NPC Ideas: Follow Me, and Die! Larry Hamilton NPC-01
NPC Ideas: Follow Me, and Die! Larry Hamilton NPC-01
NPC Ideas: Follow Me, and Die! Larry Hamilton NPC-01
Quick NPC Ideas 1
Old Characters as NPCs 2
Forgiveness Factor 2
Motivations 3
Names 5
Name Generator 5
Group Name Generator 7
Picking A Name 8
Ship Names 8
Biographical Outline 12
Old Age and Treachery 12
Jerk 13
Half-Elf 13
Artist 13
My Old Characters 14
Product Identity 21
Open Content 21
Open Game License 21
A Non-Player Character (NPC), are all of the people and creatures the players encounter in the world
presented by the GM. The GM must portray all of the NPCs. This PDF aims to help with various ideas for
creating NPCs.
Different GMs do this differently. Some merely portray them by the way the NPC describes things and
using a standard vocabulary for a given type of NPC, like town guards.
Other GMs go all out and get into doing voices and facial expressions and the whole nine yards, much like a
parent does when reading a bedtime story.
There is no right way for the GM to portray an NPC. As long as the players know which NPC they are
talking to and everyone is having fun, you are doing it right.
QUICK NPC IDEAS of them are fair game to help you make the next
town’s tavern owner different from the last. Street
If you need an NPC quickly here are a couple of urchins can have traits and manners of speaking like
ideas. the characters from The Little Rascals (I prefer the
originals from the B&W shorts).
Do you need a classed NPC?
Build Templates
Use one of your old characters from back in the day. If you struggle with on the spot development of
This works best if you have played a character of the NPCs, build templates that emphasize a major trait
type you need. However, you can easily transfer flavored with minor traits. For example, a greedy
names and traits onto any class. As an example, I merchant template could take the used car salesman
have included all of my player characters from back trope and flavor it based on your own experience
in the day for which I still have character sheets. buying used cars. Some talk fast, some dress
gaudily, others dress sharply, some dress slovenly.
You can also steal a classed NPC from another Greed can take different forms. One is honest so
GM’s world. You may not know their stats, but you does not lie to gain the sale, while others have no
know how to present them. scruples other than whatever it takes to get the sale.
Do you need a generic NPC? You can also sit with the 1e DMG and roll on the
tables to build random NPCs. They can just be
Steal one from one of your GM’s campaigns. Tavern collections of traits on index cards, and you just grab
owner, shop keeper, etc. the next one when it is needed. You can also script
them in a spreadsheet, power shell, bash, or
Do you need a trait for a monster? programs like Inspiration Pad Pro. Then you can
generate hundreds and pull one out when you need
Take examples of how the past GMs you have it, or even create them on the fly at the table.
played with expressed their orcs, ogres, giants, etc.
The beauty of taking characters from one game to Find a way that works best for you. Build a mental
another is that it doesn’t have to be rule specific or catalog as you go on a long walk or drive, or mow
genre specific. For example, a greedy merchant can the lawn. Create a card catalog or lists on the
be a robber baron, Wall Street investment banker, computer. Whether you speak in different voices, or
space corporation executive, etc. The main thing you just describe their mannerisms and tone, you should
are after is the portrayal of the character; the class, always be able to come up with a new NPC’s
race, and abilities are secondary. characteristics on the fly.
Pay Attention
The key to acquiring new NPC concepts is to pay
attention to the repertoire of other GMs. Playing in
other games whether in person, online, or at
conventions, is a great way to get exposed to NPC
“templates.” The more memorable the portrayal, the
easier to recall. However, not all memorable NPC’s
are over the top, larger than life personas. Many are
regular people, and can be bland or generic.
Reviewing lists of character traits in the AD&D
Dungeon Master’s Guide is a good way to be on the
right wavelength to pull out a believable persona.
You might be thinking that the characters get to a While I was doing my dishes one evening after
certain level in the game and retire to become supper, my thoughts wandered and for some reason,
famous NPC’s for future players and their characters people from my past whose reactions to minor
to encounter or hear tales of them. slights came to mind. I thought of those who had a
negative reaction to something minor (in my
However, what I want to think about for a bit, is perception), and some had a strongly negative
using YOUR old characters as the NPC’s in YOUR reaction that colored how we interacted from then
campaign/world. How many of us have had on.
perfectly good characters that you roll up and get to
playing and maybe get to play in only 1 or two RPG Angle
sessions before the group falls apart? Perhaps you
manage to play in a lot of sessions and only gain a What if we classified NPCs based on their reactions
few levels. I still have several of my more well-liked to slights, errors, and failures? This could apply to
character’s sheets. any NPC, but it would be more interesting to use it
for pre-selected NPCs so you can plan out how a
I have long thought of using them in my game. negative reaction manifests.
Some of them could make a cameo appearance, as
their personalities would make for an interesting More simply, those who hire PCs to do a job might
encounter in a town, dungeon, or other odd be offended by some cultural gaffe that is generally
situation. Others might be NPC’s that have considered inappropriate. The leader of the town
information the players can use, or might take takes it personally and from then on only turns to the
advantage of or rob the characters. PCs for help when there is no other choice.
Reneging on payment, setting them up to fail, and
Some of them could be thrown across the outright vengeance, such as hired assassins. The
dimensions and just make a quick appearance as reactions some people have to things can come
window dressing or a maguffin/red herring. across as flat out insane.
Some of my past characters did not have well- It could be that only one character has earned the ire
defined qualities, or only certain qualities that can of the NPC, and the NPC tries to convince the others
still be useful for NPC’s. Why not take the creative to leave the offender out of their business dealings.
energy you used to create those characters and use
them to bring in whole cloth a new NPC, or borrow Rough Tables
bits and pieces to make similar NPC’s. It can’t hurt
to borrow NPC’s from all the GM’s you’ve ever Here are some rough tables to outline what I’m
experienced. I know I borrow the way my brother thinking. Keep in mind that these are for individuals
portrays hill giants. “Aw’rite, what ya got, we’e here who have a petty mind and make lemons seem
ta loot ya.” As they menacingly tap a huge club in sweet. They will be abrupt, just the facts, get the
their hand. offender(s) out of their presence ASAP.
Being a good GM is taking ideas from all your Some of the behaviors will be actively avoiding the
experiences from TV, movies, books, and the rest of offender(s). For example, never using the same door
life to add a sense of life to the game. Why not as the offender(s), pretending to not be home,
include your past characters in the mix? pretending they don’t see or hear the offender, etc.
Medium – The offender has caused great grief and MOTIVATIONS
Major –The worst thing ever! They see the offender Motivations are what “makes” us do the things we
as their nemesis. do?
Disposition to the Player(s): The Wikipedia article on motivation goes into great
detail on the psychological study of motivation.
Neutral – What can the player(s) do for me? Won’t While it is helpful and might spur one to have an
voluntarily aid the player(s), without some great idea that can be applied to an RPG, it gets into too
compulsion. much detail for most of us.
Negative, Minor – Will throw up red tape, delays,
and generally unhelpful. Player(s) will sit in the Motivations are filtered through many different
waiting room and will always go in last, unless there categories that someone falls into, plus the means
is for some reason, another person or group higher available to act on that motivation.
Negative, Medium – Will instruct underlings to not Basic needs drive us, such as food, clothing, shelter,
help the player(s). Some underlings will be sexual desire, etc.
apologetic for their superior’s behavior. No guilt
about sending player(s) on a suicide mission. It is our ability to act on fulfilling these needs that
Disappointed if they survive, even if a success. shades our actions. That is, our means to achieve the
Negative, Major – Underlings are instructed to desired end. A poor person who can’t hunt or fish,
actively delay, hinder, annoy, and seek to damage will resort to theft or begging. A person who is not
the offender(s). Damage may be to reputation, destitute, will have other means available to them.
relationships, or life. One’s culture and background will influence what is
Negative, Ridiculous – Will hire others to maim or acceptable for food. A cannibal who is poor might
kill the offender(s). resort to murder in order to eat. Cultural norms
around cannibalism might prevent eating anyone in
Can it be rectified? your own tribe or ethnic group, motivating one to
find some other type of food.
Is there anyway to remove the animosity? For some,
they may just drop a notch on their disposition to the Higher order “needs” might be the desire for power,
offender(s). whether it is magical, religious, political, etc.
Depending on the alignment of one seeking power,
● Charm Person and Suggestion can temporarily it might be sought and achieved in a way that is a
resolve it. benefit to a large number, thus getting “buy-in” from
● Forget if cast close enough in time to the affront. others. For example, a strong orc chief that unites
● Only a Wish, or similar could do it. the tribes and becomes a king, will have support
● Divine intervention. from others because they all get a shot at the
● Saving their life. increased loot, etc. A powerful evil wizard who is
● For some not even saving their life will make manipulating this orc king for her own ends sees the
them change their mind. orcs as only a tool and could care less how the
● Saving a loved one’s life. common orc benefits.
● For some this too is not enough.
● Taking out someone higher on THE LIST than With the passage of time and other events that
the offender(s). occur, the motivation may change. It may be
● May not work for some. redirected to a new motivation, or the original
motivation may be strengthened or weakened. For
Conclusion example, if the evil wizard acquires the item she was
looking for, how does this change the motivation? If
The above is only a rough idea of what can be done the item is not the all powerful thing it was supposed
with this idea. A similar exercise with other traits of to be, does that result in seeking a different item,
people you have encountered in life can be used to renewed efforts to seek the real or a better item, or
build a similar set of tables. Not all tables need be cause them to give up on their quest for power?
rollable tables. They can be idea tables that you read
to get a jumpstart for brainstorming your own ideas.
The changing situation can result in a reversal. We What is the object of their motivation? This could
all know that once we get something we think we be a who.
really want, that all too often, we realize that having
it is not what we thought it would be. Our initial ● Food is the object of the hungry.
excitement about finally having a long desired item ● Money, power, magic, etc. is the object of the
falls flat. Do we then stop seeking such things, or do greedy.
we move on to acquiring the next new thing? ● Fame, glory and wealth is the object of the
Below are some ideas for tables to help craft
motivations for NPCs. Apply the 5 H’s of Journalism to an NPC’s
● Who wants it? Which NPC or group?
● Social Status – peasant, noble, monster, etc. ● What do they want?
● Economic Status – rich, poor ● When do they want it? When will they get it? (If
● Cultural Status – How does the culture view the PC’s or other circumstances don’t stop them.
something? Does the time of year, phase of the moon,
● Religious Status – Religious/non-religious and to presence of a legendary comet matter?)
what degree? Is there some goal that one’s ● Where is the thing they want? (Distance,
religion places in high regard, like a pilgrimage difficulty, challenge, feasibility, etc.)
to a specific destination? ● How will they get the thing they want? (Is it
● Current Events Status – How does the present even possible to get it? Is a required ritual one
state of the world influence the ability to act on a that can be interrupted?)
motivation? If there is a war, how does that ● Why do they want it? This is their motivation.
change things?
● Alignment – How does one’s adherence to For some hill giants robbing travelers on the
good/evil, law/chaos affect their motivation? For road, it might look like this:
example, good would not do something evil
without a “good” reason, even if it is self- ● Who – A group of 4 or 5 hill giants.
justification. ● What – They want loot.
● Means ● When – Whenever they see travelers on the road.
● Where – On the road, in a likely spot.
What is needed to make this happen, and does the ● How – Carrying big clubs, and saying, “Aw’rite,
individual or group have what they need, or the what ya got, we’re ‘er ta loot ya.” Those who do
ability to make or acquire it? not comply get thumped with the clubs.
● Why – It’s what they do, you might call it their
Fishermen without a boat and nets can’t fish. Can job.
they build, buy, or steal the needed equipment? If
they know how to make their own boats and nets, do There are some interesting list sof motivations that
they have the tools and enough food to last them seek to boil down motivations into a “standard” list,
until they are ready to start fishing again? like for stories. They can help inform the adventure
of the week, or writing a module or campaign
Why are they motivated? setting, or story.
There are also a lot of good online generators. I find
All places need a name that fits and evokes a sense it easier to have a long list of names and mark when
of belonging to the setting. Tables for streets, roads, I have used a name. I then circle back through the
bridges, squares, fountains, etc. list. However, I like certain NPCs to be more
memorable and have more unique names.
Will their be signposts for streets, names carved on
bridges, temples and other civic buildings? If not, One could have a town where all the men are Jim,
how will a party know how to find a square in the and all the women are Sally, and it is one’s
butcher’s market for a fallen city? occupation or other feature that distinguishes them.
Jim the barber, Jim the butcher, or they just call
In a living city, one need merely ask the right them Barber or Butcher. Sally the Sorceress, or
person, perhaps for a price. Sally the Scullery maid, etc. Jim the dark is the
farmer with dark hair, and Sally the fair is his wife,
In the practical realm of actual play, I find that as a for example. I am reminded of everyone named
GM the players are always asking about the name of Johnson in the town in Blazing Saddles.
this or that person, place, or thing. As a player, if the
GM does not supply it, I find that I too ask about
these things.
A Two Letter Prefix or Suffix d20 for initial or ending consonant
B d10 for column, d20 for row of 3 letter cluster d6 to
C 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 Combine with two letter cluster. d10 for ending vowel include
D 1 ab eb ib ob ub 1 b 1-2 a 1
E 2 ac ec ic oc uc 2 c Number of Syllables (d6) 3-4 e 2
F 3 ad ed id od ud 3 d 1-2 1 5-6 I 3
G 4 af ef if of uf 4 f 3-4 2 7-8 o 4
H 5 ag eg ig og ug 5 g 5-6 3 9-10 u 5
I 6 ah eh ih oh uh 6 h y? 6
J 7 aj ej ij oj uj 7 j
K 8 ak ek ik ok uk 8 k Decide if you want a two syllable name to have an initial two letter cluster followed
L 9 al el il ol ul 9 l by a three letter cluster, or each syllable to be three letter clusters, etc.
M 10 am em im om um 10 m
N 11 an en in on un 11 n For example, on a d6 roll you get a 4, two syllable name.
O 12 ap ep ip op up 12 p You decide initial syllable will be two letters, followed by a three letter syllable.
P 13 aq eq iq oq uq 13 q Next, on a d10, you roll a two for the first column.
Q 14 ar er ir or ur 14 r Then on a d20 you roll a 1, for the initial syllable of “ab”.
R 15 as es is os us 15 s Roll a d20 to determine the initial letter for the three letter syllable.
S 16 at et it ot ut 16 t A 10 is rolled, for “m”.
T 17 av ev iv ov uv 17 v Another d10 is rolled, and on a roll of 2, again the first column.
U 18 aw ew iw ow uw 18 w A final d20 is rolled for 14, “ar”, so the second syllable is “mar”.
V 19 ax ex ix ox ux 19 x/y This makes the name “Abmar”.
W 20 az ez iz oz uz 20 z You can then decide which syllable gets the emphasis.
X is it “AB-mar”, or ab-MAR”?
Y You can also roll a d20 for an ending consonant.
Z A result of 8 gives “k”, making it “abmark”,
You can have an ending vowel instead of or in addition to an ending consonant.
Where a 'c' or a 't' is involved you can decide to add 'h'.
Feel free to modify how you come up with the number of syllables, use a d8 for up to 8.
If you know how to pronounce words with 5 initial vowels, be my guest.
I like it simple so I don't have to think how a name is pronounced.
I am sure that this is similar to how other name/word generators out there work.
Some combinations can be quite odd, like “Isodig” or “Isocoj”. They work great for really foreign/strange sounding names.
Some groups of players like a name for their group. Idol
The online group I play in had a hard time coming
up with a cool name, so we ended up using the name
of the guard dog of our wizard. The dog’s name is
Starchy. Some of us were in the first group of
players and by association all of us were referred to
by NPCs as “Baldric’s Boys”, since we recovered a
gem with significance for the followers of an
admiral who died hundreds of years ago. We merged
the two into “The Starchy Boyz”.
PICKING A NAME Certain colors tend to give an image of ferocity,
danger, dread, etc.
Picking a name for my characters, i.e. that I play Use the name to draw forth a description for the
when not a GM, seems to be tough. I have come up figurehead. For example, when the player suggested
with a few good ones over the years, some I still the Storm Witch, I immediately had an image in my
remember without having to try to find old character head and could describe the figurehead to the others.
sheets. A woman with hair blown about by the winds of
I start in a new Google+/Roll20 game in 2014. We
had a main character and a backup to use when the Some ships might have a single name, like the
other is in training/unavailable/dead. I have a dwarf Dragon, and others could have longer names. Come
fighter and a human ranger. For the dwarf fighter, I up with naming conventions by different nations or
used the name of my Lord of The Rings Online races. Elves might name their ships after stars or
dwarven champion, Thorfus Ironhand. As an aside, I trees. Different human nations might emphasize
started playing LOTRO so I could get a D&D feel something different with their ship names.
on my own. It is not the same as D&D, and is far too
repetitive. The dungeons, rescues, wars, and quests Below are some tables to mix and match and give
in D&D may have repetition, but the interaction of ideas for naming ships. This could apply to naming
players and GM with the chaos of players running water borne ships or spaceships.
around the GM’s sandbox is rarely repetitive, except
for some meme that develops among the players and Adjective/Noun (d10)
recurring NPCs.
1 Flying
Yes, there are lots of random name generators online 2 Soaring
and I have some of my own, and lists of names.
3 Sea
Sometimes, you just want to be creative, but often it
is like only the sound of crickets is found…. 4 Dusty
5 Red
SHIP NAMES 6 Fast/Quick
7 Sun
I needed a good ship name during a convention
8 Flaming
game, and didn’t have a good one, so I asked the
players, and got a great one, the Storm Witch. 9 Smoldering
10 Smoking
I then decided that I could make a table to come up
with other usable names.
Noun (d8) Crew Related Words (d8)
1 Witch 1 Hand/Sailor/Crew
2 Waif 2 Mate
3 Spirit 3 Captain
4 Sprite 4 Owner
5 Dragon 5 Carpenter
6 Kraken 6 Rigger
7 Merchant 7 Master
8 Maid 8 Chief
1 Sea/Ocean/Waters 1 Star
2 Mist 2 Sun
3 Wave 3 Moon
4 Surf/Surfer 4 Compass/Sunstone
5 Surge 5 Sextant
6 Storm/Tempest/Thunder 6 Astrolabe
7 Foam 7 Eclipse
8 Deep/Depths/Abyss 8 Twilight
9 Whirlpool/Vortex/Eddy 9 Dawn
10 Maelstrom 10 Dusk
11 Aurora 11 Midnight
12 Wind/Squall 12 Morning
13 Calm/Becalmed/Stagnant 13 Evening
14 Shore 14 Spyglass
15 Isle/Island
16 Murky Type of Ship (d12)
17 Shallows
18 Reef 1 Merchant
19 Shoal 2 Galley/Bireme/Trireme/Longship
20 Fathom 3 War
4 Pirate/Buccaneer/Privateer
Ship Related Words (d8) 5 Escort
6 Whaler
1 Sail
7 Trawler
2 Oar
8 Cruiser
3 Deck
9 Caravel
4 Plank
10 Corvette
5 Keel
11 Ironclad
6 Mast
12 Galleon
7 Anchor
8 Hull
Sea Creatures (d16) Weapons (d8)
1 Squid 1 Spear/Javelin
2 Octopus 2 Sword
3 Turtle 3 Lance
4 Whale 4 Dagger
5 Kraken 5 Trident
6 Barracuda 6 Net
7 Shark 7 Shield/Buckler
8 Eel 8 Bow/Arrow/Archer/Bolt
9 Ray/Manta/Mantaray
Things (d12)
10 Crab/Lobster/Crustacean
11 Clam/Oyster 1 Skull
12 Snake 2 Rock
13 Crocodile 3 Bone(s)
14 Manatee 4 Timber(s)
15 Dolphin/Porpoise 5 Sand
16 Trout/Bass 6 Fire/Flame
Other Creatures (d16) 7 Jewel(s)/Jeweled/Bejeweled
8 Silver
1 Harpy 9 Gold
2 Hag/Nag 10 Copper
3 Witch 11 Quartz
4 Dragon 12 Opal
5 Wolf
Colors (d10)
6 Chameleon
7 Lizard 1 Blue/Azure
8 Bird/Sparrow/Eagle/Hawk/Buzzard 2 Green/Verdant
3 Red
9 Mermaid
4 Yellow
10 Nymph
5 Violet/Purple
11 Horse/Mule/Pony/Stallion
6 White
12 Cow/Bull/Bison/Buffalo
7 Black
13 Sheep/Ewe/Ram
8 Grey
14 Deer/Buck/Hind/Roe
9 Brown
15 Camel
10 Orange
16 Hippopotamus/Behemoth
Patterns (d12)
1 Plaid
2 Striped
3 Barred
4 Dotted
5 Variegated
6 Changing
7 Pale
8 Dark
9 Scattered
10 Hidden
11 Mystery
12 Geometric
1 Flying
2 Soaring
3 Sailing
4 Fast
5 Unvanquished, Undefeated,
6 Indefatigable,Untiring, Persistent,
7 Fearless, Dreadnought, Dauntless
8 Mighty
9 Powerful
10 Reliant
BIOGRAPHICAL OUTLINE knowledge for mere coins, but more likely for more
information to add to their knowledge. Wizards and
One of my many interests is genealogy. I find it illusionists will want to add to their spell books or
interesting to see when and where my ancestors acquire items that will help them. If mages need
were in relation to history, another interest – I have a money, they will make that seem like they are
BA in History. making an exception to take a larger chunk of coin
since the character(s) don’t have any magic they
There are many free genealogy programs that make want or can use. Wizards and their apprentices
it easy to generate a family tree for printing. If you would not be on equal terms until the apprentice
are interested in a family tree for the rulers of a nears parity with the master. If the player characters
kingdom, or how a tight-nit extended family in a become wizards, will the former 7th level master
village tie together, or a major NPCs family, or even also advance? In my campaign, I have the classed
for players to chart their characters and how they NPCs gain levels unless I have determined they
might be related. have retired from adventuring, and their earning of
experience is very slow.
One thing I saw posted online was about a
Biographical Outline. There is both a PDF for Thieves, assassins, monks, druids, and some fighters
printing, and a Doc file for editing. might have techniques and skills that they reserve
for use when they are moving up the hierarchy,
It may not be something you use as a GM for more assuming 1e or OSRIC.
than a few NPCs, but as a player, it might be helpful
to chart the events and places your character was Rangers and Paladins would tend to guide and train
involved in. each other, but could hold back some skills for
personal or personality reasons.
Such tools can also be helpful if you want to write a
novel with a lot of characters that are related, or a Good Clerics would only hold back mysteries that
historical novel, or a nonfiction biography. their fellows were not ready for. Evil or chaotic
clerics might hold back information that threatens
OLD AGE AND TREACHERY them being the most powerful cleric of X in the
land, world, or universe.
An old saying, “Old age and treachery beat youth
and skill.” I didn’t spend enough time on Google to I don’t know specifics of how I would use this idea
find who said that originally. I did see that there is in my game, so far, not a table or some mechanic
evidently a Waylan Jennings song either by that like that. I have vague ideas of personality quirks,
name or with that line. like the guy at work who won’t share what he knows
because he thinks he’ll lose his job if others know
My boys and I have wrestled since they were little. how to do it.
It has been a long time since I could wrestle them
both at once, but one at a time I can also still out
wrestle them. Not bad for a fifty+ year old bald fat
man who once broke his back. Although my
youngest is built like a linebacker and probably
equals my weight, he’d be a challenge. My oldest is
a bean pole that I have at least 50 pounds on him, so
I can move him and pick him up as needed.
JERK also takes more time to prepare spells at his level,
and there is a lot of information to keep straight, so
Jerks are a common theme in RPGs. Whether the such a character is hard to play without having built
GM is a jerk or a given player is a jerk, can ruin a up to that over time. I know that as a GM I could run
session or a game. If the GM is always a jerk, they an NPC with similar abilities without too much
will have a hard time finding and keeping players. If trouble, but a GM who has never played such a
a player is a jerk, they will have a hard time finding character will miss out on a lot of the possibilities.
a GM and group of players that will put up with
them. ARTIST
Back in the old days, it was usually the nerds getting I had an idea for a missing NPC. An artist, Trebor,
away from the jocks who were jerks, but there were who works odd jobs to support his wife and kids and
some players who could fill that role all too well. allow free time to work on his art. He goes out south
of town seeking pigments and items to make his
Within role playing, a character or NPC can be a paints, dyes, and glazes, and clay for his pottery. He
jerk. It adds to the realism when the NPC with is also planning to scout the ancient quarries for rock
information is a jerk and you have to play “that suitable for making statues. He goes out and is
game” as you role play the interaction between the usually not gone more than one night. However, he
player character(s) and NPC(s). has gone missing and had been gone two nights.
May all the jerks in your life be only in the context His wife is frantic and seeks out someone to find
of role playing and all in having fun; and not the him.
kind that suck the joy out of life.
This fit in with the direction the players planned to
HALF-ELF travel.
Half-elves were rare in Tolkien’s world. Unlike They had an encounter along the way, but managed
RPG half-elves, in Tolkien’s world they had to to find him trapped atop a rock surrounded by
choose between being an elf or a human. If they kobolds. The players managed to defeat the kobolds
chose to be elves, they had the same immortality as and get the artist back home. His wife has promised
any other elf. Elrond and his brother were the first to make them a good home-cooked meal.
with this choice. Elrond chose to be an elf. His
brother, Elros, chose to be human, although with This was just something that came to me off the top
triple or more the normal human lifespan. Elros led of my head and I added for some more flavor in the
to the Kings of Numenor and later of Gondor and game. I didn’t need to do that, asin a prior session,
Arnor. Most people know the later tale of Aragorn my youngest son’s character started a riot.
and Arwen, if not from the books from the
Hollywood take on it in the Lord of the Rings I still have one more NPC and family in the mix of
movies. NPCs in town.
In RPGs, half-elves are not described this way. I Adding NPCs to the town to help flesh it out and
don’t know if it was D&D or something else that bring it to life are difficult to just do, but when an
gave rise to the idea that elves have pointy ears. idea comes up and I put it to use, they always seem
They are obviously much more common in RPGs to work well. Even dumb ideas I have, or I think are
than in Tolkien’s world, and also have about three dumb, tend to work out when the players encounter
times the lifespan as humans. They have some of the the idea for an NPC, adventure, etc.
advantages of elves and are often the best choice for
getting the most options out of a character in
OSRIC. My favorite and longest played character,
Griswald, is a half-elf with slightly above average
ability scores, but not exceptional. His highest
ability is a 14. He is a Cleric/Fighter/Magic-User
which lets him wear armor, heal himself and others,
and do great damage to enemies. Such a character
Human Fighter 4th level
Each of my past characters for which I have a HP: 30
character sheet. First, OSRIC compatible stats,
along with Swords & Wizardry stats. AC: 4 [15]
NOTE: ONLY the mechanics of their stats will be 6'4" Age: 20 (90)
OGL. Names and descriptions are all rights
ST: 13, IN: 12 (10), WS: 10 (11), DX: 9 (13), CN:
reserved. Permission granted for personal use.
10 (9), CH: 3
Kad Staglar Long bow, Longsword (+1 Sword of Sharpness), 3
daggers (1 on shield, 1 right boot, 1 right side),
Halfling Fighter/Thief Battle Axe
5th Level Fighter/12th Level Thief Chain mail, shield, helmet
ST: 16 (24), IN: 16, WS: 18, DX: 18, CN: 15, CH: HP: 7 AC: 4 [12]
16 STR: 15 (14), IN: 14 (15), WS: 13 (15), DX: 12,
+1 Dagger, +2 Short Sword, Short bow, Sling (+3 CN: 9 (8), CR: 13
to hit with bow & sling) Short sword, dagger, spear, sling 22 bullets.
Leather Armor, Helmet Chainmail, Shield, Helmet
Magic items: Gauntlets of Ogre Power, Girdle of Loyalty: Over 100% since Fasbold has save his life
Storm Giant Strength, Ring of Regeneration, Bag of so many times.
Holding, Ball of warmth (small enchanted ball that
keeps bearer warm), 2 Paired Teleportation Boxes. ¤
Each are 2 cubic feet. Whatever is placed in one
will teleport to the other.
Potions: Healing Potion, ESP Potion
Griswald Stewart, Duke of Stewart How to Make a Magical Holy Symbol
Half-Elf Clerc/Fighter/Magic-User 10th/10th/11th When a cleric reaches sufficient level to cast 3rd
level spells, they may elect to create a magical holy
Chaotic Good symbol. It requires a period of prayer and fasting.
The material components are the holy symbol out of
HP: 70 AC: 1
a material appropriate to the religion. It must be
ST: 13, IN: 13 ,WS: 14, DX: 12, CN: 14, CH: 13 precious and finely crafter. This becomes the holy
symbol for the cleric. A font of precious metal,
+3 Longbow 12 +1 arrows, +2 Longsword, +1 either copper, silver, gold, or platinum is consumed
command dagger - command up to 10 hit dice by the creation of the holy symbol.
command word "obey", +1 Spear
The more valuable the metal of the font, the more
+2 Chainmail, +1 Shield, Helm of Comprehend time one has to cast spells.
With a copper font, the cleric must cast into the holy
Magic Items: Crystal Ball, Eyes of Eagle, Wand of symbol all of the cleric (druid) spells that they can
cold, Ring of Levitation cast in 24 hours. Silver, gold, and platinum allow for
slightly more time. Whether it is 12 hour increments
Potions: Holy Water, Ogre Strength,m Improved or full days is up to the GM. The type of font also
Invisibility, 2 extra healing. determines the maximum spell level that may be
Scrolls: He regularly carries scrolls he has made used.
with various spells he knows. Usually defensive and Higher level clerics can create a holy symbol with
utility spells, and a few offensive spells. higher level spells.
Magic Holy Symbol: Once a cleric creates a holy symbol, they may not
1st level Spells: 4 Cure Light Wounds, 2 Detect create another while an earlier one still exists. It
Evil, Remove Fear, Sanctuary, 2 Detect Magic, must be destroyed in service to one’s deity. If the
Bless, Protection from Evil. symbol is used to touch a creature of diametrically
opposed alignment, it will drain one spell slot from
2nd level Spells: Know Alignment, 2 Slow Poison, the holy symbol causing 1d6 damage per level of the
2 Spiritual Hammer, Detect Charm, Chant. slot. This method takes time. NOTE: Only magical
or extra planar creatures count. A normal person of
3rd level Spells: Dispel Magic, Locate Object, opposed alignment will only suffer punching
Prayer. damage.
Spell Books: 1st level: Read magic, Sleep, Dancing It is not allowed for a cleric to destroy an older
Lights, Unseen Servant, Find Familiar, Push, symbol just to create a more powerful symbol.
Burning Hands, Magic Missile, Shield.
Symbols destroyed by spell damage and failed
2nd level: Invisibility, Levitate, ESP, Mirror Image, saving throws do allow for the creation of a new
Wizard Lock, Knock, Detect Invisibility, Strength, one.
Stinking Cloud.
The cleric must work alone and can only use spells
3rd level: Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Suggestion, cast from memory. It is up to the GM whether
Tongues, Gust of Wind, Clairvoyance, magical devices that allow the caster to memorize
Clairaudience, Fly, Protection from Normal more spells are allowed in crafting a holy symbol.
The symbol must be recharged. Once a spell is cast,
4th level: Dig, Dimension Door, Enchanted the cleric has 24 hours to rest, relearn spells, and
Weapon, Polymorph Self, Mnemonic Enhancer, recharge that spell. Additionally, if no spells are cast
Wall of ice, Minor Globe of Invulnerability, Wall of in the prior 24 hours, one hour of prayer each
Stone, Ice Storm. morning along with normal spell preparation is
required to maintain the divine magic contained
5th level: Teleport, Cloudkill, Transmute Rock to
NPCs: Alim
Griswald ran around with 18 of his elvish cousins Human Magic-User 10th level Griswald’s Retainer
for a time. They all had longbows and longswords,
HP: 36 AC: 8 [11] (+1 Ring of Protection)
but no magic items. They are the ones who
presented him with a new shield device of a wolf ST: 11, IN: 16, WS: 12, .DX: 12, CN: 11, CH: 12
half black and half gray with red eyes. It was
presented to commemorate his slaying of a Staff, Dagger
wolfwere since he was the only one with a magic
weapon, his +1 spear. This symbol gave rise to Spell Books: 1st level: Magic Missile, Sleep,
being called The Wolf. Those who know his Shield, Read Magic, Push, Spider Climb, Find
reputation often flee or surrender when they see his Familiar, Unseen Servant, Dancing Lights, Identify,
shield device. Write.
ST: 16, IN: 14, WS: 13, DX: 12, CN: 7, CH: 13 Donal The Black
Longbow, Broadsword, Heavy Lance, Dagger Griswald once went undercover after the Stewarts
Banded Mail, Shield, Helmet had reclaimed the kingdom from the Buchanans. He
died his hair black and wore an eye patch over one
Albert died on an adventure but is presented here eye. He infiltrated the remnants of forces loyal to
for completeness. the Buchanans and defeated them.
Sir William Stewart To join the enemy forces, he had to get a black
Clan Stewart, no relation. arrow tattoo on his upper arm. This was symbol
against The Red Arrow, the forces loyal to the
Human Fighter 8th level Griswald’s Retainer Stewart King, whose arrows used red fetchings.
HP: 61 AC: 2 [17] Follow Me, And Die!
ST: 14, IN: 13, WS: 14, DX: 10, CN: 14, CH: 6 Griswald is the namesake of “Follow Me, And
Die!” That was the taunting from my brother, the
Longbow, Broadsword, Heavy Lance, Spear,
GM when Griswald couldn’t find more mercenaries
Dagger, Handaxe, hammer, Spear
to hire for his fight against the orc tribes.
Plate mail, Shield, Great Helm
Heavy Warhorse
Eileen Woodhome Elrad Q. Huddleston
Human Magic-User 9th level Griswald’s Retainer Human Magic-User 5th level
HP: 39 AC: 9 [10] HP: 23 AC: 9 [10]
ST: 12, IN: 14, WS: 11, DX: 13, CN: 16, CH: 8 ST: 11, IN: 17, WS: 11, DX: 13, CN: 13, CH: 13
+1 Dagger, Staff Familiar: Hawk, sharp vision. AC: 6 [13] HP: 4
Spell Books: 1st level: Shield, Magic Missile, Dagger
Sleep, Burning Hands, Mending, Spider Climb,
Identify, Alarm Spell Books: 1st level: Read Magic, Friends,
Dancing Lights, Mending, Shocking Grasp, Affect
2nd Level: Invisibility, Levitate, Stinking cloud, Normal Fires, Comprehend Languages, Sleep,
Mirror Image, Strength, Knock, Detect Invisibility, Charm Person, Protection from Evil, Write, Find
wizard Lock, Locate Object Familiar, Spider Climb, Detect magic,
3rd Level: Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Protection
Normal Missiles, Hast, Slow, Water Breathing, Fly, 2nd level: Invisibility, knock, Wizard Lock, Web,
Dispel Magic Fool's gold, magic Mouth, Strength, continual light,
Forget, Mirror Image, Audible Glammer, Levitate,
4th level: Minor Globe of Invulnerability,
Shatter, Locate Object.
Dimension Door, Dig, Mnemonic Enhancer,
Fireshield, 3rd level: Fireball, Lightning bolt, Clairaudience,
Fly, Protection from Normal Missiles, Suggestion ,
5th level: Cloudkill, Teleport, cone of Cold, Wall of
Tongues, Water Breathing, Phantasmal Force, Gust
of Wind.
Scrolls: 1 with 7 spells of Magic Missile at 9th
Owns a small merchant ship with a captain and
level, 1 with 2 fireballs at 9th level
crew of 20.
Douglas Delvin
Wife: Dana daughter of the chief of the Nom Tribe
Human Magic-User 9th level Griswald’s Retainer
Fraternal twin sons age: 3 Elamar and Elramir
HP: 30 AC: 9 [10]
ST: 12, IN: 15, WS: 9, DX: 9, CN: 13, CH: 12
Alaric Elrad’s Retainer
Dagger, Staff
Half-Elf 4th Cleric/3rd Magic-User
Spell Books: 1st level: Shield, Magic Missile,
HP: 23 AC: 4 [15]
Sleep,Read Magic, Enlarge, Jump, Write,
comprehend Languages, Hold Portal ST: 12, IN: 16, WS: 17, DX: 14, CN: 16, CH: 14
2nd level: Invisibility, Levitate, Stinking Cloud, Familiar: Toad AC: 7, HP: 4 wide angle vision, can
Strength, Web, Mirror Image, see underwater
3rd level: Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Protection from Mace, flail, dagger
Normal Missiles, haste, Slow, fly Chain mail, large shield, Great helm
4th Level: Minor Globe of Invulnerability, Spell Books: 1st level: Read magic, Push,
Confusion, Mnemonic Enhancer, Dig, Wall of Fire, Shocking Grasp, Affect normal fires, comprehend
Languages, Find Familiar, Magic Missile, Shield,
5th level: Cloudkill, Teleport, Cone of Cold, Wall
Sleep, Enlarge, Burning Hands.
of Force, Wall of Stone
2nd level: ESP, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Scare,
Scrolls: all at 9th level: Teleport, Cloudkill, Wall of
Strength, Web, Shatter.
Stone, Protection Normal Missile, Fireball, Shield,
Hold Portal, Magic Missile, Lighting Bolt
Ilid Lightstep George
Human Illusionist 1st level Elrad’s Retainer Human Fighter 1st level
HP: 4 AC: 9 [10] HP: 10 AC:
Loyalty: ST: 17, IN: 12, WS: 9, DX: 12, CN: 12, CH: 13
ST: 11, IN: 17, WS: 11, DX: 13, CN: 13, CH: 16 Long bow, Battle axe, Spear, Dagger
Dagger Studded leather armor, small shield, helmet
Spell Book: 1st level: Read Illusionist Magic, Guard Dog
Detect Invisibility, Wall of Fog, Color Spray.
Alfred Longspear
Human Cleric 1st level
Human Fighger 3rd level Elrad’s Retainer
HP: 8 AC: 4 [15]
HP: 29 AC: 4 [15]
ST: 13, IN: 11, WS: 18, DX: 13, CN: 15, CH: 11
ST: 16, IN: 12. WS: 12. DX: 13. CN: 14. CH: 11
Mace, Staff
Shortbow, Dagger, Handaxe, Short Sword (Cursed
Beserker) Chain Mail, shield, helmet
Chainmail, Shield, Helmet Light Horse
Flute (very good, can play alone and can compose a Alomar the Bold
new song in 1-6 days)
Human Barbarian 1st level
Fedda Blueboots
7 feet tall 300 pounds
Human Fighter 2nd level Elrad’s Retainer
HP: 12 AC: 4 [15]
HP: 17 AC: 4 [15]
ST: 16, IN: 11, WS: 10, DX: 14, CN: 14, CH: 13
ST: 12. IN: 5. WS: 12. DX: 15. CN: 11. CH: 14
Broadsword, dagger, Spear, battleaxe, handaxe
Longbow, Longsword, Halberd, Dagger
Chainmail, shield, helmet
Chainmail, Shield, Helm
Medium Horse
Earil Orian
(Finnish for rock, cliff, mountain) he is 7 feet tall. Elf Fighter/Magic-User/Thief 1st level in each class
His goal from his culture is to do a great deed and HP: 6 AC: 7 [12]
earn his name.
ST: 14, IN: 14, WS: 11, DX: 17, CN: 12, CR: 11
His people are often at war with the liontaurs..
Longsword, Shortbow, Dagger, Staff
Human Fighter 1st level
Leather armor, shield, helmet
HP: 10 AC: 7 [12]
Spell Book: 1st level spells: Magic missile, Light,
ST: 18/77, IN: 12, WS: 15, DX: 17, CN: 16, CH: 11 Detect Magic, Hold Portal, Push, Write, Find
Familiar, Comprehend Languages, Charm Person
Long bow, long sword, Spear, Dagger
Leather armor, small wooden shield, helmet
Hunting Dog
(April 15, 1982 is date created.
From Phil Kilgore’s campaign.
Recent Characters from Roll20:
Phil own Tabletop Game & Hobby) Thorfus Ironhand
Elf Fighter/Magic-User 3rd/3rd level (1st Wed. Night Roll20 Character)
ST: 14, IN: 17, W: 13, DX: 17, CN: 17, CH: 13 Lawful Good
Spell Book: 1st level: Read Magic, Enlarge, ST: 16 (18), IN: 11, WS: 8, DX: 8, CN: 11 (9),
Dancing Lights, Comprehend Languages, Burning CH: 5
Hands, find Familiar Probablity Longsword: +2 special ability with an
2nd level: Friends, Invisibility, Knock, Magic ancient battery that holds up to 3 charges, when
Mouth, Pyrotechnics activated does 20 attacks on one target.
+1 Battle axe battery with 3 charges for 3d6
Arbolan the Grey
lightning bolt with 30 foot range, dagger, shortbow.
Human Magic-User 2nd level
+2 Platemail, +2 shield, Helmet (Also +2
HP: 11 AC: 9 [10] chainmail.)
ST: 12, IN: 14, WS: 6, DX: 15, CN: 16, CH: 14 Magic items: Liar box, bones of a liar rattle in the
box whenever anyone tells a lie, Anti-ESP Ring.
Golden control circlet: Allows control of up to 8
Spell Book: 1st level: Read magic, sleep, Hold automata and the lesser silver circlets. Subject to
Portal, Find Familiar, Detect magic, Unseen the master Crystal Circlet.
Servant, Affect Normal Fires, Dancing Lights,
Light See our GM’s first PDF on DriveThruRPG about
this: Automata Run Amok [Affiliate link]
Urman of the Black Staff Morpheus Phantasos
(From Sunday Roll20 game) (From Occasional Roll20 game)
Human Magic-User 7th Level Human Illusionist 3rd Level
HP: 19 AC: 5 [14] HP: 13 AC: 9 [10]
Alignment: LN Alignment:
ST: 14, IN: 14, WS: 14, DX: 12, CN: 13, CH: 11 ST: 14, IN: 14, WS: 17, DX: 18, CN: 16, CR: 14
Magic Items: The Black Staff: affects low level 3 Darts, Dagger, Staff
undead as if turned by a cleric - slam on ground and
all undead in area must make a save or be turned SPELLS: 2 - 1st, 1-2nd
(up to ghast), Wand of magic missiles and
Cantrips: Colored Lights, Dim, Haze, Mask,
lightning bolts - 35 of each, Sunstone, Horn of
Mirage, Noise, Rainbow, Two-D'Lusion
Fear, Orb of Illusory forest, necklace of
teleportation back to tower, White Dragon Cape 1st Level Spells: Change Self, Color Spray, Detect
equal to studded leather armor, +2 Bracers of Illusion, Detect Invisibility, Gaze Reflection,
Defense, Blue Robes give additional 1st level spell, Hypnotism, Phantasmal Force, Phantom Armor,
silver ring with 10 feet infravision, Bear Amulet - Spook
allows wearer to assume bear form once per month,
Ring with a Ram's Face - Push Back once per day 2nd Level Spells: Hypnotic Pattern,
5 feet wide 20 feet distance d8 damage, ring of
force wall - create wall of force 5 feet wide max 6
charges recharges at 1 chargé per day. Silver ring
with a compartment with Continual Light.
Four vials of mini stinking cloud: save at +2 half
sized. Can be thrown 30 feet. 10 feet diameter.
Spell Books: 1st level: Charm Person, Detect
magic, Feather Fall, Light, Magic Missile,
Shield,Sleep, Read Magic, Unseen Servant
2nd level: Audible Glammer, Continual Light,
Forget, Web, Wizard Lock, Knock, Stinking Cloud,
3rd level: Fireball, Protection from Normal
Missiles, Lightning bolt, Dispel Magic
4th level: Dimension Door, Polymorph Self, Wall
of Fire, Wizard Eye,
“Follow Me, And Die! Entertainment LLC” logo and name, “Follow Me, And Die!”, are trademarks of
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Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors
Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker, Andy Collins, David Noonan,
Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, John D. Rateliff, Thomas Reid, James Wyatt, based on
original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
OSRIC copyright 2006-08 by Stuart Marshall, adapting material prepared by Matthew J.Finch, based on the System Reference Document,
inspired by the works of E.Gary Gygax, Dave Arneson, and many others.
OSRIC Chapter I copyright 2006-08 by Stuart Marshall. OSRIC Chapter II copyright 2006-08 by Stuart Marshall. OSRIC Chapter III
copyright 2006-08 by Stuart Marshall, Trent Foster, James Boney and Vincent Frugé. OSRIC Chapter IV copyright 2006-08 by Stuart
Marshall, Trent Foster, James Boney and Vincent Frugé. OSRIC Chapter V copyright 2007-08 by Stuart Marshall, Chris Hopkins, James
Boney, Robert Ross, Jeremy Goehring, Mike Davison, Daniel Proctor, B. Scot Hoover, Chris Cain, Bill Silvey, Floyd Canaday, Vincent Frugé
and Matthew James Stanham. OSRIC Chapter VI copyright 2007-08 by Stuart Marshall, Daniel Proctor and Vincent Frugé. OSRIC
appendices copyright 2006-08 by Stuart Marshall and James D. Kramer.
Swords & Wizardry Core Rules, Copyright 2008, Matthew J. Finch
Swords & Wizardry Complete Rules, Copyright 2010, Matthew J. Finch
NPC Ideas, Copyright 2018, Follow Me, And Die! Entertainment LLC, Lawrence M. Hamilton, Jr.