Design and Development of Laboratory Scaled Rock Porosimeter Using Acoustic Wave Propagation Method
Design and Development of Laboratory Scaled Rock Porosimeter Using Acoustic Wave Propagation Method
Design and Development of Laboratory Scaled Rock Porosimeter Using Acoustic Wave Propagation Method
Oil and gas technology has boomed over the years and it became evident
on how efficient oil and gas companies are in obtaining information, developing
One of the most useful part of technology in oil and gas industry is the
acoustic logging. Acoustic logging uses wave propagation theory and physics for
Porosity is the percentage of pore volume or void space, or that volume
within rock that can contain fluids. Porosity can be a relic of deposition (primary
porosity, such as space between grains that were not compacted together
the porosity, of a core sample. The term is also used for some instruments that
measure grain volume, such as the Boyle’s Law Double-Cell method. Pore
volume is then obtained from the difference between bulk volume and grain
compressional velocity of sound in fluid is less than the velocity in rock. If there is
more space in the rock, and it is fluid-filled, the acoustic energy will take longer to
get from the transmitter to the receiver (i.e., low velocity indicates high porosity).
The recorded velocity or travel time represents the sum of the velocity of: solid
part or framework of the rock (i.e., the rock matrix), rock lining the pores, fluid
propagation can take us one step to determining porosity easier without using
much resources like water, gas etc. To address the need of a cost effective and
efficient porosimeter, the proponents of this study came up with this design of a
laboratory scale apparatusthat will determine the porosity of the rock sample
using acoustic wave propagation. This will help petroleum engineering students
the rocks.
which could damage other rock samples by the intrusion of toxic substances and
sampleswhich could give inefficient results. Another limitation that they try to
solve is measuring the porosity of soft and easily eroded rock samples without
damaging the sample itself. Some methods need to saturate or to intrude the
sample with water, gas, etc. which could harm the samples.One example of this
situation is the intrusion of mercury technique which could damage and erode
This study will aim to design and develop laboratory scale porosimeter
1.2 Layout
2.1 Desired standard rock sample according to ASTM D-4543
a) Sandstone
b) Limestone
c) Dolomite
d) Shale
following parameters:
3.2Operating time
3.3 Frequency
3.4 Wavelength
5. Compare the porosity of the standard value and the measured value of
6. Compare the accuracy of the resulting porosity values obtained from the
This study will focus on the design and development of a laboratory scale
porosimeter using acoustic wave propagation and an operational manual for the
subjects involve the study of rock properties. The researchers will conduct this
laboratory exercises.
instructional material.
To the petroleum and geological industry, this study may serve as a
stepping stone for the future development of rock testing for obtaining
petrophysical properties.
The project study will focus mainly to the design and development of
apparatus will be used to measure the porosity of the rock sample using acoustic
The sample will be requested from the Mines and Geosciences Bureau
and other geo-focused companies where samples are locally available. The
sample shall be right circular cylinders withinthe tolerances specified and shall
17⁄8 in. (47mm). (ASTM D4543)The sample must be free from moisture. The
2216.The sample will be tested for their standard value of porosity by the
machine. It was divided into two parts; preliminary and final testing. In the
preliminary testing, the researchers will check the distance between the
Indication) andhow much time is needed to operate the apparatus.For the final
testing, they will test the porosity of the rock sample using interval transit time.
The researchers will compare the measured values and the standard
values in terms of porosity to find out if the apparatus is acceptable or not by the
Conceptual Framework
The goal of this study is to develop a laboratory scale apparatus that will
give the porosity of a rock sample using acoustic wave propagation. This
knowledge requirements for the design of the prototype, hardware requirements,
In the conceive stage, the theories and concepts governing the working
the desired apparatus. Those will also be used to identify the parameters to be
of the prototype. The design will be created using software such as Solid Works
conducted to establish the working parameters of the study. Final testing will
evaluate the overall efficiency of the prototype in terms of the set parameters.
Knowledge Fabrication of the
Requirements OPERATE laboratory scale
porosimeter using
Existing acoustic wave
porosimeter Hardware propagation
apparatus Requirements:
Collection and
Porosity preparation of rock Laboratory
Fabrication on
Factors samples scale
affecting Preliminary testing porosimeter
porosity Material for
constructiono Distance using acoustic
Acoustic between the wave
wave Design Variables: transmitter propagation
Factors Design layout and the
affecting Material
o Operating time
wave specification
Final Testing
propagation System Operation
o Porosity
Interval components manual
Compare standard
transit time Dimension
and obtained values
Time of Solid Works
Compare the
Flight developed prototype
Principle to the other existing
Common porosimeters
Figure 1: Conceptual Framework
Definition of Terms
The following terms were defined conceptually and operationally for better
well. The term is commonly used as a synonym for a sonic log. Some acoustic
Boyle's Law Double Cell.A technique for measuring the grain volume of
pressure, typically 100 to 200 psi [689 to 1379 kPa]. The two chambers are
connected, causing the helium to drop in pressure as it fills the sample chamber
and the pores in the sample. The only volume not filled is the grain volume and
the isolated poresvolume and the isolated pores. Neglecting the latter, the grain
volume can then be calculated from Boyle's Law using the pressure before and
Distance between transmitter and receiver. The distance traveled by
the acoustic wave will be tested to set a standard distance in measuring the
Interval transit time. The amount of time for a wave to travel a certain
researcher’s apparatus.
Porosimeter. The instrument for measuring the pore volume, and hence
Sample size and shape.The sample shall be right circular cylinders within
the tolerances specified and shall have a length-to-diameter ratio (L/D) of 2.0 to
for measuring the distance between a sensor and an object, based on the time
difference between the emission of a signal and its return to the sensor, after