
indicators that resonates more notable achievements in both at Summer and Winter
with everyday life: China is this pre-reform period were, Olympics’ competitions. Even
adding some 9500 electric diplomatic. Within 22 years of the movies’ market in China is
buses every five weeks, the founding of PRC, the world expected to overtake that of the
equivalent to total fleet of had to recognize that Beijing US by 2020. The purpose of
London. Facing restrictions to was the rightful contender sharing these two indicators: it is
use Google’s Android, China’s for the permanent seat at an all-round advancement.
Huawei has now brought the United Nations’ Security
forward its own operating Council. Henry Kissinger and What started in 1978 in the
system Harmony OS, within Jimmy Carter, by early 1970s, eastern coastal cities of China,
months. had realized that there was primarily Shenzhen, is since
no other way but to engage, 2010 manifesting it in South-
As a recent article in MIT meaningfully, with Chairman Western underdeveloped
Technology Review puts it: Mao’s China – a breakthrough regions of the country,
‘In quantum computing, 5G facilitated by Pakistan. aggressively. Travelling to
networks, and high-speed rail, provincial and regional capitals
technology being developed in Half of the world’s such as Yinchuan, Kunming,
China is world class. In mobile countries and Chengdu, and far-away Urumqi
payment and in facial and two-third of its – once finds that the cities are
spoken-language recognition, populations is linked better developed than many
Chinese companies are global
with BRI – directly national capitals around.
leaders. These and many
or indirectly – by
more advances have been The Belt and Road Initiative
means of commerce, (BRI) is one of the most
investments and deliberated upon topics in
Apart from these recent, post infrastructure international discourses today.
reform era achievements, the development Rightly so! BRI is the single
People’s Republic was able to initiatives largest and most expansive
make a marked advancement, move aimed and connectivity
despite a number of In the arena of defence and
and globalization, ever
challenges, in 1949 to 1978 security, the People’s Liberation
undertaken on the face of the
period too. As recorded by Army (PLA) – all the three main
planet. Its size, scope and
Martin Jacques in his best- branches of it – have witnessed
spread is phenomenal. Half of
seller When China Rules a massive modernization drive
the world’s countries and two-
the Word, growth rates even and now stand as second to
thirds of its populations is liked
during Mao era were a healthy none, in combat-readiness as
with BRI – directly or indirectly
4 to 5 %. well as professionalism. The
– by means of commerce,
work on country’s third aircraft
investments and infrastructure
During that challenging carrier is already underway,
development initiatives.
period, in a highly hostile indigenously. And PRC is now
global environment, China one of the largest contributors The above write-up embodies
was not only able to maintain to global UN Peacekeeping all but just a few examples to
its territorial unity and Operations, though it shied highlight. The people of China
integrity, but also joined away from this for some time. have much more to boast, as to
the elite nuclear club by what they have achieved and
detonating its first atomic In case of internationally
attained over past 70 years.
device on October 16, competitive sports, China’s
More importantly, the platform
1964. On social and socio- glory speaks for itself. Beijing
and base for rising further higher
economic front, dealing not only successfully hosted the
is already set
with the devastating impact
of the famine of 1960s and The writer, a keen observer of China
managing the turbulences of has written extensively on dynamics
of China’s rise as a global power.
The Impact of
CPEC on Khyber
Pakhtunkhwa By Prof. Dr. Zahid Anwar
n an environment of win-win Bannu, FR Lakki, FR Kohat, FR North Waziristan, South
cooperation Pakistan and Peshawar and seven agencies Waziristan, Kurram, Orakzai,
China have jointly launched (now called districts) i.e. Khyber, Mohmand and Bajaur.
CPEC to modernize FATA is comprised of Square
Pakistan’s infrastructure The Soviet Kilometer area, which accounts
network and speed up occupation of for 3.4% of Pakistan’s land
economic development in Afghanistan in area. The recent provisional
the country including former the 1979 and the census results highlight that
Federally Administered Tribal war against the 30.5 million people reside in
Areas (FATA). FATA of Pakistan
occupation in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa while the
did not change much politically,
1980s considerably population of FATA stands at 5
economically and socially
despite the end of British
affected FATA. The million.
Crimes Regulations) furthermore FATA tribal districts (Agencies) 2015. Since then it has employed
corruption, smuggling and were held on July 20, 2019. The more than 75000 in CPEC
lawlessness wreaked havoc to people of FATA suffered a lot related projects. It is a three
the already fragile and obsolete during the war against global thousand kilometers network of
system there. The Soviet terrorism. Pakistan-Afghanistan gas pipelines, railways and roads
occupation of Afghanistan in region is passing through which will transport people, oil
the 1979 and the war against transformation of high magnitude and gas from Gwadar (Pakistan)
the occupation in the 1980s and many regional infrastructural to Kashgar (China). Karakorum
considerably affected FATA. connectivity projects were also Highway which passes through
The war against global terrorism conceived for the region. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa will be
which started after the tragic completely overhauled and
events of 9/11 also impacted Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), a reconstructed.
FATA to a great extent. Pakistan mega initiative was launched in
launched many military 2013 and China`s trade volume Without an iota
operations to keep the areas in goods with BRI countries have
of doubt the
BRI is neither a
safe from the ripple effects of exceeded US$5 trillion. Without
an iota of doubt the BRI is neither
geopolitical tool,
instability in Afghanistan.
a geopolitical tool, nor a foreign
The Pakistan- aid program nor a battlefield of nor a foreign aid
Afghanistan region zero-sum game but a narrative of
program nor a
is passing through win-win cooperation.
battlefield of zero-
transformation of BRI is comprised of many sum game but a
high magnitude
and many regional
corridors including China Pakistan
narrative of win-
win cooperation
Economic Corridor (CPEC), which
infrastructural is its central plank. CPEC projects
connectivity projects are focused on many sectors of By the end of 2019 Karachi-
were also conceived Pakistan`s economy including Peshawar railway line will be
for the region physical infrastructure, energy, upgraded which will allow trains
telecommunication. It addresses to travel with a speed of more
The introduction of electoral the issue of development through than 150 km per hour. The
reforms in FATA in 2011 was a connectivity at big scale. network of Pakistan`s railway
mega move to accommodate
will be connected to China`s
tribal people in the national CPEC was proposed when
railway in Kashgar, which is
mainstream. The extension Chinese premier Li Keqiang
a historical city located near
of political parties Act 2002 visited Pakistan in May 2013 and
the border with Pakistan in the
to FATA allowed political an official agreement regarding
Uighur Autonomous Region of
activities in that region. FATA it was signed between the two
the People’s Republic of China.
was officially merged with countries when President Xi
A large number of people from
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa on 31 Jinping visited Pakistan in May
May 2018. FATA was granted
16 general seats, four seats for
women and one seat for non-
Muslims in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Assembly. Then Elections on
16 general seats in the seven
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and (SEZ) is located at Rashakai town Afghanistan and Pakistan. The
former FATA are engaged in near Peshawar. The completion transportation under CPEC
import and export business with of this SEZ will be a great leap via these routes will positively
China and with modernization forward to socio-economic impact Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
of transportation network under development of the whole Khyber and FATA socially, economically
CPEC these traders will benefit. Pakhtunkhuwa including districts and politically. The recently
of former FATA. added one billion dollars
In Mohmand District, a marble socio-economic component to
city has been developed, a road A large number of CPEC will also impact human
has been constructed to the people from Khyber resource development in
site and a grid station has been Pakhtunkhwa and former FATA. Tribal districts
installed to provide electricity former FATA are of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa are
to the industries, the Mohmand
engaged in import now incorporated in national
marble city has been declared
and export business mainstream and the socio-
with China and
an industrial zone under CPEC. economic development ushered
The project will generate more
than eighteen thousand jobs in
with modernization in the wake of CPEC in Pakistan
the area. This project will help a of transportation will have a positive impact
lot in eradication of poverty and network under CPEC on these districts too. It can
particularly passes through With the help of China, there
is likelihood of improvement of and they genuinely hope that
Southern Pakhtunkhwa to
relations between Afghanistan they will prosper and benefit by
Balochistan. The construction of
and Pakistan and with that the opportunities provided by
the road will have far reaching
development; Afghanistan CPEC
positive impact for the people
living along the route. There are may join CPEC in near
different special economic zones future. Traditionally, Torkham
proposed under CPEC and one and Chaman were used
such Special Economic Zone for transportation between
News Brief
Xi-Imran Talks: China Supports Pakistan’s Counterterrorism Plan
China opposes the Indian government putting Chinese territory at the west section of
the China-India border under its jurisdiction, the Chinese Foreign Ministry said on 6th
August, 2019. The ministry‘s comment was a response to India‘s move to scrap the special
status granted to the Indian-controlled Kashmir, which also involves the west part of the
China-India border.
‘India has continued to damage China‘s territorial sovereignty by unilaterally modifying
its laws. This is unacceptable and will not have any effect,’ Chinese Foreign Ministry said.
‘We urge the Indian side to be cautious on the border issue, strictly abide by the relevant
agreements of the two sides, and avoid taking actions that further complicate the border issue.’
World learn from China? And
does China has the language for
it? China is thinking civilization; it
is thinking harmony. Some of the
nation-states have the inability
to think alike; even though some
people aspire to think the same,
but the last century has set the
tone for conflicts and doubts
ry - seeds of mistrust had been
d ha
au sown. The transition is not going
sh to be easy. Many governments
r ue
Pu will need to make hard choices,
and in most cases, some have,
o imagine China cooperation between China these choices will define the
in the year 2100 and the rest of the World. What paradigm. That paradigm, if one
is a fascinating this means, is a way of life needs to look for would find in:
opportunity. This is that embraces cultures and The Harmony of Civilizations and
a country, a nation of over a civilizations across territories, Prosperity of All – Values and
billion, that has shown the away from the current structure Order in a Changing World.
world, how to rise. The nuances of cognitive biases. This would
that capture the win-win demand newer forms of education Here’s a country that aims to
ambition is a deeply contested – this would put the political work with over a hundred nations,
narrative. The infrastructural systems within the next decade to regardless of their race or creed
gap that the Belt Road Initiative confront with serious challenges; – it is not exporting their way of
bridges will open for greater requiring them to revisit their life; but very uniquely engaging
Freedom of Movement - this societal values. And perhaps, the stakeholders, helping them help
is beyond merely creating a Pacific Ocean would become the themselves. This is new, and
new framework of economic new global center. it doesn’t make sense. How is
View point
society to the rest of the world development and shape the
should remain one of the and do the same for their people,
global context?; since then we
central themes as it marches because if they didn’t, this
learn and continue to learn so,
on. So, the difference and the wouldn’t go down in history as
that China’s strategy is not only
struggle between International Beijing’s failure in 2049
shaping it’s destiny but also
Theory and the World Theory is
one which Tingyang Zhao, the The writer, future researcher and
author of ‘Rethinking Empire strategic narrative professional
is the Founder and President of
from a Chinese Concept ‘All- AGAHI foundation.
View Point
Film Industry
By Kiran Ahmad Khan
akistan’s cinema for their scenic picturization first time with the film ‘Teefa
has only recently and technical quality. in Trouble’. Producer of the
shown revival after film, Ali Zafar, pitched for
a gap of several At the recently concluded expanding multilateral film
decades. To capitalize on 5th Silk Road International cooperation in a conference
its new success, the country Film Festival (SRIFF) held in chaired by Miao Xiaotian,
is now looking for joint the Chinese city of Fuzhou, President of the China Film
production opportunities with Pakistan participated for the Co-Production.
other countries to expand the
scope of its activities. What
better collaborative option
could there be other than its
time-tested friend China?
Furthermore, Pakistani films
have been shown in different
Chinese film festivals as a
precursor to joint ventures
and have been appreciated
View Point
The first Shanghai Humayun Saeed’s ‘Punjab writing committee of the China
Cooperation Organization Nahi Jaungi’ and ‘Jawani Phir Television Artists Association,
(SCO) film festival held in Nahi Ani’ with ‘Punjab Nahi Wang Haiping, revealed that
Qingdao has also helped Jaungi’ winning the Jury’s the film would be based on
introduce Pakistani films to Special Award. Recently, the real-life stories of Chinese
Chinese audiences. news about the release of first businessmen participating in
the construction of CPEC.
View Point
View Point
their neighbors in a middle
ensure commercial growth near future, films and television
class suburb of Lahore, but
for Pakistani filmmakers and exchange will make the bond
she is unsure how to reach out
ultimately improve production between the two nations even
to them. She finds a solution in
qualities. The way forward stronger
rice, a common staple of both
Chinese and Pakistani diets.
With the help of a packet of The writer studies Economics at NUST,
pre-mixed biryani spices made Islamabad.
by Shan Foods, she arrives on
The so-called ‘all-weather’ refers to that
China and Pakistan have always understood,
sympathized, trusted, helped and supported
and All-
each other on issues concerning their respective
core interests, no matter how changing and
complicated the international situations are,
withstanding the test of time and history. With
regard to the ‘all-dimensional’, it means close
and comprehensive cooperation exists between
the governments, political parties and all other
sectors of the community. Therefore, China-
Pakistan relations and their cooperation has
his year 2019 marks the 70th China’s economic and social
anniversary of the founding of the development, and it has
People’s Republic of China (PR China).
become the second largest
economy in the world since
In the past seven decades, the world
has witnessed tremendous progress in China’s
economic and social development, and it has 2010, with its total GDP of
become the second largest economy in the 13.6 trillion US dollar in last
world since 2010, with its total GDP of 13.6 year, approximately one-
trillion US dollar in last year, approximately
one-sixth of the entire global GDP. Over the
sixth of the entire global
same period, significant achievements have GDP
also been made in China’s diplomatic work with
Since entering the new century, China-Pakistan
its independent foreign policy and the path of
relations have entered a new development
peaceful development, and now China’s friends
stage, with a number of important cooperative
and partners are all over the world, especially
agreements signed by the two countries,
Pakistan, a China’s ‘iron brother.’
including the ‘Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation
Both China and Pakistan are countries with and Good Neighborly Relations’ in 2005, and
ancient civilizations, and their traditional ‘China- Pakistan Free Trade Agreement’ in
friendship can be traced back two thousand 2006 and 2009. Most important of all, Chinese
years ago. Shortly after the PR China’s Premier Li Keqiang, during his first visit to
foundation, Pakistan was among the first Pakistan in May 2013 after assuming office,
countries to recognize it, and established initiated the construction of the China-Pakistan
diplomatic relations with China in May of 1951. Economic Corridor (CPEC), and then the two
Since then, thanks to the joint efforts by both sides signed the Memorandum of Understanding
governments and peoples, the two countries on Cooperation for the Long-term Plan on
have become the unique all-weather and all- CPEC. Later, President Xi Jinping respectively
put forward the initiative of jointly building the Silk of tensions in Kashmir. Therefore, China and
Road Economic Belt and the 21st-Century Maritime Pakistan are making more efforts to advance the
Silk Road, and described the CPEC as ‘a major strategic cooperation in regional and international
project of the Belt and Road initiative (BRI)’. affairs, such as maintaining sound cooperation
on Afghanistan-related issues. No matter how
The construction of CPEC, linking Kashgar in international and regional situations change,
China’s Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region and Pakistan continues to support China’s position
Gwadar Port in Pakistan’s Balochistan region, is on Taiwan, Tibet and other issues, while China
a milestone in the development of China-Pakistan supports Pakistan in safeguarding its legitimate
relations. It plays an important role in Pakistan’s rights and interests, combating terrorists and
economic and social development, and is extremist forces, and is playing a constructive
transforming Pakistan into a geo-economic hub. role in international and regional affairs. China
changes of a kind unseen in a century. There their bilateral ties with vast potential for greater
are some unstable and uncertain factors in development have grown from strength to
the international situations, such as setbacks strength, which will deepen with the years and
in economic globalization, challenges to continue from generation to generation
multilateralism, shocks in the international financial
market, the US economic and trade frictions with a
The writer is the Director of Pakistan
large number of countries, and the latest escalation Study Centre, Fudan University,
Shanghai, China.
1. Mount
Huangshan, Anhui:
Mount Huangshan is located in
Huangshan city of Anhui province, with
an area of 16,060 hectares and humid
subtropical monsoon climate zone.
4. Jiuzhaigou Valley,
Jiuzhaigou Valley is situated in the
northern part of Sichuan province,
China. It is a well-known wonderland of
China; that has perennially snow-capped
mountain peaks, green and lush forests,
stretches of serene lakes with a variety
of birds and animals. Jiuzhaigou Valley is
regarded as the most transparent water in
the world and adds an enchanting view to
this place.
View Point
alochistan is the largest province of earning potential if they are provided with improved
Pakistan geographically and the smallest linkages with domestic and international markets.
province in terms of population. Its geo-
strategic location, rich natural resources, Similarly, improving blue economy of Balochistan under
spectacular Gwadar port, and potential as gateway CPEC will buttress underperforming fisheries sector,
to Central Asia and Middle East contributes to its and as a result will increase employment in the area,
importance. improving the living standards of people.
The Gwadar port has finally gotten the recognition it Pakistan, on account of Balochistan’s coastal areas
deserves by becoming the point of convergence in has world’s sixth largest mangroves areas contributing
China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and Belt annually US$ 4 billion to its export earnings. If pragmatic
& Road Initiative (BRI). steps are taken under CPEC mangroves production will
benefit Pakistan in general and Balochistan in particular.
Despite its potential, Balochistan, today, is regarded
as the most backward province of Pakistan, lagging Coastal areas of Balochistan have scintillating
far behind as far as development indicators are sceneries. Sea beaches of Hammerhead in Gwadar,
concerned. However, people of Balochistan are Ormara beaches and Astola Island situated in Pasni,
optimistic about CPEC, as they believe CPEC are other untapped areas that need special attention
would be a game changer and a beacon of hope to bolster blue economy of Balochistan. According to
that would mitigate their deprivations. CPEC has the World Travel & Tourism Council WWTC’s report,
immense potential to pave the way for progress and “Travel & Tourism sectors contributed US$8.3 trillion to
development of Balochistan. Construction of western the global economy and supported 313 million jobs in
route of Balochistan will live up to the expectations of 2017. This was equal to 10.4% of the world’s GDP, and
the people and will make them realize that they are approximately 1 in 10 of all jobs”. Balochistan’s scenic
the genuine stakeholders of this mega venture. beauty and historical sites have the potential to make
travelers pack their bags and hit the newly paved roads.
Enhancing share of Balochistan in CPEC projects
will likely set the path to prosperity and development. Lastly, securing the future of Balochistan’s is critical. For
Sustainable extraction of natural resources under decades the youth of Baluchistan has been overlooked,
CPEC will usher progress and job opportunities. but thanks to the initiatives taken by CPEC this resource
Currently, 51 metallic and non-metallic minerals will be exploited in the best way possible. Youth of
have been discovered in Balochistan, out of which Baluchistan expects immensely from CPEC in shape of
29 have to be exploited including gold, copper, better job and educational opportunities. Chief of Army
chromites, iron, zinc and lead while non-metallic Staff General Qamar Javed Bajwa terms the youth of
minerals extracted are fluorite, magnetite, barite, Balochistan as precious asset of Pakistan and admits
coal, and gabbro basalt. If proper and systematic the value of Balochistan and says that “Pakistan is
utilization of the natural resources under CPEC is incomplete without Balochistan”.
harnessed, Balochistan can become the most up-
The more Balochistan progresses, the more it will
scale province of Pakistan.
guarantee Pakistan’s prosperity. In a nutshell, CPEC
Furthermore, Balochistan is also called “the fruit is a ray of hope for Balochistan to eliminate its
basket of Pakistan” sharing 90 percent national deprivations and grievances
production of cherry, grapes and almonds, and 60
percent of pomegranate, peach and apricot. Most The writer is pursuing PhD degree
in International Relations from
considerably, Balochistan produces 34 percent International Islamic University,
apples and 70 percent of dates of the country. Islamabad.
However, the farmers can have a much greater
Maritime Security
Imperatives of CPEC By Muhammad Sohail Ahmed
he China-Pakistan military component includes The term maritime domain
Economic Corridor Pakistan Navy, Maritime means ‘the oceans, sea,
(CPEC) is like the Security Agency, and law bays, estuaries, islands,
Suez Canal. The enforcement agencies coastal areas and air space
difference is that corridor is assisting the Navy, whereas above these including
on land and it is about 10 the non-military component littorals’. In simplified form,
times longer than the canal. includes, harbours, ports, one can say that the Port of
With sea on one side of the shipping, shipbuilding and Gwadar and ships carrying
corridor, the maritime security coastal communication cargo to and from the
imperatives are much higher infrastructure, fishing and sea is related to maritime
for Pakistan. Therefore, this marine resources’. component of Pakistan
aspect needs special focus and therefore the maritime
for the decision-makers in Pakistan maritime security imperatives of
Pakistan and a plan for long security agency CPEC are one of the most
term which will have to have is working important aspects of this
unflinching support of all
hand in glove multi-billion-dollar project.
governments. Our nation has
done it in case of nuclear
with concerned Post Pulwama attacks
program and the same can authorities to keep witnessed a series of
be repeated in national a watchful eye on Diplomatic and military
interest. What are maritime potential pollutant overtures from Indian
security compulsions for platforms, establishment. It included
mobilization of Indian Army,
CPEC? As defined in narcotics and drug closure of air space and
the maritime doctrine of
smugglers, human Indian submarines deployed
Pakistan, ‘maritime potential’
includes military and non-
traffickers etc off the Makran coast. Indian
military components. ‘The intentions will continue
to remain hostile towards An old adage that the most and Commander Gwadar
Pakistan and in particular precious asset is the most like Commander Karachi at
against the upcoming port of threatened asset highlights Karachi be constituted for
Gwadar which is the lynchpin the importance of the Gwadar pursuing maritime defence
of CPEC. port and related maritime at the operational level.
components and therefore Construction of aircraft carrier
Pakistan maritime security calls for identification of for Pakistan needs to be
agency is working hand the need for its defence contemplated now. Efforts are
in glove with concerned effectively and adeptly. It can, required to make India realize
authorities to keep a watchful therefore, be concluded that that CPEC is a win-win project
eye on potential pollutant the maritime security aspects so that it stops opposing the
platforms, narcotics and drug of CPEC need to be carefully mega venture.
smugglers, human traffickers expressed in the short term,
etc. Additional task with much medium-term and long term. Major littoral states who would
bigger number of seafarers, These may be conveyed to be the beneficiaries having
assets at sea and higher risks important stakeholders for access to CPEC trade route
posing danger to safe and implementation of the plan should be taken on board
free navigation at sea calls for through a high-level authority to accrue trade benefits
capacity building for maritime such as CPEC Authority. and increase their exports
defense of CPEC. Moreover, to China. The corridor is a
a collaborative approach Efforts are required common asset for all albeit
with regional navies such to make India realize Pakistan and China would
as Oman, Iran, Sri Lanka,
that the CPEC is remain major stakeholders
Maldives and Mauritius would in the project. No one wants
create an adequate number
a win-win project to close Suez as it serves for
of assets for the protection of so that it stops the benefit of many nations.
CPEC. opposing the mega Pakistan should also adopt a
venture similar diplomatic campaign.
The solution lies in embarking It should offer a collaborative
upon a well thought out At a strategic level, provision approach in providing sea-
developmental plan for of budget, manpower and based security for like-
the maritime security of assets, for maritime defence- minded stakeholders for a
this project. Based on this related projects need to be better tomorrow. However an
emerging requirement, worked out. Similarly, Gwadar all-out effort must be made
there is a need to revise the Port Defence Authority for to strengthen the maritime
operational requirement of port and harbour defense defence of Pakistan
sea-based assets, with special
emphasis on use of advanced
The writer is a retired Commodore of
technology. Pakistan Navy.
hina’s industrialization and
Years of China‘s transition to modernization process started
in the 1980s, having serious
implications on environment and
human health. A World Bank study estimated
that the cost of pollution and environmental
degradation in China is around 9 percent
of GDP, which mainly includes air and
water pollution, soil contamination and
unsustainable exploitation of natural
resources, to be few of the major challenges
faced by the country.
By Dr. Hina Aslam
Realizing the importance of addressing
these issues, President Xi Jinping has
shifted to a discourse centered on the
concept of an ‘ecological civilization’
moving towards an ecological civilization,
means China is transitioning from a high
to lower greenhouse gas (GHG) economy.
The concept of ecological civilization first
appeared in government documents at the
17th CPC in October 2007. In his report to
the CPC, President Hu Jintao proposed
China ‘build an ecological civilization and
a model of growth and consumption, as
well as industries, which use energy and
resources in a frugal manner and protect the
environment’. The government of China has
variously described this transition as a ‘new
economic model’ and ‘ecological civilization’.
has gained accolades for a new determination of frugality, environmental protection and
to reverse environmental degradation at home. sustainability, and takes the harmonious
To date, economic analysis has highlighted symbiosis between economic development
structural shifts in China’s economy such as and environmental protection. Specifically,
reduced coal usage and energy intensity of the target is to make breakthroughs in
growth, then points to specific policy shifts building a resource saving and environment
as providing evidence of these broader friendly society by 2020. Leading the same
shifts. China’s increasing use of emerging concept in CPEC, it could foster a social
technologies and big data analytics – has given atmosphere, which applauds frugality and
rise to new forms of government-business disparages wastefulness.
alliances. These new players and innovative
approaches have injected momentum into President Xi Jinping has
China’s environmental governance system and shifted to a discourse
centered on the concept
suggest that, contrary to conventional wisdom,
authoritarian regimes can be responsive to
citizen demands under certain circumstances. of an ‘ecological
The new, more ambitious targets for non-hydro
civilization’ moving
renewables will include a system of standards towards an ecological
and penalties to reduce the burden of civilization, means
subsidies on government budgets and increase
compliance by provincial governments and
China is transitioning
private operators. Meanwhile, the energy from a high to lower
transition has started extending to other greenhouse gas (GHG)
sectors of the economy, beginning with
transport. A Chinese effort to build a strong
battery industry has boosted the spread of Taking Gwadar as a pilot site for
electric vehicles (EVs) for instance. demonstration, it can enhance capacity
building among international and national
China’s first carbon market was launched
institutions, to promote the ideas of making
in late 2017 after extensive cooperation
a transition to green lifestyles, including
with the European Commission, and further
energy-conserving, low-carbon, and
coordination is expected with the European
sustainable consumption and production
Emission Trading System in the years to come.
in societies. The major tasks could be:
Declining global costs for solar manufacturing
reinforcing the positioning of the major
and extensive coordination between the
functional zones; optimizing land space;
EU and China also led to the end of a long-
promoting technological innovation and
standing trade dispute on tariffs on Chinese
structural adjustment; improving the quality
solar panels in 2018.
and efficiency of development; pushing
For years viewed as a major polluter and a forward resource saving and using recycling;
potential commercial threat by many Western changing the development mode; protecting
countries, China’s present determination to ecosystems and the environment; and
lead the global energy transition and promote a instituting rules and policies of ecological
new ecological vision are transforming Beijing civilization in guiding, regulating and
into a key partner for international action on constraining all human interferences with
environmental challenges. nature. The concept particularly focuses on
strengthening of institutions and knowledge
In line with the new Government’s Green sharing activities to highlight the positive
Development Agenda, it is urged to make impact of CPEC in the line of China’s Belt
China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and Road Initiative that will be beneficial
a model for ‘Eco-civilization’, a concept to for China and Pakistan as well as other
give environment and climate change a countries
central position amid economic growth and
development priorities of CPEC. The idea The writer is Associate Research
Fellow and Head of China Study
of ‘Ecological Civilization’ is based on ideas Centre at Sustainable Development
Policy Institute (SDPI).
By Arhama Siddiqa
he first of October marks a special longest holidays of the year, holds immense value
event in the history of China. for the Chinese people. Even with changing times,
It reflects China’s sovereign the people have not forgotten their roots and
independence and the country’s the values behind the formation of the People’s
emergence as a nation state. As a public Republic of China. No celebration is complete
holiday, it represents national solidarity. without good food. Here are two Chinese dishes
It is the time to honour the contribution of which are always seen during festivities on any
generations and look ahead to the bright Chinese table.
future. Chinese National Day, also one of the
4. Take each
dough ball
and flatten
into a circle
about 2 inches
Ingredients: in diameter. Add the filling to the center, and
2 oz. roasted black sesame seeds close the dough over the filling.
3 oz. caster sugar (about 1/3 cup) 5. Roll the ball around in your hands until
6 tablespoons softened butter (not melted!) it’s smooth and round. Repeat until all the
sesame balls are made. Cover the remaining
1 cup + more for dusting sweet rice flour, also filling and return to the refrigerator for later!
known as glutinous rice flour
1/2 cup warm water 6. While you are assembling, bring a medium
pot of water to a boil. Add the sesame balls
and stir immediately to prevent them from
7. Serve the sesame balls in a bit of the
1. In a food processor or blender, finely grind hot cooking water in nice bowls and soup
the sesame seeds. Add the caster sugar spoons!
and use a spatula to mix together in the food
processor a bit. Then add the butter and
pulse for 10 seconds at a time until mixture is
well combined. Scoop everything out into a
bowl and put in the refrigerator for about 30
G i a n t
P ower Sa j j a d
s S o f t By Na
di a
r g i n g a
E m e
Seventh National Congress
meeting of the Chinese
attract the behavior of other
Communist Party. That was
nations through cooperation
considered appropriate time for
rather than using hard power.
lobalization and initiating and formulating their
China is the emerging power
industrialization policies based on creating soft
in world community rapidly
has shortened image abroad. China presents
advancing its influence over
the distance and its rich culture to the world
other nations with its soft
brought different countries with a vision of harmonious
power. China is successfully
in close contact. Concept society and denying western
achieving its foreign policy
of traditional warfare is old statements about China as a
objectives by helping countries
phenomena with the invention threat to international order.
in various fields like cultural,
of chemical, biological and
diplomatic and educational The Belt and Road Initiative
nuclear weapons. Soft power
across the world and China (BRI) is project of connectivity
is the new phenomenon that
pursues soft power strategy for regions and beyond.
was first time referred to by
through its various means. Various countries get close
Joseph Nye in 1990 in his
with one other through
book ‘Bound to lead’. The China officially acknowledges
the roads built by China
term soft power means to the term ‘soft power’ in the
and economic integration promoting its traditions, values, countries with their students
developed between them. fashion, language abroad and studying in China. China
China also funded various made friends through initiating initiated many programs and
international projects worth various cultural programs. technical courses in medical,
$50 billion through Asian engineering and business fields
infrastructure Investment Bank. In education sector too, China for international students.
Beijing also implemented tops the list and has become the
various economic and aid most favorite place for attracting Nowadays media both electronic
programs on bilateral, regional international students. and print is playing a vital role
in influencing public opinion
China is the
and international level. Most
of the grants and loans are and Chinese media is playing
for development and aim to world’s emerging greater role in creating its soft
raise the living standard of soft power that image abroad. Government
influences various
poor of developing countries. news agency Xinhua reached
to 170 bureaus with a target
Apart from the provision of aid
and grants to various sectors,
countries of the to reach 200 by 2020. China
China is also a source of world through Global Television network casts
providing trainings in various its peaceful six channels with reporting
sectors like health, education, strategies. It team in more than 70 countries.
Chinese radio is broadcasting
agriculture etc.
also achieves 392 hours a day in 38 different
China emphasizes on various foreign languages from 27 overseas
traditional tools of soft power policy objectives bureaus .In film sector, US
like Chinese culture, language,
through soft studios look to China for much
and educational exchange needed investment and access
programs etc. First Confucius to Chinese movie market
institute was opened in South and they jointly made lots of
According to 2017 survey, China
Korea in 2004 and by January movies. After 2017, Chinese
ranked third among the most
2018, there were five hundred interest, funding, investment in
popular study destination for
institutes around the world. Hollywood film industry declined
international students. Most
All the centres and NGO’s as a result of presenting China’s
of the international students
affiliated with the Chinese negative image by Western film
pursue self-funded courses;
ministry of education teach makers. Chinese firms and film
however China Scholarship
language courses, cooking and industry is currently working
Council provides financial aid
calligraphy. China engaged in with their local team actors,
to local as well as foreigner
directors, producers to create
students coming to China for
the true Chinese soft image
studying various courses. A
survey conducted in
2016 showed that In conclusion, China is the
South Korea, world’s emerging soft power that
United States, influences various countries of
Thailand, the world through its peaceful
Pakistan, strategies. It also achieves
and India various foreign policy objectives
are the through soft power
top most
By Hiba Najeeb
Public Transport
Getting around the city or country is never a
problem in China.
There are many options to choose from; makes your time at China even more enriching.
depending on where you’re heading, how fast Friendly, funny and awesome are just a few
you want to get to your destination and even superlatives I used to describe the strangers
how much you’re willing to pay for the tickets. I’ve met during my travels around China.
This means you will always have something
to do or somewhere to be when in China
(Yasmin, social worker)
Chinese holistic medicine is preventative. It’s
all about creating a healthy lifestyle. When you
have a problem, this is due to an imbalance
of your energy which throws your yin and
yang off. Solutions to problems are tailored to
individuals based on your specific situation. You’ll make lifelong pals and create memories
with people you’ll only spend 15 minutes with.
No matter who you meet, your life will be
enriched by the stories and experiences they
tell and share. (Phyllis, Asian Traveler)
old men engaged in a heated game of Chinese And those are just a few of the hundreds, nay
chess, and so much more. Whenever I feel thousands of places you can visit. With 47
like I’ve had a bad China day and I find myself UNESCO world heritage sites (the second-
frustrated with something here, I just head to a highest of any country), you will always have
local park and go for a stroll. something to see. (Noah, Instagram influencer)
Rich History
Did you know that during World War II nearly
20,00 refugees escaped from Germany to
It is full of art, music, festivals, family values,
and what not. It is a culture everyone must
experience and see for themselves. (Kim ann,
Photo Gallery
Institute of Strategic
Studies Islamabad
hosts a National
Seminar on ‚Poverty
Alleviation in
Pakistan: Learning
from Success
Stories‘. The
Honourable President
of the Islamic
Republic of Pakistan
Dr. Arif Alvi is the
Chief Guest at the
occasion - July 10,
Institute of
Strategic Studies
hosts In-house
meeting with Dr.
Geoffrey Shaw,
Australian High
The Australian
was accompanied
by a 2-member
team from the
High Commission
- July 16, 2019
Institute of Strategic
Studies Islamabad hosting
a round-table discussion
titled, ‘TORTURE -
Indian State‘s Instrument
of Control in Indian
Administered Jammu
& Kashmir’. Keynote
Speaker at the occasion
was Mr. Syed Fakhar
Imam, Chairman Kashmir
Committee, prominent
Kashmiris, politicians
and legal practitioners
also participated in the
discussion- July 17, 2019
Photo Gallery
Institute of
Strategic Studies
hosts In-house
meeting with
a 5-member
delegation from
Iraq. The agenda
of the meeting is
to underscore the
contrasting Human
Rights situation
in Azad Jammu
and Kashmir and
Indian Occupied
Kashmir-July 25,
Institute of Strategic
Studies Islamabad
in collaboration
with Ministry of
Foreign Affairs
hosts an event
titled, ‘Pakistan-
Africa Round-
table Dialogue for
Africa Day’.
Keynote address:
Honorable Foreign
Minister Makhdoom
Shah Mahmood
Qureshi- July 30,
The Institute of
Strategic Studies
Islamabad hosts
an interactive
session with
the US Chargé
Paul W. Jones
on Pakistan-US
bilateral relations
and regional
situation- August
29, 2019