Western Mindanao State University College of Agriculture Zamboanga City

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Western Mindanao State University

College of Agriculture
Zamboanga City


Statistics Experimental Design

Concept Paper

“Efficacy of Garlic (Allium sativum) and Ginger (Zingiber officinale)

Extract combined with Dishwashing Liquid as Organic Pesticide with
Coconut (Cocos nucifera) Water as Liquid Medium”

Cuevas, Arkquiz P.
Delos Reyes, Jean Rose F.
Iturralde, Jiaca Medz
Pilongo, Archer Vincent
Sacandal, Mohaira U.
Tandih, Benzar

RV Lyle Lagora
Statistics Professor

September 2019
“Efficacy of Garlic (Allium sativum) and Ginger (Zingiber officinale) Extract
combined with Vinegar as Organic Pesticide with Coconut (Cocos nucifera)
Water as Liquid Medium”

Pesticides are chemical compounds that are used to kill pests, including insects,

rodents, fungi and unwanted plants (weeds). Pesticides are used in public health to kill

vectors of disease, such as mosquitoes, and in agriculture, to kill pests that damage

crops. By their nature, pesticides are potentially toxic to other organisms, including

humans. (WHO, 2019)

According to Ethan (2018), when crops was sprayed with chemicals, most pests

will be entirely susceptible. However, not all pests are killed, some with a slight variation

in their genetic make-up are resistant and therefore survive. Every succeeding

generation of the surviving pests will have the same pesticide-resistant genetics and

eventually the pests will become entirely resistant to the pesticide. Unaware of how to

deal with this problem, farmers often increase their use of pesticides, causing further


In respond to this problem, the researchers came up with a study “Efficacy of

Garlic (Allium sativum) and Ginger (Zingiber officinale) Extract Combined With

Dishwashing Liquid as Organic Pesticide with Coconut (Cocos nucifera) Water as Liquid


Many people want to use products in their gardens that are safe around children

and pets as well as effective. Garlic (Allium sativum) is a plant in the Allium (onion)

family. It is closely related to onions, shallots and leeks. Each segment of a garlic bulb is

called a clove, there are about 10–20 cloves in a single bulb, give or take. It grows in
many parts of the world and is a popular ingredient in cooking due to its strong smell

and delicious taste (Leech, 2018).

Garlic has long been known to have uses in pest control for its repellent effects.

There is strong evidence to show it has great medicinal value for its antibiotic,

antibacterial, anticoagulant, and antiseptic properties (it was called Russian penicillin in

World Wars I and II) and it is often used as a cold, sore throat, and flu remedy (Raghu,

2012). Garlic as pesticide has a non-toxic mode of action and it is not persistent in the

environment since it degrades rapidly, and has had no adverse effects on humans.

Formulated as a powder, distilled extract from garlic cloves, or as an oil spray, garlic

may be useful for pest control in some situations; however it should not be used as a

general use pesticide, since it may have adverse effects on beneficial insects.

Garlic as natural fungicidal and has pesticide properties that work effectively to

control pests, makes an excellent economical, non-toxic biological pesticide for use in

agriculture (Patterson, 2014). The natural pesticide (garlic) has a strong aroma that can

provide an olfactory camouflage against insects, masking their normal host-finding or

feeding cues (Perrin and Phillips, 1978). Aphids, ants, termites, white flies, beetles,

borers, caterpillars, slugs and army worms are some of the pests that can be suitably

controlled using garlic (Kaluwa and Kruger, 2012).

In the Philippines, a group of students from Diaz College City of Tanjay published

an investigatory project entitled, “Ginger (Zingiber officinalis) and Vinegar as Organic

Insecticide” wherein they discussed in Summary and Findings that it is effective on all

sorts of insects.
Ginger is a tropical plant that was spread around the tropical world during

colonial days. The entire ginger family is rich in oils that both kill micro-critters and

stimulate the immune system to do the same. The ginger is one of the materials needed

to make the organic insecticide. It is chopped and since its oils can kill micro-critters it is

very useful in killing various insects. Vinegar is the all-natural liquid which is the one that

kills the insects when made contact. And if you put the ginger and vinegar together and

put them in a spray bottle you will create the organic insecticide. And when tested it is

effective on many insects (Dedato, et. al, 2014).

The researchers would like to prove the effectiveness of the subjects such as

garlic and ginger combined with dishwashing liquid and coconut water as its medium

through studying their properties, reviewing a published research, its availability in the

region and as well as doing actual research.

Properties of Garlic

Extract of garlic shows anthelmintic activity against Ascaris lumbricoldes (Giant

roundworm). Garlic bulbs contain a number of active compounds especially sulphur

containing compounds which are responsible for the pharmacological activities. Steam

distillation of garlic bulb produces essential oil containing diallyl, allyl, methyl and

dimethyl mono to hexa sulfide. A. sativum essential oil extracted by steam distillation

method have allyl methyl trisulfide (34.61%) and diallyl disulfide (31.65%) as major

components contribute to acaricidal, antibacterial, fungicidal and insecticidal.

Properties of Ginger

Ginger has gingerols and shogaol as its active constituents amongst other

compounds which suffocate insects. Gingerols are the major pungent compounds

present in the rhizomes of ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) and are renowned for

their contribution to human health and nutrition. Medicinal properties of ginger, including

the alleviation of nausea, arthritis and pain, have been associated with the gingerols.

Gingerol analogues are thermally labile and easily undergo dehydration reactions to

form the corresponding shogaols, which impart the characteristic pungent taste to dried

ginger. Both gingerols and shogaols exhibit a host of biological activities, ranging from

anticancer, anti-oxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic to various

central nervous system activities. Shogaols are important biomarkers used for the

quality control of many ginger-containing products, due to their diverse biological


Properties of Coconut Water

The coconut water or liquid endosperm in the cavity of the coconut fruit

comprises of nutrients like 95.5 percent of water, 0.1 percent of fat, 4 percent of sugars,

0.02 percent of calcium, 0.5 percent of iron and 0.01 percent of phosphorus, amino-

acids, vitamin B complex, mineral salts, cytokines and vitamin C. Coconut water is

considered to be a rich nutrient in the medium for the growth of microbes, fungus and in

plant tissue culture. Studies have reported that coconut water was added to supplement

carbon and nitrogen to MRS media to produce Exo-polysaccharide by Lactobacillus

confuses. Coconut water was also used in the growth medium previously in the release
of delta-endotoxin from Bacillus thuringiensis according to another research


Availability of Ginger in the Philippines

Based on the research the availability of ginger in the Philippines on imports and

exports ranked as 12th and 24th in 2017. In total production volume 0.6% Ranked 24th,

in metric ton, 0.6% Ranked 24th, last 3 year 0.6% Ranked 24th and in last 5 year -3.5%.

Availability of Garlic in the Philippines

The production volume of garlic in the Philippines consists of 7.8K tons and was

rank as 46th and able to produce 0406 Garlic. The latest updates 5 days ago a supplier

from Philippines has registered Garlic (Chopped, Crushed) to their product catalog, 23

days ago a supplier from Philippines has registered Garlic (Fresh, Whole) to their

product catalog, 5 months ago a supplier from Philippines has registered Garlic (Fresh)

to their product catalog and all in all the Philippines has top five garlic producing

Regions in the Philippines, year 2014.

Availability of Coconut in the Philippines

Region 9, also known as the Zamboanga Peninsula Region lies at the

Southernmost portion of the Philippine archipelago. Coconut production was estimated

at 3.31 million metric tons this quarter, slightly lower by 0.8 percent than the 2018 same

quarter level of 3.34 million metric tons.The top coconut-producer this quarter was

Davao Region, with a contribution of 453.67 thousand metric tons or 13.7 percent. This

was followed by Zamboanga Peninsula and Northern Mindanao with 12.8 and12.7

percent shares, respectively.


The overview of this study is to test the effectiveness of garlic and ginger

combined with dishwashing liquid and coconut water as liquid medium to Chili pepper.

The researchers were able to find properties of the subjects (garlic and ginger) as to

why they are effective as organic pesticide. Aside from that, the dishwashing liquid

contained sodium, ammonium and potassium wherein potassium salts are used as

insecticides, acaricides, herbicides, and algaecides. The researchers were also able to

search about the availability of the garlic, ginger and coconut to find out if there were

enough resources to continue the study. In addition we used coconut water because of

its nutrients for plant growth and development as substitution to water. Overall this

research is non-toxic and environmental friendly due to botanical treatments that has

been applied.

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