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Central Soil and Materials Research Station

New Delhi




Olof Palme Marg, Outer Ring Road, Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110016
Central Soil and Materials Research Station
New Delhi








Olof Palme Marg, Outer Ring RoadHauz Khas, New Delhi-110 016.

The Central Soil and Materials Research Station (CSMRS), under the Ministry of Water
Resources, Government of India, is a premier institute in the country located at New Delhi deals
with field and laboratory investigations, basic and applied research, problems in geo-mechanics
and materials of construction relevant to river valley projects and other connected civil
engineering structures. Dissemination of knowledge is our one of the areas of interest. In the
series of preparation of Monographs and Manuals, this Monograph is a modest attempt to present
the detailed procedure to carry out the various field and laboratory investigations of rockfill
materials. Some case studies of Indian projects have also been included.
Rockfill materials are being used widely all over the world in the construction of earth core
rockfill dams (ECRD) and concrete faced rockfill dams (CFRD) because of their inherent
flexibility, capacity to absorb large seismic energy and adaptability to various foundation
conditions. The use of modern earth and rock moving equipment and locally available materials
make such dams economical as well. Rockfill material is used to provide the stability to the
structure. The behavior of rockfill materials is affected by number of factors such as mineral
composition, particle size, shape, gradation, relative density, individual particle strength, void
content and surface texture of the particles. Therefore, the understanding and characterization of
the behavior of these materials is of considerable importance for the analysis and safe design of
the ECRD and CFRD.
Prototype rockfill materials consist of maximum particle size up to 1200 mm. Rockfill material
with such a large particle size is not feasible to test in the laboratory. Some kind of modeling
technique is used to reduce the size of particles so that the specimens prepared with smaller size
particles can be tested and their behavior can be studied by simulating the exact field conditions.

Detail procedure of field investigations viz. grain size distribution, in-situ density and
permeability tests have been explained in this monograph. The procedure for carrying out
laboratory investigations viz. specific gravity, relative density, large size triaxial shear tests, One
dimensional compression, direct shear tests have been described in detail. Some of the important
Indian case studies carried out in CSMRS for evaluating shear strength parameters are given.
A separate chapter on specifications of rockfill and earthfill materials including quality control
issues which need to be addressed has been included in this Monograph. Case histories of five
rockfill dams have also been brought out in a detailed manner so that the reader would be in a
position to understand not only the importance of various tests but also get an insight how to
analyse the data.
I hope that this Monograph fulfils not only the long-felt need of a Monograph/Manual for
practicing engineers, but provides the necessary information to several state research stations and
universities presently engaged in building up facilities in rockfill material testing.

Date: (Murari Ratnam)

Director, CSMRS

The development activities of any country depend upon the capacity to generate power.
The scarcity of fossil fuel and hazardous nuclear power plant diverted the attention of policy
makers towards the hydro power project. To harness the potential of Himalayan rivers, large and
high dams are preferred. The advancement in the design and the construction technologies has
made it possible to construct high rock fill dams even in highly seismic prone zones. Rockfill
consisting of boulders, cobbles and coarse gravels obtained either by blasting rock mass or from
naturally available river bed are the materials selected for use in construction of these dams,
more or so in seismic prone areas as these materials induce flexibility to the structure and greatly
minimize the problems often posed by pore water pressure during and post construction of such
dams cannot be conceived without a close knowledge of the behaviour of rockfill materials used
in the shell of the dam and zones.

In the recent years, there has been enormous increase in the use of rockfill materials for
the construction of rockfill dams to harness the natural water resources. The behaviour of rockfill
material used in the construction of rockfill dams is affected by number of factors such as
mineral composition, particle size, shape, gradation, individual particle strength, relative density
and surface texture of the particles. Therefore, the understanding and characterization of the
behaviour of these materials are of considerable importance for the analysis and safe design of
the rockfill dams.

For understanding and characterization of rockfill materials, field and laboratory

investigations are to be carried out in detail. Prototype gradation tests are to be carried out at
field by selecting the representative samples from the different locations of riverbed/quarry for
deriving an average prototype gradation curve. Prototype rockfill material consists of maximum
particle size (dmax) up to 1200 mm. Rockfill material with such a large particle size is not
feasible to test in the laboratory. Some kind of modeling technique is often used to reduce the
size of particles so that the specimens prepared with smaller size particles can be tested. Four
modeling techniques are available to model the rockfill material for laboratory testing. The first
modeling technique called scalping technique (Zeller and Wullimann 1957) involves a series of
grain size distribution curves to be prepared by successfully sieving out the coarsest of the
fractions from the preceding sample. In the second method namely, parallel gradation technique
(Lowe 1964), an average prototype gradation curve is prepared. A curve parallel to this curve is
drawn keeping the maximum size of the particle that can be accommodated in the testing
equipment. The third method is by Fumagalli (1969). He used the quadratic grain size
distribution curve of the testing material based on the maximum size permissible in the test
equipment. The fourth method is known as Replacement Technique (Frost 1973). In this method,
the tests are carried out by replacing the oversize fractions by an amount of relatively finer but
still coarse fractions on the basis that the latter will have the same weight, the same cross-
sectional area, the same surface or the same volume. Among all modeling techniques, the
parallel gradation technique (Lowe 1964) is most commonly used and the same has been
adopting in CSMRS for modeling the prototype rockfill materials so as to obtain the modeled
rockfill materials for carrying out laboratory investigations to determine various design
Collected modeled rockfill material is used for testing and determining the various design
parameters viz. angle of internal friction, , cohesion, c, specific gravity, G, relative density,
RD, permeability, K, coefficient of earth pressure at rest, Ko, modulus of deformation, M and
modulus of elasticity, E. For determining the above parameters, large size triaxial shear, specific
gravity, relative density and one dimensional compression (Oedometer) tests are to be carried out
in the laboratory. Consolidated drained triaxial shear tests are carried out for studying the stress-
stain behaviour and determining the angle of internal friction,  and cohesion, c of modeled
rockfill materials. One dimensional compression (Oedometer) test is carried out for determining
the permeability, K, coefficient of earth pressure at rest, Ko, modulus of deformation, M and
modulus of elasticity, E for modeled rockfill materials.

In this Manual, the detailed procedure of carrying out field investigations i.e. carrying
out prototype grain size distribution tests, evaluation of average prototype gradation curve,
evaluation of modeled gradation curves with the maximum particle sizes of 25, 50 and 80 mm
using parallel gradation technique and calculation of modeled rockfill material required for
laboratory investigations has been covered. Also, detail laboratory investigations viz. details of
equipments, preparation of specimens, procedure to conduct tests, interpretation of test results
and evaluation of strength parameters of modeled rockfill materials. Based on the material
parameters determined for modeled rockfill materials, material parameters for prototype rockfill
materials are predicted using extrapolation technique. Material parameters determined for
various projects are presented in the Monograph. From the shear strength parameter,  it is
observed that the -value increases with increase in maximum particle size for riverbed and it
decreases with the increase in maximum particle size for quarried rockfill materials. The strength
parameters  and c are then used in determining the shear strength of rockfill materials using
Mohr‟s Coulomb theory. This shear strength has to be higher than the shear stresses induced in
the structures constructed by rockfill material so as to be the structure safe.

This Manual is useful for the field engineers and engineering college students so that they
can understand the methodology underlayed for field and various laboratory tests and adopt the
same for carrying out field and laboratory investigations of rockfill materials. Detailed sections
of all the equipments are also given for easy understanding. Some of the case studies carried out
in CSMRS for the Indian projects are also given in the manual.

It is our great pleasure to acknowledge our sincere thanks to Shri Murari Ratnam, Director,

CSMRS under whose guidance and able supervision, this monograph has been framed.

Our sincere thanks to Dr. K. Venkatachalam, ex director, CSMRS, Dr. A.K. Dhawan, ex

director, CSMRS, Dr. R.B. Singh, Scientist „E‟, CSMRS, Shri S.K. Babbar, ex Joint Director,

CSMRS and Shri Nakul Dev, ex Chief Research Officer, CSMRS for their encouragement,

support and help rendered during the preparation of this manual. Also, we would like to thank

Shri Pankaj Sharma, Scientist, „B‟, Shri Sanjeev Bajaj, Scientist, „B‟, Shri Hanumantha Kenjalar,

Scientist, „B‟ Shri Sandeep Dhanote, Scientist „B‟, Shri Mahabir Dixit, Scientist „C‟ and to all

the officers of CSMRS who directly or indirectly offered their support in bringing out this


We are very much thankful to Dr. R. Kuberan, Consultant, Disaster Mitigation for sparing his

valuable time and reviewing this Monograph.

S.L. Gupta, Scientist „E‟

Dr. N.P. Honkanadavar Scientist „C‟


Figure No. Title Page no.

1. Prototype and Modeled Gradation Curves 3

2 Apparatus for aggregate crushing test 11

3 Los Angeles Abrasion testing machine 16

4 Aggregate impact test machine 19

5 Relative density apparatus 21

6 Triaxial shear test setup (1) 26

(381 mm dia and 813 mm ht.)

7 Triaxial shear test setup (2) 27

(500 mm dia and 600 mm ht.)

8 Stress-Strain-Volume Change Behaviour of Riverbed Rockfill Material from 29

Noa Dehing Dam Site for 25 mm tested with 87% Relative Density

9 Mean Stress (m) v/s Deviatoric Stress (1-3) of 25 mm dmax for Noa Dehing
30 Dam Site Rockfill Material Tested with 87% Relative Density

10 Oedometer cell with loading frame 33

11 Large scale direct shear apparatus 36

12 Typical Cross Section of Tehri Earth and Rockfill Dam 44

13 Typical Cross Section of Dhauliganga Concrete Faced Rockfill Dam


14 Typical Cross Section of Ramganga Earth and Rockfill Dam


15 Typical Cross Section of Rangit Sagar Earth and Rockfill Dam 55

16 Typical Cross Section of Kol Earth and Rockfill Dam 58


Sl. No. Particualrs Page No.

I. Summary of Triaxial Test Results 31

II Summary of Oedometer Test results 37-38



1.1 Rockfill Materials

The development activities of any country depend upon the capacity to generate power. The
scarcity of fossil fuel and hazardous nuclear power plant diverted the attention of policy makers
towards the hydro power project. To harness the potential of Himalayan rivers, large and high
dams are preferred. The advancement in the design and the construction technologies has made
it possible to construct high rock fill dams even in highly seismic prone zones. Rockfills
consisting of boulders, cobbles and coarse gravels obtained either by blasting rock mass or from
naturally available river bed are the materials selected for use in construction of these dams,
more or so in seismic prone areas as these materials induce flexibility to the structure and greatly
minimize the problems often posed by pore water pressure during and post construction of such
dams can not be conceived without a close knowledge of the rockfill materials used in the shell
of the dam and zones.

1.2 Need for Characterization

Despite tremendous all round advancement in technology, a complete understanding of rockfill

materials is very much essential particularly in respect of water resources structures. The
perfection in the design, made by design engineers depends on accurate characterization of the
Rockfill materials. In other words, the reliability of the design and construction process of
structures will be enhanced with better understanding of the rockfill materials in natural
environment under the influence of stresses, deformation and water. It is in the above context
that the subject of rockfill technology pursues ways and means to deal more rationally with the
problems on the behavior of rockfill under force in its environment using theoretical and
experimental approaches.

1.3 Approach
The two most important factors influencing the design of rockfill structures are the shear strength
and the deformation characteristics of the rockfill materials. No stability analysis, regardless of
how intricate and theoretically exact it may be, can be useful for design if an incorrect estimation
of shearing strength of the construction materials has been made. To arrive at any meaningful
material property, the laboratory test should simulate the field conditions as closely as possible,
as is generally done in the case of earth dams. However, materials constituting a rockfill dam
may contain particles up to a metre in diameter, which for accurate testing would require
specimens of formidable dimensions. In view of the above, testing of prototype rockfill
materials is not possible in many cases and techniques have been developed to evaluate the
properties of field rockfill materials on the basis of information from laboratory tests conducted
on the modelled smaller fractions.



2.1 Selection/Collection of Rockfill Material

The first stage in the selection of borrow areas as the sources of rockfill material is a geological
investigation in the vicinity of the site to determine the thickness of overburden, depth of
weathering and the character and spacing of fracture.

The geological investigation consists of surface surveys to locate the best suitable borrow areas,
followed by topographic mapping and boring to obtain rock samples. From this basic
information one can predict the problems that might be encountered in quarrying and general
characteristics of rockfill. An elaborate and expensive test quarry operation at the design stage
of the project may be justified for rockfill dams higher than 150 m for lower dams simple
blasting tests may be sufficient.

Laboratory tests are performed to determine the ability of the rock to withstand weathering.
Visual inspection of particles produced in blasting tests, grain size analysis and determination of
crushing strength of rock fragments help in selection of parameters for design.

An essential feature of any test programme for the design and construction of a compacted
rockfill is the development of a test of a quarry material which is to be blasted or naturally
available one. The site for the quarry should be chosen only after geological reconnaissance
survey and careful study of representative core boring. This procedure helps to ensure that the
rockfill material of the quarry will be as nearly representative of the production of rockfill
material as possible.

The rockfill material test quarry not only produces the necessary material for rockfill
construction but also furnishes the data about the grading of quarry material suitable for use in
compacted rockfill. These data together with the results of the test fills, are used to determine
the thickness of the rockfill (shell materials) of the embankment. The size and spacing of shot
holes as well as the quantities and types of explosives required to obtain the best combinations
for the production of desired well graded rockfill materials by appropriate experimentation. In
certain cases, this phase of the test programme may prove to be more time consuming than the
test fill programme tests.

Thus, blasted material will be accumulated at one place containing of gradation of rockfill
material with the required maximum and minimum grain sizes. Out of the accumulated material,
the rockfill materials have to be collected based on the total quantity requirements so as to carry
out large size Oedometer and Triaxial shear tests for arriving at the deformation, permeability
and strength characteristics. The naturally available material like riverbed material can also be
selected as a rockfill material and collected for the laboratory testing.

2.2 Derivation of Prototype and Modeled Gradation Curve

The ideal material for the compacted pervious zone of a rockfill dam would have particles of
passing 0.2 mm size less than 10%, maximum particle size 800 to 1000 mm with a coefficient of
uniformity of 15 or greater. These requirements are not applicable in rip rap or rockfill that are
subjected to low stress levels. It is not an easy task to obtain economically a rockfill that meets
these specifications. A quarry may yield a material containing rock fragments larger than those
recommended. The grain size distribution curves of all the quarried materials are plotted in a
semi log graph and from these curves, an average prototype curve is drawn. Then by adopting
parallel gradation technique, these modeled curves are drawn parallel to the average prototype
curve keeping the maximum size of the particles within the rates of 1/5 to 1/6 of the least
dimension (diameter) of the specimen that can be accommodated in the Triaxial/Oedometer
equipment as shown in Fig. 1.
(80 mm)

(50 mm)

(25 mm)

(600 mm)

Fig. 1: Prototype and Modeled Gradation Curves

2.3 Determination of In-situ Density of Rockfill Material

2.3.1 Scope

This test method covers the determination of the in-situ density of compacted
rockfill materials by measuring weight and volume of material excavated at the
test location.

2.3.2 Significance and Use

This test method is used to determine the in-place unit weight of compacted
materials used in construction of high rockfill dams, road fills and structure
backfill. For construction control, it can be used as the basis for acceptance of
materials compacted to a specified unit weight or to a percentage of maximum
unit weight determined by a standard laboratory test method.
2.3.3 Methodology

The method involves excavation of compacted fill within a standard metal ring
(Fig. 1), measurement of volume of excavated pit by laying a plastic sheet and
filling the entire pit with measured quantity of water preferably through a
calibrated tank and then calculating the density by dividing the dry weight of the
excavated materials by the measured volume of the pit.

2.3.4 Apparatus

The apparatus needed are:

(a) Metal template: A Circular template (ring) to serve as a pattern for the
excavation. The diameter of the template should be at least
3 to 4 times the size of the largest particle. The ring may
be made of 4-8 mm thick mild-steel sheet. With inner
surface as that of a right cylinder approximately 10-20 cm
high (Fig.2).

(b) Thin plastic sheet: 0.2 mm thickness and area 4-8 m2

(c) Quick setting plaster or sand filled gunny bags.

(d) Balance: A balance of adequate capacity, capable of determining the

mass of a specimen to an accuracy of 0.01%

(e) Drying Oven: Thermostatically controlled and capable of maintaining a

uniform temperature of 110 ± 5oC throughout the drying

(f) Standard Sieves: 0.725, 2.0, 4.75. 6.3, 10, 20, 25, 40, 50, 63.0, 80 and 100
mm standard sizes as available in the market

(g) Volume measuring: A calibrated water tank with an outlet valve and an
device attached volume measuring gauge for filling
test pit and measuring the volume of water.

(h) Pump: A portable, power driven pump for removing the water
after each filling.

(i) Suitable hand tools for excavation purpose.

2.3.5 Test Procedure

The test procedure involves following sequence of steps.

a) Level the ground at the site. Place the template on the leveled ground and secure
it to the surface to prevent any movement during the performance of the test.

b) Spread the plastic sheet over the test surface and the ring taking care to remove
all the wrinkles.

c) Fill the plastic film and ring assembly with water up to a fixed level. While
filling, ensure that the film makes full contact with the test surface and the inside
surface of the ring.
d) Measure volume of water using volume measuring device. The measured volume
of water used is the initial reading Vi for the test.

e) Remove water and the plastic film. Excavate as nearly as practicable, a

cylindrical cavity within the ring. Using the digging tools. Make the wall of the
cavity as near vertical as possible. Avoid under cutting of the ring and
deformation of the cavity.

f) Again spread the film as liner inside the cavity and ring and fill it with water up to
the same fixed level.

g) Measure volume of water. This gives final reading for the test Vf

h) Carefully collect all the excavated materials and weigh up to the nearest 0.1 kg.
This gives total weight (Ww) for the test.

i) Determine moisture content (w) of the soil as per the procedure given in IS:2720
(Part II) - 1969 when it significantly affects the field dry density.

2.3.6 Calculations

Wt. of wet material of the cavity

Wet density of soil (  ) =
Volume of the cavity (2.1)

i.e.  =
V f -V i (2.1)

Dry density of soil  d is given by

d =
100 (2.2)

2.4 Modeling of Rockfill Materials

The two most important factors influencing the design of rockfill structures are the shear strength
and the compressibility of the rockfill materials. No stability analysis, regardless of how
intricate and theoretically exact it may be, can be useful for design if an incorrect estimation of
shearing strength of the construction materials has been made. To arrive at any meaningful soil
property, the laboratory test should simulate the field conditions as closely as possible, as is
generally done in the case of earth dams. However, materials constituting a rockfill dam may
contain particles up to a meter in diameter, which for accurate testing would require
Triaxial/Oedometer specimens of formidable dimensions. In view of the above, testing of
prototype rockfill materials is not possible in many cases and such techniques have been
developed to evaluate the properties of field rockfill materials on the basis of laboratory tests
conducted on the modeled smaller fractions.

There are four different modelling techniques in vogue as briefed below.

1. Scalping technique by Zeller and Wullimann (1957)

This method consists of preparation of series of Grain size distribution curves after sieving out
the coarsest of the fractions from the preceding sample. The maximum size of rockfill (after
scalping) that could be tested in the laboratory is then chosen such as that its size is less than 1/5
or 1/6 of the diameter of the test specimen.

2. Parallel Gradation Technique by Lowe (1964)

In this method, an average prototype gradation curve is plotted on semi-log graph. To

this grain size curve, three parallel curves (modelled materials) are drawn keeping the
maximum size of the particles within the ratio of 1/5 to 1/6 of the diameters of the
specimen that can be accommodated in the testing equipment.

3. Fumagalli's method (1969)

In this method, the quadratic grain size distribution curve of the testing materials is
arrived at based on the maximum particle size permissible in the test equipment. The
quadratic grain size distribution is given by the following equation.
D 1
P = 100 ( )2
D m ax (2.3)

P = Percentage of loss by weight at size D

Dmax = maximum size permissible in the grading
4. Replacement Technique by Frost (1973)

In this method, the tests are carried out by replacing the over size fractions by an amount
of relatively finer but still coarse fractions on the basis that a latter will have either the
same weight, the same cross-sectional area the same surface area, or the same volume.

Fig. 2: Excavation within flanged ring for in-situ density test




This chapter compiles the following laboratory investigations needed for determining the
basic Index properties, evaluation of shear strength parameters i.e. angle of internal friction, 
and cohesion, c, deformation and elastic modulus, permeability, settlement, coefficient of earth
pressure, Poisson‟s ratio etc. for the rockfill materials.

1. Specific Gravity and Water absorption

2. Aggregate Crushing Value
3. Aggregate Abrasion Value
4. Crushing Strength
5. Aggregate Impact Value
6. Relative Density
7. Large Size Triaxial Shear Test
8. Oedometer Test

3.1 Index Properties

3.1.1 Determination of Specific Gravity and Water Absorption General: The test method covers the procedures for determining the
specific gravity, apparent specific gravity and water absorption of rockfill
materials. To determine the specific gravity of rock materials, weight of dry rock
fill sample is divided by the loss of weight in water. Weight of air dried sample is
taken in to account for the absorption of water by the rockfill sample. Apparatus:

a) Balance - A balance of 3 kg. capacity and 0.5 gm of accuracy

suitable for weighing of the vessel containing
rockfill material and water.

b) Oven - A well ventilated oven, thermostatically controlled

to maintain a temperature of 100 to 110oc.

c) Glass Vessel - A wide-mouthed glass vessel such as a jar of about

or jar1.5 liters capacity, with a flat ground lip and a
plane grand disc of plate glass to cover it, giving
virtually water tight fit.

d) Cloths - Dry, soft absorbent cloths, size 75 x 45 cm.

e) Tray - Shallow tray of area more than 325 cm2

f) Container - Air tight container to take the sample. Test Procedure :

The test procedure involved following steps

a) About 1.0 kg of sample of dia. between 10 mm and 40 mm is screened on a 10 mm

IS Sieve, thoroughly washed to remove fine particles of dust and immersed in
distilled water in the glass vessel for 24 ± ½ hours at a temperature of 22o
„C‟ to 32o „C‟. Air entrapped in or bubbles on the surface of the rockfill material
shall be removed by rapid clockwise and anti-clockwise rotation of the vessel
between the operator's hands. Then, the vessel is overfilled by distilled water and it
is ensured that no air is trapped in the vessel by sliding a ground glass disc over the
mouth of the vessel. The vessel is then dried from the out side and weighed (Weight

b) The vessel is emptied to drain out the rockfill material. It is then overfilled with
distilled water, dried from the out side and weighed (Weight B). Difference in water
temperature during both the weighing should not exceed 2o „C‟.

c) The rockfill material is placed on a dry cloth and gently surface dried by transferring
it to a second dry cloth when the first will remove no further moisture. The sample
is spread out on a dry cloth so that it covers the cloth by single layer and left exposed
to the atmosphere away from direct sun light or any other source of heat for about 10
minutes so that it is completely surface dry. The air dried sample shall then be
weighed (weight C).

d) The air dried sample is placed in the oven in a shallow tray at a temperature of 100
to 105o „C‟ for 24 ± 1/2 hours and weighed after cooling in air tight container to get
the weight of oven dried sample (weight D).

3.1.4 Calculations

Specific gravity, apparent specific gravity and water absorption are as follows:

Specific gravity = C - (A - B) (3.1)
Apparent specific gravity = D - (A - B) (3.2)
(C - D)
Water absorption (precent of dry wt.) = D (3.3)

A = Weight in gm. of vessel containing sample and filled with distilled

B = Weight in gm. of vessel filled with distilled water only
C = Weight in gm. of air dried sample
D = Weight in gm. of oven dried sample

3.1.2 Determination of Aggregate Crushing Value Object:

This test covers the procedure for the determination of aggregate crushing value of
coarse aggregates. General:

This test gives a relative measure of the resistance of an aggregate to crushing under
gradually applied compressive load. Apparatus

a) A 15 cm. dia. open-ended steel cylinder with plunger and base plate of the general
form and dimensions as shown in Fig.2. The surfaces in contact with the
aggregate shall be machined and case-hardened or otherwise treated so as to have
a diamond (VH) pyramid hardness number of not less than 650 VH.

b) A straight metal tamping rod of circular cross-section 16 mm in diameter and 45

to 60 cm long, rounded at one end.

c) A balance of capacity 3 kg. with accuracy up to 1.0 gm.

d) IS Sieves of sizes 12.5, 10 and 2.36 mm.

e) A compression testing machine capable of applying a load of 40 tones and

operation at uniform rate of loading so that the maximum load is reached in 10
minutes. The machine may be used with or without a spherical seating.

f) A metallic cylinder of 11.5 cm internal dia. and 18.0 cm. height and rigid enough
to retain its form under rough usage. Sample Preparation

a) The material for standard test shall consist of aggregate passing a 12.5 mm sieve
and retained on a 10 mm IS sieve.

b) The sample should be either air dried or oven dried at a temperature of 100-110o
„C‟ for not more than 4 hours. In case of oven dried, the sample should be cooled
to room temperature before testing. Test Procedure

Put the cylinder of the test apparatus in position on the base plate and add the sample in
three layers, each third being subjected to 25 strokes from the tamping rod. Level the
surface of the aggregate carefully and insert the plunger so that it rests horizontally on
this surface. Place the apparatus with the test sample and plunger in position, between
the plates of the testing machine. Put the load of 40 tones at a uniform rate so that the
total load is reached in 10 minutes.
Release the load, remove the whole material from the cylinder and sieve through a 2.36
mm IS Sieve for the standard test or the appropriate sieve given in the table below.

Weigh the fraction passing the sieve (weight B) Calculations
x 100
Aggregate crushing value = A (3.4)

A = Weight of surface dry sample

B = Weight of fraction passing the appropriate sieve.

3.1.3 Determination of Aggregate Abrasion Value Object

This test covers the procedure for the determination of abrasion value of coarse
aggregates. General

This test determines percentage of wear of aggregates under an abrasive charge of

small cast iron spheres each weighing between 390 and 445 gm. The sample is
subjected to abrasive charge of 2500 gm. to 5000 gm. depending upon the grade
of the sample.

3.1. 3.3 Test Procedure

There are following two methods of determining the abrasion value of coarse
a) by the use of Deval machine
b) by the use of Los Angeles machine

Wherever possible, method (b) should be preferred than method (a) Test method using DEVAL Machine

3.1. 3.4.1 Apparatus

a) Deval machine - This machine consists of one or more hallow cast iron
cylinders closed at one end and furnished with a tightly sitting iron cover at
the other end. The internal diameter of the cylinder shall be 20 cm and depth
34 cm. The cylinder is mounted on a shaft at an angle of 30 degrees with axis
of rotation of the shaft.
b) Sieve - The 1.70 mm Sieve having square holes.

3.1. 3.4.2 Abrasive charge

Six cast iron or steel spheres of 4 mm dia., each weighing between 390
and 445 gms. constituting total abrasive charge of 2500 ± 10 gms.

3.1. 3.4.3 Grading

The coarse aggregate shall be separated by sieving into the various sizes required for
grading the test sample according to one of the grading specified below.

Grading Passing IS Sieve Retained on IS Sieve Percentage of sample

A 20 mm 12.5 mm 25
25 mm 20 mm 25
40 mm 25 mm 25
50 mm 40 mm 25
B 20 mm 12.5 mm 25
25 mm 20 mm 25
40 mm 25 mm 50
C 20 mm 12.5 mm 50
25 mm 20 mm 50
D 12.5 mm 4.75 mm 50
20 mm 12.5 mm 50
E 10 mm 4.75 mm 50
12.5 mm 10 mm 50

The material thus separated into various sizes shall be washed and dried. When the coarse
aggregate contains more than 25% material finer than 12.5 mm but is of such size that either
grading A, B or C is used for the abrasion test, a second abrasion test shall be made, using
grading D, if the particles less than 12.5 mm in size are not at least equal in hardness to those
particles 12.5 mm or over in size. Weight

Weight of sample shall be taken depending upon the specific gravity as given

Specific gravity Wt. of sample (gm)

over 2.8 5500

2.4 to 2.8 5000
2.2 to 2.39 4500
less than 2.2 4000 Crushed gravel

In the case of crushed gravel, the test sample shall contain crushed fragments so
as to be representative of the gravel furnished for the work. Procedure

The test sample is placed in the Deval machine and the machine is rotated for
10,000 revolutions at a speed of 30 to 33 rev/min. After completion of test, the
material is removed from the machine and sieved on at 1.70 mm IS sieve. The
material retained on the sieve shall be washed, dried and accurately weighed to
the nearest gram. Calculations
W1 -W 2
x 100
Percentage of wear = W 1 (3.5)

W1 = Original weight of the sample

W2 = Weight of the material retained on 1.70 mm IS Sieve.

In the case of crushed gravel, the percent by weight of crushed fragments is determined
and the permissible percentage of wear is calculated as follows:

AL + (100 - A)L 
100 (3.6)


W = Permissible percentage of wear

A = Percentage of un-crushed fragments
L = Maximum percentage of wear permitted by the specifications for gravel
consisting entirely of un-crushed fragments
100-A = Percentage of crushed fragments
L = Maximum percentage of wear permitted by the specifications for gravel
consisting entirely of crushed fragments

3.1. 3.5 Test method using Los Angles Machine

3.1. 3.5.1 Apparatus

The apparatus includes of

(a) Los Angeles Machine - The Los Angeles machine (Fig.3) consists of a hallow steel
cylinder, closed at both ends, having an inside diameter of 700 mm and an inside
length of 500 mm. The cylinder is mounted on stub shafts attached to the ends of the
cylinders in such a manner that it may be rotated about its axis in a horizontal
position. The cylinder is provided with an opening with dust tight cover for
introduction of the test sample. The cover is so designed as to maintain cylindrical
center of the interior surface unless the shelf is so located that the charge will not fall
on the cover, or come in contact with it during the test. A removable steel shelf,
projecting radially 88 mm in to the cylinder and extending its full length, is mounted
along one element of the interior surface of the cylinder. The shelf shall be of such
thickness and so mounted by bolts or other approved means, as to be firm and rigid
and the distance between shelf and the opening measured along the circumference of
the cylinder in the direction of rotation, is not less than 1250 mm.

(b) Sieves - The 1.70 mm IS Sieve. Abrasion charge –

Cast iron spheres weighing 390 gm. to 445 gms. constituting a total charge
depending upon the grading as given below.

Grading Number of spheres Weight of charge (gm)

A 12 5000 ± 25
B 11 4584 ± 25
C 8 3330 ± 20
D 6 2500 ± 15
E 12 5000 ± 25
F 12 5000 ± 25
G 12 5000 ± 25 Test sample

Clean and oven dried (1050 „C‟ to 1100 „C‟) aggregates conforming to one of the grading
given in the table below, shall be used for the test. (IS:2386 (Part IV)-1963) Procedure

The pre-weighed test sample and the abrasive charge are placed in the Los Angeles
abrasion testing machine and rotated at a speed of 20 to 33 rev/min. For grading A,B,C
and D, the machine is rotated for 500 revolutions while for grading E,F and G, it is
rotated for 1000 revolutions. If an angle is used as the shelf, the machine is rotated in
such a direction that the charge is caught on the outside surface of the angle. At the
completion of the test, the material is discharged from the machine and a preliminary
separation of the sample is made on a sieve coarser than the 1.70 mm IS sieve. The finer
portion is then sieved on a 1.70 mm IS Sieve.

The material coarser than the 1.70 mm sieve shall be washed in an oven at 105 to 1100
„C‟ to a substantially constant weight and accurately weighed to the nearest gram. Calculation
W1 -W 2
x 100
Percentage of wear = W 1 (3.7)
W1 = original weight of the sample
W2 = weight of the material retained on 1.70 mm IS Sieve. Results

The results shall include the following:

a) Percentage of wear
b) Percentage of crushed fragments in the test sample
c) Weight and grading of the test sample.

3.1.4 Determination of Crushing Strength General

This test gives a direct measure of the stress in kg/cm2 at ultimate failure of a
rock under a slowly increasing comprehensive load.

3.1. 4.2 Apparatus

a) Compression testing machine of suitable capacity.

b) Thermostatically controlled oven to maintain a temperature of 100 to 1100c.

3.1. 4.3 Test specimens:

The test specimens shall be cylinders of 25 ± mean diameter and 25 ± 0.5 mm mean
height prepared from the samples taken from freshly quarried material and only from
pieces which show no evidence of incipient fracture. In any one specimen, the diameter
shall not vary by more than 0.15 mm. The test specimen shall be dried for four hours in
the oven at a temperature of 100 to 1100c and cooled before test. Size of the sample

a) 8 x 4 x 4 cm size if the test specimens are to be prepared by grounding only.

b) 15 x 15 x 10 cm size if the test specimens are to be prepared by drilling, saving
and grounding. Procedure

Measure the diameter and height of each specimen to an accuracy of 0.025 mm. Place
each specimen centrally between the steel platens without packing and apply load to the
ends of the cylindrical specimen at a rate of about 5 tones per minute. Observe the final
load necessary to produce crushing of the specimen. Calculations:
Load at which the sample cracks (kg/ cm2 )
Stress =
Area of the specimen

= (kg/ cm2 )
A (3.8)

σ = Stress
W = Load of the specimen
A = Area of the specimen

3.1.5 Determination of Aggregate Impact Value General

The aggregate impact value gives a relative measure of the resistance of an aggregate to
sudden shock or impact, as some aggregates differs in its resistance to a slow
compressive load. Apparatus

a) An impact testing machine (Fig.4) weighing 45 kg to 60 kg. It should have a

metal base of weight 22 kg to 30 kg with a plane lower and should be fixed on a
plane metal plate cast in to the surface of a level and plane concrete stone block of
at least 45 cm. thickness.

b) A cylindrical steel cup of 102 mm diameter, 50 mm depth and 6.3 mm thickness

which can be rigidly fastened at the centre of the base of the machine and easily
removed for emptying.

c) A metal hammer weighing 13.5 to 14.0 kg with cylindrical lower end of length 50
mm and diameter 100 mm.

d) Means for raising the hammer and allowing it to fall freely between the vertical
guides from a height of 380 ± 5.0 mm on the test sample in the cup and means for
adjusting the height of fall within 5 mm.

e) Means for supporting the hammer and automatically recording the number of

f) Sieves - The IS sieves of sizes 12.5, 10.0 and 2.36 mm.

g) A rigid cylindrical metal measure to the nearest gram, of 50 mm depth and 75 mm

h) A straight metal tamping rod with circular cross-section of 10 mm in diameter and
230 mm long rounded at one end.
i) A balance of capacity not less than 500 gm. with accuracy of 0.1 gm.
j) An oven thermostatically controlled to maintain a temperature of 100 to 110o „C‟. Test sample

Passing 12.5 mm IS Sieve and is retained on a 10 mm IS Sieve, oven dried for 4 hours at
100 to 110o „C‟ and cooled. Test procedure

Fix the steal cup firmly on the base of impact machine. Fill the steal measure of sample
so that it overflows and tamp it with 25 strokes of the rounded end of the tamping rod.

Strike off the surplus aggregate using the tamping rod as a straight edge. Weigh the measure
accurate to the nearest gram (weight A). Transfer the sample in to steel cup and compact by a
single tamping of 25 strokes of the tamping rod.
Hammer the sample from a height of 380 mm 15 times, each blow being delivered at an interval
of not less than one second. Remove the crushed sample from the cup and sieve it on the 2.36
mm IS Sieve until no further significant amount passes in one minute.

Weigh the fraction passing the sieve (Weight B) and the fraction retained on the sieve (weight C)
to an accuracy of 0.1 gm. Discard and repeat the test in case total weight (B+C) is less than the
initial weight A by more than one gram. Calculations
x 100
Aggregative impact value = A (3.9)

A = Weight of oven dried sample

B = Weight of fraction passing 2.36 mm IS sieve

3.1.6 Determination of Density Index (Relative Density) of Rockfill Materials General

For rockfill materials in the natural state or in the artificially compacted state, neither the
actual density (or void ratio) nor the actual density expressed as a percentage of the
maximum density give an exact idea of the compactness of the material. The concept of
density index (relative density) gives a practically useful measure of compactness of such
materials. The compaction characteristics and the related properties of such materials are
dependent on factors like grain size distribution and shape of individual particles.
Density index (relative density) is also affected by these factors and serves as a parameter
to correlate properties of rockfill materials. Density Index (Relative Density)

The ratio of the difference between the void ratio of material in the loosest state and any
given void ratio to the difference between its void ratios in the loosest and the densest
state. Apparatus

a) Vibratory table - A steal tube with a cushioned steel vibrating desk about 75 x
75cm. The vibrator should have a net mass of over 45 kg. It shall have frequency
of 60 cycles/sec, of amplitude variable between 0.005 and 0.65 mm and shall be
suitable for use with a 415 V, 3 phase supply.

b) Mould with Guide Sleeve - Cylindrical metal unit smooth from inside and shall
have two handles either casted integral with the body or welded. The mould shall
be of 15,000 cm3 capacity having inside dia. of 28 cm. and 24.36 cm. height. The
guide sleeve is also cylindrical with same dia. and mould of height 20 cm. Two
of the three set screws on the clamp assembly shall be provided with lock nuts.

c) Surcharge Base plate with Handle - Surcharge base plate 12.4 mm in thickness
and 22.7 cm diameter provided with lifting handle.

d) Surcharge mass - Surcharge weight of 86 kg in cylindrical form of dia. 27 cm and

of height 15 cm. provided with lifting handle.

e) Dial Gauge with Holder - Dial gauges of 50 mm travel with 0.075 mm graduations.

f) Calibration bar made of metal and 75 x 300 x 3 mm in size.

g) Pouring Device - Shovel or half cylindrical metal scoop of 20 cm φ and 30 cm.
long closed at one end.

h) Mixing pan - suitable size in 60 x 90 cm. and 10 cm. deep.

i) Weighing scale - portable platform scale 100 kg. capacity with sensitivity of 20

j) Hoist - Hoist of at least 135 kg capacity.

k) Bristle Brush

l) Timing device - indicating minutes and seconds.

m) Metal straight edge - about 40 cm. long Rockfill materials

A representative sample of rockfill material should be selected. The weight of sample to

be taken is about 40 to 45 kg for the mould of capacity 15,000 cm3. The sample should
be oven dried at a temperature of 105 to 1100 „C‟. Procedure for the determination of minimum density.

The empty mould is weighed and the mass recorded. Rockfill material is placed by means
of a large scoop (or shovel) held as close as possible to and just above the materials
surface to cause the material to slide rather than fall into the previously placed material. If
necessary, large particles may be held by hand to prevent them from rolling off the scoop.
The mould should be filled to overflowing but not more than 25 mm above the top. The
surface of the material should be leveled with the top of the mould using the steel straight
edge in such a way that any slight projections of the longer particles above the top of the
larger voids in the surface below the top of the mould. The mould and the material
should be weighed and the mass recorded. Procedure for the determination of maximum density

The mould is filled with thoroughly mixed oven-dry material by the same procedure as
above. The mould filled for the determination of minimum density may also be used for
this test.

The guide sleeve is attached to the mould and surcharge base plate placed on the material
surface. The surcharge weight is then lowered on the base plate using the hoist. The
mould is fixed to the vibrator deck for assembly. The vibrator control should be set at
maximum amplitude and the loaded specimen is vibrated for 8 minutes. The surcharge
weight and guide sleeve is removed from the mould. The dial gauge readings on two
opposite sides of the surcharge base plate are obtained and the average recorded. The
mould with the soil is weighed and its mass recorded. Calculations: Minimum Density:

The minimum density, γmin in gm/cc should be calculated as follows:

 min =
V (3.10)

W = mass of dry material in the loosest state

V = Volume of the mould in cm3. Maximum Density:

The maximum density, γmax in gm/cc should be calculated as follows:

 max=
V (3.11)

Wmax = mass of dry material in the densest state.

V = Volume of material in the densest state in cm3

= V - (Di - Df) A

Di = Initial dial gauge reading in cm.

Df = Final dial gauge reading after completion of

the vibration period in cm; and

A = Cross-sectional area of mould in cm2 Density Index (Relative Density)

The density index, Id (relative density, Id) is expressed as a percentage should be

calculated as follows:
1 1

 min d
Id   100
1 1

 min  max (3.12)

where  d = Dry density of material

The relative density in terms of void ratio is defined as follows:

(e m ax - e)
Id =
e m ax - e m in (3.13)

emax = Void ratio of the material in loosest state
e = Void ratio of the material in the field; and
emin = Void ratio of the material in its densest state obtainable in the

3.1.7 Large size Triaxial tests General

The triaxial test is conducted to determine the shear strength and deformation
characteristics of rockfill materials. These parameters are obtained by the study of the
Mohr's circle and the stress strain curves. The triaxial test is generally conducted in the
isotropic condition of stresses. In such a condition, the particle on which the stress are
applied has the freedom to move in any direction depending on the valves of the vertical
and horizontal stresses. Significance and Use

This test is used in the determination of the angle of shearing resistance, the volumetric
deformations at different stress levels and the strength characteristics. It is also possible
to study the behavior of the rockfill materials at different values of lateral stresses and
different particle sizes. Summary of Test Methods

The test method includes

a) Placing the test specimen in triaxial device at a predetermined placement density

(87% of relative density).
b) Saturating the specimen by top drainage system.

c) Specimen is subjected to isotropic consolidation and volume changes are


d) Specimen is sheared at a constant rate of 1 mm per minute

e) Post grain size distribution analysis is performed and Breakage factor Bf is

determined. Apparatus

Two triaxial set ups have been used

Triaxial set up (1) fig 6

a) Specimen size - 381 mm diameter and 813 mm height

b) Load Application - Vertical Load: Hydraulic with a maximum capacity of 89,300


c) Load Measurement - Pressure gauge with sensitivity 180 kg/div.

d) Lateral pressure - Air-water pressure system with a maximum capacity of 28


e) Lateral pressure measurement - Pressure gauge with a sensitivity of 0.141

kg/cm2/div (2.5 psi/div)

f) Vertical strain measurement - Strain dial gauge with sensitivity 0.01 mm/div. and
travel length = 127 mm

g) Volume measurement - By Burette of capacity 8000 cc with sensitivity 10 cc/div.

h) Sleeve thickness - 1 mm inner sleeve and 3 mm outer sleeve.

i) Method of compaction - Using vibratory compactor with a frequency of 60

Triaxial shear test set up (2) Fig. 7

a) Specimen size - 500 mm diameter and 600 mm height with enlarged end plates.

b) Enlarged plate size - 550 mm dia.

c) Load application - Vertical load: Actuator system with a capacity of 115 kg/cm2
d) Load measurement - Three load cells with a sensitivity of 1409 kg/mv and
capacity 75 tons each.

e) Lateral pressure - Air-water pressure system with a capacity of 30 kg/cm2

f) Lateral pressure measurement - Pressure gauge with a sensitivity of 0.204


g) Vertical strain measurement - LVDT

h) Travel - ± 120 mm
i) Sensitivity - 0.02886 mm/mV

j) Volumetric strain measurement - Transducers with a sensitivity of 25.77 cc/mV

k) Sleeve thickness - Sleeve of 4 mm with nylon mask of 1 mm thickness

l) Method of compaction - Vibratory compaction with a frequency of 60 Cycles/sec.

m) Test control - By Servo Control Data Acquisition system. Test procedure

a) The quantities of individual fractions required for achieving dry density

corresponding to 87% of relative density were mixed thoroughly after wetting
with 3 to 4% moisture content.

b) The mixed material was then compacted in a split mould after mounting
membranes on the pedestal. To achieve this, a electrically operated vibrator with
a capacity to produce a frequency of 60 cycles/sec. was used.

c) The material was packed in six predetermined layers. After fixing the loading
plate on top of the specimen and after applying a suction of 1 kg/cm2, the split
mould was removed and the top drainage was connected to the top plate.

d) The cell was then placed and filled with water. The specimen was saturated by
top drainage system. After achieving full saturation, the sample was subjected to
isotropic consolidation and volume changes were recorded.

e) The specimen was then sheared under drained conditions at a constant

deformation rate of 1 mm per min. After shearing, the material was collected,
dried and the entire material was subjected to mechanical analysis for the
evaluation of Breakage factor (Bf).

f) Stress-strain-volume change behaviour of modeled rockfill materials were plotted

and study their behaviour. Typical stress-strain-volume change behaviour of
rockfill material is shown below (Fig.8).

g) Shear strength parameters i.e. angle of internal friction,  and cohesion, „c‟ were
determined by plotting the mean stress v/s deviator stress at the failure. Typical
plot between mean stress v/s deviator stress is shown below (Fig. 9).
3 = 0.8 MPa

3 = 0.6 MPa

Deviatoric Stress (MPa)



3 = 0.4 MPa
3 = 0.2 MPa

0 2 4 6 8 10

Axial Strain (%)

(a) Stress-Strain Behaviour


3 = 0.2 MPa 3 = 0.4 MPa

Volumetric Strain (%)


3 = 0.6 MPa

0 2 4 6 8 10

Axial Strain (%)

3 = 0.8 MPa

(b) Volume Change Behaviour

Fig. 9: Stress-Strain-Volume Change Behaviour of Riverbed Rockfill Material from Noa

Dehing Dam Site for 25 mm tested with 87% Relative Density

y = 1.475x
R² = 0.994
( 1- 3) (MPa)





0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8

m = ( 1+23)/3 (MPa)

Fig. 10: Mean Stress (m) v/s Deviatoric Stress (1-3) of 25 mm dmax for Noa Dehing Dam
Site Rockfill Material Tested with 87% Relative Density

Summary of triaxial test results of various river valley projects is given in Table 1.

3.1.8 Oedometer Test General

The compressibility and permeability characteristics of the rockfill materials is

determined in the Oedometer cell. It is a relatively simple test to determine the
deformation parameters in confined compression strata. Significance and Use

The test is used in the determination of deformation parameters viz. constructed modulus
and elastic modulus. The condition in all the Oedometer cell corresponds to the Ko
condition which represents the anisotropic state. The co-efficient of permeability is
determined using top drainage system. This test is useful for the design of embankment
and dams where Ko condition exists.

Table 1: Summary of Triaxial Test Results

Name Type of Size of  3 (1-3) e v c  Bf
kg/cm2 (%) Kg/cm2 Degree
of Material Material gm/cc Kg/cm2 (%) (%)
Project (mm)
Ranjeet Riverbed 10 2.07 14.0 35.00 0.461 5.17 0 33.70 7.97
Sagar Riverbed 25 2.11 14.0 43.40 0.242 5.40 0 37.40 8.62
Riverbed 50 2.12 14.0 44.80 0.242 5.63 0 38.00 9.92
Riverbed 80 2.15 14.0 50.40 0.194 6.00 0 40.00 11.87
Tipai Riverbed 25 2.11 14.0 37.80 0.334 5.82 0 35.10 8.40
Dam Riverbed 50 2.15 14.0 40.60 0.334 6.21 0 36.30 9.80
Riverbed 80 2.16 14.0 44.80 0.334 6.33 0 38.00 11.60
Ranganadi Riverbed 25 2.11 8.0 17.60 0.258 7.95 0 31.60 6.74
Riverbed 50 2.15 8.0 20.00 0.258 8.47 0 33.70 8.11
Riverbed 80 2.18 8.0 23.20 0.258 8.61 0 36.30 9.79
Uri Riverbed 25 1.97 8.0 19.50 0.255 10.91 0 33.02 9.10
Riverbed 50 2.01 8.0 21.50 0.252 10.95 0 34.98 10.20
J&K Riverbed 80 2.02 8.0 25.00 0.250 11.00 0 37.86 11.10
Akhnoor Riverbed 25 2.28 8.0 19.00 0.310 17.80 0 33.61 6.20
Riverbed 50 2.27 8.0 20.40 0.310 17.00 0 34.15 8.90
J&K Riverbed 80 2.27 8.0 24.00 0.310 16.50 0 36.70 10.46 Summary of Test Methods

The test method includes

a) Placing the test specimen in the Oedometer cell at a pre-determined

placement density (87% of RD)

b) Saturating the specimen using top drainage system.

c) The specimen is subjected to different stress levels.

d) The values of the strains obtained and the lateral earth pressure developed at
different stress levels are recorded.
e) The sample is subjected to mechanical analysis and the breakage factor Bf is
determined. Apparatus

The equipment serves for large scale testing of fill materials comprising of maximum
particle size as big as 100 mm. Fig.10. The salient features of the equipment is as under:

a) Specimen size - 1000 mm diameter and 600 mm height.

a) Load Application - Vertical load: Actuator system with a capacity of 40 kg/cm2.

c) Load measurement - 3 load cells with sensitivity 10.45 kg/mV and capacity 130
ton each.

d) Lateral stress measurement - Strain gauge type transducers with a sensitivity of

0.005 kg/cm2/mV.

e) Strain measurement - (i) 3 strain dial gauges with sensitivity 0.01 mm/div.
with a travel of 100 mm each.

(ii) LVDT with a travel of ± 100 mm sensitivity 0.01


f) Membrane thickness - 5 mm

g) Porous plate - 988 mm diameter

h) Test control - By servo control data acquisition system Preparation of Sample

The various fractions required for achieving required in-situ dry density were computed
based on modelled gradation curve with 3 to 4% moisture for maintaining reasonably
uniform composition. The mixed material was then compacted in the Oedometer cell
(1000 mm dia.) in six predetermined layers using a dynamic servo compactor. Test Procedure

The various fraction required for achieving dry density corresponding to 87% of relative
density are computed based on gradation curve. These fractions were wetted with 3 to
4% moisture content for maintaining reasonably uniform composition of filter as per
physical observation based on pilot tests and mixed thoroughly. The mixed material were
then compacted in the Oedometer cell in six pre-determined layers using a dynamic servo
compactor. The top loading plate was then placed and the specimen was saturated using
top drainage system. After achieving full saturation, the material were subjected to
different stress levels. The load was kept constant using a computer controlled servo
system at each stress level for overnight so as to achieve full compression. In addition,
the values of lateral stress (σ3) developed for the corresponding vertical stress (σ1) were
also measured for the computation of coefficient of earth pressure at least (Ko) at each of
applied vertical stress levels.

To evaluate the coefficient of permeability constant head permeability test was conducted
immediately after achieving full compression at each stress levels. Calculations

The relationship between applied major principle stress (σ1) and the observed vertical
strain `ε1' is given by

 1 = m(  1 )


m' = Modulus number

a = Modulus exponent
Pa = Atmospheric pressure

Deformation modulus, M and Elastic modulus, E are given by the following relations:

1- a
 
M = m. Pa  1 
 Pa  (3.15)

(1+  ) (1 - 2  )
E= xM
(1 -  ) (3.16)


m is the modulus number and a‟ is the modulus exponent.

 = P oissons ratio = K 0
1+ K 0


K 0 = Coefficien t of earth pressure =
Coefficient of permeability (K) is given by the following relation:

Q L 1
K= x x
t h A (3.17)

Q = Total quantity of flow in a time interval t.

L = Length of the sample

h = Difference in the water level

A = Total cross-sectional area of the sample

Summary of Oedometer test results of various reiver valley projects is given in Table 2

3.1.9 Direct Shear Test for Rockfill Materials General

The DST is used to determine the shear strain and strength characteristics of rockfill materials.
The test is simple and can be performed in the field also. The large shear box referred to have is
a typical commercial machine designed for testing specimens up to 1000 mm square. The
apparatus is designed for testing free draining materials with a maximum particle size of 100
mm, 600 mm being the total depth/thickness of specimen. Application of shear load by
controlled strain test is recommended since it is simpler and provides accurate results. There is
provision for test to be conducted under submerged conditions. Apparatus

The component parts of direct shear device are as described in Fig. 11.
a) Shear box

It consists of upper and lower parts. The lower part moves relative to upper part. Upper
part is fixed with a bumper to provide reaction, while to lower part is fixed bearings to
reduce frictional face. The point of application of the shear force on the distribution plate
is in line with the plane of separation of the two halves of the separation hook. The upper
part is lifted with the four space jacks to fix different gap lengths between two halves.
Table 2: Summary of Oedometer Test Results of various River Valley Projects
Name Type of Max. Material Vertical Coeff. of Deformation Elastic Coeff. Poission's
of Material Particle Density Stress Earth Modulus Modulus of Ratio
Project Size (gm/cc) (σ1) Prerssure (M) (E) Permea
 = K0
(mm) kg/cm2 3 kg/cm2 kg/cm2 bility 1+ K 0
K0 = (K)
Ranganadi Riverbed 25 2.120 40.84 0.46 622.75 442.24 9.60X10- 0.320
H.E. 4
Riverbed 50 2.120 38.38 0.45 667.09 480.78 1.13X10- 0.310
Riverbed 100 2.140 40.12 0.44 740.38 541.30 1.67X10- 0.300
Ranjet Riverbed 64 2.231 36.21 0.48 39.57 27.25 6.12X10- 0.324
Sagar 4
A-3 80 2.110 38.72 0.52 38.77 89.44 1.18X10- 0.324
A-4 80 2.140 38.52 0.55 71.74 43.71 0.92X10- 0.355
A-5 80 2.355 35.52 0.51 36.99 24.23 1.49X10- 0.338
Riverbed 80 2.255 39.20 0.50 43.05 28.73 8.87X10- 0.333 No. A
Riverbed 80 2.160 39.20 0.50 64.17 42.78 2.93X10- 0.333
B-1 80 2.144 38.44 0.52 94.21 60.69 0.92X10- 0.342
No. B-2 64 2.200 38.54 0.50 42.79 28.53 6.00X10- 0.333
o. EP-1 80 2.062 39.10 0.51 854.91 560.39 0.84X10- 0.338
Purulia Quarry 25 2.100 31.83 0.52 732.80 473.20 8.10X10- 0.342
Pumped 3
Quarry 50 2.090 31.83 0.52 925.91 600.30 1.00X10- 0.342
Quarry 80 2.080 31.83 0.50 1043.00 692.25 1.10X10- 0.333
Purulia Quarry 20 2.06 31.83 0.53 741.71 471.60 7.19X10- 0.345
Pumped 3
Quarry 50 2.03 31.83 0.52 961.81 616.25 7.91X10- 0.343
Quarry 80 2.02 31.83 0.52 1168.07 755.22 9.40X10- 0.341
Punchesh Riverbed 20 2.03 38.20 0.430 1277.99 949.42 - 0.300
war Dam
Riverbed 40 2.04 36.19 0.410 1511.78 1153.6 - 0.290
Riverbed 80 2.05 36.45 0.370 1601.34 1281.5 - 0.290
Ranganadi Riverbed 25 2.12 40.84 0.460 622.75 442.24 - 0.320
Riverbed 50 2.12 38.38 0.450 667.09 480.78 - 0.310
Riverbed 100 2.14 40.11 0.440 740.38 541.30 - 0.300
Ranjit Riverbed 25 2.16 39.42 0.460 976.45 697.47 - 0.310
Riverbed 50 2.16 38.47 0.410 1104.67 843.26 - 0.290
Riverbed 80 2.24 39.11 0.390 1137.57 888.60 - 0.280

b) Loading plate

Rigid plate for applying the normal pressure, it is such that it can be
lowered on to the testing material, without supporting on an edge of the
upper book.

c) Load cells

load cells of 90 + capacity each for measuring normal load on the

specimen and 2 load cells for recording shear load.

d) Dial gauges

Accurate to 0.01 mm, for horizontal as well as vertical movement. Such

gauges are mounted one at each corner of the box, so that any silt of the
top loading plate can be measured.
Balance of 100 kg. capacity, sensitive to 10 gm. Preparation of specimen

The material is tamped in the shear box itself. For filling the shear box, is exactly lined
up to the lower box. Different gap lengths in the shear box are adjusted by lifting the
upper part to the demanded height with the four space jacks. After the gap is fixed, the
sample can be filled in. The testing material corresponding to a predetermined
relative density is filled in three layers; each layer being compacted sufficiently (based on
trial compaction) to achieve the required density. Procedure

The shear box with the specimen is pushed into position in the load frame such that the
load distribution plate can be lowered on to the testing material without supporting on an
edge of the upper box. The required normal stress is applied by moving out the cylinders
for normal load, altogether. The normal load is established up to the pre- selected value.
The vertical compression of the material with time is recorded. The shearing should be
conducted only after complete consolidation has occurred under the particular normal
stress. The shearing velocity is adjusted. The shearing load readings and the
corresponding longitudinal displacements are noted at regular determined intervals. A
minimum of 4 tests are made a separate specimens corresponding to a particular
maximum size of particle of the same density at different normal stress. The same
procedure is adopted for specimens corresponding to a different maximum size of
particles. Calculations

The normal load on the sample is the sum of all four loads on each jack. The load at
which the specimen is consolidated and the consolidation characterized as determined
during the consolidation part of the test are reported in the form of a timing curve. The
longitudinal displacement at a particular load or shear load at selected longitudinal
displacements noted directly from the strain dial readings, are obtained. The stress-
longitudinal displacements are plotted and the maximum shear and corresponding
longitudinal displacement together with the normal load applied during the test are
recorded. For rockfill materials, the maximum shear occurs at relatively small
displacements and there is no need for area correction. However, if need be, then
the corrected x-sectional area can be calculated from the following equation.

Concealed area = A0 - 2σL (3.18)


A0 = initial area of the specimen in cm2

σ = displacement in cm
L = side of square shear box in cm.

The maximum shear stress and the corresponding longitudinal displacement and applied
normal stress are recorded for each test and the results are presented in the form of a
graph in which the applied normal stress is plotted as abscissa and the maximum shearing
stress is plotted as ordinate to the same scale. The angle of shearing resistance (  ) may
be calculated from the angle which the resulting straight line makes with the horizontal
axis (  ) using the relation :

Sin  = Tan  (3.19)

and  = Sin-1 (Tan  ) (3.20)



4.1 Specifications of Rockfill Material

It is common to specify the following for rockfill for dam construction.

a) The source, type of rock and degree of weathering

b) The maximum particle size and layer thickness.

c) The rockfill particle size is further specified to ensure some medium size rock
fragments in the rockfill and to limit the amount of fines. Care needs to be
adopted in specifying such requirements, particularly for small dam projects as:

* It is costly and difficult to carry out testing to determine the particle size in
the embankment.

* The upper part of each layer is likely to be finer than the lower part
because of breakdown of rockfill under rolling action.

* for poor quality rockfill tight standards will not be achievable.

d) Roller type and number of passes

e) Roller trials are often specified to determine the number of passes

f) Rockfill is often required to be hard and durable.

g) Selection and placement of rip rap.

4.2 Specifications of Earthfill

It is common to specify the following for earth fill dam construction

a) The source of the earthfill

b) The maximum particle size of hard clay, gravel or rock fragments in the earth fill.

c) The particle size distribution.

d) An upper limit of fines

e) The Atterbergs limits

f) Layer thickness, water content and density ratio

g) Roller type and weight

h) The adjacent to the foundation

i) Water content adjustments

j) Compaction of edges of fill

4.3 Quality Control

4.3.1 General

The question of quality control for earth and rockfill dams have been addressed
by ICOLD and reported in Bulletin 56. The following discussion summarizes the
concepts of that bulletin, supplemented by some opinion of the authors and data
from Australian practice.

4.3.2 Methods and performance criteria

There are two principal types of technical specifications.

a) Method or procedure specifications which describe how the construction

is to be carried out in order to achieve the desired end product.

b) Performance or end product which describe the end result to be achieved

by the contractor.

Many dam specifications are a mixture of these two alternatives, and as has been
discussed above, this often unnecessary and can lead to in-efficient construction
procedures, unnecessary costly testing and disputation between constructor and
owner engineers when the method part of the specification fails to produce
required performance criteria.
4.3.3. Quality Control

a) Inspection:

Inspection must always form a critical part of any quality control plan.
The field and laboratory testing program should be seen as first
establishing the methods required to achieve required quality, then to
ensure that the quality is being maintained and as a definite quantifiable
means of rejecting substandard work.
b) Testing
Most testing which is carried out is for quality control i.e. to ensure that
the requirements of the specifications are being met. The selection of
areas or material for testing may be done in two ways.

* Selecting those areas which are to be judged by the

supervisor/instructor to be least likely to meet the specifications.
* Selecting test areas at random, at minimum recommended
* The latter method is better suited to establishing better limits to the
testing, allowing recognition of the fact that there is a statistical
sampling errors and that within a large mass of earth and rockfill, a
small proportion of the material failing to meet the basic
specification criteria will no affect overall performance.

c) Reporting

It is important that complete records should be kept of all construction

operations. The reporting should include

* Plans and specifications, including amendments and work as

* Final construction report written by the engineer

* Monthly progress reports and reports on technical meetings

* Reports from dam review panel
* Laboratory test reports
* Daily reports by all supervisory panel.

4.4 Testing of Rockfill

Particle size, density and permeability

The testing of rockfill to determine the particle size, compacted density and permeability
is complicated by the large size of rock particles. Betram (1972) describes field density
tests in rockfill with a maximum size of 0.45 m using a 1.8 m dia. density ring to define
the density in the place hole for equivalent samples of rock up to 1 m maximum size, a
ring and hole 3 m. dia. would be needed, giving about 15 tones of rockfill to be excavated
for a 1 m thick layer. This high lights the magnitude of the problem, and is the reason
why it is impracticable to carry out density and particle size distribution in the rockfill for
smaller dams.

Penman (1983) and Forssblad (1981) describe a compaction meter, which uses an
accelerograph to monitor the response of a vibratory roller and assists in determining
when the required degree of compaction has been achieved.

Permeability of rockfill can be determined by ring in filtration in-situ tests. If the rockfill
is permeable the quantities of water involved would be huge and the results of double

4.5 Compaction Control

Some common problems which arise in compaction control and which lead to the
disputation between contract and engineer include:

a) Specifying too high compaction standard, eg. 98 or even 100% density ratio,
modified compaction, for clay soils or 100% density index for granular soils.

b) Specifying unnecessarily restrictive water content range

c) Carrying out insufficient laboratory tests. The density ratio is obtained by

comparing the density in place with the maximum dry density obtained in the

d) Breakdown of materials during compaction. Soils which contain pieces of

weathered rock or gravel which break down under compaction, will often give a
higher laboratory maximum density if the compaction is carried out on soil dug
from adjacent the density in place test hole.

e) Property change on drying

f) Vibration from nearby construction equipment may affect the density obtained by
sand replacement methods.

g) Inadequate curing of samples

h) Specification of standard soil tests for gravelly materials.

Some other approaches for compaction control of clay soils are as under

* Specifying water content and density ratio based on wet density

* Specifying undrained shear strength of compacted earth fill.




Fig. 13: Typical Cross Section of Tehri Earth and Rockfill Dam

The Project

Tehri dam project is the first multipurpose project constructed at the confluence of the
rivers Bhagirathi and Bhilangana near Tehri Town. This project impounds surplus monsoon
water and river flow and utilizes the same for power generation, irrigation and drinking water
purposes round the year. The dam height is 260.5 m above the deepest foundation level. In view
of high seismicity of the area, (Zone-IV of seismic zonation map of India) earth and rockfill dam
was recommended by many world famous experts from different countries. Intensive geological
investigations and studies were carried out to assess the tectonic features and to assess the
maximum credible earthquake (magnitude of above 8.0 on Richter scale) which can occur at dam

CSMRS carried out construction material survey nearby dam site for all the zone materials viz.
Shell, Clay Core, Fine and Coarse Filters, Riprap etc. After identifying the suitable quarries of
different materials, detailed field and laboratory investigations were carried out to find out
material properties and their suitability for use in the construction of dam. CSMRS was involved
in the quality control assurance work throughout the construction of the dam.

Salient Features of the project are indicated below:

1. Main Dam

Type : Earth and Rockfill

Top Level : 839.50 m
Height : 260.5 m above deepest foundation level
Width of Riverbed : 1141 m
Length of Top : 575 m
Width of Top : 20 m, Flared 25 m on abutments

2. Diversion Tunnels

On left bank : 2 Nos., 11.30 m dia. (Horse Shoe)

1774 & 1778 m long
On right bank : 2 Nos., 11.30 m dia. 1298 & 1429 m long
Diversion flood : 8120 Cumecs

3. Reservoir

Catchment Area : 7511 sq. km

H.F.L. : 835 m
N.R.L. : 830 m
Dead Storage Level : 740 m
Gross Storage : 3540 million m3
Live Storage : 2615 million m3

4. Spillway

Type : Chute Spillway

Crest Elevation : 812.5 m
Design Discharge : 11000 Cumecs
No. & size of Bays : 4 Nos. 14 x 17.5 m
Discharge Intensity : 153 Cumecs
Type of Gates : Yainter
5. Power House
Type : Under Ground 2 Nos.
Cavity Size : 134 x 22 x 50 m (Stage I)
144 x 22 x 65 m (Stage-II)
Design Head : 188 m
Head Race Tunnels : Total Length-4441 m

6. Installed Capacity

(i) Stage-I : 1000 MW (4 x 250)

(ii) Stage-II : 1000 MW (4 x 250)

7. Benefits

Annual Power Generation : 3091 million units (90% availability)

Annual Irrigation : 0.27 million Hectares

Field and Laboratory Investigations:

CSMRS carried out the field and laboratory investigations of all the construction
materials viz. clay core, filter, shell, riprap and foundation rock for evaluating the design
parameters. The detail field investigations were carried out for evaluating an average prototype
gradation curve at project site. Based on the average prototype gradation curve, modeled
gradation curves were derived for obtaining the modeled rockfill material for carrying out further
laboratory investigations. The detail laboratory investigations viz. relative density, specific
gravity, large size triaxial shear and one dimensional compression (Oedometer) tests were
carried out on modeled rockfill materials for determining the design parameters. Using the
design parameters of modeled rockfill materials, design parameters for prototype rockfill
material were determined using available extrapolation methods. These design parameters have
been used for designing the Tehri Earth and Rockfill Dam. Similarly, the design parameters for
all other construction materials were determined using standard procedures given in various BIS

Following are the determined design parameters for Tehri earth and rockfill dam.

(1) Rockfill

(i) Young‟s Modulus (E) = 200 MPa

(ii) Poisson‟s Ratio () = 0.25

(iii) Unit Weight = 0.0236 MN/M3

(iv)  Value = 420

(v) Value = 20
(vi) c Value = 0.07 MPa
(II) Clay Core

(i) Young‟s Modulus (E) = 100 MPa

(ii) Poisson‟s Ratio () = 0.45

(iii) Unit Weight = 0.0195 MN/M3

(iv)  Value = 280

(v) Value = 1.750

(vi) c Value = 0.05 MPa

(III) Fine Filter

(i) Young‟s Modulus (E) = 150 MPa

(ii) Poisson‟s Ratio () = 0.22

(iii) Unit Weight = 0.020 MN/M3

(iv)  Value = 380

(v) Value = 30

(vi) c Value = 0.01 MPa

(IV) Coarse Filter

(i) Young‟s Modulus (E) = 150 MPa

(ii) Poisson‟s Ratio () = 0.22

(iii) Unit Weight = 0.020 MN/M3

(iv)  Value = 420

(v) Value = 30

(vi) c Value = 0.01 MPa

(V) Riprap

(i) Young‟s Modulus (E) = 175 MPa

(ii) Poisson‟s Ratio () = 0.23

(iii) Unit Weight = 0.018 MN/M3

(iv)  Value = 420

(v) Value = 30

(vi) c Value = 0.01 MPa

(VI) Foundation

(i) Young‟s Modulus (E) = 10000 MPa

(ii) Poisson‟s Ratio () = 0.25

(iii) Unit Weight = 0.026 MN/M3

(iv) In-situ Stress ratio (K0) = 1.5

(v)  Value = 500

(vi) Value = 1.50

(vii) c Value = 0.01 MPa


Fig. 14: Typical Cross Section of Dhauliganga Concrete Faced Rockfill Dam

The Project

Dhauliganga I hydro-electric project is the first and the lowest stage of harnessing this tributary
of the River Kali, and is located near the Nepali border, about 600 km north east of Delhi. It is
essentially a run-of-river scheme, with limited storage, able to develop a gross head of about 300
m, with an installed capacity of 280 MW. The key structure of the project is the 56 m high,
concrete-face rockfill dam (CFRD), one of the first dams of this type to be founded on alluvium,
the deposits of which at the dam site are up to 60 m thick. A design was developed for the
sealing of these alluvia by means of a very deep diaphragm (plastic concrete) cut-off wall. The
head of the cut-off wall is connected to the dam face by an articulated plinth of unusual design.
The gated spillway and power intake structures are located adjacent to the dam and are designed
to minimize the inflow of sediments into the pressure waterways, whilst allowing their efficient
flushing from the reservoir during periods of flood. Desilting chambers are nevertheless still
needed and these are located underground, directly d/s of the power intake structure. The surge
chamber is a 15 m dia.vertical shaft below which the two, partially steel-lined pressure shafts,
each of 4 m dia., convey water to the four 70 MW located in the power cavern. The generated
energy is converted to 220 kV by twelve, single phase transformers housed, together with the
gas- insulated switchgear, in a separate, parallel cavern. A 330 km, 220 kV double-circuit line
connects into the NHPC sub-station at Bareilly.

Salient Features of the project are indicated below:

1. Main Dam

Type : Concrete Faced Rockfill Dam

Height : 56 m above deepest foundation level
Length of Top : 270 m
Elevation of dam crest : 1351.0 m a.s.l.

2. Diversion Tunnels

Shape : Horse Shoe

Diameter (lined) : 10.0 m
Length between portals : about 750 m

3. Reservoir

Maximum Reservoir Level : 1348.5 m a.s.l.

Full Reservoir Level : 1345.0 m a.s.l.
Minimum Drawdown Level : 1330.0 m a.s.l.
Gross Storage Volume : 6.2 million m3
Live Storage Volume : 1.54 million m3

4. Spillway

Type : Chute Spillway

Design flood : 3210 Cumecs
No. & size of Bays : 3 Nos. 10 m high x 6 m wide
Energy Dissipation : Flip bucket

5. Power House

Type : Under Ground

Installed Capacity : 280 MW
Cavity Size : 103 m x 16.5 m x 39.0 m high
Design Head : 311 m
Type of Turbine : Francis, Vertical axis

Field and Laboratory Investigations:

CSMRS carried out the field and laboratory investigations of rockfill materials for
evaluating the design parameters. The detail field investigations were carried out for evaluating
an average prototype gradation curve at project site. Based on the average prototype gradation
curve, modeled gradation curves were derived for obtaining the modeled rockfill material for
carrying out further laboratory investigations. The detail laboratory investigations viz. relative
density, specific gravity, large size triaxial shear and one dimensional compression (Oedometer)
tests were carried out on modeled rockfill materials for determining the design parameters. Using
the design parameters of modeled rockfill materials, design parameters for prototype rockfill
material were determined using available extrapolation methods. These design parameters have
been used for designing the Dhauliganga Concrete Faced Rockfill Dam.

Following are the determined design parameters for Tehri earth and rockfill dam.

(I) Rockfill

(i) Young‟s Modulus (E) = 1900 MPa

(ii) Poisson‟s Ratio () = 0.24

(iii) Unit Weight = 0.022 MN/M3

(iv)  Value = 410

(v) Value = 1.80

(vi) c Value = 0.06 MPa


Fig. 15: Typical Cross Section of Ramganga Earth and Rockfill Dam

The Project

The Ramganga dam is also known the Kalagarh dam. It is an embankment dam on the
Ramganga River 3 km upstream of Kalagrah in Pauri Garhwal district, Uttarakhand, India. It is
located within the Jim Corbett National Park. The dam is part of the Ramganga Multipurpose
Project. This project is used for supplying the water for irrigation, power generation, flood
control and recreation purposes. The project generates the power of 198 MW and supplies water
for the irrigation of 57,500 ha of farmland. Construction of the dam began in 1961 and it was
completed in in 1974. The three generators in the power station were commissioned in December
1975, November 1976 and March 1977.

Salient Features of the project are indicated below:

1. Main Dam

Type : Earth and Rockfill Dam

Height : 128 m above deepest foundation level
Length of Top : Earth dam 625.8 m
Chute Spillway 604.97 m
Elevation of dam crest : R.L. 371.0 m

2. Reservoir

Maximum Reservoir Depth : 119.9 m

Gross Storage Volume : 2,449.6 million m3 (including Saddle Dam)
Live Storage Volume : 2,195.5 million m3 (including Saddle Dam)

3. Spillway

Type : Chute Spillway

Design flood : 7,603.1Cumecs
No. & size of Bays : 5 Nos. 14 m high x 14.6 m wide

4. Feeder Canals

Length : 108 kms

5. Benefits

Irrigation : 0.746 M. ha.

Power Generation : 198,000 kW

Field and Laboratory Investigations:

CSMRS carried out the field and laboratory investigations of rockfill materials for
evaluating the design parameters. The detail field investigations were carried out for evaluating
an average prototype gradation curve at project site. Based on the average prototype gradation
curve, modeled gradation curves were derived for obtaining the modeled rockfill material for
carrying out further laboratory investigations. The detail laboratory investigations viz. relative
density, specific gravity, large size triaxial shear and one dimensional compression (Oedometer)
tests were carried out on modeled rockfill materials for determining the design parameters. Using
the design parameters of modeled rockfill materials, design parameters for prototype rockfill
material were determined using available extrapolation methods. These design parameters have
been used for designing the Ramganga Earth and Rockfill Dam.

Following are the determined design parameters for Tehri earth and rockfill dam.

(I) Rockfill
(i) Young‟s Modulus (E) = 200 MPa

(ii) Poisson‟s Ratio () = 0.25

(iii) Unit Weight = 0.0236 MN/M3

(iv)  Value = 420

(v) Value = 20

(vi) c Value = 0.07 MPa


Fig. 16: Typical Cross Section of Rangit Sagar Earth and Rockfill Dam

About the Project

Ranjit Sagar Dam Project with an installed capacity of 600 MW and 160 meter high earth core
cum gravel shell Dam is a gigantic multipurpose river valley project. Project is named after
Maharaja Ranjit Singh the renowned ruler of Punjab. Dam is located in a gorge section near
village Thein of J&K and as such it is also known as Thein Dam. It is 24 Km upstream of
Madhopur Head Works. Ranjit Sagar Reservoir spreading in an area of 8700 sqkm falls in three
states of J&K, Punjab & Himachal Pradesh. Project is an embodiments of interstate relationship.
Indus water treaty was signed between India and Pakistan in 1960. India has exclusive rights on
the waters of River Ravi. Ravi unit-I scheme comprising of Ranjit Sagar Dam & Shahpurkandi
Dam was conceived for optimum utilization of the water of river Ravi in Punjab for Hydro
Power Generation & Irrigation.

Salient Features of the project are indicated below:

1. Main Dam

Type : Earth Core – cum Gravel Shell Dam

Height : 160.0 m above deepest foundation level
Length at top of the dam : 617.0 m
Width at top of the dam : 14.0 m
Maximum width at base of : 669.2 m
the dam

2. Reservoir

Catchment Area : 6086 km2

Reservoir Area : 8700 km2
Gross Storage Volume : 3280.0 million m3
Live Storage Volume : 2344.0 million m3

3. Spillway

Type : Chute Spillway

Design flood : 20678 Cumecs
Clear water way of spillway : 109.0 m

4. Benefits
Power Generation : 600 MW
Flood Control
Development of Fishries
Tourism etc.

Field and Laboratory Investigations:

CSMRS carried out the field and laboratory investigations of rockfill materials for
evaluating the design parameters. The detail field investigations were carried out for evaluating
an average prototype gradation curve at project site. Based on the average prototype gradation
curve, modeled gradation curves were derived for obtaining the modeled rockfill material for
carrying out further laboratory investigations. The detail laboratory investigations viz. relative
density, specific gravity, large size triaxial shear and one dimensional compression (Oedometer)
tests were carried out on modeled rockfill materials for determining the design parameters. Using
the design parameters of modeled rockfill materials, design parameters for prototype rockfill
material were determined using available extrapolation methods. These design parameters have
been used for designing the Ranjit Sagar Earth and Rockfill Dam.

Following are the determined design parameters for Tehri earth and rockfill dam.

(I) Rockfill

(i) Young‟s Modulus (E) = 210 MPa

(ii) Poisson‟s Ratio () = 0.27

(iii) Unit Weight = 0.0221 MN/M3

(iv)  Value = 430

(v) Value = 2.50

(vi) c Value = 0.05 MPa


Fig. 17: Typical Cross Section of Kol Earth and Rockfill Dam

The Project

The proposed Kol dam hydroelectric project is located across river Satluj, near Bilaspur,
Himachal Pradesh. The project envisages construction of a 163 m high earth and rockfill dam
with impervious clay core, a 420 m long concrete chute spillway with gated crest, and associated
structures like diversion tunnel, desilting chamber, powerhouse, etc. It is estimated that about 2.0
million cubic metres of impervious clay core material is required for the construction of the core
of the rockfill dam.
CSMRS was involved in the geotechnical investigations of the borrow area materials for
ascertaining the suitability of the borrow area materials to be used as core materials for the
proposed Kol dam project, Himachal Pradesh. The borrow areas investigated so far are Devla
Chhamp, Harnora Terrace, Sherpa Terrace, Chymyan Terrace, Kasol Terrace, Kian Terrace,
Aina Terrace, Slapper, Beri, Panjgain, Sundar Nagar, Naulakha and Kanaid borrow areas. Since
large quantities of suitable core materials are required for the construction of clay core at the Kol
dam, investigations for identifying the potential borrow areas are being carried out. Presently the
geotechnical investigations are carried out in respect of the Mahadev borrow area. The
geotechnical investigations on the borrow area materials involved characterization of physical
and engineering properties of the soil samples collected from the borrow areas to arrive at the
design parameters. CSMRS officers visited the Mahadev borrow area and collected
representative soil samples for further testing in the CSMRS laboratory. Detailed laboratory
investigations were carried out on collected representative soil samples and evaluated the design
parameters. The detailed technical report on field and laboratory investigations for Mahadev
borrow area of Kol dam project has been submitted to project collected soil samples were tested

Salient Features of the project are indicated below:

6. Main Dam

Type : Earth and Rockfill Dam

Height : 125.6 m above deepest foundation level
Length of Top : Earth dam 625.8 m
Chute Spillway 604.97 m
Elevation of dam crest : R.L. 371.0 m

7. Reservoir

Maximum Reservoir Depth : 119.9 m

Gross Storage Volume : 2,449.6 million m3 (including Saddle Dam)
Live Storage Volume : 2,195.5 million m3 (including Saddle Dam)

8. Spillway

Type : Chute Spillway

Design flood : 7,603.1Cumecs
No. & size of Bays : 5 Nos. 14 m high x 14.6 m wide

9. Feeder Canals

Length : 108 kms

10. Benefits

Irrigation : 0.746 M. ha.

Power Generation : 198,000 kW

Field and Laboratory Investigations:

CSMRS carried out the field and laboratory investigations of rockfill materials for
evaluating the design parameters. The detail field investigations were carried out for evaluating
an average prototype gradation curve at project site. Based on the average prototype gradation
curve, modeled gradation curves were derived for obtaining the modeled rockfill material for
carrying out further laboratory investigations. The detail laboratory investigations viz. relative
density, specific gravity, large size triaxial shear and one dimensional compression (Oedometer)
tests were carried out on modeled rockfill materials for determining the design parameters. Using
the design parameters of modeled rockfill materials, design parameters for prototype rockfill
material were determined using available extrapolation methods. These design parameters have
been used for designing the Kol Earth and Rockfill Dam.

Following are the determined design parameters for Tehri earth and rockfill dam.

(I) Rockfill

(i) Young‟s Modulus (E) = 185 MPa

(ii) Poisson‟s Ratio () = 0.28

(iii) Unit Weight = 0.021 MN/M3

(iv)  Value = 390

(v) Value = 3.50

(vi) c Value = 0.08 MPa



In the recent years, there has been enormous increase in the use of rockfill materials for the
construction of rockfill dams to harness the natural water resources. Rockfill consists of gravels,
cobbles and boulders obtained either from the natural riverbed or by blasting the rock quarry.
The behaviour of rockfill material used in the construction of rockfill dams is affected by number
of factors such as mineral composition, particle size, shape, gradation, relative density and
surface texture of the particles. Therefore, the understanding and characterization of the
behaviour of these materials are of considerable importance for the analysis and safe design of
the rockfill dams.

Riverbed/alluvial is a rounded to subrounded in shape and blasted quarried rockfill materials is

an angular to subangular in shape. Both types of rockfill materials behave differently. Therefore,
both materials need to be tested and study their behaviour in detail before using them as a
construction material. Rockfill materials with a maximum particle size of 1200 mm is used in the
rockfill dam. It is not feasible to test the rockfill materials with such a large particle size. Some
kind of modeling techniques are to be used to scale down the maximum particle size so that the
specimens prepared with modeled rockfill material can be tested in the laboratory. Both rockfill
materials have been modelled down to three maximum particle sizes i.e. 25, 50 and 80 mm for
carrying out laboratory investigations.

Field and laboratory investigations have been carried out for both types of materials collected
from different river valley projects all over India. In this Manual, the detail procedure for
conducting various field and laboratory tests on rockfill material is briefed. The rockfill materials
have been tested for some of the index properties viz. specific gravity, water absorption ratio,
aggregate crushing value, aggregate impact value and Los Angeles abrasion value.

Modelled rockfill materials have been tested in a large size triaxial testing equipment with a
specimen size of 381 mm diameter and 813 mm height. All the triaxial tests were conducted
under drained conditions with different confining pressures. The breakage factor has been
determined for all the specimens at the end of the test. The stress-strain-volume change
behaviour of all the tested riverbed and quarried modelled rockfill materials is studied and
determined shear strength parameters, c and . The breakage factor has been determined at the
end of the test for all the specimens tested.

From the experimental stress-strain-volume change behaviour, following conclusions are drawn:

(i) The behaviour of both riverbed and quarried rockfill material is non-linear, inelastic and
stress dependent. The deviatoric stress and the axial strain at failure increases with
increase in confining pressure for both rockfill materials. The effect of confining pressure
is similar on both riverbed and quarried rockfill materials. Similar behaviour is observed
for both materials tested with different relative densities.

(ii) The volumetric strains at failure increases with increase in confining pressure and
maximum particle size for both riverbed and quarried rockfill materials. The volume
expansion is more in quarried rockfill materials than that in riverbed rockfill materials.
The volumetric strain at failure decreases with increase in relative density. The rate of
change of the volumetric strain at failure with respect to confining pressure is higher in
case of quarried rockfill materials than that for riverbed rockfill materials.

(iii) The breakage factor increases with increase in confining pressure and maximum particle
size for both riverbed and quarried rockfill materials. The rate of change of breakage
factor with respect to confining pressure is higher in case of quarried rockfill materials
than that for riverbed rockfill materials. The breakage factor increases with increase in
relative density.

(iv) The modulus of elasticity of rockfill materials, E increases for riverbed and decreases for
quarried rockfill materials with respect to maximum particle size. The modulus of
elasticity, E increases with increase in relative density.
(v) Poisson‟s ratio, ν decreases with increase in maximum particle size for riverbed rockfill
materials while it remains almost constant with maximum particle size for quarried
rockfill materials. The value of ν is slightly more for riverbed than the quarried rockfill
materials. Poisson‟s ratio increases marginally with increase in relative density.

(vi) The elastic constant, k increases for riverbed and decreases for quarried rockfill materials
with respect to maximum particle size. Elastic constant, n does not have any definite
trend with maximum particle size for both riverbed and quarried rockfill materials. Also,
no correlation has been observed between n and relative density.

(vii) The -value increases with increase in maximum particle size for riverbed rockfill
materials while it decreases with increase in maximum particle size for quarried rockfill


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TITLE Page No.







1.1 Rockfill Materials 1

1.2 Need for Characterization 1
1.3 Approach 1


2.1 Selection/collection of Rockfill Materials 2

2.2 Derivation of Prototype and Modeled Gradation Curve 3
2.3 Determination of In-situ Density of Rockfill Material
2.3.1 Scope 4
2.3.2 Significance and Use 4
2.3.3 Methodology 4
2.3.4 Apparatus 4
2.3.5 Test procedure 5
2.3.6 Calculations 6
2.4 Modeling of Rockfill Materials 6


3.0 Introduction 8
3.1 Index Properties 8
3.1.1 Determination of Specific Gravity and Water Content 8 General 8 Apparatus 8 Test Procedure
9 Calculations 9
3.1.2 Determination of Aggregate Crushing Value 10 Object 10 General 10 Apparatus 10 Sample Preparation 11 Test Procedure
11 Calculations 12
3.1.3 Determination of Aggregate Abrasion Value 12 Object 12 General 12 Test Procedure
12 Test Method using Deval Machine 12 Apparatus 12 Abrasive Charge 13 Grading 13 Weight 13 Crushed Gravel 14 Procedure 14 Calculations 14 Test Method using Los Angles Machine 15 Apparatus 15 Abrasion Charge 15 Test Sample 16 Procedure 16 Calculations 16 Results 17
3.1.4 Determination of Crushing Strength 17 General 17 Apparatus 17 Test Specimen 17 Size of the Sample 17 Procedure 17 Calculations 18
3.1.5 Determination of Aggregate Impact Value 18 General 18 Apparatus 18 Test Sample 19 Test Procedure
19 Calculations 20
3.1.6 Determination of Density Index (Relative Density, D) 20 General 20 Density Index (Relative Density) 20 Apparatus 20 Rockfill Materials 22 Procedure for the Determination of Minimum Density 22 Procedure for the Determination of Maximum Density 22 Calculations 23 Minimum Density 23 Maximum Density 23 Density Index 23
3.1.7 Large size Triaxial tests 24 General 24 Significance and Use 24 Summary of Test Results 24 Apparatus 25 Test Procedure 28
3.1.8 Determination of Compressibility and Permeability Characteristics
30 General 30 Significance and Use 30 Summary of Test Results 31 Apparatus 32 Preparation of Samples 32 Test procedure 33 Calculations 34
3.1.9 Direct Shear Test for Rockfill Materials 35 General 35 Apparatus 35 Preparation of Specimen 38 Procedure 39 Calculations 39



4.1 Specifications of Rockfill Material 40

4.2 Specifications of Earthfill 40
4.3 Quality Control 41
4.3.1 General 41
4.3.2 Methods and Performance Criteria 41
4.3.3 Quality Control 41
4.3.4 Testing of Rockfills 42
4.3.5 Compaction Control 43


5.1 Tehri Earth and Rockfill Dam 44

5.2 Dhauliganga Concrete Faced Rockfill Dam (CFRD) 49
5.3 Ramganga Earth and Rockfill Dam 52
5.4 Ranjit Sagar Earth and Rockfill Dam 55
5.5 Kol Earth and Rockfill Dam



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