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Dungeon World

Quick Start Pack

Simplified basic playbooks for quick and easy-to-learn

One-shots or mini campaigns of Dungeon World

Including rules for both players and gamemaster

and tools for both world and adventure creation with no prep

A complete experience in one pack!

For use with the role-playing game Dungeon World, by Sage LaTorra and Adam Koebel

Written by Peter Johansen. Version October 27, 2017

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit
http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View,
California, 94041, USA.
Introduction Getting Started
Dungeon World is a world of fantastic adventure. A world of magic, gods To begin, select one of the eight provided playbooks, whichever one catches
and demons, of good and evil, law and chaos. Brave heroes venture into the your eye. Then perform the steps under “Start here”, detailed as follows:
most dangerous corners of the land in search of gold and glory. • Give your character a name, and choose options under Look to
describe your appearance (or make up some of your own)
Adventurers take many shapes in Dungeon World. Some are near-invincible • Choose one of the listed backgrounds, which will give you
beasts of battle encased in iron armor. Others are more mysterious, conjuring bonuses to two of the six stats: Strength (STR), Dexterity (DEX),
up and wielding the mighty forces of magic. Treasure and glory are sought Constitution (CON), Intelligence (INT), Wisdom (WIS), and
by a holy cleric, a tricky thief, a mighty paladin, and more. Charisma (CHA). Record these bonuses in the appropriate boxes in
the sheet. Your background will also give you an additional piece
It isn’t all easy heroics and noble bravery, though. Every time the ranger of gear, record this in the Gear section.
guides his friends through the ancient woods there are a hundred things • Choose one of your six stats, and add 1 to it as a personal specialty.
waiting to bite his head off. Slavering hordes of goblin troops, maybe. Or is Choose another of the six stats, and subtract 1 from it as a personal
this the Cursed Wood, where dwells the Gray Witch? Or the throngs of weakness. This may give you a stat of -1, that’s fine! Set any stats
hateful dead, looking to drag a meaty corpse back to their lair? Scary, sure, that have not been modified to zero.
but there’s treasure, too. More gold and jewels and magic lost to man have • Choose any other options that your playbook may require, such as
fallen between the cracks in the world than you can imagine. Who better to the fighter’s signature weapon or the thief’s poison.
retrieve it than a band of stalwart heroes?
When you are done, read the “How to Play” heading on the back of your
You and your friends are those heroes. You go where others can’t—or won’t. sheet. This section will also give you some questions to think about in the
There are monstrous things lurking in the world. Are you ready to face next phase: building the world together.
To begin with everyone on similar footing, we will assume that the
So, why play Dungeon World? characters all come from the same hometown, and the story will unfold near
First, to see the characters do amazing things. To see them explore the it. Your characters will know each other, and while they might not always
unexplored, slay the undying, and go from the deepest bowels of the world get along like best friends, they should at least be civil with one another and
to the highest peaks of the heavens. To see them caught up in momentous have motivation to work together for a common goal, even if they have their
events and grand tragedies. own motivations for pursuing these goals. If it helps, you can act each other
questions to better understand how your characters relate to one another. At
Second, to see them struggle together. To gather as a party despite their this point, you may wish you answer the questions you have under Bonds,
differences and stand united against their foes, or to argue over treasure, which will establish the shared past between your characters. It is not
debate battle plans, and join in righteous celebration over a victory hard-won. necessary to answer them all right now; you can save some for later.

Third, because the world still has so many places to explore. There are The questions on your playbooks will give you starting points to begin
unlooted tombs and dragon hoards dotting the countryside just waiting for describing your hometown and the lands around it. Perhaps your home is a
quick-fingered and strong-armed adventurers to discover them. That rough mining camp, a sleepy island port, or an idyllic place hidden deep in a
unexplored world has plans of its own. Play to see what they are and how forest. If you think of other questions to ask other players, feel free to do so,
they’ll change the lives of our characters. especially questions that will build the relationships you have with one
another. Perhaps you’d like to tell us about the last adventure you had
What’s Dungeon World like to play? together; that’s a great way to build both the world and your group. The GM
Playing Dungeon World is all about finding out what happens when your will come up with more questions as well. The answers you give will weave
characters encounter dangerous and exciting monsters, strange ruins, and together this new world.
unusual people on their quest for gold and glory. It’s a conversation between
the players and the GM—the GM tells the players what they see and hear in Next, the GM will ask questions that establish the premise of the situation,
the world around them and the players say what their characters are thinking, what your characters are doing and why. These questions will connect your
feeling, and doing. Sometimes those descriptions will trigger a move— characters to the threat or opportunity that you are facing. Lost ruins,
something that’ll cause everyone to stop and say “time to roll the dice to see monstrous hordes, and towers of evil wizards all make for good premises,
what happens.” For a moment everyone hangs on the edges of their seats as but each character will have their own stake in the action. The GM’s
the dice clatter to a stop. Tension and excitement are always the result, no questions will also help them create the opposition you will face on your
matter how the dice land. adventure. When you have enough details, the GM will give you a tense
situation, one that requires you to act, and ask, “What do you do?” The
To play Dungeon World, you’ll need to gather a few friends. Choose one action begins here.
person to be the Game Master (GM); they take the GM playbook and two
GM sheets. Everyone else will be a player, taking the role of the characters Your playbook provides you with a list of your moves, as well as a reference
in the game (we call these the player characters or PCs). As you play, the of basic moves on the reverse side of the sheet that everyone can do. This
players say what their characters say, think, and do. The GM describes may seem like a lot of information, but you don’t have to learn it all at once.
everything else in the world. Remember, Dungeon World is about having a conversation. Don’t think of
your moves as buttons to push to accomplish something, nor are these moves
Everyone at the table will need something to write with and some six-sided your only options in any situation. Rather, moves are the way the game rules
dice. Two dice is the minimum but two dice per player is a good idea. react to your actions in the story. When you describe your character carefully
You’ll also need some special dice: four-sided, eight-sided, and ten-sided. creeping across a shaky suspension bridge, the GM will tell you to Defy
Danger. Now it’s time to roll the dice, and see what happens. Focus on the
fiction. Do you want to Hack and Slash that goblin? Say how you attack it.
This quick-start pack contains the basic rules of Dungeon World in The GM will help you to notice when your actions trigger a move. In
abbreviated form, designed to facilitate ease of learning of core concepts, general: to do it, do it. There are some additional special moves on the back
especially for new players. The playbooks included here are modified to get of this page, but don’t worry about them just yet. They’ll come up in due
characters created as quickly as possible by omitting certain features more time.
relevant to long-term play. While these characters are designed with one-shot
sessions in mind, they can easily be adapted for longer play. The goal is to
help new players become comfortable with Dungeon World; its rules, its
conventions, and its style.
Equipment Special Moves
A good adventure usually ends with a reward, whether fame, favors, or Special moves are moves that come up less often or in more specific
fortune. Wealth in Dungeon World is measured in coin: the currency of the situations. They’re still the basis of what characters do in Dungeon World—
realm. It’s good pretty much everywhere. particularly what they do between adventures. Introduce them as they are
needed during the flow of the conversation.
After an adventure or at a break in the action, the characters may wish to
refill their backpacks and quivers. The following is a list of items that will Last Breath
typically be available for purchase: When you’re dying, you catch a glimpse of what lies beyond the Black
Gates of Death’s Kingdom (the GM will describe it). Then roll (just roll,
Short Bow 15 coins +nothing—yeah, Death doesn’t care how tough or cool you are). *On a 10+,
A common bow with a short but respectable range. you’ve cheated Death—you’re in a bad spot but you’re still alive. *On a 7-9,
Death himself will offer you a bargain. Take it and stabilize or refuse and
Long Bow 60 coins pass beyond the Black Gates into whatever fate awaits you. *On 6-, your fate
A bow of exceptional craftsmanship, capable of much greater range. is sealed. You’re marked as Death’s own and you’ll cross the threshold soon.
The GM will tell you when.
Bundle of arrows (3 ammo) 1 coin
Make Camp
Throwing knife 1 coin When you settle in to rest, consume a ration. If you’re somewhere
dangerous decide who will keep watch as well. When you wake from at least
A simple weapon 2 coins a few uninterrupted hours of sleep, heal damage equal to half your max HP.
Clubs, staves, and daggers. How lethal they are depends on the skill of the
one wielding it. You usually make camp so that you can do other things, like prepare spells
or commune with your god, or just get some sleep. Whenever you stop to
A martial weapon 8 coins catch your breath for more than an hour or so, you’ve probably made camp.
Swords, axes, warhammers, spears, and maces. Try to stick the pointy bits in
your enemies. Staying a night in an inn or house is making camp, too. Regain your hit
points as usual, but only mark off a ration if you’re eating from the food you
Leather armor (1 armor) 10 coins carry, not paying for a meal or receiving hospitality.
Boiled to make a rigid but lightweight cuirass. A good bit of armor often
means the difference between life and death in Dungeon World. Undertake a Perilous Journey
When you travel through hostile territory, choose one member of the party
Chainmail (2 armor) 50 coins to act as trailblazer, one to scout ahead, and one to be quartermaster. Each
More protection, but heavy and tough to move around with. Take -1 ongoing character with a job to do rolls+WIS. *On a 10+:
to all rolls while wearing this armor, unless you have the Armored move. • The trailblazer reduces the amount of time it takes to reach your
destination (the GM will say by how much).
Shield (+1 armor) 15 coins • The scout will spot any trouble quick enough to let you get the
Increases your armor by 1 when worn upon your arm. drop on it.
• The quartermaster reduces the number of rations required by one.
Adventuring gear (5 uses) 20 coins *On a 7-9, each role performs their job as expected: the normal number of
Adventuring gear is a collection of useful mundane items such as chalk, rations are consumed, the journey takes about as long as expected, no one
poles, spikes, ropes, etc. When you rummage through your adventuring gear gets the drop on you but you don’t get the drop on them either.
for some useful mundane item, you find what you need and mark off a use.
You can’t assign more than one job to a character. If you don’t have enough
Bandages (3 uses) 5 coins party members, or choose not to assign a job, treat that job as if it had been
When you have a few minutes to bandage someone else’s wounds, heal them assigned and the responsible player had rolled a miss.
of 4 damage and expend a use.
Distances in Dungeon World are measured in rations. A ration is the amount
Poultices and herbs (2 uses) 10 coins of supplies used up in a day. Journeys take more rations when they are long
When you carefully treat someone’s wounds with poultices and herbs, heal or when travel is slow. A perilous journey is the whole way between two
them of 7 damage and expend a use. locations. You don’t roll for one day’s journey and then make camp only to
roll for the next day’s journey, too. Make one roll for the entire trip.
Healing potion 50 coins
When you drink an entire healing potion, heal yourself of 10 damage or This move only applies when you know where you’re going. Setting off to
remove one debility, your choice. explore is not a perilous journey. It’s wandering around looking for cool
things to discover. Use up rations as you camp and the GM will give you
Bag of books (5 uses) 10 coins details about the world as you discover them.
When your bag of books contains just the right book for the subject you’re
Spouting Lore on, consult the book, mark off a use, and take +1 to your roll. Supply
When you go to buy something with coin on hand, if it’s something readily
Antitoxin 10 coins available in the place you’re in, you can buy it at market price. If it’s
When you drink antitoxin, you’re cured of one poison affecting you. something special, beyond what’s usually available here, or not mundane,
roll+CHA. *On a 10+, you find what you’re looking for at a fair price. *On a
Dungeon rations (5 uses) 3 coins 7-9, you’ll have to pay more or settle for something that’s not exactly what
Salted meats, dried fruit, and hardtack. Don’t forget to drink plenty of water. you wanted, but close. The GM will tell you what your options are.
Within Dungeon World are many lost artifacts and magical items. These Recover
typically cannot be bought with coin, but instead must be found or earned. When you do nothing but rest in comfort and safety, after a day of rest
you recover all of your HP. After three days of rest you remove one debility
Magic items are for you to make for your game. When making your own of your choice. If you’re under the care of a healer (magical or otherwise)
magic items, keep in mind that these items are magical. Simple modifiers, you heal a debility for every two days of rest instead.
like +1 damage, are the realm of the mundane—magic items should provide
more interesting bonuses.
Gamemaster’s Rules Building the World
This sheet isn’t for the other players, it’s for you, the Dungeon World GM. Building a whole world with almost no preparation can seem like a daunting
It’s not just advice or optional tips and tricks on how best to play. These are task. It requires trust in your fellow players, and a willingness to come out of
your procedures. These are your rules. your shell and let go of your own preconceived notions. Dungeon World
works best when everyone contributes, and the important stuff happens at the
The material on these sheets is taken from the GM chapter of Dungeon table, and not in the GM’s head.
World. (pages 159-174, 180-182) New GMs should review these rules
before playing, while veteran GMs may still find them to be helpful To begin with, ask questions. Each playbook has a list of starting questions
references to consult. to get players thinking about their characters’ place in the world. Every
answer they give you is an element that they would like added to the game,
Running a game of Dungeon World means following a framework created so use as many as possible.
by three things you have as a GM: Your agenda is what you set out to do
when you sit down at the table. Your principles are the guides that keep you A good way to make your world seem more real and connected is by making
focused on that agenda. Your moves—the GM moves, dungeon moves, a map, both of your village and the local area around it. Grab a blank piece
monster moves, etc—are the concrete, moment-to-moment things you do to of paper and take turns add features to it to make a map of your village.
move the game forward. These are detailed on the second GM sheet; read Every player (including the GM) then draws one or two buildings or features
them over before you begin play and keep them by your side, especially the of the village on the map, at least one of which should be relevant to
list of moves. When you’re having trouble deciding what happens next, look someone they know in the village. For example, if a character is an
at the list of moves and principles to get some ideas. apprentice blacksmith, they can draw a smithy. The new building should also
introduce the NPC that the character is connected to. Don’t forget to name
When you sit down at the table as a GM you do these things: your village!
Describe the world: First and foremost, you describe the immediate
situation around the players at all times. This is how you start a session, how For the area map, start with the location of the village in the center of the
you get things rolling after a snack break, get back on track after a great sheet, then each player draws one or two features on the map. These can be
joke: tell them what the situation is in concrete terms. The situation around parts of the terrain, an interesting ruin, a natural landmark, or even a distant
them is rarely “everything’s great, nothing to worry about.” They’re town. The GM can also suggest an overarching theme that ties everything
adventurers going on adventures—give them something to react to. together. For example, there may be an evil cult at work in the area, an
aggressive neighbor is bent on conquest of the area, or the village’s defenses
Use detail and senses to draw them in. The situation isn’t just an orc may have been devastated during a recent raid.
charging you, it’s an orc painted in blood swinging a hammer and yelling
bloody murder. You can leverage a lack of information, too. The sound of Once you have a map and some connections to the world, you should have a
clattering armor and shuffling feet, for instance. good idea of the status quo of the village. Adventure hasn’t come knocking
just yet, but there are rumbles of thunder in the distance. Now it’s time to
When you describe the situation, always end with “What do you do?” start shaking these foundations. How have things changed, recently, and for
Dungeon World is about action and adventure! Portray a situation that the worse? Perhaps there are rumors that the undead horde is on the march,
demands a response. or many of the village’s able-bodied men have recently fallen ill or been
killed in a battle. Relate the situation back to the characters to give them each
Follow the rules: This means your GM rules, sure, but also keep an eye on something that makes this danger personal, and finish by presenting a tense
the players’ moves. It’s everyone’s responsibility to watch for when a move situation that requires action.
has been triggered, including you. Stop the players and ask if they mean to
trigger the rules when it sounds like that’s what they’re doing. As your players are filling in their map, you should be looking over your
own Gamemaster playbook. Here, you’ll find a list of prompts to fill that
Part of following the rules is making moves. Your moves are different than will give you the basic structure of an adventure. Some of them you may
player moves and we’ll describe them in detail in a bit. Your moves are already be able to fill, other you may need to press for more information.
specific things you can do to change the flow of the game. You can answer a few in secret yourself, and keep them as surprises to be
revealed in play. Once you have enough details, take a short break, give
Exploit your prep: At times you’ll know something the players don’t yet people time to stretch their legs while you answer the questions under the
know. You can use that knowledge to help you make moves. Maybe the “prep the dungeon” move, and get ready for the action to begin.
wizard tries to cast a spell and draws unwanted attention. They don’t know
that the attention that just fell on them was the ominous gaze of a demon
waiting two levels below, but you do.
Next Steps
By the end of your first session, you should have the seed of a world to
explore with plenty of blanks left on the map, as well as some potential
“Prep” can mean a wide variety of resources. You might have brought a
threats that need to be defeated. While these quick-start characters are
dungeon or other location to the game, already mapped out, or you may have
designed for one-shots or short campaigns, they can easily keep going for as
a cast of characters, and know all their motivations. Or perhaps you simply
long as you wish just as they are. If you would like your characters to be able
decided something was true and now you are acting on that information. You
to grow in power as your campaign progresses, you can do so.
can also ask the players about their characters’ lives and histories, and add
those details to your prep.
The rules for experience points and character advancement have been
purposefully left out of this quick-start to cut down on complexity, but
There are no rules for assigning ad hoc modifiers to the they’re easy enough to add into the game. Alternatively, you can award the
players’ rolls for more difficult tests. Instead of raising the characters an advancement at certain milestones, such as at the end of the
difficulty, raise the stakes by making harder moves. A failed session. We have included advance cards with different options for each
move against a dragon will hurt a lot more than a failed move class to choose when they advance, in the style of advanced moves.
against a goblin.
If you are having difficulty improvising details, just go
Likewise, you can put obstacles in the characters’ way. The with whatever seems the most likely or obvious to you
charming gaze of a vampire or the incredible speed of a at the moment. What seems obvious to you may seem
master swordsman may mean that you have to Defy Danger brilliantly original to others.
just to get into striking range.
Leave blanks: It’s one of your principles, but it’s especially true during the
Playing the Game first session. Every blank is another cool thing waiting to happen; leave
Your role during character creation is threefold: help everyone, ask questions, yourself a stock of them.
and take notes. When a player makes a choice—particularly for their
bonds—ask them about it. Get more detail. Think about what these details Look for interesting facts: There are some ideas that, when you hear them,
mean. Look for interesting facts established by the characters’ bonds, moves, just jump out at you. When you hear one of those ideas, just write it down.
classes, and descriptions and ask about those things. Be curious! When When a player mentions the Duke of Sorrows being the demon he bargained
someone mentions the demons that slaughtered their village, find out more with, note it. That little fact is the seed for a whole world.
about them. After all, everything they give you is fuel for future adventures.
Help the players understand the moves: You are likely the one most
Also pay attention to the players’ questions. When mechanical questions familiar with the game, while the players may just be getting their first taste,
come up answer them. When questions of setting or fiction come up your so it’s up to you to help them if they need it. The fact is, they likely won’t
best bet is to turn those questions around. When a player says, “Who is the need it much. All they have to do is describe what their character does; the
King of Torsea,” say, “I don’t know. Who is it? What is he like?” rules take care of the rest.
Collaborate with your players. Asking a question means it’s something that
interests them so work with them to make the answers interesting. Don’t be The one place they may need some help is remembering the triggers for the
afraid to say, “I don’t know” and ask them the same questions. Work moves. Keep an ear out for actions that trigger moves, like attacking in
together to find a fantastic and interesting answer. melee or consulting their knowledge. After a few moves the players will
likely remember them on their own.
If you’ve come to the table with some ideas about stuff you’d like to see in
the world, share them with the players. Their characters are their Give each character a chance to shine: As a fan of the heroes (remember
responsibility and the world is yours—you’ve got a lot of say in what lives in your agenda?) you want to see them do what they do best. Give them a
it. If you want the game to be about a hunt for the lost sorcerer-race of aeons chance at this, not by tailoring every room to their skills, but by portraying a
past, say so! If the players aren’t interested or they’re sick to death of fantastic world (agenda again) where there are many solutions to every
sorcerers, they’ll let you know and you can work together to find some other challenge. Give the Bard someone to talk to, and give the Thief chances to
way. You don’t need pre-approval for everything but making sure everyone be sneaky
is excited about the broad strokes of the world is a great start.
Introduce NPCs: NPCs bring the world to life. If every monster does
Once everyone has their characters created you can take a deep breath. Look nothing more than attack and every blacksmith sets out their wares for
back over the questions you’ve asked and answered so far. You should have simple payment the world is dead. Instead give your characters, especially
some notes that will point you towards what the game might look like. Look those that the players show an interest in, life (principles, remember?)
at what the players have brought to the table. Look to the ideas that have Introduce NPCs but don’t protect them. The recently deceased Lord of
been stewing away in your head. It’s time for the adventure to begin! Goblins is just as useful for future adventures as the one who’s still alive.

Start the session with a group of player characters (maybe all of them) in a Remember that Dungeon World is all about the fiction, not
tense situation. Use anything that demands action: outside the entrance to a numbers. Don't go out of your way to trigger moves, whether
dungeon, ambushed in a fetid swamp, peeking through the crack in a door at you're a player or the GM. Taking a quick glance around a
the orc guards, or being sentenced before King Levus. Ask questions right room isn't Discerning Realities, and asking someone nicely
away—“who is leading the ambush against you?” or “what did you do to for a favor without any leverage is not Parley. If a player
make King Levus so mad?” If the situation stems directly from the move doesn't trigger, and everyone is looking to you to see
characters and your questions, all the better. what happens next, it's time to make a GM move.

Here’s where the game starts. The players will start saying and doing things,
which means they’ll start making moves. For the first session you should Sooner or later blades are drawn and blood is shed. When this happens the
watch especially carefully for when moves apply, until the players get the players are likely to start hacking and slashing, volleying, and defending.
hang of it. Often, in the early sessions, the players will be most comfortable Think about more than just the exchange of damage. Monsters might be
just narrating their actions—this is fine. When a move triggers, let them trying to capture the characters or protect something from them. Understand
know. Say, “It sounds like you’re trying to...” and then walk them through what the fight is about, what each side wants and how that might affect the
the move. Players looking for direction will look to their character sheet. tide of battle.
When a player just says “I Hack and Slash him” be quick to ask, “How?” or
“With what?” Sometimes they may try to do something that doesn’t trigger No self-respecting monster just stands still for their beating. Combat is a
any of their moves. That means they are likely looking to you to see what dynamic thing with creatures moving in and out of range, taking cover, and
happens next, so make one of your moves. retreating. Sometimes the battlefield itself shifts. Have your monsters take
action that the players will react to. Make sure you’re making use of moves
Establish details, describe: All the ideas and visions in your head don’t beyond deal damage, even in a fight. This includes monster moves too, so
really exist in the fiction of the game until you share them, describe them, when your goblin orkaster is summoning something beyond it’s control, you
and detail them. This is the time to establish the basics of what things look can make the move “pour forth magical chaos”.
like, who’s in charge, what they wear, what the world is like, and what the
immediate location is like. Describe everything, but keep it brief enough to Make sure everyone has a chance to act, and that you know where each
expand on later. Use a detail or two to make a description really stand out as player is during the chaos of combat. If you would find it helpful, sketch a
real. map of a complex battle location so that everyone knows just what’s
happening and can describe their actions appropriately.
Ask questions: You’re using what they give you, right? What if you need
more? That’s when you draw it out by asking questions. Poke and prod about If you’re stumped as to what happens next, look to your principles and do
specific things. Ask for reactions: “What does Lux think about that?” “Is what seems like would most be most obvious to you. Paradoxically, that
Avon doing something about it?” obvious thing may, to everyone else, seem original and brilliant.

If you ever find yourself at a loss, pause for a second and ask a question. Ask
one character a question about another. When a character does something,
ask how a different character feels or reacts. Questions will power your game If you have enjoyed this quick-start pack, please consider purchasing the full
and make it feel real and exciting. Use the answers you find to fill in what game of Dungeon World, by Sage LaTorra and Adam Koebel, available at
might happen next. your friendly local game store or online at drivethrurpg.com.
Agenda Begin and end with the fiction: Everything you and the players do in
Dungeon World comes from, and leads to, fictional events. When a player
Your agenda describes the things you aim to do at all times while GMing a makes a move, they describe their character taking action. Then you apply
game of Dungeon World: the rules and get a fictional effect. When you make a move it always comes
from the fiction.
Portray a fantastic world: Dungeon World is all about guts, guile, and
bravery against darkness and doom. It’s about characters who have decided Draw maps, leave blanks: Dungeon World exists mostly in the
to take up a life of adventure in the hopes of some glorious reward. It’s your imaginations of the people playing it; maps help everyone stay on the same
job to participate in that by showing the players a world in which their page. You won’t always be drawing them yourself, but any time there’s a
characters can find that adventure. Without the player characters the world new location described, make sure it gets added to a map.
would fall into chaos or destruction—it might still even with them. It’s up to
you to portray the fantastic elements of that world. Show the players the When you draw a map, don’t try to make it complete. Leave room for the
wonders of the world they’re in and encourage them to react to it. unknown. As you play you’ll get more ideas and the players will give you
inspiration to work with. Let the maps expand and change.
Fill the characters’ lives with adventure: This means working with the
players to create a world that’s engaging and dynamic. Adventurers are Embrace the fantastic: Magic, strange vistas, gods, demons, and
always caught up in some kind of world-threatening danger—encourage that abominations—the world is full of mystery and magic. Embrace that in your
kind of action in the game. prep and in play. Think about “the fantastic” on various scales. Think about
floating cities or islands crafted from the corpse of a god. Think about
Adventures should never presume player actions. A good adventure portrays village wise-men and their spirit familiars, or the statue that the local bandits
a setting in motion—someplace significant with creatures big and small touch to give them luck. The characters are interesting people, empowered
pursuing their own goals. As the players come into conflict with that setting by their gods, their skill at arms, or by mystical training. The world should
and its denizens, action is inevitable. It’s your job to honestly portray the be just as engaging.
repercussions of that action.
Give every monster life: Monsters are fantastic creatures with their own
Play to find out what happens: You’re sharing in the fun of finding out motivations, whether simple or complex. Give each monster details that
how the characters react to and change the world you’re portraying. You’re bring it to life: smells, sights, sounds—enough to make it real. But don’t cry
all participants in a great adventure that’s unfolding. Don’t plan too hard— when it gets beat up or overthrown, that’s what the players’ characters are
the rules of the game will fight you. supposed to do!

Everything you say and do at the table exists to accomplish these three goals Make a move that follows: When you make a move, what you’re actually
and no others. Things that aren’t on this list aren’t your goals. You’re not doing is taking an element of the fiction and bringing it to bear against the
trying to beat the players, test their ability to solve complex traps, or kill characters. Your moves should always follow from the fiction. They help
their characters (though monsters might be). You’re not here to give them a you focus on one aspect of the current situation and do something interesting
chance to explore your finely crafted setting and you’re most certainly not with it. When it’s your turn to say something, ask yourself: “What’s going
here to tell everyone a planned-out story. on? What move makes sense here?” Then describe what happens in the
fiction as an event.

Name every person: Anyone and everyone that the players speak with has a
Principles name. They probably have a personality and goals or opinions too, but you
Your principles are your guides. Often, when it’s time to make a move, can figure that out as you go. Start with a name. The rest can flow from there.
you’ll already have an idea of what makes sense. Consider it in light of your
principles and go with it, if it fits. Never speak the name of your move: There is no quicker way to ruin the
consistency of Dungeon World than to tell the players what move you’re
Address the characters, not the players: This means that you don’t say: making. Your moves are prompts for you, not things you say directly.
“Tony, is Dunwick doing something about that wight?” Instead, you say:
“Dunwick, what are you doing about the wight?” Speaking this way keeps You never show the players that you’re picking a move from a list. You
the game focused on the fiction and not on the table. know the reason the slavers dragged Omar away was because you made the
“put someone in a spot” move, but you show it to the players as a
It’s important to the flow of the game, too. If you talk to the players you may straightforward outcome of their actions, since it is.
leave out details that are important to what moves the characters make. Since
moves are always based on the actions of the characters, you need to think Think dangerous: Everything in the world is a target. You’re thinking like
about what’s happening in terms of those characters—not the players an evil overlord: no single life is worth anything and there is nothing
portraying them. sacrosanct. Everything can be put in danger, everything can be destroyed.
Nothing you create is ever protected. Whenever your eye falls on something
Ask questions and use the answers: Part of playing to find out what you’ve created, think how it can be put in danger, fall apart or crumble. The
happens is explicitly not knowing everything, and being curious. If you don’t world changes. Without the characters’ intervention, it changes for the worse.
know something, or you don’t have an idea, ask the players and use what
they say. Think offscreen too: Just because you’re a fan of the characters doesn’t
mean everything happens right in front of them. Sometimes your best move
Think about time when asking questions: ask about what came before, what is in the next room, or another part of the dungeon, or even back in town.
is true now and what might happen in the future. Ask the Cleric about the Make your move elsewhere and show its effects when they come into the
gods, ask the Wizard about magic, then switch it up—maybe the Thief has spotlight.
some ideas about the gods, too?

Be a fan of the characters: Think of the players’ characters as protagonists There are no combat turns, rounds, initiative or order. You don’t
in a story you might see on TV. Cheer for their victories and lament their “go into combat”. The GM sets up a situation, the players
defeats. You’re not here to push them in any particular direction, merely to respond, moves are triggered and resolved as necessary. Think
participate in the fiction that features them and their actions. of it like a movie battle scene, switching between characters as
needed. Any player can jump in (or be asked what they do) at
any time, as long as it makes sense in the fiction.
Give an opportunity that fits a class’ abilities: The thief disables traps,
Moves sneaks, and picks locks. The cleric deals with the divine and the dead. Every
You make a move when: class has things that they shine at—present an opportunity that plays to what
• Everyone looks to you to find out what happens. one class shines at.
• The players give you a golden opportunity.
• They roll a 6 or less (a miss). It doesn’t have to be a class that’s in play right now though. Sometimes a
locked door stands between you and treasure and there’s no thief in sight.
Each move is something that occurs in the fiction of the game—they aren’t This is an invitation for invention, bargaining, and creativity. If all you’ve
code words or special terms. “Use up their resources” literally means to got is a bloody axe, doesn’t every problem look like a skull?
expend the resources of the characters, for example.
Offer an opportunity, with or without cost: Show them something they
Never speak the name of your move (that’s one of your principles). Make it want: riches, power, glory. If you want, you can associate some cost with it
a real thing that happens to them: “As you dodge the hulking ogre’s club, too, of course.
you slip and land hard. Your sword goes sliding away into the darkness. You
think you saw where it went but the ogre is lumbering your way. What do Remember to lead with the fiction. You don’t say, “This area isn’t dangerous
you do?” so you can make camp here, if you’re willing to take the time.” You make it
a solid, fictional thing and say, “Helferth’s blessings still hang around the
No matter what move you make, always follow up with “What do you do?” shattered altar. It’s a nice safe spot, but the chanting from the ritual chamber
Your moves are a way of fulfilling your agenda—part of which is to fill the is getting louder. What do you do?”
characters’ lives with adventure. When a spell goes wild or the floor drops
out from under them adventurers react or suffer the consequences of inaction. Reveal an unwelcome truth: An unwelcome truth is a fact the players wish
wasn’t true: that the room’s been trapped, maybe, or that the helpful goblin
When making a move, keep your principles in mind. In particular, never is actually a spy. Reveal to the players just how much trouble they’re in.
speak the name of your move and address the characters, not the players.
Your moves are not mechanical actions happening around the table. They are Separate them: There are few things worse than being in the middle of a
concrete events happening to the characters in the fictional world you are raging battle with blood-thirsty owlbears on all sides—one of those things is
describing. What you say is what happens. You never need to touch the dice. being in the middle of that battle with no one at your back.

Note that “deal damage” is a move, but other moves may include damage as Separating the characters can mean anything from being pushed apart in the
well. When an ogre flings you against a wall you take damage as surely as if heat of battle to being teleported to the far end of the dungeon. Whatever
he had smashed you with his fists. way it occurs, it’s bound to cause problems.

Generally when the players are just looking at you to find out what happens Put someone in a spot: A spot is someplace where a character needs to
next, you make a soft move; one without immediate, irrevocable make tough choices. Put them, or something they care about, in the path of
consequences. That usually means it’s something not all that bad, like destruction. The harder the choice, the tougher the spot.
revealing that there’s more treasure if they can just find a way past the golem
(offer an opportunity with cost). It can also mean that it’s something bad, but Show a downside to their class, race, or equipment: Just as every class
they have time to avoid it, like having the goblin archers loose their arrows shines, they all have their weaknesses, too. Do orcs have a special thirst for
(show signs of an approaching threat) with a chance for them to dodge out of elven blood? Is the cleric’s magic disturbing dangerous forces? The torch
danger. Soft moves are often the result of a 7-9 roll. that lights the way also draws attention from eyes in the dark.

Hard moves, on the other hand, have immediate consequences. Dealing Show signs of an approaching threat: This is one of your most versatile
damage is almost always a hard move, since it means a loss of HP that won’t moves. “Threat” means anything bad that’s on the way. With this move, you
be recovered without some action from the players. A soft move ignored just show them that something’s going to happen unless they do something
becomes a golden opportunity for a hard move. If the players do nothing about it.
about the hail of arrows flying towards them it’s a golden opportunity to use
the deal damage move. When you have a chance to make a hard move you Tell them the requirements or consequences and ask: This move is
can opt for a soft one instead if it better fits the situation. Sometimes things particularly good when they want something that’s not covered by a move,
just work out for the best. or when they’ve made a move and missed. They can do it, sure, but they’ll
have to pay the price. Or, they can do it, but there will be consequences.
Remember, Dungeon World is a conversation, and your moves are designed Maybe they can swim through the shark-infested moat before being
to keep the conversation going. “Nothing happens” is not an appropriate devoured, but they’ll need a distraction. Of course, this is made clear to the
response to a 6- roll. characters, not just the players: the sharks are in a starved frenzy, for
To choose a move, start by looking at the obvious consequences of the action
that triggered it. If you already have an idea, think on it for a second to make Turn their move back on them: Think about the benefits a move might
sure it fits your agenda and principles and then do it. Let your moves grant a character and turn them around in a negative way. Alternately, grant
snowball. Build on the success or failure of the characters’ moves and on the same advantage to someone who has it out for the characters. If Ivy has
your own previous moves. If your first instinct is that this won’t hurt them learned of Duke Horst’s men approaching from the east, maybe a scout has
now, but it’ll come back to bite them later, great! That’s part of your spotted her, too.
principles (think offscreen too). Make a note of it and reveal it later, when
the time is right. Use a monster, danger, or location move: Every monster in an adventure
has moves associated with it, as do many locations. A monster or location
Deal damage: When you deal damage, choose one source of damage that’s move is just a description of what that location or monster does, maybe “hurl
fictionally threatening a character and apply it. In combat with a lizard man? someone away” or “bridge the planes.” If a player move (like hack and
It stabs you. Triggered a trap? Rocks fall on you. Consult the source of the slash) says that a monster gets to make an attack, make an aggressive move
danger to find out how much damage with that monster.

Most damage is based on a die roll. When a player takes damage, tell them Use up their resources: Surviving in a dungeon—or anywhere dangerous—
what to roll. You never need to touch the dice. If the player is too cowardly often comes down to supplies. With this move, something happens to use up
to find out their own fate, they can ask another player to roll for them. some resource: weapons, armor, healing, spells, time, whatever. You don’t
always have to use it up permanently. A sword might just be flung to the
other side of the room, not shattered.
Start here: Choose a name, looks, and background for your character. Knowing Eyes, Fiery Eyes, or Joyous Eyes
Mark the extra gear and bonuses to your stats that your background gives you. Fancy Hair, Wild Hair, or Stylish Cap
Add +1 to one stat of your choice, and -1 to another stat of your choice. Finery, Traveling Clothes, or Poor Clothes
Any stats that did not receive a modifier start at +0. Fit Body, Well-fed Body, or Thin Body
Write the names of your fellow adventurers in your bonds.


o Historian Arcane Art
+2 CHA, +1 WIS, starts with bandages (3 uses) You know the secrets of infusing music with magical power. When you weave a
You’re the town’s unofficial record-keeper and storyteller. performance into a basic spell, choose an ally and an effect:
Poring over the village’s histories and lore has taught you much, • They are healed of 1d8 damage
though your knowledge tends to be folk wisdom rather than • They take +1d4 forward to damage
academic. What field of knowledge does the village specialize • Their mind is shaken clear of one enchantment
in? • The next time someone successfully assists the target with aid, they get +2
You’re very well-studied. Choose a second area of expertise for instead of +1
Bardic Lore. Then roll+CHA. *On a 10+, the ally gets the selected effect. *On a 7-9, your spell still
works, but you draw unwanted attention or your magic reverberates to other targets
o Wandering Minstrel affecting them as well, GM’s choice.
+2 CHA, +1 CON, starts with adventuring gear (5 uses)
You roam the land in search of stories of heroism to share, and
earn your keep telling your stories and singing your songs in
Bardic Lore
taverns and inns. Perhaps you’ll find some new stories here. Your studies have made you an expert on a subject. Choose an area of expertise:
What are your favorite stores to tell for an audience? o Spells and Magicks o The Planar Spheres
Your arcane art is strong. When you use Arcane Art, choose two o The Dead and Undead o Legends of Heroes Past
effects instead of one. o Grand Histories of the Known World o Gods and their Servants
o A Bestiary of Creatures Unusual
When you first encounter an important creature, location, or item (your call) covered
o Swashbuckler by your Bardic Lore, you can ask the GM any one question about it; the GM will answer
+2 CHA, +1 DEX, starts with leather armor (1 armor) truthfully. The GM may then ask you what tale, song, or legend you heard that
You’re a dashing rogue, adept at both swordplay and magic. information in.
With a quick smile and an even quicker blade, you’re the finest
swordsman in the land! You’ve had plenty of adventures, but
something—or someone—keeps you coming back here. What is Charming and Open
it? When you speak frankly with someone, you can ask their player a question from the list
You begin with a duelist’s rapier instead of a short sword. When below. They must answer it truthfully, then they may ask you a question from the list
you Hack and Slash with a duelist’s rapier, you roll with (which you must answer truthfully).
+DEX instead of +STR, and you also take +1 armor forward. • Whom do you serve?
• What do you wish I would do?
• How can I get you to _________?
• What are you really feeling right now?
• What do you most desire?

Gear Bonds
You begin with: Who have you adventured with before? ____________________
Dungeon rations (5 uses)
A unique or magical musical instrument, describe it! Who have you heard stories of before meeting them in person? ____________________
A short sword
Leather armor (1 armor) Who has trusted you with a secret? ____________________

Whose adventures are you writing a ballad or story about? ____________________

Who doesn’t trust you, and with good reason? ____________________

Who is most often the butt of your jokes? ____________________

Basic Moves How to Play
Hack and Slash Dungeon World is a game of adventure fantasy. You'll play an adventurer in
When you attack an enemy in melee, roll+STR. *On a 10+ you deal your a dangerous world. Maybe you fight for glory, or for profit, or for good or
damage to the enemy and avoid their attack. At your option, you may choose evil, or out of loyalty to your friends. You'll decide that here at the table, and
to do +1d6 damage but expose yourself to the enemy’s attack. *On a 7-9, the adventure will emerge around your decisions. Your characters already
deal your damage to the enemy and the enemy makes an attack against you. have some history one another, so we can get right into the action. This
shared history is represented in the Bonds on your sheet. The gamemaster
Volley (GM) will ask you questions about where your character is from, what the
When you take aim and shoot at an enemy at range, roll+DEX. *On a 10+ world is like, and what they are doing. Your answers will shape the world
you have a clear shot—deal your damage. *On a 7-9, choose one (whichever and your adventure. We play to find out what happens.
you choose you deal your damage):
• You have to move to make the shot, placing you in danger of the Playing Dungeon World means having a conversation; somebody says
GM’s choice something, then you reply, maybe someone else chimes in. Players take turns
• You have to take what you can get: -1d6 damage (minimum 1) in the natural flow of the conversation, which always has some back-and-
• You have to take several shots, reducing your ammo by one. forth. The GM says something, the players respond. The players ask
questions or make statements, the GM tells them what happens next. The
Defy Danger conversation works best when we all listen, ask questions, and build on each
When you act despite an imminent threat or suffer a calamity, say how other’s contributions.
you deal with it and roll. If you do it...
• …by powering through, +STR Sometimes, the GM may tell you that your actions have triggered a move,
• …by getting out of the way or acting fast, +DEX such as Defy Danger. To make a move, roll two six-sided dice and add the
• …by enduring, +CON indicated ability from your sheet.
• …with quick thinking, +INT • If the total is 10 or higher, you’ve achieved a strong hit; you’ve
succeeded at your task.
• …through mental fortitude, +WIS
• …using charm and social grace, +CHA • If the total is between 7 and 9, it’s a weak hit; a success that comes
at some cost. Perhaps there’s a downside to your action, or you
*On a 10+, you do what you set out to do; the threat doesn’t come to bear.
*On a 7-9, you stumble, hesitate, or flinch: the GM will offer you a worse don’t get everything you wanted.
outcome, hard bargain, or ugly choice. • If the total is 6 or less, it’s a miss; your attempt has gone poorly,
and the GM can now make their move against you.
When you stand in defense of a person, item, or location under attack, Some moves may say “take +1 forward.” That means to take +1 to your next
roll+CON. *On a 10+, hold 3. *On a 7-9, hold 1. So long as you stand in move roll (not damage). The bonus can be greater than +1, or even a penalty,
defense, when you or the thing you defend is attacked you may spend hold, 1 like -1. The bonus may also apply to a specific condition, such as taking +1
for 1, to choose an option: the next time you use your armor, or +1d4 the next time you deal damage.
• Redirect an attack from the thing you defend to yourself Some moves may give you “hold.” Hold is currency that allows you to make
some choices later on by spending the hold as the move describes. Hold is
• Halve the attack’s effect or damage
always used on only the move that generated it.
• Open up the attacker to an ally, giving that ally +1 forward against
the attacker
Your Hit Points (HP) determines how much stamina you have, and much
• Deal 1 damage to the attacker punishment you can take before you fall. When you take damage, subtract it
from your HP. If you have armor, reduce the damage taken by your armor
Spout Lore value. When your HP reaches zero, you are out of action and maybe dead.
When you consult your accumulated knowledge about something,
roll+INT. *On a 10+ the GM will tell you something interesting and useful If you have adventuring gear, you may mark off a use to find some mundane
about the subject relevant to your situation. *On a 7-9 the GM will only tell but useful item, such as chalk, rope, a torch, or something similar.
you something interesting—it’s on you to make it useful. The GM might ask
you “How do you know this?” Tell them the truth, now. If you have bandages, when you have a few minutes to bandage someone
else’s wounds, heal them of 4 damage and mark off a use.
Discern Realities
When you closely study a situation or person, roll+WIS. *On a 10+ ask the As the Bard, you’re the most charming member of the team. You may be
GM 3 questions from the list below. *On a 7-9 ask 1. Take +1 forward when called upon to do the public speaking or negotiation. You also have a wealth
acting on the answers. of knowledge that can give your team useful clues about the dangers they
• What happened here recently? face, and you know a few magical songs to support them in battle. Be sure to
• What is about to happen? read the Aid Another and Parley moves on this sheet.
• What should I be on the lookout for?
• What here is useful or valuable to me? Our story will begin in or near your hometown. You may not necessarily hail
• Who’s really in control here? from this village, but you should have something that connects you to it. You
• What here is not what it appears to be? and your fellow players will build the town and the surrounding areas
together as part of the game. The GM will ask you questions about your
Aid or Interfere backstory, such as defining people, places, or events. Your answers will
When you help or hinder someone you have a bond with, roll+Bonds with become lore.
them. *On a 10+ they take +1 or -2, your choice. *On a 7-9 you also expose
yourself to danger, retribution, or cost. Some questions which you should consider for building your world:
• How are outsiders accepted here, and where might they come
Parley from?
When you have leverage on an NPC and manipulate them, roll+CHA. • What is the nearest settlement to the village? How are they
Leverage is something they need or want. *On a 10+, they do what you ask different, and what is the relationship with them like?
if you first promise what they ask of you. *On a 7-9, they will do what you • Where is the farthest you’ve been from here, and what keeps you
ask, but need some concrete assurance of your promise, right now. coming back here?
• What recent event has shaken the status quo?
Start here: Choose a name, looks, and background for your character. Kind Eyes, Sharp Eyes, or Sad Eyes
Mark the extra gear and bonuses to your stats that your background gives you. Tonsure, Strange Hair, or Bald
Add +1 to one stat of your choice, and -1 to another stat of your choice. Flowing Robes, Habit, or Common Garb
Any stats that did not receive a modifier start at +0. Thin Body, Knobby Body, or Flabby Body
Write the names of your fellow adventurers in your bonds.


o The Dawning Lord Cast a Spell
+2 WIS, +1 STR, starts with adventuring gear (5 uses) Your faith and your deity have granted you miraculous powers that most people call
You follow the god of the sun, who represents righteous order magic. When you cast a holy spell, choose one of the following effects:
and civilization. You petition your god by proving yourself in • You conjure a sacred light that will follow you around, as long as you wish.
combat. Why has your deity or order sent you here? • You heal an ally you touch of 1d8 HP.
The light of the Dawning Lord strikes down the undead. When • A corpse you touch answers any three questions you ask it, to the best of the
you Turn Undead, on a hit you also deal your damage to one knowledge it had in life and the knowledge it gained in death.
undead creature you can see. • The weapon you hold while casting this spell does +1d4 damage until the next
time you cast a spell.
o The Earth Mother • A target you can see is filled with supernatural fear of you, and will react
+2 WIS, +1 CHA, starts with poultices and herbs (2 uses) accordingly, until the next time you cast a spell.
You follow the goddess of the earth and healing. You petition Then roll+WIS. *On a hit, the spell is cast successfully. *On a 7-9, choose one:
your goddess by offerings of nature’s bounty. What do you • You draw unwelcome attention or put yourself in a spot. The GM will tell you
usually offer? What do you offer on special occasions? how.
The Earth Mother helps you to heal those in need. When you • The spell strains your devotion—take -1 to cast a spell until the next time you
heal someone, either by magic or administering a healing pray. This penalty is cumulative each time you take it.
item (like poultices and herbs), you heal an extra 1d4 HP. • After it is cast, your deity revokes it. You cannot cast the spell again until the
next time you pray.
o The Moon Goddess
+2 WIS, +1 INT, starts with a bag of books (5 uses) When you spend uninterrupted time (an hour or so) in quiet prayer to your deity, you
You follow the goddess of night and mystery. You petition your remove any of the above penalties and recover all of your lost spells.
goddess by acquiring secret knowledge and whispering them to
her. What types of secrets does your goddess prefer to deal in?
Your goddess has imparted to you secret magical knowledge.
Turn Undead
Choose an effect from the Wizard’s list of effects under Cast a When you hold your holy symbol aloft and call on your deity for protection,
Spell, and add it to your list for Cast a Spell. roll+WIS. *On a hit, so long as you continue to pray and brandish your holy symbol, no
undead may come within reach of you. *On a 10+, you also momentarily daze intelligent
undead and cause mindless undead to flee. Aggression breaks the effects and they are able
to act as normal. Intelligent undead may still and ways to harry you from afar. They’re
clever like that.

Divine Guidance
When you petition your deity according to the precept of your religion, you are
granted some useful knowledge or boon related to your deity’s domain. The GM will tell
you what.

Gear Bonds
You begin with: Who has your deity ordered you to convert to your faith? ____________________
Dungeon rations (5 uses)
Your holy symbol, describe it! Who needs your protection to keep them safe? ____________________
A mace
Blessed vestments (1 armor) Who has proven themselves to you with their goodness? ____________________

Who doesn’t respect your deity or your faith? ____________________

Basic Moves How to Play
Hack and Slash Dungeon World is a game of adventure fantasy. You'll play an adventurer in
When you attack an enemy in melee, roll+STR. *On a 10+ you deal your a dangerous world. Maybe you fight for glory, or for profit, or for good or
damage to the enemy and avoid their attack. At your option, you may choose evil, or out of loyalty to your friends. You'll decide that here at the table, and
to do +1d6 damage but expose yourself to the enemy’s attack. *On a 7-9, the adventure will emerge around your decisions. Your characters already
deal your damage to the enemy and the enemy makes an attack against you. have some history one another, so we can get right into the action. This
shared history is represented in the Bonds on your sheet. The gamemaster
Volley (GM) will ask you questions about where your character is from, what the
When you take aim and shoot at an enemy at range, roll+DEX. *On a 10+ world is like, and what they are doing. Your answers will shape the world
you have a clear shot—deal your damage. *On a 7-9, choose one (whichever and your adventure. We play to find out what happens.
you choose you deal your damage):
• You have to move to make the shot, placing you in danger of the Playing Dungeon World means having a conversation; somebody says
GM’s choice something, then you reply, maybe someone else chimes in. Players take turns
• You have to take what you can get: -1d6 damage (minimum 1) in the natural flow of the conversation, which always has some back-and-
• You have to take several shots, reducing your ammo by one. forth. The GM says something, the players respond. The players ask
questions or make statements, the GM tells them what happens next. The
Defy Danger conversation works best when we all listen, ask questions, and build on each
When you act despite an imminent threat or suffer a calamity, say how other’s contributions.
you deal with it and roll. If you do it...
• …by powering through, +STR Sometimes, the GM may tell you that your actions have triggered a move,
• …by getting out of the way or acting fast, +DEX such as Defy Danger. To make a move, roll two six-sided dice and add the
• …by enduring, +CON indicated ability from your sheet.
• …with quick thinking, +INT • If the total is 10 or higher, you’ve achieved a strong hit; you’ve
succeeded at your task.
• …through mental fortitude, +WIS
• …using charm and social grace, +CHA • If the total is between 7 and 9, it’s a weak hit; a success that comes
at some cost. Perhaps there’s a downside to your action, or you
*On a 10+, you do what you set out to do; the threat doesn’t come to bear.
*On a 7-9, you stumble, hesitate, or flinch: the GM will offer you a worse don’t get everything you wanted.
outcome, hard bargain, or ugly choice. • If the total is 6 or less, it’s a miss; your attempt has gone poorly,
and the GM can now make their move against you.
When you stand in defense of a person, item, or location under attack, Some moves may say “take +1 forward.” That means to take +1 to your next
roll+CON. *On a 10+, hold 3. *On a 7-9, hold 1. So long as you stand in move roll (not damage). The bonus can be greater than +1, or even a penalty,
defense, when you or the thing you defend is attacked you may spend hold, 1 like -1. The bonus may also apply to a specific condition, such as taking +1
for 1, to choose an option: the next time you use your armor, or +1d4 the next time you deal damage.
• Redirect an attack from the thing you defend to yourself Some moves may give you “hold.” Hold is currency that allows you to make
some choices later on by spending the hold as the move describes. Hold is
• Halve the attack’s effect or damage
always used on only the move that generated it.
• Open up the attacker to an ally, giving that ally +1 forward against
the attacker
Your Hit Points (HP) determines how much stamina you have, and much
• Deal 1 damage to the attacker punishment you can take before you fall. When you take damage, subtract it
from your HP. If you have armor, reduce the damage taken by your armor
Spout Lore value. When your HP reaches zero, you are out of action and maybe dead.
When you consult your accumulated knowledge about something,
roll+INT. *On a 10+ the GM will tell you something interesting and useful If you have poultices and herbs, when you carefully treat someone’s wounds
about the subject relevant to your situation. *On a 7-9 the GM will only tell with poultices and herbs, heal them of 7 damage and mark off a use.
you something interesting—it’s on you to make it useful. The GM might ask
you “How do you know this?” Tell them the truth, now. If you have a bag of books, when you are Spouting Lore you may mark off a
use to find a useful book and take +1 to the roll.
Discern Realities
When you closely study a situation or person, roll+WIS. *On a 10+ ask the
GM 3 questions from the list below. *On a 7-9 ask 1. Take +1 forward when As the Cleric, you bring holy power to the team. Your spells bolster and heal
acting on the answers. your allies in combat, or they may be used to hold your foes at bay. Your
• What happened here recently? connection with your deity may also offer you insights into the dangers you
• What is about to happen? may face, or the divine favor you need.
• What should I be on the lookout for?
• What here is useful or valuable to me? Our story will begin in or near your hometown. You may not necessarily hail
• Who’s really in control here? from this village, but you should have something that connects you to it. You
• What here is not what it appears to be? and your fellow players will build the town and the surrounding areas
together as part of the game. The GM will ask you questions about your
Aid or Interfere backstory, such as defining people, places, or events. Your answers will
When you help or hinder someone you have a bond with, roll+Bonds with become lore.
them. *On a 10+ they take +1 or -2, your choice. *On a 7-9 you also expose
yourself to danger, retribution, or cost. Some questions which you should consider for building your world:
• What god or gods are worshipped here, yours or others, and how?
Parley • What legends of the gods or divine forces linger around here?
When you have leverage on an NPC and manipulate them, roll+CHA. • What do the people avoid or simply not do because they are scared
Leverage is something they need or want. *On a 10+, they do what you ask of evil?
if you first promise what they ask of you. *On a 7-9, they will do what you • What is there a dire need for in the village, right now?
ask, but need some concrete assurance of your promise, right now.
Start here: Choose a name, looks, and background for your character. Wise Eyes, Wild Eyes, or Haunting Eyes
Mark the extra gear and bonuses to your stats that your background gives you. Furry Hood, Messy Hair, or Braided Hair
Add +1 to one stat of your choice, and -1 to another stat of your choice. Ceremonial Garb, Practical Leathers, or Weathered Hides
Any stats that did not receive a modifier start at +0. Tell:___________________________________________
Write the names of your fellow adventurers in your bonds.


o Green Faith Shapeshifter
+2 WIS, +1 CHA, starts with poultices and herbs (2 uses) You learned your magic in a place whose spirits are strong and ancient, and they’ve
Your family keeps the old ways of the ancestors, and have raised marked you as one of their own. No matter where you go, they live within you and allow
you in this faith of spirits and nature. Why do they hold onto you to take their shape. Choose three of the following animal forms you may shapeshift
these old beliefs? Do they need to keep this a secret? into, and choose a Tell—a physical attribute that marks you as a Druid. It may be an
Your are initiated into the mysteries by your faith. When you animal feature like antlers or leopard’s spots or something more general: hair like leaves
spend time in a place, making note of its resident spirits and or eyes of glittering crystal. Your Tell remains no matter what shape you take.
calling on the spirits of the land, roll+WIS. You will be o Wolf (Track by scent, Hamstring the weak, Call the pack)
granted a vision of significance to you, your allies, and the spirits o Owl (Spot something far away, Strike from above, Fly away silently)
around you. *On a 10+ the vision will be clear and helpful to o Squirrel (Climb to safety, Hide something for later, Snatch something shiny)
you. *On a 7-9 the vision is unclear, its meaning murky. *On a o Bear (Maul them, Lumber through a hazard, Shrug off small nuisances)
miss, the vision is upsetting, frightening, or traumatizing; the o Stag (Run tirelessly, Move gracefully through danger, Listen to the Wild)
GM will describe it and you take -1 forward. o Serpent (Venomous bite, Sneak through silently, Lie in wait)
o Cat (Pad silently, Leap and balance with great agility, Miraculously survive)
o Spirit’s Call
+2 WIS, +1 DEX, starts with adventuring gear (5 uses) When you call upon the spirits to change your shape, roll+WIS. *On a 10+, hold 3.
The spirits of the wild have deliberately sought you out to mark *On a 7-9, hold 2. *On a miss, hold 1 in addition to whatever the GM says; Nature
you as theirs, and you have felt them calling to you in your demands a heavy price for her favors. You and your possessions meld into a perfect copy
dreams. What was their initiation like? What does they know of that animal’s form. You have any innate abilities and weaknesses of the form, like
about you that you don't? claws, wings, or venomous fangs. You still use your normal stats but some moves may be
Changing your shape comes naturally to you. When you change harder to trigger—a squirrel will find it difficult to Hack and Slash an ogre.
your shape, you get +1 hold, even on a miss.
Each form has three moves associated with it. Spend a hold to make one of your form’s
moves; no roll is necessary, you just make that move. If a move would deal damage, use
o Marked
your own damage die. When you’re out of hold, you return to your natural form. At any
+2 WIS, +1 CON, starts with hide armor (1 armor)
time, you may spend all your hold and revert to your natural form.
You were born with your Tell showing plainly for all to see. For
this, you were left upon the ancient altar in the wilderness. An
elder druid took you in and taut you their craft. Despite being By Nature Sustained
outcast, your mentor has asked you for forgive the villagers and The powerful energies of life flowing through you sustain your body. You do not need to
use your gift to help them. How do you accomplish this? eat or drink, though you can if you want. You don’t need to carry any dungeon rations.
You understand the connectedness between men and beasts.
When you mark an animal (with mud, dirt, or blood), you can
see through that animal’s eyes as if they were your own, no Spirit Tongue
matter what distance separates you. Only one animal at a time The grunts, barks, chirps, and calls of the creatures of the wild are as language to you.
may be marked in this way. You can speak with and understand animals, as well as closely study them and Parley with
them as if they were people.

Gear Bonds
You begin with: Who smells more like prey than a hunter to you? ____________________
A token of the land, symbolizing your connection with Nature,
describe it! Who have the spirits warned you is in danger? ____________________
A spear
Who have you shared secret rites of the Land with? ____________________

Who have you formed a blood-bond with? ____________________

Basic Moves How to Play
Hack and Slash Dungeon World is a game of adventure fantasy. You'll play an adventurer in
When you attack an enemy in melee, roll+STR. *On a 10+ you deal your a dangerous world. Maybe you fight for glory, or for profit, or for good or
damage to the enemy and avoid their attack. At your option, you may choose evil, or out of loyalty to your friends. You'll decide that here at the table, and
to do +1d6 damage but expose yourself to the enemy’s attack. *On a 7-9, the adventure will emerge around your decisions. Your characters already
deal your damage to the enemy and the enemy makes an attack against you. have some history one another, so we can get right into the action. This
shared history is represented in the Bonds on your sheet. The gamemaster
Volley (GM) will ask you questions about where your character is from, what the
When you take aim and shoot at an enemy at range, roll+DEX. *On a 10+ world is like, and what they are doing. Your answers will shape the world
you have a clear shot—deal your damage. *On a 7-9, choose one (whichever and your adventure. We play to find out what happens.
you choose you deal your damage):
• You have to move to make the shot, placing you in danger of the Playing Dungeon World means having a conversation; somebody says
GM’s choice something, then you reply, maybe someone else chimes in. Players take turns
• You have to take what you can get: -1d6 damage (minimum 1) in the natural flow of the conversation, which always has some back-and-
• You have to take several shots, reducing your ammo by one. forth. The GM says something, the players respond. The players ask
questions or make statements, the GM tells them what happens next. The
Defy Danger conversation works best when we all listen, ask questions, and build on each
When you act despite an imminent threat or suffer a calamity, say how other’s contributions.
you deal with it and roll. If you do it...
• …by powering through, +STR Sometimes, the GM may tell you that your actions have triggered a move,
• …by getting out of the way or acting fast, +DEX such as Defy Danger. To make a move, roll two six-sided dice and add the
• …by enduring, +CON indicated ability from your sheet.
• …with quick thinking, +INT • If the total is 10 or higher, you’ve achieved a strong hit; you’ve
succeeded at your task.
• …through mental fortitude, +WIS
• …using charm and social grace, +CHA • If the total is between 7 and 9, it’s a weak hit; a success that comes
at some cost. Perhaps there’s a downside to your action, or you
*On a 10+, you do what you set out to do; the threat doesn’t come to bear.
*On a 7-9, you stumble, hesitate, or flinch: the GM will offer you a worse don’t get everything you wanted.
outcome, hard bargain, or ugly choice. • If the total is 6 or less, it’s a miss; your attempt has gone poorly,
and the GM can now make their move against you.
When you stand in defense of a person, item, or location under attack, Some moves may say “take +1 forward.” That means to take +1 to your next
roll+CON. *On a 10+, hold 3. *On a 7-9, hold 1. So long as you stand in move roll (not damage). The bonus can be greater than +1, or even a penalty,
defense, when you or the thing you defend is attacked you may spend hold, 1 like -1. The bonus may also apply to a specific condition, such as taking +1
for 1, to choose an option: the next time you use your armor, or +1d4 the next time you deal damage.
• Redirect an attack from the thing you defend to yourself Some moves may give you “hold.” Hold is currency that allows you to make
some choices later on by spending the hold as the move describes. Hold is
• Halve the attack’s effect or damage
always used on only the move that generated it.
• Open up the attacker to an ally, giving that ally +1 forward against
the attacker
Your Hit Points (HP) determines how much stamina you have, and much
• Deal 1 damage to the attacker punishment you can take before you fall. When you take damage, subtract it
from your HP. If you have armor, reduce the damage taken by your armor
Spout Lore value. When your HP reaches zero, you are out of action and maybe dead.
When you consult your accumulated knowledge about something,
roll+INT. *On a 10+ the GM will tell you something interesting and useful If you have adventuring gear, you may mark off a use to find some mundane
about the subject relevant to your situation. *On a 7-9 the GM will only tell but useful item, such as chalk, rope, a torch, or something similar.
you something interesting—it’s on you to make it useful. The GM might ask
you “How do you know this?” Tell them the truth, now. If you have poultices and herbs, when you carefully treat someone’s wounds
with poultices and herbs, heal them of 7 damage and mark off a use.
Discern Realities
When you closely study a situation or person, roll+WIS. *On a 10+ ask the
GM 3 questions from the list below. *On a 7-9 ask 1. Take +1 forward when As the Druid, you command the forces of nature. Your abilities to change
acting on the answers. your form make you capable of filling many different roles within the team,
• What happened here recently? but you must use the powers responsibly, or Nature may exact a heavy price
• What is about to happen? from you.
• What should I be on the lookout for?
• What here is useful or valuable to me? Our story will begin in or near your hometown. You may not necessarily hail
• Who’s really in control here? from this village, but you should have something that connects you to it. You
• What here is not what it appears to be? and your fellow players will build the town and the surrounding areas
together as part of the game. The GM will ask you questions about your
Aid or Interfere backstory, such as defining people, places, or events. Your answers will
When you help or hinder someone you have a bond with, roll+Bonds with become lore.
them. *On a 10+ they take +1 or -2, your choice. *On a 7-9 you also expose
yourself to danger, retribution, or cost. Some questions which you should consider for building your world:
• How do you help other people in the village, and how do they treat
Parley you for it?
When you have leverage on an NPC and manipulate them, roll+CHA. • What significant or unusual natural features are nearby?
Leverage is something they need or want. *On a 10+, they do what you ask • What important spirits linger near the village?
if you first promise what they ask of you. *On a 7-9, they will do what you • Why is there unrest in the spirit world right now?
ask, but need some concrete assurance of your promise, right now.
Start here: Choose a name, looks, and background for your character. Hard Eyes, Dead Eyes, or Eager Eyes
Mark the extra gear and bonuses to your stats that your background gives you. Wild Hair, Shorn Hair, or Battered Helm
Add +1 to one stat of your choice, and -1 to another stat of your choice. Calloused Skin, Tanned Skin, or Scarred Skin
Any stats that did not receive a modifier start at +0. Built Body, Lithe Body, or Ravaged Body
Write the names of your fellow adventurers in your bonds.


o Bearer Bend Bars, Lift Gates
+2 STR, +1 CHA, starts with healing potion When you use pure strength to destroy an inanimate obstacle, roll+STR. *On a 10+,
Sometimes you wield a weapon, sometimes it wields you. choose 3. *On a 7-9, choose 2.
Whether by destiny or the will of the gods, your signature • It doesn’t take a very long time
weapon has chosen you as its wielder. Together, you will do • Nothing of value is damaged
great things, even if that means you’ll never lead a normal life. • It doesn’t make an inordinate amount of noise
What manner of spirits reside in your weapon? What do they • You can fix the thing again without a lot of effort
When you consult the spirits that reside within your
signature weapon, they will give you an insight relating to the Signature Weapon
current situation, and might ask you some questions in return, You own a unique weapon that has extraordinary abilities. Tell us how you came to own
roll+CHA. *On a 10+, the GM will give you good detail. *On a your weapon! Choose your weapon, and add it to your list of gear:
7-9, the GM will give you an impression. o Crom Faeyr, the ancient hammer of dwarven kings, and its companion shield.
When you strike an enemy with this weapon, it knocks them back with a clap
o Retired Adventurer of thunder, and the shield grants you +1 armor while you are using it.
+2 STR, +1 WIS, starts with adventuring gear (5 uses) o Meofainn, the terrible battle-axe bathed in the heart-blood of a dragon. The
You left behind a life of bloodshed and a name that mothers used damage this weapon inflicts is particularly destructive, ripping both people and
to scare their children. That was years ago. For whatever reason, things apart with its cruel edge. When you deal damage with this weapon, roll
the people here took you (back?) in and treat you like one of your damage die twice, and take the better result.
their own. And while you hoped to live in peace, it doesn’t o Ironfang, the ornate spear of the greatest chieftain the northern clans have ever
always work out that way. What was your last adventure? known. When you throw Ironfang in battle, you make the Volley move with
You keep a cool head in combat. When you Discern Realities STR instead of DEX, and after you throw it, it returns to your hand by magic.
while in battle, take +1. (You can’t select to reduce ammo when you Volley with a thrown weapon.)
o Sindarin, the graceful elven blade that shines like the crescent moon. The
uncanny sharpness of this blade ignores the enemy’s armor, and it glows when
o Scion goblins and their kin are near.
+2 STR, +1 CON, starts with bandages (3 uses) o Bielgrim, the greatsword of a legendary knight. This weapon can always sense
Your signature weapon is an old family heirloom, wielded the taint of darkness or chaos, and reacts in its presence. When you strike a
famously by someone in your line, either recently or in ages past. creature of darkness or chaos with Bielgrim, it ignites with holy fire; you
What do you know of the legend of your ancestor? Does your either deal +1d4 damage or suppress one of its unnatural powers, your choice.
name still carry that fame—or infamy?
Heroism is in your blood. When you Defend, you get +1 hold,
even on a miss. Armored
You’re used to wearing heavy armor, and it doesn’t slow you down or make you clumsy.
You can wear chainmail and heavier armor without penalty.

Gear Bonds
You begin with: Who have you sworn to protect from harm, and why? ____________________
Dungeon rations (5 uses)
Your signature weapon Who owes you their life, and why? ____________________
Chainmail armor (2 armor)
A dagger Who do you worry about surviving the coming danger? ____________________

Who do you need to toughen up if they want to survive? ____________________

Basic Moves How to Play
Hack and Slash Dungeon World is a game of adventure fantasy. You'll play an adventurer in
When you attack an enemy in melee, roll+STR. *On a 10+ you deal your a dangerous world. Maybe you fight for glory, or for profit, or for good or
damage to the enemy and avoid their attack. At your option, you may choose evil, or out of loyalty to your friends. You'll decide that here at the table, and
to do +1d6 damage but expose yourself to the enemy’s attack. *On a 7-9, the adventure will emerge around your decisions. Your characters already
deal your damage to the enemy and the enemy makes an attack against you. have some history one another, so we can get right into the action. This
shared history is represented in the Bonds on your sheet. The gamemaster
Volley (GM) will ask you questions about where your character is from, what the
When you take aim and shoot at an enemy at range, roll+DEX. *On a 10+ world is like, and what they are doing. Your answers will shape the world
you have a clear shot—deal your damage. *On a 7-9, choose one (whichever and your adventure. We play to find out what happens.
you choose you deal your damage):
• You have to move to make the shot, placing you in danger of the Playing Dungeon World means having a conversation; somebody says
GM’s choice something, then you reply, maybe someone else chimes in. Players take turns
• You have to take what you can get: -1d6 damage (minimum 1) in the natural flow of the conversation, which always has some back-and-
• You have to take several shots, reducing your ammo by one. forth. The GM says something, the players respond. The players ask
questions or make statements, the GM tells them what happens next. The
Defy Danger conversation works best when we all listen, ask questions, and build on each
When you act despite an imminent threat or suffer a calamity, say how other’s contributions.
you deal with it and roll. If you do it...
• …by powering through, +STR Sometimes, the GM may tell you that your actions have triggered a move,
• …by getting out of the way or acting fast, +DEX such as Defy Danger. To make a move, roll two six-sided dice and add the
• …by enduring, +CON indicated ability from your sheet.
• …with quick thinking, +INT • If the total is 10 or higher, you’ve achieved a strong hit; you’ve
succeeded at your task.
• …through mental fortitude, +WIS
• …using charm and social grace, +CHA • If the total is between 7 and 9, it’s a weak hit; a success that comes
at some cost. Perhaps there’s a downside to your action, or you
*On a 10+, you do what you set out to do; the threat doesn’t come to bear.
*On a 7-9, you stumble, hesitate, or flinch: the GM will offer you a worse don’t get everything you wanted.
outcome, hard bargain, or ugly choice. • If the total is 6 or less, it’s a miss; your attempt has gone poorly,
and the GM can now make their move against you.
When you stand in defense of a person, item, or location under attack, Some moves may say “take +1 forward.” That means to take +1 to your next
roll+CON. *On a 10+, hold 3. *On a 7-9, hold 1. So long as you stand in move roll (not damage). The bonus can be greater than +1, or even a penalty,
defense, when you or the thing you defend is attacked you may spend hold, 1 like -1. The bonus may also apply to a specific condition, such as taking +1
for 1, to choose an option: the next time you use your armor, or +1d4 the next time you deal damage.
• Redirect an attack from the thing you defend to yourself Some moves may give you “hold.” Hold is currency that allows you to make
some choices later on by spending the hold as the move describes. Hold is
• Halve the attack’s effect or damage
always used on only the move that generated it.
• Open up the attacker to an ally, giving that ally +1 forward against
the attacker
Your Hit Points (HP) determines how much stamina you have, and much
• Deal 1 damage to the attacker punishment you can take before you fall. When you take damage, subtract it
from your HP. If you have armor, reduce the damage taken by your armor
Spout Lore value. When your HP reaches zero, you are out of action and maybe dead.
When you consult your accumulated knowledge about something,
roll+INT. *On a 10+ the GM will tell you something interesting and useful If you have adventuring gear, you may mark off a use to find some mundane
about the subject relevant to your situation. *On a 7-9 the GM will only tell but useful item, such as chalk, rope, a torch, or something similar.
you something interesting—it’s on you to make it useful. The GM might ask
you “How do you know this?” Tell them the truth, now. If you have bandages, when you have a few minutes to bandage someone
else’s wounds, heal them of 4 damage and mark off a use.
Discern Realities
When you closely study a situation or person, roll+WIS. *On a 10+ ask the If you have a healing potion, when you drink it, heal yourself of 10 damage
GM 3 questions from the list below. *On a 7-9 ask 1. Take +1 forward when or remove one debility, your choice.
acting on the answers.
• What happened here recently?
• What is about to happen? As the Fighter, you’re the best at martial combat. Your signature weapon is
• What should I be on the lookout for? the strongest weapon around, and you wear the heaviest armor. Your job is
• What here is useful or valuable to me? to be on the front lines of battle, facing danger head-on. Be sure to read the
• Who’s really in control here? Hack and Slash and Defend moves on this page.
• What here is not what it appears to be?
Our story will begin in or near your hometown. You may not necessarily hail
Aid or Interfere from this village, but you should have something that connects you to it. You
When you help or hinder someone you have a bond with, roll+Bonds with and your fellow players will build the town and the surrounding areas
them. *On a 10+ they take +1 or -2, your choice. *On a 7-9 you also expose together as part of the game. The GM will ask you questions about your
yourself to danger, retribution, or cost. backstory, such as defining people, places, or events. Your answers will
become lore.
When you have leverage on an NPC and manipulate them, roll+CHA. Some questions which you should consider for building your world:
Leverage is something they need or want. *On a 10+, they do what you ask • What was the most significant battle to happen near here long ago?
if you first promise what they ask of you. *On a 7-9, they will do what you • What fight made your reputation?
ask, but need some concrete assurance of your promise, right now. • …But what aspects of it are people less keen to discuss?
• Who do people look to for leadership in times of crisis?
Start here: Choose a name, looks, and background for your character. Kind Eyes, Fiery Eyes, or Glowing Eyes
Mark the extra gear and bonuses to your stats that your background gives you. Helmet, Styled Hair, or Bald
Add +1 to one stat of your choice, and -1 to another stat of your choice. Worn, Fancy, or Bloodstained Holy Symbol
Any stats that did not receive a modifier start at +0. Fit Body, Bulky Body, or Thin Body
Write the names of your fellow adventurers in your bonds.


o Faith Militant I Am The Law
+2 STR, +1 CHA, starts with healing potion When you give an NPC an order based on your divine authority, roll+CHA. *On a hit,
You are a member of the military arm of a religious they choose one:
organization. The common people look to you as their shield • Do what you say
against the forces of evil. Why have you been sent here, and • Back away cautiously, then flee
what do you expect to find? • Attack you
You have a keen sense for the taint of evil. When you pray for *On a 10+, you also take +1 forward against them. *On a miss, they do as they please and
guidance, even for a moment, and ask, “What here is evil?” you take -1 forward against them.
the GM will tell you, honestly.
Lay on Hands
o Anointed When you touch someone else, skin-to-skin, and pray for their well-being, roll+CHA.
+2 CHA, +1 STR, starts with bandages (3 uses) *On a 10+, you heal them of 1d8 damage, or remove a disease from them. *On a 7-9, they
Though you are a knight, you consider yourself a member of the are healed, but the damage or disease is transferred to you.
faith first and foremost. You prefer the small chapel in your
hometown to the great cathedrals of your order. What is it that
keeps you here?
Your faith is powerful. When you heal someone with Lay on When you dedicate yourself to a mission through prayer and ritual cleansing, state
Hands, you heal an extra +1d4 damage, which is never what you set out to do:
transferred to you. • Slay _______, a great blight on the land
• Defend _______ from the iniquities that beset them
o Sheriff • Discover the truth of _______
Then choose up to two boons:
+2 STR, +1 CON, starts with adventuring gear (5 uses)
You keep order around here and protect the town from outside • An unwavering sense of direction to _______
threats. As the hand of a local lord or other authority figure, • Invulnerability to _______ (e.g., edged weapons, fire, enchantment, etc.)
everyone knows you’ve the might to back up your words. Who • A mark of divine authority
do you serve? • Senses that pierce lies
You let your reputation do your talking for you. When dealing • A voice that transcends language
with people who know you or your reputation, you roll for I • A freedom from hunger, thirst, and sleep
Am The Law with STR instead of CHA. The GM will then tell you what vow or vows is required of you to maintain your blessing:
• Honor (forbidden: cowardly tactics and tricks)
• Temperance (forbidden: gluttony in food, drink, and pleasure of the flesh)
You also get this move, regardless of background: • Piety (required: observance of daily holy services)
• Valor (forbidden: suffering an evil creature to live)
Armored • Truth (forbidden: lies)
You’re used to wearing heavy armor, and it doesn’t slow you
• Hospitality (required: comfort to those in need, no matter who they are)
down or make you clumsy. You can wear chainmail and heavier
armor without penalty.

Gear Bonds
You begin with: Whose misguided behavior endangers their very soul? ____________________
Dungeon rations (5 uses)
A long sword Who has stood by you in battle and can be trusted completely? ____________________
Chainmail armor (2 armor)
A shield (+1 armor) Who is the bravest soul you know? ____________________

Whose beliefs do you respect, even if they aren’t the true way? ____________________

Basic Moves How to Play
Hack and Slash Dungeon World is a game of adventure fantasy. You'll play an adventurer in
When you attack an enemy in melee, roll+STR. *On a 10+ you deal your a dangerous world. Maybe you fight for glory, or for profit, or for good or
damage to the enemy and avoid their attack. At your option, you may choose evil, or out of loyalty to your friends. You'll decide that here at the table, and
to do +1d6 damage but expose yourself to the enemy’s attack. *On a 7-9, the adventure will emerge around your decisions. Your characters already
deal your damage to the enemy and the enemy makes an attack against you. have some history one another, so we can get right into the action. This
shared history is represented in the Bonds on your sheet. The gamemaster
Volley (GM) will ask you questions about where your character is from, what the
When you take aim and shoot at an enemy at range, roll+DEX. *On a 10+ world is like, and what they are doing. Your answers will shape the world
you have a clear shot—deal your damage. *On a 7-9, choose one (whichever and your adventure. We play to find out what happens.
you choose you deal your damage):
• You have to move to make the shot, placing you in danger of the Playing Dungeon World means having a conversation; somebody says
GM’s choice something, then you reply, maybe someone else chimes in. Players take turns
• You have to take what you can get: -1d6 damage (minimum 1) in the natural flow of the conversation, which always has some back-and-
• You have to take several shots, reducing your ammo by one. forth. The GM says something, the players respond. The players ask
questions or make statements, the GM tells them what happens next. The
Defy Danger conversation works best when we all listen, ask questions, and build on each
When you act despite an imminent threat or suffer a calamity, say how other’s contributions.
you deal with it and roll. If you do it...
• …by powering through, +STR Sometimes, the GM may tell you that your actions have triggered a move,
• …by getting out of the way or acting fast, +DEX such as Defy Danger. To make a move, roll two six-sided dice and add the
• …by enduring, +CON indicated ability from your sheet.
• …with quick thinking, +INT • If the total is 10 or higher, you’ve achieved a strong hit; you’ve
succeeded at your task.
• …through mental fortitude, +WIS
• …using charm and social grace, +CHA • If the total is between 7 and 9, it’s a weak hit; a success that comes
at some cost. Perhaps there’s a downside to your action, or you
*On a 10+, you do what you set out to do; the threat doesn’t come to bear.
*On a 7-9, you stumble, hesitate, or flinch: the GM will offer you a worse don’t get everything you wanted.
outcome, hard bargain, or ugly choice. • If the total is 6 or less, it’s a miss; your attempt has gone poorly,
and the GM can now make their move against you.
When you stand in defense of a person, item, or location under attack, Some moves may say “take +1 forward.” That means to take +1 to your next
roll+CON. *On a 10+, hold 3. *On a 7-9, hold 1. So long as you stand in move roll (not damage). The bonus can be greater than +1, or even a penalty,
defense, when you or the thing you defend is attacked you may spend hold, 1 like -1. The bonus may also apply to a specific condition, such as taking +1
for 1, to choose an option: the next time you use your armor, or +1d4 the next time you deal damage.
• Redirect an attack from the thing you defend to yourself Some moves may give you “hold.” Hold is currency that allows you to make
some choices later on by spending the hold as the move describes. Hold is
• Halve the attack’s effect or damage
always used on only the move that generated it.
• Open up the attacker to an ally, giving that ally +1 forward against
the attacker
Your Hit Points (HP) determines how much stamina you have, and much
• Deal 1 damage to the attacker punishment you can take before you fall. When you take damage, subtract it
from your HP. If you have armor, reduce the damage taken by your armor
Spout Lore value. When your HP reaches zero, you are out of action and maybe dead.
When you consult your accumulated knowledge about something,
roll+INT. *On a 10+ the GM will tell you something interesting and useful If you have adventuring gear, you may mark off a use to find some mundane
about the subject relevant to your situation. *On a 7-9 the GM will only tell but useful item, such as chalk, rope, a torch, or something similar.
you something interesting—it’s on you to make it useful. The GM might ask
you “How do you know this?” Tell them the truth, now. If you have bandages, when you have a few minutes to bandage someone
else’s wounds, heal them of 4 damage and mark off a use.
Discern Realities
When you closely study a situation or person, roll+WIS. *On a 10+ ask the If you have a healing potion, when you drink it, heal yourself of 10 damage
GM 3 questions from the list below. *On a 7-9 ask 1. Take +1 forward when or remove one debility, your choice.
acting on the answers.
• What happened here recently? As the Paladin, you wield both martial prowess and holy power. You have
• What is about to happen? high damage and good armor, along with powerful support abilities that heal
• What should I be on the lookout for? your allies or give you miraculous abilities. Your place is to be on the front
• What here is useful or valuable to me? lines against the forces of evil. Be sure to read the Hack and Slash and
• Who’s really in control here? Defend moves on this page.
• What here is not what it appears to be?
Our story will begin in or near your hometown. You may not necessarily hail
Aid or Interfere from this village, but you should have something that connects you to it. You
When you help or hinder someone you have a bond with, roll+Bonds with and your fellow players will build the town and the surrounding areas
them. *On a 10+ they take +1 or -2, your choice. *On a 7-9 you also expose together as part of the game. The GM will ask you questions about your
yourself to danger, retribution, or cost. backstory, such as defining people, places, or events. Your answers will
become lore.
When you have leverage on an NPC and manipulate them, roll+CHA. Some questions which you should consider for building your world:
Leverage is something they need or want. *On a 10+, they do what you ask • What authority, religious or secular, rules over these lands?
if you first promise what they ask of you. *On a 7-9, they will do what you • Who granted you knighthood, and why?
ask, but need some concrete assurance of your promise, right now. • How have you lived up to your vows? How have you failed?
• What great evil has this region faced before?
Start here: Choose a name, looks, and background for your character. Wild Eyes, Sharp Eyes, or Animal Eyes
Mark the extra gear and bonuses to your stats that your background gives you. Hooded Head, Wild Hair, or Bald
Add +1 to one stat of your choice, and -1 to another stat of your choice. Cape, Camouflage, or Traveling Clothes
Any stats that did not receive a modifier start at +0. Lithe Body, Wild Body, or Sharp Body
Write the names of your fellow adventurers in your bonds.


o Raised by Wolves Hunt and Track
+2 DEX, +1 CON, starts with poultices and herbs (2 uses) When you follow a trail of clues left behind by passing creatures, roll+WIS. *On a hit,
Okay, maybe not literally… but you’ve always gotten along you follow the creature’s trail until there’s a significant change in its direction or mode of
better with animals than people, and you prefer a life in the travel. *On a 10+, you also choose one of the following:
wilds. What keeps you connected to the village? • Gain a useful bit of information about your quarry, the GM will tell you what
You enjoy a strong bond with your companion. Choose an extra • Determine what caused the trail to end
training for your animal companion.
Called Shot
o Forester
When you attack a defenseless or surprised enemy at range, you can choose to deal
+2 DEX, +1 WIS, starts with extra bundle of arrows (3 ammo)
your damage, or name your target and roll+DEX:
You are a protector of the great wilderness. You patrol the
• Head: 10+: As 7-9, plus your damage. 7-9: They do nothing but stand and drool
surrounding lands, sometimes hunting game, occasionally
for a few moments.
guarding against bandits or dangerous animals. What threat most
often needs your attention? • Arms: 10+: As 7-9, plus your damage. 7-9: They drop anything they’re holding.
You’ve mastered the art of camouflage. When you keep still in • Legs: 10+: As 7-9, plus your damage. 7-9: They’re hobbled and slow moving.
natural surroundings, enemies never spot you until you make a
movement, and when you strike with a ranged weapon from Animal Companion
hiding, your first shot never gives away your position. You have a supernatural connection with a loyal animal. You can’t talk to it per se, but it
almost always acts as you wish it to. Name your animal companion and choose one:
o Warden o Wolf: Ferocity +2, Cunning +1, 1 Armor, Instinct +1
+2 WIS, +1 DEX, starts with adventuring gear (5 uses) o Hawk: Ferocity +2, Cunning +2, 0 Armor, Instinct +1
You have devoted yourself to hunting the unnatural things that o Great Cat: Ferocity +1, Cunning +2, 1 Armor, Instinct +1
skulk in the darkness and the wilds, and you’re hot on the trail of o Bear: Ferocity +3, Cunning +1, 1 Armor, Instinct +2
something around here. What troubling or ominous signs have Choose as many strengths as its ferocity:
you found so far? Fast, burly, huge, calm, adaptable, quick reflexes, tireless, camouflage, ferocious,
Your intuition helps you to face danger in the wilderness. When intimidating, keen senses, stealthy
you Spout Lore about a monster, you roll with +WIS instead Choose as many weaknesses as its instinct:
of +INT, and on a hit, you take +1 forward when acting on the Flighty, savage, slow, broken, frightening, forgetful, stubborn, lame
information you recall.
Your animal companion is trained to fight humanoids. Choose as many additional
trainings as its cunning: hunt, search, scout, guard, fight monsters, perform, labor, travel

When you work with your animal companion on something it’s trained in...
• ...and you attack the same target, add its ferocity to your damage
• ...and you track, Discern Realties or Parley, add its cunning to your roll
• ...and you take damage, add its armor to your armor
• ...and someone interferes with you, add its instinct to their roll.

Gear Bonds
You begin with: Who have you guided through the wilderness before? ____________________
Dungeon rations (5 uses)
Leather armor (1 armor) Who has proven to be a friend of nature? ____________________
A spear
A long bow Who needs you to teach them about life in the wilds? ____________________
A bundle of arrows (3 ammo)
Who has the least respect for nature? ____________________

Basic Moves How to Play
Hack and Slash Dungeon World is a game of adventure fantasy. You'll play an adventurer in
When you attack an enemy in melee, roll+STR. *On a 10+ you deal your a dangerous world. Maybe you fight for glory, or for profit, or for good or
damage to the enemy and avoid their attack. At your option, you may choose evil, or out of loyalty to your friends. You'll decide that here at the table, and
to do +1d6 damage but expose yourself to the enemy’s attack. *On a 7-9, the adventure will emerge around your decisions. Your characters already
deal your damage to the enemy and the enemy makes an attack against you. have some history one another, so we can get right into the action. This
shared history is represented in the Bonds on your sheet. The gamemaster
Volley (GM) will ask you questions about where your character is from, what the
When you take aim and shoot at an enemy at range, roll+DEX. *On a 10+ world is like, and what they are doing. Your answers will shape the world
you have a clear shot—deal your damage. *On a 7-9, choose one (whichever and your adventure. We play to find out what happens.
you choose you deal your damage):
• You have to move to make the shot, placing you in danger of the Playing Dungeon World means having a conversation; somebody says
GM’s choice something, then you reply, maybe someone else chimes in. Players take turns
• You have to take what you can get: -1d6 damage (minimum 1) in the natural flow of the conversation, which always has some back-and-
• You have to take several shots, reducing your ammo by one. forth. The GM says something, the players respond. The players ask
questions or make statements, the GM tells them what happens next. The
Defy Danger conversation works best when we all listen, ask questions, and build on each
When you act despite an imminent threat or suffer a calamity, say how other’s contributions.
you deal with it and roll. If you do it...
• …by powering through, +STR Sometimes, the GM may tell you that your actions have triggered a move,
• …by getting out of the way or acting fast, +DEX such as Defy Danger. To make a move, roll two six-sided dice and add the
• …by enduring, +CON indicated ability from your sheet.
• …with quick thinking, +INT • If the total is 10 or higher, you’ve achieved a strong hit; you’ve
succeeded at your task.
• …through mental fortitude, +WIS
• …using charm and social grace, +CHA • If the total is between 7 and 9, it’s a weak hit; a success that comes
at some cost. Perhaps there’s a downside to your action, or you
*On a 10+, you do what you set out to do; the threat doesn’t come to bear.
*On a 7-9, you stumble, hesitate, or flinch: the GM will offer you a worse don’t get everything you wanted.
outcome, hard bargain, or ugly choice. • If the total is 6 or less, it’s a miss; your attempt has gone poorly,
and the GM can now make their move against you.
When you stand in defense of a person, item, or location under attack, Some moves may say “take +1 forward.” That means to take +1 to your next
roll+CON. *On a 10+, hold 3. *On a 7-9, hold 1. So long as you stand in move roll (not damage). The bonus can be greater than +1, or even a penalty,
defense, when you or the thing you defend is attacked you may spend hold, 1 like -1. The bonus may also apply to a specific condition, such as taking +1
for 1, to choose an option: the next time you use your armor, or +1d4 the next time you deal damage.
• Redirect an attack from the thing you defend to yourself Some moves may give you “hold.” Hold is currency that allows you to make
some choices later on by spending the hold as the move describes. Hold is
• Halve the attack’s effect or damage
always used on only the move that generated it.
• Open up the attacker to an ally, giving that ally +1 forward against
the attacker
Your Hit Points (HP) determines how much stamina you have, and much
• Deal 1 damage to the attacker punishment you can take before you fall. When you take damage, subtract it
from your HP. If you have armor, reduce the damage taken by your armor
Spout Lore value. When your HP reaches zero, you are out of action and maybe dead.
When you consult your accumulated knowledge about something,
roll+INT. *On a 10+ the GM will tell you something interesting and useful If you have adventuring gear, you may mark off a use to find some mundane
about the subject relevant to your situation. *On a 7-9 the GM will only tell but useful item, such as chalk, rope, a torch, or something similar.
you something interesting—it’s on you to make it useful. The GM might ask
you “How do you know this?” Tell them the truth, now. If you have poultices and herbs, when you carefully treat someone’s wounds
with poultices and herbs, heal them of 7 damage and mark off a use.
Discern Realities
When you closely study a situation or person, roll+WIS. *On a 10+ ask the
GM 3 questions from the list below. *On a 7-9 ask 1. Take +1 forward when As the Ranger, you’re the best in the wilderness. Your bow allows you to
acting on the answers. attack enemies at a distance, and your animal companion can provide some
• What happened here recently? great support for you. Your part of the team is to find tracks and paths
• What is about to happen? through the wilderness, and take out enemies at a distance. Be sure to read
• What should I be on the lookout for? the Volley move on this page.
• What here is useful or valuable to me?
• Who’s really in control here? Our story will begin in or near your hometown. You may not necessarily hail
• What here is not what it appears to be? from this village, but you should have something that connects you to it. You
and your fellow players will build the town and the surrounding areas
Aid or Interfere together as part of the game. The GM will ask you questions about your
When you help or hinder someone you have a bond with, roll+Bonds with backstory, such as defining people, places, or events. Your answers will
them. *On a 10+ they take +1 or -2, your choice. *On a 7-9 you also expose become lore.
yourself to danger, retribution, or cost.
Some questions which you should consider for building your world:
Parley • What wild frontier is closest to the village?
When you have leverage on an NPC and manipulate them, roll+CHA. • How did you meet your animal companion?
Leverage is something they need or want. *On a 10+, they do what you ask • What was the most dangerous thing you ever tracked or hunted?
if you first promise what they ask of you. *On a 7-9, they will do what you • What is the nearest danger that lurks near the village? (Don’t
ask, but need some concrete assurance of your promise, right now. describe it exactly, just the signs or impressions you’ve found so
Start here: Choose a name, looks, and background for your character. Shifty Eyes, Cunning Eyes or Criminal Eyes
Mark the extra gear and bonuses to your stats that your background gives you. Hooded Head, Messy Hair, or Cropped Hair
Add +1 to one stat of your choice, and -1 to another stat of your choice. Dark Clothes, Fancy Clothes, or Common Clothes
Any stats that did not receive a modifier start at +0. Lithe Body, Knobby Body, or Flabby Body
Write the names of your fellow adventurers in your bonds.


o Life of Crime Trap Expert
+2 DEX, +1 STR, starts with healing potion When you spend a moment to survey a dangerous area, roll+DEX. *On a 10+, hold 3.
You’ve left the big city after a… colorful life. The people here *On a 7-9, hold 1. Spend your hold as you walk through the area to ask these questions:
have taken you (back?) in, but the past always seems to come • Is there a trap here and if so, what activates it?
back to haunt you. Who or what did you leave behind? • What does the trap do when activated?
You’re a professional. When you Spout Lore or Discern • What else is hidden here?
Realities about criminal activities, take +1.

o “Expert Treasure Hunter” Tricks of the Trade

When you pick locks or pockets or disable traps, roll+DEX. *On a 10+, you do it, no
+2 DEX, +1 WIS, starts with adventuring gear (5 uses)
problem. *On a 7-9, you still do it, but the GM will offer you two options between
You fancy yourself to be a treasure hunter after that one lucky
suspicion, danger, or cost.
time you explored that old ruin. The story about that curse is
probably just superstition anyway. What did you find, both good
and bad? Backstab
You have a nose for loot. When you Discern Realities, you may When you attack a surprised or defenseless enemy with a melee weapon, you can
also ask, “Is there treasure here, and if so, where?” for free. choose to deal your damage or roll+DEX. *On a 10+ choose two. *On a 7-9 choose one.
• You don’t get into melee with them
o Trickster • You deal your damage+1d6
+2 DEX, +1 CHA, starts with 1 extra use of your chosen poison • You create an advantage, granting +1 forward to you or an ally acting on it
You’ve got a silver tongue and a reputation for bending the rules • Reduce their armor by 1 until they repair it
and causing mischief. Sure, you might have gotten chased out of
a pantry or two, but you’ve never gone too far, and you use your
talents for good when you can. Who is your favorite foil in the Poisoner
village? You’ve mastered the care and use of a poison. Choose a poison from the list below; that
You’re well-connected in the community. When you ask your poison is not dangerous for you to use, and when you have time, material, and safety to
connections about something you want or need, roll+CHA. brew, you can make more of it. Note that some poisons are applied, meaning you have to
*On a 10+, someone has it, just for you. *On a 7-9, you’ll have carefully apply it to the target or something they eat or drink. Touch poisons just need to
to settle for something close or it comes with strings attached, touch the target; they can even be used on the blade of a weapon.
your call. o Oil of Tagit (applied): the target falls into a light sleep
o Bloodweed (touch): the target deals -1d4 damage ongoing until cured
o Goldenroot (applied): the target treats the next creature they see as a trusted
ally, until proven otherwise
o Serpent’s Tears (touch): Anyone dealing damage to the target rolls twice and
takes the better result.

Gear Bonds
You begin with: Who have you stolen something from before? ____________________
Dungeon rations (5 uses)
3 throwing knives Who has your back when things go wrong? ____________________
A set of lockpicks
Leather armor (1 armor) Who has worked with you on a con before? ____________________
A short sword
3 uses of your chosen poison Who knows incriminating details about you? ____________________
(Note that your throwing knives are not the same as ammo; when
you throw them, you can’t choose to mark off ammo on a 7-9.
Once you throw a knife, it’s gone until you can recover it.)

Basic Moves How to Play
Hack and Slash Dungeon World is a game of adventure fantasy. You'll play an adventurer in
When you attack an enemy in melee, roll+STR. *On a 10+ you deal your a dangerous world. Maybe you fight for glory, or for profit, or for good or
damage to the enemy and avoid their attack. At your option, you may choose evil, or out of loyalty to your friends. You'll decide that here at the table, and
to do +1d6 damage but expose yourself to the enemy’s attack. *On a 7-9, the adventure will emerge around your decisions. Your characters already
deal your damage to the enemy and the enemy makes an attack against you. have some history one another, so we can get right into the action. This
shared history is represented in the Bonds on your sheet. The gamemaster
Volley (GM) will ask you questions about where your character is from, what the
When you take aim and shoot at an enemy at range, roll+DEX. *On a 10+ world is like, and what they are doing. Your answers will shape the world
you have a clear shot—deal your damage. *On a 7-9, choose one (whichever and your adventure. We play to find out what happens.
you choose you deal your damage):
• You have to move to make the shot, placing you in danger of the Playing Dungeon World means having a conversation; somebody says
GM’s choice something, then you reply, maybe someone else chimes in. Players take turns
• You have to take what you can get: -1d6 damage (minimum 1) in the natural flow of the conversation, which always has some back-and-
• You have to take several shots, reducing your ammo by one. forth. The GM says something, the players respond. The players ask
questions or make statements, the GM tells them what happens next. The
Defy Danger conversation works best when we all listen, ask questions, and build on each
When you act despite an imminent threat or suffer a calamity, say how other’s contributions.
you deal with it and roll. If you do it...
• …by powering through, +STR Sometimes, the GM may tell you that your actions have triggered a move,
• …by getting out of the way or acting fast, +DEX such as Defy Danger. To make a move, roll two six-sided dice and add the
• …by enduring, +CON indicated ability from your sheet.
• …with quick thinking, +INT • If the total is 10 or higher, you’ve achieved a strong hit; you’ve
succeeded at your task.
• …through mental fortitude, +WIS
• …using charm and social grace, +CHA • If the total is between 7 and 9, it’s a weak hit; a success that comes
at some cost. Perhaps there’s a downside to your action, or you
*On a 10+, you do what you set out to do; the threat doesn’t come to bear.
*On a 7-9, you stumble, hesitate, or flinch: the GM will offer you a worse don’t get everything you wanted.
outcome, hard bargain, or ugly choice. • If the total is 6 or less, it’s a miss; your attempt has gone poorly,
and the GM can now make their move against you.
When you stand in defense of a person, item, or location under attack, Some moves may say “take +1 forward.” That means to take +1 to your next
roll+CON. *On a 10+, hold 3. *On a 7-9, hold 1. So long as you stand in move roll (not damage). The bonus can be greater than +1, or even a penalty,
defense, when you or the thing you defend is attacked you may spend hold, 1 like -1. The bonus may also apply to a specific condition, such as taking +1
for 1, to choose an option: the next time you use your armor, or +1d4 the next time you deal damage.
• Redirect an attack from the thing you defend to yourself Some moves may give you “hold.” Hold is currency that allows you to make
some choices later on by spending the hold as the move describes. Hold is
• Halve the attack’s effect or damage
always used on only the move that generated it.
• Open up the attacker to an ally, giving that ally +1 forward against
the attacker
Your Hit Points (HP) determines how much stamina you have, and much
• Deal 1 damage to the attacker punishment you can take before you fall. When you take damage, subtract it
from your HP. If you have armor, reduce the damage taken by your armor
Spout Lore value. When your HP reaches zero, you are out of action and maybe dead.
When you consult your accumulated knowledge about something,
roll+INT. *On a 10+ the GM will tell you something interesting and useful If you have adventuring gear, you may mark off a use to find some mundane
about the subject relevant to your situation. *On a 7-9 the GM will only tell but useful item, such as chalk, rope, a torch, or something similar.
you something interesting—it’s on you to make it useful. The GM might ask
you “How do you know this?” Tell them the truth, now. If you have a healing potion, when you drink it, heal yourself of 10 damage
or remove one debility, your choice.
Discern Realities
When you closely study a situation or person, roll+WIS. *On a 10+ ask the As the Thief, you’re the sneakiest. Your allies will count on you to deal with
GM 3 questions from the list below. *On a 7-9 ask 1. Take +1 forward when the dangerous traps and locks that bar your path. While you may not be
acting on the answers. strong in a face-to-face fight, if you can get the drop on your foe to Backstab
• What happened here recently? them, you can really do some damage. You will need to rely on your cunning
• What is about to happen? to succeed in the dungeon. Be sure to read the Volley move on this page.
• What should I be on the lookout for?
• What here is useful or valuable to me? Our story will begin in or near your hometown. You may not necessarily hail
• Who’s really in control here? from this village, but you should have something that connects you to it. You
• What here is not what it appears to be? and your fellow players will build the town and the surrounding areas
together as part of the game. The GM will ask you questions about your
Aid or Interfere backstory, such as defining people, places, or events. Your answers will
When you help or hinder someone you have a bond with, roll+Bonds with become lore.
them. *On a 10+ they take +1 or -2, your choice. *On a 7-9 you also expose
yourself to danger, retribution, or cost. Some questions which you should consider for building your world:
• What opportunity is there for excitement or treasure nearby that
Parley most people are afraid of attempting?
When you have leverage on an NPC and manipulate them, roll+CHA. • Who do you know outside of here that holds a grudge against the
Leverage is something they need or want. *On a 10+, they do what you ask village, and why?
if you first promise what they ask of you. *On a 7-9, they will do what you • Who is someone that you are certain you can trust?
ask, but need some concrete assurance of your promise, right now. • What’s the most valuable thing in the village, and where’s it
Start here: Choose a name, looks, and background for your character. Haunted Eyes, Sharp Eyes, or Crazy Eyes
Mark the extra gear and bonuses to your stats that your background gives you. Styled Hair, Wild Hair, or Pointed Hat
Add +1 to one stat of your choice, and -1 to another stat of your choice. Worn Robes, Stylish Robes, or Strange Robes
Any stats that did not receive a modifier start at +0. Pudgy Body, Creepy Body, or Thin Body
Write the names of your fellow adventurers in your bonds.


o Antiquarian Cast a Spell
+2 INT, +1 WIS, starts with bag of books (5 uses) You possess a magical book of spells that contains arcane words of magical power. When
You are self-taught but untried, learning magic from a few you cast a magical spell, choose one of the following effects:
ancient tomes. How did you get them? Around here, you’re the • You conjure a magical light that will follow you around, as long as you wish.
village know-it-all, or perhaps their assistant. • The GM will tell you what here is magical.
You never call up what you can’t put down. Add the following • You or an ally you touch becomes invisible, until the next time they make an
option to Cast a Spell: attack or you cast another spell.
• You counter a spell or ritual that is being cast, or • Bolts of pure magic spring from your fingers; deal 2d4 damage to one target.
dispel a magical effect present. • The person (not beast or monster) you touch while casting this spell counts you
as a friend until they take damage or you prove otherwise.
o Fae Foundling • You perform a minor trick of true magic, such as making cosmetic changes to
+2 INT, +1 DEX, starts with healing potion an object you touch, or creating a simple, but crude and obvious illusion.
You were found as an infant beneath the ancient standing stones Then roll+INT. *On a hit, the spell is cast successfully. *On a 7-9, choose one:
near the village. Some of the villagers were kind enough to take • You draw unwelcome attention or put yourself in a spot. The GM will tell you
you in to raise you as their own. How are you different or how.
otherwise marked, compared to other people? • The spell disturbs the fabric of reality as it is cast—take -1 to Cast a Spell until
You have a natural gift with magic. You do not need to cast a the next time you study. This penalty is cumulative each time you take it.
spell to ask the GM what here is magical; you can just ask them • After it is cast, the spell is forgotten. You cannot cast the spell again until the
whenever you like, without rolling. next time you study.

o Pact When you spend uninterrupted time (an hour or so) in quiet contemplation of your
+2 INT, +1 CHA, starts with antitoxin spellbook, you remove any of the above penalties and recover all of your forgotten spells.
You learned magic by swearing allegiance to someone—or
something—else. Who are they? What do you owe them? What
is their place of power like?
Your patron controls a place of power, which they will let you When you draw on a place of power to create a magical effect, tell the GM what you’re
use if you ask nicely, and if you ask for help on a project, they trying to achieve. You can accomplish just about anything with a ritual, but the GM will
usually will support you. Of course, you may have to convince give you one to four of the following conditions:
them to help you first. • It’s going to take days/weeks/months
• First you must ________
• You’ll need help from ________
• It will require a lot of money
You also get this move, regardless of background: • The best you can do is a lesser version, unreliable and limited
• You and your allies will risk danger from ________
• You’ll have to sacrifice ________ to do it
When you have time and safety to study a magic item, you
may ask the GM what it does; they will answer you truthfully.

Gear Bonds
You begin with: Whose destiny have you foreseen? ____________________ What did you see?
Dungeon rations (5 uses)
Your spellbook, describe it! Who do need to teach about how magic really works? ____________________
A staff
Who is keeping a secret from you? ____________________

Basic Moves How to Play
Hack and Slash Dungeon World is a game of adventure fantasy. You'll play an adventurer in
When you attack an enemy in melee, roll+STR. *On a 10+ you deal your a dangerous world. Maybe you fight for glory, or for profit, or for good or
damage to the enemy and avoid their attack. At your option, you may choose evil, or out of loyalty to your friends. You'll decide that here at the table, and
to do +1d6 damage but expose yourself to the enemy’s attack. *On a 7-9, the adventure will emerge around your decisions. Your characters already
deal your damage to the enemy and the enemy makes an attack against you. have some history one another, so we can get right into the action. This
shared history is represented in the Bonds on your sheet. The gamemaster
Volley (GM) will ask you questions about where your character is from, what the
When you take aim and shoot at an enemy at range, roll+DEX. *On a 10+ world is like, and what they are doing. Your answers will shape the world
you have a clear shot—deal your damage. *On a 7-9, choose one (whichever and your adventure. We play to find out what happens.
you choose you deal your damage):
• You have to move to make the shot, placing you in danger of the Playing Dungeon World means having a conversation; somebody says
GM’s choice something, then you reply, maybe someone else chimes in. Players take turns
• You have to take what you can get: -1d6 damage (minimum 1) in the natural flow of the conversation, which always has some back-and-
• You have to take several shots, reducing your ammo by one. forth. The GM says something, the players respond. The players ask
questions or make statements, the GM tells them what happens next. The
Defy Danger conversation works best when we all listen, ask questions, and build on each
When you act despite an imminent threat or suffer a calamity, say how other’s contributions.
you deal with it and roll. If you do it...
• …by powering through, +STR Sometimes, the GM may tell you that your actions have triggered a move,
• …by getting out of the way or acting fast, +DEX such as Defy Danger. To make a move, roll two six-sided dice and add the
• …by enduring, +CON indicated ability from your sheet.
• …with quick thinking, +INT • If the total is 10 or higher, you’ve achieved a strong hit; you’ve
succeeded at your task.
• …through mental fortitude, +WIS
• …using charm and social grace, +CHA • If the total is between 7 and 9, it’s a weak hit; a success that comes
at some cost. Perhaps there’s a downside to your action, or you
*On a 10+, you do what you set out to do; the threat doesn’t come to bear.
*On a 7-9, you stumble, hesitate, or flinch: the GM will offer you a worse don’t get everything you wanted.
outcome, hard bargain, or ugly choice. • If the total is 6 or less, it’s a miss; your attempt has gone poorly,
and the GM can now make their move against you.
When you stand in defense of a person, item, or location under attack, Some moves may say “take +1 forward.” That means to take +1 to your next
roll+CON. *On a 10+, hold 3. *On a 7-9, hold 1. So long as you stand in move roll (not damage). The bonus can be greater than +1, or even a penalty,
defense, when you or the thing you defend is attacked you may spend hold, 1 like -1. The bonus may also apply to a specific condition, such as taking +1
for 1, to choose an option: the next time you use your armor, or +1d4 the next time you deal damage.
• Redirect an attack from the thing you defend to yourself Some moves may give you “hold.” Hold is currency that allows you to make
some choices later on by spending the hold as the move describes. Hold is
• Halve the attack’s effect or damage
always used on only the move that generated it.
• Open up the attacker to an ally, giving that ally +1 forward against
the attacker
Your Hit Points (HP) determines how much stamina you have, and much
• Deal 1 damage to the attacker punishment you can take before you fall. When you take damage, subtract it
from your HP. If you have armor, reduce the damage taken by your armor
Spout Lore value. When your HP reaches zero, you are out of action and maybe dead.
When you consult your accumulated knowledge about something,
roll+INT. *On a 10+ the GM will tell you something interesting and useful If you have a healing potion, when you drink it, heal yourself of 10 damage
about the subject relevant to your situation. *On a 7-9 the GM will only tell or remove one debility, your choice.
you something interesting—it’s on you to make it useful. The GM might ask
you “How do you know this?” Tell them the truth, now. If you have a bag of books, when you are Spouting Lore you may mark off a
use to find a useful book and take +1 to the roll.
Discern Realities
When you closely study a situation or person, roll+WIS. *On a 10+ ask the If you have antitoxin, you may drink it to cure yourself of one poison
GM 3 questions from the list below. *On a 7-9 ask 1. Take +1 forward when afflicting you.
acting on the answers.
• What happened here recently? As the Wizard, you’re the master of the arcane. While you might be weak in
• What is about to happen? hand-to-hand combat, your spells and knowledge will make you a match for
• What should I be on the lookout for? any danger. With a Ritual, you can accomplish anything, though you may
• What here is useful or valuable to me? need some help to achieve your goals. Be sure to read the Spout Lore move.
• Who’s really in control here?
• What here is not what it appears to be? Our story will begin in or near your hometown. You may not necessarily hail
from this village, but you should have something that connects you to it. You
Aid or Interfere and your fellow players will build the town and the surrounding areas
When you help or hinder someone you have a bond with, roll+Bonds with together as part of the game. The GM will ask you questions about your
them. *On a 10+ they take +1 or -2, your choice. *On a 7-9 you also expose backstory, such as defining people, places, or events. Your answers will
yourself to danger, retribution, or cost. become lore.

Parley Some questions which you should consider for building your world:
When you have leverage on an NPC and manipulate them, roll+CHA. • What ancient relic or mystical feature unique to the village has
Leverage is something they need or want. *On a 10+, they do what you ask “always been there”?
if you first promise what they ask of you. *On a 7-9, they will do what you • How do the people of the village view magic?
ask, but need some concrete assurance of your promise, right now. • What makes a place a “place of power” to you for your rituals?
• What dire omen or portent has been revealed to you?
Agenda Adventure Setup
• Portray a fantastic world When you speak of the dangers that lurk in the wild, ask questions to
• Fill the characters’ lives with adventure establish the following details, but keep one or two to answer yourself as
• Play to find out what happens surprises:
• The danger that threatens the village

• Draw maps, leave blanks • Who leads them, and what makes them special or unusual (Use
• Address the characters, not the players this answer to write a location move for their lair)
• Embrace the fantastic
• Make a move that follows
• Never speak the name of your move
• Give every monster life • What they want (Choose an established person, place, or thing)
• Name every person and why they want it
• Ask questions and use the answers
• Be a fan of the characters
• Think dangerous
• Begin and end with the fiction • What else is involved or at stake, that might cause a distraction,
a moral quandary, make it personal, or complicate things
• Think offscreen, too

Moves • An established NPC who has already become involved, and how
• Use a monster, danger, or location move
• Reveal an unwelcome truth
• Show signs of an approaching threat
• What pushes the characters to act
• Deal damage
• Use up their resources
• Turn their move back on them • The location of their lair (Choose an established place)
• Separate them
• Give an opportunity that fits a class’ abilities
• Show a downside to their class, race, or equipment • A valuable treasure kept in their lair
• Offer an opportunity, with or without cost
• Put someone in a spot
• Tell them the requirements or consequences and ask

Dungeon Moves Prep the Dungeon

When you prep the dungeon, answer the following prompts about places
• Change the environment and things within the dungeon, using what has been established above:
• Point to a looming threat • What guards the entrance, or otherwise prevents entry?
• Introduce a new faction or type of creature
• Use a threat from an existing faction or type of creature
• Make them backtrack • What remains of this place from before?
• Present riches at a price
• Present a challenge to one of the characters
• How does the terrain change as you explore?
You make a GM move when…
• Everyone looks to you to find out what happens
• The players give you a golden opportunity • What mystery, puzzle, or foe cannot be defeated with violence?
• They roll a 6 or less
After every move you make, always ask, “What do you do?”
• How can things go wrong, or become more complicated?

First Session Goals • What unwelcome truth or hint of further trouble awaits
• Establish details, describe discovery?
• Use what they give you
• Ask questions
• Leave blanks
When you introduce a new location, describe a notable impression and
• Look for interesting facts
ask one of your players to describe a notable impression too:
• Help the players understand the moves
• Sources of light
• Give each character a chance to shine
• A notable feature that fits the dungeon’s theme or history
• Introduce NPCs
• Ambient sounds
• Moisture and smell of the air
• Natural hazards


Monsters Iron Golem Group, Large, Construct
We have included a sample of monsters on the supplemental GM sheets Metal fists (d8+5 damage) 10 HP 3 Armor
for your use. More monsters can be found in the Dungeon World rulebook. A staple of the enchanter’s art. Iron is a misnomer, though. These
To make a new monster on the fly, use one of these templates to start: guardians are crafted of any metal, really: steel, copper, or even gold, in
• It appears as a horde (6 or more): 3 HP, 0 Armor, d6 damage some small cases. Unceasing watchdog, stalwart defender, the iron golem
• It appears as a small group (3-5): 6 HP, 1 armor, d8 damage lives to serve, following its orders eternally.
• It appears by itself, or a leader: 12 HP, 2 Armor, d10+2 damage Instinct: To serve
Give each monster an instinct that describes what it wants, a move to • Follow orders implacably
describe its favorite tactics, and another move that shows or describes why • Use a special tool or adaptation, built-in
it is especially dangerous.
Skeleton Horde
If the monster has any of these properties, give them the listed tags or Slam (d6 damage) 7 HP 1 Armor
apply the listed modifiers to the monster’s stats: Dem bones, dem dry bones.
• It doesn’t have organs or discernible anatomy: amorphous, +1 Instinct: To take the semblance of life
armor, +3 HP • Act out what it did in life
• It’s as smart as a human or thereabouts: intelligent • Snuff out the warmth of life
• It’s kept alive by something beyond simple biology: +4 HP • Reconstruct from miscellaneous bones
• It’s armaments are vicious and obvious: +2 damage
• It wields spells and magic: magical, write a move about its Bandit Horde, Intelligent, Organized
spells Dirk (d6 damage) 3 HP 1 Armor
• Armor doesn’t help with the damage it deals (due to magic, size, When times are tough, what else is there to do but scavenge a weapon and
• etc.): ignores armor take up with a clan of nasty men and women? Highway robbery, poaching,
• It possesses exceptional strength or endurance: +2 damage, +2 scams and cons and murder most foul but we’ve all got to eat, so who can
HP, or both blame them? Then again, there’s evil in the hearts of some and who’s to
say that desperation isn’t a need to sate one’s baser lusts?
Remember your principles: give every monster life, think dangerous, and Instinct: To rob
begin and end with the fiction. Make your monsters smart and proactive, • Steal something
not just punching bags full of HP. A razor boar that does numbers for • Demand tribute
damage doesn’t feel like a threat. A razor boar that cuts through armor like
paper and can mangle limbs with its tusks as it chases the party through Bandit King Solitary, Intelligent, Organized
the forest will. Likewise, a monster that just sits there waiting for the PCs Trusty knife (d10+2 damage) 12 HP 1 Armor
to come and vanquish it isn’t dangerous. Like any other NPC, monsters Better to rule in hell than serve in heaven. Instinct: To lead
have desires and instincts. Act on them to make them feel more real. • Make a demand
• Extort
• Topple power
Goblin Horde, Small, Intelligent, Organized
Spear (d6 damage) 3 HP 1 Armor Cave Rat Horde, Small
Elves say they’re the dwarves’ fault, dredged up from a hidden place Gnaw (d6 damage 1 piercing) 7 HP 1 Armor
beneath the earth. Dwarves say they’re bad elvish children, taken away at Who hasn’t seen a rat before? It’s like that, but nasty and big and not
birth and raised in the dark. The truth of the matter is that goblins have afraid of you anymore. Maybe this one was a cousin to that one you
always been here and they’ll be here once all the civilized races have caught in a trap or the one you killed with a knife in that filthy tavern in
fallen and gone away. They just breed too quickly to exterminate. Darrow. Maybe he’s looking for a little ratty revenge.
Instinct: To multiply Instinct: To devour
• Charge! • Swarm
• Call more goblins • Rip something (or someone) apart
• Retreat and return with (many) more
Troll Solitary, Large
Goblin Orkaster Solitary, Small, Magical, Intelligent, Organized Club (d10+3 damage) 20 HP 1 Armor
Acid orb (d10+1 damage, ignores armor) 12 HP 0 Armor Special Qualities: Regeneration
Oh lord, who taught them magic? Tall. Real tall. Eight or nine feet when they’re young or weak. Covered all
Instinct: To tap power beyond their stature over in warty, tough skin, too. Big teeth, stringy hair like swamp moss and
• Unleash a poorly understood spell long, dirty nails. Some are green, some gray, some black. They’re clannish
• Pour forth magical chaos and hateful of each other, not to mention all the rest of us. Near impossible
• Use other goblins for shields to kill, too, unless you’ve fire or acid to spare—cut a limb off and watch.
In a few days, you’ve got two trolls where you once had one. A real
Ogre Group, Large, Intelligent serious problem, as you can imagine.
Club (d8+5 damage) 10 HP 1 Armor Instinct: To smash
In days when men were merely dwellers-in-the-mud with no magic to call • Undo the effects of an attack (unless caused by a weakness)
their own, they split in two: one camp left their caves and the dark forests • Hurl something or someone
and built the first city to honor the gods. The others, a wild and savage lot,
retreated into darkness. They grew, there. In the deep woods a grim Ghoul Group
loathing for their softer kin gave them strength. They found dark gods of Talons (d8 damage, 1 piercing, messy) 10 HP 1 Armor
their own, there in the woods and hills. Ages passed and they bred tall and Hunger. Hunger hunger hunger. Desperate clinging void-stomach-
strong and full of hate. We have forged steel and they match it with their emptiness hunger. Sharp talons to rend flesh and teeth to tear and crack
savagery. We may have forgotten our common roots, but somewhere, bones and suck out the so marrow inside. Vomit up hate and screaming
deep down, the ogres remember. jealous anger and charge on twisted legs—scare the living flesh and
Instinct: To return the world to darker days sweeten it ever more with the stink of fear. Feast. Peasant or knight,
• Destroy something wizard, sage, prince, or priest all make for such delicious meat.
• Fly into a rage Instinct: To eat
• Take something by force • Gnaw off a body part
• Gain the memories of their meal
o Improved Ability o Improved Ability
Increase one of your stats by 1, to a maximum of +2. Increase one of your stats by 1, to a maximum of +2.

o Experienced o Experienced
Choose a second background from your sheet; you gain the Choose a second background from your sheet; you gain the
move associated with that background (but not the stat bonuses move associated with that background (but not the stat bonuses
or extra gear). or extra gear).

o A Little Help From my Friends o Red of Tooth and Claw

When you successfully Aid someone, you take +1 forward as While you are in an appropriate animal form (something
well. dangerous), your damage die is increased to d8.

o Bamboozle o Thing-Talker
When you Parley with someone, on a hit you also take +1 You see the spirits in the sand, the sea and the stone. You may
forward against them as well. now apply your Spirit Tongue to inanimate natural objects
(plants and rocks) or creatures made thereof, as well as animals.
o Multiclass Dabbler
Choose a move from a playbook that no one else is using; you o Formcrafter
can use that move as if it were one of your own. When you shapeshift, choose a stat; you take +1 to all rolls
using that stat as long as you remain you remain shapeshifted.
o Mastered Ability The GM will choose a stat too; you take -1 to all rolls using that
Increase one of your stats by 1, to a maximum of +3. stat as long as you remain shapeshifted.

o Mastered Ability
Increase one of your stats by 1, to a maximum of +3.


o Improved Ability o Improved Ability
Increase one of your stats by 1, to a maximum of +2. Increase one of your stats by 1, to a maximum of +2.

o Experienced o Experienced
Choose a second background from your sheet; you gain the Choose a second background from your sheet; you gain the
move associated with that background (but not the stat bonuses move associated with that background (but not the stat bonuses
or extra gear). or extra gear).

o Invigorate o Scent of Blood

When you heal someone, the next time they deal damage, they When you Hack and Slash an enemy, your next attack against
deal +2 damage. that same enemy deals +1d4 damage.

o Empower o Iron Hide

When you cast a spell, on a 10+ you choose and option from the You get +1 armor at all times.
7-9 list. If you do, you may choose one of these effects as well:
• The spell’s effects are doubled o Armor Mastery
• The spell’s targets are doubled When you make your armor take the brunt of damage dealt
to you, the damage is negated but you must reduce the armor
o Divine Intervention value of your armor or shield (your choice) by 1. If the reduction
When you Commune, lose any hold you already had on this leaves the item with 0 armor, it is destroyed.
move, then hold 1. Spend this hold when you or an ally takes
damage to call on your deity; they intervene with an appropriate o Mastered Ability
manifestation (a sudden gust of wind, a lucky slip, a burst of Increase one of your stats by 1, to a maximum of +3.
light) and negate the damage.

o Mastered Ability
Increase one of your stats by 1, to a maximum of +3.
o Improved Ability o Improved Ability
Increase one of your stats by 1, to a maximum of +2. Increase one of your stats by 1, to a maximum of +2.

o Experienced o Experienced
Choose a second background from your sheet; you gain the Choose a second background from your sheet; you gain the
move associated with that background (but not the stat bonuses move associated with that background (but not the stat bonuses
or extra gear). or extra gear).

o Setup Strike o Cheap Shot

When you Hack and Slash, choose an ally; their next attack When you deal damage with Backstab, deal an additional +1d6
against your target does +1d4 damage. damage.

o Staunch Defender o Envenom

When you Defend, you get +1 hold, even on a miss. You can apply even complex poisons with a pinprick. When you
apply a poison that’s not dangerous for you to use to your
o Holy Power weapon, it is delivered by touch instead of applied.
When you begin a quest, choose either +1 armor or +1d4
damage. You get that bonus as long as you are still on the quest. o Shoot First
You’re never caught by surprise. When an enemy would get
o Mastered Ability the drop on you, you get to act first instead.
Increase one of your stats by 1, to a maximum of +3.
o Mastered Ability
Increase one of your stats by 1, to a maximum of +3.


o Improved Ability o Improved Ability
Increase one of your stats by 1, to a maximum of +2. Increase one of your stats by 1, to a maximum of +2.

o Experienced o Experienced
Choose a second background from your sheet; you gain the Choose a second background from your sheet; you gain the
move associated with that background (but not the stat bonuses move associated with that background (but not the stat bonuses
or extra gear). or extra gear).

o Blot Out the Sun o Empower

When you Volley, you may spend ammo before rolling. For When you cast a spell, on a 10+ you choose and option from the
each point of ammo spent, you may choose an extra target to hit 7-9 list. If you do, you may choose one of these effects as well:
with your attack. Roll once for the move, and deal your damage • The spell’s effects are doubled
to every target on a hit. • The spell’s targets are doubled

o Wild Empathy o Logical

You can speak with and understand animals. If you have When you use strict deduction to analyze your surroundings,
leverage, you can Parley with them too. you can Discern Realities with +INT instead of +WIS.

o Dire Beast o Expanded Spellbook

Your animal companion gets +2 Ferocity and +1 Instinct. Choose an effect from the Cleric’s Cast a Spell list of effects,
and add it to your list of effects for Cast a Spell.
o Mastered Ability
Increase one of your stats by 1, to a maximum of +3. o Mastered Ability
Increase one of your stats by 1, to a maximum of +3.
These advanced moves can give your characters some
customization as they grow and gain experience. We’ve
formatted them so you can cut each sheet into four cards.

To use these cards, print them about and take the card associated
with your class. You gain one of the advanced moves when the
GM tells you.
Dungeon World
Lore and Lords Pack

Seven new base classes for Dungeon World

the Monk,
the Shaman,
the Vampire,
the Trickster,
the Hunter,
the Dark Knight,
and the Berserker
and a new Compendium Class, the Professional

For use with the role-playing game Dungeon World, by Sage LaTorra and Adam Koebel

Written by Peter Johansen. Version January 24, 2017

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit
http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View,
California, 94041, USA.
The Monk The Hunter

Other people may think that steel and The dungeon is a dangerous place for the
sorcery are what it takes to win a battle. But unwary. Deadly beasts lurk in every cave
you know better. Without focus and and behind every tree. To others, they are
discipline, even the sharpest blade will not threats to their homes and lives. But to you,
strike true, and the strongest armor is but these monsters are your prey.
dead weight. It is the clarity of your thought
and the execution of your will that wins a What does it mean to hunt something that
fight. hunts you? To pit yourself against monsters
armed with only your wits and your bow?
For a lifetime, you have trained yourself to You know how they think, how they move.
the peak of martial perfection. Your body Set your traps, string your body, and take
and your mind are your weapons. You've aim. When they come for you, you'll be
trained them to an edge as fine as any knife. ready for them.
Your fist strikes with the force of a spiked
mace, and your quickness is a finer armor You always get your mark.
than steel plate. Your body flows like water,
receding away from danger, striking back
with the force of a tidal wave, and then The Hunter is a variant on the ranger class,
comes to rest as serene as a still pool. eschewing the classic animal companion in
favor of traps and a greater focus on the bow.
Breathe in, tranquility. Breath out, perfect To be successful, the hunter will have to
action. think ahead and set his traps to catch or
weaken his prey. His hunting abilities make
him adept at planning and strategy to take
While others may rely on steel or magic to down even the most fearsome of monsters.
survive in the dungeon, the monk hardens
his body into a weapon, and hones his skills
to survive. But there is more to the monk For a variant ranger, we’ve included a
than just punching things. The Monk can compendium class version that can be taken
become a master of stealth and infiltration, at level 1.
or his insights can bring peace to conflicts
and reveal secrets that men have hidden
The Vampire The Trickster

You used to have a normal life. Maybe you There's too many rules in the world.
were a common farmer, or perhaps a bored Everywhere you go, people are telling you
noble looking for romance. Then one night what you can and can't do, making idle
you met a pale stranger. On that night, threats if you don't behave. Who needs that?
everything changed. He took your life, but You're a free spirit. There's never been a
he gave you something else in exchange. situation you couldn't charm your way out of.
You're better off without all those pesky
Your eyes are opened to a new world now. rules.
A world of danger and secrets. You're a
hunter now, and people are your prey. What Cunning is your sword, deception your
will you do? If you play it smart, you could armor. But when those fail, you've still got
live forever. Will you make yourself king, or friend with steel armor to hide behind. Nice
be a kingmaker instead? But how long can guys, but still beholden to a world of rules.
you conceal your true nature from your They need your help to settle the fights that
friends? What will happen if you're can't be won with violence. A few clever
exposed? And what of the hunger that words and careful manipulation can open
resides deep in your soul... How long can doors better than a battering ram.
you keep it at bay?
Trust me.
How far will you go to get what you want?

The Trickster is a variant on the thief class.

The Vampire draws inspiration from both Instead of using poison and sneak attacks,
classic as well as modern stories from the the Trickster is a more socially-oriented
horror genre. Predator, manipulator, and rogue. His honeyed words can get the party
shade, the Vampire brings an air of menace out of--or into--the tightest of jams. Deceit,
with his supernatural powers over blood and manipulation, and dirty tricks are the
the night. Trickster's arsenal.
The Shaman The Dark Knight

Close your eyes. Do you hear the call? The You remember when life was good to you.
longing that comes from the deep forest, You had a true love, good friends, a sense of
from the open sea, from the mighty duty and purpose. You did what was right
mountains? You see it when you dream, but by your lord, and you were granted respect
you know that it isn’t a dream. You have in turn. Then one day, it all came crashing
been there, to the lands far beyond the down. Your life was shattered, either by
horizon. The Mists part from you, and the violence or by betrayal. Maybe you survived
mysteries of the Otherworld await. the fall, or maybe you didn't.

You speak to the world with your heart. The But you're not going to take this injustice
world is out of balance. You can feel it in quietly. In your darkest hour, you forged a
the ground, smell it in the air. The people pact with Death. He would give you the
need an advocate, someone who can speak power to right this terrible wrong, but he
with the spirits. Someone to bring nature’s warned that you would pay for it, many
blessing to them, and drive away forces that times over. But you don't care. Not even
would do evil. Death will stop you. You won't stop. You
can't stop. Woe to those who stand in your
Open your eyes. Bring back the balance. path.

Who will come out ahead in this deal?

The Shaman is designed to fill the need for a Only your conscience and your new allies
more nature-oriented cleric or a more caster- keep you from going over the edge. You
oriented druid. While the Shaman borrows were a hero once. Are you still one now?
from each, his trademark ability of spirit
speaking gives him his own niche to fill.
Depending on how you shape him, the
Shaman can be a mystical warrior, a master The Dark Knight is a variant on the Fighter
of the elements, or a potent healer of both playbook. A fearsome warrior driven by a
body and soul. burning passion, the Dark Knight has
entered into a deal with Death for one of his
terrible weapons. He has great power, but
that power comes with a price. When you
use Death's power, he'll want something in
The Berserker The Professional

Too many men in Dungeon World fear So, you've made it back. You've returned
danger and combat. The sight of spilled from where few men dare to tread, bearing
blood makes them tremble, and they would wounds, treasures, and stories. The people
rather negotiate than fight back. But to you, of this town are starting to look up to you.
war and violence are your friends. The Some would even follow you. Well, maybe
anticipation of battle inflames you like not back into the dungeon again, but to put
nothing else can. all that gold you've won to good use. Build a
new tavern, or a temple. You know, some
A fire burns within your heart. Something in place you can settle down. For a while, at
your blood boils. Your muscles harden like least.
iron, and a red haze comes over your vision.
When swords are crossed, there’s no rational
thought left within you. Only fury. Only
destruction. The Professional is a throwback to the days
of old-school Dungeons & Dragons, when
The dungeon calls to you. Fierce foes will high-level characters became lord of keeps
test you like a forged blade, tempered within or guilds. It is based strongly off of the
the fires of your boundless rage. You will Landed Gentry compendium class, though
show no mercy, and expect none in return. the flavor has been changed to make the
You will throw yourself into the abyss and character a businessman rather than a lord,
emerge on the other side triumphant, bathed and the moves are optimized to maximize
in the blood of those who would stand both player choices and plot hooks. Thieves'
against you… Or you will fall in a glorious guilds, taverns, temples, and shops can all be
battle, still clutching your weapon until you created using this compendium class.
breathe your last.

The land will tremble at your passing.

Valhalla awaits.

The Berserker’s strength is his mighty rage

and bloodlust, granting him superhuman
physical prowess at the cost of his sanity for
a little while. What will happen when he
calls upon this terrible fury?
Dwarf: Abhin, Daniki, Aras, Mavi, Kala, Qatji, Fehri, Baichi Wise Eyes, Eager Eyes, or Deep Eyes
Human: Li, Kaze, Tara, Jade, Sakura, Konrad, Fei, Drake, Ji-dan, Chizu Shaved Head, Long Braid, or Headband
Monk's Robe, Martial Arts Uniform, or Loose Clothing
Toned Body, Tattooed Body, or Graceful Body

Your alignment is Lawful. Your Alignment move is superseded Ki Focus
by your Monk’s Path requirement; you use that instead to mark When you take some time to meditate and focus your inner strength, set your Ki to 3.
XP at the end of the session. Your maximum Ki is 3. You may spend 1 Ki to gain one of the following effects:
• Deal +1d4 damage forward, once per attack
• Roll with an incoming attack, taking +3 armor forward
• Break an inanimate object no larger than yourself with a powerful yet precise
Race • Use the ability granted by your Monk’s Path
You cannot gain or use Ki if you are wearing any armor, including shields.
o Human
When you observe an enemy’s fighting style, ask the GM how
much damage they do.
Martial Artist
o Dwarf Your body itself is a weapon. Name your style of martial arts! Your unarmed strikes have
You ignore the forceful tag on any attacks made against you. a range of hand and the precise tag.

You can always make unarmed strikes against creatures with dangerous forms—such as
fire elementals, iron golems, or creatures covered in spikes—without Defying Danger
Fill in the names of your companions in at least one: from these natural defenses.

Though __________'s ways are different than mine, I can still

learn much from them.
Monk’s Path
__________ is troubled, and needs my help to find inner peace. You follow a strict path of discipline to focus your inner strength on your journey to
enlightenment. Give your order a name, and choose a path from the list on the third page.
I have taught __________ a secret of my order. Each path gives you an additional move, a way to mark XP, and a restriction. When you
violate your path’s restriction, lose 1 Ki and take -1 forward.
My master would not approve of me traveling with __________.

W ire Fu
When you perform an act of uncanny agility, balance, or coordination, roll+DEX. *On
a 10+ choose one. *On a 7-9 choose two.
• The action requires some of your focus, spend 1 Ki
• You expose yourself to danger or retribution, or you wind up somewhere you
didn’t intend to be
• Your action causes some unintended collateral damage or change to the
• You strain yourself, take -1 ongoing to all DEX moves until you take a few
minutes to stretch and limber up

Your load is 6+STR. You start with dungeon rations (5 uses, 1 weight) and a
mark or token of your monastic order, describe it! Choose two:
o Monk’s staff (close, precise, two-handed, 1 weight)
o Bandages (3 uses, slow, 0 weight)
o Adventuring gear (5 uses, 1 weight)
o Antitoxin (0 weight)
o 3 shuriken (thrown, near, 0 weight)

When you gain a level from 2-5, choose from these moves. When you gain a level from 6-10, choose from these moves or the level 2-
5 moves.
o Awakening
When you contemplate your surroundings to see the truth in things, you o Chakra
may Spout Lore with WIS instead of INT. When you manipulate the flow of ki within your own body, take a debility
of your choice and gain 1 Ki, up to your maximum.
o Be Like W ater
Add these to the list of deeds you can spend Ki to perform: o Dairokkan
• Flow around a missile attack, preventing all of the damage When something hidden threatens you, the GM will give you a warning in
• Slip free from anything physically restraining you the form of a hunch about where the danger lurks, but not necessarily its
o Empty Hand Style
When you Hack and Slash with an unarmed strike, on a 10+ you may also o Inner Peace
move your foe somewhere within your reach, knock them down, or pin them When you meditate, set your Ki to 4 instead of 3. Your maximum Ki is 4.
in place.
o Flowing Defense
o Enlightenment When you use flowing movements and quick reflexes to turn an attack
When you meditate, the GM will give you a useful insight into a problem at back upon itself, you may Defend with DEX instead of CON.
hand. Take +1 forward when you act on this information.
o Kirin Strikes
o Monkey Moves When you meditate while holding a magical weapon, you may drain the
When you try to get inside of a foe’s reach, no matter their size, take +1 magic from the weapon. When you make an unarmed strike, you may imbue
to the attempt and +1 armor forward. that attack with the effects of the drained weapon. You may only have one
effect at a time, draining a new weapon replaces the one you had before.
o One Hundred Paths
You have learned much from studying other paths to enlightenment. When o Mountain Guard
you gain this move, choose a second Monk’s path. You may use that path’s Replaces: Stone Guard
special ability by spending 1 Ki. Note that this does not give you that path’s You have 2 armor. While you hold Ki, you have 4 armor instead.
restriction or extra ability to mark XP.
o Nerve Strike
o Pressure Points Requires: Pressure Points
Weapons you wield with the precise tag, including your unarmed strikes, When you Hack and Slash with a precise weapon (including an unarmed
gain +piercing equal to your WIS. strike), on a 12+ you disrupt your foe’s ki, disabling one of his limbs or
senses in additional to dealing your damage.
o Shinobi
You are preternaturally silent, and will never make any noise unless you o One Thousand Paths
choose to. You never need to Defy Danger to act quietly. Requires: One Hundred Paths
When you gain this move, choose a third Monk’s path. You may use that
o Stone Guard path’s special ability by spending 1 Ki.
While you hold Ki, you have 2 armor.
o Path Mastery
o W ind W alker You have attained the rank of master among your order, and will be
When you use Wire Fu, on a 10+ you do not need to choose from the list, recognized as such. You may use the master move of your Monk’s Path.
and on a 7-9 you choose only one from the list.
o Rising Phoenix
You don’t take your Last Breath so long as you hold Ki. If you take damage
while at 0 HP, lose 1 Ki instead.
o Path of Charity o Path of the Dragon
You must reject as many worldly possessions as possible. Your Load is You can never refuse a challenge or retreat from battle. If someone
reduced to 4+STR, and you begin play with only one piece of gear from the challenges you to a fight, you must accept, even if your foes outnumber you
list. You may never own or use a piece of gear that costs more than five or are clearly much stronger.
coins, and you may never possess more than ten coins worth of wealth or
equipment. When you shout with great force as you Hack and Slash with an
unarmed strike and spend 1 Ki, your attack has reach range, deals +1d6
When you speak with simple wisdom as you Parley and spend 1 Ki, you damage, and gains the forceful tag. Remove the option “deal +1d6 damage
roll with WIS instead of CHA, and on a hit you get to ask their player one forward, once per attack” from the Ki Focus list; this move replaces it.
question, which they must answer truthfully. You still require leverage to
Parley as usual.
At the end of the session, if you defeated someone stronger than yourself
At the end of the session, if you donated a significant amount of wealth or without help, mark XP.
valuables to a worthy charity, mark XP.

o Path of Mirrors
o Path of Purity You can never use any magical objects, even healing potions, nor may you
You must keep yourself fastidiously clean at all times. Whenever you or willingly permit yourself to be the subject of a magical spell or effect.
your clothing becomes dirty, you must cleanse yourself at the next available
opportunity, no matter how inconvenient. Additionally, you may not touch or When you Defy Danger from a magical effect, on a hit you may spend 1 Ki
be touched by members of the opposite sex. to turn the magic back upon itself, describe how.

When you chant sacred prayers aloud and spend 1 Ki, you may Turn At the end of the session, if you destroyed a magical object of some
Undead as if you were a Cleric, and this ability also affects spirits. On a 10+, significance or gave it to a temple for safekeeping, mark XP.
the spirit is driven away or forced out of a person it possesses.

At the end of the session, if you ritually cleansed and purified a sacred
place, mark XP. o Path of Shadows
You must keep your face covered at all times. You cannot meditate in the
presence of any light brighter than a single candle. While you are standing in
direct sunlight, you cannot spend Ki.
o Path of Peace
You can never kill another living being. You may not attack an enemy unless You can see clearly in even total darkness. When you step into a patch of
you are attacked first, and even then you must only subdue them, not slay deep shadow and spend 1 Ki, you can step out of another one that you can
them. You cannot eat meat unless you have no other option. see. The whole of you must step through, with all that you carry.

When you Hack and Slash with an unarmed strike, on a hit you may At the end of the session, if you killed a foe without being detected, mark
spend 1 Ki to disable one of your foe’s weapons or stun them for several XP.
moments instead of dealing damage.

At the end of the session, if you calmed a fight without anyone dying,
When you take the move Path Mastery, you may use the following special
move associated with your Monk’s Path:

o Path of Truth Path of Charity: When you enter a friendly steading, a local temple will
You can never tell any lies. This includes bluffing, stating half-truths with provide you and your party with free food, shelter, and medical care for as
the intent to deceive, exaggerating, telling white lies, and so on. This does long as you stay, within reason.
not prevent you from remaining silent if you’d rather not say something.
Path of Purity: When you use your sacred prayers to turn the undead or a
When you Defy Danger to act despite fear, an enchantment, or an spirit, on a hit you also deal your damage to the target, ignoring armor.
illusion and spend 1 Ki, you automatically succeed as if you had rolled a
10+. Path of Peace: No sentient being will ever attack you unless you do
something to provoke them.
At the end of the session, if you helped someone come to terms with an
unpleasant or difficult truth, mark XP. Path of Truth: When someone in your presence tells a lie, you will always
detect it.

Path of the Dragon: Your unarmed strikes gain the fiery tag.

Path of Mirrors: While you hold a magical object in your hands, any
powers that it has are suppressed for as long as you hold it.

Path of Shadows: When you hide in shadows or darkness, you cannot be

detected by any means until you reveal yourself.

Elf: Throndir, Elrosine, Aranwe, Celion, Dambrath, Lanethe, Mariel, Xarai Wild Eyes, Sharp Eyes, or Animal Eyes
Human: Jonah, Halek, Brandon, Emory, Shrike, Nora, Diana, Eli, Wulf Hooded Head, Wild Hair, or Bald
Orc: Kargek, Mordrog, Rashka, Gorthul, Throdok, Balchak, Harga Cape, Camouflage, or Traveling Clothes
Lithe Body, Wild Body, or Sharp Body

o Chaotic Hunt and Track
Free someone from literal or figurative bonds. When you follow a trail of clues left behind by passing creatures, roll+WIS. *On a 7+,
you follow the creature’s trail until there’s a significant change in its direction or mode of
o Good travel. *On a 10+, you also choose 1:
Endanger yourself to combat an unnatural threat. • Gain a useful bit of information about your quarry, the GM will tell you what
• Determine what caused the trail to end
o Neutral
Help an animal or spirit of the wild.

Called Shot
Race When you attack a defenseless or surprised enemy at range, you can choose to deal
o Elf your damage or name your target and roll+DEX.
When you undertake a perilous journey through wilderness • Head *10+: As 7–9, plus your damage *7-9: They do nothing but stand and
whatever job you take you succeed as if you rolled a 10+. drool for a few moments.
• Arms *10+: As 7-9, plus your damage *7-9: They drop anything they’re
o Human
• Legs *10+: As 7-9, plus your damage *7-9: They’re hobbled and slow moving.
When you make camp in a dungeon or city, you don’t need to
consume a ration.

o Orc
Your traps always deal 1d4 damage as an additional effect.
When you set a trap, spend one of your traps and describe how you set it, then choose
two effects from the following list:
• The trap deals your damage to the target.
• The target is ensnared, and cannot escape until it breaks the trap. Strong
Fill in the names of your companions in at least one:
monsters can break out of the trap more quickly.
• The trap sets off a loud alarm. No matter where you are, you'll hear it or be able
to sense when it goes off.
I have guided ____________ before and they owe me for it.
• The target's leg is crippled; its ability to run is impaired until the injury is healed.
____________ is a friend of nature, so I will be their friend as
well. When a monster stumbles upon your trap, roll+WIS. *On a 10+, you get both effects.
*On a 7-9, you get one, your choice.
____________ has no respect for nature, so I have no respect for

____________ does not understand life in the wild, so I will

teach them.

Your load is 11+STR. You start with dungeon rations (5 uses, 1 weight),
leather armor (1 armor, 1 weight), Hunter’s bow (near, far, 1 weight), bundle
of arrows (3 ammo, 1 weight) and 3 traps (1 weight each). Choose three:
o Short sword (close, 1 weight)
o Spear (reach, 1 weight)
o Adventuring gear (5 uses, 1 weight)
o Bandages (3 uses, 0 weight)
o Antitoxin (0 weight)
o Bundle of arrows (3 ammo, 1 weight)

Traps cost 3 coins and have 1 weight

You may take this move only if it is your first advancement. When you gain a level from 6-10, choose from these moves or the level 2-
5 moves.
o Half-blood
Somewhere in your lineage lies mixed blood and it begins to show its o Adaptation
presence. You gain the human starting move if you are an elf or an orc. If When you observe a place or monster, the GM will tell you a move
you are human, you gain the elf or orc starting move. associated with them. When that move is used against you for the first
time, roll+WIS. *On a hit, you avoid, resist, or otherwise negate the move.
*On a 10+, you turn the move back on itself.
When you gain a level from 2-5, choose from these moves.
o Black Arrow
o Blot Out the Sun When you know your target’s weakest point, your arrows ignore armor.
When you Volley, you may spend extra ammo before rolling. For each point
of ammo spent you may choose an extra target. Roll once and apply damage o Bull’s-eye
to all targets. When you Volley, on a 12+ you also damage your target’s arms, legs, or
head as if you had made a Called Shot.
o Camouflage
When you keep still in natural surroundings, enemies never spot you until o Hunter’s Mark
you make a movement. When you draw an enemy's blood, you may declare that enemy to be your
quarry. Your attacks and traps deal +1d4 damage against the quarry, and
o Familiar Prey when you Track your quarry you cannot get a 6-, treat that as a 7-9. You may
When you Spout Lore about a monster, you roll with WIS instead of INT. have only one quarry at a time.

o Follow Me o Hunter’s Prey

When you Undertake a Perilous Journey you can take two roles. You Replaces: Familiar Prey
make a separate roll for each. When you Spout Lore about a monster, you roll with WIS instead of INT,
and on a 12+, in addition to the normal effects, you may ask the GM any one
o Improved Traps question about the subject.
When you set a trap, add the following to the list of trap effects:
• The trap also affects anyone close to the target. o Natural Cunning
• The trap moves the target a short distance. Get one move from the druid or thief class. Treat your level as one lower for
choosing the move.
o Man vs. W ild
When you Make Camp in the wilderness or in a dungeon, you can o Observant
scavenge materials to make one trap for free. When you Hunt and Track, on a success you may also ask one question
about the creature you are tracking from the Discern Realities list for free.
o A Safe Place
When you set the watch for the night, everyone takes +1 to Take Watch. o Strider
Replaces: Follow Me
o Tactical Eye When you Undertake a Perilous Journey you can take two roles. Roll
When you Discern Realities, add these options to the list of questions: twice and use the better result for both roles.
• What is my best escape route?
• Where is my best cover? o Terrain Advantage
• Which of my allies is the most vulnerable? Choose a land from the druid's Born of the Soil list, adding “the Great City”
to the list. While you are in your chosen land you take +1 ongoing to Hunt
and Track and Trapper.
o Trick Shot
When you make an improbable bow shot with an unusual effect, describe
what you want to happen and roll +DEX. On a 10+, the GM tells you one o Trap Mastery
thing you have to do to pull off the shot. On a 7-9, up to three things. Requires: Improved Traps
• Spend some time lining up the shot When you set a trap, choose three options instead of two. When the trap is
• Get into a vulnerable position sprung, on a 10+ you get all three options, on a 7-9 you choose two, and on a
6- you still choose one.
• Spend 1 ammo
• Sacrifice or endanger something important
Names: Ambrose, Anton, Angelique, Donovan, Kurt, Ruby, Trevor, Virgil, Lucius, Deep Eyes, Piercing Eyes, Yellowed Eyes
Ophelia, Selena, Virgil, Vanessa, Crane, Deidre, Sonja, Valentine Slick Hair, Silvery Hair, Scarred Scalp
Out-of-style Finery, Torn Clothing, Stolen Clothing
Gaunt Body, Corpulent Body, Commanding Posture

o Lawful Nosferatu
Coexist with mortals without harming them or their community. You are a vampire! You do not age, nor do you need to breathe. You start with the
following two weaknesses:
o Chaotic • Instantly slain by a wooden stake to the heart
Spread fear through a community. • Repulsed by and vulnerable to fire and sunlight
You may also choose up to three additional weaknesses:
o Evil o Mirrors repel you; you do not cast a reflection
Feed on the innocent and helpless for your own pleasure. o Repulsed by and vulnerable to garlic
o Repulsed by and vulnerable to silver
o Repulsed by and vulnerable to holy symbols and places
Background o Cannot cross running water, and destroyed by drowning
o May only feed upon people of your own race
Choose your race. Then choose how you became a vampire.
When you are reduced to 0 hit points, unless you were utterly annihilated or killed by a
weakness you turn into mist and return to your last safe resting place and gain 1 Hunger.
o Ancient Vampire
You’ve been undead for quite some time. When you Spout Lore Apex Predator
about times long past, take +1. When you feast on the blood of a living person, hold 2 Blood if you leave them alive or
if they are already weakened, or hold 3 Blood if you kill a healthy person. The maximum
o Accursed Vampire Blood you can hold is equal to the number of weaknesses you have.
You’ve become a vampire by a curse. Choose a tell for your
curse, this counts as another weakness for determining the When you hunt for a victim in a steading, roll+DEX if you use stealth or aggression, or
maximum Blood you can hold: roll+CHA if you use guile or charm. *On a 10+, you find someone you can feed from
o Animals become noticeably agitated by your presence undisturbed. *On a 7-9, you still find a victim, but choose one:
o Food and drink sour at any table you are seated at • You only hold 1 Blood
o Those standing next to you feel an unexplainable chill • Someone catches you in the act
o Plants wither and die when you walk by • You leave behind incriminating evidence

o Recently Turned The Blood is Life!

Your appearance can never become monstrously inhuman. When you make camp, spend 1 Blood or gain 1 Hunger. You do not recover HP when you
Additionally, you may call upon the elder vampire who sired you make camp or rest; you must spend Blood.
for assistance, and he’ll help you… for a price.
You can spend 1 Blood to:
• Make your next melee attack messy, forceful, or deal +1d4 damage
• Heal yourself for 2d4 HP
Fill in the names of your companions in at least one: • Resist a weakness for a short time
• Reduce your Hunger by 1
__________ knew my sire, they speak for him in his stead.
The GM can spend 1 Hunger to:
I have tasted __________’s blood, and I want more! • Make you attack the nearest or weakest creature
• Make you drain someone's blood completely when you are feeding
__________ knows how I am vulnerable, and is not afraid to use • Make your appearance monstrously inhuman for a while
it against me. • Run in terror from a weakness

Your load is 7+STR. Choose your armament:
o Wicked sharp knife (hand, 1 weight)
o Ornate rapier (close, precise, 1 weight)
o Long scythe (reach, two-handed, 2 weight)
Choose two:
o An old family heirloom worth 10 coins
o Bag of books (5 uses, 2 weight)
o A written promise of a favor owed to you by another vampire
o Archaic armor (1 armor, 1 weight)

When you gain a level from 2-5, choose from these moves. When you gain a level from 6-10, choose from these moves or the level 2-
5 moves.
o Aspect of the Bat
Your senses are very sharp. You can sense the approximate location of o Blood Power
invisible creatures and navigate even in complete darkness. The maximum Blood you may hold is increased by one.

o Beast-Blood o Bloody Killer

You may spend 1 Blood to take the shape of a wolf or a bat, just as if you Requires: Fang and Claw
had used the druid's Shapeshifter move. You always get 3 hold, no roll is When you Hack and Slash with your claws, on a 12+ you gain 1 Blood.
o Diablerie
o Blood Bond Gain the Ritual move from the wizard playbook. Any ritual you perform will
When you feed some of your blood to a willing NPC and spend 1 Blood, have the cost “Spend some Blood” in addition to whatever the GM says.
they become your thrall. You may treat them as a hireling, with Loyalty
equal to your CHA, one skill equal to your INT, and Cost: their master's o Dream-speaker
blood. You may visit the dreams of anyone whose blood you have tasted and
communicate with them over any distance this way. If they are your thrall,
o Blood Frenzy you can compel them to obey you.
While you hold zero Blood, you take +1 ongoing to Hack and Slash and deal
+1d4 damage. o Entrance
Requires: Mesmerize
o Children of the Night When you use Mesmerize, you get one additional choice, even on a 6-. Add
When you make eye contact with a predatory animal, you can speak with the following choices to the list:
and understand them, and you can spend 1 Blood to give them a simple • You plant a false memory in their minds; they will remember it as
telepathic command, which they will obey to the best of their ability. if it really happened
• They forget that you were ever there
o Cloak of Night
When you vanish into the shadows or fog, enemies never spot you until o For the Dead Travel Fast
you draw attention to yourself or leave your cover. When you use the shadows to travel to your destination or escape
pursuit, roll+DEX. *On a 10+, choose 2. *On a 7-9, choose 1:
o Fang and Claw • You get there unseen or lose your pursuers
You may grow and retract claws from your fingers at will (hand, +1 damage, • You get there much quicker than it would normally take
messy). • You leave nothing that could be traced back to you or your friends

o Lord of the Dead o Machiavelli

You may spend 1 Blood to cast the cleric spell Animate Dead, no roll is When someone is plotting against you, you’ll know it, though you can’t
needed. Your created zombie has one additional trait from the list, and you necessarily tell how. At the end of a session, if during this session you
also ignore the ongoing effect from the Animate Dead spell. dismantled the machinations of a powerful rival, mark XP.

o Mesmerize o Mist Form

When you gaze deeply into a person's eyes, spend 1 Blood and roll+CHA. Requires: Beast-Blood
*On a 10+, choose 2. *On a 7-9, choose 1: You may use the Beast-Blood move to transform into a cloud of mist.
• They treat you as a friend until you prove otherwise
• They run in terror o Obfuscate
• They give you something they hold Requires: Cloak of Night
• They truthfully answer one question You may spend 1 Blood to deepen the local shadows or summon a small
bank of fog, perfect for vanishing into.
o Vampiric Resilience
While you are not in the presence of any of your weaknesses, gain +2 o Soul Reaver
armor. When you drain a person's blood and kill them, hold 1 additional Blood,
and that person can never be resurrected, nor can their spirit be contacted.
Halfling: Felix, Rook, Mouse, Sketch, Trixie, Robin, Omar, Brynn, Bug, Puck Shifty Eyes, Twinkling Eyes, or Sharp Eyes
Human: Sparrow, Shank, Jack, Marlow, Dodge, Rat, Pox, Humble, Farley, Reynard Hooded Head, Messy Hair, or Stylish Hat
Gaudy Clothes, Fancy Clothes, or Plain Clothes
Lithe Body, Knobby Body, or Quick Body

o Good Silvertongue
Use trickery to help people when the law cannot. When you use lies, bluster, or deception to avoid suspicion or get out of trouble,
roll+CHA. *On a hit, your lies are believed, for now. *On a 10+, also choose one:
o Chaotic • You direct their attention or suspicion to somewhere else
Expose corruption or hypocrisy with your tricks. • Your deception will go unchallenged until they see or hear some proof
• You cover your friends as well
o Evil
Con people out of their valuables.
Social Engineering
When you spend some time scouting a local community for easy marks and
Race opportunities, roll+CHA. *On a 10+, hold 3. *On a 7-9, hold 2. *On a 6-, hold 1, and the
o Human GM holds 1. You may spend this hold to call in a favor; you can ask someone to do a
When you spend some time trading gossip in a community, simple, non-dangerous task for you, and they'll do it. The GM may spend his hold at any
roll+CHA. *On a hit, you learn of an interesting opportunity time to introduce a person hostile to you, suspicious of you, or whom you owe big time.
nearby. *On a 10+, you can also start a rumor of your own; it
will spread like wildfire. You cannot extract favors from anyone who is outwardly hostile to you or suspicious of
you. Other players are always suspicious of you, since they know you’re the Trickster.
o Halfling
When you perform a sleight of hand upon an unwary or
distracted mark, you succeed and no one’s the wiser. If you’re Smoke Bomb
subject to scrutiny, roll+DEX. *On a 10+, you succeed and no When you have time and safety to prepare a few tricks, you can manufacture up to
one’s the wiser. *On a 7-9, you succeed or no one’s the wiser, three smoke bombs. Each has 1 weight, and is dangerous for anyone except you to use.
your choice. When you throw a smoke bomb at a hard surface, roll+DEX. *On a hit, a cloud of
smoke bursts forth, briefly blinding and causing a coughing fit in anyone caught in the
cloud, except you. *On a 7-9, choose 1:
• Someone you didn’t intend also gets caught in the smoke
Fill in the names of your companions in at least one: • The smoke will only last a few moments
• A person of the GM's choice is unaffected

_____________ has my back when things go wrong.

_____________ knows a secret about me that could be

embarrassing if it was let loose.

_____________ has helped me run a con before.

I know a secret about _____________, but he doesn't know that I


Your load is 9+STR. You start with dungeon rations (5 uses, 1 weight) and
three smoke bombs (1 weight each). Choose your weapons:
o Short sword (close, 1 weight) and 3 throwing knives (thrown, near, 0
o Rapier (close, precise, 1 weight)
o Ragged Bow (near, 2 weight), a bundle of arrows (3 ammo, 1 weight), and
a dagger (hand, 1 weight).
Choose two:
o Adventuring gear (5 uses, 1 weight)
o Leather armor (1 armor, 1 weight)
o 12 counterfeit coins
o Halfling pipeleaf (6 uses, 0 weight)

When you gain a level from 2-5, choose from these moves. When you gain a level from 6-10, choose from these moves or the level 2-
5 moves.
o Concealment
Your smoke bombs never affect you; you can always see clearly within the o Cheat Death
smoke and your actions are unimpaired within it. When you take your Last Breath, Death will always offer you a bargain,
even on a 6-. If you don't keep your end of it, you'll still live, but Death will
o Confidence Trick claim your soul the next time you are reduced to 0 HP.
When you make small talk with someone, you can spend a hold from
Social Engineering to ask them a question; they’ll answer it truthfully in the o Flashbang
form of a slip of the tongue or their body language giving it away, but they’ll When you create a smoke bomb, you may instead create an incendiary
be aware that they gave up that information. smoke bomb, which also deals your damage to one person caught in the
effect on a hit, and may start fires when thrown.
o Deep Pockets
Any items that you carry that could fit in the palm of your hand (including o Grifter
your smoke bombs) are so well concealed on you that they will never be Requires: Confidence Trick
found unless you are completely stripped and searched. When you use Confidence Trick, your mark will not realize they gave away
their information.
o Distracting Shot
When you Volley, on a 10+ you may draw your target’s attention elsewhere o Honeyed W ords
instead of dealing damage. When you use Social Engineering you get +1 hold, even on a miss.

o Escape Artist o Instigator

When you try to slip free of anything physically restraining you, Requires: Lamentable Belaborment
roll+DEX. *On a hit, you’re free. *On a 10+, choose one: When you use Lamentable Belaborment, on a 10+ the argument also gets a
• You take a parting shot at your captor, deal your damage little violent; one of the affected targets deals their damage to another. You
• You make it easier for someone else nearby to escape choose both parties.
• You take a little souvenir with you, the GM will tell you what
o Pants on Fire
o Lamentable Belaborment When a move has another player (including the GM) ask you a question
When you sow mistrust and discord among your foes, roll+CHA. *On a about your character, you can answer however you like (honestly or not).
10+, they're confused and will take some time to argue and sort things out.
*On a 7-9, they're still confused, but not for very long. o Smoke and M irrors
Requires: Smokescreen
o Legerdemain When you Hack and Slash someone caught in your smoke bomb, on a
Gain a spellbook containing all wizard cantrips. You may learn, memorize, 10+ choose two options from Smokescreen instead of one, and add the
and cast cantrips, illusions, and enchantments as if you were a wizard of your following options to Smokescreen list:
level-1, using CHA instead of INT to cast the spell. • You draw their full attention to you
• You direct their attack into someone/thing else
o New Tricks
If you are human, gain the halfling starting move. If you are a halfling, gain o Trust Me
the human starting move. When you use Silvertongue, on a 10+, choose two options from the list, and
on a 7-9, choose one option.
o Smokescreen
When you Hack and Slash someone caught in your smoke bomb, on a hit, o Vanishing Trick
choose one: When you throw one of your smoke bombs at your feet, you may instantly
• You steal something from them. Now it’s yours! move from where you are to somewhere else in sight or in reach. The smoke
• You deal +1d6 damage cover will make it seem like you just disappeared; you won’t be spotted
• Reduce their armor by 1 until they repair it unless you’re out in the open or draw attention to yourself.

o Sneaky o Very Sneaky

Gain a move from the thief playbook. Gain a move from the thief playbook.
Dwarf: Andalen, Larelei, Morak, Halgmar, Garm, Beyla, Rakham, Yara Wise Eyes, Distant Eyes, or Colorless Eyes
Human: Semil, Falken, Tanika, Dungarth, Brey, Arando, Celad, Halmir Long Braids, Furry Hood, or Antlered Hood
Orc: Erishnar, Corug, Mirak, Garuk, Prinai, Ranak, Zuakka, Sulha Rugged Leathers, Animal Hides, or Elaborate Body Designs

o Good Trance
Help people to live in harmony. When you spend some time opening your mind to the mysteries of the Otherworld,
you lose any spells already prepared and prepare new spells of your choice whose total
o Neutral levels don’t exceed your own level+1, and none of which is a higher level than your own
Resolve a disturbance in the balance. level. You may choose from any spell on the Shaman spell list. You also prepare all of
your rotes, which never count against your limit.
o Chaotic
Reclaim a place or important object for the natural world. Cast a Spell
When you call forth a spell you’ve prepared, roll+WIS. *On a 10+, the spell is
successfully cast and you do not forget the spell—you may cast it again later. *On a 7-9,
Race the spell is cast, but choose one:
• You draw unwelcome attention or put yourself in a spot. The gamemaster will
o Dwarf
tell you how.
When you are dealing with spirits of earth, stone, or
• The spell disturbs the Mists as it is cast—take -1 ongoing to cast a spell until the
mountains, take +1 to Second Sight and Widdershins.
next time you Trance.
• After it is cast, the spell is forgotten. You cannot cast the spell again until you
o Human Trance again.
Choose a wizard spell. You may prepare and cast that spell as if Note that maintaining spells with ongoing effects will sometimes cause a penalty to your
it were a shaman spell. roll to cast a spell.

o Orc Second Sight

Aspect of the Wolf is a rote for you. You are sensitive to the spirit world. When you are in the presence of an influential or
important spirit, the GM will let you know. When you open your senses to the Mists to
interact with a spirit, roll+CHA. *On a 10+, ask the GM three questions from the list
below. *On a 7-9, ask one:
Fill in the names of your companions in at least one: • Where exactly are any spirits residing?
• What is the nature of the spirits present?
The spirits have spoken to me of __________; they have a • How is the spirit influencing the material world?
strange destiny that I will play a part of.
• What could I offer this spirit that it wants or needs?
Regardless of the roll, you may communicate with any spirit you open your senses to, and
__________ does not believe in the spirit world, but I will make
Parley if you have leverage as usual. Some spirits may be unwilling to talk, or not have
them listen.
much to say.
__________ is out of balance, and a danger to themselves and
others. I will help them. W iddershins
When you bind a spirit with rituals or incantations, roll+CHA. *On a hit, you banish
I have sworn a covenant with __________, the spirits have the spirit from this place, force it from its host, or put a restriction on it. *On a 7-9, the
witnessed it. spirit will retaliate against you in exchange. You can dispel your bindings whenever you
wish, but the spirit will then be free to do as it pleases.

Your load is 7+STR. You start with dungeon rations (5 uses, 1 weight) and a
trinket that helps you commune with the spirit world. Describe it!
Choose your armament:
o Staff (close, two-handed, 1 weight)
o Spear (close, thrown, near, 1 weight)
o Worn bow (near, 2 weight), bundle of arrows (3 ammo, 1 weight), and
dagger (hand, 1 weight)
Choose your defenses:
o Hide armor (1 armor, 1 weight)
o Poultices and herbs (2 uses, 1 weight)
Choose one:
o Adventuring gear (5 uses, 1 weight)
o Halfling pipeleaf (6 uses, 0 weight)
o Antitoxin (0 weight)

When you gain a level from 2-5, choose from these moves. When you gain a level from 6-10, choose from these moves or the level 2-
5 moves.
o Covenant
When you use Widdershins, on a 10+, choose one: o Abjure
• The spirit can never return to this world after you banish it When you attack a spirit, ghost, or extra-planar entity, you deal +1d6
• The spirit will honor any agreement you make with it. damage, and if it is reduced to zero HP, it is henceforth barred from
appearing on the material plane in any form. It can still be encountered in
o The Cycle and the Path spiritual visions and on other planes, just not your world.
When you cast a spell you ignore the first -1 penalty from ongoing spells.
o Grounding
o The Old W ays When you resist an enchantment cast upon you, treat a 6- as a 7-9 result.
When you cast a spell, on a 10+ you have the option of choosing an option
from the 7-9 list. If you do, you may choose one of these as well: o The Mask and Mirror
• The spell’s effects are doubled Replaces: The Cycle and the Path
• The spell’s targets are doubled When you cast a spell you ignore up to two -1 penalties from ongoing spells.

o One W ith Nature o Moondance

Gain a non-multiclass move from either the druid or ranger class list. Treat While your bare skin is bathed in moonlight, the effects of your spells are
your level as one lower for choosing the move. maximized.

o Parting the Veil o Naturalist

When someone takes their Last Breath in your presence, they take +1 to Gain a non-multiclass move from either the druid or ranger class list. Treat
the roll. your level as one lower for choosing the move.

o Shaman’s Intuition o Secrets of the Otherworld

When you Discern Realities or use Second Sight, hit or miss, you may also Replaces: The Old Ways
ask, “What here is out of balance?” for free. When you cast a spell, on a 10-11 you have the option of choosing an option
from the 7-9 list. If you do, you may choose one of these effects as well. On
a 12+ you get to choose one of these effects for free:
o Spiritual Healer
• The spell’s effects are doubled
When you heal someone else, add your level to the amount healed.
• The spell’s targets are doubled
o Stormstrike
When you imbue your weapon with primal power, forget a spell (not a o Shaman’s Insight
rote) you have memorized and choose one of the following. Your weapon When you use Second Sight, choose one more option, even on a 6-, and on a
gains that effect as long as you wield it, until you use this ability again or 12+, you may ask the spirit one question, and it will answer truthfully.
until you Trance.
• Your weapon gains the fiery tag and deals +1d4 damage o Spirit Calling
• Your weapon mystically shields you, granting +2 armor When you perform a ritual to summon a spirit, name a spirit you wish to
• Your weapon gains the forceful tag summon, either by name or a type of spirit. It will be brought before you, and
• You attack with this weapon with WIS instead of the usual stat you may immediately make the Widdershins move against it before it can
o Touch the Empyrean
Choose a spell. You are granted that spell as if it was one level lower. o Storm, Earth, and Fire
Requires: Stormstrike
When you use Stormstrike, choose two options instead of one.
o W ell of W isdom
When you listen to the whispers of the spirits, you may Spout Lore with
WIS instead of INT. o Touch the Firmament
Requires: Touch the Empyrean
Choose a spell in addition to the one you picked for Touch the Empyrean.
You are granted that spell as if it was one level lower.
Every time you trance, you gain access to all of your rotes without having to
select them or count them toward your allotment of spells. o Spirit Servant Rote
You summon a minor invisible spirit that can do nothing but carry items. It
o Guidance Rote has Load 3 and carries anything you hand to it. It cannot pick up items on its
A symbol of the elements appears before you and gestures towards the own and can only carry those you give to it. Items carried by a spirit servant
direction or course of action the spirits would have you take then disappears. appear to float in the air a few paces behind you. A spirit servant that takes
The message is through gesture only; your communication through this spell damage or leaves your presence is immediately dispelled, dropping any
is severely limited. items it carried.

First Level Spells

o Aspect of the Wolf level 1 ongoing o Sacred Circle Level 1
A person you touch is imbued with a small amount of wild energy. Choose As you cast this spell, you walk the perimeter of an area. As long as you stay
one of the following effects to grant while this spell is ongoing: within that area you are alerted whenever someone acts with malice within
• They can see perfectly in total darkness the circle (including entering with harmful intent). Anyone who receives
• Their sense of smell and hearing is greatly enhanced healing within the circle heals +1d6 HP. The spell ends when you leave the
• They become more fierce, dealing +1 damage ongoing area.
While this spell is ongoing you take -1 ongoing to cast a spell.

o Healing Touch level 1

o Dreamsight level 1 Your touch halts bleeding and eases pain. Heal an ally you touch of 1d6
Cast this spell over a sleeping person, and you can see what they are damage.
dreaming about, as well as the nature of any influences upon their mind.

o Rising Mists level 1 ongoing

o Flames of Wrath level 1 ongoing Name a location you can see. It is completely blanketed in thick fog that
While this spell is ongoing, you may conjure a small orb of flame in your prevents anyone from seeing further than a foot in front of them. While this
hands whenever you like (thrown, near, 1 piercing), and you take -1 to cast a spell is ongoing, the fog will not dissipate and cannot be blown away by
spell. wind, and you take -1 to cast a spell.

Third Level Spells

o Foresee level 3 o Elemental Blessing level 3 ongoing
Cast this spell as you gaze into a pool of water, and you will receive a A person you touch receives a blessing of the elements. Choose one:
portent from the spirit world. The GM will reveal an impending danger that • Fire will not burn them or their possessions
threatens the land. You will also learn something useful about how you can • They may walk upon water as if it were solid ground
interfere with the danger's dark outcomes. • They may breathe safely in any environment, even underwater or
in toxic fumes
• Their skin hardens like stone, giving them +1 armor
o Entangle level 3 ongoing While this spell is ongoing you take -1 ongoing to cast a spell.
Roots and vines constrict painfully around the lower body of one target you
can see, preventing them from moving their legs. While this spell is ongoing
you take -1 ongoing to cast a spell. o Silence and Stillness level 3
The winds of magic grow still in your presence. Choose a spell or magical
effect in your presence, it ceases to function as long as you remain nearby.
o Glamour level 3 ongoing
You create an illusion that changes one part of something or someone you
can see: its appearance, sound, or smell. While this spell is ongoing you take o Whispering Wind level 3
-1 to cast a spell. You summon a spirit of the winds to carry a short message to a person of
your choice. The spirit will also carry back a short reply.

Fifth Level Spells
o Purify level 5 o Chain Lightning level 5
Your touch removes a poison or disease from a person or object. A bolt of lightning springs from your fingertips, striking your target and
everyone nearby for 2d6 damage, ignoring armor.

o Summon Elemental level 5 ongoing

You conjure an elemental servitor to assist you. Treat it as your character, o Life Touch level 5
but with access to only the basic moves. It has +1 modifier for all stats, 1 HP, Life energy fills the person you touch, healing them of 3d6 damage.
and does 1d8 damage. The elemental also gets your choice of 1d4 of these
• It has +2 instead of +1 to one stat o Sight Beyond Sight level 5
• It’s not reckless Name a person, place, or thing you want to learn about. You will receive a
• It’s bond to your plane is strong: +1 HP for each level you have vision of the subject, as clear as if you were there.
• It has some useful secondary ability
The elemental remains on this plane until it dies or you dismiss it. While this
spell is ongoing you take -1 to cast a spell. o Spirits of the Wild level 5 ongoing
You call upon the power of an animal spirit to aid you. Name the animal.
While this spell is ongoing, you gain the use of one of that animal’s abilities
and take -1 to cast a spell.

Seventh Level Spells

o Control Weather level 7 o True Seeing level 7 ongoing
Wish for rain—or sun, wind, or snow. Within a day or so, your wish will be Your vision is opened to the true nature of everything you lay your eyes on.
granted. The weather will change according to your will and last a handful of You pierce illusions and see things that have been hidden. The GM will
days. describe the area before you ignoring any illusions and falsehoods, magical
or otherwise. While this spell is ongoing you take -1 to cast a spell.

o Masterful Glamour level 7 ongoing

You create a complex illusion that affects all senses. The illusion can move if o Rebirth level 7
you are around to direct it, or you may program it to move under certain The Mists breath new life into a person you touch. They are restored to full
conditions, and it may exist independently of other objects. While this spell health, any poisons or diseases are cured, debilities are healed, and even lost
is ongoing you take -1 to cast a spell. limbs are regrown.

o Wild Hunt level 7 o Spirit Lodge level 7

Name a person or creature you wish to hunt. Spiritual wolves will seek them You cast a ward upon a specific location that prevents creatures of a certain
out, no matter where they hide. While this spell is ongoing, when you lift type from entering that area. The location must have clearly-defined
your head and howl to the sky, the wolves will howl back, telling you which boundaries, though you can pace out a circle or other space and mark it with
direction your target lies. Additionally, when you deal damage to the target, chalk, sand, etc. Name what kind of creature is barred from entry when you
you deal an additional +1d6 damage as the wolves join in the attack. The place the ward.
spell lasts until you dismiss it, your target is killed, or until you cast it again.

Ninth Level Spells

o Cataclysm level 9 o Earthquake level 9 ongoing
The Mists bring the unnatural weather of your choice to pass. Rain of blood A location you can see begins to shake violently. The earth heaves and
or acid, meteor storms, wind that can carry away buildings, or any other shudders, tearing itself asunder for miles around. While this spell is ongoing,
weather you can imagine: ask and it shall come. you take -1 to cast a spell.

o Reclamation level 9 o Maelstrom level 9

The earth reclaims a person that you touch, turning them to stone. A powerful whirlwind gathers you and your allies up, whisking you away to
a destination of your choice.

o Commune With Nature level 9

You attune yourself to a location and the earth answers you. Spirits of this o Renewal level 9
location will answer any three questions you pose to them. Anything the land A burst of cleansing energy fills the area, removing any corrupting
can know, it will tell you. influences on either the land or a person of your choice. Curses, blights, and
debilities are all ended by this spell.

Names: Emma, Tristan, Erik, Dean, Shelley, Grant, Horatio, Cecil, Catherine, Edmund, Hollow Eyes, Penetrating Eyes, Sharp Eyes
Leonardo, Annette, Connor Wavy Hair, Ash-White Hair, Closed Visor
Pale Body, Taut Body, Scarred Body
Horned Helmet, Spiked Armor, Great Cloak


o Neutral Dark Blade
Increase your reputation while working to fulfill Death’s task to Death has given you a bladed weapon of terrible power, describe it! Your weapon will
you. always have a shadowy aura around it; anyone who sees it will know that it's a weapon of
darkness. Your weapon has 2 weight, close range, and the messy tag. Choose one more
o Evil feature for your weapon:
Make a bloodbath of your foes. o Sharp. +1 piercing.
o Heavy. Add forceful and +1 weight.
o Ancient. Take +1 to Spout Lore about spirits or the lands beyond the Black Gate
Background o Mystical. Glows in the presence of one type of creature, your choice.
Choose any race. Then choose what’s so important to you that o Long. Add reach and two-handed.
you would take up the dark blade for it. Choose what Death has tasked you with in exchange for this weapon. When you fulfill
Death’s task, hold 3 Torment. Your maximum Torment is 3.
o Extinguish some of the world's light or beauty
o Love o Help the dead or dying pass on
Add the following Bond: _______________ reminds me of my o Remove stagnation so rebirth can occur
true love; I'll protect them. o Punish those who defy Death's order

o Duty
Add the following option to Road to Perdition: Armored
• Cast Visions Through Time, as the wizard spell; Death You ignore the clumsy tag on armor you wear.
will show you where you’re needed most.

o Honor Road to Perdition

Choose a hated type of enemy, such as goblins, traitors, or When you draw upon the unholy power in your dark blade, choose one of the
nobles. When you strike a deathblow with your dark blade following effects:
against your chosen enemy, heal 1 HP. • Don the visage of death, terrifying a target you can see as if you cast the Cause
Fear spell for as long as you focus your attention on them
• Plunge your blade into a corpse, its spirit will answer any three questions you
pose to it to the best of the knowledge it had in life and the knowledge it gained
Fill in the names of your companions in at least one: in death
• Summon supernatural darkness into an area you can see, until you use this move
_______________ is the voice of my conscience; they keep me again or dismiss it
from going too far, though I may resent them for it sometimes. …then roll+CHA. *On a hit, you achieve your desired effect. *On a 7-9, either spend 1
Torment or lose HP equal to the higher of the two dice rolled, ignoring armor.

_______________ gives me hope for a better tomorrow.

I have seen Death’s mark upon _______________; something

terrible is in store!

Your Load is 10+STR. You start with your dark-bladed weapon (2 weight),
dungeon rations (5 uses, 1 weight), and a memento of someone important to
you, describe it!
Choose your defenses:
o Chainmail (1 armor, 1 weight) and adventuring gear (5 uses, 1 weight)
o Black scale armor (2 armor, clumsy, 3 weight)
Choose one:
o Shield (+1 armor, 2 weight)
o Antitoxin (0 weight) and bandages (3 uses, slow, 0 weight)
o 10 coins

When you gain a level from 2-5, choose from these moves. When you gain a level from 6-10, choose from these moves or the level 2-
5 moves.
o Conviction
When you lose HP from using Road to Perdition, you lose HP equal to the o Black Magic
lower of the two dice rolled instead. Add the following effect to Road to Perdition:
• Cast Animate Dead, Trap Soul, or Contagion, as per the cleric
o Dead Eyes spells. While any of these spells are ongoing you cannot use Road
When you fix someone with your cold, hard stare, roll+CHA. *On a 10+, to Perdition
get both effects. *On a 7-9, choose one.
• They flinch or hesitate o Clash of Steel
• You learn something about their true nature, the GM will tell you Gain a non-multiclass move from the fighter playbook.
o Command Undead
o Doom Blade Requires: Rebuke Undead
Choose an additional feature for your dark blade. You may use Rebuke Undead against intelligent undead. They cannot be
commanded, but a successful roll convinces them to help you for a while.
o Flash of Steel *On a 7-9, there’s a price, the GM will tell you what.
Gain a non-multiclass move from the fighter playbook.
o Death’s Deputy
o Hell’s Gate When you fulfill Death’s task, hold 4 Torment instead of 3. Your maximum
When you deal damage with your dark blade, you may spend 1 Torment. Torment is 4.
If you do, deal +1d4 damage.
o Hell’s Dominion
o Interrogator Replaces: Hell’s Gate
When you have a private chat with an NPC, roll+CHA. *On a 10+, ask When you deal damage with your dark blade, you may spend 1 Torment.
them two questions, which they will answer truthfully. *On a 7-9, ask one If you do, deal +1d8 damage.
question. Regardless of the result, the NPC will not want anything to do with
you ever again. o Last Resort
While your HP is equal to or less than your CHA or 1, whichever is
o Raven’s Feast higher, take +1 ongoing to all moves except Last Breath.
Add the following effect to Road to Perdition:
• Fire a pulse of dark energy from the blade, dealing 1d6 damage to o No Rest For the Angry Dead
a target within near range. When you take your Last Breath, you may spend Torment after rolling. For
each Torment spent, add 1 to the roll, up to a maximum final result of 7.
o Rebuke Undead
When your voice resonates with the land of the dead, roll+CHA. *On a o Sanguine Blade
10+ any mindless undead near you are cowed into submission for a while, When you Hack and Slash with your dark blade, on a 12+ in addition to
and you may command them to do your bidding. *On a 7-9 the undead will dealing your damage you also heal 1d6 HP.
not approach you, but neither will they obey you.
o Vital Infusion
o Unstoppable Requires: Vital Transfer
You can never become weakened or sickened, and you ignore the forceful When you use Vital Transfer, you heal 2d6 damage per Torment spent
tag on any attacks made against you. instead.

o Vital Transfer o Your W orst Nightmare

When you touch someone and channel stolen life energy into them, you Requires: Unstoppable
can spend 1 Torment to heal them of 1d6 damage, as many times as you like, Choose a target of your obsession, either a person or an object. You always
as long as you have Torment to spend. You can use this ability on yourself if know which direction your target is relative to you, and when you deal
you wish. damage to your target, deal an additional +1d4 damage. If your target is
killed or destroyed, you may choose a new target the next time you Make
Dwarf: Rogi, Varrak, Dain, Balgan, Torhad, Fragh, Luda, Jaril, Gima Wild Eyes, Beady Eyes, or Cruel Eyes
Human: Bjorn, Calder, Astrid, Hertha, Leif, Sigrid, Torben, Markul, Ulf, Ragnar Shaved Head, Twin Braids, or Messy Hair
Orc: Lorik, Kashnak, Fragar, Tragg, Rukor, Hragdush, Perchi, Kibuna, Gresha, Datinai Crude Hides, Rugged Leathers, or Half-Naked
Bushy Beard, Elaborate Tattoos, or Ritual Scars


o Neutral Berserker Rage
Uphold your personal code of honor, regardless of the danger to When you work yourself into a violent, howling frenzy, roll+CON. *On a hit, hold 3
yourself. rage. *On a 7-9, choose a drawback as well. *On a 6-, hold 2 rage and the GM chooses a
drawback. You may spend 1 rage to:
o Chaotic • Add the forceful, messy, or stun tag to an attack
Cause trouble with your short temper. • Perform a feat of near superhuman strength
• Halve the effects from a mundane physical attack
o Evil • Terrify someone you can see, as if you had cast the Cause Fear spell with
Make a brutal example of someone to terrify others. yourself as the subject
• Ignore the effects of all of your debilities for a short time

Race If a drawback was chosen, it affects you the next time your rage is reduced to zero:
o Dwarf • You gain a debility, chosen by the GM
Choose a specific type of foe, such as demons, goblin-kin, • You cannot use this move again until you rest for a while
dragon-kin, or undead. When you use Berserker Rage in a fight • You injure an ally or break something dear to you while raging, chosen by the
against your chosen foe, take +1. GM, but you won’t notice until the rage ends.

Your maximum rage is 3. While you hold rage, when you make a move that does not use
o Human
STR or CON, or you take an action requiring subtlety, finesse, thinking or discussion, lose
When you Parley with someone who has witnessed you
1 rage. You cannot use this move while wearing armor.
raging, you may roll with STR instead of CHA.

o Orc Bloodlust
Your teeth and claws are dangerous enough to be used as
When you slay a foe, if you used Berserker Rage at any point during this fight, gain +1
weapons (hand, messy).

Terrifying Reputation
Fill in the names of your companions in at least one:
When you enter a steading, rumors about your fury may precede you (your call). If so,
tell the GM what people heard. They'll act accordingly, maybe by barring their doors,
__________ is surprisingly tough for their kind, they have
asking for your help, or testing your strength.
earned my respect.
You never make the Outstanding Warrants move; the local guards and magistrates are too
I will push __________ to be harder, or I will break them.
intimidated to try anything unless things are really getting out of hand.
__________ is always making me angry, they’d better watch
themselves, or else!

I have shared songs of glorious battles with __________.

Your Load is 10+STR. You start with dungeon rations (5 uses, 1 weight).
Choose your weapon:
o Sharp long sword (+1 damage, close, 2 weight)
o Hefty warhammer (forceful, close, 3 weight)
o Massive battle axe (reach, +1 damage, two-handed, 2 weight)
Choose your defenses:
o Steel-rimmed shield (+1 armor, 2 weight)
o Healing potion (0 weight)
Choose two:
o Adventuring gear (5 uses, 1 weight)
o A valuable trinket or heirloom worth 10 coins
o 3 throwing axes (thrown, near, 1 weight)
o Poultices and herbs (2 uses, 1 weight)
o Keg of dwarven stout (4 weight)

When you gain a level from 2-5, choose from these moves. When you gain a level from 6-10, choose from these moves or the level 2-
5 moves.
o Battle-Scarred
When you Make Camp, you may describe a scar you gained in your last o Anger M anagement
fight. If you do, heal an extra 1d6 HP. Your maximum rage is now 4. When you use Berserker Rage, on a 12+ you
hold 4 rage.
o Blood, Death, and Vengeance!
When you see an ally fall in battle, take +1 ongoing against the foe that o Bear’s Ferocity
took them down, until you slay that foe or find a new target for your revenge. Replaces: Wolf’s Ferocity
When you spend rage, deal +1d8 damage forward.
o Collateral Damage
When you Hack and Slash while you hold rage, on a hit, deal damage o Einherjar
equal to your STR to another target within your reach. You must deal this When you Carouse, add your CON to the roll, and on a 12+ you may choose
damage if it is at all possible to do so, even if the only other target nearby is as many options as you like.
an ally.
o Guardian Totem
o Destructive Rage You may spend 1 rage to make a spell targeting you have no effect.
When you Hack and Slash while you hold rage, on a hit you may spend 1
rage to also break their weapon or reduce their armor by 1. o Herald of W ar
When you blow a mighty note on your brazen horn and spend 1 rage,
o Runecaster roll+CON. *On a 10+, choose two. *On a 7-9, choose one. *On a 6-, choose
When you cast the carved bones to divine the future, roll+WIS. *On a hit, one anyway, but your action will have some unintended side effects.
the GM will reveal the details of a grim portent to you--a dire event that will • Your allies shake off any fear and deal +1d4 damage forward
come to pass without your intervention. *On a 10+, the GM will also tell you • An important enemy is distracted, shaken, or loses focus
something useful about how you can interfere with the grim portent’s dark • Your enemies are stricken with fear, and may rout if pressed hard
outcomes. *On a 6-, you see something unfortunate in your future. • The earth trembles, damaging a nearby structure
• A celestial servant of war will assist you for a while
o Savage W arrior
Gain a non-multiclass move from the barbarian or druid playbooks. o Invincible Rage
While you hold rage, you stay fighting even at zero HP, and you do not take
o Songs of Glory your Last Breath until you lose all of your rage. When you take damage
Gain the Bardic Lore move and take the “Legends of Heroes Past” area of while you are at zero HP, lose 1 rage.
o Lucid Rage
o Tempered Spirit You don’t lose rage when you Discern Realities or Defy Danger with WIS.
When you use Berserker Rage, on a 7-9 you can choose to hold 2 rage
instead of 3. If you do, you don’t choose a drawback. o Primal W arrior
Gain a non-multiclass move from the barbarian or druid playbooks.
o W ar Paint
When you ritualistically mark your bare skin with terrifying designs, o Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken
gain 2 armor as long as you wear these markings. Replaces: Battle-Scarred
When you Make Camp, you may describe a scar you gained in your last
o W olf’s Ferocity fight. If you do, heal an extra 1d6 HP or a debility.
When you spend rage, deal +1d4 damage forward.
o Vandal
When you Discern Realities, on a hit, you may also ask, “Who or what here
is most vulnerable to me?” for free, in addition to your other questions.
The Professional
The GM will also give your home one complication:
When you rise to a position of prominence within
your community and acquire a commercial o Need: Your base needs a steady supply of a
property, the next time you level up you may choose certain resource. Fulfilling that need is your
to gain this move: responsibility.
o Duty: You have sworn an oath of fealty or
support to someone else. Expect them to make
⃞ Open for Business demands of you.
You now have a base of operations, such as a o Enemy: Someone influential holds a grudge
guildhall, temple or a shop. Describe it! Add your against you, or people of your profession.
new establishment to one of the steadings on the map. o Hated: Your profession is unpopular among
Your home will include a reasonably safe place for other people. Best keep it a secret, or suffer the
you to stay and store your stuff. Choose two tags for consequences.
your home: o Danger: Your base suffers a recurring threat.
Perhaps it is a popular target for monsters, or
o Safehouse: Your base is either well hidden or fights break out frequently there. You'll have to
well protected. No one will bother you when deal with these troubles, or your base will suffer.
you're hiding out in there.
o Labor Pool: You have a reliable source of Note that any tags on your base, including the Clout
specialized help available for hire. When you tag, cannot fully relieve the burden of your
Recruit from your organization, you cannot complication.
get a 6-, treat that as a 7–9.
o Resources: You have access to equipment
relevant to your profession. When you purchase If you have the move Open for Business, these count
something through your organization, take +1 as class moves for you; you can choose from them
to the Supply roll, and the cost is reduced by when you level up:
o Rumormill: Lots of interesting information ⃞ Entrepreneur
passes through your establishment. When you Your organization is growing! Add another tag to
listen to the problems of the people, the GM your base. You may take this move multiple times.
will tell you of at least one opportunity within Each time you do, add a new tag to your base.
your home steading or the areas surrounding it.
o Prestige: Your organization is well known and
therefore you are too. Add the tag Guild or ⃞ Guildmaster
Personage (you) to your steading. Requires: Entrepreneur
o Clout: Members of your society enjoy some You are now a leader among your organization. Your
kind of social privilege that other commoners do lodgings become much nicer. Add either the Prestige
not have. Describe it, and why you have it. tag or the Profitable tag to your home.
o Skilled: Your organization has people with
exceptional skills, such as blacksmithing or Additionally, when you spread your influence into
alchemy. Add the Craft tag to your steading, and another town, choose a nearby steading and delete a
access to these artisans is readily available to you. tag from your current base of operations. You now
o Library: You have access to a large stockpile of have a satellite location in the chosen steading, which
information. While you have access to your gains the deleted tag. The GM will also add a
Library, take +1 ongoing to Spout Lore. complication to the new base.
o Profitable: Your organization is very profitable.
When you spend a week tending to your
business and putting your estates in order,
you gain 1D6 x your level in coins. If you spend
⃞ Union
a month, gain 3D6 x your level in coins instead. Requires: Guildmaster
When you take this move, add one tag of your choice
to every base you control.
The Hunter If you have the move Trapper, these count as class
moves for you; you can choose from them when you
The dungeon is a dangerous place for the unwary. level up:
Deadly beasts lurk in every cave and behind every
tree. To others, they are threats to their homes and
lives. But to you, these monsters are your prey. ⃞ Improved Traps
When you set a trap, add the following to the list of
What does it mean to hunt something that hunts you? trap effects:
To pit yourself against monsters armed with only • The trap also affects anyone close to the
your wits and your bow? You know how they think, target.
how they move. Set your traps, string your bow, and • The trap moves the target a short distance.
take aim. When they come for you, you'll be ready
for them.
⃞ Trap Mastery
Requires: Improved Traps
When you have successfully hunted and slain a
When you set a trap, choose three options instead of
legendary beast, the next time you level up you may
two. When the trap is sprung, on a 10+ you get all
choose to gain this move:
three options, on a 7-9 you choose two, and on a 6-
you still choose one.
⃞ Trapper
When you set a trap, spend one of your traps and
describe how you set it, then choose two effects from ⃞ Camouflaged Position
the following list:
When you strike with a ranged weapon from
• The trap deals your damage to the target. hiding, your first shot never gives away your position.
• The target is ensnared, and cannot escape
until it breaks the trap. Strong monsters can
break out of the trap more quickly.
⃞ Black Arrow
• The trap sets off a loud alarm. No matter
where you are, you'll hear it or be able to When you know your target’s weakest point, your
sense when it goes off. arrows ignore armor.
• The target's leg is crippled; its ability to run
is impaired until the injury is healed.
⃞ Hunter’s Mark
When a monster stumbles upon your trap, When you draw an enemy's blood, or they draw
roll+WIS. *On a 10+, you get both effects. *On a 7-9, yours, you can track them anywhere. No matter
you get one, your choice. where they go you can always find them, without
If you are the Ranger, you may take this move at
level 1 instead of Animal Companion. If you do, you
cannot take the moves Man’s Best Friend, Well- ⃞ Tactical Eye
Trained, Special Trick, or Unnatural Ally. You also When you Discern Realities, add these options to the
begin play with 3 traps (1 weight each). list of questions:
• What is my best escape route?
• Where is my best cover?
• Which of my allies is the most vulnerable?
Dungeon World
War and Wonders Pack

Seven new base classes for Dungeon World

the Beast,
the Warlord,
the Mask Master,
the Gunslinger,
the Warlock,
the Fool,
and the Villager
and new rules for investigation, exploration, and mental stress

For use with the role-playing game Dungeon World, by Sage LaTorra and Adam Koebel

Written by Peter Johansen. Version January 24, 2017

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit
http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View,
California, 94041, USA.
The Beast The Warlord

The wastelands and far places of Dungeon How many battles have you seen? Ten? A
World teem with dangerous beasts. You hundred? You’ve probably lost count.
should know, you’re one of them.
Most people think that war is chaotic or
Humans and their kind think that theirs is uncontrollable. But you know better. You
the only civilization that matters, staying in can feel the ebb and flow of the battlefield in
their haughty castles. They grow soft, afraid your fingertips. You can see in someone’s
of the unknown and what is unlike their own eyes when they will stand firm, and when
little world. They fear you for what you they will rout. When you smell blood and
represent; your sharp fangs or your steel in the air, your voice booms like
predator’s eyes, the markings of one whose thunder to stir the spirit.
lineage is that of a monster.
In times of war, you can be counted on to
For untold generations, your people have keep a cool head. You’ve survived battles
thrived far beyond human civilization, that anyone else would have written off as a
where the weak die and the strong survive. lost cause. Your tactical advice and
Your instincts and claws are as sharp as any commanding presence has turned the tide of
blade, and serve you better than any armor. a war. No armchair general are you; you
lead from the front and by example. War
Whether a wandering nomad or a would-be comes as naturally to you as breath.
warrior, you’ve left your home in search of
more beyond your ancestral lands. Among If war is Hell, then you’re the devil himself.
other such adventurers, you’ve found a sort
of acceptance, a new pack among these
“civilized” folk. When you return, you will The Warlord is a skilled fighter, proficient in
be a legend among your kind, bearing gold, combat tactics and strategy. They are leaders
wisdom, and the taken fangs of your foes. both on and off the battlefield, rallying their
followers to great acts of valor.

A different take on the barbarian, the Beast

is a character that is either inhuman or half-
human, their blood mixed with that of a
monster race, such as arakkoa, minotaur, or
half-ogre. Your heritage is the source of
your prowess, in the form of moves taken
from your monstrous ancestors.
The Mask Master The Gunslinger

Have you ever wished you were someone There are legends of long-lost weapons of
else? What if you could change who you incredible power and danger. Some say they
were? summon the thunder of the gods to strike
down even the most heavily armored of
A mask is a most useful tool in your hands. knights. Perhaps only a few master
When you put on a mask, you take on a craftsman in the world can make them, or
whole new persona. The mask makes you the technology has been forgotten, and the
strong. It gives you confidence, it gives you few remaining weapons in existence are
power. Why, with the right mask, you could well-hidden. Either way, you have chosen to
be anything… except yourself, of course. make one of these awesome weapons your
Maybe you’ve forgotten who you used to be, own. How will you change the world with
or you’re hiding something terrible under your gun? How will your gun change you?
that mask. Whatever it is, you’re not willing To carry a gun is not only a symbol of
to settle for a life of mundanity. Maybe you power, but one of responsibility as well. To
need something to believe in, maybe you be a gunslinger requires not only a steady
want more of the fame and glamour. Perhaps mind, but a steady heart. Anyone can learn
out in the world, you’ll find out the truth how to shoot a gun. In your hands, your gun
about yourself.
is more than a weapon. It’s a way of life. To
master yourself is to master your gun.

A master of theatricality, mystique and

imitation, the Mask Master conceals their The Gunslinger is a fighter whose weapon
identity behind their magical masks. The of choice is a firearm. A powerful weapon in
Mask Master has the ability to duplicate the its own right, but one capable of even more
abilities of their allies, or switch up their when wielded with conviction and certainty.
own powers as needed by the masks they The Gunslinger keeps to a code of honor to
wear. steady their aim and perform amazing feats
with their gun.
The Warlock The Fool

Forgotten lore abounds in Dungeon World. This all started as one big joke to you. “Go
Cults of ancient gods or powerful beings off and explore the world,” they said. “It’ll
from beyond reality lurk everywhere, until be fun,” they said. You left your perfectly
they are put down by the forces of law. The good life behind you to take your chances
altars to these old ones are forgotten, but out here, and now you’re hip deep in terrible
they are far from powerless. danger.

A wealth of power awaits someone bold or But that doesn’t get you down. You can still
foolhardy enough to let one of these beings be a hero. You’ve got big dreams, and the
into their souls. You are the conduit for one good fortune and courage to pursue them.
of them. No years of study or prostration Maybe not the skills, but hey, can’t have
before a mortal priest for you. You’ve taken everything, right? You’ve got your friends
things into your own hands. You are the to watch your back. They keep you out of
eyes, voice, and hands of a being of godlike the worst of the trouble, and you help them
power, and in return for your service, they keep their perspective on things. With a
have let a bit of that power into your hands. smile on your face and a song in your heart,
things will turn out okay, eventually.
The old ones promise much for your service,
but demand much in return. It’s okay though. Hey, what does this thing do?
You’re still in control of the deal.

… For now.
The Fool is one who succeeds through luck,
often times in spite of themselves. They
have great aspirations, but fate or
Like the cleric, the warlock enjoys a happenstance loves to throw them surprises.
relationship with a being of divine or near- Whether accidental hero, unwilling hero, or
divine power. Unlike the cleric, the just comic relief, you can never count the
relationship between warlock and patron is Fool out. They always seem to find a way to
much more intimate, so much so that patron beat the odds.
may reach out into the world through the
warlock. Demon princes, arch-fey, and elder
beings from beyond reality are all potential
patrons for the warlock.
The Villager

We’ve included some new moves intended

Hero? Oh no, no. You’re not a hero. You’re
to promote player authorship while
just a normal person. Thank the gods.
simultaneously removing the need for GM
Adventures are terrible, dangerous things. prep. Based on John Wick’s idea of a “Dirty
People who go on adventures come back Dungeon”, they reward the players for
maimed or wrong in the head, and that’s if introducing dangers while giving the GM
they come back at all. Staying in the village license to twist things around, and they can
is much better. You’ve got a relatively safe, create some interesting complications. We
if unexciting life here. have also included rules for events or
monsters that may control or manipulate the
You’ve lived in the village all your life, or at minds of your characters.
least most of it. You’ve got roots here;
family, friends, a steady job. You know,
responsibilities. There’s turnips to be
planted, a fence to be mended, a little sister
to look after, meals to be cooked…

… Okay, maybe you could use a little

Few toys are as ingenious or as rewarding as
the ones that let us create new things, and
role-playing games like Dungeon World
The Villager is a nascent or potential hero,
exemplify these traits for me. I am deeply
suitable for a prequel game or a “level zero” grateful to my colleagues in the DW G+
adventure. A party of Villagers may mature group for their advice, critiques, and support
into a full-fledged adventuring group. While over the last year.
weak to start with, the Villager is designed
to be easy to learn and quick to pick up and Special thanks go to Johnstone Metzger and
play. Since the playbook grows with you, it his excellent book Class Warfare, without
makes a good introduction to Dungeon which these new playbooks would never be
World. possible, and Jeremy Strandberg for his help
in formulating many of these new moves.

The playbook is based upon a previous

edition of the Villager for Dungeon World
by Jason Morningstar.
Names: Kornelius, Akah, Natokh, Jagara, Willa, Nayda, Hurrick, Char, Sauro, Addicus, Golden Eyes, Slit Pupils, or Bulging Eyes
Mongo, Ta-She, Zaxx Short Fur, Leathery Hide, or Tanned Skin
Crude Leathers, Tattered Robes, or Elaborate Body Designs
Hunched Body, Willowy Body, or Lean Body


o Good Beast-Blooded
Endanger yourself to combat an unnatural threat. Your heritage includes the blood of a beast or a monster. Describe your species,
appearance, and cultural heritage, choosing anything or any combination of things that
o Neutral sounds interesting to you. Choose up to three heritage moves to start with, based on the
Teach someone the ways of your people. monster moves that best match your heritage. Then choose a method of how you honor
your heritage:
o Acquiring lost knowledge and technology
o Chaotic
o Proving your might or superiority
Eschew a convention of the civilized world.
o Guarding or purifying the natural world
o Enforcing your people’s code of honor
Background o Obeying your elders
o Venerating your ancestors or ancestral deity
o W arrior
Your damage die is a d10, and choose one of the following tags When you gain a new appreciation for your heritage, add a new heritage move or
to add to your natural weapons from Fight Like a Beast: messy, change an existing one, up to a maximum of three.
forceful, or precise.

o Hunter Blood and Tradition

Add either “Track by scent” or “Move silently” to your list of At the beginning of a session, or when you honor your heritage, roll+CON. *On a 10+,
heritage moves. This does not count towards your maximum hold 4. *On a 7-9, hold 3. *On a 6-, hold 2, in addition to whatever the GM says. Spend a
number of heritage moves. hold to make a heritage move; no other roll is necessary, you just make that move.

o Counselor
You may be a Beast, but you’re not uncivilized. When you Fight Like a Beast
Parley, you roll with WIS instead of CHA. Your horns, fangs, claws, or talons are lethal weapons with a range of hand.

o Nomad
You’ve travelled the wide world over. When you arrive in a King of the Jungle
steading, ask the GM about any important traditions, rituals, and You can speak with and understand animals, and even closely study them and Parley with
so on, they’ll tell you what you need to know. them as if they were people. When you exert your will over a wild animal, roll+WIS.
*On a 10+, the animal will perform one simple task for you before departing, to the best of
its ability. *On a 7-9, the animal will either run away or attack you, your choice.

Fill in the names of your companions in at least one:

Heritage Moves
______________ thinks I am a monster; I’ll prove them wrong.
__________________________________ __________________________________
______________ wouldn’t last a day in the wild without me; I’ll
teach them how to survive. __________________________________ __________________________________

I owe ______________ a debt of blood that I have yet to repay. __________________________________ __________________________________

Your load is 8+STR. You start with dungeon rations (5 uses, 1 weight) and
an item that symbolizes your heritage, describe it! Choose your armament:
o Spear (reach, thrown, near, 1 weight) and hunting knife (hand, 1 weight)
o Makeshift club (close, 2 weight) and adventuring gear (5 uses, 1 weight)
Choose one:
o Antitoxin
o Poultices and herbs (2 uses, 1 weight)
o Hide armor (1 armor, 1 weight)

When you gain a level from 2-5, choose from these moves. When you gain a level from 6-10, choose from these moves or the level 2-
5 moves.
o Eye of the Tiger
When you mark an animal (with mud, dirt, or blood), you can see through o Akela
that animal’s eyes as if they were your own, no matter what distance When you use King of the Jungle, on a 12+ the animal will either tag along
separates you. Only one animal at a time may be marked in this way. with you and assist you for a while, in its own way, or you may command it
to perform a very dangerous task for you.
o Fair Form
With a bit of a disguise, such as a hooded cloak, you are able to hide your o Ancient Heritage
heritage and pass as a member of another race, as long as you don’t use your You may now have up to five heritage moves.
heritage moves or draw attention to yourself.
o Awakened Blood
o Forager Choose another type of creature that has contributed to your heritage. When
When you Make Camp in the wilderness, you and one other person don’t you change your heritage moves, you may take moves from this new
need to consume a ration. heritage, if you wish. When you take this move, you may change one of your
existing heritage moves to a move from your new heritage.
o Night-Eyes
You can see clearly in the faintest of light; even starlight is enough for you. o Bloody Roar
While you are afflicted by fear, mind control, or enchanting magic, you
o Pack Leader may ignore the effect as long as you attack the closest enemy in sight. If you
Choose a second way you can honor your heritage. have no enemies in sight, the GM chooses who you attack.

o Pathfinder o Dire Beast

You know places in the wilderness where secret paths lie unseen. When you Gain a non-multiclass move from the barbarian or ranger playbooks.
travel by a hidden path through the wilderness, roll+WIS. *On a hit, it
leads you where you want. *On a 7-9, choose a difficulty: o I Am the Tiger
• Others find the way who did not know it before Requires: Eye of the Tiger
• The journey takes much longer than it seemed to When you touch and animal and push your thoughts into its mind,
• The way is long and hard; each person who takes it must mark the roll+WIS. *On a hit, you can read the animal’s mind and memories, reliving
debility weak its past and seeing what it has seen. *On a 7-9, you have trouble separating
• You encounter some danger upon the road these memories from your own, and you exhibit some aspects of the animal’s
behavior for a while after you break the link.
o Predatory Instinct
When you use a heritage move, take +1d4 damage forward or +2 armor o Killer Instinct
forward. Replaces: Predatory Instinct
When you use a heritage move, take +1d8 damage forward or +4 armor
o Savage Beast
Gain a non-multiclass move from the barbarian or ranger playbooks.
o Monster Blood
When you roll for Blood and Tradition, you get +1 hold, even on a 6-.
o Sharp Senses
When you Discern Realities about a location, add these questions to the
list: o Natural Medicine
• How could I be accepted by the people here? Requires: Forager
• How could I best attract attention here? When you have time to gather supplies in the wilderness, you can prepare
• What here is a source of evil? a poultice that will heal one debility next time you Make Camp.
• Where could I best hide around here?
o Nose For Trouble
When something hidden threatens you, the GM will give you a warning in
o Tarzan
the form of a hunch about the nature of the danger, but not necessarily where
When you use a heritage move to evade harm or avoid an obstacle, you
it lurks.
may also bring someone else along with you safely.
Orc: Garadh, Krogar, Argard, Morkrull, Tek'ra, Dagra, Sanuki, Brizara, Crask Hard Eyes, Weary Eyes, or Sharp Eyes
Fear-drinker, Hell-walker, Bone-crusher, Storm-hammer, Axe-bearer, Wolf-hacker Plumed Hat, Horned Helmet, or Eyepatch
Dwarf: Dalthar, Bolfost, Garrund, Hagol, Mordria, Naldina, Chalunni, Kila, Ardred Military Uniform, Furred Mantle, or Worn Finery
Human: Darius, Shingen, Marcus, William, Simon, Jeanne, Alianor, Catherine, Elizabeth Scarred Body, Bulky Body, or Lean Body


o Lawful W ar Leader
Choose honor over personal gain. You can rally warriors to your banner at any time there are suitable people available for
you to recruit or lead. When you rally a war-band together, they will fight for you for
o Neutral one battle, though they will demand a cut of any loot in exchange. The war-band’s
Defeat a worthy opponent. strength, equipment, and bearing will be proportionate to the quality of the warriors
available, as well as your level.
o Evil
When you lead your war-band into battle, roll+CHA. *On a 10+, hold 3. *On a 7-9,
Kill a defenseless or surrendered enemy.
hold 2. *On a 6-, hold 1 anyway, but there will be hell to pay afterwards. Over the course
of the fight, spend a hold to make your war-band:
Race •

Make a strong assault
Stand firm against a strong assault
o Dwarf • Make an organized retreat
You ignore the clumsy tag on any armor you wear.
• Show mercy to their defeated enemies
• Hold fast despite fear or danger
o Orc • Restore discipline and form ranks after a lapse or break
Add the following option to War Leader, and you may use this
option once per battle without spending hold: After the battle, assuming your war-band is still fit for duty, you may spend a hold to call
• Fall upon the enemy in a violent, howling frenzy them together and follow you into another battle. If you don’t, they disperse afterwards.

o Human
Hirelings under your command have +1 Loyalty. Tactician
When you use your knowledge of tactics, discipline, and strategy on the battlefield,
describe how you accomplish one of the following:
• Create an advantage; you or an ally takes +1 forward when you exploit it
Fill in the names of your companions in at least one: • Disengage from melee with one enemy
__________ has stood by me in battle and can be trusted • Avoid a hazard on the battlefield without Defying Danger
completely. • Block a blow meant for you or someone else nearby, you take half damage
• Shake off the effects of fear, confusion, or being stunned
Then roll+WIS. *On a 10+ you do it, no problem. *On a 7-9 you still get your desired
__________ doesn’t think before they act, and it’s always
effect, but you also expose yourself to danger, retribution, or cost.
causing me trouble.

I met __________ in the last war, but we weren’t exactly on the All For One, and One For All
same side. When you Aid an ally in battle, on a hit, in addition to giving them +1, choose one of the
I’ve seen __________ turn the tide of a battle before. • They take +1d4 damage forward
• They take +2 armor forward

__________ isn’t suited for battle; I’d better keep an eye on


Your load is 11+STR. You start with dungeon rations (5 uses, 1 weight),
chainmail (1 armor, 1 weight) and a melee weapon of your choice (close, 1
weight). Choose three:
o Adventuring gear (5 uses, 1 weight)
o Dagger (hand, 1 weight) and 5 coins
o Shield (+1 armor, 2 weight)
o Healing potion
o Bandages (3 uses) and 5 coins
o War horse

When you gain a level from 2-5, choose from these moves. When you gain a level from 6-10, choose from these moves or the level 2-
5 moves.
o Battlefield Strategy
When you Spout Lore about a military unit or situation you have o Drill Sergeant
observed, you may roll with WIS instead of INT. The first person acting on As long as you’re around, no NPCs under your command will have
your information takes +1 forward. discipline problems. A hard glare or a sharp rebuke from you will snap them
back into line or banish any fear from them, and your war-band will never
o Call to Arms rout on your watch.
When you Recruit, also pick options equal to your CHA. *On a 10+ all of
them are true. *On a 7-9 only one of them is true, GM’s choice. *On a 6- o Field Logistics
none of them are true: When you Undertake a Perilous Journey, everyone takes +1 to their roles.
• You may Carouse in town before leaving without spending coins
• Any hirelings you recruit have the cost “blind patriotism” instead o Fingerspitzengefühl
of their usual cost. When you use Tactician, on a hit you may also immediately ask one question
• One hireling you recruit gets an additional skill point from the Discern Realities list.
• You requisition a piece of equipment from the locals
o Lordly Caliber
o Crusader When you use War Leader, you get +1 hold, even on a miss, and add the
Gain a non-multiclass move from the paladin playbook, except Quest. following choices to the list:
• Bring magical support to a situation
o Flanking Maneuver • Fight and die to the last without fear
When you Aid an ally in battle, on a hit, you give them both options from
All For One, And One For All. o Paragon
Gain a non-multiclass move from the paladin playbook, except Quest.
o For the Cause
When you rally a war-band, the GM will tell you something they will accept o Reconnaissance-By-Force
in lieu of a cut of any loot: either vengeance, glory, renown, or the greater Requires: Reconnaissance
good. When you use Reconnaissance, on a hit, the war-band provides an additional
service for you; choose one:
o Hold the Line • They make the enemy break formation or reveal a vulnerability
While you are standing side by side with your allies on the front lines of • They make a hidden enemy or threat reveal itself
battle, you may Defend with CHA instead of CON. • They distract, lure away, or sabotage the first foe they encounter

o Reconnaissance o Shield W all

When you send your war-band to scout a dangerous place for you, you Requires: Hold the Line
may Discern Realities about the place as if you were there. You and all allies in your presence get +1 hold when they Defend, even on a
o Stentorian Voice
You can give Aid to anyone who can hear you with inspiring words, strategic o Tactical Commander
advice, or grisly threats, as long as you are within shouting distance. When you use Tactician, you may apply your chosen effects to your war-
band instead of you, as long as you are present to command them.
o Tactical Eye
When you survey a battlefield or dangerous environment, ask the GM o Turn the Tables
two of the following questions. The GM will answer truthfully. Add the following options to Tactician:
• Is there a trap or ambush here, and if so, where? • Escape from a dangerous position
• Where is the best place to make a defensive stand? • Lure or push an enemy into a bad position for them
• Where is the best place to attack from?
• What here is the biggest threat to me? o W ar Stories
When you share tales of glorious battles with your comrades, lose any
o W atch Duty hold on this move and roll+CHA. *On a 10+, hold 3. *On a 7-9, hold 2. *On
When you organize your camp’s defenses, everyone takes +1 to Take a 6-, hold 1 anyway, but there will be trouble when it is spent. Anyone may
Watch. spend a hold from this move to immediately make the Tactician move,
rolling for it as usual with their own WIS and taking +1 to the roll.
Names: Helena, Valentine, Lucille, Campbell, Diego, Bruce, Percy, Marguerite, Basil Clay Masks, Wooden Masks, or Paper Masks
Turban, Hooded Mantle, or Feathered Hat
Garish Clothing, Voluminous Robes, or Mismatched Clothing

o Good Masks For All Occasions
Help someone else while protecting your anonymity. You possess several masks that grant you—and only you—special abilities while you
wear them. Each mask in your possession has 1 weight. Donning a mask takes several
o Neutral seconds of uninterrupted concentration, and you may only wear one mask at a time.
Earn recognition for your skills. Choose three masks from the list:
o Iron Mask: You have 3 armor, but you also get -1 to all WIS and CHA rolls.
o Death Mask: Undead creatures ignore you unless you draw attention to
o Chaotic
yourself, and you may cast the Wizard spell Speak With Dead by spending 1
Upset the status quo.
o War Mask: Your damage die is d10.
Background o Mystic Mask: You can see and interact with spirits of any kind. They can sense
this, and will be more inclined to appear before you.
Yeah, right! Like you’d ever let anyone know about the real you. o Demon Mask: When you make eye contact with someone, they feel fear and
Who you were and where you’re from doesn’t matter now, it’s will react accordingly as long as you keep staring at them, as per the spell Cause
all about the masks for you. Fear with you as the subject.
o Plague Mask: When you use an item that restores HP, either on yourself or
Instead, privately tell the GM one thing about yourself that you someone else, the item heals additional HP equal to your level.
must keep a secret. When that secret is revealed to everyone, o Blank Mask: When you hide amongst a crowd or act inconspicuous, no one
you must retire this playbook and choose a new one, starting will notice you unless you draw attention to yourself.
over again from level 1. You keep your gear but nothing else. o Dashing Mask: When you would Defy Danger, you may roll with CHA instead
of what the GM tells you.
While you are not wearing a mask or anything covering your face, your confidence is
shattered; take -1 ongoing to all moves until you put on a mask again.
Fill in the names of your companions in at least one:

I tried being like ____________ once, but I got into a lot of Mimic
trouble. When you Make Camp, choose a person you have at least one Bond with and gain hold
equal to the number of Bonds you have with them. When you witness that person
I wish I was as brave as ____________. perform a move, you may spend 1 hold to immediately perform that move as well, even
if they are using a move that you don’t have. If you mimic a move that would require you
____________’s power makes me a little envious, so I mimic to spend some other kind of hold, you spend HP instead of hold, 1-for-1.
them whenever I can.

If I help ____________ accomplish their goal, maybe I’ll find

out the truth about myself too. Inscrutable
The masks you wear have their own identity. Any actions you take while wearing a certain
My acting skills can fool anyone… except ____________. mask will be attributed to that mask, and only that mask. No one will recognize your true
identity if you wear a different mask.

Additionally, you never make the Outstanding Warrants move, and any attempts to read
your mind or scry on your location automatically fail.

Your Load is 10+STR. You start with dungeon rations (5 uses, 1 weight)
and your masks (1 weight each). Choose your armament:
o Mace (close, 1 weight) and wooden shield (+1 armor, 1 weight)
o Staff (close, two-handed, 1 weight) and enchanted robes (1 armor, 1
o Ragged bow (near, 2 weight) and bundle of arrows (3 ammo, 1 weight)
Choose one:
o Halfling pipeleaf (6 uses, 0 weight)
o Adventuring gear (5 uses, 1 weight)
o Two bandages (3 uses each, 0 weight)

When you gain a level from 2-5, choose from these moves. When you gain a level from 6-10, choose from these moves or the level 2-
5 moves.
o Behind the Mask
When you engage someone in conversation, you can ask their player a o Beyond the Mask
question from the list below. They must answer it truthfully, then they may Requires: Behind the Mask
ask you a question from the list. If you lie, you cannot use this move on them When you use Behind the Mask, you may also ask “How are you vulnerable
ever again. If you tell the truth, you can. to me?” Your subject may not ask this question of you.
• What are your present intentions?
• What do you most desire? o Clone
• What do you not want me to know? Replaces: Doppelgänger
• What do you want from me? When you craft and wear a mask in the guise of another specific person
whom you have studied closely, you look just like them. Your actions may
o Doppelgänger give you away, but anyone who does not know the person intimately will be
fooled by your appearance. When you meet someone who is intimately
When you craft and wear a mask in the guise of another specific person
associated with the person you are impersonating, roll+CHA. *On a 10+,
whom you have studied closely, you create a disguise of that person. When
they are fooled, even by strange behavior, until you give yourself away for
you put your disguise to the test, roll+CHA. *On a 10+, only that person’s
certain. *On a 7-9, they are suspicious of you.
most intimate associates can tell it’s you. *On a 7-9, only those who do not
know the person are fooled.
o Curtain Call
o Grand Debut Requires: Grand Debut
Instead of choosing one of the options from the list, you may choose a
When you make a spectacular entrance while wearing a mask, roll+CHA.
member of the audience. The GM will choose how they react from the list.
*On a 10+, choose three options from the list below. *On a 7-9, choose two.
*On a 6-, choose one, in addition to whatever the GM tells you.
• Someone desires to meet you later, the GM will tell you who o Encore
• Someone becomes infatuated with you, the GM will tell you who When you Mimic a move, you can use that move again by spending another
• Someone will give you a gift, the GM will tell you who hold, until the next time you Make Camp.

o Identity Crisis o Mirrormask

Donning a mask takes only a moment for you now. When an enemy’s move makes you Defy Danger, on a 12+ not only do you
defy the danger, you may also immediately use that move against your
enemy, without rolling or spending hold from Mimic.
o Impresario
You never have to spend money to Carouse, and you roll with CHA instead
of coins spent. If there is already a gathering happening, you may Carouse
o Performance Artist
without having returned triumphant. When you Mimic a move and need to roll for it, you roll with CHA instead
of the usual stat.
o Improv
When you use Mimic, you get +1 hold.
o Poker Face
When you tell a lie or a half-truth, it will be accepted as fact by anyone
who does not have a history with you. As long as no one reveals hard
o Masquerade evidence to the contrary, anything you say will be accepted as open honesty.
Gain an additional mask from the list.
o Super Swing
o Method Actor Gain a non-multiclass move from a playbook no one else is currently using.
When you don a mask, choose a stat: you take +1 ongoing to rolls using that
stat until you remove the mask. The GM will also choose a stat: you take -1
ongoing to rolls using that stat until you remove the mask. o Theater Games
Requires: Supporting Actor
Add the following option to the Supporting Actor list:
o Supporting Actor • You immediately Mimic their move without spending hold
When you Aid Another, on a 10+ you upstage them; choose an extra effect:
• Your Aid gives +2 instead of +1
• Any consequences from their move affect you instead of them
o Two-Faced
You may wear two masks at once, gaining the benefit of both at the same
o Understudy
Gain a non-multiclass move from a playbook no one else is currently using.
Human: Hugh, Rowan, Clifton, Anne, Kitty, Nancy, Marion, Rose, Vincent Blue Eyes, Cold Eyes, or Eye-patch
Dwarf: Thorek, Mordin, Alric, Kenric, Kionna, Gottra, Sifna, Bazri Bandanna, Black Mask, or Bad-Ass Hat
Gnome: Alston, Nolvri, Belton, Cogstrom, Sarabolt, Gelena, Tidget, Meriline Long Coat, Old Military Uniform, or Foreign Clothes
Lean Body, Grizzled Body, or Long Shanks

o Lawful This is my Boom -Stick!
Bring a criminal to justice. You own a unique firearm. Only you can use this gun; it will not function for anyone else.
Your gun has 2 weight, and the following tags: near, ignores armor, loud and reload.
o Neutral Choose two upgrades for your gun:
Solve someone else’s problem without getting emotionally o Buckshot: Add messy
invested. o Double-Barreled: Add forceful
o Incendiary: Add the fiery tag, and your shots can start fires
o Longarm: Add far range and two-handed, +1 weight
o Evil
o Full Metal Jacket: +1 damage
Make a profit off of someone else’s misery.
o Compact: -1 weight, and your gun is small enough that you can conceal it on
your person, though it will still be found if you are searched
Race o Bayonet: You can Hack and Slash with your gun at a range of close, rolling with
DEX instead of STR
o Human
When you kill a monster with the Large, Huge, Intelligent, or
Terrifying tags, gain +1 Aim, but only once per kill.
Gunslinger’s Oath
Choose up to three tenets of your personal code of honor:
o Dwarf o Never leave a comrade behind.
When you make a sacrifice or put yourself in danger to save o Always keep your sworn word.
someone else, gain +1 Aim. o Always protect the weak.
o Always show courage in the face of danger.
o Gnome o Always avenge a slight or dishonor.
When you seek out excitement despite the danger to yourself, o Always assist anyone in distress if it is within your power to do so.
gain +1 Aim. o Never accept a reward for any help that you give.
o Never let a ____________ live.

As long as you keep true to your oath, your gun will fire true for you. You begin play
Fill in the names of your companions in at least one: with 1 Aim. Your maximum Aim is equal to the number of tenets of your Gunslinger’s
Oath. If you break your oath, reduce your Aim to 0, and while you have 0 Aim, you take
I once had ______________ in my sights, but I let them live. -1 ongoing to any rolls that involve using your gun.

I made a promise to ______________ that I haven’t yet kept.

Trick Shot
______________ doesn’t have what it takes to get the job done. When you go for an improbable shot with an unusual effect, describe what you want to
happen and roll+Aim. *On a 10+, choose one thing you have to do to pull off the shot.
______________ is my lover, or was, or would have been, or… *On a 7-9, choose one, and the GM chooses one:
it’s complicated. • Reduce your Aim by 1 (you may not choose this option if you have 0 Aim)
• Spend some time lining up the shot
• Get into a vulnerable position
• Sacrifice or endanger something important Aim:

Your load is 9+STR. You start with dungeon rations (5 uses, 1 weight), your Choose a look for your gun:
gun (2 weight), and a bag of bullets (3 ammo, 1 weight). Choose three: o Gears, clockwork, and steam
o A bag of bullets (3 ammo, 1 weight) o Eldritch machinery
o Leather armor (1 armor, 1 weight) o Sleek and well-made
o Bandages (3 uses, slow, 0 weight) o Old and well-worn
o Adventuring gear (5 uses, 1 weight) o Fancy and ornate
o Long knife (hand, 1 weight)
o Antitoxin (0 weight)
o 6 coins

(A bag of bullets costs 4 coins, comes with 3 ammo and has 1 weight. If a
bag of bullets ever gets soaked in water, lose 1 ammo from it.)

When you gain a level from 2-5, choose from these moves. When you gain a level from 6-10, choose from these moves or the level 2-
5 moves.
o Big Damn Hero
When you go above and beyond the call of duty to uphold your o Bulletproof
Gunslinger’s Oath, gain +1 Aim. When you take damage or suffer serious harm, you may lower your Aim
by 1 to prevent that damage or otherwise evade the harm. You may not use
o Gunsmith this move if you have 0 Aim.
Choose an additional upgrade for your gun.
o Bullet Time
o Listen Up, You Primitive Screw-heads! Requires: Quick Draw
When you dramatically fire your gun into the air and spend 1 ammo, you When you Defy Danger with your quick reflexes you cannot get a 6-, treat
may Parley with +Aim instead of CHA. that as a 7-9 result.

o Manhunter o Bushwhacker
Gain a non-multiclass move from the ranger playbook. Gain a non-multiclass move from the ranger playbook.

o Mysterious Stranger o Dead Man’s Trigger

When you make the Outstanding Warrants move, you may have the results Nothing can make you drop your gun, but it can still be forcibly taken from
of your roll apply to one of the other players instead of yourself. you. When you are reduced to zero HP, you may immediately fire your gun
one final time before you take your Last Breath, even if you have no ammo.
o Quick Draw
You’re never caught by surprise. When an enemy would get the drop on you, o Eagle Eye
you get to act first instead. You can draw and fire your gun in the blink of an When you Discern Realities, ask one additional question, even on a 6-, and
eye. add these options to the list of questions:
• What is my best escape route?
o Scattershot • Where is my best cover?
When you Volley with your gun, you may spend extra ammo before rolling. • Which of my allies is the most vulnerable?
For each point of ammo spent you may choose an extra target. Roll once and
apply damage to all targets. o The Face of My Father
Your maximum Aim is increased by 1.
o Silver Bullets
When you have time and materials to fashion special bullets, describe o Long Shot
what kind of bullets you want to make and roll+INT. *On a 10+, the GM Add reach and far to your gun’s ranges. If your gun already has far, add
chooses one from the following list. *On a 7-9, the GM chooses up to three. really far instead.
• You only get 1 ammo (otherwise, you get 3 ammo)
• You’ll need an additional material beyond what you have now o More Dakka!
• You need help or someone else’s expertise to make it When you deal damage with your gun, you may deal additional damage
• The best you can do is a lesser version, unreliable and limited equal to your Aim. If you do, that gunshot is very, very loud.

o Steady Hand o Semper Fidelis

When you make a Trick Shot, on a 12+ you succeed beyond all expectation. Requires: Big Damn Hero
Choose nothing from the list. When you Defy Danger while acting to uphold your Gunslinger’s Oath,
you cannot get a 6-, treat that as a 7-9 result.
o Thousand-Yard Stare
When you fix someone with your cold, hard stare, roll+CHA. *On a 10+, o W anderlust
you get both effects. *On a 7-9, choose one. You always know the way back to the nearest steading. When you act on this
• They flinch or hesitate. knowledge the GM will give you a choice of a long, safe path or a shorter,
• You learn something about their true nature. The GM will tell you more dangerous path. When you arrive at your destination, if anything has
what. changed since your last visit, you spot it right away.
Human: Talon, Simon, Seifer, Marlowe, Alistair, Riley, Zada, Lyra, Pamela, Mercy Inky-Black Eyes, Glowing Eyes, or Blindfold
Elf: Kindroth, Ardreth, Belanor, Azariah, Syndra, Xaniel, Neryani Unkempt Hair, Tattooed Scalp, or Deep Hood
Tiefling: Aranmir, Zerrias, Erdos, Garmong, Lewala, Sarissa, Shadani, Daborys Meticulously Groomed, Alien Robes, or Corpulent Body
Missing Shadow, Chilling Skin, or Conspicuous Mark

o Lawful Pact
Strike a bargain with someone, and keep your end of it. You have made a pact with a powerful being from beyond your reality that desires more
influence in your world. In exchange, it has given you power. Fill in the following blanks:
o Neutral “My patron is __________________, master of the domain of ______________________,
Increase your patron’s influence among mortals. known among mortals as the ___________________________. It appears in my visions as
_______________________, and has marked me with ____________________________.
o Evil Its desire for this world is to ____________________________, and I am its agent in this.
Gain power or prestige for yourself at someone else’s expense.
Race When you roll for another move while invoking the power of your patron, you may
choose options equal to your WIS or less and then tell the other players:
o Elf
• ...how your patron’s domain manifests itself on earth.
You can see clearly in darkness, including magical darkness.
• ...what your patron asks for in return.
• ...how your patron empowers your action.
o Human
• ...why your patron has taken an interest in this affair.
You are immune to any effects that would control or manipulate
*On a 10+, all that you say is true. *On a 7-9, the GM chooses one statement to be false,
your mind, including fear.
the others are true. *On a 6-, no guarantees.
o Tiefling
Brimstone is a rote for you, and deals +1 damage.
Cast a Spell
When you unleash a spell granted to you by your patron, roll+CHA. *On a 10+, the
spell is successfully cast and your patron does not revoke the spell, you may cast it again.
*On a 7-9, the spell is cast, but choose one:
Fill in the names of your companions in at least one: • After you cast it, the spell is revoked. You cannot cast the spell again until you
commune and have it granted to you.
My patron greatly desires ____________’s soul. • You draw unwelcome attention or put yourself in a spot. The GM will tell you
• Your casting warps your mind—take -1 ongoing to cast a spell until the next
____________ thinks they call the shots around here, but they’re time you commune.
wrong. Note that maintaining spells with ongoing effects will sometimes cause a penalty to your
roll to cast a spell.
I have learned something of ____________’s deepest desires.

I need help from ____________ to achieve my patron’s goals. When you spend uninterrupted time (an hour or so) in a trance to hear the will of
your patron, you:
• Lose any spells already granted to you.
• Are granted new spells of your choice, whose total levels don’t exceed your own
level+1, and none of which is a higher level than your own level.
• Prepare all of your rotes, which never count against your limit.

Your load is 7+STR. You start with dungeon rations (5 uses, 1 weight) and a
mark placed upon you by your patron. Describe it! Choose three:
o Carved ritual staff (close, two-handed, 1 weight)
o Sacrificial dagger (hand, 1 weight)
o Antitoxin
o Bag of books (5 uses, 2 weight)
o Enchanted robes (1 armor, 1 weight)
o A suitable sacrifice or offering that will please your patron, describe it!
o The name of someone else that worships your patron in another steading

When you gain a level from 2-5, choose from these moves. When you gain a level from 6-10, choose from these moves or the level 2-
5 moves.
o Elder Sign
When you attempt to banish a creature from another plane of existence, o Chaos Magic
roll+WIS. *On a hit, it may not approach you further unless you allow it to When you cast a spell, you can choose to double the spell’s effects or double
(or you let your guard down). *On a 10+, if it lacks an anchor in this world, the number of targets affected, but you must also choose one:
it must return to whence it came. • The land around you is warped or tainted, the GM describes how
• The spell has additional, unwanted effects
o Forbidden Knowledge • You must shed your own blood, take 1d6 damage, ignoring armor
When you pray to your patron for knowledge, you may Spout Lore with
WIS instead of INT, though you may get more than you bargained for… o Dark Avatar
When you choose options for Invocation, you may also choose to take on the
o Mister Nick likeness of your patron, describe it! Anyone witnessing your acts will react
At the end of the session, if someone else willingly yielded to temptation or accordingly. This manifestation lasts until you stop channeling your patron’s
committed an act of betrayal as a result of your actions, mark XP. power.

o The Power Flows Through Me o Dorian Grey

When you fulfill your patron’s desire, you are granted some useful When you gain this move, choose a vessel to store your soul in. While the
knowledge or boon related to one of your patron’s domains. The GM will tell vessel is intact you are unkillable; you automatically get a 10+ on Last
you what. Breath, and any taint, burdens, or judgments upon your soul affect the vessel
instead. When your vessel is destroyed, you die instantly, no Last Breath.
o Sandman
When you touch a sleeping person, you can see what they are dreaming o Empowered Pact
about, as well as the nature of any influences upon their mind. Add an additional desire and domain to your Pact.

o Serpent’s Tongue o Hellfire

When you Parley with someone, on a 10+ you also learn something about Your Brimstone spell now conjures the black fires of Hell. This fire does not
their true nature or what they desire most, the GM will tell you what. Take burn with heat and ignores armor, scorching the soul itself. Even creatures
+1 forward when you act on this information. normally immune to fire are harmed by this type of flame, but creatures
without souls are not.
o The Stars Are Right
When you perform a ritual to summon a monster from beyond this o Mystical Puppet Strings
world, say what it’s for, one thing it is, and one thing it is not. Then When you use magic to control a person’s actions, they have no memory
roll+WIS, and find out what comes through. *On a 10+, both. *On a 7-9, of what you had them do and bear you no ill will.
choose one or the other:
• It fulfills its purpose and leaves without incident o Nightmare
• It’s perfect for the job Requires: Sandman
*On a 6-, it isn’t what you said it is, but it is what you said it is not. When you touch a sleeping person, you may also plant a post-hypnotic
suggestion in their minds; they will carry out your command at a convenient
o Thaumaturgy time when they awaken, as long as it does not directly endanger them.
Gain a non-multiclass move from the cleric playbook.
o Revelations
o Things Man W as Not Meant to Know When you fulfill your patron’s desire, you may also ask the GM any one
Add the following choices to Invocation: question. The GM will answer truthfully. You or your allies take +1 forward
• …what secret knowledge your patron reveals to you. when acting on the answer.
• …who is briefly stunned by horrifying visions.
o Serpent’s Guile
o W olf Among The Flock Requires: Serpent’s Tongue
While you are not using any of your powers, your true nature is concealed. When you Parley with someone, on a 12+ you may ask their player one
Anyone who examines you, either physically or magically, will believe you question, which they must answer truthfully.
to be mundane and harmless, as long as you don’t obviously threaten them or
start using your powers again. o Theurgy
Gain a non-multiclass move from the cleric playbook.
Every time you Commune, you gain access to all of your rotes without
having to select them or count them toward your allotment of spells. o Unseen Servant Rote ongoing
You conjure a simple invisible construct that can do nothing but carry items.
o Corpse Whispers Rote It has Load 3 and carries anything you hand to it. It cannot pick up items on
Cast this spell when you touch a corpse. You experience that person’s last its own and can only carry those you give to it. Items carried by an unseen
moments of life through one of their senses—you see what they saw or hear servant appear to float in the air a few paces behind you. An unseen servant
what they heard, for example. that takes damage or leaves your presence is immediately dispelled, dropping
any items it carried. Otherwise the unseen servant serves you until you end
o Contract Rote the spell.
When you sign a contract you have cast this spell upon, you are mystically
notified if the other party breaks it.

First Level Spells

o Brimstone level 1 ongoing o Trust In Me Level 1 ongoing
A burst of magical flame flies from your hands. Deal 2d4 damage to one The person (not beast or monster) you touch while casting this spell counts
target within near range. you as a friend until they take damage or you prove otherwise.

o Terrorize level 1 ongoing o Ring of Gyges level 1 ongoing

Choose a target you can see and a nearby object. The target is afraid of the Touch an ally: nobody can see them. They’re invisible! This spell persists
object so long as you maintain the spell. Their reaction is up to them: flee, until the target attacks or you dismiss the effect. While this spell is ongoing,
panic, beg, fight. While this spell is ongoing you take -1 to cast a spell. You you can’t cast another spell.
cannot target entities with less than animal intelligence (magical constructs,
undead, automatons, and the like). o The Urge level 1
You touch someone and create an urge in them—escape, greed, hunger,
o Speak With Dead level 1 sexual desire, or thirst, for example. You choose the urge, but they react of
A corpse converses with you briefly. It will answer any three questions you their own free will. The urge fades after a few hours.
pose to it to the best of the knowledge it had in life and the knowledge it
gained in death.

Third Level Spells

o Arise! level 3 ongoing o Bloodfury level 3 ongoing
You summon forth a servant of your patron, which aids you as best it can. Supernatural bloodlust fills the veins of a person you touch. When the target
Describe it! Treat it as your character, but with access to only the basic deals damage in melee, they roll their damage twice and take the better
moves. It has +1 modifier for all stats, 1 HP, and uses your damage dice. The result. This spell ends when the target does anything besides attack
monster also gets your choice of 1d4 of these traits: mindlessly.
• It has +2 instead of +1 to one stat.
• It has some useful extra ability, the GM will tell you what. o Nightfall level 3 ongoing
• It’s not reckless. Choose an area you can see: it’s filled with supernatural darkness and
• Its bond to your plane is strong: +2 HP for each level you have. shadow. While this spell is ongoing you take -1 to cast a spell.
The creature remains on this plane until it dies or you dismiss it. While the
spell is ongoing you take -1 to cast a spell. o C HAOS B LAST level 3
A burst of dark energy surges from the ground underneath your target,
o Disjunction level 3 inflicting 2d6 damage which ignores armor to the target and everyone
Choose a spell or magical effect in your presence; this spell rips it apart. nearby.
Lesser spells are ended, powerful magic is just reduced or dampened so long
as you are nearby. o Mimic level 3 ongoing
You take the form of someone you touch while casting this spell. Your
physical characteristics match theirs exactly but your behavior may not. This
change persists until you take damage or choose to return to your own form.
While this spell is ongoing you can’t cast spells.

Fifth Level Spells
o Trap Soul level 5 o Solomon’s Seal level 5
You trap the soul of a dying creature within a gem. The trapped creature is Cast this spell upon a location with clearly defined boundaries, or a circle
aware of its imprisonment but can still be manipulated through spells, parley, marked with chalk, paint, or blood. Then name a type of creature; the spell
and other effects. All moves against the trapped creature are at +1. You can prohibits that type of creature from entering or leaving the specified area.
free the soul at any time but it can never be recaptured once freed.
o Divination level 5
o Chill of the Void level 5 Name a person, place, or thing you want to learn about. Your patron grants
With a snap of your fingers, the temperature in a location you can see you visions of the target, as clear as if you were there.
plummets below freezing. Crops die, animals flee, and people who aren’t
protected may suffer frostbite if they remain in the cold. The temperature and o Pestilence level 5 ongoing
weather does not return to normal for the remainder of the day, unless you Choose a creature you can see. Until you end this spell, the target suffers
wish it to. from a disease of your choice. While this spell is ongoing you take -1 to cast
a spell.
o Contact Other Plane level 5
You send a request to another plane. Specify who or what you’d like to
contact by location, type of creature, name, or title. You open a two-way
communication with that creature. You or the creature you contacted can cut
off your communication at any time.

Seventh Level Spells

o Star Gate level 7 ongoing o The Sight level 7 ongoing
You open a gateway to another dimension or plane of existence. You can You see all things as they truly are. This effect persists until you tell a lie or
pass through this gate, either entering this other location or passing through it dismiss the spell. While this spell is ongoing you take -1 to cast a spell.
to get to another place in your present dimension. You can bring a number of
others with you equal to your level, if they are willing, or you can send one o Dominate level 7 ongoing
target of your choice that you touch through, by themselves. Your touch pushes your mind into someone else’s. You gain 1d4 hold. Spend
one hold to make the target take one of these actions:
o Mindshatter level 7 ongoing • Give you something they hold.
Psychic trauma overwhelms a target you can see, reducing their intelligence • Make a concerted attack on a target of your choice.
and personality to that of an animal. While under the effect of this spell, they • Speak a few words of your choice.
are unable to speak, understand language, or do anything else involving • Truthfully answer one question.
higher thought or willpower. While this spell is ongoing you take -1 to cast a If you run out of hold the spell ends. If the target takes damage you lose 1
spell. hold. While the spell is ongoing you cannot cast a spell.

Ninth Level Spells

o False World level 9 ongoing o Hellfire level 9
With a touch, you can put someone’s body into an enchanted sleep and their You call down fire from the sky. Choose a specific area: everyone in that
mind into a false world that they believe is real. Until the spell is ended, they area takes 2d8 damage, which ignores armor.
continue to live on in a world entirely of your creation, never knowing it is a
lie and that their body lies sleeping somewhere else. o Gateway Runes level 9
This spell may be used to create two effects. The first effect is to place a gate
o Plague level 9 ongoing rune upon a location. The second use of this spell transports yourself and a
Name a city, town, encampment, or other place where people live. As long small handful of other people from one gate rune to another, no matter the
as this spell is active that place is beset by a plague appropriate to your distance between. When the spell is cast, you may only do one or the other,
deity’s domains (locusts, death of the first born, etc). While this spell is not both.
ongoing you take -1 to cast a spell.

Your character has the same name as you. What did you expect? You picked the Fool. Bright Eyes, Innocent Eyes, Shifty Eyes
Unkempt Hair, Bunny Hood, or The Most Awesome Hat Ever
Mismatched Clothing, Plain Clothing, or Homemade Costume
Gangly Body, Rotund Body, or Short Body

o Good Fool’s Luck
Give hope or cheer to someone who needs it. When you Make Camp, set your Luck to 3. When you roll and get a 6-, you may lower
your Luck by 1 to re-roll. Take the second result, and if it is a hit, explain how you
o Neutral succeeded only through sheer luck. When your Luck is zero, you may not lower it further.
Accomplish something great in spite of yourself.

o Chaotic
Evade responsibility for the consequences of your actions. I’m On An Adventure!
Gain a starting move from a playbook no one else is using. When you use that move, if
you fail, after the GM makes their move, you can add a comical or embarrassing detail to
Race your failure. Your move is still a miss, of course.
o Dwarf
You hold your liquor like a pro. You can drink anyone under the
table. Anyone.
Comic Relief
o Human When you make everyone else laugh, including the GM, take +1 forward. When
someone else Aids or Interferes with you, they take +1.
At the end of the session, if all of the other players mark XP
from A Very Special Episode, you mark XP too.
When the rest of the group ditches you or sets you up to die, you will meet up with
them again at the next available opportunity; describe how you improbably cheated certain
o Halfling death to rejoin them. Alternatively, you may choose to give up this character. If you do,
You have sticky fingers. When you depart from a steading, a the Fool will return again someday… but as a villain under the GM’s control, looking for
small trinket “appears” in your pocket; the GM will tell you what revenge.
you found.

A Very Special Episode

Fill in the names of your companions in at least one: At the end of the session, each other player may tell you something they learned from
__________ doesn’t think I’m cut out for this life. I’ll show you—a positive moral for everyone to take home and reflect upon. If they do, they mark
them! XP.

__________ is taking this all way too seriously.

__________ talked me into this adventure, which just goes to

show who the real fool is.

__________ is a friend of a friend, so if they don’t get me out of

this mess, they’re going to be in trouble!

Why does __________ never believe anything I tell them? …Oh,

right. That.

Your load is 6+STR. You start with whatever you grabbed on your way out
the door, choose three:
o A really interesting looking rock (thrown, near)
o A sturdy walking stick or cooking implement (close, 1 weight)
o A letter to you from someone important
o A packed lunch from your mom (ration, 1 use, 1 weight)
o A magic potion, though you don’t know what it does
o An extra change of underclothes
o A map of a nearby dungeon

When you gain a level from 2-5, choose from these moves. When you gain a level from 6-10, choose from these moves or the level 2-
5 moves.
o Curly Shuffle
When you Hack and Slash while you’re all fired up, on a 10+, choose one o Fool’s Errand
in addition to dealing your damage: When you con someone into taking an unwise or imprudent course of
• Your foe stumbles and is knocked flat on their face action, roll+CHA. *On a 10+, they are tricked, and don’t realize the error of
• You snatch something from your foe in the confusion their ways until the consequences fall on them. *On a 7-9, they’re either not
• You open your foe up to someone else’s attack instead of dealing fooled for long, or they’ll hold a grudge against you, GM’s choice.
o Four-Leaf Clover
o Hey, W hat Does This Do? When you Make Camp, set your Luck to 4 instead of 3. When you take
When you put yourself at risk to check something out, ask the GM any damage, you may lower your Luck by 1 to ignore it; describe the comedic,
one question related to the risks and roll+Luck. *On a 10+, the GM will contrived, or outright miraculous circumstances that saved you from harm.
answer it, as clearly as the circumstances allow. *On a 7-9, the GM will tell
you what more you need to do to find the answer yourself. o I Meant To Do That
When you fail a move, you can choose to not mark XP. If you do, choose
o Fool’s W isdom someone who will either stare at you dumbfounded or double over in
When you Spout Lore, don’t roll. Instead, just blurt out the first thing that uncontrolled laughter. Describe the epic failure of yours that causes them to
comes to mind. When the truth of what you say is put to the test, react that way. You have to fail; if you spend Luck to succeed, this move is
roll+INT. *On a 10+, you were right, more or less. *On a 7-9, you messed not triggered.
up or forgot a key detail.
o Idiot Savant
o I Think I’m Getting The Hang Of This When you gain this move, pick one of the following moves: Hack and Slash,
Gain a non-multiclass move from the playbook you chose for I’m On An Volley, Defend, or Discern Realities. You may choose to make that move
Adventure! You may not choose a move that requires level 6 or higher. with +Luck instead of the usual stat from now on.

o Look, A Distraction! o Mostly Harmless

When you Volley, on a 10+ you may draw your target’s attention elsewhere While you show a friendly face and act charming, anyone not already
instead of dealing damage. actively hostile to you will treat you as a friend until proven otherwise.

o Oooh, Something Shiny o Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk

When you’re in the presence of something hidden and valuable, you You may lower your Luck by 1 to deal 1d10 damage to an enemy. Describe
notice it right away. how you embarrass, humiliate, or accidentally clobber them.

o Party Crasher o Pop Goes the W easel

When you brazenly stride into a place you’re not supposed to be, Requires: Curly Shuffle
roll+CHA. *On a 10+, your entrance goes unnoticed until you draw attention When you Hack and Slash while you’re all fired up, deal +1d4 damage.
to yourself. *On a 7-9, someone is already suspicious of you.
o Robin Goodfellow
o Short Attention Span When you publicly mock someone of higher social standing than you,
When you take advantage of the fact that no one is paying attention to roll+CHA. *On a hit, your audience takes it in good humor, and you avoid
you to discreetly do something, roll+DEX. *On a hit, no one will notice reprisal... for now. *On a 10+, you may ask the subject of your mockery one
what you did until you're no longer around. *On a 10+, they won’t even question, which they must answer honestly and publicly.
think to blame you unless you personally tell them you did it.
o Should I Not Have Done That?
o Take One For The Team Requires: Was That Wrong?
When you take damage that was intended for someone else, you get +1 When you draw unwanted attention or are put in a spot, you can choose
Luck. You may not spend Luck to negate this damage. not to personally suffer the consequences. Someone or something else
nearby, possibly your equipment but certainly not you, suffers the
o W as That W rong? consequences instead.
When you do something so incredibly stupid that everyone else can only
stare at you in disbelief, you get +1 Luck. You’ll probably need it soon. o W oo W oo W oo
When you Defy Danger by running around in an idiotic panic, you roll
with +Luck instead of whatever the GM says, and on a 12+ you turn the
danger back on itself, describe the ridiculous circumstances that caused it.
Start here: Give your villager a name, and choose options for their look. Mischievous Eyes, Angry Eyes, or Innocent Eyes
Choose a profession, and a tool associated with it, and a background. Messy Hair, Tied-back Hair, or Cropped Hair
Introduce yourself to your fellow players. You may then write one Bond with another Ragged Clothes, Carefully Mended Clothes, or Plain Clothes
villager, based upon first impressions or past history you have with them. Stout Body, Lanky Body, or Filthy Body

You have a skill that you’ve learned and use to earn your keep Assigning Stats
around the village. How did you learn it? When you put what You start with all of the basic moves. When you make a move with a stat for the first time,
you’ve learned in your profession to good use, gain 1 pick the modifier you wish for that stat: -1, +0, +1 or +2. You can have one -1, two +0,
goodwill. two +1, and one +2 stat. You must have all six stats assigned before you can level up.
My profession in the village is:___________________________
You have one tool that is relevant to your profession, not armor Goodwill
or a weapon more sophisticated than a knife or a staff. You have Goodwill is earned by using your alignment and background. You can spend goodwill, 1
no coins, but luckily you live in a tightly connected community for 1, to add +1 to your roll during any move involving fellow villagers (including other
where a filling meal and warm bed are always available to you— PCs). You will also spend goodwill for the Life of Adventure move when you level up.
provided you do your share.
Add Bonds with your fellow would-be adventurers as you get to know them and have
memorable experiences. Do you trust them? Do they owe you a debt? Do you know their
Background secrets? Do you want to prove something to them? Do they need you to keep them safe?
When you write a Bond, you may let the player whose character you just wrote a Bond
o Laborer with assign a modifier to one of your unused stats for you. If you let them do this, you
When you put the good of your village before your own gain 1 goodwill. You must write at least two Bonds before you can level up.
desires, gain 1 goodwill.
When you write a Bond with another character, you also gain one of the following
o Militia advanced moves, up to a maximum of two:
When you fight for the honor of your village, gain 1 goodwill. o Hometown Hero: When you take this move, you immediately gain 2 goodwill.
o Martial Training: Your damage die is now a d6.
o Apprentice o Toughness (Requires: CON+1 or higher): Your maximum HP is now 10.
o Determined Defender: When you Defend, you may spend goodwill as if it
When your knowledge aids the village in some important
were hold.
way, gain 1 goodwill.
o Faithful (Requires: WIS+1 or higher): Describe a deity that you follow. When
you pray to your deity for guidance, your deity tells you what it would have
o Knave you do. If you do it, gain 1 goodwill.
When you help the village while helping yourself, gain 1 o Healing Touch (Requires: Faithful): When you touch someone else, skin to
goodwill. skin, and pray for their well-being, roll+WIS. *On a hit, you heal them for
1d6 HP. *On a 7-9, you also take a debility of your choice in exchange.
o Stranger o Trap Finder: Add “Is there a trap here and if so, what triggers it?” to the list of
When your actions earn you the trust of the village, gain 1 Discern Realities questions:
goodwill. o Student (Requires: INT+1 or higher): When you take this choice, the next time
you Spout Lore, instead of rolling, you automatically take the 10+ result.
o Hocus Pocus (Requires: Student): When you weave a simple spell, choose one
Bonds of the following effects:
• You create a small light to follow you around
• You conjure a very simple illusion, affecting only one sense
• A person you touch takes +1 armor forward
• Deal 1d4 magical damage to a target you can see
…then roll+INT. *On a 10+ the spell works for just as long as you need it. *On a 7-9
things go a little awry, choose one:
• You cannot use the chosen effect again, cross it off the list
• The spell doesn’t work quite as you intended it to
• You expose yourself to danger, retribution, or cost

Basic Moves How to Play
Hack and Slash Dungeon World is a game of adventure fantasy. Though you are just a
When you attack an enemy in melee, roll+STR. *On a 10+ you deal your humble villager now, a dangerous world of adventure is knocking at your
damage to the enemy and avoid their attack. At your option, you may choose door, and you will get your first taste of it here. The adventure and your
to do +1d6 damage but expose yourself to the enemy’s attack. *On a 7-9, destiny will emerge around the decisions you make.
deal your damage to the enemy and the enemy makes an attack against you.
Your characters already have some history one another, so we can get right
Volley into the action. This shared history is represented in the Bonds on your sheet.
When you take aim and shoot at an enemy at range, roll+DEX. *On a 10+ The gamemaster (GM) will ask you questions about where your character is
you have a clear shot—deal your damage. *On a 7-9, choose one (whichever from, what the world is like, and what they are doing. Your answers will
you choose you deal your damage): shape the world and your adventure. We play to find out what happens.
• You have to move to make the shot, placing you in danger of the GM’s
choice Playing Dungeon World means having a conversation; somebody says
• You have to take what you can get: -1d6 damage (minimum 1) something, then you reply, maybe someone else chimes in. Players take turns
• You have to take several shots, reducing your ammo by one. (you in the natural flow of the conversation, which always has some back-and-
cannot choose this option if you are using a thrown weapon) forth. The GM says something, the players respond. The players ask
questions or make statements, the GM tells them what happens next. The
Defy Danger conversation works best when we all listen, ask questions, and build on each
When you act despite an imminent threat or suffer a calamity, say how other’s contributions.
you deal with it and roll. If you do it...
…by powering through, +STR Sometimes, the GM may tell you that your actions have triggered a move,
…by getting out of the way or acting fast, +DEX such as Defy Danger. To make a move, roll two six-sided dice and add the
…by enduring, +CON indicated ability from your sheet.
…with quick thinking, +INT • If the total is 10 or higher, you’ve achieved a strong hit; you’ve
…through mental fortitude, +WIS succeeded at your task.
…using charm and social grace, +CHA • If the total is between 7 and 9, it’s a weak hit; a success that comes
*On a 10+, you do what you set out to do; the threat doesn’t come to bear. at some cost. Perhaps there’s a downside to your action, or you
*On a 7-9, you stumble, hesitate, or flinch: the GM will offer you a worse don’t get everything you wanted.
outcome, hard bargain, or ugly choice. • If the total is 6 or less, it’s a miss; your attempt has gone poorly,
and the GM can now make their move against you.
When you stand in defense of a person, item, or location under attack,
roll+CON. *On a 10+, hold 3. *On a 7-9, hold 1. So long as you stand in Leveling Up
defense, when you or the thing you defend is attacked you may spend hold, 1 When everyone has assigned all their stats and written at least two Bonds,
for 1, to choose an option: your adventuring group is ready to level up. To make the leap to first level,
• Redirect an attack from the thing you defend to yourself each of you must do the following:
• Halve the attack’s effect or damage • Embrace your heroic destiny. Leave your villager playbook
• Open up the attacker to an ally giving that ally +1 forward against the behind. Consider your race and stats and then choose a new
attacker playbook to fill out.
• Deal 1 damage to the attacker • Gain a true name and a new, cooler look.
• Gain an alignment. Your companions vote on your alignment
Spout Lore based on your chosen class and your past behavior. Ties are broken
When you consult your accumulated knowledge about something, by the GM.
roll+INT. *On a 10+ the GM will tell you something interesting and useful • Copy the stats you chose to your new playbook and assign
about the subject relevant to your situation. *On a 7-9 the GM will only tell appropriate ability scores: 16(+2), 15(+1), 13(+1), 12(+0), 9(+0),
you something interesting—it’s on you to make it useful. The GM might ask and 8(-1).
you “How do you know this?” Tell them the truth, now. • Gain all the resources and abilities of a first-level character,
including gear and class moves, but keep any Bonds you’ve
Discern Realities already written. If you new class gives you more Bonds that what
When you closely study a situation or person, roll+WIS. *On a 10+ ask the you’ve already written, write some more.
GM 3 questions from the list below. *On a 7-9 ask 1. Take +1 forward when • Lose any villager abilities you may have acquired, including your
acting on the answers. profession and background.
• What happened here recently? • Tell the other players how you learned the basics of your class.
• What is about to happen? The GM may ask you questions about your time in training.
• What should I be on the lookout for? Finally, make the following move:
• What here is useful or valuable to me?
• Who’s really in control here? When you leave your home for a Life of Adventure, spend all of your
• What here is not what it appears to be? remaining goodwill and roll+goodwill spent. *On a 10+, you enjoy a warm
send-off. The village’s hopes and dreams go with you, along with a small
Aid or Interfere object of great sentimental value. *On 7-9, choose one:
When you help or hinder someone you have a bond with, roll+Bonds with • You have unfinished business here that is likely to come find you
them. *On a 10+ they take +1 or -2, your choice. *On a 7-9 you also expose wherever you go.
yourself to danger, retribution, or cost. • You are leaving behind someone that needs you badly and can’t
survive without you.
Parley • You are abandoning something precious to be claimed by a
When you have leverage on an NPC and manipulate them, roll+CHA. loathsome rival.
Leverage is something they need or want. *On a 10+, they do what you ask • You’ve been rejected by the village. You no longer belong here,
if you first promise what they ask of you. *On a 7-9, they will do what you and maybe never will.
ask, but need some concrete assurance of your promise, right now. *On a 6- there can be no return. Grim portents accompany you.
Tavern Tales Guard Your Mind
When you spend time swapping tales and sorting When something attempts to control or
through information about a dangerous place you manipulate your mind, roll+WIS. *On a 10+, you
have yet to explore, name a place you want to know shake it off. *On a 7-9, choose one:
more about, then spend at least 1 preparation and • You’re stunned for a few moments while
roll+preparation spent. *On a hit, choose one from you shake it off.
the list and tell us how you get it. *On a 7-9, your • You feel a brief compulsion, take -1 forward
information will be slightly off, out of date, or to act against the source of the effect.
incomplete when you try to use it. *On a 6-, don’t mark XP yet. Instead, give the GM a
• You acquire part of a map, draw it out or notecard with your character’s name on it.
otherwise present it to the group.
• You learn of a trap or similar hazard,
describe it. When you encounter it, take +1
• You learn of a valuable treasure, describe it When the GM hands you a notecard with your
and where it’s kept. name on it, read the command on the back (to
• You learn of a dangerous enemy or group in yourself, don't discuss it with others). Then choose
the area, describe and/or name them. When one:
you encounter them, take +1 forward. • Do what it tells you to the best of your
• You learn something useful about the area’s abilities, then mark XP and tear up the card.
history, layout, or politics, tell us what. • Drop to your knees, clutch your head, and
• You acquire something that will be the source of the command deals its damage
particularly useful in there (a key, a to you, ignoring armor. Then tear up the
password, etc.), tell us what you got. card.
*On a 6-, choose one anyway, but don’t describe it
yet. Instead, ask the GM what it will cost you to gain
that knowledge, and even then what you get will be
slightly off, out of date, or incomplete when you try Circles
to use it.
When you declare that you know someone who can
Examples: help you solve a task and have an unassigned
"Hey, isn't there supposed to be a passage here? It's Bond available, describe that person and write a
on the map..." Bond describing your relationship with them. Then
roll+CHA. *On a hit, you can get help from your
"That trap? Oh, it wasn't a sliding blade, it's an alarm. contact. *On a 7-9, there’s a catch, choose one and
You hear a growl coming from deeper within the explain why this is:
dungeon." • Your contact holds some enmity towards
you, you owe him a debt, or his help will
"Oh yes, there's ogres. They're servants of the demon cost you.
that's taken up residence deeper inside." • Reaching your contact will be inconvenient
or dangerous.
"Why yes, this is the tomb of the ancient king Dalboz. • You contact can’t directly help you, but he
Did you remember to wear his colors so his undead can at least point you in the right direction.
servants wouldn't think you're tomb robbers and *On a miss, choose one from the list, and the
attack you?" situation will be worse than you expected when you
reach your contact. Your contact may still be able to
"Here's the secret door, right where the guy in the help you, but expect a steep cost.
tavern said it would be. Anyone got the key? Because
it's locked." When you work with your contact to solve your
problems, you may resolve the Bond and mark XP
as usual, or you may keep the Bond. If you use an
established contact to seek help from, you can make
this move again without needing an unassigned Bond,
and add +Bond to the roll.
Dungeon World
Secrets and Sorcery Pack

Seven new base classes for Dungeon World

the Archaeologist,
the Enchanter,
the Spy,
the Dragon Knight,
the Guardian,
the Reaper,
and the Baron
and new rules for stress and madness within the dungeon

For use with the role-playing game Dungeon World, by Sage LaTorra and Adam Koebel

Written by Peter Johansen. Version January 24, 2017

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit
http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View,
California, 94041, USA.
The Archaeologist The Enchanter

Of all the treasures to be found in Dungeon The greatest of crafts is not in gold or gems,
World, what could be more valuable than but in the power of magic itself. As elves
knowledge? The ancient secrets that have shape supple wood and dwarves the hard
lain hidden away under the earth in long-lost stone, your artisanship is that of
catacombs or forgotten temples to dead enchantments. Whether alchemist or
gods? The hidden places and knowledge can artificer, your laboratory can pour forth
be brought back into the light once again. magical wonders, limited only by your
imagination. With a deft carving of magic
You are at home equally among libraries runes you make a sword strike with the force
and dungeons, and equally adept at drawing of thunder, or a shield that can turn away
out the secrets from both. Panache is your flames.
weapon against the agents of the darkness,
cunning your shield against deadly traps and But there is always more magic out there for
dangerous passages. Ancient wisdom awaits your to experience. To truly master your
your discovery in the deep and hidden craft, you must be willing to test yourself
places of the world, and you have the tools against the powers of magic that lie in the
to discover it. deepest of dungeons, and to study these
ancient enchantments so yours will be
Of course, if you find some golden idol greater. Your knowledge of arcane forces
covered in jewels, that’s good too. Just be makes you a powerful, if bookish ally, to
ready to run when you grab it. those who seek to plunder such treasures for

The Archaeologist specializes in both

scholarly research and dungeon exploration. As the name suggests, the Enchanter deals in
They are able to research key information enchanted objects. Their skill is in both the
about dungeons and lead expeditions creation and comprehension of magical
through these most dangerous of places. things. The limits of what an enchantment is
Indiana Jones is an obvious touchstone to capable of is only the Enchanter’s
this class. imagination and their willingness to invest
their resources on the affair. In combat, the
Enchanter wields a rune-empowered weapon
to defend themselves.
The Spy The Dragon Knight

What fascinating secrets are exchanged right The relationship between dragons and
under the noses of the common folk! Who mortals is long and complex. Sometimes
would have guessed that their neighbors worshipped, often fought against, and
hold membership in a secret order? They always feared, no creature is more iconic of
never gather openly, only trading notes power and lordly might than the dragon. To
through hollowed-out trees or clandestine those who have proven themselves worthy
gestures. What does it mean when the baker of forging a bond with a dragon, they
advertises sweet rolls one day and biscuits become the most awe-inspiring of knights.
the next? Oh, you know. It means that he Whether a bloody tyrant or a defender of the
has the information on the duked you asked realm, someone riding a dragon into battle is
him to uncover for you. a sight that will not soon be forgotten.

Whether an agent of the state or the right You are one of these chosen few, who bear
hand of a criminal empire, the secrets of the honor of bonding their immortal soul to
Dungeon World are your trade, trickled in that of a dragon. Dragon-fire flows in your
from a network of informants and data veins, just as your valor links your new
handlers. You may not know who they are, mount to you forever. You work in tandem
but your network is everywhere, feeding you with your dragon to overcome even the
the information you need to do your job. greatest of enemies, but the link between
Even the most closely guarded secrets can you is far from perfect. After all, dragons are
fall into your hands, and these will be the not tractable creatures, and have a will of
dagger with which you strike from the their own. How will the two of you learn to
shadows. trust one another?

Knowledge is power.

The Dragon Knight is the most awe-

inspiring of mounted warriors, riding into
The Spy is a different take on the Thief, one battle atop a young dragon. The knight and
who specializes in information gathering. A their mount both influence one another, and
skilled rogue in their own right, the Spy maintaining a link of mutual respect and
takes a more social approach to the guile and trust between the two is key to their success.
stealth normally associated with the trade,
relying on a network of informants to give
them just the knowledge they need.
We’ve also included a compendium class
version, if you prefer your dragon and
knighthood to be earned through play.
The Guardian The Reaper

Terrible things lurk in every corner of Death gets such a bad reputation. Everyone
Dungeon World. While there is no shortage struggles in vain to hold off Death for just a
of men who are willing to take up arms to few more precious moments. They don’t
fight against monsters, your conviction understand Death like you do. Death is not a
burns far greater than most. You know that force to be feared, but to be celebrated and
the wickedness of a lone goblin pales in understood. When you face Death with your
comparison to the cruelties that men can soul at ease, his secrets will open to you.
inflict upon one another.
You do not worship Death, but you revere
There is a flame in your soul that cannot be him, and perform services in his name to
extinguished. The fire within you can give ease the suffering of the dearly departed.
warmth and comfort to your allies, but it can Whether psychopomp or exorcist, you are a
also be used to destroy. When faced with the trusted lieutenant in Death’s service,
outrages of the world, the fire in you rises keeping his estate in order against those who
like an inferno, empowering you to mete out would despoil it or try to defy his judgment.
justice at the point of a sword. Against evil Through your deeds, the restless dead of
and injustice, you are judge, jury, and Dungeon World can finally be set to peace
executioner. To the ones you defend, not beyond the Black Gates.
even the wrath of Hell itself can turn aside
your shield. But will you be ready when your time
comes? What deals will Death make with
Sometimes terrible things happen to good you?
people. But you’re not one of the good
people. You’re one of the terrible things.
Like Death, the Reaper performs a valuable
service, helping the dearly departed rest in
The Guardian is both a defensive warrior peace while cleaning away any lingering
and a passionate force of justice. More spirits or undead which try to mar his order.
secular than the Paladin, the Guardian’s The Reaper focuses more on the dead and
power is in their conviction. When their the undead than the Cleric, and has a
righteous anger burns, they are a force to be stronger set of tools to defeat or comfort the
reckoned with. lost souls of Dungeon World.
The Baron

Through birthright or deeds, you are among We’ve included a new set of rules for
the world’s elite. You have earned the right dealing with stress and horror that builds off
to call yourself Lord over a stronghold, and of the Steel mechanics found in our previous
the lands it protects. Backed by your party publication. These rules deal with the long-
of loyal retainers, you are a shepherd to your term impacts of madness as well as the
people, guiding the growth of your lands and management of the stress that comes from
delivering justice to villains. Through your diving headfirst into danger and
deeds and wisdom, a humble hamlet may unfathomable evil, making them suitable for
grow into a mighty city. games that deal with horror or insanity, or
for groups that wish to explore the
But being a Baron is no life of idle luxury.
emotional impact that comes from dungeon
Foes from both outside and within your
walls seek to take what is rightfully yours.
Ravening hordes and scheming rivals both
covet your lands. When the walls of your
stronghold shield your people against the We’ve also included a compendium class
darkness of Dungeon World, do they also version of the Baron for character who earn
keep close the one who would betray you, their strongholds the hard way.
plotting your demise in the shadows?

Also, that butler you sent down into the For every story that we tell, the world gains
wine cellar yesterday hasn’t been seen since. that much more wonder. I remain grateful
You should probably look into that. for the support of my colleagues in the
Dungeon World G+ community, and the
valuable advice and critiques they have
The Baron is Dungeon World’s answer to given to help me refine and polish my ideas.
Apocalypse World’s Hardholder. The Baron Once again, I give due credit and thanks to
begins with control of their own personal Johnstone Metzger and Jeremy Strandberg
keep, and gives them the tools to grow and in particular. I would also like to
defend it as they see fit. However, this does acknowledge Robert Doe, David Perry, and
not mean that the Baron is entitled to an Andrea Serafini for their own contributions
unlimited safe haven! The stronghold is a to this body of work, and all the players of
magnet for both danger and intrigue. To Dungeon World around the world. This
maximize the stronghold’s potential, the work is dedicated to you, and all stories that
Baron must journey outside of their gates are yet to be told. Play to find out.
and face the threats to his lands head-on.
Dwarf: Garin, Daltri, Harrak, Rulin, Kaja, Brall, Nyssa, Gwillen Clever Eyes, Shrewd Eyes, or Glasses
Halfling: Bolger, Garret, Odo, Mellyn, Portia, Frega, Lirrin, Nelmi Untidy Hair, Balding, or Wide-Brimmed Hat
Human: Byron, Gertrude, Lawrence, Chapman, Fredrick, Morley, Virginia, Tatiana, Salah Weathered Clothing, Scholarly Clothing, or Practical Clothing
Tanned Body, Rugged Body, or Portly Body

o Good Antiquarian
Prevent an artifact or secret knowledge from being used to hurt When you closely examine an artifact or a piece of lost technology for the first time,
others. roll+INT. *On a 10+, ask the GM three of the following questions. *On 7-9, ask two. *On
a 6-, ask two anyway, but the GM will give you a false answer for one of them.
o Neutral • Who created this object and how old is it?
Discover long-lost knowledge or a culturally significant artifact • What is the purpose of this object, or what does it do?
or place. • Who would find this object valuable?
• How is this object dangerous to me?
o Chaotic • How is this object activated?
Leap into danger without a plan. • What has been done to or with it recently?
• What’s wrong with it and how could it be fixed?

Race W hip Tricks

o Dwarf A whip is a powerful tool in your hands. You can use your whip to grab small, unattended
When you use Antiquarian, the GM will always truthfully tell objects within reach range and swing upon it like a grappling hook, all without Defying
you who created the object and how old it is in addition to the Danger.
move’s other results, even on a miss.
You cannot Hack and Slash with your whip. Instead, when you crack your whip at an
o Halfling enemy within reach, roll+DEX. *On a 10+, choose two. *On a 7-9, choose one:
You can always ask the GM “Where’s the best hiding place • You entangle one of their limbs, preventing them from using it as long as you
around here?” and get an honest answer. keep your whip wrapped around them
• You avoid any retaliation or counterattack
o Human • You move them to any place within reach range
When you Make Camp, if you possess adventuring gear with • You knock them prone or off-balance; the next person who takes advantage of
less than 5 uses, gain 1 use of that adventuring gear. this takes +1 forward
• You make them drop an object they are holding

Fill in the names of your companions in at least one: When you spend at least a full day researching old tomes, dusty maps, and bits of lore
about a nearby location, roll+INT. *On a 10+, choose two from the list. *On a 7-9,
I need ___________’s help to find a valuable treasure. choose one. *On a 6-, choose one anyway, but don’t describe it yet. Instead, ask the GM
what it will cost you or what you must do to gain that benefit.
• You find part of a map, draw it out or otherwise present it to the group.
___________ may be the brawn of this group, but I’m the brain. • You learn of a trap or similar hazard, describe it and hold +1 preparation.
• You learn of a dangerous enemy or group in the area, describe and/or name
___________ joined me on my first expedition, and they’re still them and hold +1 preparation.
willing to work with me after the... you know. • You learn of a valuable treasure, describe it and where it’s kept.
• You learn something useful about the area’s history, layout, or politics; tell us
___________ thinks I take too many needless risks, but what do
they know? • You gain something that will be particularly useful in there (a key, a password,
etc.), tell us what you got.

Your Load is 9+STR. You start with dungeon rations (5 uses, 1 weight),
adventuring gear (5 uses, 1 weight) a whip (1 weight), and a map to
someplace hidden, tell us where! Choose two:
o A bag of books (5 uses, 2 weight)
o Leather armor (1 armor, 1 weight)
o Bandages (3 uses), antitoxin, and a short sword (close, 1 weight)
o A hand crossbow (near, reload, 1 weight) and a pack of bolts (3 ammo, 1

When you gain a level from 2-5, choose from these moves. When you gain a level from 6-10, choose from these moves or the level 2-
5 moves.
o Academic Reputation
When you Parley with someone who highly respects knowledge or o Careful Explorer
history, you may roll with INT instead of CHA. When you Undertake a Perilous Journey, you always spot trouble in
advance, as if you had taken the scout role and rolled a 10+. You can also
o Bookworm take on a second job, roll for it as normal.
When you make the Research move, you get +1 preparation in addition to
any of the move’s other effects. o Investigator
Requires: Sleuth
o Danger Sense When you Discern Realities, up to two of your questions can by anything,
When you take a moment to survey an area, you may ask the GM “Is there not limited by the list.
an ambush or trap here?” If the answer is “yes”, roll+INT. *On a 10+, ask
the GM three questions from the list below. *On a 7-9, ask one. o Master Looter
• What will trigger the trap or ambush? Requires: Treasure Hunter
• What will happen once it’s triggered? When you obtain a valuable treasure or artifact for the first time, hold 4
• How could it be disarmed or thwarted? on Treasure Hunter instead of 2.
• What else should I be on the lookout for?
o Mola Ram
o Moment of Insight When you use a magical item and force it to obey your will, instead of
When something supernatural makes you Defy Danger, take +1 forward using its effects as written, roll+INT. *On a 10+, you control the degree and
to Spout Lore about that threat. extent of its effects. *On a 7-9, you direct its effects, but choose one:
• You break it; it cannot be used again until it is fixed.
o Simon Belmont • You lose control, producing additional, unwanted effects.
Add the following option to the Whip Tricks list:
• You deal your damage o Society of Explorers
Requires: Well-Connected
o Sleuth When you make the Well-Connected move, on a hit your contact will also
When you Discern Realities, the GM will always tell you what happened have some useful information for you; choose an option from the Researcher
here recently in addition to the move’s other results, even on a miss. list for free once you have time to talk with them.

o Sneaky o Perfect Planning

Gain a move from the thief playbook. When you Defy Danger, you may spend 1 preparation to roll with INT
instead of whatever the GM says.
o Treasure Hunter
When you obtain a valuable treasure or artifact for the first time, hold 2. o Professor
Spend a hold to gain one of the following benefits: When you make the Antiquarian move, on a 12+ you may answer one of the
• Take +1 forward to Defy Danger questions yourself. Whatever you say, it is the truth.
• Deal +1d6 damage forward, no more than once per attack
• Heal yourself for 1d8 HP o Very Sneaky
Gain a move from the thief playbook.
o W ell-Connected
When you declare that you know someone who can help you solve a task, o W hip Perfection
describe that person and roll+CHA. *On a hit, you can get help from your Replaces: Whip Mastery
contact. *On a 7-9, there’s a catch, choose one and explain why this is: When you use Whip Tricks, on a hit choose one additional option, and add
• You owe them a debt, or their help will cost you the following options to the list:
• You snatch an object they held or were guarding. Now it’s yours!
• Reaching them will be inconvenient or dangerous
• They’re not exactly trustworthy or reliable
o W hy’d it Have to be Snakes?
• They hold some enmity towards you
When you Spout Lore about a monster, on a 12+, in addition to the normal
effects, you may ask the GM any one question about the subject. Take +1
o W hip Mastery forward when acting on that information.
When you use Whip Tricks, on a 12+ choose three options from the list.
Dwarf: Andvare, Brokir, Silbar, Holda, Thora, Jari, Tongus, Clarana, Rosina, Zula Wise Eyes, Shrewd Eyes, or Curious Eyes
Elf: Arathel, Barien, Xylinna, Sedana, Eredania, Nalthanis, Dalinna, Mahtan Pointy Hat, Neat Hair, or Velvet Hood
Human: Karn, Argus, Orland, Lucan, Erin, Jalane, Nerida, Cwenhild, Tania Formal Robes, Runed Robes, or Travelling Robes
Stained Fingertips, Glowing Tattoos, or Crystal Glasses

o Good Craft Enchantments
Create something that helps someone else. You possess a kit of magical supplies and tools, which you use to place enchantments
upon mundane objects. It can hold an amount of Stock equal to your WIS+3. When you
o Neutral spend several hours in safety gathering and purifying reagents, refill your Stock to its
Discover something about a magical mystery. maximum.

When you set out to enchant an object, tell the GM what effect you want to accomplish
o Evil
and how you mark the object, then spend 1-3 Stock and roll+Stock spent. *On a 10+,
Gain power or influence for yourself at someone else’s expense.
choose two. *On a 7-9, choose one.
• The enchantment is permanent, as long as the mark remains whole and
Race •
The enchantment does not have any known side effects
o Dwarf • The enchantment does not have any weird limitations
When you enchant an object that you have made with your *On a 6-, the item is cursed. The GM will tell you the nature of the curse, but only after it
own hands, take +1. is too late.

o Elf A given object can hold only one enchantment, but you can always end any enchantment
When you enchant an object, your mark is invisible to anyone you create by erasing your markings. Any item you enchant always has at least 1 weight.
who isn’t an elf.
Analyze Dweomer
o Human When you closely examine a magical object for the first time, roll+INT. *On a 10+, ask
When you duplicate an enchantment you have studied or the GM three of the following questions. *On 7-9, ask two. *On a 6-, ask two anyway, but
made before, you are refunded 1 Stock after rolling. the GM will give you a false answer for one of them.
• What does this do?
• How is it activated?
• Who created this object and how old is it?
Fill in the names of your companions in at least one: • Who used this object last?
• What has been done to or with it recently?
__________ needs me to do the heavy thinking, and I need them • What’s wrong with it and how could it be fixed?
to do the heavy lifting.

Ironically, __________ seems to have enchanted me.

Runic W eapon
When you mark a melee weapon with runes of battle and spend 1 Stock, choose one of
I have enchanted something for __________ before, but it didn’t the following options; the effect lasts until you erase your mark. The enchantment will
work out well. only function for you; you can’t enchant someone else’s weapon in this way.
o Rune of the Sun: The weapon sheds light at your command, about the equivalent
of a torch, and can affect insubstantial monsters as if they were solid.
o Rune of Thunder: Your weapon strikes like thunder, add the forceful tag.
o Rune of the Mountain: You may Defend with WIS instead of CON while you
wield this weapon.
o Rune of Ice: Your weapon chills your foes to the bone, add the stun tag.
o Rune of the Moon: While you wield this weapon you get +1 armor, and an
additional +2 armor against magic.

Your load is 7+STR. You start with dungeon rations (5 uses, 1 weight), a Describe your enchanter’s tools:
staff (close, 2-handed, 1 weight) and your enchanting tools (1 weight). o Made patiently by my own hands
Choose two: o Passed down from my mentor, and my mentor’s mentor...
o Enchanted robes (1 armor, 1 weight) o A gift or reward from someone important
o Poultices and herbs (2 uses, 1 weight) o Stolen from a place of ancient power
o Bag of books (5 uses, 2 weight)
o Adventuring gear (5 uses, 1 weight) o Many pouches of ground herbs, plants, and tree bark
o Bottles of carefully-mixed chemical compounds
o A wooden case of inks and brushes
o Jars of specially consecrated clays, paints and chalk
o A bag of crystals and semi-precious stones

S to ck:

When you gain a level from 2-5, choose from these moves. When you gain a level from 6-10, choose from these moves or the level 2-
5 moves.
o Admixture
While you are in an appropriate laboratory or place of power, when you o Enchanter’s Soul
roll+Stock spent, you are refunded 1 Stock after rolling. When you have time and safety with a magic item in a place of power,
you can empower that item so that its effects are amplified the next time you
o Affinity for M agic use it. The GM will tell you exactly how.
When you Discern Realities, on a hit, you may ask the GM “What here is
magical or enchanted?” in addition to your other questions. o Enchanter’s W ill
When you use a magical item and force it to obey your will, roll+INT.
*On a 10+, you control the degree and extent of its effects. *On a 7-9, you
o Battle Enchanter direct its effects, but choose one:
When you attack with your runic weapon, your damage die is a d8. • It is damaged and cannot be used again until repaired
• It slips out of your control, creating additional, unwanted effects
o Enduring Mark
When you create an enchantment, the markings you make will withstand the o Eternal M ark
ravages of time and nature. Only someone deliberately acting to remove your Replaces: Enduring Mark
mark can do so, and even then they take 1d6 damage of magical backlash When you create an enchantment, the markings you make cannot be
when they do. This does not affect you willingly erasing your own mark, removed by anything short of magic, and even then the person dispelling
which you can always do without risk. your mark takes 2d6 damage of magical backlash. This does not affect you
willingly erasing your own mark, which you can always do without risk.
o Hermetic Circle
When you draw a magical circle on the floor or ground and spend 1 o Master Craftsman
Stock, roll+INT. *On a 10+, you get both effects. *On a 7-9, choose one: When you craft an enchantment, on a 12+ the GM will tell you one further
• Name a type of creature, they cannot enter or leave the circle thing you can do to perfect your enchantment. When you do it, you get the
• No magic, save your own, can enter or leave the circle third option from the list.

o Maker’s Tether o Runic Mastery

When you concentrate, name an object you have enchanted. The GM will Requires: Runic Empowerment
tell you approximately where it is, as long as the enchantment is still intact. When you mark your weapon with runes, choose two runes instead of one.

o Risky Enchantment o Soulforger

When you craft an enchantment, you may choose to spend zero Stock. If you You may now enchant living objects, including people. Your subject must be
do, make the roll at -1. either willing or restrained for you to enchant them.

o Spellbreaker
o Runic Empowerment Add the following question to Analyze Dweomer:
Add the following runes to the Runic Weapon list:
• How can I remove or negate the magic on this object?
o Rune of Doom: Name a type of monster, the weapon deals +1d6
damage to the chosen type
o Tricky Enchantment
o Rune of Flame: Add the fiery tag
Replaces: Risky Enchantment
When you craft an enchantment, you may choose to spend zero Stock. If you
o Sagacity do, make the roll at +0.
When you use Analyze Dweomer, the GM will always truthfully tell you
what the object does, even on a 6-. o W ar Enchanter
Requires: Battle Enchanter
o W orldly Scholar When you attack with your runic weapon, you roll with WIS instead of the
When you Parley with someone who highly respects knowledge or the usual stat.
arcane, you may roll with INT instead of CHA.
o W ealth of Knowledge
When you Spout Lore or use Analyze Dweomer, on a 12+, GM will also ask
you a question about the subject. Whatever you answer, it is the truth.
Like you’d ever let anyone know your real name! Choose a name from another playbook Sharp Eyes, Shifty Eyes, or Monocle
that no one else is using. Hooded Head, Wide-Brimmed Hat, or Stylish Hair
Dark Clothing, Nondescript Clothing, or Stolen Clothing
Rotund Body, Lean Body, or Sexy Body

o Evil Network
Eliminate a threat to your society or employer. You have a group of informants and scouts who can trade information with you, describe
who or what they are! Every steading will have at least one contact from your network for
o Chaotic you to meet. When you spend some time trading information with one of your
Disrupt a power structure or organization. contacts, hold 2 plus your CHA. When you consult your contact’s intel, spend a hold to
ask the GM one of the following:
• What’s the greatest danger here?
o Neutral
Break into a secure place without being detected. • Where is __________ hidden?
• Where could I best hide or blend in around here?
• Who can help me out around here?
Background • Is there a trap or ambush here, and if so, where?
Choose any race, then choose how you came to be a spy: • Where’s my best way in, out, or through this place?
• Who does __________ serve?
o Criminal Mastermind • What does __________ most desire?
When you spend hold from Network to ask if a trap or • How can I best serve my society or employer around here?
ambush is present and get an answer of “No”, roll a d6. On a After meeting your contact, you must come up with some new information to pass on
3 or higher, the spent hold is refunded to you. before you can meet then again and gain more hold from this move.

o State Agent
Sleight of Hand
Hirelings you Recruit have +1 Loyalty.
When you pick locks or pockets, disarm a trap, or escape restraints, roll+DEX. *On a
10+ you succeed unnoticed, no problem. *On a 7-9 you are still successful, but the GM
o Private Investigator will offer you two options between suspicion, danger, or cost.
When you Discern Realities, the GM will always tell you what
happened here recently in addition to the move’s other results,
even on a miss. Cloak and Dagger
You are trained to fight dirty. When you attack a surprised or defenseless enemy with a
melee weapon, either deal your damage or roll+DEX. *On a 10+ choose two. *On a 7-9,
choose one:
Fill in the names of your companions in at least one: • You deal your damage, ignoring armor
• One of their limbs or senses of your choice is crippled for a few moments
I know a dirty secret about ____________, but they don’t know • You disengage from combat before they can retaliate against you
• No one notices you make your attack, and your target doesn't make a sound
____________ has some ties to my organization or employer.

I’ve worked with ____________ before on a job; they’re


____________ is the most likely one to betray us, I’d better

watch my back around them.

Your load is 9+STR. You start with dungeon rations (5 uses, 1 weight) and a
set of thieves’ tools (2 weight). Choose three:
o Rapier (close, precise, 1 weight)
o Stiletto (hand, 1 weight), which is never found even if you are searched
o 3 throwing knives (thrown, near, 0 weight)
o Leather armor (1 armor, 1 weight)
o Adventuring gear (5 uses, 1 weight)
o Antitoxin
o 10 coins

When you gain a level from 2-5, choose from these moves. When you gain a level from 6-10, choose from these moves or the level 2-
5 moves.
o Acquisition
When you put out word to your contacts about something you want or o Black Ops
need, roll+CHA. *On a 10+, someone has it, just for you. *On a 7-9, you’ll When you use Cloak and Dagger, on a 12+ you get three choices from the
have to settle for something close or it comes with strings attached, your call. list.

o Agent Provocateur o Enigma

When you spend some time trading gossip in a community, roll+CHA. No force can make you betray your colleagues, not even Death itself. Any
*On a hit, you learn of an interesting opportunity nearby. *On a 10+, you can attempts to scry on your location, read your thoughts, or manipulate your
also start a rumor of your own; it will spread like wildfire. mind fail.

o Backup o Fade Away

While you are in a steading, you can spend a hold from Network to have an While you stay still or act meek and unobtrusive, even in broad daylight,
agent of your organization accompany you for one task. Treat them as a people only notice you if they are looking for you specifically.
hireling with skill points equal to your level, loyalty equal to your CHA, and
the cost, “service to our society”. After completing your task, they leave you o Field Agent
unless you spend another hold. You can spend preparation as if it were hold on Network.

o Blackmailer o Master Impersonator

Add the following option to Network: Replaces: Impersonation
• What could I use as leverage against __________? When you disguise yourself as a specific person, you look just like them.
Your actions may give you away, but anyone who does not know the person
o Data Handler intimately will be fooled by your appearance. When you meet someone who
When you gain hold from Network, you gain 1 additional hold. is intimately associated with the person you are impersonating,
roll+CHA. *On a 10+, they are fooled, even by strange behavior, until you
o Impersonation give yourself away for certain. *On a 7-9, they are already suspicious of you.
When you disguise yourself as a specific person, roll+CHA. *On a 10+,
only that person’s most intimate associates can tell the difference. *On a 7-9, o Sealed Fate
only those who do not know the person are fooled. Add the following option to Network:
• How is __________ vulnerable to me?
o In Your Shadow
When you follow or shadow someone, roll+DEX. *On a 10+, you find out o Secret Stash
exactly what they’re up to without arousing suspicion. *On a 7-9, it’s either You may spend a hold from Network to reveal a stash of useful equipment
an impression of their doings or you can reveal yourself to learn more. hidden nearby, the GM will tell you what you got.

o Incognito o Social Psychology

When you blend into a crowd or the shadows, foes never spot you until When you Parley, on a hit you can ask their player a question from the
you draw attention to yourself or leave your cover. You can move while Network list, they must answer it truthfully to the best of their knowledge.
remaining in your cover, but no faster than a leisurely walk. This information comes from a slip of the tongue or their body language
giving it away. On a 10+ they don’t notice that they gave up their
o License to Kill information, on a 7-9 they do.
When you deal damage with a weapon with a range of hand or the
precise tag, deal +1d4 damage. o Very Sneaky
Gain a move from the thief playbook.
o Sneaky
Gain a move from the thief playbook. o W eb of Contacts
When you put out word to your contacts that you want to meet with
someone, roll+CHA. *On a 10+, someone can set up a meeting, with
circumstances in your favor. *On a 7-9, you can meet with them, but there
are strings attached or the circumstances are less than ideal.
Names: Taya, Daine, Mallory, Shana, Ricard, Freya, Xaldin, Isabel, Minerva, Glenn Golden Eyes, Wary Eyes, or Disdainful Eyes
Ornate Helmet, Winged Circlet, or Fiery Hair
Dragon Names: Brodahmik, Heyvkaal, Venahkrin, Centhylion, Frethiel, Benthylios, Burnished Armor, Gilded Armor, or Crested Surcoat
Kenzodomu, Morokegos, Rovostraza, Strunvahlok, Tyraxes, Aurion Long Shanks, Regal Bearing, or Unblemished Body

o Lawful How to Train Your Dragon
Deliver justice to an evildoer. Your soul is linked with that of a young dragon, about the size of a horse. Give your
dragon a name! As long as you treat your dragon with respect, it will usually obey you.
o Good Your dragon is capable of speech like a human. When you whistle loudly for your
Endanger yourself to protect someone weaker than you. dragon when it is not nearby, it will quickly arrive at your side in dramatic fashion.
When your dragon dies, so do you, and vice versa.
o Evil
You have a stat called Link. Your Link is equal to your link stat, which depends on what
Gain wealth or power for yourself at someone else’s expense.
kind of dragon you ride. Your Link can never be less than zero. When you would reduce
your Link below zero, your dragon instead refuses to obey your orders for a while.
Dragon Choose a cost; your dragon expects its cost to be paid regularly like a hireling’s would.
When you pay your dragon’s cost, reset your Link to the value of your link stat.
Choose any race, then choose the type of dragon you ride: o Gold and jewels
o The blood of its enemies, specify who or what they are
o Chromatic Link stat: +CON o Ancient knowledge and magics
Your dragon is no stranger to combat, and neither are you. When o The cowering obeisance of mortals
you Defend, take +1 armor forward.
Choose three moves for your dragon. When you command your dragon to perform a
o Metallic Link stat: +WIS move it knows, roll+Link. *On a 10+, the move is done, no problem. *On a 7-9, the move
Your dragon is quite sociable, and so are you. You can write one happens, but there’s either a consequence or limitation, or reduce your Link by 1. If a
extra Bond with your companions, giving you a total of four. move would deal damage, roll your own damage die.
o Strike with fang and claw o Intimidate with a mighty roar
o Gemstone Link stat: +INT o Belch forth elemental fury o Harry from the air
Your dragon will always accept crystals as payment of its cost. o Scout from high above o Flap its wings to create a gust of wind
o Hunt or track by scent o Recall ancient lore

Fill in the names of your companions in at least one: Your dragon is capable of flight, and can carry you and one passenger with it. When you
fly upon your dragon for a great distance or to someplace dangerous, say where you
____________ was with me when I first met my dragon. are going and roll+Link. *On a hit, you get where you need to be. *On a 7-9, choose one.
• A threat is waiting for you when you arrive
I’ve been burned by ____________ before, if you know what I • The ride exhausts or injures your dragon, and it cannot fly until it gets some rest
mean. • Reduce your Link by 1
• It takes longer than you expected to get where you want
My dragon seems to like ____________; they must be someone
I can trust. Voice of Fire
When you publicly impress yourself upon a group of people, by words or deeds,
roll+CHA. *On a 10+ the GM chooses two NPCs present that you have impressed and a
reaction. *On a 7-9, the GM chooses one. *On a 6-, you’ve attracted some unwanted
• They back you up, stand by your side, or support your cause.
• They come to you with something they think you want, need or could use.
• They come to you with valuable information.

Your load is 10+STR. You start with dungeon rations (5 uses, 1 weight), Choose a look for your dragon:
chainmail (1 armor, 1 weight), and a symbol of the bond between you and Great Horns, Barbels, or Ridged Crest
your dragon, describe it! Choose your armament: Sinuous Body, Powerful Body, or Spiny Body
o Spear (reach, thrown, near, 1 weight) and shield (+1 armor, 2 weight) Shining Scales, Stony Scales, or Fine Scales
o Recurve bow (near, 1 weight) and bundle of arrows (3 ammo, 1 weight)
o Halberd (reach, +1 damage, two-handed, 2 weight) Choose strengths for your dragon equal to your
Choose one: Link:
o Adventuring gear (5 uses, 1 weight) Swift, strong, quick reflexes, tireless, agile,
o Broadsword (close, 1 weight) ferocious, intimidating, keen senses, cunning
o Poultices and herbs (2 uses, slow, 1 weight)
o Something that would satisfy your dragon’s cost, tell us what! Choose one weakness for your dragon:
Flighty, headstrong, prideful, hot-tempered,
vindictive, arrogant, easily distracted

L ink:

When you gain a level from 2-5, choose from these moves. When you gain a level from 6-10, choose from these moves or the level 2-
5 moves.
o Battle Standard
You have a symbol of some kind that you use to inspire others—maybe not a o Burninator
literal standard, but something visible and obvious. When you raise your When you command your dragon to use a move that deals damage, on a
standard in support of a cause, anyone who joins that cause gains 1d6 10+ add two of the following tags to the attack: piercing 3, forceful, messy,
temporary hit points until you lower your standard (by your own choice or area. On a 7-9, add one tag.
not) or they turn away from your cause. Any damage they take must reduce
these temporary hit points before being applied to their own hit points. o Conflagration
Requires: Ignition
o Dragon Eye When you draw upon the fire within your soul, roll+Link. *On a hit, you
You can always see through your dragon’s eyes as if they were your own, no breathe fire; deal your damage to all creatures in the path of the flames. *On
matter the distance. a 7-9, you also either deal your damage to yourself (ignoring armor), or the
flames get out of control.
o Faerie Dragon
Your dragon can shrink itself to the size of a housecat or back to its normal o Dragon Heart
size at your command, no need to roll. While in this small form your dragon When you Make Camp, hold 1. When you would reduce your Link, you may
cannot use any of its other moves. It can still fly, it just can’t carry you. spend this hold instead of reducing your Link.

o Fáfnir o Gold Standard

Treasure can never hide from you. When you are in the presence of Requires: Battle Standard
something hidden and valuable, you spot it right away. Those who join the cause you raise your standard for gain 2d6 temporary hit
points, instead of 1d6.
o Fiery Crusader
Gain a move of your level or lower from the paladin or immolator playbook. o Loyal Unto Death
When your dragon takes a blow that was meant for you, the damage is
o Ignition negated, but reduce your Link by 1.
When you draw dragon-wrath into your weapon, the weapon gains the
fiery tag as long as you wield it. o My Armor Is Like Tenfold Shields
While you are riding your dragon, you have armor equal to your Link.
o Mighty Charge
When you charge an enemy while riding your dragon, your attack is o My Teeth Are Swords, My Claws Spears
forceful and deals +1d6 damage, but on a 7-9 you are also dismounted after Requires: Mighty Charge
the attack. When you deal damage while riding your dragon, add your Link to the
o Targaryen o Paragon of Flame
Heat and flame can no longer harm you (though they can still burn or melt Gain a move of your level or lower from the paladin or immolator playbook.
your possessions).
o Thundering Voice
o W atch How I Soar When you use Voice of Fire, on a 12+ you can instead choose one NPC
When you use Dragonrider, on a 10+ choose one of the following: specifically to impress. The GM chooses their reaction from the list.
• You get there much quicker than you expected
• You get the drop on any danger waiting for you there o W yrm-Tongue
You speak the language of dragons. Any creature of this world will
o W ell-Trained understand what you say, and you can understand them.
Choose another move for your dragon from the list.
Dwarf: Maran, Halnar, Donarak, Varas, Balgrim, Armeril, Skori, Kalna, Haegara Hard Eyes, Wary Eyes, or Eyepatch
Human: Wallace, Bertrand, Roger, Tomoe, Maeve, Emilia, Caterina, Halvard, Sigmund Helmet, Bald, or Long Ponytail
Old Uniform, Tattered Clothing, or Rust-Stained Clothing
Scarred Body, Bulky Body, or Toned Body


o Good I’ll Be There For You
Suffer or endure hardship so that someone else does not have to. When you make a promise to protect someone, they become your ward. You may only
have one ward at a time. When you Defend your ward, you get the following benefits:
o Lawful • You take +1 armor forward
Fulfill a promise to protect someone during a dangerous journey • If you get a 6- on your Defend roll, treat it as a 7-9 instead
or situation. • Add the following option to Defend: “Give your ward an opportunity to escape a
dangerous situation
o Chaotic
Upstage, humiliate, or dethrone an unjust or evil authority figure.
Payback Time
Choose two things that make you burn with righteous anger when you encounter them:
Race o Bullying, slavery, and oppression
o Dwarf o Wanton cruelty and unnecessary suffering
Choose a specific type of foe, such as demons, goblin-kin, o Injustice and inequality
dragon-kin, or undead. When you enter battle with your o Cowardice, treachery, and selfishness
chosen foe, you burn with righteous anger. o Threats to your loved ones
o The despoiling of beauty and innocence
o Violence to children, animals, and the innocent
o Human o Perversions of nature
You’re an experienced bodyguard. While you are Defending,
you do not need to spend hold to redirect an attack from the When you burn with righteous anger, hold 3 Payback. When you act on your anger,
thing you are defending to yourself; you just do it. spend a Payback to:
• Act despite pain, fear, or doubt
• Act suddenly and with conviction, catching your foe off-guard
• Add +1d6 damage and the forceful tag to your next attack
Fill in the names of your companions in at least one:
• Stand fast, keeping your position, stance, and course despite what befalls you
• Throw off the effects of being stunned, confused, or enchanted
__________ was one of my first wards, but things have changed
between us since then.
When there are no threats to you or your ward in sight, lose all of your held Payback.
I’ve saved __________’s life more than once.

__________ is always getting into trouble, I must protect them

from themselves. Make a Stand
When you call out someone’s villainous actions and demand they stand down,
__________ has been on the wrong side of my wrath before. roll+CHA. *On a 10+, they choose one:
• Cease what they are doing and back off
• Focus their attention on you and attack, and you take +1 forward against them
*On a 7-9, they can choose either of the above, or:
• Dissemble, stall, make excuses, defer to another, or argue the point

Your Load is 10+STR. You start with dungeon rations (5 uses, 1 weight),
chain mail (1 armor, 1 weight), a shield, (+1 armor, 1 weight), and a melee
weapon of your choice (close, 1 weight). Choose one:
o Adventuring gear (5 uses, 1 weight)
o Healing potion
o Antitoxin and bandages (3 uses)
o Keg of dwarven stout (4 weight)

When you gain a level from 2-5, choose from these moves. When you gain a level from 6-10, choose from these moves or the level 2-
5 moves.
o Armored
You ignore the clumsy tag on armor you wear. o Avenging Strike
When you spend a hold from Defend to deal damage, you deal +1d4
o Bastion damage and scar, mark, or diminish your target in some way, the GM will
When you Defend someone you have a bond with, you take +Bond armor tell you how.
forward. This is in addition to the armor bonus if they are your ward.
o Beacon of Hope
o Bodyguard When you make a stand against the darkness while in sight of your
When you use your promise of protection as leverage, you may Parley ward, your ward holds 1 Payback, which they can spend just like you can.
with CON instead of CHA, but on a hit they must become your ward until
your promise is fully kept. o Eternal Flame
If you are reduced to zero HP while you hold Payback, you keep fighting and
o Burning Bright don’t take your Last Breath until you spend all your Payback. When you take
Choose a third thing that makes you burn with righteous anger. damage when you are at zero HP, you lose 1 Payback.

o Crusader o Mirror Shield

Gain a non-multiclass move from the paladin playbook, except Quest. While you have a shield equipped, add the following option to Defend:
• Redirect a spell or magical effect from the thing you defend to the
o Hell’s Gate ground, making it fizzle harmlessly
When your ward would take their Last Breath in your presence, you may
intercede with Death on their behalf. They will live for now, but Death will o Paragon
demand a favor or bargain from you in exchange. Gain a non-multiclass move from the paladin playbook, except Quest.

o Just Bring It o The People’s Champion

When you use Make a Stand, if your foe attacks you, you also get +1 Requires: Just Bring It
Payback. When you use Make a Stand, on a 12+ you fluster or intimidate your foe;
you choose how they react from the list.
o Shield Bash
When you Hack and Slash while wielding a shield, you may deal +1d6 o Shield Slam
damage. If you do, take -1 armor forward as well. Replaces: Shield Bash
When you Hack and Slash while wielding a shield, you deal +1d8 damage.
o Sleep W ith One Eye Open
When you stand watch for an entire night, you always see anything o Sleep W ith Both Eyes Open
approaching your camp in time to wake the camp and prepare a response, as Replaces: Sleep With One Eye Open
if you had rolled a 10+ to Take Watch. However, doing this exhausts your When you stand watch for an entire night, you always see anything
vigilance; you lose the benefits of having a ward until you get a proper approaching your camp in time to wake the camp and prepare a response, as
night’s sleep, then you can choose a new ward. if you had rolled a 10+ to Take Watch.

o Vigilant o Retribution
Add these to the list of Discern Realities questions: When you have engaged a foe in melee and they break off or make an
• How can I get my ward out of here? attack that doesn’t include you, you may deal your damage to them.
• What here poses the greatest threat to my ward?
o You Shall Not Pass
Add the following option to Payback Time:
• Glare at an approaching enemy, stopping them dead in their tracks
Names: Nihlath, Myrkul, Azoth, Mordecai, Nija, Nihasa, Prosperine, Zente, Dante Haunted Eyes, Dead Eyes, or Inky Black Eyes
Deep Hood, Bald, or Styled Hair
Tattered Robes, Heavy Cloak, or Funerary Attire
Bony Body, Pale Body, or Corpulent Body

o Lawful Undertaker
Carry out a spirit’s last request. When you perform last rites over a recently dead or dying sentient creature, you gain
1 Soul, and you may ask the deceased’s player the following questions, they must answer
o Neutral you truthfully:
Help someone to understand death or soothe their grief. • What caused your death?
• What regret burdens your soul?
o Evil You may hold a maximum of 3 Soul. You begin play with 2 Soul.
Exploit your power over death for personal gain.

Race Soul M agic

Death doesn’t care who or what you are. All are equal in his You can cast any spell from the Reaper spell list of your level or lower without needing to
eyes. Choose any race you want, it doesn’t matter. prepare them first. When you cast a Reaper spell, roll+WIS. *On a hit, the spell is
successfully cast. *On a 10+, choose a consequence from the list below. *On a 7-9, choose
two consequences.
• You spend 1 Soul
• The spell has other effects as well
• You may not cast this spell again until after the next time you Make Camp
Fill in the names of your companions in at least one: • You draw attention to yourself or put yourself in a spot, the GM will tell you
One of __________’s ancestors gave me a message for them, but
I’m waiting for the right time to give it to them.
I brought __________ back from Death’s Door.
When you verbally rebuke an undead creature and spend 1 Soul, roll+CHA. *On a
10+, choose three. *On a 7-9, choose one.
__________ fears the power I wield over souls. I will help them
to understand. • You deal your damage to the target, ignoring armor
• You place a burden upon them, limiting their supernatural abilities
__________’s beliefs about the afterlife are wrong. I shall try to • The target may not come any closer to you, as long as you lock its gaze
show them the truth. • You may ask two questions from the Discern Realities list about the target

Death Lore
When you first encounter an important creature, location, or item that pertains to
spirits, the undead, or the afterlife, you can ask the GM any one question about it; the
GM will answer truthfully.

Additionally, when you Spout Lore about spirits or the lands beyond the Black Gate,
you roll with WIS instead of INT.

Your load is 6+STR. You start with dungeon rations (5 uses, 1 weight), two
coins, and the tools you use to perform last rites, describe them! Choose two:
o Scythe (close, two-handed, 1 weight) and antitoxin (0 weight)
o Sacrificial dagger (hand, 1 weight) and bandages (3 uses, slow, 0 weight)
o Bag of books (5 uses, 2 weight)
o Healing potion

When you gain a level from 2-5, choose from these moves. When you gain a level from 6-10, choose from these moves or the level 2-
5 moves.
o Ashes to Ashes
When you perform last rites, you may choose to turn the corpse you have o Cross the Veil
used to ashes. That corpse can never be raised again, including as an undead, When you step partially into the land of shadows and spend 1 Soul, you
nor can its spirit be contacted in any way, short of direct intervention by turn yourself insubstantial. Your can pass through solid objects, and
Death himself. mundane weapons will pass through you. You may still be repelled or
harmed by magic or energy. Attacking or casting a spell ends this effect.
o Canopic Jars
The maximum number of Soul you can hold is now 4. o Dust to Dust
Requires: Ashes to Ashes
o Exorcist When you reduce a living creature to zero HP, you may turn its corpse to
ashes, as per the Ashes to Ashes move. If you do, you instantly gain 1 Soul.
You can now use Castigate on spirits and extra-planar creatures. When you
do, add the following option to the Castigate list:
• You drive the target out of any person or object they are
o Expel
Requires: Exorcist
possessing, and prevent them from possessing anything else as
When you deal damage with Castigate, deal +1d6 damage, and when you
long as you are present
reduce an undead, spirit, ghost, or extra-planar creature to zero HP, it is
henceforth barred from appearing on the material plane in any form. If the
o Ferryman creature would be sent back beyond the Black Gates, Death will personally
When you Parley with ghosts and other intelligent undead, you may offer make sure it never leaves his domain again.
the comfort of oblivion as leverage. If they accept, they depart this world for
the one beyond the Black Gates. o Grim Reaper
Any weapon you wield draws power from beyond the Black Gates. Your
o I See Dead People weapon can affect insubstantial creatures as if they were solid, and your
You no longer have to roll to cast the spell Spirit Medium; you can just cast attacks get +Soul piercing.
it whenever you like. Additionally, Spirit Medium no longer has an ongoing
cost. o Memento Mori
When you take your Last Breath, take +Soul to the roll.
o Phantom Guard
While you have at least one Soul, you have 2 armor. o Phantom Armor
Replaces: Phantom Guard
o Reverence While you have at least one Soul, you have 3 armor.
Choose a spell from the cleric list. You may cast that spell as if it were one
of your own. o Rest In Peace
You no longer need to spend Souls to use Castigate.
o The Scales of Life and Death
When someone takes their Last Breath in your presence, they take +1 to o Soul M astery
their roll. When you cast a spell, on a 12+, choose no consequences.

o Spirits of Knowledge o Spirits of W arning

When you enter a new place, the spirits of the dead will tell you a fact from When you consult the spirits of those who died at your location,
the history of that location or something that has changed since you were roll+CHA. *On a 10+, a spirit will guide you past danger, keep you from
there last. becoming lost, or show you something hidden. *On a 7-9, a spirit will show
you a danger, but no more than that.
o Vital Transfer o Vital Infusion
When you touch someone, you can spend 1 Soul to heal them of 1d6 Requires: Vital Transfer
damage, as many times as you like, as long as you have Souls to spend. You When you use Vital Transfer, you heal 2d6 damage per Soul spent instead.
can use this ability on yourself if you wish.
First Level Spells
o Speak With Dead level 1 o Spirit Medium level 1 ongoing
A corpse converses with you briefly. It will answer any three questions you While this spell is ongoing, you can detect and interact with ghostly,
pose to it to the best of the knowledge it had in life and the knowledge it insubstantial, or extra-planar entities, and you take -1 to cast a spell. Any
gained in death. such creatures will be aware of you while this spell is ongoing, and more
likely to interact with you.
o Spook level 1 ongoing
Choose a target you can see and a nearby object. The target is afraid of the o Corpse Lantern level 1
object so long as you maintain the spell. Their reaction is up to them: flee, You draw a spiritual lantern from beyond the Black Gates, which floats
panic, beg, or fight. While this spell is ongoing you take -1 to cast a spell. nearby you. It gives off no heat or sound and requires no fuel but is
You cannot target entities with less than animal intelligence (magical otherwise like a mundane lantern. You have complete control of the color of
constructs, undead, automatons, and the like). the lantern. The spell lasts until the next dawn.

Third Level Spells

o Séance level 3 o Shroud level 3 ongoing
Name the spirit you wish to contact (or leave it to the GM). You pull that Choose an area you can see: it’s filled with supernatural darkness and
creature through the planes; just close enough to speak to you. It is bound to shadow. While this spell is ongoing you take -1 to cast a spell.
answer any one question you ask to the best of its ability.

Fifth Level Spells

o Grim Visions level 5 o Unholy Blight level 5 ongoing
Cast this spell and gaze into a reflective surface to see where Death thinks A swarm of vicious insects from beyond the Black Gates of Death fill the
you are needed most right now. The GM will reveal the details of a grim immediate area. Whenever a creature in the area takes damage it takes an
portent to you—a bleak event that will come to pass without your additional, separate 1d4 damage, which ignores armor. This spell persists so
intervention. They will then tell you something useful about how you can long as you can see the affected area, or until you dismiss it.
interfere with the grim portent’s dark outcomes.

Seventh Level Spells

o Death Grip level 7 o Mark of Death level 7
Touch an enemy and strike them with the power from beyond the Black Choose a creature whose true name you know. This spell creates permanent
Gates, dealing 2d8 damage to them and 1d6 damage to yourself. This runes on a target surface that will kill that creature, should they read them.
damage ignores armor.

Ninth Level Spells

o Final Judgment level 9 o Doom level 9
The mindless undead creature you touch is destroyed and you steal its Name a city, town, encampment, or other place where people live. Death will
negative energy to heal yourself or the next ally you touch. The amount of pay them a little “visit”, in the Biblical sense, during the next night.
damage healed is equal to the HP that the creature had remaining before you
destroyed it.

Names: Leofrick, Syrio, Favian, Beatrix, Cordelia, Kasper, Joren, Annette, Garnier, Coronet, Fancy Hat, or Flowing Locks
Maerwynn, Rhyannon, Eleanor Shrewd Eyes, Haughty Eyes, or Greedy Eyes
Family Names: Altard, Beaumont, Cline, Herzog, de Montfault, Lowe, Gaveston, Oberst, Ostentatious Clothing, Fashionable Clothing, or Military Dress
Perevel, Rostilav, Talbot, Volodier Rotund Body, Immaculately Groomed, or Graceful Body

o Good Master of Your Domain
Protect the lands you rule from evil. You have claim to a stronghold and its surrounding lands. Describe it and give it a name,
and place it on the map as a keep. Your stronghold begins with the following tags: Poor
o Evil Prosperity, Shrinking Population, Guard Defenses, and Oath(protection for nearby lands).
Increase your fortunes at the expense of another. Take the Stronghold sheet and choose features for your stronghold on it, and the GM will
then add Need(a resource of the GM’s choice).
o Neutral While your stronghold is secure and you are present to rule it unchallenged, at the
Increase the prestige of yourself or your stronghold. start of the session, roll+CHA. *On a 10+, choose two. *On a 7-9, choose one.
• Gain 1 Surplus

Stronghold •

Gain a unit of any resource your stronghold produces
Your stronghold is free from want or danger for the time being
o Conqueror
You seized your stronghold by force, and rule with an iron fist.
Castle Builder
When you command your retainers or make the Master of
When you endeavor to add or remove a feature to your stronghold tell the GM what
Your Domain move, roll with STR instead of CHA.
you’re trying to achieve. The GM will give you one to four of the following conditions,
when you meet them all, you get your desired change:
o Scion • You’ll need help from ________
Your family has held these lands for many generations. Your • You must spend some Surplus
stronghold begins with 1 Surplus, and name a relative who holds
• You must spend a unit of ________
a position of power in a nearby steading; they will usually be
• It will take weeks/months/years
willing to aid you for a reasonable price.
• First you must ________
• You’ll need to acquire ________
o Champion • You and your allies will risk danger from ________
You received this stronghold as reward for some prior service,
and people are eager to join your banner. When you recruit
from your lands, you automatically get a 10+ on the roll. Loyal Retainers
You have a few (4-7) loyal retainers who will back you up, follow your orders, impress
people, carry things, and help you conduct your business. Choose what type of people
compose your retainers:
o Noble Courtiers: When they help you Parley, on a 10+, ask your subject a
Fill in the names of your companions in at least one:
question; they must answer it truthfully.
o Seasoned Warriors: When they help you fight, your damage die is a d10.
__________ helped me get where I am today, and I owe them
o Stalwart Guards: When they help you fight, you get +1 armor.
for it.
o Wise Scholars: When they help you Spout Lore, you roll with CHA instead of
__________ is a great help to my stronghold. I always listen to
their council.
Treat your retainers as a single hireling with skill points equal to your level+1, and the
cost, “service to your stronghold”. When you command your retainers to do something
I tolerate __________ for the service they bring, but I wouldn’t
like you would a hireling, roll with CHA instead of Loyalty.
trust them.

__________’s family and mine have some history. I hope it

doesn’t cause us problems.

Your Load is 7+STR. You start with dungeon rations (5 uses, 1 weight), a
melee weapon of your choice (close, 2 weight), a horse, and a signet ring
identifying you as a member of the nobility, describe your emblem or coat of
arms! Choose three:
o Chain mail (1 armor, 1 weight)
o Shield (+1 armor, 2 weight)
o Healing Potion
o Adventuring gear (5 uses, 1 weight)
o 1 Surplus
o Keg of dwarven stout (4 weight)

When you gain a level from 2-5, choose from these moves. When you gain a level from 6-10, choose from these moves or the level 2-
5 moves.
o Bodyguards
When you Defend while accompanied by your retainers, you get +1 hold, o Court Intrigue
even on a miss. When you meet with someone for diplomatic affairs, ask the GM two
questions from the list below, they will answer truthfully:
o Council • Is there an ambush waiting for me?
When you call a council at your stronghold and spend 1 Surplus, ask the • What are they really feeling?
GM two of the following questions, they will answer truthfully: • What is my best way out of this?
• What is the greatest threat to my stronghold, right now? • Who is watching?
• Who would be willing to trade ________ for ________ with me?
• Who holds influence in/with ________? o Devoted Retainers
• What is the relationship between ________ and ________? Requires: Voice of Authority
You never need to roll to command your retainers; they will obey even the
most dangerous of orders from you without hesitation.
o Everyone W ants Something
When you Parley with someone or Discern Realities connected to them, o Diplomat
on a hit you can also ask the GM one of these questions; they will answer When you send a letter requesting a person’s presence in your
truthfully: stronghold, roll+CHA. *On a 10+, they agree to visit with the expectation of
• What does this person really want from me? hospitality. *On a 7-9, they name some terms, meet them or they refuse.
• What does this person value most?
• What is the most valuable thing here? o Fantastic Estates
Requires: Wealthy Estates
o Festival When you use your influence to acquire something ridiculously rare or
You may spend 1 Surplus to make the Carouse move, even if you haven’t expensive, spend at least 1 Surplus and roll+Surplus spent. *On a hit, it will
returned triumphant. If you do, roll+CHA instead of coins spent, and on a be yours. *On a 7-9, there will be strings attached.
12+ you can choose as many options as you like.
o Field Marshal
o Hold Court When you organize your land’s defenses against a threat, your lands get
When you hold court and hear the problems of the people, the GM will +Defenses as long as you are present and involved.
tell you of at least one opportunity within your stronghold or the areas
surrounding it. o Masterful Strategist
Gain a non-multiclass move from the warlord playbook.
o Largesse
When you bestow gifts to a person or group, spend 1 Surplus and o Metropolis
roll+CHA. *On a 10+, they are impressed and feel the need to reciprocate. When you gain this move, your stronghold immediately gets +Population,
*On a 7-9, they are merely impressed and treat you with respect. Not +Prosperity, or +Defenses, your choice, and add the following to the list of
everyone in the community may feel this way, but the majority does. *On a available features for your stronghold that you can add with Castle Builder:
6-, they remain superficially cordial at least, but you’ve attracted unwanted o A mighty cathedral. Add Divine.
attention. o A wizard and their tower. Name them and add Arcane.
o Ambassadors and craftsmen from far-distant lands. Add either
Dwarven or Elven.
o Strategist
Gain a non-multiclass move from the warlord playbook.
o Spoils of W ar
When you return home triumphant after dealing with a threat to your
o Talented Retainers stronghold, you gain 1 Surplus.
Choose a second type of people that compose your retainers.
o Versatile Retainers
o Voice of Authority Choose a move from another playbook. You may use this move as long as
Take +1 to order hirelings, including your retainers. you are accompanied by your retainers.

o W ealthy Estates o You W in or You Die

When you use your influence to acquire something unusual or expensive, Requires: Council
spend at least 1 Surplus and roll+Surplus spent. *On a hit, it will be yours. When you call a council, ask three questions instead of two, and add, “Can I
*On a 7-9, there will be strings attached. trust ________?” and “Can I trust ________ to ________?’to the list of
questions you can ask.
Name your stronghold: _________________________________________ Stronghold tags

Describe your stronghold: (Choose at least one in each category) Defenses

_____________________________ Oath (protection for nearby lands)
o Set atop a promontory overlooking the sea
o Lonely, hidden and remote among the forest or moors Prosperity _____________________________
_____________________________ Need ( )
o Guards a major crossroads, either man-made or natural
o Built around, atop, or inside something interesting Population _____________________________

o Constructed in ancient times, yet well preserved _____________________________ _____________________________

o Rebuilt from the ruins of a much older structure
o Fresh and modern architecture, but untried in a real war _____________________________ _____________________________
o Notably unique in design or material

o Grim and foreboding, a gargoyle on every gutter

o A shining beacon of light, with graceful arches and soaring towers Resources in stock
o Stout and pragmatic, built for function rather than appearances
o Lavishly decorated with the most trendy of furnishings _____________________________ _____________________________

o Bears the marks of assaults turned back _____________________________ _____________________________

o Once a place of great wealth and commerce
o Has changed hands many times _____________________________ Surplus: ________________
o The site of a legendary mystical event
Surplus is not necessarily coin, but also building materials, goodwill,
o Labyrinthine, with hidden passages and catacombs political favors owed, and so forth. Resources may be turned into Surplus if
o A fortified monastery or similar religious structure you have a trading partner, or they can be used to build upgrades, or used as
o Steeped in intrigue and politics currency in negotiations with other steadings. In a pinch, you can turn 1
o Haunted by ghosts or similar spirits Surplus into 2d6 x your Charisma (the stat itself, not the modifier) in coins.
o Built by another race, either as slaves or inhabitants You cannot turn coins into Surplus.
o A patchwork of many different peoples and buildings
o Utilizes unique and unusual technology
o A forgotten history, full of secrets and riddles Notable features and persons
Choose three features for the lands your stronghold rules: _____________________________ _____________________________
o Sturdy walls and manned watchtowers. Add +Defenses.
o Skilled and seasoned warriors. Add +Defenses. _____________________________ _____________________________
o A bustling trade port on a good harbor. Add Market.
o A person of exceptional skill. Describe them and add Craft. _____________________________ _____________________________
o Hardworking and honest folk. Add either +Prosperity or
+Population. _____________________________ _____________________________
o Swift rivers and serene lakes, bringing fish and commerce. Add
Trade(a neighboring steading) and +Prosperity. _____________________________ _____________________________
o Rich farmland, dotted with manors. Add either +Population or
o A vast forest and all the hamlets and game therein. Add either Your retainers are: (Fill in the blanks for at least four)
Resource(timber) or Resource(game).
o Mountains, hills, and all the wild clans that live there. Add either • _____________________, who has served me the longest.
Resource(stone), Resource(iron) or Resource(horses).
o Sacred sites where the pilgrims come. Add Religion. • _____________________, the most reliable.
o A major highway leading to other nearby towns. Add Trade(a
neighboring steading) and +Population. • _____________________, the most cunning.
Choose one problem for your lands, and the GM chooses one as well:
• _____________________, the most fearsome.
o Someone else wishes to claim your lands for themselves. Describe
them and add Enmity.
• _____________________, who bears ____________________.
o There are monsters roaming about unchecked. Describe them and
add Blight.
o Your authority is weak, and discontent is rampant. Tell us why and • ___________________________________________________
add Lawless.
o You owe fealty, a debt, or support to someone else. Describe them • ___________________________________________________
and add Oath(your seigneur).
o Some sinister force lurks deep within a dungeon in your lands,
perhaps under your stronghold itself! Describe what it is or where Retainer skills:______________________________________________
it lurks, but not both.
o Within your lands is a source of something wild, chaotic, or ______________________________________________
dangerous, which may attract unwanted attention from beyond
your lands. Tell us what it is and what desires it, but not both. ______________________________________________

The Dragon Knight
Your dragon is capable of flight, and can carry you and one
passenger with it. When you fly upon your dragon for a
When your soul is bonded to the soul of a young dragon, great distance or someplace dangerous, say where you
the next time you level up you may choose to gain this are going and roll+CON. *On a hit, you get where you
move: want to be. *On a 7-9, choose one.
• A threat is waiting for you when you arrive.
⃞ How to Train Your Dragon • The ride exhausts or injures your dragon, and it
You are empathically bonded to a young dragon, about the cannot fly until it gets some rest.
size of a horse. As long as you treat your dragon with • It takes longer than you expected to get where
respect, it will usually obey you. Your dragon is capable of you want.
speech like a human. When you whistle loudly for your
dragon when it is not nearby, it will quickly arrive at your
side in dramatic fashion.
If you have the move How To Train Your Dragon, these
Choose a name for your dragon: count as class moves for you; you can choose from them
Brodahmik, Heyvkaal, Venahkrin, Centhylion, Frethiel, when you level up:
Benthylios, Kenzodomu, Morokegos, Rovostraza,
Strunvahlok ⃞ Dragon Eye
You can always see through your dragon’s eyes as if they
Choose a look for your dragon: were your own, no matter the distance.
Great Horns, Barbels, or Ridged Crest
Sinuous Body, Powerful Body, or Spiny Body
Shining Scales, Stony Scales, or Fine Scales ⃞ Faerie Dragon
Your dragon can shrink itself to the size of a housecat or
Choose two strengths for your dragon: back to its normal size at your command, no need to roll.
Swift, strong, quick reflexes, tireless, ferocious, While in this small form your dragon cannot use any of its
intimidating, keen senses, agile, cunning other moves.
Choose one weakness for your dragon:
Flighty, headstrong, prideful, hot-tempered, vindictive,
⃞ Well-Trained
arrogant, easily distracted
Choose another move for your dragon from the list.
Choose a cost; your dragon expects its cost to be paid
regularly like a hireling’s would.
o Gold and jewels ⃞ Mighty Charge
o The blood of its enemies, specify who or what When you charge an enemy while riding your dragon,
they are your attack is forceful and deals +1d6 damage, but on a 7-9
o Ancient knowledge and magics you are also dismounted after the attack.
o The cowering obeisance of mortals

Choose three moves for your dragon. When you command ⃞ Burninator
your dragon to perform a move it knows, roll+CHA. When you command your dragon to use a move that
*On a 10+, the move is done, no problem. *On a 7-9, the deals damage, on a 10+ add two of the following tags to
move happens, but there’s either a consequence or the attack: piercing 3, forceful, messy, area. On a 7-9, add
limitation. If a move would deal damage, roll your own one tag.
damage die.
o Strike with fang and claw
o Belch forth elemental fury ⃞ Wyrm-Tongue
o Scout from high above
o Hunt or track by scent You speak the language of dragons. Any creature of this
o Intimidate with a mighty roar world will understand what you say, and you can
o Harry from the air understand them.
o Flap its wings to create a gust of wind
o Recall ancient lore
The Baron o Some sinister force lurks deep within a
dungeon in your lands, perhaps under your
stronghold itself! Describe what it is or
When you lay claim to a stronghold, either by where it lurks, but not both.
birthright, conquest, or grant from someone else, o Within your lands is a source of something
gain the following moves: wild, chaotic, or dangerous, which may
attract unwanted attention from beyond your
lands. Tell us what it is and what desires it,
but not both.
You have claim to a great hall and its surrounding
lands. Describe it, and place it on the map as a keep.
Your hall begins with the following tags: Poor
Prosperity, Shrinking Population, Guard Defenses,
Oath(protection for nearby lands) and Need(a If you have the move Landed, these count as class
resource of the GM’s choice). moves for you; you can choose from them when you
level up:
Choose three features for the lands your
stronghold rules: ⃞ Hold Court
o Sturdy walls and manned watchtowers. Add When you hold court and hear the problems of the
+Defenses. people, the GM will tell you of at least one
o Skilled and seasoned warriors. Add opportunity within your lands.
o A bustling trade port on a good harbor. Add
Market. ⃞ Spoils of War
o A person of exceptional skill. Describe them
Requires: Hold Court
and add Craft.
When you successfully deal with a problem in your
o Hardworking and honest folk. Add either
lands set forth by the GM or successfully pursue
+Prosperity or +Population.
an opportunity you heard about while holding
o Swift rivers and serene lakes, bringing fish
court, you may add another feature to your lands
and commerce. Add Trade(a neighboring
from the list.
steading) and +Prosperity.
o Rich farmland, dotted with manors. Add
either +Population or Resource(crops).
o A vast forest and all the hamlets and game ⃞ Field Marshal
therein. Add either Resource(timber) or When you organize your land’s defenses against a
Resource(game). threat, your lands get +Defenses as long as you are
o Mountains, hills, and all the wild clans that present and involved.
live there. Add either Resource(stone),
Resource(iron) or Resource(horses).
o Sacred sites where the pilgrims come. Add ⃞ Call the Banners
Religion. When you recruit from your lands, treat a 6- as if
o A major highway leading to other nearby you had rolled a 7-9 instead.
towns. Add Trade(a neighboring steading)
and +Population.
⃞ Court Intrigue
Choose one problem for your lands, and the GM
When you meet with someone for diplomatic
chooses one as well:
affairs, ask the GM two questions from the list below,
o Someone else wishes to claim your lands for
they will answer truthfully:
themselves. Describe them and add Enmity.
• Is there an ambush waiting for me?
o There are monsters roaming about
• What are they really feeling?
unchecked. Describe them and add Blight.
o Your authority is weak, and discontent is • What is my best way out of this?
rampant. Tell us why and add Lawless. • Who is watching?
o You owe fealty, a debt, or support to
someone else. Describe them and add
Oath(your seigneur).
Stress and Horror II. Stress
Rules for Dungeon The core of the new mechanic presented here is
World called Stress. Stress is an abstraction of the
psychological fatigue and strain that comes from
prolonged exposure to dangerous environments and
the threat of sudden and imminent harm. Characters
accrue Stress by encountering things that are either
I. Preface physically or emotionally painful, by wearing down
their resolve over time, or by witnessing acts of
The following rules deal with incorporating stress horror. Coping with and removing Stress is key to
and madness into your game, for groups interested in survival.
exploring a darker or grimmer Dungeon World. The
material presented herein may be unsettling to some All characters begin with zero Stress. This amount
people. Please let courtesy and respect be your guide will wax and wane as the characters explore the
in dealing with disturbing things. Feel free to make dungeon, confront both literal and figurative demons,
use of the X-Card if things are getting too and find ways to cope with their experiences. Stress
uncomfortable for you. (http://tinyurl.com/x-card- can never go below zero. While Stress normally
rpg) accrues over time spent in the dungeon, it is not a
direct threat to the characters until they encounter
To reflect the needs of a game about such things, add something that truly tests their nerve.
the following to your list of GM principles:
New basic move: Steel Yourself
Address the characters’ humanity When you steel yourself against extreme pain,
Rarely do people return from adventures unscathed stress or horror and power through, roll+Stress.
and unchanged. Events and actions take a toll on *On a 6-, you’re okay for now. *On a 7-9, choose
people. Sure, you may have emerged from the one. *On a 10-11, choose two.
dungeon with the lich’s treasure, but now you don’t
• You flinch or hesitate from the fear or pain.
dare sleep at night. Because that’s when you see the
• Your nerves are rattled; take -1 forward
horrible things the lich’s magic revealed to you, and
when you act against the source of your fear.
you wake up screaming.
• You gain 1 Stress.
This principle emphasizes that a life of adventure
*On a 12+, gain 1 Stress, and choose a reaction from
also takes an emotional toll on a person. Achieving a
this list:
goal will require a sacrifice. What price is too high?
• Run screaming in terror until the threat is
How far will you go to get what you want?
out of your sight.
• Drop whatever it is you’re holding, and
freeze in shock until someone or something
snaps you out of it. Anything that happens
around you goes unnoticed.
Reference Material, Suggested Reading, and • Fly into an uncontrolled rage until the threat
Touchstones: is gone. Expect collateral damage.
• Gain a Quirk of the GM’s choice.
Darkest Dungeon: http://www.darkestdungeon.com
Deathtrap Dungeon World, an article by Sersa Note that for this move, you want to roll low. You do
Victory: http://www.critical- not mark XP on a 6- from this move.
Stress is primarily relieved by seeking solace in a New auxiliary Stress moves:
vice or other activity that eases the tormented soul. When you fulfill your alignment goal or resolve a
There are many ways to accomplish this, but most Bond at the end of a session, you may remove 1
people have some preference. When you create your Stress instead of marking XP.
character, choose your preferred solace from the
following list: When you Recover, every two days you do nothing
• Faith: You prefer to seek solace through but rest in comfort and safety, you also remove 1
intense prayer or similar rituals. This may Stress.
include penance, tithing, or self-flagellation.
• Gambling: You prefer to seek solace in When you willingly and deliberately lose your cool
games of chance or by taking risks. while acting under stress, remove 1d4 Stress and
• Hedonism: You prefer to seek solace with gain a Quirk of the GM’s choice.
wild revelry or by indulging in the pleasures
of the flesh. When your Stress reaches 10, it all becomes too
• Catharsis: You prefer to seek solace by much. You either go permanently, incurably mad or
letting it pour out of you violently, perhaps suffer a fatal heart attack. Either way, this is the end
in a fighting pit or through hours of harsh for you.
training or similar physical exertion.
• Narcotic: You prefer to seek solace with
strong drink or some other drug that lets you New GM move: Inflict Stress
forget your troubles. “Nothing like marching through freezing, rank
stagnant water while your armor chafes and your
New basic move: Seek Solace heavy backpack cuts into your shoulders. Except
When you spend an evening seeking solace to maybe doing all of this surrounded by darkness that
relieve Stress, spend 3d6 coins and roll: hides things that want to rend you limb from limb.
• +1 if you have someone to watch your back Oh look, there go some half-eaten corpses floating
and confide in while you indulge by. Hey, I think I know one of those guys. Wonder if
that will be me soon? And now the map has gotten
• +1 if you have a safe place to indulge that is
wet and we can’t read it anymore. Gods, I hate you
firmly in your control
• +1 if you have just returned victorious
• +1 if you are indulging in your preferred
Adventuring is full of all kinds of horrifying things
that can take a toll on both body and mind. When the
• -2 if you can’t—or won’t—pay the coin
characters endure things that would make most
normal people turn tail and run for home, inflict some
*On a hit, remove 2d4 Stress. *On a 7-9, choose one
Stress on them. For low intensity stressors over a
or the other. *On a 6-, both:
prolonged period of time (a long march in the cold
• You only remove 1d4 Stress instead
with little sleep, food, or comfort), or a sudden
• Your actions cause some trouble, or draw stressful event without a persistent threat (a trap
unwanted attention suddenly harming someone), just tell them to gain 1
Stress. If the source of the stress is something more
Examples of trouble: potent or an active danger that must be confronted,
• You lost a lot of money at the gambling ask them to Steel Yourself, especially if the
table, and now you owe someone. characters are trying to act in the face of the stress.
• Something was stolen from you while you Charging into battle against a monster with the
were passed out drunk. terrifying tag is a good example of an action that
• The priest won’t grant you absolution until would trigger Steel Yourself.
you do something for him first.
III. Quirks List of Quirks

Quirks are the result of maladaptive responses to Gambler: Take an inadvisable risk to acquire wealth.
stress. The character has become slightly unhinged as
a result of their experiences, and has acquired a way Compulsion: Investigate something interesting while
to deal with stress that is potentially harmful to them ignoring the obvious risks.
socially in the long term. When you acquire a Quirk,
the GM will choose one from the list that they think Paranoia: Refuse help from, or refuse to help an ally
is appropriate to the stress acting upon you. when you could have.

A Quirk replaces your normal alignment move. Phobia: Run away from or go to great lengths to
Instead of gaining XP or relieving Stress at the end of avoid __________.
the session from fulfilling your alignment, you gain
this benefit when you fulfill your Quirk’s goal. Greed: Take more than your fair share of the party’s
Quirks also have an additional downside: At the end loot, or refuse to share your possessions with others.
of the session, if you did not fulfill your Quirk, you
gain 1 Stress. Withdrawal: Avoid putting yourself in harm’s way
when you could have helped someone by doing so.
Quirks should ideally create tension or conflict
between the characters, or get the character in trouble Guilt: Take on a responsibility you can’t handle.
with the environment. They are not an excuse to
disregard the group’s social contract or behave in a Savage: Reject the comforts that civilization offers
manner that creates resentment between players. As a when they would otherwise help you.
courtesy, please be mindful of your fellow players’
enjoyment when acting on a Quirk. Fearful: Act preemptively against a possible source
of harm.
A character can have multiple Quirks at once. If you
do have multiple Quirks, you must fulfill them all to Hopeless: Refuse to address an imminent threat.
gain the end of session benefit of marking XP or
relieving stress. If you have multiple Quirks that you Selfish: Choose short-term emotional comfort over
did not fulfill at the end of the session, you gain 1 the long-term benefit to your allies.
Stress for each Quirk that went unfulfilled. Having
multiple Quirks can add up the Stress in a hurry. Addiction: Relieve stress by __________, regardless
of the cost or convenience.
Removing Quirks is a matter of GM discretion, but
should involve some fairly significant confrontation Abusive: Lash out at an undeserving ally.
of one’s personal demons. Knowingly and willingly
acting against your Quirk and paying a considerable Masochistic: Put yourself in a position where you
price for doing so (at least 1 Stress, most likely more) will be physically injured.
is one possible way that Quirks can be removed.
Gluttony: Over-indulge in food, drink, or trappings
Upon removal of all of a character’s existing Quirks, of wealth to the point of extravagance or waste.
their normal alignment move returns to play.
Avarice: Hoard possessions and wealth, and don’t
use them, even if they would be helpful.

Megalomania: Make others recognize your

IV. New Moves If you prefer not to use the Stress mechanic but still
want to be able to test your characters’ steel, you can
The following advanced moves may be taken as part use this version of Steel Yourself instead:
of the normal Level Up process:
When you steel yourself against extreme pain,
New Barbarian advanced move: Gallows Humor stress or horror and power through, roll+WIS or
When you laugh boisterously in the face of certain CON, your choice. *On a 10+, you hold it together,
doom, everyone who can hear you takes -1 forward and may act as you please. *On a 7-9, choose one.
to Steel Yourself, including yourself. (This is a good • You flinch or hesitate from the fear or pain.
thing, since you want to roll low for this move.) • Your nerves are rattled; take -1 forward
when you act against the source of your fear.
New Bard advanced move: Inspiration *On a 6-, choose a reaction from this list:
When anyone you have a Bond with Seeks Solace • Run screaming in terror until the threat is
while in your company, they remove +Bond out of your sight.
additional Stress. • Drop whatever it is you’re holding, and
freeze in shock until someone or something
New Cleric advanced move: Absolution snaps you out of it. Anything that happens
When you cast a spell that heals HP, roll 1d4. If the around you goes unnoticed.
roll is higher than the amount healed, you also • Fly into an uncontrolled rage until the threat
remove 1 Stress from the target. is gone. Expect collateral damage.
• Gain a Quirk of the GM’s choice.
New Druid advanced move: Athelas
When you use herbs and poultices, you may remove At the end of the session, if you did not fulfill your
1 Stress from the target instead of healing HP. Quirk, take -1 ongoing to Steel Yourself for each
Quirk unfulfilled until you finally accomplish the
New Fighter advanced move: Battle Trance Quirk’s requirement.
While you are actively in combat, you never have to
Steel Yourself.

New Paladin advanced move: Zeal

While you are standing on the front lines against
the darkness, everyone who can see you gets -1
ongoing to Steel Yourself, including yourself.

New Ranger advanced move: Therapy Pet

Your animal companion always counts as someone to
watch your back and confide in while you relieve

New Thief advanced move: Den of Iniquity

When you ask your contacts in the criminal
underworld, they’ll tell you of a place where you can
relieve stress that is safe and firmly under your/their

New Wizard advanced move: Rationalist

While your Stress is less than or equal to your
INT, you take -1 to Steel Yourself.
Dungeon World
Quick Start Pack

Simplified basic playbooks for quick and easy-to-learn

One-shots or mini campaigns of Dungeon World

Including rules for both players and gamemaster

and tools for both world and adventure creation with no prep

A complete experience in one pack!

For use with the role-playing game Dungeon World, by Sage LaTorra and Adam Koebel

Written by Peter Johansen. Version October 27, 2017

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit
http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View,
California, 94041, USA.
Introduction Getting Started
Dungeon World is a world of fantastic adventure. A world of magic, gods To begin, select one of the eight provided playbooks, whichever one catches
and demons, of good and evil, law and chaos. Brave heroes venture into the your eye. Then perform the steps under “Start here”, detailed as follows:
most dangerous corners of the land in search of gold and glory. • Give your character a name, and choose options under Look to
describe your appearance (or make up some of your own)
Adventurers take many shapes in Dungeon World. Some are near-invincible • Choose one of the listed backgrounds, which will give you
beasts of battle encased in iron armor. Others are more mysterious, conjuring bonuses to two of the six stats: Strength (STR), Dexterity (DEX),
up and wielding the mighty forces of magic. Treasure and glory are sought Constitution (CON), Intelligence (INT), Wisdom (WIS), and
by a holy cleric, a tricky thief, a mighty paladin, and more. Charisma (CHA). Record these bonuses in the appropriate boxes in
the sheet. Your background will also give you an additional piece
It isn’t all easy heroics and noble bravery, though. Every time the ranger of gear, record this in the Gear section.
guides his friends through the ancient woods there are a hundred things • Choose one of your six stats, and add 1 to it as a personal specialty.
waiting to bite his head off. Slavering hordes of goblin troops, maybe. Or is Choose another of the six stats, and subtract 1 from it as a personal
this the Cursed Wood, where dwells the Gray Witch? Or the throngs of weakness. This may give you a stat of -1, that’s fine! Set any stats
hateful dead, looking to drag a meaty corpse back to their lair? Scary, sure, that have not been modified to zero.
but there’s treasure, too. More gold and jewels and magic lost to man have • Choose any other options that your playbook may require, such as
fallen between the cracks in the world than you can imagine. Who better to the fighter’s signature weapon or the thief’s poison.
retrieve it than a band of stalwart heroes?
When you are done, read the “How to Play” heading on the back of your
You and your friends are those heroes. You go where others can’t—or won’t. sheet. This section will also give you some questions to think about in the
There are monstrous things lurking in the world. Are you ready to face next phase: building the world together.
To begin with everyone on similar footing, we will assume that the
So, why play Dungeon World? characters all come from the same hometown, and the story will unfold near
First, to see the characters do amazing things. To see them explore the it. Your characters will know each other, and while they might not always
unexplored, slay the undying, and go from the deepest bowels of the world get along like best friends, they should at least be civil with one another and
to the highest peaks of the heavens. To see them caught up in momentous have motivation to work together for a common goal, even if they have their
events and grand tragedies. own motivations for pursuing these goals. If it helps, you can act each other
questions to better understand how your characters relate to one another. At
Second, to see them struggle together. To gather as a party despite their this point, you may wish you answer the questions you have under Bonds,
differences and stand united against their foes, or to argue over treasure, which will establish the shared past between your characters. It is not
debate battle plans, and join in righteous celebration over a victory hard-won. necessary to answer them all right now; you can save some for later.

Third, because the world still has so many places to explore. There are The questions on your playbooks will give you starting points to begin
unlooted tombs and dragon hoards dotting the countryside just waiting for describing your hometown and the lands around it. Perhaps your home is a
quick-fingered and strong-armed adventurers to discover them. That rough mining camp, a sleepy island port, or an idyllic place hidden deep in a
unexplored world has plans of its own. Play to see what they are and how forest. If you think of other questions to ask other players, feel free to do so,
they’ll change the lives of our characters. especially questions that will build the relationships you have with one
another. Perhaps you’d like to tell us about the last adventure you had
What’s Dungeon World like to play? together; that’s a great way to build both the world and your group. The GM
Playing Dungeon World is all about finding out what happens when your will come up with more questions as well. The answers you give will weave
characters encounter dangerous and exciting monsters, strange ruins, and together this new world.
unusual people on their quest for gold and glory. It’s a conversation between
the players and the GM—the GM tells the players what they see and hear in Next, the GM will ask questions that establish the premise of the situation,
the world around them and the players say what their characters are thinking, what your characters are doing and why. These questions will connect your
feeling, and doing. Sometimes those descriptions will trigger a move— characters to the threat or opportunity that you are facing. Lost ruins,
something that’ll cause everyone to stop and say “time to roll the dice to see monstrous hordes, and towers of evil wizards all make for good premises,
what happens.” For a moment everyone hangs on the edges of their seats as but each character will have their own stake in the action. The GM’s
the dice clatter to a stop. Tension and excitement are always the result, no questions will also help them create the opposition you will face on your
matter how the dice land. adventure. When you have enough details, the GM will give you a tense
situation, one that requires you to act, and ask, “What do you do?” The
To play Dungeon World, you’ll need to gather a few friends. Choose one action begins here.
person to be the Game Master (GM); they take the GM playbook and two
GM sheets. Everyone else will be a player, taking the role of the characters Your playbook provides you with a list of your moves, as well as a reference
in the game (we call these the player characters or PCs). As you play, the of basic moves on the reverse side of the sheet that everyone can do. This
players say what their characters say, think, and do. The GM describes may seem like a lot of information, but you don’t have to learn it all at once.
everything else in the world. Remember, Dungeon World is about having a conversation. Don’t think of
your moves as buttons to push to accomplish something, nor are these moves
Everyone at the table will need something to write with and some six-sided your only options in any situation. Rather, moves are the way the game rules
dice. Two dice is the minimum but two dice per player is a good idea. react to your actions in the story. When you describe your character carefully
You’ll also need some special dice: four-sided, eight-sided, and ten-sided. creeping across a shaky suspension bridge, the GM will tell you to Defy
Danger. Now it’s time to roll the dice, and see what happens. Focus on the
fiction. Do you want to Hack and Slash that goblin? Say how you attack it.
This quick-start pack contains the basic rules of Dungeon World in The GM will help you to notice when your actions trigger a move. In
abbreviated form, designed to facilitate ease of learning of core concepts, general: to do it, do it. There are some additional special moves on the back
especially for new players. The playbooks included here are modified to get of this page, but don’t worry about them just yet. They’ll come up in due
characters created as quickly as possible by omitting certain features more time.
relevant to long-term play. While these characters are designed with one-shot
sessions in mind, they can easily be adapted for longer play. The goal is to
help new players become comfortable with Dungeon World; its rules, its
conventions, and its style.
Equipment Special Moves
A good adventure usually ends with a reward, whether fame, favors, or Special moves are moves that come up less often or in more specific
fortune. Wealth in Dungeon World is measured in coin: the currency of the situations. They’re still the basis of what characters do in Dungeon World—
realm. It’s good pretty much everywhere. particularly what they do between adventures. Introduce them as they are
needed during the flow of the conversation.
After an adventure or at a break in the action, the characters may wish to
refill their backpacks and quivers. The following is a list of items that will Last Breath
typically be available for purchase: When you’re dying, you catch a glimpse of what lies beyond the Black
Gates of Death’s Kingdom (the GM will describe it). Then roll (just roll,
Short Bow 15 coins +nothing—yeah, Death doesn’t care how tough or cool you are). *On a 10+,
A common bow with a short but respectable range. you’ve cheated Death—you’re in a bad spot but you’re still alive. *On a 7-9,
Death himself will offer you a bargain. Take it and stabilize or refuse and
Long Bow 60 coins pass beyond the Black Gates into whatever fate awaits you. *On 6-, your fate
A bow of exceptional craftsmanship, capable of much greater range. is sealed. You’re marked as Death’s own and you’ll cross the threshold soon.
The GM will tell you when.
Bundle of arrows (3 ammo) 1 coin
Make Camp
Throwing knife 1 coin When you settle in to rest, consume a ration. If you’re somewhere
dangerous decide who will keep watch as well. When you wake from at least
A simple weapon 2 coins a few uninterrupted hours of sleep, heal damage equal to half your max HP.
Clubs, staves, and daggers. How lethal they are depends on the skill of the
one wielding it. You usually make camp so that you can do other things, like prepare spells
or commune with your god, or just get some sleep. Whenever you stop to
A martial weapon 8 coins catch your breath for more than an hour or so, you’ve probably made camp.
Swords, axes, warhammers, spears, and maces. Try to stick the pointy bits in
your enemies. Staying a night in an inn or house is making camp, too. Regain your hit
points as usual, but only mark off a ration if you’re eating from the food you
Leather armor (1 armor) 10 coins carry, not paying for a meal or receiving hospitality.
Boiled to make a rigid but lightweight cuirass. A good bit of armor often
means the difference between life and death in Dungeon World. Undertake a Perilous Journey
When you travel through hostile territory, choose one member of the party
Chainmail (2 armor) 50 coins to act as trailblazer, one to scout ahead, and one to be quartermaster. Each
More protection, but heavy and tough to move around with. Take -1 ongoing character with a job to do rolls+WIS. *On a 10+:
to all rolls while wearing this armor, unless you have the Armored move. • The trailblazer reduces the amount of time it takes to reach your
destination (the GM will say by how much).
Shield (+1 armor) 15 coins • The scout will spot any trouble quick enough to let you get the
Increases your armor by 1 when worn upon your arm. drop on it.
• The quartermaster reduces the number of rations required by one.
Adventuring gear (5 uses) 20 coins *On a 7-9, each role performs their job as expected: the normal number of
Adventuring gear is a collection of useful mundane items such as chalk, rations are consumed, the journey takes about as long as expected, no one
poles, spikes, ropes, etc. When you rummage through your adventuring gear gets the drop on you but you don’t get the drop on them either.
for some useful mundane item, you find what you need and mark off a use.
You can’t assign more than one job to a character. If you don’t have enough
Bandages (3 uses) 5 coins party members, or choose not to assign a job, treat that job as if it had been
When you have a few minutes to bandage someone else’s wounds, heal them assigned and the responsible player had rolled a miss.
of 4 damage and expend a use.
Distances in Dungeon World are measured in rations. A ration is the amount
Poultices and herbs (2 uses) 10 coins of supplies used up in a day. Journeys take more rations when they are long
When you carefully treat someone’s wounds with poultices and herbs, heal or when travel is slow. A perilous journey is the whole way between two
them of 7 damage and expend a use. locations. You don’t roll for one day’s journey and then make camp only to
roll for the next day’s journey, too. Make one roll for the entire trip.
Healing potion 50 coins
When you drink an entire healing potion, heal yourself of 10 damage or This move only applies when you know where you’re going. Setting off to
remove one debility, your choice. explore is not a perilous journey. It’s wandering around looking for cool
things to discover. Use up rations as you camp and the GM will give you
Bag of books (5 uses) 10 coins details about the world as you discover them.
When your bag of books contains just the right book for the subject you’re
Spouting Lore on, consult the book, mark off a use, and take +1 to your roll. Supply
When you go to buy something with coin on hand, if it’s something readily
Antitoxin 10 coins available in the place you’re in, you can buy it at market price. If it’s
When you drink antitoxin, you’re cured of one poison affecting you. something special, beyond what’s usually available here, or not mundane,
roll+CHA. *On a 10+, you find what you’re looking for at a fair price. *On a
Dungeon rations (5 uses) 3 coins 7-9, you’ll have to pay more or settle for something that’s not exactly what
Salted meats, dried fruit, and hardtack. Don’t forget to drink plenty of water. you wanted, but close. The GM will tell you what your options are.
Within Dungeon World are many lost artifacts and magical items. These Recover
typically cannot be bought with coin, but instead must be found or earned. When you do nothing but rest in comfort and safety, after a day of rest
you recover all of your HP. After three days of rest you remove one debility
Magic items are for you to make for your game. When making your own of your choice. If you’re under the care of a healer (magical or otherwise)
magic items, keep in mind that these items are magical. Simple modifiers, you heal a debility for every two days of rest instead.
like +1 damage, are the realm of the mundane—magic items should provide
more interesting bonuses.
Gamemaster’s Rules Building the World
This sheet isn’t for the other players, it’s for you, the Dungeon World GM. Building a whole world with almost no preparation can seem like a daunting
It’s not just advice or optional tips and tricks on how best to play. These are task. It requires trust in your fellow players, and a willingness to come out of
your procedures. These are your rules. your shell and let go of your own preconceived notions. Dungeon World
works best when everyone contributes, and the important stuff happens at the
The material on these sheets is taken from the GM chapter of Dungeon table, and not in the GM’s head.
World. (pages 159-174, 180-182) New GMs should review these rules
before playing, while veteran GMs may still find them to be helpful To begin with, ask questions. Each playbook has a list of starting questions
references to consult. to get players thinking about their characters’ place in the world. Every
answer they give you is an element that they would like added to the game,
Running a game of Dungeon World means following a framework created so use as many as possible.
by three things you have as a GM: Your agenda is what you set out to do
when you sit down at the table. Your principles are the guides that keep you A good way to make your world seem more real and connected is by making
focused on that agenda. Your moves—the GM moves, dungeon moves, a map, both of your village and the local area around it. Grab a blank piece
monster moves, etc—are the concrete, moment-to-moment things you do to of paper and take turns add features to it to make a map of your village.
move the game forward. These are detailed on the second GM sheet; read Every player (including the GM) then draws one or two buildings or features
them over before you begin play and keep them by your side, especially the of the village on the map, at least one of which should be relevant to
list of moves. When you’re having trouble deciding what happens next, look someone they know in the village. For example, if a character is an
at the list of moves and principles to get some ideas. apprentice blacksmith, they can draw a smithy. The new building should also
introduce the NPC that the character is connected to. Don’t forget to name
When you sit down at the table as a GM you do these things: your village!
Describe the world: First and foremost, you describe the immediate
situation around the players at all times. This is how you start a session, how For the area map, start with the location of the village in the center of the
you get things rolling after a snack break, get back on track after a great sheet, then each player draws one or two features on the map. These can be
joke: tell them what the situation is in concrete terms. The situation around parts of the terrain, an interesting ruin, a natural landmark, or even a distant
them is rarely “everything’s great, nothing to worry about.” They’re town. The GM can also suggest an overarching theme that ties everything
adventurers going on adventures—give them something to react to. together. For example, there may be an evil cult at work in the area, an
aggressive neighbor is bent on conquest of the area, or the village’s defenses
Use detail and senses to draw them in. The situation isn’t just an orc may have been devastated during a recent raid.
charging you, it’s an orc painted in blood swinging a hammer and yelling
bloody murder. You can leverage a lack of information, too. The sound of Once you have a map and some connections to the world, you should have a
clattering armor and shuffling feet, for instance. good idea of the status quo of the village. Adventure hasn’t come knocking
just yet, but there are rumbles of thunder in the distance. Now it’s time to
When you describe the situation, always end with “What do you do?” start shaking these foundations. How have things changed, recently, and for
Dungeon World is about action and adventure! Portray a situation that the worse? Perhaps there are rumors that the undead horde is on the march,
demands a response. or many of the village’s able-bodied men have recently fallen ill or been
killed in a battle. Relate the situation back to the characters to give them each
Follow the rules: This means your GM rules, sure, but also keep an eye on something that makes this danger personal, and finish by presenting a tense
the players’ moves. It’s everyone’s responsibility to watch for when a move situation that requires action.
has been triggered, including you. Stop the players and ask if they mean to
trigger the rules when it sounds like that’s what they’re doing. As your players are filling in their map, you should be looking over your
own Gamemaster playbook. Here, you’ll find a list of prompts to fill that
Part of following the rules is making moves. Your moves are different than will give you the basic structure of an adventure. Some of them you may
player moves and we’ll describe them in detail in a bit. Your moves are already be able to fill, other you may need to press for more information.
specific things you can do to change the flow of the game. You can answer a few in secret yourself, and keep them as surprises to be
revealed in play. Once you have enough details, take a short break, give
Exploit your prep: At times you’ll know something the players don’t yet people time to stretch their legs while you answer the questions under the
know. You can use that knowledge to help you make moves. Maybe the “prep the dungeon” move, and get ready for the action to begin.
wizard tries to cast a spell and draws unwanted attention. They don’t know
that the attention that just fell on them was the ominous gaze of a demon
waiting two levels below, but you do.
Next Steps
By the end of your first session, you should have the seed of a world to
explore with plenty of blanks left on the map, as well as some potential
“Prep” can mean a wide variety of resources. You might have brought a
threats that need to be defeated. While these quick-start characters are
dungeon or other location to the game, already mapped out, or you may have
designed for one-shots or short campaigns, they can easily keep going for as
a cast of characters, and know all their motivations. Or perhaps you simply
long as you wish just as they are. If you would like your characters to be able
decided something was true and now you are acting on that information. You
to grow in power as your campaign progresses, you can do so.
can also ask the players about their characters’ lives and histories, and add
those details to your prep.
The rules for experience points and character advancement have been
purposefully left out of this quick-start to cut down on complexity, but
There are no rules for assigning ad hoc modifiers to the they’re easy enough to add into the game. Alternatively, you can award the
players’ rolls for more difficult tests. Instead of raising the characters an advancement at certain milestones, such as at the end of the
difficulty, raise the stakes by making harder moves. A failed session. We have included advance cards with different options for each
move against a dragon will hurt a lot more than a failed move class to choose when they advance, in the style of advanced moves.
against a goblin.
If you are having difficulty improvising details, just go
Likewise, you can put obstacles in the characters’ way. The with whatever seems the most likely or obvious to you
charming gaze of a vampire or the incredible speed of a at the moment. What seems obvious to you may seem
master swordsman may mean that you have to Defy Danger brilliantly original to others.
just to get into striking range.
Leave blanks: It’s one of your principles, but it’s especially true during the
Playing the Game first session. Every blank is another cool thing waiting to happen; leave
Your role during character creation is threefold: help everyone, ask questions, yourself a stock of them.
and take notes. When a player makes a choice—particularly for their
bonds—ask them about it. Get more detail. Think about what these details Look for interesting facts: There are some ideas that, when you hear them,
mean. Look for interesting facts established by the characters’ bonds, moves, just jump out at you. When you hear one of those ideas, just write it down.
classes, and descriptions and ask about those things. Be curious! When When a player mentions the Duke of Sorrows being the demon he bargained
someone mentions the demons that slaughtered their village, find out more with, note it. That little fact is the seed for a whole world.
about them. After all, everything they give you is fuel for future adventures.
Help the players understand the moves: You are likely the one most
Also pay attention to the players’ questions. When mechanical questions familiar with the game, while the players may just be getting their first taste,
come up answer them. When questions of setting or fiction come up your so it’s up to you to help them if they need it. The fact is, they likely won’t
best bet is to turn those questions around. When a player says, “Who is the need it much. All they have to do is describe what their character does; the
King of Torsea,” say, “I don’t know. Who is it? What is he like?” rules take care of the rest.
Collaborate with your players. Asking a question means it’s something that
interests them so work with them to make the answers interesting. Don’t be The one place they may need some help is remembering the triggers for the
afraid to say, “I don’t know” and ask them the same questions. Work moves. Keep an ear out for actions that trigger moves, like attacking in
together to find a fantastic and interesting answer. melee or consulting their knowledge. After a few moves the players will
likely remember them on their own.
If you’ve come to the table with some ideas about stuff you’d like to see in
the world, share them with the players. Their characters are their Give each character a chance to shine: As a fan of the heroes (remember
responsibility and the world is yours—you’ve got a lot of say in what lives in your agenda?) you want to see them do what they do best. Give them a
it. If you want the game to be about a hunt for the lost sorcerer-race of aeons chance at this, not by tailoring every room to their skills, but by portraying a
past, say so! If the players aren’t interested or they’re sick to death of fantastic world (agenda again) where there are many solutions to every
sorcerers, they’ll let you know and you can work together to find some other challenge. Give the Bard someone to talk to, and give the Thief chances to
way. You don’t need pre-approval for everything but making sure everyone be sneaky
is excited about the broad strokes of the world is a great start.
Introduce NPCs: NPCs bring the world to life. If every monster does
Once everyone has their characters created you can take a deep breath. Look nothing more than attack and every blacksmith sets out their wares for
back over the questions you’ve asked and answered so far. You should have simple payment the world is dead. Instead give your characters, especially
some notes that will point you towards what the game might look like. Look those that the players show an interest in, life (principles, remember?)
at what the players have brought to the table. Look to the ideas that have Introduce NPCs but don’t protect them. The recently deceased Lord of
been stewing away in your head. It’s time for the adventure to begin! Goblins is just as useful for future adventures as the one who’s still alive.

Start the session with a group of player characters (maybe all of them) in a Remember that Dungeon World is all about the fiction, not
tense situation. Use anything that demands action: outside the entrance to a numbers. Don't go out of your way to trigger moves, whether
dungeon, ambushed in a fetid swamp, peeking through the crack in a door at you're a player or the GM. Taking a quick glance around a
the orc guards, or being sentenced before King Levus. Ask questions right room isn't Discerning Realities, and asking someone nicely
away—“who is leading the ambush against you?” or “what did you do to for a favor without any leverage is not Parley. If a player
make King Levus so mad?” If the situation stems directly from the move doesn't trigger, and everyone is looking to you to see
characters and your questions, all the better. what happens next, it's time to make a GM move.

Here’s where the game starts. The players will start saying and doing things,
which means they’ll start making moves. For the first session you should Sooner or later blades are drawn and blood is shed. When this happens the
watch especially carefully for when moves apply, until the players get the players are likely to start hacking and slashing, volleying, and defending.
hang of it. Often, in the early sessions, the players will be most comfortable Think about more than just the exchange of damage. Monsters might be
just narrating their actions—this is fine. When a move triggers, let them trying to capture the characters or protect something from them. Understand
know. Say, “It sounds like you’re trying to...” and then walk them through what the fight is about, what each side wants and how that might affect the
the move. Players looking for direction will look to their character sheet. tide of battle.
When a player just says “I Hack and Slash him” be quick to ask, “How?” or
“With what?” Sometimes they may try to do something that doesn’t trigger No self-respecting monster just stands still for their beating. Combat is a
any of their moves. That means they are likely looking to you to see what dynamic thing with creatures moving in and out of range, taking cover, and
happens next, so make one of your moves. retreating. Sometimes the battlefield itself shifts. Have your monsters take
action that the players will react to. Make sure you’re making use of moves
Establish details, describe: All the ideas and visions in your head don’t beyond deal damage, even in a fight. This includes monster moves too, so
really exist in the fiction of the game until you share them, describe them, when your goblin orkaster is summoning something beyond it’s control, you
and detail them. This is the time to establish the basics of what things look can make the move “pour forth magical chaos”.
like, who’s in charge, what they wear, what the world is like, and what the
immediate location is like. Describe everything, but keep it brief enough to Make sure everyone has a chance to act, and that you know where each
expand on later. Use a detail or two to make a description really stand out as player is during the chaos of combat. If you would find it helpful, sketch a
real. map of a complex battle location so that everyone knows just what’s
happening and can describe their actions appropriately.
Ask questions: You’re using what they give you, right? What if you need
more? That’s when you draw it out by asking questions. Poke and prod about If you’re stumped as to what happens next, look to your principles and do
specific things. Ask for reactions: “What does Lux think about that?” “Is what seems like would most be most obvious to you. Paradoxically, that
Avon doing something about it?” obvious thing may, to everyone else, seem original and brilliant.

If you ever find yourself at a loss, pause for a second and ask a question. Ask
one character a question about another. When a character does something,
ask how a different character feels or reacts. Questions will power your game If you have enjoyed this quick-start pack, please consider purchasing the full
and make it feel real and exciting. Use the answers you find to fill in what game of Dungeon World, by Sage LaTorra and Adam Koebel, available at
might happen next. your friendly local game store or online at drivethrurpg.com.
Agenda Begin and end with the fiction: Everything you and the players do in
Dungeon World comes from, and leads to, fictional events. When a player
Your agenda describes the things you aim to do at all times while GMing a makes a move, they describe their character taking action. Then you apply
game of Dungeon World: the rules and get a fictional effect. When you make a move it always comes
from the fiction.
Portray a fantastic world: Dungeon World is all about guts, guile, and
bravery against darkness and doom. It’s about characters who have decided Draw maps, leave blanks: Dungeon World exists mostly in the
to take up a life of adventure in the hopes of some glorious reward. It’s your imaginations of the people playing it; maps help everyone stay on the same
job to participate in that by showing the players a world in which their page. You won’t always be drawing them yourself, but any time there’s a
characters can find that adventure. Without the player characters the world new location described, make sure it gets added to a map.
would fall into chaos or destruction—it might still even with them. It’s up to
you to portray the fantastic elements of that world. Show the players the When you draw a map, don’t try to make it complete. Leave room for the
wonders of the world they’re in and encourage them to react to it. unknown. As you play you’ll get more ideas and the players will give you
inspiration to work with. Let the maps expand and change.
Fill the characters’ lives with adventure: This means working with the
players to create a world that’s engaging and dynamic. Adventurers are Embrace the fantastic: Magic, strange vistas, gods, demons, and
always caught up in some kind of world-threatening danger—encourage that abominations—the world is full of mystery and magic. Embrace that in your
kind of action in the game. prep and in play. Think about “the fantastic” on various scales. Think about
floating cities or islands crafted from the corpse of a god. Think about
Adventures should never presume player actions. A good adventure portrays village wise-men and their spirit familiars, or the statue that the local bandits
a setting in motion—someplace significant with creatures big and small touch to give them luck. The characters are interesting people, empowered
pursuing their own goals. As the players come into conflict with that setting by their gods, their skill at arms, or by mystical training. The world should
and its denizens, action is inevitable. It’s your job to honestly portray the be just as engaging.
repercussions of that action.
Give every monster life: Monsters are fantastic creatures with their own
Play to find out what happens: You’re sharing in the fun of finding out motivations, whether simple or complex. Give each monster details that
how the characters react to and change the world you’re portraying. You’re bring it to life: smells, sights, sounds—enough to make it real. But don’t cry
all participants in a great adventure that’s unfolding. Don’t plan too hard— when it gets beat up or overthrown, that’s what the players’ characters are
the rules of the game will fight you. supposed to do!

Everything you say and do at the table exists to accomplish these three goals Make a move that follows: When you make a move, what you’re actually
and no others. Things that aren’t on this list aren’t your goals. You’re not doing is taking an element of the fiction and bringing it to bear against the
trying to beat the players, test their ability to solve complex traps, or kill characters. Your moves should always follow from the fiction. They help
their characters (though monsters might be). You’re not here to give them a you focus on one aspect of the current situation and do something interesting
chance to explore your finely crafted setting and you’re most certainly not with it. When it’s your turn to say something, ask yourself: “What’s going
here to tell everyone a planned-out story. on? What move makes sense here?” Then describe what happens in the
fiction as an event.

Name every person: Anyone and everyone that the players speak with has a
Principles name. They probably have a personality and goals or opinions too, but you
Your principles are your guides. Often, when it’s time to make a move, can figure that out as you go. Start with a name. The rest can flow from there.
you’ll already have an idea of what makes sense. Consider it in light of your
principles and go with it, if it fits. Never speak the name of your move: There is no quicker way to ruin the
consistency of Dungeon World than to tell the players what move you’re
Address the characters, not the players: This means that you don’t say: making. Your moves are prompts for you, not things you say directly.
“Tony, is Dunwick doing something about that wight?” Instead, you say:
“Dunwick, what are you doing about the wight?” Speaking this way keeps You never show the players that you’re picking a move from a list. You
the game focused on the fiction and not on the table. know the reason the slavers dragged Omar away was because you made the
“put someone in a spot” move, but you show it to the players as a
It’s important to the flow of the game, too. If you talk to the players you may straightforward outcome of their actions, since it is.
leave out details that are important to what moves the characters make. Since
moves are always based on the actions of the characters, you need to think Think dangerous: Everything in the world is a target. You’re thinking like
about what’s happening in terms of those characters—not the players an evil overlord: no single life is worth anything and there is nothing
portraying them. sacrosanct. Everything can be put in danger, everything can be destroyed.
Nothing you create is ever protected. Whenever your eye falls on something
Ask questions and use the answers: Part of playing to find out what you’ve created, think how it can be put in danger, fall apart or crumble. The
happens is explicitly not knowing everything, and being curious. If you don’t world changes. Without the characters’ intervention, it changes for the worse.
know something, or you don’t have an idea, ask the players and use what
they say. Think offscreen too: Just because you’re a fan of the characters doesn’t
mean everything happens right in front of them. Sometimes your best move
Think about time when asking questions: ask about what came before, what is in the next room, or another part of the dungeon, or even back in town.
is true now and what might happen in the future. Ask the Cleric about the Make your move elsewhere and show its effects when they come into the
gods, ask the Wizard about magic, then switch it up—maybe the Thief has spotlight.
some ideas about the gods, too?

Be a fan of the characters: Think of the players’ characters as protagonists There are no combat turns, rounds, initiative or order. You don’t
in a story you might see on TV. Cheer for their victories and lament their “go into combat”. The GM sets up a situation, the players
defeats. You’re not here to push them in any particular direction, merely to respond, moves are triggered and resolved as necessary. Think
participate in the fiction that features them and their actions. of it like a movie battle scene, switching between characters as
needed. Any player can jump in (or be asked what they do) at
any time, as long as it makes sense in the fiction.
Give an opportunity that fits a class’ abilities: The thief disables traps,
Moves sneaks, and picks locks. The cleric deals with the divine and the dead. Every
You make a move when: class has things that they shine at—present an opportunity that plays to what
• Everyone looks to you to find out what happens. one class shines at.
• The players give you a golden opportunity.
• They roll a 6 or less (a miss). It doesn’t have to be a class that’s in play right now though. Sometimes a
locked door stands between you and treasure and there’s no thief in sight.
Each move is something that occurs in the fiction of the game—they aren’t This is an invitation for invention, bargaining, and creativity. If all you’ve
code words or special terms. “Use up their resources” literally means to got is a bloody axe, doesn’t every problem look like a skull?
expend the resources of the characters, for example.
Offer an opportunity, with or without cost: Show them something they
Never speak the name of your move (that’s one of your principles). Make it want: riches, power, glory. If you want, you can associate some cost with it
a real thing that happens to them: “As you dodge the hulking ogre’s club, too, of course.
you slip and land hard. Your sword goes sliding away into the darkness. You
think you saw where it went but the ogre is lumbering your way. What do Remember to lead with the fiction. You don’t say, “This area isn’t dangerous
you do?” so you can make camp here, if you’re willing to take the time.” You make it
a solid, fictional thing and say, “Helferth’s blessings still hang around the
No matter what move you make, always follow up with “What do you do?” shattered altar. It’s a nice safe spot, but the chanting from the ritual chamber
Your moves are a way of fulfilling your agenda—part of which is to fill the is getting louder. What do you do?”
characters’ lives with adventure. When a spell goes wild or the floor drops
out from under them adventurers react or suffer the consequences of inaction. Reveal an unwelcome truth: An unwelcome truth is a fact the players wish
wasn’t true: that the room’s been trapped, maybe, or that the helpful goblin
When making a move, keep your principles in mind. In particular, never is actually a spy. Reveal to the players just how much trouble they’re in.
speak the name of your move and address the characters, not the players.
Your moves are not mechanical actions happening around the table. They are Separate them: There are few things worse than being in the middle of a
concrete events happening to the characters in the fictional world you are raging battle with blood-thirsty owlbears on all sides—one of those things is
describing. What you say is what happens. You never need to touch the dice. being in the middle of that battle with no one at your back.

Note that “deal damage” is a move, but other moves may include damage as Separating the characters can mean anything from being pushed apart in the
well. When an ogre flings you against a wall you take damage as surely as if heat of battle to being teleported to the far end of the dungeon. Whatever
he had smashed you with his fists. way it occurs, it’s bound to cause problems.

Generally when the players are just looking at you to find out what happens Put someone in a spot: A spot is someplace where a character needs to
next, you make a soft move; one without immediate, irrevocable make tough choices. Put them, or something they care about, in the path of
consequences. That usually means it’s something not all that bad, like destruction. The harder the choice, the tougher the spot.
revealing that there’s more treasure if they can just find a way past the golem
(offer an opportunity with cost). It can also mean that it’s something bad, but Show a downside to their class, race, or equipment: Just as every class
they have time to avoid it, like having the goblin archers loose their arrows shines, they all have their weaknesses, too. Do orcs have a special thirst for
(show signs of an approaching threat) with a chance for them to dodge out of elven blood? Is the cleric’s magic disturbing dangerous forces? The torch
danger. Soft moves are often the result of a 7-9 roll. that lights the way also draws attention from eyes in the dark.

Hard moves, on the other hand, have immediate consequences. Dealing Show signs of an approaching threat: This is one of your most versatile
damage is almost always a hard move, since it means a loss of HP that won’t moves. “Threat” means anything bad that’s on the way. With this move, you
be recovered without some action from the players. A soft move ignored just show them that something’s going to happen unless they do something
becomes a golden opportunity for a hard move. If the players do nothing about it.
about the hail of arrows flying towards them it’s a golden opportunity to use
the deal damage move. When you have a chance to make a hard move you Tell them the requirements or consequences and ask: This move is
can opt for a soft one instead if it better fits the situation. Sometimes things particularly good when they want something that’s not covered by a move,
just work out for the best. or when they’ve made a move and missed. They can do it, sure, but they’ll
have to pay the price. Or, they can do it, but there will be consequences.
Remember, Dungeon World is a conversation, and your moves are designed Maybe they can swim through the shark-infested moat before being
to keep the conversation going. “Nothing happens” is not an appropriate devoured, but they’ll need a distraction. Of course, this is made clear to the
response to a 6- roll. characters, not just the players: the sharks are in a starved frenzy, for
To choose a move, start by looking at the obvious consequences of the action
that triggered it. If you already have an idea, think on it for a second to make Turn their move back on them: Think about the benefits a move might
sure it fits your agenda and principles and then do it. Let your moves grant a character and turn them around in a negative way. Alternately, grant
snowball. Build on the success or failure of the characters’ moves and on the same advantage to someone who has it out for the characters. If Ivy has
your own previous moves. If your first instinct is that this won’t hurt them learned of Duke Horst’s men approaching from the east, maybe a scout has
now, but it’ll come back to bite them later, great! That’s part of your spotted her, too.
principles (think offscreen too). Make a note of it and reveal it later, when
the time is right. Use a monster, danger, or location move: Every monster in an adventure
has moves associated with it, as do many locations. A monster or location
Deal damage: When you deal damage, choose one source of damage that’s move is just a description of what that location or monster does, maybe “hurl
fictionally threatening a character and apply it. In combat with a lizard man? someone away” or “bridge the planes.” If a player move (like hack and
It stabs you. Triggered a trap? Rocks fall on you. Consult the source of the slash) says that a monster gets to make an attack, make an aggressive move
danger to find out how much damage with that monster.

Most damage is based on a die roll. When a player takes damage, tell them Use up their resources: Surviving in a dungeon—or anywhere dangerous—
what to roll. You never need to touch the dice. If the player is too cowardly often comes down to supplies. With this move, something happens to use up
to find out their own fate, they can ask another player to roll for them. some resource: weapons, armor, healing, spells, time, whatever. You don’t
always have to use it up permanently. A sword might just be flung to the
other side of the room, not shattered.
Start here: Choose a name, looks, and background for your character. Knowing Eyes, Fiery Eyes, or Joyous Eyes
Mark the extra gear and bonuses to your stats that your background gives you. Fancy Hair, Wild Hair, or Stylish Cap
Add +1 to one stat of your choice, and -1 to another stat of your choice. Finery, Traveling Clothes, or Poor Clothes
Any stats that did not receive a modifier start at +0. Fit Body, Well-fed Body, or Thin Body
Write the names of your fellow adventurers in your bonds.


o Historian Arcane Art
+2 CHA, +1 WIS, starts with bandages (3 uses) You know the secrets of infusing music with magical power. When you weave a
You’re the town’s unofficial record-keeper and storyteller. performance into a basic spell, choose an ally and an effect:
Poring over the village’s histories and lore has taught you much, • They are healed of 1d8 damage
though your knowledge tends to be folk wisdom rather than • They take +1d4 forward to damage
academic. What field of knowledge does the village specialize • Their mind is shaken clear of one enchantment
in? • The next time someone successfully assists the target with aid, they get +2
You’re very well-studied. Choose a second area of expertise for instead of +1
Bardic Lore. Then roll+CHA. *On a 10+, the ally gets the selected effect. *On a 7-9, your spell still
works, but you draw unwanted attention or your magic reverberates to other targets
o Wandering Minstrel affecting them as well, GM’s choice.
+2 CHA, +1 CON, starts with adventuring gear (5 uses)
You roam the land in search of stories of heroism to share, and
earn your keep telling your stories and singing your songs in
Bardic Lore
taverns and inns. Perhaps you’ll find some new stories here. Your studies have made you an expert on a subject. Choose an area of expertise:
What are your favorite stores to tell for an audience? o Spells and Magicks o The Planar Spheres
Your arcane art is strong. When you use Arcane Art, choose two o The Dead and Undead o Legends of Heroes Past
effects instead of one. o Grand Histories of the Known World o Gods and their Servants
o A Bestiary of Creatures Unusual
When you first encounter an important creature, location, or item (your call) covered
o Swashbuckler by your Bardic Lore, you can ask the GM any one question about it; the GM will answer
+2 CHA, +1 DEX, starts with leather armor (1 armor) truthfully. The GM may then ask you what tale, song, or legend you heard that
You’re a dashing rogue, adept at both swordplay and magic. information in.
With a quick smile and an even quicker blade, you’re the finest
swordsman in the land! You’ve had plenty of adventures, but
something—or someone—keeps you coming back here. What is Charming and Open
it? When you speak frankly with someone, you can ask their player a question from the list
You begin with a duelist’s rapier instead of a short sword. When below. They must answer it truthfully, then they may ask you a question from the list
you Hack and Slash with a duelist’s rapier, you roll with (which you must answer truthfully).
+DEX instead of +STR, and you also take +1 armor forward. • Whom do you serve?
• What do you wish I would do?
• How can I get you to _________?
• What are you really feeling right now?
• What do you most desire?

Gear Bonds
You begin with: Who have you adventured with before? ____________________
Dungeon rations (5 uses)
A unique or magical musical instrument, describe it! Who have you heard stories of before meeting them in person? ____________________
A short sword
Leather armor (1 armor) Who has trusted you with a secret? ____________________

Whose adventures are you writing a ballad or story about? ____________________

Who doesn’t trust you, and with good reason? ____________________

Who is most often the butt of your jokes? ____________________

Basic Moves How to Play
Hack and Slash Dungeon World is a game of adventure fantasy. You'll play an adventurer in
When you attack an enemy in melee, roll+STR. *On a 10+ you deal your a dangerous world. Maybe you fight for glory, or for profit, or for good or
damage to the enemy and avoid their attack. At your option, you may choose evil, or out of loyalty to your friends. You'll decide that here at the table, and
to do +1d6 damage but expose yourself to the enemy’s attack. *On a 7-9, the adventure will emerge around your decisions. Your characters already
deal your damage to the enemy and the enemy makes an attack against you. have some history one another, so we can get right into the action. This
shared history is represented in the Bonds on your sheet. The gamemaster
Volley (GM) will ask you questions about where your character is from, what the
When you take aim and shoot at an enemy at range, roll+DEX. *On a 10+ world is like, and what they are doing. Your answers will shape the world
you have a clear shot—deal your damage. *On a 7-9, choose one (whichever and your adventure. We play to find out what happens.
you choose you deal your damage):
• You have to move to make the shot, placing you in danger of the Playing Dungeon World means having a conversation; somebody says
GM’s choice something, then you reply, maybe someone else chimes in. Players take turns
• You have to take what you can get: -1d6 damage (minimum 1) in the natural flow of the conversation, which always has some back-and-
• You have to take several shots, reducing your ammo by one. forth. The GM says something, the players respond. The players ask
questions or make statements, the GM tells them what happens next. The
Defy Danger conversation works best when we all listen, ask questions, and build on each
When you act despite an imminent threat or suffer a calamity, say how other’s contributions.
you deal with it and roll. If you do it...
• …by powering through, +STR Sometimes, the GM may tell you that your actions have triggered a move,
• …by getting out of the way or acting fast, +DEX such as Defy Danger. To make a move, roll two six-sided dice and add the
• …by enduring, +CON indicated ability from your sheet.
• …with quick thinking, +INT • If the total is 10 or higher, you’ve achieved a strong hit; you’ve
succeeded at your task.
• …through mental fortitude, +WIS
• …using charm and social grace, +CHA • If the total is between 7 and 9, it’s a weak hit; a success that comes
at some cost. Perhaps there’s a downside to your action, or you
*On a 10+, you do what you set out to do; the threat doesn’t come to bear.
*On a 7-9, you stumble, hesitate, or flinch: the GM will offer you a worse don’t get everything you wanted.
outcome, hard bargain, or ugly choice. • If the total is 6 or less, it’s a miss; your attempt has gone poorly,
and the GM can now make their move against you.
When you stand in defense of a person, item, or location under attack, Some moves may say “take +1 forward.” That means to take +1 to your next
roll+CON. *On a 10+, hold 3. *On a 7-9, hold 1. So long as you stand in move roll (not damage). The bonus can be greater than +1, or even a penalty,
defense, when you or the thing you defend is attacked you may spend hold, 1 like -1. The bonus may also apply to a specific condition, such as taking +1
for 1, to choose an option: the next time you use your armor, or +1d4 the next time you deal damage.
• Redirect an attack from the thing you defend to yourself Some moves may give you “hold.” Hold is currency that allows you to make
some choices later on by spending the hold as the move describes. Hold is
• Halve the attack’s effect or damage
always used on only the move that generated it.
• Open up the attacker to an ally, giving that ally +1 forward against
the attacker
Your Hit Points (HP) determines how much stamina you have, and much
• Deal 1 damage to the attacker punishment you can take before you fall. When you take damage, subtract it
from your HP. If you have armor, reduce the damage taken by your armor
Spout Lore value. When your HP reaches zero, you are out of action and maybe dead.
When you consult your accumulated knowledge about something,
roll+INT. *On a 10+ the GM will tell you something interesting and useful If you have adventuring gear, you may mark off a use to find some mundane
about the subject relevant to your situation. *On a 7-9 the GM will only tell but useful item, such as chalk, rope, a torch, or something similar.
you something interesting—it’s on you to make it useful. The GM might ask
you “How do you know this?” Tell them the truth, now. If you have bandages, when you have a few minutes to bandage someone
else’s wounds, heal them of 4 damage and mark off a use.
Discern Realities
When you closely study a situation or person, roll+WIS. *On a 10+ ask the As the Bard, you’re the most charming member of the team. You may be
GM 3 questions from the list below. *On a 7-9 ask 1. Take +1 forward when called upon to do the public speaking or negotiation. You also have a wealth
acting on the answers. of knowledge that can give your team useful clues about the dangers they
• What happened here recently? face, and you know a few magical songs to support them in battle. Be sure to
• What is about to happen? read the Aid Another and Parley moves on this sheet.
• What should I be on the lookout for?
• What here is useful or valuable to me? Our story will begin in or near your hometown. You may not necessarily hail
• Who’s really in control here? from this village, but you should have something that connects you to it. You
• What here is not what it appears to be? and your fellow players will build the town and the surrounding areas
together as part of the game. The GM will ask you questions about your
Aid or Interfere backstory, such as defining people, places, or events. Your answers will
When you help or hinder someone you have a bond with, roll+Bonds with become lore.
them. *On a 10+ they take +1 or -2, your choice. *On a 7-9 you also expose
yourself to danger, retribution, or cost. Some questions which you should consider for building your world:
• How are outsiders accepted here, and where might they come
Parley from?
When you have leverage on an NPC and manipulate them, roll+CHA. • What is the nearest settlement to the village? How are they
Leverage is something they need or want. *On a 10+, they do what you ask different, and what is the relationship with them like?
if you first promise what they ask of you. *On a 7-9, they will do what you • Where is the farthest you’ve been from here, and what keeps you
ask, but need some concrete assurance of your promise, right now. coming back here?
• What recent event has shaken the status quo?
Start here: Choose a name, looks, and background for your character. Kind Eyes, Sharp Eyes, or Sad Eyes
Mark the extra gear and bonuses to your stats that your background gives you. Tonsure, Strange Hair, or Bald
Add +1 to one stat of your choice, and -1 to another stat of your choice. Flowing Robes, Habit, or Common Garb
Any stats that did not receive a modifier start at +0. Thin Body, Knobby Body, or Flabby Body
Write the names of your fellow adventurers in your bonds.


o The Dawning Lord Cast a Spell
+2 WIS, +1 STR, starts with adventuring gear (5 uses) Your faith and your deity have granted you miraculous powers that most people call
You follow the god of the sun, who represents righteous order magic. When you cast a holy spell, choose one of the following effects:
and civilization. You petition your god by proving yourself in • You conjure a sacred light that will follow you around, as long as you wish.
combat. Why has your deity or order sent you here? • You heal an ally you touch of 1d8 HP.
The light of the Dawning Lord strikes down the undead. When • A corpse you touch answers any three questions you ask it, to the best of the
you Turn Undead, on a hit you also deal your damage to one knowledge it had in life and the knowledge it gained in death.
undead creature you can see. • The weapon you hold while casting this spell does +1d4 damage until the next
time you cast a spell.
o The Earth Mother • A target you can see is filled with supernatural fear of you, and will react
+2 WIS, +1 CHA, starts with poultices and herbs (2 uses) accordingly, until the next time you cast a spell.
You follow the goddess of the earth and healing. You petition Then roll+WIS. *On a hit, the spell is cast successfully. *On a 7-9, choose one:
your goddess by offerings of nature’s bounty. What do you • You draw unwelcome attention or put yourself in a spot. The GM will tell you
usually offer? What do you offer on special occasions? how.
The Earth Mother helps you to heal those in need. When you • The spell strains your devotion—take -1 to cast a spell until the next time you
heal someone, either by magic or administering a healing pray. This penalty is cumulative each time you take it.
item (like poultices and herbs), you heal an extra 1d4 HP. • After it is cast, your deity revokes it. You cannot cast the spell again until the
next time you pray.
o The Moon Goddess
+2 WIS, +1 INT, starts with a bag of books (5 uses) When you spend uninterrupted time (an hour or so) in quiet prayer to your deity, you
You follow the goddess of night and mystery. You petition your remove any of the above penalties and recover all of your lost spells.
goddess by acquiring secret knowledge and whispering them to
her. What types of secrets does your goddess prefer to deal in?
Your goddess has imparted to you secret magical knowledge.
Turn Undead
Choose an effect from the Wizard’s list of effects under Cast a When you hold your holy symbol aloft and call on your deity for protection,
Spell, and add it to your list for Cast a Spell. roll+WIS. *On a hit, so long as you continue to pray and brandish your holy symbol, no
undead may come within reach of you. *On a 10+, you also momentarily daze intelligent
undead and cause mindless undead to flee. Aggression breaks the effects and they are able
to act as normal. Intelligent undead may still and ways to harry you from afar. They’re
clever like that.

Divine Guidance
When you petition your deity according to the precept of your religion, you are
granted some useful knowledge or boon related to your deity’s domain. The GM will tell
you what.

Gear Bonds
You begin with: Who has your deity ordered you to convert to your faith? ____________________
Dungeon rations (5 uses)
Your holy symbol, describe it! Who needs your protection to keep them safe? ____________________
A mace
Blessed vestments (1 armor) Who has proven themselves to you with their goodness? ____________________

Who doesn’t respect your deity or your faith? ____________________

Basic Moves How to Play
Hack and Slash Dungeon World is a game of adventure fantasy. You'll play an adventurer in
When you attack an enemy in melee, roll+STR. *On a 10+ you deal your a dangerous world. Maybe you fight for glory, or for profit, or for good or
damage to the enemy and avoid their attack. At your option, you may choose evil, or out of loyalty to your friends. You'll decide that here at the table, and
to do +1d6 damage but expose yourself to the enemy’s attack. *On a 7-9, the adventure will emerge around your decisions. Your characters already
deal your damage to the enemy and the enemy makes an attack against you. have some history one another, so we can get right into the action. This
shared history is represented in the Bonds on your sheet. The gamemaster
Volley (GM) will ask you questions about where your character is from, what the
When you take aim and shoot at an enemy at range, roll+DEX. *On a 10+ world is like, and what they are doing. Your answers will shape the world
you have a clear shot—deal your damage. *On a 7-9, choose one (whichever and your adventure. We play to find out what happens.
you choose you deal your damage):
• You have to move to make the shot, placing you in danger of the Playing Dungeon World means having a conversation; somebody says
GM’s choice something, then you reply, maybe someone else chimes in. Players take turns
• You have to take what you can get: -1d6 damage (minimum 1) in the natural flow of the conversation, which always has some back-and-
• You have to take several shots, reducing your ammo by one. forth. The GM says something, the players respond. The players ask
questions or make statements, the GM tells them what happens next. The
Defy Danger conversation works best when we all listen, ask questions, and build on each
When you act despite an imminent threat or suffer a calamity, say how other’s contributions.
you deal with it and roll. If you do it...
• …by powering through, +STR Sometimes, the GM may tell you that your actions have triggered a move,
• …by getting out of the way or acting fast, +DEX such as Defy Danger. To make a move, roll two six-sided dice and add the
• …by enduring, +CON indicated ability from your sheet.
• …with quick thinking, +INT • If the total is 10 or higher, you’ve achieved a strong hit; you’ve
succeeded at your task.
• …through mental fortitude, +WIS
• …using charm and social grace, +CHA • If the total is between 7 and 9, it’s a weak hit; a success that comes
at some cost. Perhaps there’s a downside to your action, or you
*On a 10+, you do what you set out to do; the threat doesn’t come to bear.
*On a 7-9, you stumble, hesitate, or flinch: the GM will offer you a worse don’t get everything you wanted.
outcome, hard bargain, or ugly choice. • If the total is 6 or less, it’s a miss; your attempt has gone poorly,
and the GM can now make their move against you.
When you stand in defense of a person, item, or location under attack, Some moves may say “take +1 forward.” That means to take +1 to your next
roll+CON. *On a 10+, hold 3. *On a 7-9, hold 1. So long as you stand in move roll (not damage). The bonus can be greater than +1, or even a penalty,
defense, when you or the thing you defend is attacked you may spend hold, 1 like -1. The bonus may also apply to a specific condition, such as taking +1
for 1, to choose an option: the next time you use your armor, or +1d4 the next time you deal damage.
• Redirect an attack from the thing you defend to yourself Some moves may give you “hold.” Hold is currency that allows you to make
some choices later on by spending the hold as the move describes. Hold is
• Halve the attack’s effect or damage
always used on only the move that generated it.
• Open up the attacker to an ally, giving that ally +1 forward against
the attacker
Your Hit Points (HP) determines how much stamina you have, and much
• Deal 1 damage to the attacker punishment you can take before you fall. When you take damage, subtract it
from your HP. If you have armor, reduce the damage taken by your armor
Spout Lore value. When your HP reaches zero, you are out of action and maybe dead.
When you consult your accumulated knowledge about something,
roll+INT. *On a 10+ the GM will tell you something interesting and useful If you have poultices and herbs, when you carefully treat someone’s wounds
about the subject relevant to your situation. *On a 7-9 the GM will only tell with poultices and herbs, heal them of 7 damage and mark off a use.
you something interesting—it’s on you to make it useful. The GM might ask
you “How do you know this?” Tell them the truth, now. If you have a bag of books, when you are Spouting Lore you may mark off a
use to find a useful book and take +1 to the roll.
Discern Realities
When you closely study a situation or person, roll+WIS. *On a 10+ ask the
GM 3 questions from the list below. *On a 7-9 ask 1. Take +1 forward when As the Cleric, you bring holy power to the team. Your spells bolster and heal
acting on the answers. your allies in combat, or they may be used to hold your foes at bay. Your
• What happened here recently? connection with your deity may also offer you insights into the dangers you
• What is about to happen? may face, or the divine favor you need.
• What should I be on the lookout for?
• What here is useful or valuable to me? Our story will begin in or near your hometown. You may not necessarily hail
• Who’s really in control here? from this village, but you should have something that connects you to it. You
• What here is not what it appears to be? and your fellow players will build the town and the surrounding areas
together as part of the game. The GM will ask you questions about your
Aid or Interfere backstory, such as defining people, places, or events. Your answers will
When you help or hinder someone you have a bond with, roll+Bonds with become lore.
them. *On a 10+ they take +1 or -2, your choice. *On a 7-9 you also expose
yourself to danger, retribution, or cost. Some questions which you should consider for building your world:
• What god or gods are worshipped here, yours or others, and how?
Parley • What legends of the gods or divine forces linger around here?
When you have leverage on an NPC and manipulate them, roll+CHA. • What do the people avoid or simply not do because they are scared
Leverage is something they need or want. *On a 10+, they do what you ask of evil?
if you first promise what they ask of you. *On a 7-9, they will do what you • What is there a dire need for in the village, right now?
ask, but need some concrete assurance of your promise, right now.
Start here: Choose a name, looks, and background for your character. Wise Eyes, Wild Eyes, or Haunting Eyes
Mark the extra gear and bonuses to your stats that your background gives you. Furry Hood, Messy Hair, or Braided Hair
Add +1 to one stat of your choice, and -1 to another stat of your choice. Ceremonial Garb, Practical Leathers, or Weathered Hides
Any stats that did not receive a modifier start at +0. Tell:___________________________________________
Write the names of your fellow adventurers in your bonds.


o Green Faith Shapeshifter
+2 WIS, +1 CHA, starts with poultices and herbs (2 uses) You learned your magic in a place whose spirits are strong and ancient, and they’ve
Your family keeps the old ways of the ancestors, and have raised marked you as one of their own. No matter where you go, they live within you and allow
you in this faith of spirits and nature. Why do they hold onto you to take their shape. Choose three of the following animal forms you may shapeshift
these old beliefs? Do they need to keep this a secret? into, and choose a Tell—a physical attribute that marks you as a Druid. It may be an
Your are initiated into the mysteries by your faith. When you animal feature like antlers or leopard’s spots or something more general: hair like leaves
spend time in a place, making note of its resident spirits and or eyes of glittering crystal. Your Tell remains no matter what shape you take.
calling on the spirits of the land, roll+WIS. You will be o Wolf (Track by scent, Hamstring the weak, Call the pack)
granted a vision of significance to you, your allies, and the spirits o Owl (Spot something far away, Strike from above, Fly away silently)
around you. *On a 10+ the vision will be clear and helpful to o Squirrel (Climb to safety, Hide something for later, Snatch something shiny)
you. *On a 7-9 the vision is unclear, its meaning murky. *On a o Bear (Maul them, Lumber through a hazard, Shrug off small nuisances)
miss, the vision is upsetting, frightening, or traumatizing; the o Stag (Run tirelessly, Move gracefully through danger, Listen to the Wild)
GM will describe it and you take -1 forward. o Serpent (Venomous bite, Sneak through silently, Lie in wait)
o Cat (Pad silently, Leap and balance with great agility, Miraculously survive)
o Spirit’s Call
+2 WIS, +1 DEX, starts with adventuring gear (5 uses) When you call upon the spirits to change your shape, roll+WIS. *On a 10+, hold 3.
The spirits of the wild have deliberately sought you out to mark *On a 7-9, hold 2. *On a miss, hold 1 in addition to whatever the GM says; Nature
you as theirs, and you have felt them calling to you in your demands a heavy price for her favors. You and your possessions meld into a perfect copy
dreams. What was their initiation like? What does they know of that animal’s form. You have any innate abilities and weaknesses of the form, like
about you that you don't? claws, wings, or venomous fangs. You still use your normal stats but some moves may be
Changing your shape comes naturally to you. When you change harder to trigger—a squirrel will find it difficult to Hack and Slash an ogre.
your shape, you get +1 hold, even on a miss.
Each form has three moves associated with it. Spend a hold to make one of your form’s
moves; no roll is necessary, you just make that move. If a move would deal damage, use
o Marked
your own damage die. When you’re out of hold, you return to your natural form. At any
+2 WIS, +1 CON, starts with hide armor (1 armor)
time, you may spend all your hold and revert to your natural form.
You were born with your Tell showing plainly for all to see. For
this, you were left upon the ancient altar in the wilderness. An
elder druid took you in and taut you their craft. Despite being By Nature Sustained
outcast, your mentor has asked you for forgive the villagers and The powerful energies of life flowing through you sustain your body. You do not need to
use your gift to help them. How do you accomplish this? eat or drink, though you can if you want. You don’t need to carry any dungeon rations.
You understand the connectedness between men and beasts.
When you mark an animal (with mud, dirt, or blood), you can
see through that animal’s eyes as if they were your own, no Spirit Tongue
matter what distance separates you. Only one animal at a time The grunts, barks, chirps, and calls of the creatures of the wild are as language to you.
may be marked in this way. You can speak with and understand animals, as well as closely study them and Parley with
them as if they were people.

Gear Bonds
You begin with: Who smells more like prey than a hunter to you? ____________________
A token of the land, symbolizing your connection with Nature,
describe it! Who have the spirits warned you is in danger? ____________________
A spear
Who have you shared secret rites of the Land with? ____________________

Who have you formed a blood-bond with? ____________________

Basic Moves How to Play
Hack and Slash Dungeon World is a game of adventure fantasy. You'll play an adventurer in
When you attack an enemy in melee, roll+STR. *On a 10+ you deal your a dangerous world. Maybe you fight for glory, or for profit, or for good or
damage to the enemy and avoid their attack. At your option, you may choose evil, or out of loyalty to your friends. You'll decide that here at the table, and
to do +1d6 damage but expose yourself to the enemy’s attack. *On a 7-9, the adventure will emerge around your decisions. Your characters already
deal your damage to the enemy and the enemy makes an attack against you. have some history one another, so we can get right into the action. This
shared history is represented in the Bonds on your sheet. The gamemaster
Volley (GM) will ask you questions about where your character is from, what the
When you take aim and shoot at an enemy at range, roll+DEX. *On a 10+ world is like, and what they are doing. Your answers will shape the world
you have a clear shot—deal your damage. *On a 7-9, choose one (whichever and your adventure. We play to find out what happens.
you choose you deal your damage):
• You have to move to make the shot, placing you in danger of the Playing Dungeon World means having a conversation; somebody says
GM’s choice something, then you reply, maybe someone else chimes in. Players take turns
• You have to take what you can get: -1d6 damage (minimum 1) in the natural flow of the conversation, which always has some back-and-
• You have to take several shots, reducing your ammo by one. forth. The GM says something, the players respond. The players ask
questions or make statements, the GM tells them what happens next. The
Defy Danger conversation works best when we all listen, ask questions, and build on each
When you act despite an imminent threat or suffer a calamity, say how other’s contributions.
you deal with it and roll. If you do it...
• …by powering through, +STR Sometimes, the GM may tell you that your actions have triggered a move,
• …by getting out of the way or acting fast, +DEX such as Defy Danger. To make a move, roll two six-sided dice and add the
• …by enduring, +CON indicated ability from your sheet.
• …with quick thinking, +INT • If the total is 10 or higher, you’ve achieved a strong hit; you’ve
succeeded at your task.
• …through mental fortitude, +WIS
• …using charm and social grace, +CHA • If the total is between 7 and 9, it’s a weak hit; a success that comes
at some cost. Perhaps there’s a downside to your action, or you
*On a 10+, you do what you set out to do; the threat doesn’t come to bear.
*On a 7-9, you stumble, hesitate, or flinch: the GM will offer you a worse don’t get everything you wanted.
outcome, hard bargain, or ugly choice. • If the total is 6 or less, it’s a miss; your attempt has gone poorly,
and the GM can now make their move against you.
When you stand in defense of a person, item, or location under attack, Some moves may say “take +1 forward.” That means to take +1 to your next
roll+CON. *On a 10+, hold 3. *On a 7-9, hold 1. So long as you stand in move roll (not damage). The bonus can be greater than +1, or even a penalty,
defense, when you or the thing you defend is attacked you may spend hold, 1 like -1. The bonus may also apply to a specific condition, such as taking +1
for 1, to choose an option: the next time you use your armor, or +1d4 the next time you deal damage.
• Redirect an attack from the thing you defend to yourself Some moves may give you “hold.” Hold is currency that allows you to make
some choices later on by spending the hold as the move describes. Hold is
• Halve the attack’s effect or damage
always used on only the move that generated it.
• Open up the attacker to an ally, giving that ally +1 forward against
the attacker
Your Hit Points (HP) determines how much stamina you have, and much
• Deal 1 damage to the attacker punishment you can take before you fall. When you take damage, subtract it
from your HP. If you have armor, reduce the damage taken by your armor
Spout Lore value. When your HP reaches zero, you are out of action and maybe dead.
When you consult your accumulated knowledge about something,
roll+INT. *On a 10+ the GM will tell you something interesting and useful If you have adventuring gear, you may mark off a use to find some mundane
about the subject relevant to your situation. *On a 7-9 the GM will only tell but useful item, such as chalk, rope, a torch, or something similar.
you something interesting—it’s on you to make it useful. The GM might ask
you “How do you know this?” Tell them the truth, now. If you have poultices and herbs, when you carefully treat someone’s wounds
with poultices and herbs, heal them of 7 damage and mark off a use.
Discern Realities
When you closely study a situation or person, roll+WIS. *On a 10+ ask the
GM 3 questions from the list below. *On a 7-9 ask 1. Take +1 forward when As the Druid, you command the forces of nature. Your abilities to change
acting on the answers. your form make you capable of filling many different roles within the team,
• What happened here recently? but you must use the powers responsibly, or Nature may exact a heavy price
• What is about to happen? from you.
• What should I be on the lookout for?
• What here is useful or valuable to me? Our story will begin in or near your hometown. You may not necessarily hail
• Who’s really in control here? from this village, but you should have something that connects you to it. You
• What here is not what it appears to be? and your fellow players will build the town and the surrounding areas
together as part of the game. The GM will ask you questions about your
Aid or Interfere backstory, such as defining people, places, or events. Your answers will
When you help or hinder someone you have a bond with, roll+Bonds with become lore.
them. *On a 10+ they take +1 or -2, your choice. *On a 7-9 you also expose
yourself to danger, retribution, or cost. Some questions which you should consider for building your world:
• How do you help other people in the village, and how do they treat
Parley you for it?
When you have leverage on an NPC and manipulate them, roll+CHA. • What significant or unusual natural features are nearby?
Leverage is something they need or want. *On a 10+, they do what you ask • What important spirits linger near the village?
if you first promise what they ask of you. *On a 7-9, they will do what you • Why is there unrest in the spirit world right now?
ask, but need some concrete assurance of your promise, right now.
Start here: Choose a name, looks, and background for your character. Hard Eyes, Dead Eyes, or Eager Eyes
Mark the extra gear and bonuses to your stats that your background gives you. Wild Hair, Shorn Hair, or Battered Helm
Add +1 to one stat of your choice, and -1 to another stat of your choice. Calloused Skin, Tanned Skin, or Scarred Skin
Any stats that did not receive a modifier start at +0. Built Body, Lithe Body, or Ravaged Body
Write the names of your fellow adventurers in your bonds.


o Bearer Bend Bars, Lift Gates
+2 STR, +1 CHA, starts with healing potion When you use pure strength to destroy an inanimate obstacle, roll+STR. *On a 10+,
Sometimes you wield a weapon, sometimes it wields you. choose 3. *On a 7-9, choose 2.
Whether by destiny or the will of the gods, your signature • It doesn’t take a very long time
weapon has chosen you as its wielder. Together, you will do • Nothing of value is damaged
great things, even if that means you’ll never lead a normal life. • It doesn’t make an inordinate amount of noise
What manner of spirits reside in your weapon? What do they • You can fix the thing again without a lot of effort
When you consult the spirits that reside within your
signature weapon, they will give you an insight relating to the Signature Weapon
current situation, and might ask you some questions in return, You own a unique weapon that has extraordinary abilities. Tell us how you came to own
roll+CHA. *On a 10+, the GM will give you good detail. *On a your weapon! Choose your weapon, and add it to your list of gear:
7-9, the GM will give you an impression. o Crom Faeyr, the ancient hammer of dwarven kings, and its companion shield.
When you strike an enemy with this weapon, it knocks them back with a clap
o Retired Adventurer of thunder, and the shield grants you +1 armor while you are using it.
+2 STR, +1 WIS, starts with adventuring gear (5 uses) o Meofainn, the terrible battle-axe bathed in the heart-blood of a dragon. The
You left behind a life of bloodshed and a name that mothers used damage this weapon inflicts is particularly destructive, ripping both people and
to scare their children. That was years ago. For whatever reason, things apart with its cruel edge. When you deal damage with this weapon, roll
the people here took you (back?) in and treat you like one of your damage die twice, and take the better result.
their own. And while you hoped to live in peace, it doesn’t o Ironfang, the ornate spear of the greatest chieftain the northern clans have ever
always work out that way. What was your last adventure? known. When you throw Ironfang in battle, you make the Volley move with
You keep a cool head in combat. When you Discern Realities STR instead of DEX, and after you throw it, it returns to your hand by magic.
while in battle, take +1. (You can’t select to reduce ammo when you Volley with a thrown weapon.)
o Sindarin, the graceful elven blade that shines like the crescent moon. The
uncanny sharpness of this blade ignores the enemy’s armor, and it glows when
o Scion goblins and their kin are near.
+2 STR, +1 CON, starts with bandages (3 uses) o Bielgrim, the greatsword of a legendary knight. This weapon can always sense
Your signature weapon is an old family heirloom, wielded the taint of darkness or chaos, and reacts in its presence. When you strike a
famously by someone in your line, either recently or in ages past. creature of darkness or chaos with Bielgrim, it ignites with holy fire; you
What do you know of the legend of your ancestor? Does your either deal +1d4 damage or suppress one of its unnatural powers, your choice.
name still carry that fame—or infamy?
Heroism is in your blood. When you Defend, you get +1 hold,
even on a miss. Armored
You’re used to wearing heavy armor, and it doesn’t slow you down or make you clumsy.
You can wear chainmail and heavier armor without penalty.

Gear Bonds
You begin with: Who have you sworn to protect from harm, and why? ____________________
Dungeon rations (5 uses)
Your signature weapon Who owes you their life, and why? ____________________
Chainmail armor (2 armor)
A dagger Who do you worry about surviving the coming danger? ____________________

Who do you need to toughen up if they want to survive? ____________________

Basic Moves How to Play
Hack and Slash Dungeon World is a game of adventure fantasy. You'll play an adventurer in
When you attack an enemy in melee, roll+STR. *On a 10+ you deal your a dangerous world. Maybe you fight for glory, or for profit, or for good or
damage to the enemy and avoid their attack. At your option, you may choose evil, or out of loyalty to your friends. You'll decide that here at the table, and
to do +1d6 damage but expose yourself to the enemy’s attack. *On a 7-9, the adventure will emerge around your decisions. Your characters already
deal your damage to the enemy and the enemy makes an attack against you. have some history one another, so we can get right into the action. This
shared history is represented in the Bonds on your sheet. The gamemaster
Volley (GM) will ask you questions about where your character is from, what the
When you take aim and shoot at an enemy at range, roll+DEX. *On a 10+ world is like, and what they are doing. Your answers will shape the world
you have a clear shot—deal your damage. *On a 7-9, choose one (whichever and your adventure. We play to find out what happens.
you choose you deal your damage):
• You have to move to make the shot, placing you in danger of the Playing Dungeon World means having a conversation; somebody says
GM’s choice something, then you reply, maybe someone else chimes in. Players take turns
• You have to take what you can get: -1d6 damage (minimum 1) in the natural flow of the conversation, which always has some back-and-
• You have to take several shots, reducing your ammo by one. forth. The GM says something, the players respond. The players ask
questions or make statements, the GM tells them what happens next. The
Defy Danger conversation works best when we all listen, ask questions, and build on each
When you act despite an imminent threat or suffer a calamity, say how other’s contributions.
you deal with it and roll. If you do it...
• …by powering through, +STR Sometimes, the GM may tell you that your actions have triggered a move,
• …by getting out of the way or acting fast, +DEX such as Defy Danger. To make a move, roll two six-sided dice and add the
• …by enduring, +CON indicated ability from your sheet.
• …with quick thinking, +INT • If the total is 10 or higher, you’ve achieved a strong hit; you’ve
succeeded at your task.
• …through mental fortitude, +WIS
• …using charm and social grace, +CHA • If the total is between 7 and 9, it’s a weak hit; a success that comes
at some cost. Perhaps there’s a downside to your action, or you
*On a 10+, you do what you set out to do; the threat doesn’t come to bear.
*On a 7-9, you stumble, hesitate, or flinch: the GM will offer you a worse don’t get everything you wanted.
outcome, hard bargain, or ugly choice. • If the total is 6 or less, it’s a miss; your attempt has gone poorly,
and the GM can now make their move against you.
When you stand in defense of a person, item, or location under attack, Some moves may say “take +1 forward.” That means to take +1 to your next
roll+CON. *On a 10+, hold 3. *On a 7-9, hold 1. So long as you stand in move roll (not damage). The bonus can be greater than +1, or even a penalty,
defense, when you or the thing you defend is attacked you may spend hold, 1 like -1. The bonus may also apply to a specific condition, such as taking +1
for 1, to choose an option: the next time you use your armor, or +1d4 the next time you deal damage.
• Redirect an attack from the thing you defend to yourself Some moves may give you “hold.” Hold is currency that allows you to make
some choices later on by spending the hold as the move describes. Hold is
• Halve the attack’s effect or damage
always used on only the move that generated it.
• Open up the attacker to an ally, giving that ally +1 forward against
the attacker
Your Hit Points (HP) determines how much stamina you have, and much
• Deal 1 damage to the attacker punishment you can take before you fall. When you take damage, subtract it
from your HP. If you have armor, reduce the damage taken by your armor
Spout Lore value. When your HP reaches zero, you are out of action and maybe dead.
When you consult your accumulated knowledge about something,
roll+INT. *On a 10+ the GM will tell you something interesting and useful If you have adventuring gear, you may mark off a use to find some mundane
about the subject relevant to your situation. *On a 7-9 the GM will only tell but useful item, such as chalk, rope, a torch, or something similar.
you something interesting—it’s on you to make it useful. The GM might ask
you “How do you know this?” Tell them the truth, now. If you have bandages, when you have a few minutes to bandage someone
else’s wounds, heal them of 4 damage and mark off a use.
Discern Realities
When you closely study a situation or person, roll+WIS. *On a 10+ ask the If you have a healing potion, when you drink it, heal yourself of 10 damage
GM 3 questions from the list below. *On a 7-9 ask 1. Take +1 forward when or remove one debility, your choice.
acting on the answers.
• What happened here recently?
• What is about to happen? As the Fighter, you’re the best at martial combat. Your signature weapon is
• What should I be on the lookout for? the strongest weapon around, and you wear the heaviest armor. Your job is
• What here is useful or valuable to me? to be on the front lines of battle, facing danger head-on. Be sure to read the
• Who’s really in control here? Hack and Slash and Defend moves on this page.
• What here is not what it appears to be?
Our story will begin in or near your hometown. You may not necessarily hail
Aid or Interfere from this village, but you should have something that connects you to it. You
When you help or hinder someone you have a bond with, roll+Bonds with and your fellow players will build the town and the surrounding areas
them. *On a 10+ they take +1 or -2, your choice. *On a 7-9 you also expose together as part of the game. The GM will ask you questions about your
yourself to danger, retribution, or cost. backstory, such as defining people, places, or events. Your answers will
become lore.
When you have leverage on an NPC and manipulate them, roll+CHA. Some questions which you should consider for building your world:
Leverage is something they need or want. *On a 10+, they do what you ask • What was the most significant battle to happen near here long ago?
if you first promise what they ask of you. *On a 7-9, they will do what you • What fight made your reputation?
ask, but need some concrete assurance of your promise, right now. • …But what aspects of it are people less keen to discuss?
• Who do people look to for leadership in times of crisis?
Start here: Choose a name, looks, and background for your character. Kind Eyes, Fiery Eyes, or Glowing Eyes
Mark the extra gear and bonuses to your stats that your background gives you. Helmet, Styled Hair, or Bald
Add +1 to one stat of your choice, and -1 to another stat of your choice. Worn, Fancy, or Bloodstained Holy Symbol
Any stats that did not receive a modifier start at +0. Fit Body, Bulky Body, or Thin Body
Write the names of your fellow adventurers in your bonds.


o Faith Militant I Am The Law
+2 STR, +1 CHA, starts with healing potion When you give an NPC an order based on your divine authority, roll+CHA. *On a hit,
You are a member of the military arm of a religious they choose one:
organization. The common people look to you as their shield • Do what you say
against the forces of evil. Why have you been sent here, and • Back away cautiously, then flee
what do you expect to find? • Attack you
You have a keen sense for the taint of evil. When you pray for *On a 10+, you also take +1 forward against them. *On a miss, they do as they please and
guidance, even for a moment, and ask, “What here is evil?” you take -1 forward against them.
the GM will tell you, honestly.
Lay on Hands
o Anointed When you touch someone else, skin-to-skin, and pray for their well-being, roll+CHA.
+2 CHA, +1 STR, starts with bandages (3 uses) *On a 10+, you heal them of 1d8 damage, or remove a disease from them. *On a 7-9, they
Though you are a knight, you consider yourself a member of the are healed, but the damage or disease is transferred to you.
faith first and foremost. You prefer the small chapel in your
hometown to the great cathedrals of your order. What is it that
keeps you here?
Your faith is powerful. When you heal someone with Lay on When you dedicate yourself to a mission through prayer and ritual cleansing, state
Hands, you heal an extra +1d4 damage, which is never what you set out to do:
transferred to you. • Slay _______, a great blight on the land
• Defend _______ from the iniquities that beset them
o Sheriff • Discover the truth of _______
Then choose up to two boons:
+2 STR, +1 CON, starts with adventuring gear (5 uses)
You keep order around here and protect the town from outside • An unwavering sense of direction to _______
threats. As the hand of a local lord or other authority figure, • Invulnerability to _______ (e.g., edged weapons, fire, enchantment, etc.)
everyone knows you’ve the might to back up your words. Who • A mark of divine authority
do you serve? • Senses that pierce lies
You let your reputation do your talking for you. When dealing • A voice that transcends language
with people who know you or your reputation, you roll for I • A freedom from hunger, thirst, and sleep
Am The Law with STR instead of CHA. The GM will then tell you what vow or vows is required of you to maintain your blessing:
• Honor (forbidden: cowardly tactics and tricks)
• Temperance (forbidden: gluttony in food, drink, and pleasure of the flesh)
You also get this move, regardless of background: • Piety (required: observance of daily holy services)
• Valor (forbidden: suffering an evil creature to live)
Armored • Truth (forbidden: lies)
You’re used to wearing heavy armor, and it doesn’t slow you
• Hospitality (required: comfort to those in need, no matter who they are)
down or make you clumsy. You can wear chainmail and heavier
armor without penalty.

Gear Bonds
You begin with: Whose misguided behavior endangers their very soul? ____________________
Dungeon rations (5 uses)
A long sword Who has stood by you in battle and can be trusted completely? ____________________
Chainmail armor (2 armor)
A shield (+1 armor) Who is the bravest soul you know? ____________________

Whose beliefs do you respect, even if they aren’t the true way? ____________________

Basic Moves How to Play
Hack and Slash Dungeon World is a game of adventure fantasy. You'll play an adventurer in
When you attack an enemy in melee, roll+STR. *On a 10+ you deal your a dangerous world. Maybe you fight for glory, or for profit, or for good or
damage to the enemy and avoid their attack. At your option, you may choose evil, or out of loyalty to your friends. You'll decide that here at the table, and
to do +1d6 damage but expose yourself to the enemy’s attack. *On a 7-9, the adventure will emerge around your decisions. Your characters already
deal your damage to the enemy and the enemy makes an attack against you. have some history one another, so we can get right into the action. This
shared history is represented in the Bonds on your sheet. The gamemaster
Volley (GM) will ask you questions about where your character is from, what the
When you take aim and shoot at an enemy at range, roll+DEX. *On a 10+ world is like, and what they are doing. Your answers will shape the world
you have a clear shot—deal your damage. *On a 7-9, choose one (whichever and your adventure. We play to find out what happens.
you choose you deal your damage):
• You have to move to make the shot, placing you in danger of the Playing Dungeon World means having a conversation; somebody says
GM’s choice something, then you reply, maybe someone else chimes in. Players take turns
• You have to take what you can get: -1d6 damage (minimum 1) in the natural flow of the conversation, which always has some back-and-
• You have to take several shots, reducing your ammo by one. forth. The GM says something, the players respond. The players ask
questions or make statements, the GM tells them what happens next. The
Defy Danger conversation works best when we all listen, ask questions, and build on each
When you act despite an imminent threat or suffer a calamity, say how other’s contributions.
you deal with it and roll. If you do it...
• …by powering through, +STR Sometimes, the GM may tell you that your actions have triggered a move,
• …by getting out of the way or acting fast, +DEX such as Defy Danger. To make a move, roll two six-sided dice and add the
• …by enduring, +CON indicated ability from your sheet.
• …with quick thinking, +INT • If the total is 10 or higher, you’ve achieved a strong hit; you’ve
succeeded at your task.
• …through mental fortitude, +WIS
• …using charm and social grace, +CHA • If the total is between 7 and 9, it’s a weak hit; a success that comes
at some cost. Perhaps there’s a downside to your action, or you
*On a 10+, you do what you set out to do; the threat doesn’t come to bear.
*On a 7-9, you stumble, hesitate, or flinch: the GM will offer you a worse don’t get everything you wanted.
outcome, hard bargain, or ugly choice. • If the total is 6 or less, it’s a miss; your attempt has gone poorly,
and the GM can now make their move against you.
When you stand in defense of a person, item, or location under attack, Some moves may say “take +1 forward.” That means to take +1 to your next
roll+CON. *On a 10+, hold 3. *On a 7-9, hold 1. So long as you stand in move roll (not damage). The bonus can be greater than +1, or even a penalty,
defense, when you or the thing you defend is attacked you may spend hold, 1 like -1. The bonus may also apply to a specific condition, such as taking +1
for 1, to choose an option: the next time you use your armor, or +1d4 the next time you deal damage.
• Redirect an attack from the thing you defend to yourself Some moves may give you “hold.” Hold is currency that allows you to make
some choices later on by spending the hold as the move describes. Hold is
• Halve the attack’s effect or damage
always used on only the move that generated it.
• Open up the attacker to an ally, giving that ally +1 forward against
the attacker
Your Hit Points (HP) determines how much stamina you have, and much
• Deal 1 damage to the attacker punishment you can take before you fall. When you take damage, subtract it
from your HP. If you have armor, reduce the damage taken by your armor
Spout Lore value. When your HP reaches zero, you are out of action and maybe dead.
When you consult your accumulated knowledge about something,
roll+INT. *On a 10+ the GM will tell you something interesting and useful If you have adventuring gear, you may mark off a use to find some mundane
about the subject relevant to your situation. *On a 7-9 the GM will only tell but useful item, such as chalk, rope, a torch, or something similar.
you something interesting—it’s on you to make it useful. The GM might ask
you “How do you know this?” Tell them the truth, now. If you have bandages, when you have a few minutes to bandage someone
else’s wounds, heal them of 4 damage and mark off a use.
Discern Realities
When you closely study a situation or person, roll+WIS. *On a 10+ ask the If you have a healing potion, when you drink it, heal yourself of 10 damage
GM 3 questions from the list below. *On a 7-9 ask 1. Take +1 forward when or remove one debility, your choice.
acting on the answers.
• What happened here recently? As the Paladin, you wield both martial prowess and holy power. You have
• What is about to happen? high damage and good armor, along with powerful support abilities that heal
• What should I be on the lookout for? your allies or give you miraculous abilities. Your place is to be on the front
• What here is useful or valuable to me? lines against the forces of evil. Be sure to read the Hack and Slash and
• Who’s really in control here? Defend moves on this page.
• What here is not what it appears to be?
Our story will begin in or near your hometown. You may not necessarily hail
Aid or Interfere from this village, but you should have something that connects you to it. You
When you help or hinder someone you have a bond with, roll+Bonds with and your fellow players will build the town and the surrounding areas
them. *On a 10+ they take +1 or -2, your choice. *On a 7-9 you also expose together as part of the game. The GM will ask you questions about your
yourself to danger, retribution, or cost. backstory, such as defining people, places, or events. Your answers will
become lore.
When you have leverage on an NPC and manipulate them, roll+CHA. Some questions which you should consider for building your world:
Leverage is something they need or want. *On a 10+, they do what you ask • What authority, religious or secular, rules over these lands?
if you first promise what they ask of you. *On a 7-9, they will do what you • Who granted you knighthood, and why?
ask, but need some concrete assurance of your promise, right now. • How have you lived up to your vows? How have you failed?
• What great evil has this region faced before?
Start here: Choose a name, looks, and background for your character. Wild Eyes, Sharp Eyes, or Animal Eyes
Mark the extra gear and bonuses to your stats that your background gives you. Hooded Head, Wild Hair, or Bald
Add +1 to one stat of your choice, and -1 to another stat of your choice. Cape, Camouflage, or Traveling Clothes
Any stats that did not receive a modifier start at +0. Lithe Body, Wild Body, or Sharp Body
Write the names of your fellow adventurers in your bonds.


o Raised by Wolves Hunt and Track
+2 DEX, +1 CON, starts with poultices and herbs (2 uses) When you follow a trail of clues left behind by passing creatures, roll+WIS. *On a hit,
Okay, maybe not literally… but you’ve always gotten along you follow the creature’s trail until there’s a significant change in its direction or mode of
better with animals than people, and you prefer a life in the travel. *On a 10+, you also choose one of the following:
wilds. What keeps you connected to the village? • Gain a useful bit of information about your quarry, the GM will tell you what
You enjoy a strong bond with your companion. Choose an extra • Determine what caused the trail to end
training for your animal companion.
Called Shot
o Forester
When you attack a defenseless or surprised enemy at range, you can choose to deal
+2 DEX, +1 WIS, starts with extra bundle of arrows (3 ammo)
your damage, or name your target and roll+DEX:
You are a protector of the great wilderness. You patrol the
• Head: 10+: As 7-9, plus your damage. 7-9: They do nothing but stand and drool
surrounding lands, sometimes hunting game, occasionally
for a few moments.
guarding against bandits or dangerous animals. What threat most
often needs your attention? • Arms: 10+: As 7-9, plus your damage. 7-9: They drop anything they’re holding.
You’ve mastered the art of camouflage. When you keep still in • Legs: 10+: As 7-9, plus your damage. 7-9: They’re hobbled and slow moving.
natural surroundings, enemies never spot you until you make a
movement, and when you strike with a ranged weapon from Animal Companion
hiding, your first shot never gives away your position. You have a supernatural connection with a loyal animal. You can’t talk to it per se, but it
almost always acts as you wish it to. Name your animal companion and choose one:
o Warden o Wolf: Ferocity +2, Cunning +1, 1 Armor, Instinct +1
+2 WIS, +1 DEX, starts with adventuring gear (5 uses) o Hawk: Ferocity +2, Cunning +2, 0 Armor, Instinct +1
You have devoted yourself to hunting the unnatural things that o Great Cat: Ferocity +1, Cunning +2, 1 Armor, Instinct +1
skulk in the darkness and the wilds, and you’re hot on the trail of o Bear: Ferocity +3, Cunning +1, 1 Armor, Instinct +2
something around here. What troubling or ominous signs have Choose as many strengths as its ferocity:
you found so far? Fast, burly, huge, calm, adaptable, quick reflexes, tireless, camouflage, ferocious,
Your intuition helps you to face danger in the wilderness. When intimidating, keen senses, stealthy
you Spout Lore about a monster, you roll with +WIS instead Choose as many weaknesses as its instinct:
of +INT, and on a hit, you take +1 forward when acting on the Flighty, savage, slow, broken, frightening, forgetful, stubborn, lame
information you recall.
Your animal companion is trained to fight humanoids. Choose as many additional
trainings as its cunning: hunt, search, scout, guard, fight monsters, perform, labor, travel

When you work with your animal companion on something it’s trained in...
• ...and you attack the same target, add its ferocity to your damage
• ...and you track, Discern Realties or Parley, add its cunning to your roll
• ...and you take damage, add its armor to your armor
• ...and someone interferes with you, add its instinct to their roll.

Gear Bonds
You begin with: Who have you guided through the wilderness before? ____________________
Dungeon rations (5 uses)
Leather armor (1 armor) Who has proven to be a friend of nature? ____________________
A spear
A long bow Who needs you to teach them about life in the wilds? ____________________
A bundle of arrows (3 ammo)
Who has the least respect for nature? ____________________

Basic Moves How to Play
Hack and Slash Dungeon World is a game of adventure fantasy. You'll play an adventurer in
When you attack an enemy in melee, roll+STR. *On a 10+ you deal your a dangerous world. Maybe you fight for glory, or for profit, or for good or
damage to the enemy and avoid their attack. At your option, you may choose evil, or out of loyalty to your friends. You'll decide that here at the table, and
to do +1d6 damage but expose yourself to the enemy’s attack. *On a 7-9, the adventure will emerge around your decisions. Your characters already
deal your damage to the enemy and the enemy makes an attack against you. have some history one another, so we can get right into the action. This
shared history is represented in the Bonds on your sheet. The gamemaster
Volley (GM) will ask you questions about where your character is from, what the
When you take aim and shoot at an enemy at range, roll+DEX. *On a 10+ world is like, and what they are doing. Your answers will shape the world
you have a clear shot—deal your damage. *On a 7-9, choose one (whichever and your adventure. We play to find out what happens.
you choose you deal your damage):
• You have to move to make the shot, placing you in danger of the Playing Dungeon World means having a conversation; somebody says
GM’s choice something, then you reply, maybe someone else chimes in. Players take turns
• You have to take what you can get: -1d6 damage (minimum 1) in the natural flow of the conversation, which always has some back-and-
• You have to take several shots, reducing your ammo by one. forth. The GM says something, the players respond. The players ask
questions or make statements, the GM tells them what happens next. The
Defy Danger conversation works best when we all listen, ask questions, and build on each
When you act despite an imminent threat or suffer a calamity, say how other’s contributions.
you deal with it and roll. If you do it...
• …by powering through, +STR Sometimes, the GM may tell you that your actions have triggered a move,
• …by getting out of the way or acting fast, +DEX such as Defy Danger. To make a move, roll two six-sided dice and add the
• …by enduring, +CON indicated ability from your sheet.
• …with quick thinking, +INT • If the total is 10 or higher, you’ve achieved a strong hit; you’ve
succeeded at your task.
• …through mental fortitude, +WIS
• …using charm and social grace, +CHA • If the total is between 7 and 9, it’s a weak hit; a success that comes
at some cost. Perhaps there’s a downside to your action, or you
*On a 10+, you do what you set out to do; the threat doesn’t come to bear.
*On a 7-9, you stumble, hesitate, or flinch: the GM will offer you a worse don’t get everything you wanted.
outcome, hard bargain, or ugly choice. • If the total is 6 or less, it’s a miss; your attempt has gone poorly,
and the GM can now make their move against you.
When you stand in defense of a person, item, or location under attack, Some moves may say “take +1 forward.” That means to take +1 to your next
roll+CON. *On a 10+, hold 3. *On a 7-9, hold 1. So long as you stand in move roll (not damage). The bonus can be greater than +1, or even a penalty,
defense, when you or the thing you defend is attacked you may spend hold, 1 like -1. The bonus may also apply to a specific condition, such as taking +1
for 1, to choose an option: the next time you use your armor, or +1d4 the next time you deal damage.
• Redirect an attack from the thing you defend to yourself Some moves may give you “hold.” Hold is currency that allows you to make
some choices later on by spending the hold as the move describes. Hold is
• Halve the attack’s effect or damage
always used on only the move that generated it.
• Open up the attacker to an ally, giving that ally +1 forward against
the attacker
Your Hit Points (HP) determines how much stamina you have, and much
• Deal 1 damage to the attacker punishment you can take before you fall. When you take damage, subtract it
from your HP. If you have armor, reduce the damage taken by your armor
Spout Lore value. When your HP reaches zero, you are out of action and maybe dead.
When you consult your accumulated knowledge about something,
roll+INT. *On a 10+ the GM will tell you something interesting and useful If you have adventuring gear, you may mark off a use to find some mundane
about the subject relevant to your situation. *On a 7-9 the GM will only tell but useful item, such as chalk, rope, a torch, or something similar.
you something interesting—it’s on you to make it useful. The GM might ask
you “How do you know this?” Tell them the truth, now. If you have poultices and herbs, when you carefully treat someone’s wounds
with poultices and herbs, heal them of 7 damage and mark off a use.
Discern Realities
When you closely study a situation or person, roll+WIS. *On a 10+ ask the
GM 3 questions from the list below. *On a 7-9 ask 1. Take +1 forward when As the Ranger, you’re the best in the wilderness. Your bow allows you to
acting on the answers. attack enemies at a distance, and your animal companion can provide some
• What happened here recently? great support for you. Your part of the team is to find tracks and paths
• What is about to happen? through the wilderness, and take out enemies at a distance. Be sure to read
• What should I be on the lookout for? the Volley move on this page.
• What here is useful or valuable to me?
• Who’s really in control here? Our story will begin in or near your hometown. You may not necessarily hail
• What here is not what it appears to be? from this village, but you should have something that connects you to it. You
and your fellow players will build the town and the surrounding areas
Aid or Interfere together as part of the game. The GM will ask you questions about your
When you help or hinder someone you have a bond with, roll+Bonds with backstory, such as defining people, places, or events. Your answers will
them. *On a 10+ they take +1 or -2, your choice. *On a 7-9 you also expose become lore.
yourself to danger, retribution, or cost.
Some questions which you should consider for building your world:
Parley • What wild frontier is closest to the village?
When you have leverage on an NPC and manipulate them, roll+CHA. • How did you meet your animal companion?
Leverage is something they need or want. *On a 10+, they do what you ask • What was the most dangerous thing you ever tracked or hunted?
if you first promise what they ask of you. *On a 7-9, they will do what you • What is the nearest danger that lurks near the village? (Don’t
ask, but need some concrete assurance of your promise, right now. describe it exactly, just the signs or impressions you’ve found so
Start here: Choose a name, looks, and background for your character. Shifty Eyes, Cunning Eyes or Criminal Eyes
Mark the extra gear and bonuses to your stats that your background gives you. Hooded Head, Messy Hair, or Cropped Hair
Add +1 to one stat of your choice, and -1 to another stat of your choice. Dark Clothes, Fancy Clothes, or Common Clothes
Any stats that did not receive a modifier start at +0. Lithe Body, Knobby Body, or Flabby Body
Write the names of your fellow adventurers in your bonds.


o Life of Crime Trap Expert
+2 DEX, +1 STR, starts with healing potion When you spend a moment to survey a dangerous area, roll+DEX. *On a 10+, hold 3.
You’ve left the big city after a… colorful life. The people here *On a 7-9, hold 1. Spend your hold as you walk through the area to ask these questions:
have taken you (back?) in, but the past always seems to come • Is there a trap here and if so, what activates it?
back to haunt you. Who or what did you leave behind? • What does the trap do when activated?
You’re a professional. When you Spout Lore or Discern • What else is hidden here?
Realities about criminal activities, take +1.

o “Expert Treasure Hunter” Tricks of the Trade

When you pick locks or pockets or disable traps, roll+DEX. *On a 10+, you do it, no
+2 DEX, +1 WIS, starts with adventuring gear (5 uses)
problem. *On a 7-9, you still do it, but the GM will offer you two options between
You fancy yourself to be a treasure hunter after that one lucky
suspicion, danger, or cost.
time you explored that old ruin. The story about that curse is
probably just superstition anyway. What did you find, both good
and bad? Backstab
You have a nose for loot. When you Discern Realities, you may When you attack a surprised or defenseless enemy with a melee weapon, you can
also ask, “Is there treasure here, and if so, where?” for free. choose to deal your damage or roll+DEX. *On a 10+ choose two. *On a 7-9 choose one.
• You don’t get into melee with them
o Trickster • You deal your damage+1d6
+2 DEX, +1 CHA, starts with 1 extra use of your chosen poison • You create an advantage, granting +1 forward to you or an ally acting on it
You’ve got a silver tongue and a reputation for bending the rules • Reduce their armor by 1 until they repair it
and causing mischief. Sure, you might have gotten chased out of
a pantry or two, but you’ve never gone too far, and you use your
talents for good when you can. Who is your favorite foil in the Poisoner
village? You’ve mastered the care and use of a poison. Choose a poison from the list below; that
You’re well-connected in the community. When you ask your poison is not dangerous for you to use, and when you have time, material, and safety to
connections about something you want or need, roll+CHA. brew, you can make more of it. Note that some poisons are applied, meaning you have to
*On a 10+, someone has it, just for you. *On a 7-9, you’ll have carefully apply it to the target or something they eat or drink. Touch poisons just need to
to settle for something close or it comes with strings attached, touch the target; they can even be used on the blade of a weapon.
your call. o Oil of Tagit (applied): the target falls into a light sleep
o Bloodweed (touch): the target deals -1d4 damage ongoing until cured
o Goldenroot (applied): the target treats the next creature they see as a trusted
ally, until proven otherwise
o Serpent’s Tears (touch): Anyone dealing damage to the target rolls twice and
takes the better result.

Gear Bonds
You begin with: Who have you stolen something from before? ____________________
Dungeon rations (5 uses)
3 throwing knives Who has your back when things go wrong? ____________________
A set of lockpicks
Leather armor (1 armor) Who has worked with you on a con before? ____________________
A short sword
3 uses of your chosen poison Who knows incriminating details about you? ____________________
(Note that your throwing knives are not the same as ammo; when
you throw them, you can’t choose to mark off ammo on a 7-9.
Once you throw a knife, it’s gone until you can recover it.)

Basic Moves How to Play
Hack and Slash Dungeon World is a game of adventure fantasy. You'll play an adventurer in
When you attack an enemy in melee, roll+STR. *On a 10+ you deal your a dangerous world. Maybe you fight for glory, or for profit, or for good or
damage to the enemy and avoid their attack. At your option, you may choose evil, or out of loyalty to your friends. You'll decide that here at the table, and
to do +1d6 damage but expose yourself to the enemy’s attack. *On a 7-9, the adventure will emerge around your decisions. Your characters already
deal your damage to the enemy and the enemy makes an attack against you. have some history one another, so we can get right into the action. This
shared history is represented in the Bonds on your sheet. The gamemaster
Volley (GM) will ask you questions about where your character is from, what the
When you take aim and shoot at an enemy at range, roll+DEX. *On a 10+ world is like, and what they are doing. Your answers will shape the world
you have a clear shot—deal your damage. *On a 7-9, choose one (whichever and your adventure. We play to find out what happens.
you choose you deal your damage):
• You have to move to make the shot, placing you in danger of the Playing Dungeon World means having a conversation; somebody says
GM’s choice something, then you reply, maybe someone else chimes in. Players take turns
• You have to take what you can get: -1d6 damage (minimum 1) in the natural flow of the conversation, which always has some back-and-
• You have to take several shots, reducing your ammo by one. forth. The GM says something, the players respond. The players ask
questions or make statements, the GM tells them what happens next. The
Defy Danger conversation works best when we all listen, ask questions, and build on each
When you act despite an imminent threat or suffer a calamity, say how other’s contributions.
you deal with it and roll. If you do it...
• …by powering through, +STR Sometimes, the GM may tell you that your actions have triggered a move,
• …by getting out of the way or acting fast, +DEX such as Defy Danger. To make a move, roll two six-sided dice and add the
• …by enduring, +CON indicated ability from your sheet.
• …with quick thinking, +INT • If the total is 10 or higher, you’ve achieved a strong hit; you’ve
succeeded at your task.
• …through mental fortitude, +WIS
• …using charm and social grace, +CHA • If the total is between 7 and 9, it’s a weak hit; a success that comes
at some cost. Perhaps there’s a downside to your action, or you
*On a 10+, you do what you set out to do; the threat doesn’t come to bear.
*On a 7-9, you stumble, hesitate, or flinch: the GM will offer you a worse don’t get everything you wanted.
outcome, hard bargain, or ugly choice. • If the total is 6 or less, it’s a miss; your attempt has gone poorly,
and the GM can now make their move against you.
When you stand in defense of a person, item, or location under attack, Some moves may say “take +1 forward.” That means to take +1 to your next
roll+CON. *On a 10+, hold 3. *On a 7-9, hold 1. So long as you stand in move roll (not damage). The bonus can be greater than +1, or even a penalty,
defense, when you or the thing you defend is attacked you may spend hold, 1 like -1. The bonus may also apply to a specific condition, such as taking +1
for 1, to choose an option: the next time you use your armor, or +1d4 the next time you deal damage.
• Redirect an attack from the thing you defend to yourself Some moves may give you “hold.” Hold is currency that allows you to make
some choices later on by spending the hold as the move describes. Hold is
• Halve the attack’s effect or damage
always used on only the move that generated it.
• Open up the attacker to an ally, giving that ally +1 forward against
the attacker
Your Hit Points (HP) determines how much stamina you have, and much
• Deal 1 damage to the attacker punishment you can take before you fall. When you take damage, subtract it
from your HP. If you have armor, reduce the damage taken by your armor
Spout Lore value. When your HP reaches zero, you are out of action and maybe dead.
When you consult your accumulated knowledge about something,
roll+INT. *On a 10+ the GM will tell you something interesting and useful If you have adventuring gear, you may mark off a use to find some mundane
about the subject relevant to your situation. *On a 7-9 the GM will only tell but useful item, such as chalk, rope, a torch, or something similar.
you something interesting—it’s on you to make it useful. The GM might ask
you “How do you know this?” Tell them the truth, now. If you have a healing potion, when you drink it, heal yourself of 10 damage
or remove one debility, your choice.
Discern Realities
When you closely study a situation or person, roll+WIS. *On a 10+ ask the As the Thief, you’re the sneakiest. Your allies will count on you to deal with
GM 3 questions from the list below. *On a 7-9 ask 1. Take +1 forward when the dangerous traps and locks that bar your path. While you may not be
acting on the answers. strong in a face-to-face fight, if you can get the drop on your foe to Backstab
• What happened here recently? them, you can really do some damage. You will need to rely on your cunning
• What is about to happen? to succeed in the dungeon. Be sure to read the Volley move on this page.
• What should I be on the lookout for?
• What here is useful or valuable to me? Our story will begin in or near your hometown. You may not necessarily hail
• Who’s really in control here? from this village, but you should have something that connects you to it. You
• What here is not what it appears to be? and your fellow players will build the town and the surrounding areas
together as part of the game. The GM will ask you questions about your
Aid or Interfere backstory, such as defining people, places, or events. Your answers will
When you help or hinder someone you have a bond with, roll+Bonds with become lore.
them. *On a 10+ they take +1 or -2, your choice. *On a 7-9 you also expose
yourself to danger, retribution, or cost. Some questions which you should consider for building your world:
• What opportunity is there for excitement or treasure nearby that
Parley most people are afraid of attempting?
When you have leverage on an NPC and manipulate them, roll+CHA. • Who do you know outside of here that holds a grudge against the
Leverage is something they need or want. *On a 10+, they do what you ask village, and why?
if you first promise what they ask of you. *On a 7-9, they will do what you • Who is someone that you are certain you can trust?
ask, but need some concrete assurance of your promise, right now. • What’s the most valuable thing in the village, and where’s it
Start here: Choose a name, looks, and background for your character. Haunted Eyes, Sharp Eyes, or Crazy Eyes
Mark the extra gear and bonuses to your stats that your background gives you. Styled Hair, Wild Hair, or Pointed Hat
Add +1 to one stat of your choice, and -1 to another stat of your choice. Worn Robes, Stylish Robes, or Strange Robes
Any stats that did not receive a modifier start at +0. Pudgy Body, Creepy Body, or Thin Body
Write the names of your fellow adventurers in your bonds.


o Antiquarian Cast a Spell
+2 INT, +1 WIS, starts with bag of books (5 uses) You possess a magical book of spells that contains arcane words of magical power. When
You are self-taught but untried, learning magic from a few you cast a magical spell, choose one of the following effects:
ancient tomes. How did you get them? Around here, you’re the • You conjure a magical light that will follow you around, as long as you wish.
village know-it-all, or perhaps their assistant. • The GM will tell you what here is magical.
You never call up what you can’t put down. Add the following • You or an ally you touch becomes invisible, until the next time they make an
option to Cast a Spell: attack or you cast another spell.
• You counter a spell or ritual that is being cast, or • Bolts of pure magic spring from your fingers; deal 2d4 damage to one target.
dispel a magical effect present. • The person (not beast or monster) you touch while casting this spell counts you
as a friend until they take damage or you prove otherwise.
o Fae Foundling • You perform a minor trick of true magic, such as making cosmetic changes to
+2 INT, +1 DEX, starts with healing potion an object you touch, or creating a simple, but crude and obvious illusion.
You were found as an infant beneath the ancient standing stones Then roll+INT. *On a hit, the spell is cast successfully. *On a 7-9, choose one:
near the village. Some of the villagers were kind enough to take • You draw unwelcome attention or put yourself in a spot. The GM will tell you
you in to raise you as their own. How are you different or how.
otherwise marked, compared to other people? • The spell disturbs the fabric of reality as it is cast—take -1 to Cast a Spell until
You have a natural gift with magic. You do not need to cast a the next time you study. This penalty is cumulative each time you take it.
spell to ask the GM what here is magical; you can just ask them • After it is cast, the spell is forgotten. You cannot cast the spell again until the
whenever you like, without rolling. next time you study.

o Pact When you spend uninterrupted time (an hour or so) in quiet contemplation of your
+2 INT, +1 CHA, starts with antitoxin spellbook, you remove any of the above penalties and recover all of your forgotten spells.
You learned magic by swearing allegiance to someone—or
something—else. Who are they? What do you owe them? What
is their place of power like?
Your patron controls a place of power, which they will let you When you draw on a place of power to create a magical effect, tell the GM what you’re
use if you ask nicely, and if you ask for help on a project, they trying to achieve. You can accomplish just about anything with a ritual, but the GM will
usually will support you. Of course, you may have to convince give you one to four of the following conditions:
them to help you first. • It’s going to take days/weeks/months
• First you must ________
• You’ll need help from ________
• It will require a lot of money
You also get this move, regardless of background: • The best you can do is a lesser version, unreliable and limited
• You and your allies will risk danger from ________
• You’ll have to sacrifice ________ to do it
When you have time and safety to study a magic item, you
may ask the GM what it does; they will answer you truthfully.

Gear Bonds
You begin with: Whose destiny have you foreseen? ____________________ What did you see?
Dungeon rations (5 uses)
Your spellbook, describe it! Who do need to teach about how magic really works? ____________________
A staff
Who is keeping a secret from you? ____________________

Basic Moves How to Play
Hack and Slash Dungeon World is a game of adventure fantasy. You'll play an adventurer in
When you attack an enemy in melee, roll+STR. *On a 10+ you deal your a dangerous world. Maybe you fight for glory, or for profit, or for good or
damage to the enemy and avoid their attack. At your option, you may choose evil, or out of loyalty to your friends. You'll decide that here at the table, and
to do +1d6 damage but expose yourself to the enemy’s attack. *On a 7-9, the adventure will emerge around your decisions. Your characters already
deal your damage to the enemy and the enemy makes an attack against you. have some history one another, so we can get right into the action. This
shared history is represented in the Bonds on your sheet. The gamemaster
Volley (GM) will ask you questions about where your character is from, what the
When you take aim and shoot at an enemy at range, roll+DEX. *On a 10+ world is like, and what they are doing. Your answers will shape the world
you have a clear shot—deal your damage. *On a 7-9, choose one (whichever and your adventure. We play to find out what happens.
you choose you deal your damage):
• You have to move to make the shot, placing you in danger of the Playing Dungeon World means having a conversation; somebody says
GM’s choice something, then you reply, maybe someone else chimes in. Players take turns
• You have to take what you can get: -1d6 damage (minimum 1) in the natural flow of the conversation, which always has some back-and-
• You have to take several shots, reducing your ammo by one. forth. The GM says something, the players respond. The players ask
questions or make statements, the GM tells them what happens next. The
Defy Danger conversation works best when we all listen, ask questions, and build on each
When you act despite an imminent threat or suffer a calamity, say how other’s contributions.
you deal with it and roll. If you do it...
• …by powering through, +STR Sometimes, the GM may tell you that your actions have triggered a move,
• …by getting out of the way or acting fast, +DEX such as Defy Danger. To make a move, roll two six-sided dice and add the
• …by enduring, +CON indicated ability from your sheet.
• …with quick thinking, +INT • If the total is 10 or higher, you’ve achieved a strong hit; you’ve
succeeded at your task.
• …through mental fortitude, +WIS
• …using charm and social grace, +CHA • If the total is between 7 and 9, it’s a weak hit; a success that comes
at some cost. Perhaps there’s a downside to your action, or you
*On a 10+, you do what you set out to do; the threat doesn’t come to bear.
*On a 7-9, you stumble, hesitate, or flinch: the GM will offer you a worse don’t get everything you wanted.
outcome, hard bargain, or ugly choice. • If the total is 6 or less, it’s a miss; your attempt has gone poorly,
and the GM can now make their move against you.
When you stand in defense of a person, item, or location under attack, Some moves may say “take +1 forward.” That means to take +1 to your next
roll+CON. *On a 10+, hold 3. *On a 7-9, hold 1. So long as you stand in move roll (not damage). The bonus can be greater than +1, or even a penalty,
defense, when you or the thing you defend is attacked you may spend hold, 1 like -1. The bonus may also apply to a specific condition, such as taking +1
for 1, to choose an option: the next time you use your armor, or +1d4 the next time you deal damage.
• Redirect an attack from the thing you defend to yourself Some moves may give you “hold.” Hold is currency that allows you to make
some choices later on by spending the hold as the move describes. Hold is
• Halve the attack’s effect or damage
always used on only the move that generated it.
• Open up the attacker to an ally, giving that ally +1 forward against
the attacker
Your Hit Points (HP) determines how much stamina you have, and much
• Deal 1 damage to the attacker punishment you can take before you fall. When you take damage, subtract it
from your HP. If you have armor, reduce the damage taken by your armor
Spout Lore value. When your HP reaches zero, you are out of action and maybe dead.
When you consult your accumulated knowledge about something,
roll+INT. *On a 10+ the GM will tell you something interesting and useful If you have a healing potion, when you drink it, heal yourself of 10 damage
about the subject relevant to your situation. *On a 7-9 the GM will only tell or remove one debility, your choice.
you something interesting—it’s on you to make it useful. The GM might ask
you “How do you know this?” Tell them the truth, now. If you have a bag of books, when you are Spouting Lore you may mark off a
use to find a useful book and take +1 to the roll.
Discern Realities
When you closely study a situation or person, roll+WIS. *On a 10+ ask the If you have antitoxin, you may drink it to cure yourself of one poison
GM 3 questions from the list below. *On a 7-9 ask 1. Take +1 forward when afflicting you.
acting on the answers.
• What happened here recently? As the Wizard, you’re the master of the arcane. While you might be weak in
• What is about to happen? hand-to-hand combat, your spells and knowledge will make you a match for
• What should I be on the lookout for? any danger. With a Ritual, you can accomplish anything, though you may
• What here is useful or valuable to me? need some help to achieve your goals. Be sure to read the Spout Lore move.
• Who’s really in control here?
• What here is not what it appears to be? Our story will begin in or near your hometown. You may not necessarily hail
from this village, but you should have something that connects you to it. You
Aid or Interfere and your fellow players will build the town and the surrounding areas
When you help or hinder someone you have a bond with, roll+Bonds with together as part of the game. The GM will ask you questions about your
them. *On a 10+ they take +1 or -2, your choice. *On a 7-9 you also expose backstory, such as defining people, places, or events. Your answers will
yourself to danger, retribution, or cost. become lore.

Parley Some questions which you should consider for building your world:
When you have leverage on an NPC and manipulate them, roll+CHA. • What ancient relic or mystical feature unique to the village has
Leverage is something they need or want. *On a 10+, they do what you ask “always been there”?
if you first promise what they ask of you. *On a 7-9, they will do what you • How do the people of the village view magic?
ask, but need some concrete assurance of your promise, right now. • What makes a place a “place of power” to you for your rituals?
• What dire omen or portent has been revealed to you?
Agenda Adventure Setup
• Portray a fantastic world When you speak of the dangers that lurk in the wild, ask questions to
• Fill the characters’ lives with adventure establish the following details, but keep one or two to answer yourself as
• Play to find out what happens surprises:
• The danger that threatens the village

• Draw maps, leave blanks • Who leads them, and what makes them special or unusual (Use
• Address the characters, not the players this answer to write a location move for their lair)
• Embrace the fantastic
• Make a move that follows
• Never speak the name of your move
• Give every monster life • What they want (Choose an established person, place, or thing)
• Name every person and why they want it
• Ask questions and use the answers
• Be a fan of the characters
• Think dangerous
• Begin and end with the fiction • What else is involved or at stake, that might cause a distraction,
a moral quandary, make it personal, or complicate things
• Think offscreen, too

Moves • An established NPC who has already become involved, and how
• Use a monster, danger, or location move
• Reveal an unwelcome truth
• Show signs of an approaching threat
• What pushes the characters to act
• Deal damage
• Use up their resources
• Turn their move back on them • The location of their lair (Choose an established place)
• Separate them
• Give an opportunity that fits a class’ abilities
• Show a downside to their class, race, or equipment • A valuable treasure kept in their lair
• Offer an opportunity, with or without cost
• Put someone in a spot
• Tell them the requirements or consequences and ask

Dungeon Moves Prep the Dungeon

When you prep the dungeon, answer the following prompts about places
• Change the environment and things within the dungeon, using what has been established above:
• Point to a looming threat • What guards the entrance, or otherwise prevents entry?
• Introduce a new faction or type of creature
• Use a threat from an existing faction or type of creature
• Make them backtrack • What remains of this place from before?
• Present riches at a price
• Present a challenge to one of the characters
• How does the terrain change as you explore?
You make a GM move when…
• Everyone looks to you to find out what happens
• The players give you a golden opportunity • What mystery, puzzle, or foe cannot be defeated with violence?
• They roll a 6 or less
After every move you make, always ask, “What do you do?”
• How can things go wrong, or become more complicated?

First Session Goals • What unwelcome truth or hint of further trouble awaits
• Establish details, describe discovery?
• Use what they give you
• Ask questions
• Leave blanks
When you introduce a new location, describe a notable impression and
• Look for interesting facts
ask one of your players to describe a notable impression too:
• Help the players understand the moves
• Sources of light
• Give each character a chance to shine
• A notable feature that fits the dungeon’s theme or history
• Introduce NPCs
• Ambient sounds
• Moisture and smell of the air
• Natural hazards


Monsters Iron Golem Group, Large, Construct
We have included a sample of monsters on the supplemental GM sheets Metal fists (d8+5 damage) 10 HP 3 Armor
for your use. More monsters can be found in the Dungeon World rulebook. A staple of the enchanter’s art. Iron is a misnomer, though. These
To make a new monster on the fly, use one of these templates to start: guardians are crafted of any metal, really: steel, copper, or even gold, in
• It appears as a horde (6 or more): 3 HP, 0 Armor, d6 damage some small cases. Unceasing watchdog, stalwart defender, the iron golem
• It appears as a small group (3-5): 6 HP, 1 armor, d8 damage lives to serve, following its orders eternally.
• It appears by itself, or a leader: 12 HP, 2 Armor, d10+2 damage Instinct: To serve
Give each monster an instinct that describes what it wants, a move to • Follow orders implacably
describe its favorite tactics, and another move that shows or describes why • Use a special tool or adaptation, built-in
it is especially dangerous.
Skeleton Horde
If the monster has any of these properties, give them the listed tags or Slam (d6 damage) 7 HP 1 Armor
apply the listed modifiers to the monster’s stats: Dem bones, dem dry bones.
• It doesn’t have organs or discernible anatomy: amorphous, +1 Instinct: To take the semblance of life
armor, +3 HP • Act out what it did in life
• It’s as smart as a human or thereabouts: intelligent • Snuff out the warmth of life
• It’s kept alive by something beyond simple biology: +4 HP • Reconstruct from miscellaneous bones
• It’s armaments are vicious and obvious: +2 damage
• It wields spells and magic: magical, write a move about its Bandit Horde, Intelligent, Organized
spells Dirk (d6 damage) 3 HP 1 Armor
• Armor doesn’t help with the damage it deals (due to magic, size, When times are tough, what else is there to do but scavenge a weapon and
• etc.): ignores armor take up with a clan of nasty men and women? Highway robbery, poaching,
• It possesses exceptional strength or endurance: +2 damage, +2 scams and cons and murder most foul but we’ve all got to eat, so who can
HP, or both blame them? Then again, there’s evil in the hearts of some and who’s to
say that desperation isn’t a need to sate one’s baser lusts?
Remember your principles: give every monster life, think dangerous, and Instinct: To rob
begin and end with the fiction. Make your monsters smart and proactive, • Steal something
not just punching bags full of HP. A razor boar that does numbers for • Demand tribute
damage doesn’t feel like a threat. A razor boar that cuts through armor like
paper and can mangle limbs with its tusks as it chases the party through Bandit King Solitary, Intelligent, Organized
the forest will. Likewise, a monster that just sits there waiting for the PCs Trusty knife (d10+2 damage) 12 HP 1 Armor
to come and vanquish it isn’t dangerous. Like any other NPC, monsters Better to rule in hell than serve in heaven. Instinct: To lead
have desires and instincts. Act on them to make them feel more real. • Make a demand
• Extort
• Topple power
Goblin Horde, Small, Intelligent, Organized
Spear (d6 damage) 3 HP 1 Armor Cave Rat Horde, Small
Elves say they’re the dwarves’ fault, dredged up from a hidden place Gnaw (d6 damage 1 piercing) 7 HP 1 Armor
beneath the earth. Dwarves say they’re bad elvish children, taken away at Who hasn’t seen a rat before? It’s like that, but nasty and big and not
birth and raised in the dark. The truth of the matter is that goblins have afraid of you anymore. Maybe this one was a cousin to that one you
always been here and they’ll be here once all the civilized races have caught in a trap or the one you killed with a knife in that filthy tavern in
fallen and gone away. They just breed too quickly to exterminate. Darrow. Maybe he’s looking for a little ratty revenge.
Instinct: To multiply Instinct: To devour
• Charge! • Swarm
• Call more goblins • Rip something (or someone) apart
• Retreat and return with (many) more
Troll Solitary, Large
Goblin Orkaster Solitary, Small, Magical, Intelligent, Organized Club (d10+3 damage) 20 HP 1 Armor
Acid orb (d10+1 damage, ignores armor) 12 HP 0 Armor Special Qualities: Regeneration
Oh lord, who taught them magic? Tall. Real tall. Eight or nine feet when they’re young or weak. Covered all
Instinct: To tap power beyond their stature over in warty, tough skin, too. Big teeth, stringy hair like swamp moss and
• Unleash a poorly understood spell long, dirty nails. Some are green, some gray, some black. They’re clannish
• Pour forth magical chaos and hateful of each other, not to mention all the rest of us. Near impossible
• Use other goblins for shields to kill, too, unless you’ve fire or acid to spare—cut a limb off and watch.
In a few days, you’ve got two trolls where you once had one. A real
Ogre Group, Large, Intelligent serious problem, as you can imagine.
Club (d8+5 damage) 10 HP 1 Armor Instinct: To smash
In days when men were merely dwellers-in-the-mud with no magic to call • Undo the effects of an attack (unless caused by a weakness)
their own, they split in two: one camp left their caves and the dark forests • Hurl something or someone
and built the first city to honor the gods. The others, a wild and savage lot,
retreated into darkness. They grew, there. In the deep woods a grim Ghoul Group
loathing for their softer kin gave them strength. They found dark gods of Talons (d8 damage, 1 piercing, messy) 10 HP 1 Armor
their own, there in the woods and hills. Ages passed and they bred tall and Hunger. Hunger hunger hunger. Desperate clinging void-stomach-
strong and full of hate. We have forged steel and they match it with their emptiness hunger. Sharp talons to rend flesh and teeth to tear and crack
savagery. We may have forgotten our common roots, but somewhere, bones and suck out the so marrow inside. Vomit up hate and screaming
deep down, the ogres remember. jealous anger and charge on twisted legs—scare the living flesh and
Instinct: To return the world to darker days sweeten it ever more with the stink of fear. Feast. Peasant or knight,
• Destroy something wizard, sage, prince, or priest all make for such delicious meat.
• Fly into a rage Instinct: To eat
• Take something by force • Gnaw off a body part
• Gain the memories of their meal
o Improved Ability o Improved Ability
Increase one of your stats by 1, to a maximum of +2. Increase one of your stats by 1, to a maximum of +2.

o Experienced o Experienced
Choose a second background from your sheet; you gain the Choose a second background from your sheet; you gain the
move associated with that background (but not the stat bonuses move associated with that background (but not the stat bonuses
or extra gear). or extra gear).

o A Little Help From my Friends o Red of Tooth and Claw

When you successfully Aid someone, you take +1 forward as While you are in an appropriate animal form (something
well. dangerous), your damage die is increased to d8.

o Bamboozle o Thing-Talker
When you Parley with someone, on a hit you also take +1 You see the spirits in the sand, the sea and the stone. You may
forward against them as well. now apply your Spirit Tongue to inanimate natural objects
(plants and rocks) or creatures made thereof, as well as animals.
o Multiclass Dabbler
Choose a move from a playbook that no one else is using; you o Formcrafter
can use that move as if it were one of your own. When you shapeshift, choose a stat; you take +1 to all rolls
using that stat as long as you remain you remain shapeshifted.
o Mastered Ability The GM will choose a stat too; you take -1 to all rolls using that
Increase one of your stats by 1, to a maximum of +3. stat as long as you remain shapeshifted.

o Mastered Ability
Increase one of your stats by 1, to a maximum of +3.


o Improved Ability o Improved Ability
Increase one of your stats by 1, to a maximum of +2. Increase one of your stats by 1, to a maximum of +2.

o Experienced o Experienced
Choose a second background from your sheet; you gain the Choose a second background from your sheet; you gain the
move associated with that background (but not the stat bonuses move associated with that background (but not the stat bonuses
or extra gear). or extra gear).

o Invigorate o Scent of Blood

When you heal someone, the next time they deal damage, they When you Hack and Slash an enemy, your next attack against
deal +2 damage. that same enemy deals +1d4 damage.

o Empower o Iron Hide

When you cast a spell, on a 10+ you choose and option from the You get +1 armor at all times.
7-9 list. If you do, you may choose one of these effects as well:
• The spell’s effects are doubled o Armor Mastery
• The spell’s targets are doubled When you make your armor take the brunt of damage dealt
to you, the damage is negated but you must reduce the armor
o Divine Intervention value of your armor or shield (your choice) by 1. If the reduction
When you Commune, lose any hold you already had on this leaves the item with 0 armor, it is destroyed.
move, then hold 1. Spend this hold when you or an ally takes
damage to call on your deity; they intervene with an appropriate o Mastered Ability
manifestation (a sudden gust of wind, a lucky slip, a burst of Increase one of your stats by 1, to a maximum of +3.
light) and negate the damage.

o Mastered Ability
Increase one of your stats by 1, to a maximum of +3.
o Improved Ability o Improved Ability
Increase one of your stats by 1, to a maximum of +2. Increase one of your stats by 1, to a maximum of +2.

o Experienced o Experienced
Choose a second background from your sheet; you gain the Choose a second background from your sheet; you gain the
move associated with that background (but not the stat bonuses move associated with that background (but not the stat bonuses
or extra gear). or extra gear).

o Setup Strike o Cheap Shot

When you Hack and Slash, choose an ally; their next attack When you deal damage with Backstab, deal an additional +1d6
against your target does +1d4 damage. damage.

o Staunch Defender o Envenom

When you Defend, you get +1 hold, even on a miss. You can apply even complex poisons with a pinprick. When you
apply a poison that’s not dangerous for you to use to your
o Holy Power weapon, it is delivered by touch instead of applied.
When you begin a quest, choose either +1 armor or +1d4
damage. You get that bonus as long as you are still on the quest. o Shoot First
You’re never caught by surprise. When an enemy would get
o Mastered Ability the drop on you, you get to act first instead.
Increase one of your stats by 1, to a maximum of +3.
o Mastered Ability
Increase one of your stats by 1, to a maximum of +3.


o Improved Ability o Improved Ability
Increase one of your stats by 1, to a maximum of +2. Increase one of your stats by 1, to a maximum of +2.

o Experienced o Experienced
Choose a second background from your sheet; you gain the Choose a second background from your sheet; you gain the
move associated with that background (but not the stat bonuses move associated with that background (but not the stat bonuses
or extra gear). or extra gear).

o Blot Out the Sun o Empower

When you Volley, you may spend ammo before rolling. For When you cast a spell, on a 10+ you choose and option from the
each point of ammo spent, you may choose an extra target to hit 7-9 list. If you do, you may choose one of these effects as well:
with your attack. Roll once for the move, and deal your damage • The spell’s effects are doubled
to every target on a hit. • The spell’s targets are doubled

o Wild Empathy o Logical

You can speak with and understand animals. If you have When you use strict deduction to analyze your surroundings,
leverage, you can Parley with them too. you can Discern Realities with +INT instead of +WIS.

o Dire Beast o Expanded Spellbook

Your animal companion gets +2 Ferocity and +1 Instinct. Choose an effect from the Cleric’s Cast a Spell list of effects,
and add it to your list of effects for Cast a Spell.
o Mastered Ability
Increase one of your stats by 1, to a maximum of +3. o Mastered Ability
Increase one of your stats by 1, to a maximum of +3.
These advanced moves can give your characters some
customization as they grow and gain experience. We’ve
formatted them so you can cut each sheet into four cards.

To use these cards, print them about and take the card associated
with your class. You gain one of the advanced moves when the
GM tells you.
Dungeon World
Lore and Lords Pack

Seven new base classes for Dungeon World

the Monk,
the Shaman,
the Vampire,
the Trickster,
the Hunter,
the Dark Knight,
and the Berserker
and a new Compendium Class, the Professional

For use with the role-playing game Dungeon World, by Sage LaTorra and Adam Koebel

Written by Peter Johansen. Version January 24, 2017

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit
http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View,
California, 94041, USA.
The Monk The Hunter

Other people may think that steel and The dungeon is a dangerous place for the
sorcery are what it takes to win a battle. But unwary. Deadly beasts lurk in every cave
you know better. Without focus and and behind every tree. To others, they are
discipline, even the sharpest blade will not threats to their homes and lives. But to you,
strike true, and the strongest armor is but these monsters are your prey.
dead weight. It is the clarity of your thought
and the execution of your will that wins a What does it mean to hunt something that
fight. hunts you? To pit yourself against monsters
armed with only your wits and your bow?
For a lifetime, you have trained yourself to You know how they think, how they move.
the peak of martial perfection. Your body Set your traps, string your body, and take
and your mind are your weapons. You've aim. When they come for you, you'll be
trained them to an edge as fine as any knife. ready for them.
Your fist strikes with the force of a spiked
mace, and your quickness is a finer armor You always get your mark.
than steel plate. Your body flows like water,
receding away from danger, striking back
with the force of a tidal wave, and then The Hunter is a variant on the ranger class,
comes to rest as serene as a still pool. eschewing the classic animal companion in
favor of traps and a greater focus on the bow.
Breathe in, tranquility. Breath out, perfect To be successful, the hunter will have to
action. think ahead and set his traps to catch or
weaken his prey. His hunting abilities make
him adept at planning and strategy to take
While others may rely on steel or magic to down even the most fearsome of monsters.
survive in the dungeon, the monk hardens
his body into a weapon, and hones his skills
to survive. But there is more to the monk For a variant ranger, we’ve included a
than just punching things. The Monk can compendium class version that can be taken
become a master of stealth and infiltration, at level 1.
or his insights can bring peace to conflicts
and reveal secrets that men have hidden
The Vampire The Trickster

You used to have a normal life. Maybe you There's too many rules in the world.
were a common farmer, or perhaps a bored Everywhere you go, people are telling you
noble looking for romance. Then one night what you can and can't do, making idle
you met a pale stranger. On that night, threats if you don't behave. Who needs that?
everything changed. He took your life, but You're a free spirit. There's never been a
he gave you something else in exchange. situation you couldn't charm your way out of.
You're better off without all those pesky
Your eyes are opened to a new world now. rules.
A world of danger and secrets. You're a
hunter now, and people are your prey. What Cunning is your sword, deception your
will you do? If you play it smart, you could armor. But when those fail, you've still got
live forever. Will you make yourself king, or friend with steel armor to hide behind. Nice
be a kingmaker instead? But how long can guys, but still beholden to a world of rules.
you conceal your true nature from your They need your help to settle the fights that
friends? What will happen if you're can't be won with violence. A few clever
exposed? And what of the hunger that words and careful manipulation can open
resides deep in your soul... How long can doors better than a battering ram.
you keep it at bay?
Trust me.
How far will you go to get what you want?

The Trickster is a variant on the thief class.

The Vampire draws inspiration from both Instead of using poison and sneak attacks,
classic as well as modern stories from the the Trickster is a more socially-oriented
horror genre. Predator, manipulator, and rogue. His honeyed words can get the party
shade, the Vampire brings an air of menace out of--or into--the tightest of jams. Deceit,
with his supernatural powers over blood and manipulation, and dirty tricks are the
the night. Trickster's arsenal.
The Shaman The Dark Knight

Close your eyes. Do you hear the call? The You remember when life was good to you.
longing that comes from the deep forest, You had a true love, good friends, a sense of
from the open sea, from the mighty duty and purpose. You did what was right
mountains? You see it when you dream, but by your lord, and you were granted respect
you know that it isn’t a dream. You have in turn. Then one day, it all came crashing
been there, to the lands far beyond the down. Your life was shattered, either by
horizon. The Mists part from you, and the violence or by betrayal. Maybe you survived
mysteries of the Otherworld await. the fall, or maybe you didn't.

You speak to the world with your heart. The But you're not going to take this injustice
world is out of balance. You can feel it in quietly. In your darkest hour, you forged a
the ground, smell it in the air. The people pact with Death. He would give you the
need an advocate, someone who can speak power to right this terrible wrong, but he
with the spirits. Someone to bring nature’s warned that you would pay for it, many
blessing to them, and drive away forces that times over. But you don't care. Not even
would do evil. Death will stop you. You won't stop. You
can't stop. Woe to those who stand in your
Open your eyes. Bring back the balance. path.

Who will come out ahead in this deal?

The Shaman is designed to fill the need for a Only your conscience and your new allies
more nature-oriented cleric or a more caster- keep you from going over the edge. You
oriented druid. While the Shaman borrows were a hero once. Are you still one now?
from each, his trademark ability of spirit
speaking gives him his own niche to fill.
Depending on how you shape him, the
Shaman can be a mystical warrior, a master The Dark Knight is a variant on the Fighter
of the elements, or a potent healer of both playbook. A fearsome warrior driven by a
body and soul. burning passion, the Dark Knight has
entered into a deal with Death for one of his
terrible weapons. He has great power, but
that power comes with a price. When you
use Death's power, he'll want something in
The Berserker The Professional

Too many men in Dungeon World fear So, you've made it back. You've returned
danger and combat. The sight of spilled from where few men dare to tread, bearing
blood makes them tremble, and they would wounds, treasures, and stories. The people
rather negotiate than fight back. But to you, of this town are starting to look up to you.
war and violence are your friends. The Some would even follow you. Well, maybe
anticipation of battle inflames you like not back into the dungeon again, but to put
nothing else can. all that gold you've won to good use. Build a
new tavern, or a temple. You know, some
A fire burns within your heart. Something in place you can settle down. For a while, at
your blood boils. Your muscles harden like least.
iron, and a red haze comes over your vision.
When swords are crossed, there’s no rational
thought left within you. Only fury. Only
destruction. The Professional is a throwback to the days
of old-school Dungeons & Dragons, when
The dungeon calls to you. Fierce foes will high-level characters became lord of keeps
test you like a forged blade, tempered within or guilds. It is based strongly off of the
the fires of your boundless rage. You will Landed Gentry compendium class, though
show no mercy, and expect none in return. the flavor has been changed to make the
You will throw yourself into the abyss and character a businessman rather than a lord,
emerge on the other side triumphant, bathed and the moves are optimized to maximize
in the blood of those who would stand both player choices and plot hooks. Thieves'
against you… Or you will fall in a glorious guilds, taverns, temples, and shops can all be
battle, still clutching your weapon until you created using this compendium class.
breathe your last.

The land will tremble at your passing.

Valhalla awaits.

The Berserker’s strength is his mighty rage

and bloodlust, granting him superhuman
physical prowess at the cost of his sanity for
a little while. What will happen when he
calls upon this terrible fury?
Dwarf: Abhin, Daniki, Aras, Mavi, Kala, Qatji, Fehri, Baichi Wise Eyes, Eager Eyes, or Deep Eyes
Human: Li, Kaze, Tara, Jade, Sakura, Konrad, Fei, Drake, Ji-dan, Chizu Shaved Head, Long Braid, or Headband
Monk's Robe, Martial Arts Uniform, or Loose Clothing
Toned Body, Tattooed Body, or Graceful Body

Your alignment is Lawful. Your Alignment move is superseded Ki Focus
by your Monk’s Path requirement; you use that instead to mark When you take some time to meditate and focus your inner strength, set your Ki to 3.
XP at the end of the session. Your maximum Ki is 3. You may spend 1 Ki to gain one of the following effects:
• Deal +1d4 damage forward, once per attack
• Roll with an incoming attack, taking +3 armor forward
• Break an inanimate object no larger than yourself with a powerful yet precise
Race • Use the ability granted by your Monk’s Path
You cannot gain or use Ki if you are wearing any armor, including shields.
o Human
When you observe an enemy’s fighting style, ask the GM how
much damage they do.
Martial Artist
o Dwarf Your body itself is a weapon. Name your style of martial arts! Your unarmed strikes have
You ignore the forceful tag on any attacks made against you. a range of hand and the precise tag.

You can always make unarmed strikes against creatures with dangerous forms—such as
fire elementals, iron golems, or creatures covered in spikes—without Defying Danger
Fill in the names of your companions in at least one: from these natural defenses.

Though __________'s ways are different than mine, I can still

learn much from them.
Monk’s Path
__________ is troubled, and needs my help to find inner peace. You follow a strict path of discipline to focus your inner strength on your journey to
enlightenment. Give your order a name, and choose a path from the list on the third page.
I have taught __________ a secret of my order. Each path gives you an additional move, a way to mark XP, and a restriction. When you
violate your path’s restriction, lose 1 Ki and take -1 forward.
My master would not approve of me traveling with __________.

W ire Fu
When you perform an act of uncanny agility, balance, or coordination, roll+DEX. *On
a 10+ choose one. *On a 7-9 choose two.
• The action requires some of your focus, spend 1 Ki
• You expose yourself to danger or retribution, or you wind up somewhere you
didn’t intend to be
• Your action causes some unintended collateral damage or change to the
• You strain yourself, take -1 ongoing to all DEX moves until you take a few
minutes to stretch and limber up

Your load is 6+STR. You start with dungeon rations (5 uses, 1 weight) and a
mark or token of your monastic order, describe it! Choose two:
o Monk’s staff (close, precise, two-handed, 1 weight)
o Bandages (3 uses, slow, 0 weight)
o Adventuring gear (5 uses, 1 weight)
o Antitoxin (0 weight)
o 3 shuriken (thrown, near, 0 weight)

When you gain a level from 2-5, choose from these moves. When you gain a level from 6-10, choose from these moves or the level 2-
5 moves.
o Awakening
When you contemplate your surroundings to see the truth in things, you o Chakra
may Spout Lore with WIS instead of INT. When you manipulate the flow of ki within your own body, take a debility
of your choice and gain 1 Ki, up to your maximum.
o Be Like W ater
Add these to the list of deeds you can spend Ki to perform: o Dairokkan
• Flow around a missile attack, preventing all of the damage When something hidden threatens you, the GM will give you a warning in
• Slip free from anything physically restraining you the form of a hunch about where the danger lurks, but not necessarily its
o Empty Hand Style
When you Hack and Slash with an unarmed strike, on a 10+ you may also o Inner Peace
move your foe somewhere within your reach, knock them down, or pin them When you meditate, set your Ki to 4 instead of 3. Your maximum Ki is 4.
in place.
o Flowing Defense
o Enlightenment When you use flowing movements and quick reflexes to turn an attack
When you meditate, the GM will give you a useful insight into a problem at back upon itself, you may Defend with DEX instead of CON.
hand. Take +1 forward when you act on this information.
o Kirin Strikes
o Monkey Moves When you meditate while holding a magical weapon, you may drain the
When you try to get inside of a foe’s reach, no matter their size, take +1 magic from the weapon. When you make an unarmed strike, you may imbue
to the attempt and +1 armor forward. that attack with the effects of the drained weapon. You may only have one
effect at a time, draining a new weapon replaces the one you had before.
o One Hundred Paths
You have learned much from studying other paths to enlightenment. When o Mountain Guard
you gain this move, choose a second Monk’s path. You may use that path’s Replaces: Stone Guard
special ability by spending 1 Ki. Note that this does not give you that path’s You have 2 armor. While you hold Ki, you have 4 armor instead.
restriction or extra ability to mark XP.
o Nerve Strike
o Pressure Points Requires: Pressure Points
Weapons you wield with the precise tag, including your unarmed strikes, When you Hack and Slash with a precise weapon (including an unarmed
gain +piercing equal to your WIS. strike), on a 12+ you disrupt your foe’s ki, disabling one of his limbs or
senses in additional to dealing your damage.
o Shinobi
You are preternaturally silent, and will never make any noise unless you o One Thousand Paths
choose to. You never need to Defy Danger to act quietly. Requires: One Hundred Paths
When you gain this move, choose a third Monk’s path. You may use that
o Stone Guard path’s special ability by spending 1 Ki.
While you hold Ki, you have 2 armor.
o Path Mastery
o W ind W alker You have attained the rank of master among your order, and will be
When you use Wire Fu, on a 10+ you do not need to choose from the list, recognized as such. You may use the master move of your Monk’s Path.
and on a 7-9 you choose only one from the list.
o Rising Phoenix
You don’t take your Last Breath so long as you hold Ki. If you take damage
while at 0 HP, lose 1 Ki instead.
o Path of Charity o Path of the Dragon
You must reject as many worldly possessions as possible. Your Load is You can never refuse a challenge or retreat from battle. If someone
reduced to 4+STR, and you begin play with only one piece of gear from the challenges you to a fight, you must accept, even if your foes outnumber you
list. You may never own or use a piece of gear that costs more than five or are clearly much stronger.
coins, and you may never possess more than ten coins worth of wealth or
equipment. When you shout with great force as you Hack and Slash with an
unarmed strike and spend 1 Ki, your attack has reach range, deals +1d6
When you speak with simple wisdom as you Parley and spend 1 Ki, you damage, and gains the forceful tag. Remove the option “deal +1d6 damage
roll with WIS instead of CHA, and on a hit you get to ask their player one forward, once per attack” from the Ki Focus list; this move replaces it.
question, which they must answer truthfully. You still require leverage to
Parley as usual.
At the end of the session, if you defeated someone stronger than yourself
At the end of the session, if you donated a significant amount of wealth or without help, mark XP.
valuables to a worthy charity, mark XP.

o Path of Mirrors
o Path of Purity You can never use any magical objects, even healing potions, nor may you
You must keep yourself fastidiously clean at all times. Whenever you or willingly permit yourself to be the subject of a magical spell or effect.
your clothing becomes dirty, you must cleanse yourself at the next available
opportunity, no matter how inconvenient. Additionally, you may not touch or When you Defy Danger from a magical effect, on a hit you may spend 1 Ki
be touched by members of the opposite sex. to turn the magic back upon itself, describe how.

When you chant sacred prayers aloud and spend 1 Ki, you may Turn At the end of the session, if you destroyed a magical object of some
Undead as if you were a Cleric, and this ability also affects spirits. On a 10+, significance or gave it to a temple for safekeeping, mark XP.
the spirit is driven away or forced out of a person it possesses.

At the end of the session, if you ritually cleansed and purified a sacred
place, mark XP. o Path of Shadows
You must keep your face covered at all times. You cannot meditate in the
presence of any light brighter than a single candle. While you are standing in
direct sunlight, you cannot spend Ki.
o Path of Peace
You can never kill another living being. You may not attack an enemy unless You can see clearly in even total darkness. When you step into a patch of
you are attacked first, and even then you must only subdue them, not slay deep shadow and spend 1 Ki, you can step out of another one that you can
them. You cannot eat meat unless you have no other option. see. The whole of you must step through, with all that you carry.

When you Hack and Slash with an unarmed strike, on a hit you may At the end of the session, if you killed a foe without being detected, mark
spend 1 Ki to disable one of your foe’s weapons or stun them for several XP.
moments instead of dealing damage.

At the end of the session, if you calmed a fight without anyone dying,
When you take the move Path Mastery, you may use the following special
move associated with your Monk’s Path:

o Path of Truth Path of Charity: When you enter a friendly steading, a local temple will
You can never tell any lies. This includes bluffing, stating half-truths with provide you and your party with free food, shelter, and medical care for as
the intent to deceive, exaggerating, telling white lies, and so on. This does long as you stay, within reason.
not prevent you from remaining silent if you’d rather not say something.
Path of Purity: When you use your sacred prayers to turn the undead or a
When you Defy Danger to act despite fear, an enchantment, or an spirit, on a hit you also deal your damage to the target, ignoring armor.
illusion and spend 1 Ki, you automatically succeed as if you had rolled a
10+. Path of Peace: No sentient being will ever attack you unless you do
something to provoke them.
At the end of the session, if you helped someone come to terms with an
unpleasant or difficult truth, mark XP. Path of Truth: When someone in your presence tells a lie, you will always
detect it.

Path of the Dragon: Your unarmed strikes gain the fiery tag.

Path of Mirrors: While you hold a magical object in your hands, any
powers that it has are suppressed for as long as you hold it.

Path of Shadows: When you hide in shadows or darkness, you cannot be

detected by any means until you reveal yourself.

Elf: Throndir, Elrosine, Aranwe, Celion, Dambrath, Lanethe, Mariel, Xarai Wild Eyes, Sharp Eyes, or Animal Eyes
Human: Jonah, Halek, Brandon, Emory, Shrike, Nora, Diana, Eli, Wulf Hooded Head, Wild Hair, or Bald
Orc: Kargek, Mordrog, Rashka, Gorthul, Throdok, Balchak, Harga Cape, Camouflage, or Traveling Clothes
Lithe Body, Wild Body, or Sharp Body

o Chaotic Hunt and Track
Free someone from literal or figurative bonds. When you follow a trail of clues left behind by passing creatures, roll+WIS. *On a 7+,
you follow the creature’s trail until there’s a significant change in its direction or mode of
o Good travel. *On a 10+, you also choose 1:
Endanger yourself to combat an unnatural threat. • Gain a useful bit of information about your quarry, the GM will tell you what
• Determine what caused the trail to end
o Neutral
Help an animal or spirit of the wild.

Called Shot
Race When you attack a defenseless or surprised enemy at range, you can choose to deal
o Elf your damage or name your target and roll+DEX.
When you undertake a perilous journey through wilderness • Head *10+: As 7–9, plus your damage *7-9: They do nothing but stand and
whatever job you take you succeed as if you rolled a 10+. drool for a few moments.
• Arms *10+: As 7-9, plus your damage *7-9: They drop anything they’re
o Human
• Legs *10+: As 7-9, plus your damage *7-9: They’re hobbled and slow moving.
When you make camp in a dungeon or city, you don’t need to
consume a ration.

o Orc
Your traps always deal 1d4 damage as an additional effect.
When you set a trap, spend one of your traps and describe how you set it, then choose
two effects from the following list:
• The trap deals your damage to the target.
• The target is ensnared, and cannot escape until it breaks the trap. Strong
Fill in the names of your companions in at least one:
monsters can break out of the trap more quickly.
• The trap sets off a loud alarm. No matter where you are, you'll hear it or be able
to sense when it goes off.
I have guided ____________ before and they owe me for it.
• The target's leg is crippled; its ability to run is impaired until the injury is healed.
____________ is a friend of nature, so I will be their friend as
well. When a monster stumbles upon your trap, roll+WIS. *On a 10+, you get both effects.
*On a 7-9, you get one, your choice.
____________ has no respect for nature, so I have no respect for

____________ does not understand life in the wild, so I will

teach them.

Your load is 11+STR. You start with dungeon rations (5 uses, 1 weight),
leather armor (1 armor, 1 weight), Hunter’s bow (near, far, 1 weight), bundle
of arrows (3 ammo, 1 weight) and 3 traps (1 weight each). Choose three:
o Short sword (close, 1 weight)
o Spear (reach, 1 weight)
o Adventuring gear (5 uses, 1 weight)
o Bandages (3 uses, 0 weight)
o Antitoxin (0 weight)
o Bundle of arrows (3 ammo, 1 weight)

Traps cost 3 coins and have 1 weight

You may take this move only if it is your first advancement. When you gain a level from 6-10, choose from these moves or the level 2-
5 moves.
o Half-blood
Somewhere in your lineage lies mixed blood and it begins to show its o Adaptation
presence. You gain the human starting move if you are an elf or an orc. If When you observe a place or monster, the GM will tell you a move
you are human, you gain the elf or orc starting move. associated with them. When that move is used against you for the first
time, roll+WIS. *On a hit, you avoid, resist, or otherwise negate the move.
*On a 10+, you turn the move back on itself.
When you gain a level from 2-5, choose from these moves.
o Black Arrow
o Blot Out the Sun When you know your target’s weakest point, your arrows ignore armor.
When you Volley, you may spend extra ammo before rolling. For each point
of ammo spent you may choose an extra target. Roll once and apply damage o Bull’s-eye
to all targets. When you Volley, on a 12+ you also damage your target’s arms, legs, or
head as if you had made a Called Shot.
o Camouflage
When you keep still in natural surroundings, enemies never spot you until o Hunter’s Mark
you make a movement. When you draw an enemy's blood, you may declare that enemy to be your
quarry. Your attacks and traps deal +1d4 damage against the quarry, and
o Familiar Prey when you Track your quarry you cannot get a 6-, treat that as a 7-9. You may
When you Spout Lore about a monster, you roll with WIS instead of INT. have only one quarry at a time.

o Follow Me o Hunter’s Prey

When you Undertake a Perilous Journey you can take two roles. You Replaces: Familiar Prey
make a separate roll for each. When you Spout Lore about a monster, you roll with WIS instead of INT,
and on a 12+, in addition to the normal effects, you may ask the GM any one
o Improved Traps question about the subject.
When you set a trap, add the following to the list of trap effects:
• The trap also affects anyone close to the target. o Natural Cunning
• The trap moves the target a short distance. Get one move from the druid or thief class. Treat your level as one lower for
choosing the move.
o Man vs. W ild
When you Make Camp in the wilderness or in a dungeon, you can o Observant
scavenge materials to make one trap for free. When you Hunt and Track, on a success you may also ask one question
about the creature you are tracking from the Discern Realities list for free.
o A Safe Place
When you set the watch for the night, everyone takes +1 to Take Watch. o Strider
Replaces: Follow Me
o Tactical Eye When you Undertake a Perilous Journey you can take two roles. Roll
When you Discern Realities, add these options to the list of questions: twice and use the better result for both roles.
• What is my best escape route?
• Where is my best cover? o Terrain Advantage
• Which of my allies is the most vulnerable? Choose a land from the druid's Born of the Soil list, adding “the Great City”
to the list. While you are in your chosen land you take +1 ongoing to Hunt
and Track and Trapper.
o Trick Shot
When you make an improbable bow shot with an unusual effect, describe
what you want to happen and roll +DEX. On a 10+, the GM tells you one o Trap Mastery
thing you have to do to pull off the shot. On a 7-9, up to three things. Requires: Improved Traps
• Spend some time lining up the shot When you set a trap, choose three options instead of two. When the trap is
• Get into a vulnerable position sprung, on a 10+ you get all three options, on a 7-9 you choose two, and on a
6- you still choose one.
• Spend 1 ammo
• Sacrifice or endanger something important
Names: Ambrose, Anton, Angelique, Donovan, Kurt, Ruby, Trevor, Virgil, Lucius, Deep Eyes, Piercing Eyes, Yellowed Eyes
Ophelia, Selena, Virgil, Vanessa, Crane, Deidre, Sonja, Valentine Slick Hair, Silvery Hair, Scarred Scalp
Out-of-style Finery, Torn Clothing, Stolen Clothing
Gaunt Body, Corpulent Body, Commanding Posture

o Lawful Nosferatu
Coexist with mortals without harming them or their community. You are a vampire! You do not age, nor do you need to breathe. You start with the
following two weaknesses:
o Chaotic • Instantly slain by a wooden stake to the heart
Spread fear through a community. • Repulsed by and vulnerable to fire and sunlight
You may also choose up to three additional weaknesses:
o Evil o Mirrors repel you; you do not cast a reflection
Feed on the innocent and helpless for your own pleasure. o Repulsed by and vulnerable to garlic
o Repulsed by and vulnerable to silver
o Repulsed by and vulnerable to holy symbols and places
Background o Cannot cross running water, and destroyed by drowning
o May only feed upon people of your own race
Choose your race. Then choose how you became a vampire.
When you are reduced to 0 hit points, unless you were utterly annihilated or killed by a
weakness you turn into mist and return to your last safe resting place and gain 1 Hunger.
o Ancient Vampire
You’ve been undead for quite some time. When you Spout Lore Apex Predator
about times long past, take +1. When you feast on the blood of a living person, hold 2 Blood if you leave them alive or
if they are already weakened, or hold 3 Blood if you kill a healthy person. The maximum
o Accursed Vampire Blood you can hold is equal to the number of weaknesses you have.
You’ve become a vampire by a curse. Choose a tell for your
curse, this counts as another weakness for determining the When you hunt for a victim in a steading, roll+DEX if you use stealth or aggression, or
maximum Blood you can hold: roll+CHA if you use guile or charm. *On a 10+, you find someone you can feed from
o Animals become noticeably agitated by your presence undisturbed. *On a 7-9, you still find a victim, but choose one:
o Food and drink sour at any table you are seated at • You only hold 1 Blood
o Those standing next to you feel an unexplainable chill • Someone catches you in the act
o Plants wither and die when you walk by • You leave behind incriminating evidence

o Recently Turned The Blood is Life!

Your appearance can never become monstrously inhuman. When you make camp, spend 1 Blood or gain 1 Hunger. You do not recover HP when you
Additionally, you may call upon the elder vampire who sired you make camp or rest; you must spend Blood.
for assistance, and he’ll help you… for a price.
You can spend 1 Blood to:
• Make your next melee attack messy, forceful, or deal +1d4 damage
• Heal yourself for 2d4 HP
Fill in the names of your companions in at least one: • Resist a weakness for a short time
• Reduce your Hunger by 1
__________ knew my sire, they speak for him in his stead.
The GM can spend 1 Hunger to:
I have tasted __________’s blood, and I want more! • Make you attack the nearest or weakest creature
• Make you drain someone's blood completely when you are feeding
__________ knows how I am vulnerable, and is not afraid to use • Make your appearance monstrously inhuman for a while
it against me. • Run in terror from a weakness

Your load is 7+STR. Choose your armament:
o Wicked sharp knife (hand, 1 weight)
o Ornate rapier (close, precise, 1 weight)
o Long scythe (reach, two-handed, 2 weight)
Choose two:
o An old family heirloom worth 10 coins
o Bag of books (5 uses, 2 weight)
o A written promise of a favor owed to you by another vampire
o Archaic armor (1 armor, 1 weight)

When you gain a level from 2-5, choose from these moves. When you gain a level from 6-10, choose from these moves or the level 2-
5 moves.
o Aspect of the Bat
Your senses are very sharp. You can sense the approximate location of o Blood Power
invisible creatures and navigate even in complete darkness. The maximum Blood you may hold is increased by one.

o Beast-Blood o Bloody Killer

You may spend 1 Blood to take the shape of a wolf or a bat, just as if you Requires: Fang and Claw
had used the druid's Shapeshifter move. You always get 3 hold, no roll is When you Hack and Slash with your claws, on a 12+ you gain 1 Blood.
o Diablerie
o Blood Bond Gain the Ritual move from the wizard playbook. Any ritual you perform will
When you feed some of your blood to a willing NPC and spend 1 Blood, have the cost “Spend some Blood” in addition to whatever the GM says.
they become your thrall. You may treat them as a hireling, with Loyalty
equal to your CHA, one skill equal to your INT, and Cost: their master's o Dream-speaker
blood. You may visit the dreams of anyone whose blood you have tasted and
communicate with them over any distance this way. If they are your thrall,
o Blood Frenzy you can compel them to obey you.
While you hold zero Blood, you take +1 ongoing to Hack and Slash and deal
+1d4 damage. o Entrance
Requires: Mesmerize
o Children of the Night When you use Mesmerize, you get one additional choice, even on a 6-. Add
When you make eye contact with a predatory animal, you can speak with the following choices to the list:
and understand them, and you can spend 1 Blood to give them a simple • You plant a false memory in their minds; they will remember it as
telepathic command, which they will obey to the best of their ability. if it really happened
• They forget that you were ever there
o Cloak of Night
When you vanish into the shadows or fog, enemies never spot you until o For the Dead Travel Fast
you draw attention to yourself or leave your cover. When you use the shadows to travel to your destination or escape
pursuit, roll+DEX. *On a 10+, choose 2. *On a 7-9, choose 1:
o Fang and Claw • You get there unseen or lose your pursuers
You may grow and retract claws from your fingers at will (hand, +1 damage, • You get there much quicker than it would normally take
messy). • You leave nothing that could be traced back to you or your friends

o Lord of the Dead o Machiavelli

You may spend 1 Blood to cast the cleric spell Animate Dead, no roll is When someone is plotting against you, you’ll know it, though you can’t
needed. Your created zombie has one additional trait from the list, and you necessarily tell how. At the end of a session, if during this session you
also ignore the ongoing effect from the Animate Dead spell. dismantled the machinations of a powerful rival, mark XP.

o Mesmerize o Mist Form

When you gaze deeply into a person's eyes, spend 1 Blood and roll+CHA. Requires: Beast-Blood
*On a 10+, choose 2. *On a 7-9, choose 1: You may use the Beast-Blood move to transform into a cloud of mist.
• They treat you as a friend until you prove otherwise
• They run in terror o Obfuscate
• They give you something they hold Requires: Cloak of Night
• They truthfully answer one question You may spend 1 Blood to deepen the local shadows or summon a small
bank of fog, perfect for vanishing into.
o Vampiric Resilience
While you are not in the presence of any of your weaknesses, gain +2 o Soul Reaver
armor. When you drain a person's blood and kill them, hold 1 additional Blood,
and that person can never be resurrected, nor can their spirit be contacted.
Halfling: Felix, Rook, Mouse, Sketch, Trixie, Robin, Omar, Brynn, Bug, Puck Shifty Eyes, Twinkling Eyes, or Sharp Eyes
Human: Sparrow, Shank, Jack, Marlow, Dodge, Rat, Pox, Humble, Farley, Reynard Hooded Head, Messy Hair, or Stylish Hat
Gaudy Clothes, Fancy Clothes, or Plain Clothes
Lithe Body, Knobby Body, or Quick Body

o Good Silvertongue
Use trickery to help people when the law cannot. When you use lies, bluster, or deception to avoid suspicion or get out of trouble,
roll+CHA. *On a hit, your lies are believed, for now. *On a 10+, also choose one:
o Chaotic • You direct their attention or suspicion to somewhere else
Expose corruption or hypocrisy with your tricks. • Your deception will go unchallenged until they see or hear some proof
• You cover your friends as well
o Evil
Con people out of their valuables.
Social Engineering
When you spend some time scouting a local community for easy marks and
Race opportunities, roll+CHA. *On a 10+, hold 3. *On a 7-9, hold 2. *On a 6-, hold 1, and the
o Human GM holds 1. You may spend this hold to call in a favor; you can ask someone to do a
When you spend some time trading gossip in a community, simple, non-dangerous task for you, and they'll do it. The GM may spend his hold at any
roll+CHA. *On a hit, you learn of an interesting opportunity time to introduce a person hostile to you, suspicious of you, or whom you owe big time.
nearby. *On a 10+, you can also start a rumor of your own; it
will spread like wildfire. You cannot extract favors from anyone who is outwardly hostile to you or suspicious of
you. Other players are always suspicious of you, since they know you’re the Trickster.
o Halfling
When you perform a sleight of hand upon an unwary or
distracted mark, you succeed and no one’s the wiser. If you’re Smoke Bomb
subject to scrutiny, roll+DEX. *On a 10+, you succeed and no When you have time and safety to prepare a few tricks, you can manufacture up to
one’s the wiser. *On a 7-9, you succeed or no one’s the wiser, three smoke bombs. Each has 1 weight, and is dangerous for anyone except you to use.
your choice. When you throw a smoke bomb at a hard surface, roll+DEX. *On a hit, a cloud of
smoke bursts forth, briefly blinding and causing a coughing fit in anyone caught in the
cloud, except you. *On a 7-9, choose 1:
• Someone you didn’t intend also gets caught in the smoke
Fill in the names of your companions in at least one: • The smoke will only last a few moments
• A person of the GM's choice is unaffected

_____________ has my back when things go wrong.

_____________ knows a secret about me that could be

embarrassing if it was let loose.

_____________ has helped me run a con before.

I know a secret about _____________, but he doesn't know that I


Your load is 9+STR. You start with dungeon rations (5 uses, 1 weight) and
three smoke bombs (1 weight each). Choose your weapons:
o Short sword (close, 1 weight) and 3 throwing knives (thrown, near, 0
o Rapier (close, precise, 1 weight)
o Ragged Bow (near, 2 weight), a bundle of arrows (3 ammo, 1 weight), and
a dagger (hand, 1 weight).
Choose two:
o Adventuring gear (5 uses, 1 weight)
o Leather armor (1 armor, 1 weight)
o 12 counterfeit coins
o Halfling pipeleaf (6 uses, 0 weight)

When you gain a level from 2-5, choose from these moves. When you gain a level from 6-10, choose from these moves or the level 2-
5 moves.
o Concealment
Your smoke bombs never affect you; you can always see clearly within the o Cheat Death
smoke and your actions are unimpaired within it. When you take your Last Breath, Death will always offer you a bargain,
even on a 6-. If you don't keep your end of it, you'll still live, but Death will
o Confidence Trick claim your soul the next time you are reduced to 0 HP.
When you make small talk with someone, you can spend a hold from
Social Engineering to ask them a question; they’ll answer it truthfully in the o Flashbang
form of a slip of the tongue or their body language giving it away, but they’ll When you create a smoke bomb, you may instead create an incendiary
be aware that they gave up that information. smoke bomb, which also deals your damage to one person caught in the
effect on a hit, and may start fires when thrown.
o Deep Pockets
Any items that you carry that could fit in the palm of your hand (including o Grifter
your smoke bombs) are so well concealed on you that they will never be Requires: Confidence Trick
found unless you are completely stripped and searched. When you use Confidence Trick, your mark will not realize they gave away
their information.
o Distracting Shot
When you Volley, on a 10+ you may draw your target’s attention elsewhere o Honeyed W ords
instead of dealing damage. When you use Social Engineering you get +1 hold, even on a miss.

o Escape Artist o Instigator

When you try to slip free of anything physically restraining you, Requires: Lamentable Belaborment
roll+DEX. *On a hit, you’re free. *On a 10+, choose one: When you use Lamentable Belaborment, on a 10+ the argument also gets a
• You take a parting shot at your captor, deal your damage little violent; one of the affected targets deals their damage to another. You
• You make it easier for someone else nearby to escape choose both parties.
• You take a little souvenir with you, the GM will tell you what
o Pants on Fire
o Lamentable Belaborment When a move has another player (including the GM) ask you a question
When you sow mistrust and discord among your foes, roll+CHA. *On a about your character, you can answer however you like (honestly or not).
10+, they're confused and will take some time to argue and sort things out.
*On a 7-9, they're still confused, but not for very long. o Smoke and M irrors
Requires: Smokescreen
o Legerdemain When you Hack and Slash someone caught in your smoke bomb, on a
Gain a spellbook containing all wizard cantrips. You may learn, memorize, 10+ choose two options from Smokescreen instead of one, and add the
and cast cantrips, illusions, and enchantments as if you were a wizard of your following options to Smokescreen list:
level-1, using CHA instead of INT to cast the spell. • You draw their full attention to you
• You direct their attack into someone/thing else
o New Tricks
If you are human, gain the halfling starting move. If you are a halfling, gain o Trust Me
the human starting move. When you use Silvertongue, on a 10+, choose two options from the list, and
on a 7-9, choose one option.
o Smokescreen
When you Hack and Slash someone caught in your smoke bomb, on a hit, o Vanishing Trick
choose one: When you throw one of your smoke bombs at your feet, you may instantly
• You steal something from them. Now it’s yours! move from where you are to somewhere else in sight or in reach. The smoke
• You deal +1d6 damage cover will make it seem like you just disappeared; you won’t be spotted
• Reduce their armor by 1 until they repair it unless you’re out in the open or draw attention to yourself.

o Sneaky o Very Sneaky

Gain a move from the thief playbook. Gain a move from the thief playbook.
Dwarf: Andalen, Larelei, Morak, Halgmar, Garm, Beyla, Rakham, Yara Wise Eyes, Distant Eyes, or Colorless Eyes
Human: Semil, Falken, Tanika, Dungarth, Brey, Arando, Celad, Halmir Long Braids, Furry Hood, or Antlered Hood
Orc: Erishnar, Corug, Mirak, Garuk, Prinai, Ranak, Zuakka, Sulha Rugged Leathers, Animal Hides, or Elaborate Body Designs

o Good Trance
Help people to live in harmony. When you spend some time opening your mind to the mysteries of the Otherworld,
you lose any spells already prepared and prepare new spells of your choice whose total
o Neutral levels don’t exceed your own level+1, and none of which is a higher level than your own
Resolve a disturbance in the balance. level. You may choose from any spell on the Shaman spell list. You also prepare all of
your rotes, which never count against your limit.
o Chaotic
Reclaim a place or important object for the natural world. Cast a Spell
When you call forth a spell you’ve prepared, roll+WIS. *On a 10+, the spell is
successfully cast and you do not forget the spell—you may cast it again later. *On a 7-9,
Race the spell is cast, but choose one:
• You draw unwelcome attention or put yourself in a spot. The gamemaster will
o Dwarf
tell you how.
When you are dealing with spirits of earth, stone, or
• The spell disturbs the Mists as it is cast—take -1 ongoing to cast a spell until the
mountains, take +1 to Second Sight and Widdershins.
next time you Trance.
• After it is cast, the spell is forgotten. You cannot cast the spell again until you
o Human Trance again.
Choose a wizard spell. You may prepare and cast that spell as if Note that maintaining spells with ongoing effects will sometimes cause a penalty to your
it were a shaman spell. roll to cast a spell.

o Orc Second Sight

Aspect of the Wolf is a rote for you. You are sensitive to the spirit world. When you are in the presence of an influential or
important spirit, the GM will let you know. When you open your senses to the Mists to
interact with a spirit, roll+CHA. *On a 10+, ask the GM three questions from the list
below. *On a 7-9, ask one:
Fill in the names of your companions in at least one: • Where exactly are any spirits residing?
• What is the nature of the spirits present?
The spirits have spoken to me of __________; they have a • How is the spirit influencing the material world?
strange destiny that I will play a part of.
• What could I offer this spirit that it wants or needs?
Regardless of the roll, you may communicate with any spirit you open your senses to, and
__________ does not believe in the spirit world, but I will make
Parley if you have leverage as usual. Some spirits may be unwilling to talk, or not have
them listen.
much to say.
__________ is out of balance, and a danger to themselves and
others. I will help them. W iddershins
When you bind a spirit with rituals or incantations, roll+CHA. *On a hit, you banish
I have sworn a covenant with __________, the spirits have the spirit from this place, force it from its host, or put a restriction on it. *On a 7-9, the
witnessed it. spirit will retaliate against you in exchange. You can dispel your bindings whenever you
wish, but the spirit will then be free to do as it pleases.

Your load is 7+STR. You start with dungeon rations (5 uses, 1 weight) and a
trinket that helps you commune with the spirit world. Describe it!
Choose your armament:
o Staff (close, two-handed, 1 weight)
o Spear (close, thrown, near, 1 weight)
o Worn bow (near, 2 weight), bundle of arrows (3 ammo, 1 weight), and
dagger (hand, 1 weight)
Choose your defenses:
o Hide armor (1 armor, 1 weight)
o Poultices and herbs (2 uses, 1 weight)
Choose one:
o Adventuring gear (5 uses, 1 weight)
o Halfling pipeleaf (6 uses, 0 weight)
o Antitoxin (0 weight)

When you gain a level from 2-5, choose from these moves. When you gain a level from 6-10, choose from these moves or the level 2-
5 moves.
o Covenant
When you use Widdershins, on a 10+, choose one: o Abjure
• The spirit can never return to this world after you banish it When you attack a spirit, ghost, or extra-planar entity, you deal +1d6
• The spirit will honor any agreement you make with it. damage, and if it is reduced to zero HP, it is henceforth barred from
appearing on the material plane in any form. It can still be encountered in
o The Cycle and the Path spiritual visions and on other planes, just not your world.
When you cast a spell you ignore the first -1 penalty from ongoing spells.
o Grounding
o The Old W ays When you resist an enchantment cast upon you, treat a 6- as a 7-9 result.
When you cast a spell, on a 10+ you have the option of choosing an option
from the 7-9 list. If you do, you may choose one of these as well: o The Mask and Mirror
• The spell’s effects are doubled Replaces: The Cycle and the Path
• The spell’s targets are doubled When you cast a spell you ignore up to two -1 penalties from ongoing spells.

o One W ith Nature o Moondance

Gain a non-multiclass move from either the druid or ranger class list. Treat While your bare skin is bathed in moonlight, the effects of your spells are
your level as one lower for choosing the move. maximized.

o Parting the Veil o Naturalist

When someone takes their Last Breath in your presence, they take +1 to Gain a non-multiclass move from either the druid or ranger class list. Treat
the roll. your level as one lower for choosing the move.

o Shaman’s Intuition o Secrets of the Otherworld

When you Discern Realities or use Second Sight, hit or miss, you may also Replaces: The Old Ways
ask, “What here is out of balance?” for free. When you cast a spell, on a 10-11 you have the option of choosing an option
from the 7-9 list. If you do, you may choose one of these effects as well. On
a 12+ you get to choose one of these effects for free:
o Spiritual Healer
• The spell’s effects are doubled
When you heal someone else, add your level to the amount healed.
• The spell’s targets are doubled
o Stormstrike
When you imbue your weapon with primal power, forget a spell (not a o Shaman’s Insight
rote) you have memorized and choose one of the following. Your weapon When you use Second Sight, choose one more option, even on a 6-, and on a
gains that effect as long as you wield it, until you use this ability again or 12+, you may ask the spirit one question, and it will answer truthfully.
until you Trance.
• Your weapon gains the fiery tag and deals +1d4 damage o Spirit Calling
• Your weapon mystically shields you, granting +2 armor When you perform a ritual to summon a spirit, name a spirit you wish to
• Your weapon gains the forceful tag summon, either by name or a type of spirit. It will be brought before you, and
• You attack with this weapon with WIS instead of the usual stat you may immediately make the Widdershins move against it before it can
o Touch the Empyrean
Choose a spell. You are granted that spell as if it was one level lower. o Storm, Earth, and Fire
Requires: Stormstrike
When you use Stormstrike, choose two options instead of one.
o W ell of W isdom
When you listen to the whispers of the spirits, you may Spout Lore with
WIS instead of INT. o Touch the Firmament
Requires: Touch the Empyrean
Choose a spell in addition to the one you picked for Touch the Empyrean.
You are granted that spell as if it was one level lower.
Every time you trance, you gain access to all of your rotes without having to
select them or count them toward your allotment of spells. o Spirit Servant Rote
You summon a minor invisible spirit that can do nothing but carry items. It
o Guidance Rote has Load 3 and carries anything you hand to it. It cannot pick up items on its
A symbol of the elements appears before you and gestures towards the own and can only carry those you give to it. Items carried by a spirit servant
direction or course of action the spirits would have you take then disappears. appear to float in the air a few paces behind you. A spirit servant that takes
The message is through gesture only; your communication through this spell damage or leaves your presence is immediately dispelled, dropping any
is severely limited. items it carried.

First Level Spells

o Aspect of the Wolf level 1 ongoing o Sacred Circle Level 1
A person you touch is imbued with a small amount of wild energy. Choose As you cast this spell, you walk the perimeter of an area. As long as you stay
one of the following effects to grant while this spell is ongoing: within that area you are alerted whenever someone acts with malice within
• They can see perfectly in total darkness the circle (including entering with harmful intent). Anyone who receives
• Their sense of smell and hearing is greatly enhanced healing within the circle heals +1d6 HP. The spell ends when you leave the
• They become more fierce, dealing +1 damage ongoing area.
While this spell is ongoing you take -1 ongoing to cast a spell.

o Healing Touch level 1

o Dreamsight level 1 Your touch halts bleeding and eases pain. Heal an ally you touch of 1d6
Cast this spell over a sleeping person, and you can see what they are damage.
dreaming about, as well as the nature of any influences upon their mind.

o Rising Mists level 1 ongoing

o Flames of Wrath level 1 ongoing Name a location you can see. It is completely blanketed in thick fog that
While this spell is ongoing, you may conjure a small orb of flame in your prevents anyone from seeing further than a foot in front of them. While this
hands whenever you like (thrown, near, 1 piercing), and you take -1 to cast a spell is ongoing, the fog will not dissipate and cannot be blown away by
spell. wind, and you take -1 to cast a spell.

Third Level Spells

o Foresee level 3 o Elemental Blessing level 3 ongoing
Cast this spell as you gaze into a pool of water, and you will receive a A person you touch receives a blessing of the elements. Choose one:
portent from the spirit world. The GM will reveal an impending danger that • Fire will not burn them or their possessions
threatens the land. You will also learn something useful about how you can • They may walk upon water as if it were solid ground
interfere with the danger's dark outcomes. • They may breathe safely in any environment, even underwater or
in toxic fumes
• Their skin hardens like stone, giving them +1 armor
o Entangle level 3 ongoing While this spell is ongoing you take -1 ongoing to cast a spell.
Roots and vines constrict painfully around the lower body of one target you
can see, preventing them from moving their legs. While this spell is ongoing
you take -1 ongoing to cast a spell. o Silence and Stillness level 3
The winds of magic grow still in your presence. Choose a spell or magical
effect in your presence, it ceases to function as long as you remain nearby.
o Glamour level 3 ongoing
You create an illusion that changes one part of something or someone you
can see: its appearance, sound, or smell. While this spell is ongoing you take o Whispering Wind level 3
-1 to cast a spell. You summon a spirit of the winds to carry a short message to a person of
your choice. The spirit will also carry back a short reply.

Fifth Level Spells
o Purify level 5 o Chain Lightning level 5
Your touch removes a poison or disease from a person or object. A bolt of lightning springs from your fingertips, striking your target and
everyone nearby for 2d6 damage, ignoring armor.

o Summon Elemental level 5 ongoing

You conjure an elemental servitor to assist you. Treat it as your character, o Life Touch level 5
but with access to only the basic moves. It has +1 modifier for all stats, 1 HP, Life energy fills the person you touch, healing them of 3d6 damage.
and does 1d8 damage. The elemental also gets your choice of 1d4 of these
• It has +2 instead of +1 to one stat o Sight Beyond Sight level 5
• It’s not reckless Name a person, place, or thing you want to learn about. You will receive a
• It’s bond to your plane is strong: +1 HP for each level you have vision of the subject, as clear as if you were there.
• It has some useful secondary ability
The elemental remains on this plane until it dies or you dismiss it. While this
spell is ongoing you take -1 to cast a spell. o Spirits of the Wild level 5 ongoing
You call upon the power of an animal spirit to aid you. Name the animal.
While this spell is ongoing, you gain the use of one of that animal’s abilities
and take -1 to cast a spell.

Seventh Level Spells

o Control Weather level 7 o True Seeing level 7 ongoing
Wish for rain—or sun, wind, or snow. Within a day or so, your wish will be Your vision is opened to the true nature of everything you lay your eyes on.
granted. The weather will change according to your will and last a handful of You pierce illusions and see things that have been hidden. The GM will
days. describe the area before you ignoring any illusions and falsehoods, magical
or otherwise. While this spell is ongoing you take -1 to cast a spell.

o Masterful Glamour level 7 ongoing

You create a complex illusion that affects all senses. The illusion can move if o Rebirth level 7
you are around to direct it, or you may program it to move under certain The Mists breath new life into a person you touch. They are restored to full
conditions, and it may exist independently of other objects. While this spell health, any poisons or diseases are cured, debilities are healed, and even lost
is ongoing you take -1 to cast a spell. limbs are regrown.

o Wild Hunt level 7 o Spirit Lodge level 7

Name a person or creature you wish to hunt. Spiritual wolves will seek them You cast a ward upon a specific location that prevents creatures of a certain
out, no matter where they hide. While this spell is ongoing, when you lift type from entering that area. The location must have clearly-defined
your head and howl to the sky, the wolves will howl back, telling you which boundaries, though you can pace out a circle or other space and mark it with
direction your target lies. Additionally, when you deal damage to the target, chalk, sand, etc. Name what kind of creature is barred from entry when you
you deal an additional +1d6 damage as the wolves join in the attack. The place the ward.
spell lasts until you dismiss it, your target is killed, or until you cast it again.

Ninth Level Spells

o Cataclysm level 9 o Earthquake level 9 ongoing
The Mists bring the unnatural weather of your choice to pass. Rain of blood A location you can see begins to shake violently. The earth heaves and
or acid, meteor storms, wind that can carry away buildings, or any other shudders, tearing itself asunder for miles around. While this spell is ongoing,
weather you can imagine: ask and it shall come. you take -1 to cast a spell.

o Reclamation level 9 o Maelstrom level 9

The earth reclaims a person that you touch, turning them to stone. A powerful whirlwind gathers you and your allies up, whisking you away to
a destination of your choice.

o Commune With Nature level 9

You attune yourself to a location and the earth answers you. Spirits of this o Renewal level 9
location will answer any three questions you pose to them. Anything the land A burst of cleansing energy fills the area, removing any corrupting
can know, it will tell you. influences on either the land or a person of your choice. Curses, blights, and
debilities are all ended by this spell.

Names: Emma, Tristan, Erik, Dean, Shelley, Grant, Horatio, Cecil, Catherine, Edmund, Hollow Eyes, Penetrating Eyes, Sharp Eyes
Leonardo, Annette, Connor Wavy Hair, Ash-White Hair, Closed Visor
Pale Body, Taut Body, Scarred Body
Horned Helmet, Spiked Armor, Great Cloak


o Neutral Dark Blade
Increase your reputation while working to fulfill Death’s task to Death has given you a bladed weapon of terrible power, describe it! Your weapon will
you. always have a shadowy aura around it; anyone who sees it will know that it's a weapon of
darkness. Your weapon has 2 weight, close range, and the messy tag. Choose one more
o Evil feature for your weapon:
Make a bloodbath of your foes. o Sharp. +1 piercing.
o Heavy. Add forceful and +1 weight.
o Ancient. Take +1 to Spout Lore about spirits or the lands beyond the Black Gate
Background o Mystical. Glows in the presence of one type of creature, your choice.
Choose any race. Then choose what’s so important to you that o Long. Add reach and two-handed.
you would take up the dark blade for it. Choose what Death has tasked you with in exchange for this weapon. When you fulfill
Death’s task, hold 3 Torment. Your maximum Torment is 3.
o Extinguish some of the world's light or beauty
o Love o Help the dead or dying pass on
Add the following Bond: _______________ reminds me of my o Remove stagnation so rebirth can occur
true love; I'll protect them. o Punish those who defy Death's order

o Duty
Add the following option to Road to Perdition: Armored
• Cast Visions Through Time, as the wizard spell; Death You ignore the clumsy tag on armor you wear.
will show you where you’re needed most.

o Honor Road to Perdition

Choose a hated type of enemy, such as goblins, traitors, or When you draw upon the unholy power in your dark blade, choose one of the
nobles. When you strike a deathblow with your dark blade following effects:
against your chosen enemy, heal 1 HP. • Don the visage of death, terrifying a target you can see as if you cast the Cause
Fear spell for as long as you focus your attention on them
• Plunge your blade into a corpse, its spirit will answer any three questions you
pose to it to the best of the knowledge it had in life and the knowledge it gained
Fill in the names of your companions in at least one: in death
• Summon supernatural darkness into an area you can see, until you use this move
_______________ is the voice of my conscience; they keep me again or dismiss it
from going too far, though I may resent them for it sometimes. …then roll+CHA. *On a hit, you achieve your desired effect. *On a 7-9, either spend 1
Torment or lose HP equal to the higher of the two dice rolled, ignoring armor.

_______________ gives me hope for a better tomorrow.

I have seen Death’s mark upon _______________; something

terrible is in store!

Your Load is 10+STR. You start with your dark-bladed weapon (2 weight),
dungeon rations (5 uses, 1 weight), and a memento of someone important to
you, describe it!
Choose your defenses:
o Chainmail (1 armor, 1 weight) and adventuring gear (5 uses, 1 weight)
o Black scale armor (2 armor, clumsy, 3 weight)
Choose one:
o Shield (+1 armor, 2 weight)
o Antitoxin (0 weight) and bandages (3 uses, slow, 0 weight)
o 10 coins

When you gain a level from 2-5, choose from these moves. When you gain a level from 6-10, choose from these moves or the level 2-
5 moves.
o Conviction
When you lose HP from using Road to Perdition, you lose HP equal to the o Black Magic
lower of the two dice rolled instead. Add the following effect to Road to Perdition:
• Cast Animate Dead, Trap Soul, or Contagion, as per the cleric
o Dead Eyes spells. While any of these spells are ongoing you cannot use Road
When you fix someone with your cold, hard stare, roll+CHA. *On a 10+, to Perdition
get both effects. *On a 7-9, choose one.
• They flinch or hesitate o Clash of Steel
• You learn something about their true nature, the GM will tell you Gain a non-multiclass move from the fighter playbook.
o Command Undead
o Doom Blade Requires: Rebuke Undead
Choose an additional feature for your dark blade. You may use Rebuke Undead against intelligent undead. They cannot be
commanded, but a successful roll convinces them to help you for a while.
o Flash of Steel *On a 7-9, there’s a price, the GM will tell you what.
Gain a non-multiclass move from the fighter playbook.
o Death’s Deputy
o Hell’s Gate When you fulfill Death’s task, hold 4 Torment instead of 3. Your maximum
When you deal damage with your dark blade, you may spend 1 Torment. Torment is 4.
If you do, deal +1d4 damage.
o Hell’s Dominion
o Interrogator Replaces: Hell’s Gate
When you have a private chat with an NPC, roll+CHA. *On a 10+, ask When you deal damage with your dark blade, you may spend 1 Torment.
them two questions, which they will answer truthfully. *On a 7-9, ask one If you do, deal +1d8 damage.
question. Regardless of the result, the NPC will not want anything to do with
you ever again. o Last Resort
While your HP is equal to or less than your CHA or 1, whichever is
o Raven’s Feast higher, take +1 ongoing to all moves except Last Breath.
Add the following effect to Road to Perdition:
• Fire a pulse of dark energy from the blade, dealing 1d6 damage to o No Rest For the Angry Dead
a target within near range. When you take your Last Breath, you may spend Torment after rolling. For
each Torment spent, add 1 to the roll, up to a maximum final result of 7.
o Rebuke Undead
When your voice resonates with the land of the dead, roll+CHA. *On a o Sanguine Blade
10+ any mindless undead near you are cowed into submission for a while, When you Hack and Slash with your dark blade, on a 12+ in addition to
and you may command them to do your bidding. *On a 7-9 the undead will dealing your damage you also heal 1d6 HP.
not approach you, but neither will they obey you.
o Vital Infusion
o Unstoppable Requires: Vital Transfer
You can never become weakened or sickened, and you ignore the forceful When you use Vital Transfer, you heal 2d6 damage per Torment spent
tag on any attacks made against you. instead.

o Vital Transfer o Your W orst Nightmare

When you touch someone and channel stolen life energy into them, you Requires: Unstoppable
can spend 1 Torment to heal them of 1d6 damage, as many times as you like, Choose a target of your obsession, either a person or an object. You always
as long as you have Torment to spend. You can use this ability on yourself if know which direction your target is relative to you, and when you deal
you wish. damage to your target, deal an additional +1d4 damage. If your target is
killed or destroyed, you may choose a new target the next time you Make
Dwarf: Rogi, Varrak, Dain, Balgan, Torhad, Fragh, Luda, Jaril, Gima Wild Eyes, Beady Eyes, or Cruel Eyes
Human: Bjorn, Calder, Astrid, Hertha, Leif, Sigrid, Torben, Markul, Ulf, Ragnar Shaved Head, Twin Braids, or Messy Hair
Orc: Lorik, Kashnak, Fragar, Tragg, Rukor, Hragdush, Perchi, Kibuna, Gresha, Datinai Crude Hides, Rugged Leathers, or Half-Naked
Bushy Beard, Elaborate Tattoos, or Ritual Scars


o Neutral Berserker Rage
Uphold your personal code of honor, regardless of the danger to When you work yourself into a violent, howling frenzy, roll+CON. *On a hit, hold 3
yourself. rage. *On a 7-9, choose a drawback as well. *On a 6-, hold 2 rage and the GM chooses a
drawback. You may spend 1 rage to:
o Chaotic • Add the forceful, messy, or stun tag to an attack
Cause trouble with your short temper. • Perform a feat of near superhuman strength
• Halve the effects from a mundane physical attack
o Evil • Terrify someone you can see, as if you had cast the Cause Fear spell with
Make a brutal example of someone to terrify others. yourself as the subject
• Ignore the effects of all of your debilities for a short time

Race If a drawback was chosen, it affects you the next time your rage is reduced to zero:
o Dwarf • You gain a debility, chosen by the GM
Choose a specific type of foe, such as demons, goblin-kin, • You cannot use this move again until you rest for a while
dragon-kin, or undead. When you use Berserker Rage in a fight • You injure an ally or break something dear to you while raging, chosen by the
against your chosen foe, take +1. GM, but you won’t notice until the rage ends.

Your maximum rage is 3. While you hold rage, when you make a move that does not use
o Human
STR or CON, or you take an action requiring subtlety, finesse, thinking or discussion, lose
When you Parley with someone who has witnessed you
1 rage. You cannot use this move while wearing armor.
raging, you may roll with STR instead of CHA.

o Orc Bloodlust
Your teeth and claws are dangerous enough to be used as
When you slay a foe, if you used Berserker Rage at any point during this fight, gain +1
weapons (hand, messy).

Terrifying Reputation
Fill in the names of your companions in at least one:
When you enter a steading, rumors about your fury may precede you (your call). If so,
tell the GM what people heard. They'll act accordingly, maybe by barring their doors,
__________ is surprisingly tough for their kind, they have
asking for your help, or testing your strength.
earned my respect.
You never make the Outstanding Warrants move; the local guards and magistrates are too
I will push __________ to be harder, or I will break them.
intimidated to try anything unless things are really getting out of hand.
__________ is always making me angry, they’d better watch
themselves, or else!

I have shared songs of glorious battles with __________.

Your Load is 10+STR. You start with dungeon rations (5 uses, 1 weight).
Choose your weapon:
o Sharp long sword (+1 damage, close, 2 weight)
o Hefty warhammer (forceful, close, 3 weight)
o Massive battle axe (reach, +1 damage, two-handed, 2 weight)
Choose your defenses:
o Steel-rimmed shield (+1 armor, 2 weight)
o Healing potion (0 weight)
Choose two:
o Adventuring gear (5 uses, 1 weight)
o A valuable trinket or heirloom worth 10 coins
o 3 throwing axes (thrown, near, 1 weight)
o Poultices and herbs (2 uses, 1 weight)
o Keg of dwarven stout (4 weight)

When you gain a level from 2-5, choose from these moves. When you gain a level from 6-10, choose from these moves or the level 2-
5 moves.
o Battle-Scarred
When you Make Camp, you may describe a scar you gained in your last o Anger M anagement
fight. If you do, heal an extra 1d6 HP. Your maximum rage is now 4. When you use Berserker Rage, on a 12+ you
hold 4 rage.
o Blood, Death, and Vengeance!
When you see an ally fall in battle, take +1 ongoing against the foe that o Bear’s Ferocity
took them down, until you slay that foe or find a new target for your revenge. Replaces: Wolf’s Ferocity
When you spend rage, deal +1d8 damage forward.
o Collateral Damage
When you Hack and Slash while you hold rage, on a hit, deal damage o Einherjar
equal to your STR to another target within your reach. You must deal this When you Carouse, add your CON to the roll, and on a 12+ you may choose
damage if it is at all possible to do so, even if the only other target nearby is as many options as you like.
an ally.
o Guardian Totem
o Destructive Rage You may spend 1 rage to make a spell targeting you have no effect.
When you Hack and Slash while you hold rage, on a hit you may spend 1
rage to also break their weapon or reduce their armor by 1. o Herald of W ar
When you blow a mighty note on your brazen horn and spend 1 rage,
o Runecaster roll+CON. *On a 10+, choose two. *On a 7-9, choose one. *On a 6-, choose
When you cast the carved bones to divine the future, roll+WIS. *On a hit, one anyway, but your action will have some unintended side effects.
the GM will reveal the details of a grim portent to you--a dire event that will • Your allies shake off any fear and deal +1d4 damage forward
come to pass without your intervention. *On a 10+, the GM will also tell you • An important enemy is distracted, shaken, or loses focus
something useful about how you can interfere with the grim portent’s dark • Your enemies are stricken with fear, and may rout if pressed hard
outcomes. *On a 6-, you see something unfortunate in your future. • The earth trembles, damaging a nearby structure
• A celestial servant of war will assist you for a while
o Savage W arrior
Gain a non-multiclass move from the barbarian or druid playbooks. o Invincible Rage
While you hold rage, you stay fighting even at zero HP, and you do not take
o Songs of Glory your Last Breath until you lose all of your rage. When you take damage
Gain the Bardic Lore move and take the “Legends of Heroes Past” area of while you are at zero HP, lose 1 rage.
o Lucid Rage
o Tempered Spirit You don’t lose rage when you Discern Realities or Defy Danger with WIS.
When you use Berserker Rage, on a 7-9 you can choose to hold 2 rage
instead of 3. If you do, you don’t choose a drawback. o Primal W arrior
Gain a non-multiclass move from the barbarian or druid playbooks.
o W ar Paint
When you ritualistically mark your bare skin with terrifying designs, o Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken
gain 2 armor as long as you wear these markings. Replaces: Battle-Scarred
When you Make Camp, you may describe a scar you gained in your last
o W olf’s Ferocity fight. If you do, heal an extra 1d6 HP or a debility.
When you spend rage, deal +1d4 damage forward.
o Vandal
When you Discern Realities, on a hit, you may also ask, “Who or what here
is most vulnerable to me?” for free, in addition to your other questions.
The Professional
The GM will also give your home one complication:
When you rise to a position of prominence within
your community and acquire a commercial o Need: Your base needs a steady supply of a
property, the next time you level up you may choose certain resource. Fulfilling that need is your
to gain this move: responsibility.
o Duty: You have sworn an oath of fealty or
support to someone else. Expect them to make
⃞ Open for Business demands of you.
You now have a base of operations, such as a o Enemy: Someone influential holds a grudge
guildhall, temple or a shop. Describe it! Add your against you, or people of your profession.
new establishment to one of the steadings on the map. o Hated: Your profession is unpopular among
Your home will include a reasonably safe place for other people. Best keep it a secret, or suffer the
you to stay and store your stuff. Choose two tags for consequences.
your home: o Danger: Your base suffers a recurring threat.
Perhaps it is a popular target for monsters, or
o Safehouse: Your base is either well hidden or fights break out frequently there. You'll have to
well protected. No one will bother you when deal with these troubles, or your base will suffer.
you're hiding out in there.
o Labor Pool: You have a reliable source of Note that any tags on your base, including the Clout
specialized help available for hire. When you tag, cannot fully relieve the burden of your
Recruit from your organization, you cannot complication.
get a 6-, treat that as a 7–9.
o Resources: You have access to equipment
relevant to your profession. When you purchase If you have the move Open for Business, these count
something through your organization, take +1 as class moves for you; you can choose from them
to the Supply roll, and the cost is reduced by when you level up:
o Rumormill: Lots of interesting information ⃞ Entrepreneur
passes through your establishment. When you Your organization is growing! Add another tag to
listen to the problems of the people, the GM your base. You may take this move multiple times.
will tell you of at least one opportunity within Each time you do, add a new tag to your base.
your home steading or the areas surrounding it.
o Prestige: Your organization is well known and
therefore you are too. Add the tag Guild or ⃞ Guildmaster
Personage (you) to your steading. Requires: Entrepreneur
o Clout: Members of your society enjoy some You are now a leader among your organization. Your
kind of social privilege that other commoners do lodgings become much nicer. Add either the Prestige
not have. Describe it, and why you have it. tag or the Profitable tag to your home.
o Skilled: Your organization has people with
exceptional skills, such as blacksmithing or Additionally, when you spread your influence into
alchemy. Add the Craft tag to your steading, and another town, choose a nearby steading and delete a
access to these artisans is readily available to you. tag from your current base of operations. You now
o Library: You have access to a large stockpile of have a satellite location in the chosen steading, which
information. While you have access to your gains the deleted tag. The GM will also add a
Library, take +1 ongoing to Spout Lore. complication to the new base.
o Profitable: Your organization is very profitable.
When you spend a week tending to your
business and putting your estates in order,
you gain 1D6 x your level in coins. If you spend
⃞ Union
a month, gain 3D6 x your level in coins instead. Requires: Guildmaster
When you take this move, add one tag of your choice
to every base you control.
The Hunter If you have the move Trapper, these count as class
moves for you; you can choose from them when you
The dungeon is a dangerous place for the unwary. level up:
Deadly beasts lurk in every cave and behind every
tree. To others, they are threats to their homes and
lives. But to you, these monsters are your prey. ⃞ Improved Traps
When you set a trap, add the following to the list of
What does it mean to hunt something that hunts you? trap effects:
To pit yourself against monsters armed with only • The trap also affects anyone close to the
your wits and your bow? You know how they think, target.
how they move. Set your traps, string your bow, and • The trap moves the target a short distance.
take aim. When they come for you, you'll be ready
for them.
⃞ Trap Mastery
Requires: Improved Traps
When you have successfully hunted and slain a
When you set a trap, choose three options instead of
legendary beast, the next time you level up you may
two. When the trap is sprung, on a 10+ you get all
choose to gain this move:
three options, on a 7-9 you choose two, and on a 6-
you still choose one.
⃞ Trapper
When you set a trap, spend one of your traps and
describe how you set it, then choose two effects from ⃞ Camouflaged Position
the following list:
When you strike with a ranged weapon from
• The trap deals your damage to the target. hiding, your first shot never gives away your position.
• The target is ensnared, and cannot escape
until it breaks the trap. Strong monsters can
break out of the trap more quickly.
⃞ Black Arrow
• The trap sets off a loud alarm. No matter
where you are, you'll hear it or be able to When you know your target’s weakest point, your
sense when it goes off. arrows ignore armor.
• The target's leg is crippled; its ability to run
is impaired until the injury is healed.
⃞ Hunter’s Mark
When a monster stumbles upon your trap, When you draw an enemy's blood, or they draw
roll+WIS. *On a 10+, you get both effects. *On a 7-9, yours, you can track them anywhere. No matter
you get one, your choice. where they go you can always find them, without
If you are the Ranger, you may take this move at
level 1 instead of Animal Companion. If you do, you
cannot take the moves Man’s Best Friend, Well- ⃞ Tactical Eye
Trained, Special Trick, or Unnatural Ally. You also When you Discern Realities, add these options to the
begin play with 3 traps (1 weight each). list of questions:
• What is my best escape route?
• Where is my best cover?
• Which of my allies is the most vulnerable?
Dungeon World
War and Wonders Pack

Seven new base classes for Dungeon World

the Beast,
the Warlord,
the Mask Master,
the Gunslinger,
the Warlock,
the Fool,
and the Villager
and new rules for investigation, exploration, and mental stress

For use with the role-playing game Dungeon World, by Sage LaTorra and Adam Koebel

Written by Peter Johansen. Version January 24, 2017

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit
http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View,
California, 94041, USA.
The Beast The Warlord

The wastelands and far places of Dungeon How many battles have you seen? Ten? A
World teem with dangerous beasts. You hundred? You’ve probably lost count.
should know, you’re one of them.
Most people think that war is chaotic or
Humans and their kind think that theirs is uncontrollable. But you know better. You
the only civilization that matters, staying in can feel the ebb and flow of the battlefield in
their haughty castles. They grow soft, afraid your fingertips. You can see in someone’s
of the unknown and what is unlike their own eyes when they will stand firm, and when
little world. They fear you for what you they will rout. When you smell blood and
represent; your sharp fangs or your steel in the air, your voice booms like
predator’s eyes, the markings of one whose thunder to stir the spirit.
lineage is that of a monster.
In times of war, you can be counted on to
For untold generations, your people have keep a cool head. You’ve survived battles
thrived far beyond human civilization, that anyone else would have written off as a
where the weak die and the strong survive. lost cause. Your tactical advice and
Your instincts and claws are as sharp as any commanding presence has turned the tide of
blade, and serve you better than any armor. a war. No armchair general are you; you
lead from the front and by example. War
Whether a wandering nomad or a would-be comes as naturally to you as breath.
warrior, you’ve left your home in search of
more beyond your ancestral lands. Among If war is Hell, then you’re the devil himself.
other such adventurers, you’ve found a sort
of acceptance, a new pack among these
“civilized” folk. When you return, you will The Warlord is a skilled fighter, proficient in
be a legend among your kind, bearing gold, combat tactics and strategy. They are leaders
wisdom, and the taken fangs of your foes. both on and off the battlefield, rallying their
followers to great acts of valor.

A different take on the barbarian, the Beast

is a character that is either inhuman or half-
human, their blood mixed with that of a
monster race, such as arakkoa, minotaur, or
half-ogre. Your heritage is the source of
your prowess, in the form of moves taken
from your monstrous ancestors.
The Mask Master The Gunslinger

Have you ever wished you were someone There are legends of long-lost weapons of
else? What if you could change who you incredible power and danger. Some say they
were? summon the thunder of the gods to strike
down even the most heavily armored of
A mask is a most useful tool in your hands. knights. Perhaps only a few master
When you put on a mask, you take on a craftsman in the world can make them, or
whole new persona. The mask makes you the technology has been forgotten, and the
strong. It gives you confidence, it gives you few remaining weapons in existence are
power. Why, with the right mask, you could well-hidden. Either way, you have chosen to
be anything… except yourself, of course. make one of these awesome weapons your
Maybe you’ve forgotten who you used to be, own. How will you change the world with
or you’re hiding something terrible under your gun? How will your gun change you?
that mask. Whatever it is, you’re not willing To carry a gun is not only a symbol of
to settle for a life of mundanity. Maybe you power, but one of responsibility as well. To
need something to believe in, maybe you be a gunslinger requires not only a steady
want more of the fame and glamour. Perhaps mind, but a steady heart. Anyone can learn
out in the world, you’ll find out the truth how to shoot a gun. In your hands, your gun
about yourself.
is more than a weapon. It’s a way of life. To
master yourself is to master your gun.

A master of theatricality, mystique and

imitation, the Mask Master conceals their The Gunslinger is a fighter whose weapon
identity behind their magical masks. The of choice is a firearm. A powerful weapon in
Mask Master has the ability to duplicate the its own right, but one capable of even more
abilities of their allies, or switch up their when wielded with conviction and certainty.
own powers as needed by the masks they The Gunslinger keeps to a code of honor to
wear. steady their aim and perform amazing feats
with their gun.
The Warlock The Fool

Forgotten lore abounds in Dungeon World. This all started as one big joke to you. “Go
Cults of ancient gods or powerful beings off and explore the world,” they said. “It’ll
from beyond reality lurk everywhere, until be fun,” they said. You left your perfectly
they are put down by the forces of law. The good life behind you to take your chances
altars to these old ones are forgotten, but out here, and now you’re hip deep in terrible
they are far from powerless. danger.

A wealth of power awaits someone bold or But that doesn’t get you down. You can still
foolhardy enough to let one of these beings be a hero. You’ve got big dreams, and the
into their souls. You are the conduit for one good fortune and courage to pursue them.
of them. No years of study or prostration Maybe not the skills, but hey, can’t have
before a mortal priest for you. You’ve taken everything, right? You’ve got your friends
things into your own hands. You are the to watch your back. They keep you out of
eyes, voice, and hands of a being of godlike the worst of the trouble, and you help them
power, and in return for your service, they keep their perspective on things. With a
have let a bit of that power into your hands. smile on your face and a song in your heart,
things will turn out okay, eventually.
The old ones promise much for your service,
but demand much in return. It’s okay though. Hey, what does this thing do?
You’re still in control of the deal.

… For now.
The Fool is one who succeeds through luck,
often times in spite of themselves. They
have great aspirations, but fate or
Like the cleric, the warlock enjoys a happenstance loves to throw them surprises.
relationship with a being of divine or near- Whether accidental hero, unwilling hero, or
divine power. Unlike the cleric, the just comic relief, you can never count the
relationship between warlock and patron is Fool out. They always seem to find a way to
much more intimate, so much so that patron beat the odds.
may reach out into the world through the
warlock. Demon princes, arch-fey, and elder
beings from beyond reality are all potential
patrons for the warlock.
The Villager

We’ve included some new moves intended

Hero? Oh no, no. You’re not a hero. You’re
to promote player authorship while
just a normal person. Thank the gods.
simultaneously removing the need for GM
Adventures are terrible, dangerous things. prep. Based on John Wick’s idea of a “Dirty
People who go on adventures come back Dungeon”, they reward the players for
maimed or wrong in the head, and that’s if introducing dangers while giving the GM
they come back at all. Staying in the village license to twist things around, and they can
is much better. You’ve got a relatively safe, create some interesting complications. We
if unexciting life here. have also included rules for events or
monsters that may control or manipulate the
You’ve lived in the village all your life, or at minds of your characters.
least most of it. You’ve got roots here;
family, friends, a steady job. You know,
responsibilities. There’s turnips to be
planted, a fence to be mended, a little sister
to look after, meals to be cooked…

… Okay, maybe you could use a little

Few toys are as ingenious or as rewarding as
the ones that let us create new things, and
role-playing games like Dungeon World
The Villager is a nascent or potential hero,
exemplify these traits for me. I am deeply
suitable for a prequel game or a “level zero” grateful to my colleagues in the DW G+
adventure. A party of Villagers may mature group for their advice, critiques, and support
into a full-fledged adventuring group. While over the last year.
weak to start with, the Villager is designed
to be easy to learn and quick to pick up and Special thanks go to Johnstone Metzger and
play. Since the playbook grows with you, it his excellent book Class Warfare, without
makes a good introduction to Dungeon which these new playbooks would never be
World. possible, and Jeremy Strandberg for his help
in formulating many of these new moves.

The playbook is based upon a previous

edition of the Villager for Dungeon World
by Jason Morningstar.
Names: Kornelius, Akah, Natokh, Jagara, Willa, Nayda, Hurrick, Char, Sauro, Addicus, Golden Eyes, Slit Pupils, or Bulging Eyes
Mongo, Ta-She, Zaxx Short Fur, Leathery Hide, or Tanned Skin
Crude Leathers, Tattered Robes, or Elaborate Body Designs
Hunched Body, Willowy Body, or Lean Body


o Good Beast-Blooded
Endanger yourself to combat an unnatural threat. Your heritage includes the blood of a beast or a monster. Describe your species,
appearance, and cultural heritage, choosing anything or any combination of things that
o Neutral sounds interesting to you. Choose up to three heritage moves to start with, based on the
Teach someone the ways of your people. monster moves that best match your heritage. Then choose a method of how you honor
your heritage:
o Acquiring lost knowledge and technology
o Chaotic
o Proving your might or superiority
Eschew a convention of the civilized world.
o Guarding or purifying the natural world
o Enforcing your people’s code of honor
Background o Obeying your elders
o Venerating your ancestors or ancestral deity
o W arrior
Your damage die is a d10, and choose one of the following tags When you gain a new appreciation for your heritage, add a new heritage move or
to add to your natural weapons from Fight Like a Beast: messy, change an existing one, up to a maximum of three.
forceful, or precise.

o Hunter Blood and Tradition

Add either “Track by scent” or “Move silently” to your list of At the beginning of a session, or when you honor your heritage, roll+CON. *On a 10+,
heritage moves. This does not count towards your maximum hold 4. *On a 7-9, hold 3. *On a 6-, hold 2, in addition to whatever the GM says. Spend a
number of heritage moves. hold to make a heritage move; no other roll is necessary, you just make that move.

o Counselor
You may be a Beast, but you’re not uncivilized. When you Fight Like a Beast
Parley, you roll with WIS instead of CHA. Your horns, fangs, claws, or talons are lethal weapons with a range of hand.

o Nomad
You’ve travelled the wide world over. When you arrive in a King of the Jungle
steading, ask the GM about any important traditions, rituals, and You can speak with and understand animals, and even closely study them and Parley with
so on, they’ll tell you what you need to know. them as if they were people. When you exert your will over a wild animal, roll+WIS.
*On a 10+, the animal will perform one simple task for you before departing, to the best of
its ability. *On a 7-9, the animal will either run away or attack you, your choice.

Fill in the names of your companions in at least one:

Heritage Moves
______________ thinks I am a monster; I’ll prove them wrong.
__________________________________ __________________________________
______________ wouldn’t last a day in the wild without me; I’ll
teach them how to survive. __________________________________ __________________________________

I owe ______________ a debt of blood that I have yet to repay. __________________________________ __________________________________

Your load is 8+STR. You start with dungeon rations (5 uses, 1 weight) and
an item that symbolizes your heritage, describe it! Choose your armament:
o Spear (reach, thrown, near, 1 weight) and hunting knife (hand, 1 weight)
o Makeshift club (close, 2 weight) and adventuring gear (5 uses, 1 weight)
Choose one:
o Antitoxin
o Poultices and herbs (2 uses, 1 weight)
o Hide armor (1 armor, 1 weight)

When you gain a level from 2-5, choose from these moves. When you gain a level from 6-10, choose from these moves or the level 2-
5 moves.
o Eye of the Tiger
When you mark an animal (with mud, dirt, or blood), you can see through o Akela
that animal’s eyes as if they were your own, no matter what distance When you use King of the Jungle, on a 12+ the animal will either tag along
separates you. Only one animal at a time may be marked in this way. with you and assist you for a while, in its own way, or you may command it
to perform a very dangerous task for you.
o Fair Form
With a bit of a disguise, such as a hooded cloak, you are able to hide your o Ancient Heritage
heritage and pass as a member of another race, as long as you don’t use your You may now have up to five heritage moves.
heritage moves or draw attention to yourself.
o Awakened Blood
o Forager Choose another type of creature that has contributed to your heritage. When
When you Make Camp in the wilderness, you and one other person don’t you change your heritage moves, you may take moves from this new
need to consume a ration. heritage, if you wish. When you take this move, you may change one of your
existing heritage moves to a move from your new heritage.
o Night-Eyes
You can see clearly in the faintest of light; even starlight is enough for you. o Bloody Roar
While you are afflicted by fear, mind control, or enchanting magic, you
o Pack Leader may ignore the effect as long as you attack the closest enemy in sight. If you
Choose a second way you can honor your heritage. have no enemies in sight, the GM chooses who you attack.

o Pathfinder o Dire Beast

You know places in the wilderness where secret paths lie unseen. When you Gain a non-multiclass move from the barbarian or ranger playbooks.
travel by a hidden path through the wilderness, roll+WIS. *On a hit, it
leads you where you want. *On a 7-9, choose a difficulty: o I Am the Tiger
• Others find the way who did not know it before Requires: Eye of the Tiger
• The journey takes much longer than it seemed to When you touch and animal and push your thoughts into its mind,
• The way is long and hard; each person who takes it must mark the roll+WIS. *On a hit, you can read the animal’s mind and memories, reliving
debility weak its past and seeing what it has seen. *On a 7-9, you have trouble separating
• You encounter some danger upon the road these memories from your own, and you exhibit some aspects of the animal’s
behavior for a while after you break the link.
o Predatory Instinct
When you use a heritage move, take +1d4 damage forward or +2 armor o Killer Instinct
forward. Replaces: Predatory Instinct
When you use a heritage move, take +1d8 damage forward or +4 armor
o Savage Beast
Gain a non-multiclass move from the barbarian or ranger playbooks.
o Monster Blood
When you roll for Blood and Tradition, you get +1 hold, even on a 6-.
o Sharp Senses
When you Discern Realities about a location, add these questions to the
list: o Natural Medicine
• How could I be accepted by the people here? Requires: Forager
• How could I best attract attention here? When you have time to gather supplies in the wilderness, you can prepare
• What here is a source of evil? a poultice that will heal one debility next time you Make Camp.
• Where could I best hide around here?
o Nose For Trouble
When something hidden threatens you, the GM will give you a warning in
o Tarzan
the form of a hunch about the nature of the danger, but not necessarily where
When you use a heritage move to evade harm or avoid an obstacle, you
it lurks.
may also bring someone else along with you safely.
Orc: Garadh, Krogar, Argard, Morkrull, Tek'ra, Dagra, Sanuki, Brizara, Crask Hard Eyes, Weary Eyes, or Sharp Eyes
Fear-drinker, Hell-walker, Bone-crusher, Storm-hammer, Axe-bearer, Wolf-hacker Plumed Hat, Horned Helmet, or Eyepatch
Dwarf: Dalthar, Bolfost, Garrund, Hagol, Mordria, Naldina, Chalunni, Kila, Ardred Military Uniform, Furred Mantle, or Worn Finery
Human: Darius, Shingen, Marcus, William, Simon, Jeanne, Alianor, Catherine, Elizabeth Scarred Body, Bulky Body, or Lean Body


o Lawful W ar Leader
Choose honor over personal gain. You can rally warriors to your banner at any time there are suitable people available for
you to recruit or lead. When you rally a war-band together, they will fight for you for
o Neutral one battle, though they will demand a cut of any loot in exchange. The war-band’s
Defeat a worthy opponent. strength, equipment, and bearing will be proportionate to the quality of the warriors
available, as well as your level.
o Evil
When you lead your war-band into battle, roll+CHA. *On a 10+, hold 3. *On a 7-9,
Kill a defenseless or surrendered enemy.
hold 2. *On a 6-, hold 1 anyway, but there will be hell to pay afterwards. Over the course
of the fight, spend a hold to make your war-band:
Race •

Make a strong assault
Stand firm against a strong assault
o Dwarf • Make an organized retreat
You ignore the clumsy tag on any armor you wear.
• Show mercy to their defeated enemies
• Hold fast despite fear or danger
o Orc • Restore discipline and form ranks after a lapse or break
Add the following option to War Leader, and you may use this
option once per battle without spending hold: After the battle, assuming your war-band is still fit for duty, you may spend a hold to call
• Fall upon the enemy in a violent, howling frenzy them together and follow you into another battle. If you don’t, they disperse afterwards.

o Human
Hirelings under your command have +1 Loyalty. Tactician
When you use your knowledge of tactics, discipline, and strategy on the battlefield,
describe how you accomplish one of the following:
• Create an advantage; you or an ally takes +1 forward when you exploit it
Fill in the names of your companions in at least one: • Disengage from melee with one enemy
__________ has stood by me in battle and can be trusted • Avoid a hazard on the battlefield without Defying Danger
completely. • Block a blow meant for you or someone else nearby, you take half damage
• Shake off the effects of fear, confusion, or being stunned
Then roll+WIS. *On a 10+ you do it, no problem. *On a 7-9 you still get your desired
__________ doesn’t think before they act, and it’s always
effect, but you also expose yourself to danger, retribution, or cost.
causing me trouble.

I met __________ in the last war, but we weren’t exactly on the All For One, and One For All
same side. When you Aid an ally in battle, on a hit, in addition to giving them +1, choose one of the
I’ve seen __________ turn the tide of a battle before. • They take +1d4 damage forward
• They take +2 armor forward

__________ isn’t suited for battle; I’d better keep an eye on


Your load is 11+STR. You start with dungeon rations (5 uses, 1 weight),
chainmail (1 armor, 1 weight) and a melee weapon of your choice (close, 1
weight). Choose three:
o Adventuring gear (5 uses, 1 weight)
o Dagger (hand, 1 weight) and 5 coins
o Shield (+1 armor, 2 weight)
o Healing potion
o Bandages (3 uses) and 5 coins
o War horse

When you gain a level from 2-5, choose from these moves. When you gain a level from 6-10, choose from these moves or the level 2-
5 moves.
o Battlefield Strategy
When you Spout Lore about a military unit or situation you have o Drill Sergeant
observed, you may roll with WIS instead of INT. The first person acting on As long as you’re around, no NPCs under your command will have
your information takes +1 forward. discipline problems. A hard glare or a sharp rebuke from you will snap them
back into line or banish any fear from them, and your war-band will never
o Call to Arms rout on your watch.
When you Recruit, also pick options equal to your CHA. *On a 10+ all of
them are true. *On a 7-9 only one of them is true, GM’s choice. *On a 6- o Field Logistics
none of them are true: When you Undertake a Perilous Journey, everyone takes +1 to their roles.
• You may Carouse in town before leaving without spending coins
• Any hirelings you recruit have the cost “blind patriotism” instead o Fingerspitzengefühl
of their usual cost. When you use Tactician, on a hit you may also immediately ask one question
• One hireling you recruit gets an additional skill point from the Discern Realities list.
• You requisition a piece of equipment from the locals
o Lordly Caliber
o Crusader When you use War Leader, you get +1 hold, even on a miss, and add the
Gain a non-multiclass move from the paladin playbook, except Quest. following choices to the list:
• Bring magical support to a situation
o Flanking Maneuver • Fight and die to the last without fear
When you Aid an ally in battle, on a hit, you give them both options from
All For One, And One For All. o Paragon
Gain a non-multiclass move from the paladin playbook, except Quest.
o For the Cause
When you rally a war-band, the GM will tell you something they will accept o Reconnaissance-By-Force
in lieu of a cut of any loot: either vengeance, glory, renown, or the greater Requires: Reconnaissance
good. When you use Reconnaissance, on a hit, the war-band provides an additional
service for you; choose one:
o Hold the Line • They make the enemy break formation or reveal a vulnerability
While you are standing side by side with your allies on the front lines of • They make a hidden enemy or threat reveal itself
battle, you may Defend with CHA instead of CON. • They distract, lure away, or sabotage the first foe they encounter

o Reconnaissance o Shield W all

When you send your war-band to scout a dangerous place for you, you Requires: Hold the Line
may Discern Realities about the place as if you were there. You and all allies in your presence get +1 hold when they Defend, even on a
o Stentorian Voice
You can give Aid to anyone who can hear you with inspiring words, strategic o Tactical Commander
advice, or grisly threats, as long as you are within shouting distance. When you use Tactician, you may apply your chosen effects to your war-
band instead of you, as long as you are present to command them.
o Tactical Eye
When you survey a battlefield or dangerous environment, ask the GM o Turn the Tables
two of the following questions. The GM will answer truthfully. Add the following options to Tactician:
• Is there a trap or ambush here, and if so, where? • Escape from a dangerous position
• Where is the best place to make a defensive stand? • Lure or push an enemy into a bad position for them
• Where is the best place to attack from?
• What here is the biggest threat to me? o W ar Stories
When you share tales of glorious battles with your comrades, lose any
o W atch Duty hold on this move and roll+CHA. *On a 10+, hold 3. *On a 7-9, hold 2. *On
When you organize your camp’s defenses, everyone takes +1 to Take a 6-, hold 1 anyway, but there will be trouble when it is spent. Anyone may
Watch. spend a hold from this move to immediately make the Tactician move,
rolling for it as usual with their own WIS and taking +1 to the roll.
Names: Helena, Valentine, Lucille, Campbell, Diego, Bruce, Percy, Marguerite, Basil Clay Masks, Wooden Masks, or Paper Masks
Turban, Hooded Mantle, or Feathered Hat
Garish Clothing, Voluminous Robes, or Mismatched Clothing

o Good Masks For All Occasions
Help someone else while protecting your anonymity. You possess several masks that grant you—and only you—special abilities while you
wear them. Each mask in your possession has 1 weight. Donning a mask takes several
o Neutral seconds of uninterrupted concentration, and you may only wear one mask at a time.
Earn recognition for your skills. Choose three masks from the list:
o Iron Mask: You have 3 armor, but you also get -1 to all WIS and CHA rolls.
o Death Mask: Undead creatures ignore you unless you draw attention to
o Chaotic
yourself, and you may cast the Wizard spell Speak With Dead by spending 1
Upset the status quo.
o War Mask: Your damage die is d10.
Background o Mystic Mask: You can see and interact with spirits of any kind. They can sense
this, and will be more inclined to appear before you.
Yeah, right! Like you’d ever let anyone know about the real you. o Demon Mask: When you make eye contact with someone, they feel fear and
Who you were and where you’re from doesn’t matter now, it’s will react accordingly as long as you keep staring at them, as per the spell Cause
all about the masks for you. Fear with you as the subject.
o Plague Mask: When you use an item that restores HP, either on yourself or
Instead, privately tell the GM one thing about yourself that you someone else, the item heals additional HP equal to your level.
must keep a secret. When that secret is revealed to everyone, o Blank Mask: When you hide amongst a crowd or act inconspicuous, no one
you must retire this playbook and choose a new one, starting will notice you unless you draw attention to yourself.
over again from level 1. You keep your gear but nothing else. o Dashing Mask: When you would Defy Danger, you may roll with CHA instead
of what the GM tells you.
While you are not wearing a mask or anything covering your face, your confidence is
shattered; take -1 ongoing to all moves until you put on a mask again.
Fill in the names of your companions in at least one:

I tried being like ____________ once, but I got into a lot of Mimic
trouble. When you Make Camp, choose a person you have at least one Bond with and gain hold
equal to the number of Bonds you have with them. When you witness that person
I wish I was as brave as ____________. perform a move, you may spend 1 hold to immediately perform that move as well, even
if they are using a move that you don’t have. If you mimic a move that would require you
____________’s power makes me a little envious, so I mimic to spend some other kind of hold, you spend HP instead of hold, 1-for-1.
them whenever I can.

If I help ____________ accomplish their goal, maybe I’ll find

out the truth about myself too. Inscrutable
The masks you wear have their own identity. Any actions you take while wearing a certain
My acting skills can fool anyone… except ____________. mask will be attributed to that mask, and only that mask. No one will recognize your true
identity if you wear a different mask.

Additionally, you never make the Outstanding Warrants move, and any attempts to read
your mind or scry on your location automatically fail.

Your Load is 10+STR. You start with dungeon rations (5 uses, 1 weight)
and your masks (1 weight each). Choose your armament:
o Mace (close, 1 weight) and wooden shield (+1 armor, 1 weight)
o Staff (close, two-handed, 1 weight) and enchanted robes (1 armor, 1
o Ragged bow (near, 2 weight) and bundle of arrows (3 ammo, 1 weight)
Choose one:
o Halfling pipeleaf (6 uses, 0 weight)
o Adventuring gear (5 uses, 1 weight)
o Two bandages (3 uses each, 0 weight)

When you gain a level from 2-5, choose from these moves. When you gain a level from 6-10, choose from these moves or the level 2-
5 moves.
o Behind the Mask
When you engage someone in conversation, you can ask their player a o Beyond the Mask
question from the list below. They must answer it truthfully, then they may Requires: Behind the Mask
ask you a question from the list. If you lie, you cannot use this move on them When you use Behind the Mask, you may also ask “How are you vulnerable
ever again. If you tell the truth, you can. to me?” Your subject may not ask this question of you.
• What are your present intentions?
• What do you most desire? o Clone
• What do you not want me to know? Replaces: Doppelgänger
• What do you want from me? When you craft and wear a mask in the guise of another specific person
whom you have studied closely, you look just like them. Your actions may
o Doppelgänger give you away, but anyone who does not know the person intimately will be
fooled by your appearance. When you meet someone who is intimately
When you craft and wear a mask in the guise of another specific person
associated with the person you are impersonating, roll+CHA. *On a 10+,
whom you have studied closely, you create a disguise of that person. When
they are fooled, even by strange behavior, until you give yourself away for
you put your disguise to the test, roll+CHA. *On a 10+, only that person’s
certain. *On a 7-9, they are suspicious of you.
most intimate associates can tell it’s you. *On a 7-9, only those who do not
know the person are fooled.
o Curtain Call
o Grand Debut Requires: Grand Debut
Instead of choosing one of the options from the list, you may choose a
When you make a spectacular entrance while wearing a mask, roll+CHA.
member of the audience. The GM will choose how they react from the list.
*On a 10+, choose three options from the list below. *On a 7-9, choose two.
*On a 6-, choose one, in addition to whatever the GM tells you.
• Someone desires to meet you later, the GM will tell you who o Encore
• Someone becomes infatuated with you, the GM will tell you who When you Mimic a move, you can use that move again by spending another
• Someone will give you a gift, the GM will tell you who hold, until the next time you Make Camp.

o Identity Crisis o Mirrormask

Donning a mask takes only a moment for you now. When an enemy’s move makes you Defy Danger, on a 12+ not only do you
defy the danger, you may also immediately use that move against your
enemy, without rolling or spending hold from Mimic.
o Impresario
You never have to spend money to Carouse, and you roll with CHA instead
of coins spent. If there is already a gathering happening, you may Carouse
o Performance Artist
without having returned triumphant. When you Mimic a move and need to roll for it, you roll with CHA instead
of the usual stat.
o Improv
When you use Mimic, you get +1 hold.
o Poker Face
When you tell a lie or a half-truth, it will be accepted as fact by anyone
who does not have a history with you. As long as no one reveals hard
o Masquerade evidence to the contrary, anything you say will be accepted as open honesty.
Gain an additional mask from the list.
o Super Swing
o Method Actor Gain a non-multiclass move from a playbook no one else is currently using.
When you don a mask, choose a stat: you take +1 ongoing to rolls using that
stat until you remove the mask. The GM will also choose a stat: you take -1
ongoing to rolls using that stat until you remove the mask. o Theater Games
Requires: Supporting Actor
Add the following option to the Supporting Actor list:
o Supporting Actor • You immediately Mimic their move without spending hold
When you Aid Another, on a 10+ you upstage them; choose an extra effect:
• Your Aid gives +2 instead of +1
• Any consequences from their move affect you instead of them
o Two-Faced
You may wear two masks at once, gaining the benefit of both at the same
o Understudy
Gain a non-multiclass move from a playbook no one else is currently using.
Human: Hugh, Rowan, Clifton, Anne, Kitty, Nancy, Marion, Rose, Vincent Blue Eyes, Cold Eyes, or Eye-patch
Dwarf: Thorek, Mordin, Alric, Kenric, Kionna, Gottra, Sifna, Bazri Bandanna, Black Mask, or Bad-Ass Hat
Gnome: Alston, Nolvri, Belton, Cogstrom, Sarabolt, Gelena, Tidget, Meriline Long Coat, Old Military Uniform, or Foreign Clothes
Lean Body, Grizzled Body, or Long Shanks

o Lawful This is my Boom -Stick!
Bring a criminal to justice. You own a unique firearm. Only you can use this gun; it will not function for anyone else.
Your gun has 2 weight, and the following tags: near, ignores armor, loud and reload.
o Neutral Choose two upgrades for your gun:
Solve someone else’s problem without getting emotionally o Buckshot: Add messy
invested. o Double-Barreled: Add forceful
o Incendiary: Add the fiery tag, and your shots can start fires
o Longarm: Add far range and two-handed, +1 weight
o Evil
o Full Metal Jacket: +1 damage
Make a profit off of someone else’s misery.
o Compact: -1 weight, and your gun is small enough that you can conceal it on
your person, though it will still be found if you are searched
Race o Bayonet: You can Hack and Slash with your gun at a range of close, rolling with
DEX instead of STR
o Human
When you kill a monster with the Large, Huge, Intelligent, or
Terrifying tags, gain +1 Aim, but only once per kill.
Gunslinger’s Oath
Choose up to three tenets of your personal code of honor:
o Dwarf o Never leave a comrade behind.
When you make a sacrifice or put yourself in danger to save o Always keep your sworn word.
someone else, gain +1 Aim. o Always protect the weak.
o Always show courage in the face of danger.
o Gnome o Always avenge a slight or dishonor.
When you seek out excitement despite the danger to yourself, o Always assist anyone in distress if it is within your power to do so.
gain +1 Aim. o Never accept a reward for any help that you give.
o Never let a ____________ live.

As long as you keep true to your oath, your gun will fire true for you. You begin play
Fill in the names of your companions in at least one: with 1 Aim. Your maximum Aim is equal to the number of tenets of your Gunslinger’s
Oath. If you break your oath, reduce your Aim to 0, and while you have 0 Aim, you take
I once had ______________ in my sights, but I let them live. -1 ongoing to any rolls that involve using your gun.

I made a promise to ______________ that I haven’t yet kept.

Trick Shot
______________ doesn’t have what it takes to get the job done. When you go for an improbable shot with an unusual effect, describe what you want to
happen and roll+Aim. *On a 10+, choose one thing you have to do to pull off the shot.
______________ is my lover, or was, or would have been, or… *On a 7-9, choose one, and the GM chooses one:
it’s complicated. • Reduce your Aim by 1 (you may not choose this option if you have 0 Aim)
• Spend some time lining up the shot
• Get into a vulnerable position
• Sacrifice or endanger something important Aim:

Your load is 9+STR. You start with dungeon rations (5 uses, 1 weight), your Choose a look for your gun:
gun (2 weight), and a bag of bullets (3 ammo, 1 weight). Choose three: o Gears, clockwork, and steam
o A bag of bullets (3 ammo, 1 weight) o Eldritch machinery
o Leather armor (1 armor, 1 weight) o Sleek and well-made
o Bandages (3 uses, slow, 0 weight) o Old and well-worn
o Adventuring gear (5 uses, 1 weight) o Fancy and ornate
o Long knife (hand, 1 weight)
o Antitoxin (0 weight)
o 6 coins

(A bag of bullets costs 4 coins, comes with 3 ammo and has 1 weight. If a
bag of bullets ever gets soaked in water, lose 1 ammo from it.)

When you gain a level from 2-5, choose from these moves. When you gain a level from 6-10, choose from these moves or the level 2-
5 moves.
o Big Damn Hero
When you go above and beyond the call of duty to uphold your o Bulletproof
Gunslinger’s Oath, gain +1 Aim. When you take damage or suffer serious harm, you may lower your Aim
by 1 to prevent that damage or otherwise evade the harm. You may not use
o Gunsmith this move if you have 0 Aim.
Choose an additional upgrade for your gun.
o Bullet Time
o Listen Up, You Primitive Screw-heads! Requires: Quick Draw
When you dramatically fire your gun into the air and spend 1 ammo, you When you Defy Danger with your quick reflexes you cannot get a 6-, treat
may Parley with +Aim instead of CHA. that as a 7-9 result.

o Manhunter o Bushwhacker
Gain a non-multiclass move from the ranger playbook. Gain a non-multiclass move from the ranger playbook.

o Mysterious Stranger o Dead Man’s Trigger

When you make the Outstanding Warrants move, you may have the results Nothing can make you drop your gun, but it can still be forcibly taken from
of your roll apply to one of the other players instead of yourself. you. When you are reduced to zero HP, you may immediately fire your gun
one final time before you take your Last Breath, even if you have no ammo.
o Quick Draw
You’re never caught by surprise. When an enemy would get the drop on you, o Eagle Eye
you get to act first instead. You can draw and fire your gun in the blink of an When you Discern Realities, ask one additional question, even on a 6-, and
eye. add these options to the list of questions:
• What is my best escape route?
o Scattershot • Where is my best cover?
When you Volley with your gun, you may spend extra ammo before rolling. • Which of my allies is the most vulnerable?
For each point of ammo spent you may choose an extra target. Roll once and
apply damage to all targets. o The Face of My Father
Your maximum Aim is increased by 1.
o Silver Bullets
When you have time and materials to fashion special bullets, describe o Long Shot
what kind of bullets you want to make and roll+INT. *On a 10+, the GM Add reach and far to your gun’s ranges. If your gun already has far, add
chooses one from the following list. *On a 7-9, the GM chooses up to three. really far instead.
• You only get 1 ammo (otherwise, you get 3 ammo)
• You’ll need an additional material beyond what you have now o More Dakka!
• You need help or someone else’s expertise to make it When you deal damage with your gun, you may deal additional damage
• The best you can do is a lesser version, unreliable and limited equal to your Aim. If you do, that gunshot is very, very loud.

o Steady Hand o Semper Fidelis

When you make a Trick Shot, on a 12+ you succeed beyond all expectation. Requires: Big Damn Hero
Choose nothing from the list. When you Defy Danger while acting to uphold your Gunslinger’s Oath,
you cannot get a 6-, treat that as a 7-9 result.
o Thousand-Yard Stare
When you fix someone with your cold, hard stare, roll+CHA. *On a 10+, o W anderlust
you get both effects. *On a 7-9, choose one. You always know the way back to the nearest steading. When you act on this
• They flinch or hesitate. knowledge the GM will give you a choice of a long, safe path or a shorter,
• You learn something about their true nature. The GM will tell you more dangerous path. When you arrive at your destination, if anything has
what. changed since your last visit, you spot it right away.
Human: Talon, Simon, Seifer, Marlowe, Alistair, Riley, Zada, Lyra, Pamela, Mercy Inky-Black Eyes, Glowing Eyes, or Blindfold
Elf: Kindroth, Ardreth, Belanor, Azariah, Syndra, Xaniel, Neryani Unkempt Hair, Tattooed Scalp, or Deep Hood
Tiefling: Aranmir, Zerrias, Erdos, Garmong, Lewala, Sarissa, Shadani, Daborys Meticulously Groomed, Alien Robes, or Corpulent Body
Missing Shadow, Chilling Skin, or Conspicuous Mark

o Lawful Pact
Strike a bargain with someone, and keep your end of it. You have made a pact with a powerful being from beyond your reality that desires more
influence in your world. In exchange, it has given you power. Fill in the following blanks:
o Neutral “My patron is __________________, master of the domain of ______________________,
Increase your patron’s influence among mortals. known among mortals as the ___________________________. It appears in my visions as
_______________________, and has marked me with ____________________________.
o Evil Its desire for this world is to ____________________________, and I am its agent in this.
Gain power or prestige for yourself at someone else’s expense.
Race When you roll for another move while invoking the power of your patron, you may
choose options equal to your WIS or less and then tell the other players:
o Elf
• ...how your patron’s domain manifests itself on earth.
You can see clearly in darkness, including magical darkness.
• ...what your patron asks for in return.
• ...how your patron empowers your action.
o Human
• ...why your patron has taken an interest in this affair.
You are immune to any effects that would control or manipulate
*On a 10+, all that you say is true. *On a 7-9, the GM chooses one statement to be false,
your mind, including fear.
the others are true. *On a 6-, no guarantees.
o Tiefling
Brimstone is a rote for you, and deals +1 damage.
Cast a Spell
When you unleash a spell granted to you by your patron, roll+CHA. *On a 10+, the
spell is successfully cast and your patron does not revoke the spell, you may cast it again.
*On a 7-9, the spell is cast, but choose one:
Fill in the names of your companions in at least one: • After you cast it, the spell is revoked. You cannot cast the spell again until you
commune and have it granted to you.
My patron greatly desires ____________’s soul. • You draw unwelcome attention or put yourself in a spot. The GM will tell you
• Your casting warps your mind—take -1 ongoing to cast a spell until the next
____________ thinks they call the shots around here, but they’re time you commune.
wrong. Note that maintaining spells with ongoing effects will sometimes cause a penalty to your
roll to cast a spell.
I have learned something of ____________’s deepest desires.

I need help from ____________ to achieve my patron’s goals. When you spend uninterrupted time (an hour or so) in a trance to hear the will of
your patron, you:
• Lose any spells already granted to you.
• Are granted new spells of your choice, whose total levels don’t exceed your own
level+1, and none of which is a higher level than your own level.
• Prepare all of your rotes, which never count against your limit.

Your load is 7+STR. You start with dungeon rations (5 uses, 1 weight) and a
mark placed upon you by your patron. Describe it! Choose three:
o Carved ritual staff (close, two-handed, 1 weight)
o Sacrificial dagger (hand, 1 weight)
o Antitoxin
o Bag of books (5 uses, 2 weight)
o Enchanted robes (1 armor, 1 weight)
o A suitable sacrifice or offering that will please your patron, describe it!
o The name of someone else that worships your patron in another steading

When you gain a level from 2-5, choose from these moves. When you gain a level from 6-10, choose from these moves or the level 2-
5 moves.
o Elder Sign
When you attempt to banish a creature from another plane of existence, o Chaos Magic
roll+WIS. *On a hit, it may not approach you further unless you allow it to When you cast a spell, you can choose to double the spell’s effects or double
(or you let your guard down). *On a 10+, if it lacks an anchor in this world, the number of targets affected, but you must also choose one:
it must return to whence it came. • The land around you is warped or tainted, the GM describes how
• The spell has additional, unwanted effects
o Forbidden Knowledge • You must shed your own blood, take 1d6 damage, ignoring armor
When you pray to your patron for knowledge, you may Spout Lore with
WIS instead of INT, though you may get more than you bargained for… o Dark Avatar
When you choose options for Invocation, you may also choose to take on the
o Mister Nick likeness of your patron, describe it! Anyone witnessing your acts will react
At the end of the session, if someone else willingly yielded to temptation or accordingly. This manifestation lasts until you stop channeling your patron’s
committed an act of betrayal as a result of your actions, mark XP. power.

o The Power Flows Through Me o Dorian Grey

When you fulfill your patron’s desire, you are granted some useful When you gain this move, choose a vessel to store your soul in. While the
knowledge or boon related to one of your patron’s domains. The GM will tell vessel is intact you are unkillable; you automatically get a 10+ on Last
you what. Breath, and any taint, burdens, or judgments upon your soul affect the vessel
instead. When your vessel is destroyed, you die instantly, no Last Breath.
o Sandman
When you touch a sleeping person, you can see what they are dreaming o Empowered Pact
about, as well as the nature of any influences upon their mind. Add an additional desire and domain to your Pact.

o Serpent’s Tongue o Hellfire

When you Parley with someone, on a 10+ you also learn something about Your Brimstone spell now conjures the black fires of Hell. This fire does not
their true nature or what they desire most, the GM will tell you what. Take burn with heat and ignores armor, scorching the soul itself. Even creatures
+1 forward when you act on this information. normally immune to fire are harmed by this type of flame, but creatures
without souls are not.
o The Stars Are Right
When you perform a ritual to summon a monster from beyond this o Mystical Puppet Strings
world, say what it’s for, one thing it is, and one thing it is not. Then When you use magic to control a person’s actions, they have no memory
roll+WIS, and find out what comes through. *On a 10+, both. *On a 7-9, of what you had them do and bear you no ill will.
choose one or the other:
• It fulfills its purpose and leaves without incident o Nightmare
• It’s perfect for the job Requires: Sandman
*On a 6-, it isn’t what you said it is, but it is what you said it is not. When you touch a sleeping person, you may also plant a post-hypnotic
suggestion in their minds; they will carry out your command at a convenient
o Thaumaturgy time when they awaken, as long as it does not directly endanger them.
Gain a non-multiclass move from the cleric playbook.
o Revelations
o Things Man W as Not Meant to Know When you fulfill your patron’s desire, you may also ask the GM any one
Add the following choices to Invocation: question. The GM will answer truthfully. You or your allies take +1 forward
• …what secret knowledge your patron reveals to you. when acting on the answer.
• …who is briefly stunned by horrifying visions.
o Serpent’s Guile
o W olf Among The Flock Requires: Serpent’s Tongue
While you are not using any of your powers, your true nature is concealed. When you Parley with someone, on a 12+ you may ask their player one
Anyone who examines you, either physically or magically, will believe you question, which they must answer truthfully.
to be mundane and harmless, as long as you don’t obviously threaten them or
start using your powers again. o Theurgy
Gain a non-multiclass move from the cleric playbook.
Every time you Commune, you gain access to all of your rotes without
having to select them or count them toward your allotment of spells. o Unseen Servant Rote ongoing
You conjure a simple invisible construct that can do nothing but carry items.
o Corpse Whispers Rote It has Load 3 and carries anything you hand to it. It cannot pick up items on
Cast this spell when you touch a corpse. You experience that person’s last its own and can only carry those you give to it. Items carried by an unseen
moments of life through one of their senses—you see what they saw or hear servant appear to float in the air a few paces behind you. An unseen servant
what they heard, for example. that takes damage or leaves your presence is immediately dispelled, dropping
any items it carried. Otherwise the unseen servant serves you until you end
o Contract Rote the spell.
When you sign a contract you have cast this spell upon, you are mystically
notified if the other party breaks it.

First Level Spells

o Brimstone level 1 ongoing o Trust In Me Level 1 ongoing
A burst of magical flame flies from your hands. Deal 2d4 damage to one The person (not beast or monster) you touch while casting this spell counts
target within near range. you as a friend until they take damage or you prove otherwise.

o Terrorize level 1 ongoing o Ring of Gyges level 1 ongoing

Choose a target you can see and a nearby object. The target is afraid of the Touch an ally: nobody can see them. They’re invisible! This spell persists
object so long as you maintain the spell. Their reaction is up to them: flee, until the target attacks or you dismiss the effect. While this spell is ongoing,
panic, beg, fight. While this spell is ongoing you take -1 to cast a spell. You you can’t cast another spell.
cannot target entities with less than animal intelligence (magical constructs,
undead, automatons, and the like). o The Urge level 1
You touch someone and create an urge in them—escape, greed, hunger,
o Speak With Dead level 1 sexual desire, or thirst, for example. You choose the urge, but they react of
A corpse converses with you briefly. It will answer any three questions you their own free will. The urge fades after a few hours.
pose to it to the best of the knowledge it had in life and the knowledge it
gained in death.

Third Level Spells

o Arise! level 3 ongoing o Bloodfury level 3 ongoing
You summon forth a servant of your patron, which aids you as best it can. Supernatural bloodlust fills the veins of a person you touch. When the target
Describe it! Treat it as your character, but with access to only the basic deals damage in melee, they roll their damage twice and take the better
moves. It has +1 modifier for all stats, 1 HP, and uses your damage dice. The result. This spell ends when the target does anything besides attack
monster also gets your choice of 1d4 of these traits: mindlessly.
• It has +2 instead of +1 to one stat.
• It has some useful extra ability, the GM will tell you what. o Nightfall level 3 ongoing
• It’s not reckless. Choose an area you can see: it’s filled with supernatural darkness and
• Its bond to your plane is strong: +2 HP for each level you have. shadow. While this spell is ongoing you take -1 to cast a spell.
The creature remains on this plane until it dies or you dismiss it. While the
spell is ongoing you take -1 to cast a spell. o C HAOS B LAST level 3
A burst of dark energy surges from the ground underneath your target,
o Disjunction level 3 inflicting 2d6 damage which ignores armor to the target and everyone
Choose a spell or magical effect in your presence; this spell rips it apart. nearby.
Lesser spells are ended, powerful magic is just reduced or dampened so long
as you are nearby. o Mimic level 3 ongoing
You take the form of someone you touch while casting this spell. Your
physical characteristics match theirs exactly but your behavior may not. This
change persists until you take damage or choose to return to your own form.
While this spell is ongoing you can’t cast spells.

Fifth Level Spells
o Trap Soul level 5 o Solomon’s Seal level 5
You trap the soul of a dying creature within a gem. The trapped creature is Cast this spell upon a location with clearly defined boundaries, or a circle
aware of its imprisonment but can still be manipulated through spells, parley, marked with chalk, paint, or blood. Then name a type of creature; the spell
and other effects. All moves against the trapped creature are at +1. You can prohibits that type of creature from entering or leaving the specified area.
free the soul at any time but it can never be recaptured once freed.
o Divination level 5
o Chill of the Void level 5 Name a person, place, or thing you want to learn about. Your patron grants
With a snap of your fingers, the temperature in a location you can see you visions of the target, as clear as if you were there.
plummets below freezing. Crops die, animals flee, and people who aren’t
protected may suffer frostbite if they remain in the cold. The temperature and o Pestilence level 5 ongoing
weather does not return to normal for the remainder of the day, unless you Choose a creature you can see. Until you end this spell, the target suffers
wish it to. from a disease of your choice. While this spell is ongoing you take -1 to cast
a spell.
o Contact Other Plane level 5
You send a request to another plane. Specify who or what you’d like to
contact by location, type of creature, name, or title. You open a two-way
communication with that creature. You or the creature you contacted can cut
off your communication at any time.

Seventh Level Spells

o Star Gate level 7 ongoing o The Sight level 7 ongoing
You open a gateway to another dimension or plane of existence. You can You see all things as they truly are. This effect persists until you tell a lie or
pass through this gate, either entering this other location or passing through it dismiss the spell. While this spell is ongoing you take -1 to cast a spell.
to get to another place in your present dimension. You can bring a number of
others with you equal to your level, if they are willing, or you can send one o Dominate level 7 ongoing
target of your choice that you touch through, by themselves. Your touch pushes your mind into someone else’s. You gain 1d4 hold. Spend
one hold to make the target take one of these actions:
o Mindshatter level 7 ongoing • Give you something they hold.
Psychic trauma overwhelms a target you can see, reducing their intelligence • Make a concerted attack on a target of your choice.
and personality to that of an animal. While under the effect of this spell, they • Speak a few words of your choice.
are unable to speak, understand language, or do anything else involving • Truthfully answer one question.
higher thought or willpower. While this spell is ongoing you take -1 to cast a If you run out of hold the spell ends. If the target takes damage you lose 1
spell. hold. While the spell is ongoing you cannot cast a spell.

Ninth Level Spells

o False World level 9 ongoing o Hellfire level 9
With a touch, you can put someone’s body into an enchanted sleep and their You call down fire from the sky. Choose a specific area: everyone in that
mind into a false world that they believe is real. Until the spell is ended, they area takes 2d8 damage, which ignores armor.
continue to live on in a world entirely of your creation, never knowing it is a
lie and that their body lies sleeping somewhere else. o Gateway Runes level 9
This spell may be used to create two effects. The first effect is to place a gate
o Plague level 9 ongoing rune upon a location. The second use of this spell transports yourself and a
Name a city, town, encampment, or other place where people live. As long small handful of other people from one gate rune to another, no matter the
as this spell is active that place is beset by a plague appropriate to your distance between. When the spell is cast, you may only do one or the other,
deity’s domains (locusts, death of the first born, etc). While this spell is not both.
ongoing you take -1 to cast a spell.

Your character has the same name as you. What did you expect? You picked the Fool. Bright Eyes, Innocent Eyes, Shifty Eyes
Unkempt Hair, Bunny Hood, or The Most Awesome Hat Ever
Mismatched Clothing, Plain Clothing, or Homemade Costume
Gangly Body, Rotund Body, or Short Body

o Good Fool’s Luck
Give hope or cheer to someone who needs it. When you Make Camp, set your Luck to 3. When you roll and get a 6-, you may lower
your Luck by 1 to re-roll. Take the second result, and if it is a hit, explain how you
o Neutral succeeded only through sheer luck. When your Luck is zero, you may not lower it further.
Accomplish something great in spite of yourself.

o Chaotic
Evade responsibility for the consequences of your actions. I’m On An Adventure!
Gain a starting move from a playbook no one else is using. When you use that move, if
you fail, after the GM makes their move, you can add a comical or embarrassing detail to
Race your failure. Your move is still a miss, of course.
o Dwarf
You hold your liquor like a pro. You can drink anyone under the
table. Anyone.
Comic Relief
o Human When you make everyone else laugh, including the GM, take +1 forward. When
someone else Aids or Interferes with you, they take +1.
At the end of the session, if all of the other players mark XP
from A Very Special Episode, you mark XP too.
When the rest of the group ditches you or sets you up to die, you will meet up with
them again at the next available opportunity; describe how you improbably cheated certain
o Halfling death to rejoin them. Alternatively, you may choose to give up this character. If you do,
You have sticky fingers. When you depart from a steading, a the Fool will return again someday… but as a villain under the GM’s control, looking for
small trinket “appears” in your pocket; the GM will tell you what revenge.
you found.

A Very Special Episode

Fill in the names of your companions in at least one: At the end of the session, each other player may tell you something they learned from
__________ doesn’t think I’m cut out for this life. I’ll show you—a positive moral for everyone to take home and reflect upon. If they do, they mark
them! XP.

__________ is taking this all way too seriously.

__________ talked me into this adventure, which just goes to

show who the real fool is.

__________ is a friend of a friend, so if they don’t get me out of

this mess, they’re going to be in trouble!

Why does __________ never believe anything I tell them? …Oh,

right. That.

Your load is 6+STR. You start with whatever you grabbed on your way out
the door, choose three:
o A really interesting looking rock (thrown, near)
o A sturdy walking stick or cooking implement (close, 1 weight)
o A letter to you from someone important
o A packed lunch from your mom (ration, 1 use, 1 weight)
o A magic potion, though you don’t know what it does
o An extra change of underclothes
o A map of a nearby dungeon

When you gain a level from 2-5, choose from these moves. When you gain a level from 6-10, choose from these moves or the level 2-
5 moves.
o Curly Shuffle
When you Hack and Slash while you’re all fired up, on a 10+, choose one o Fool’s Errand
in addition to dealing your damage: When you con someone into taking an unwise or imprudent course of
• Your foe stumbles and is knocked flat on their face action, roll+CHA. *On a 10+, they are tricked, and don’t realize the error of
• You snatch something from your foe in the confusion their ways until the consequences fall on them. *On a 7-9, they’re either not
• You open your foe up to someone else’s attack instead of dealing fooled for long, or they’ll hold a grudge against you, GM’s choice.
o Four-Leaf Clover
o Hey, W hat Does This Do? When you Make Camp, set your Luck to 4 instead of 3. When you take
When you put yourself at risk to check something out, ask the GM any damage, you may lower your Luck by 1 to ignore it; describe the comedic,
one question related to the risks and roll+Luck. *On a 10+, the GM will contrived, or outright miraculous circumstances that saved you from harm.
answer it, as clearly as the circumstances allow. *On a 7-9, the GM will tell
you what more you need to do to find the answer yourself. o I Meant To Do That
When you fail a move, you can choose to not mark XP. If you do, choose
o Fool’s W isdom someone who will either stare at you dumbfounded or double over in
When you Spout Lore, don’t roll. Instead, just blurt out the first thing that uncontrolled laughter. Describe the epic failure of yours that causes them to
comes to mind. When the truth of what you say is put to the test, react that way. You have to fail; if you spend Luck to succeed, this move is
roll+INT. *On a 10+, you were right, more or less. *On a 7-9, you messed not triggered.
up or forgot a key detail.
o Idiot Savant
o I Think I’m Getting The Hang Of This When you gain this move, pick one of the following moves: Hack and Slash,
Gain a non-multiclass move from the playbook you chose for I’m On An Volley, Defend, or Discern Realities. You may choose to make that move
Adventure! You may not choose a move that requires level 6 or higher. with +Luck instead of the usual stat from now on.

o Look, A Distraction! o Mostly Harmless

When you Volley, on a 10+ you may draw your target’s attention elsewhere While you show a friendly face and act charming, anyone not already
instead of dealing damage. actively hostile to you will treat you as a friend until proven otherwise.

o Oooh, Something Shiny o Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk

When you’re in the presence of something hidden and valuable, you You may lower your Luck by 1 to deal 1d10 damage to an enemy. Describe
notice it right away. how you embarrass, humiliate, or accidentally clobber them.

o Party Crasher o Pop Goes the W easel

When you brazenly stride into a place you’re not supposed to be, Requires: Curly Shuffle
roll+CHA. *On a 10+, your entrance goes unnoticed until you draw attention When you Hack and Slash while you’re all fired up, deal +1d4 damage.
to yourself. *On a 7-9, someone is already suspicious of you.
o Robin Goodfellow
o Short Attention Span When you publicly mock someone of higher social standing than you,
When you take advantage of the fact that no one is paying attention to roll+CHA. *On a hit, your audience takes it in good humor, and you avoid
you to discreetly do something, roll+DEX. *On a hit, no one will notice reprisal... for now. *On a 10+, you may ask the subject of your mockery one
what you did until you're no longer around. *On a 10+, they won’t even question, which they must answer honestly and publicly.
think to blame you unless you personally tell them you did it.
o Should I Not Have Done That?
o Take One For The Team Requires: Was That Wrong?
When you take damage that was intended for someone else, you get +1 When you draw unwanted attention or are put in a spot, you can choose
Luck. You may not spend Luck to negate this damage. not to personally suffer the consequences. Someone or something else
nearby, possibly your equipment but certainly not you, suffers the
o W as That W rong? consequences instead.
When you do something so incredibly stupid that everyone else can only
stare at you in disbelief, you get +1 Luck. You’ll probably need it soon. o W oo W oo W oo
When you Defy Danger by running around in an idiotic panic, you roll
with +Luck instead of whatever the GM says, and on a 12+ you turn the
danger back on itself, describe the ridiculous circumstances that caused it.
Start here: Give your villager a name, and choose options for their look. Mischievous Eyes, Angry Eyes, or Innocent Eyes
Choose a profession, and a tool associated with it, and a background. Messy Hair, Tied-back Hair, or Cropped Hair
Introduce yourself to your fellow players. You may then write one Bond with another Ragged Clothes, Carefully Mended Clothes, or Plain Clothes
villager, based upon first impressions or past history you have with them. Stout Body, Lanky Body, or Filthy Body

You have a skill that you’ve learned and use to earn your keep Assigning Stats
around the village. How did you learn it? When you put what You start with all of the basic moves. When you make a move with a stat for the first time,
you’ve learned in your profession to good use, gain 1 pick the modifier you wish for that stat: -1, +0, +1 or +2. You can have one -1, two +0,
goodwill. two +1, and one +2 stat. You must have all six stats assigned before you can level up.
My profession in the village is:___________________________
You have one tool that is relevant to your profession, not armor Goodwill
or a weapon more sophisticated than a knife or a staff. You have Goodwill is earned by using your alignment and background. You can spend goodwill, 1
no coins, but luckily you live in a tightly connected community for 1, to add +1 to your roll during any move involving fellow villagers (including other
where a filling meal and warm bed are always available to you— PCs). You will also spend goodwill for the Life of Adventure move when you level up.
provided you do your share.
Add Bonds with your fellow would-be adventurers as you get to know them and have
memorable experiences. Do you trust them? Do they owe you a debt? Do you know their
Background secrets? Do you want to prove something to them? Do they need you to keep them safe?
When you write a Bond, you may let the player whose character you just wrote a Bond
o Laborer with assign a modifier to one of your unused stats for you. If you let them do this, you
When you put the good of your village before your own gain 1 goodwill. You must write at least two Bonds before you can level up.
desires, gain 1 goodwill.
When you write a Bond with another character, you also gain one of the following
o Militia advanced moves, up to a maximum of two:
When you fight for the honor of your village, gain 1 goodwill. o Hometown Hero: When you take this move, you immediately gain 2 goodwill.
o Martial Training: Your damage die is now a d6.
o Apprentice o Toughness (Requires: CON+1 or higher): Your maximum HP is now 10.
o Determined Defender: When you Defend, you may spend goodwill as if it
When your knowledge aids the village in some important
were hold.
way, gain 1 goodwill.
o Faithful (Requires: WIS+1 or higher): Describe a deity that you follow. When
you pray to your deity for guidance, your deity tells you what it would have
o Knave you do. If you do it, gain 1 goodwill.
When you help the village while helping yourself, gain 1 o Healing Touch (Requires: Faithful): When you touch someone else, skin to
goodwill. skin, and pray for their well-being, roll+WIS. *On a hit, you heal them for
1d6 HP. *On a 7-9, you also take a debility of your choice in exchange.
o Stranger o Trap Finder: Add “Is there a trap here and if so, what triggers it?” to the list of
When your actions earn you the trust of the village, gain 1 Discern Realities questions:
goodwill. o Student (Requires: INT+1 or higher): When you take this choice, the next time
you Spout Lore, instead of rolling, you automatically take the 10+ result.
o Hocus Pocus (Requires: Student): When you weave a simple spell, choose one
Bonds of the following effects:
• You create a small light to follow you around
• You conjure a very simple illusion, affecting only one sense
• A person you touch takes +1 armor forward
• Deal 1d4 magical damage to a target you can see
…then roll+INT. *On a 10+ the spell works for just as long as you need it. *On a 7-9
things go a little awry, choose one:
• You cannot use the chosen effect again, cross it off the list
• The spell doesn’t work quite as you intended it to
• You expose yourself to danger, retribution, or cost

Basic Moves How to Play
Hack and Slash Dungeon World is a game of adventure fantasy. Though you are just a
When you attack an enemy in melee, roll+STR. *On a 10+ you deal your humble villager now, a dangerous world of adventure is knocking at your
damage to the enemy and avoid their attack. At your option, you may choose door, and you will get your first taste of it here. The adventure and your
to do +1d6 damage but expose yourself to the enemy’s attack. *On a 7-9, destiny will emerge around the decisions you make.
deal your damage to the enemy and the enemy makes an attack against you.
Your characters already have some history one another, so we can get right
Volley into the action. This shared history is represented in the Bonds on your sheet.
When you take aim and shoot at an enemy at range, roll+DEX. *On a 10+ The gamemaster (GM) will ask you questions about where your character is
you have a clear shot—deal your damage. *On a 7-9, choose one (whichever from, what the world is like, and what they are doing. Your answers will
you choose you deal your damage): shape the world and your adventure. We play to find out what happens.
• You have to move to make the shot, placing you in danger of the GM’s
choice Playing Dungeon World means having a conversation; somebody says
• You have to take what you can get: -1d6 damage (minimum 1) something, then you reply, maybe someone else chimes in. Players take turns
• You have to take several shots, reducing your ammo by one. (you in the natural flow of the conversation, which always has some back-and-
cannot choose this option if you are using a thrown weapon) forth. The GM says something, the players respond. The players ask
questions or make statements, the GM tells them what happens next. The
Defy Danger conversation works best when we all listen, ask questions, and build on each
When you act despite an imminent threat or suffer a calamity, say how other’s contributions.
you deal with it and roll. If you do it...
…by powering through, +STR Sometimes, the GM may tell you that your actions have triggered a move,
…by getting out of the way or acting fast, +DEX such as Defy Danger. To make a move, roll two six-sided dice and add the
…by enduring, +CON indicated ability from your sheet.
…with quick thinking, +INT • If the total is 10 or higher, you’ve achieved a strong hit; you’ve
…through mental fortitude, +WIS succeeded at your task.
…using charm and social grace, +CHA • If the total is between 7 and 9, it’s a weak hit; a success that comes
*On a 10+, you do what you set out to do; the threat doesn’t come to bear. at some cost. Perhaps there’s a downside to your action, or you
*On a 7-9, you stumble, hesitate, or flinch: the GM will offer you a worse don’t get everything you wanted.
outcome, hard bargain, or ugly choice. • If the total is 6 or less, it’s a miss; your attempt has gone poorly,
and the GM can now make their move against you.
When you stand in defense of a person, item, or location under attack,
roll+CON. *On a 10+, hold 3. *On a 7-9, hold 1. So long as you stand in Leveling Up
defense, when you or the thing you defend is attacked you may spend hold, 1 When everyone has assigned all their stats and written at least two Bonds,
for 1, to choose an option: your adventuring group is ready to level up. To make the leap to first level,
• Redirect an attack from the thing you defend to yourself each of you must do the following:
• Halve the attack’s effect or damage • Embrace your heroic destiny. Leave your villager playbook
• Open up the attacker to an ally giving that ally +1 forward against the behind. Consider your race and stats and then choose a new
attacker playbook to fill out.
• Deal 1 damage to the attacker • Gain a true name and a new, cooler look.
• Gain an alignment. Your companions vote on your alignment
Spout Lore based on your chosen class and your past behavior. Ties are broken
When you consult your accumulated knowledge about something, by the GM.
roll+INT. *On a 10+ the GM will tell you something interesting and useful • Copy the stats you chose to your new playbook and assign
about the subject relevant to your situation. *On a 7-9 the GM will only tell appropriate ability scores: 16(+2), 15(+1), 13(+1), 12(+0), 9(+0),
you something interesting—it’s on you to make it useful. The GM might ask and 8(-1).
you “How do you know this?” Tell them the truth, now. • Gain all the resources and abilities of a first-level character,
including gear and class moves, but keep any Bonds you’ve
Discern Realities already written. If you new class gives you more Bonds that what
When you closely study a situation or person, roll+WIS. *On a 10+ ask the you’ve already written, write some more.
GM 3 questions from the list below. *On a 7-9 ask 1. Take +1 forward when • Lose any villager abilities you may have acquired, including your
acting on the answers. profession and background.
• What happened here recently? • Tell the other players how you learned the basics of your class.
• What is about to happen? The GM may ask you questions about your time in training.
• What should I be on the lookout for? Finally, make the following move:
• What here is useful or valuable to me?
• Who’s really in control here? When you leave your home for a Life of Adventure, spend all of your
• What here is not what it appears to be? remaining goodwill and roll+goodwill spent. *On a 10+, you enjoy a warm
send-off. The village’s hopes and dreams go with you, along with a small
Aid or Interfere object of great sentimental value. *On 7-9, choose one:
When you help or hinder someone you have a bond with, roll+Bonds with • You have unfinished business here that is likely to come find you
them. *On a 10+ they take +1 or -2, your choice. *On a 7-9 you also expose wherever you go.
yourself to danger, retribution, or cost. • You are leaving behind someone that needs you badly and can’t
survive without you.
Parley • You are abandoning something precious to be claimed by a
When you have leverage on an NPC and manipulate them, roll+CHA. loathsome rival.
Leverage is something they need or want. *On a 10+, they do what you ask • You’ve been rejected by the village. You no longer belong here,
if you first promise what they ask of you. *On a 7-9, they will do what you and maybe never will.
ask, but need some concrete assurance of your promise, right now. *On a 6- there can be no return. Grim portents accompany you.
Tavern Tales Guard Your Mind
When you spend time swapping tales and sorting When something attempts to control or
through information about a dangerous place you manipulate your mind, roll+WIS. *On a 10+, you
have yet to explore, name a place you want to know shake it off. *On a 7-9, choose one:
more about, then spend at least 1 preparation and • You’re stunned for a few moments while
roll+preparation spent. *On a hit, choose one from you shake it off.
the list and tell us how you get it. *On a 7-9, your • You feel a brief compulsion, take -1 forward
information will be slightly off, out of date, or to act against the source of the effect.
incomplete when you try to use it. *On a 6-, don’t mark XP yet. Instead, give the GM a
• You acquire part of a map, draw it out or notecard with your character’s name on it.
otherwise present it to the group.
• You learn of a trap or similar hazard,
describe it. When you encounter it, take +1
• You learn of a valuable treasure, describe it When the GM hands you a notecard with your
and where it’s kept. name on it, read the command on the back (to
• You learn of a dangerous enemy or group in yourself, don't discuss it with others). Then choose
the area, describe and/or name them. When one:
you encounter them, take +1 forward. • Do what it tells you to the best of your
• You learn something useful about the area’s abilities, then mark XP and tear up the card.
history, layout, or politics, tell us what. • Drop to your knees, clutch your head, and
• You acquire something that will be the source of the command deals its damage
particularly useful in there (a key, a to you, ignoring armor. Then tear up the
password, etc.), tell us what you got. card.
*On a 6-, choose one anyway, but don’t describe it
yet. Instead, ask the GM what it will cost you to gain
that knowledge, and even then what you get will be
slightly off, out of date, or incomplete when you try Circles
to use it.
When you declare that you know someone who can
Examples: help you solve a task and have an unassigned
"Hey, isn't there supposed to be a passage here? It's Bond available, describe that person and write a
on the map..." Bond describing your relationship with them. Then
roll+CHA. *On a hit, you can get help from your
"That trap? Oh, it wasn't a sliding blade, it's an alarm. contact. *On a 7-9, there’s a catch, choose one and
You hear a growl coming from deeper within the explain why this is:
dungeon." • Your contact holds some enmity towards
you, you owe him a debt, or his help will
"Oh yes, there's ogres. They're servants of the demon cost you.
that's taken up residence deeper inside." • Reaching your contact will be inconvenient
or dangerous.
"Why yes, this is the tomb of the ancient king Dalboz. • You contact can’t directly help you, but he
Did you remember to wear his colors so his undead can at least point you in the right direction.
servants wouldn't think you're tomb robbers and *On a miss, choose one from the list, and the
attack you?" situation will be worse than you expected when you
reach your contact. Your contact may still be able to
"Here's the secret door, right where the guy in the help you, but expect a steep cost.
tavern said it would be. Anyone got the key? Because
it's locked." When you work with your contact to solve your
problems, you may resolve the Bond and mark XP
as usual, or you may keep the Bond. If you use an
established contact to seek help from, you can make
this move again without needing an unassigned Bond,
and add +Bond to the roll.
Dungeon World
Secrets and Sorcery Pack

Seven new base classes for Dungeon World

the Archaeologist,
the Enchanter,
the Spy,
the Dragon Knight,
the Guardian,
the Reaper,
and the Baron
and new rules for stress and madness within the dungeon

For use with the role-playing game Dungeon World, by Sage LaTorra and Adam Koebel

Written by Peter Johansen. Version January 24, 2017

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit
http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View,
California, 94041, USA.
The Archaeologist The Enchanter

Of all the treasures to be found in Dungeon The greatest of crafts is not in gold or gems,
World, what could be more valuable than but in the power of magic itself. As elves
knowledge? The ancient secrets that have shape supple wood and dwarves the hard
lain hidden away under the earth in long-lost stone, your artisanship is that of
catacombs or forgotten temples to dead enchantments. Whether alchemist or
gods? The hidden places and knowledge can artificer, your laboratory can pour forth
be brought back into the light once again. magical wonders, limited only by your
imagination. With a deft carving of magic
You are at home equally among libraries runes you make a sword strike with the force
and dungeons, and equally adept at drawing of thunder, or a shield that can turn away
out the secrets from both. Panache is your flames.
weapon against the agents of the darkness,
cunning your shield against deadly traps and But there is always more magic out there for
dangerous passages. Ancient wisdom awaits your to experience. To truly master your
your discovery in the deep and hidden craft, you must be willing to test yourself
places of the world, and you have the tools against the powers of magic that lie in the
to discover it. deepest of dungeons, and to study these
ancient enchantments so yours will be
Of course, if you find some golden idol greater. Your knowledge of arcane forces
covered in jewels, that’s good too. Just be makes you a powerful, if bookish ally, to
ready to run when you grab it. those who seek to plunder such treasures for

The Archaeologist specializes in both

scholarly research and dungeon exploration. As the name suggests, the Enchanter deals in
They are able to research key information enchanted objects. Their skill is in both the
about dungeons and lead expeditions creation and comprehension of magical
through these most dangerous of places. things. The limits of what an enchantment is
Indiana Jones is an obvious touchstone to capable of is only the Enchanter’s
this class. imagination and their willingness to invest
their resources on the affair. In combat, the
Enchanter wields a rune-empowered weapon
to defend themselves.
The Spy The Dragon Knight

What fascinating secrets are exchanged right The relationship between dragons and
under the noses of the common folk! Who mortals is long and complex. Sometimes
would have guessed that their neighbors worshipped, often fought against, and
hold membership in a secret order? They always feared, no creature is more iconic of
never gather openly, only trading notes power and lordly might than the dragon. To
through hollowed-out trees or clandestine those who have proven themselves worthy
gestures. What does it mean when the baker of forging a bond with a dragon, they
advertises sweet rolls one day and biscuits become the most awe-inspiring of knights.
the next? Oh, you know. It means that he Whether a bloody tyrant or a defender of the
has the information on the duked you asked realm, someone riding a dragon into battle is
him to uncover for you. a sight that will not soon be forgotten.

Whether an agent of the state or the right You are one of these chosen few, who bear
hand of a criminal empire, the secrets of the honor of bonding their immortal soul to
Dungeon World are your trade, trickled in that of a dragon. Dragon-fire flows in your
from a network of informants and data veins, just as your valor links your new
handlers. You may not know who they are, mount to you forever. You work in tandem
but your network is everywhere, feeding you with your dragon to overcome even the
the information you need to do your job. greatest of enemies, but the link between
Even the most closely guarded secrets can you is far from perfect. After all, dragons are
fall into your hands, and these will be the not tractable creatures, and have a will of
dagger with which you strike from the their own. How will the two of you learn to
shadows. trust one another?

Knowledge is power.

The Dragon Knight is the most awe-

inspiring of mounted warriors, riding into
The Spy is a different take on the Thief, one battle atop a young dragon. The knight and
who specializes in information gathering. A their mount both influence one another, and
skilled rogue in their own right, the Spy maintaining a link of mutual respect and
takes a more social approach to the guile and trust between the two is key to their success.
stealth normally associated with the trade,
relying on a network of informants to give
them just the knowledge they need.
We’ve also included a compendium class
version, if you prefer your dragon and
knighthood to be earned through play.
The Guardian The Reaper

Terrible things lurk in every corner of Death gets such a bad reputation. Everyone
Dungeon World. While there is no shortage struggles in vain to hold off Death for just a
of men who are willing to take up arms to few more precious moments. They don’t
fight against monsters, your conviction understand Death like you do. Death is not a
burns far greater than most. You know that force to be feared, but to be celebrated and
the wickedness of a lone goblin pales in understood. When you face Death with your
comparison to the cruelties that men can soul at ease, his secrets will open to you.
inflict upon one another.
You do not worship Death, but you revere
There is a flame in your soul that cannot be him, and perform services in his name to
extinguished. The fire within you can give ease the suffering of the dearly departed.
warmth and comfort to your allies, but it can Whether psychopomp or exorcist, you are a
also be used to destroy. When faced with the trusted lieutenant in Death’s service,
outrages of the world, the fire in you rises keeping his estate in order against those who
like an inferno, empowering you to mete out would despoil it or try to defy his judgment.
justice at the point of a sword. Against evil Through your deeds, the restless dead of
and injustice, you are judge, jury, and Dungeon World can finally be set to peace
executioner. To the ones you defend, not beyond the Black Gates.
even the wrath of Hell itself can turn aside
your shield. But will you be ready when your time
comes? What deals will Death make with
Sometimes terrible things happen to good you?
people. But you’re not one of the good
people. You’re one of the terrible things.
Like Death, the Reaper performs a valuable
service, helping the dearly departed rest in
The Guardian is both a defensive warrior peace while cleaning away any lingering
and a passionate force of justice. More spirits or undead which try to mar his order.
secular than the Paladin, the Guardian’s The Reaper focuses more on the dead and
power is in their conviction. When their the undead than the Cleric, and has a
righteous anger burns, they are a force to be stronger set of tools to defeat or comfort the
reckoned with. lost souls of Dungeon World.
The Baron

Through birthright or deeds, you are among We’ve included a new set of rules for
the world’s elite. You have earned the right dealing with stress and horror that builds off
to call yourself Lord over a stronghold, and of the Steel mechanics found in our previous
the lands it protects. Backed by your party publication. These rules deal with the long-
of loyal retainers, you are a shepherd to your term impacts of madness as well as the
people, guiding the growth of your lands and management of the stress that comes from
delivering justice to villains. Through your diving headfirst into danger and
deeds and wisdom, a humble hamlet may unfathomable evil, making them suitable for
grow into a mighty city. games that deal with horror or insanity, or
for groups that wish to explore the
But being a Baron is no life of idle luxury.
emotional impact that comes from dungeon
Foes from both outside and within your
walls seek to take what is rightfully yours.
Ravening hordes and scheming rivals both
covet your lands. When the walls of your
stronghold shield your people against the We’ve also included a compendium class
darkness of Dungeon World, do they also version of the Baron for character who earn
keep close the one who would betray you, their strongholds the hard way.
plotting your demise in the shadows?

Also, that butler you sent down into the For every story that we tell, the world gains
wine cellar yesterday hasn’t been seen since. that much more wonder. I remain grateful
You should probably look into that. for the support of my colleagues in the
Dungeon World G+ community, and the
valuable advice and critiques they have
The Baron is Dungeon World’s answer to given to help me refine and polish my ideas.
Apocalypse World’s Hardholder. The Baron Once again, I give due credit and thanks to
begins with control of their own personal Johnstone Metzger and Jeremy Strandberg
keep, and gives them the tools to grow and in particular. I would also like to
defend it as they see fit. However, this does acknowledge Robert Doe, David Perry, and
not mean that the Baron is entitled to an Andrea Serafini for their own contributions
unlimited safe haven! The stronghold is a to this body of work, and all the players of
magnet for both danger and intrigue. To Dungeon World around the world. This
maximize the stronghold’s potential, the work is dedicated to you, and all stories that
Baron must journey outside of their gates are yet to be told. Play to find out.
and face the threats to his lands head-on.
Dwarf: Garin, Daltri, Harrak, Rulin, Kaja, Brall, Nyssa, Gwillen Clever Eyes, Shrewd Eyes, or Glasses
Halfling: Bolger, Garret, Odo, Mellyn, Portia, Frega, Lirrin, Nelmi Untidy Hair, Balding, or Wide-Brimmed Hat
Human: Byron, Gertrude, Lawrence, Chapman, Fredrick, Morley, Virginia, Tatiana, Salah Weathered Clothing, Scholarly Clothing, or Practical Clothing
Tanned Body, Rugged Body, or Portly Body

o Good Antiquarian
Prevent an artifact or secret knowledge from being used to hurt When you closely examine an artifact or a piece of lost technology for the first time,
others. roll+INT. *On a 10+, ask the GM three of the following questions. *On 7-9, ask two. *On
a 6-, ask two anyway, but the GM will give you a false answer for one of them.
o Neutral • Who created this object and how old is it?
Discover long-lost knowledge or a culturally significant artifact • What is the purpose of this object, or what does it do?
or place. • Who would find this object valuable?
• How is this object dangerous to me?
o Chaotic • How is this object activated?
Leap into danger without a plan. • What has been done to or with it recently?
• What’s wrong with it and how could it be fixed?

Race W hip Tricks

o Dwarf A whip is a powerful tool in your hands. You can use your whip to grab small, unattended
When you use Antiquarian, the GM will always truthfully tell objects within reach range and swing upon it like a grappling hook, all without Defying
you who created the object and how old it is in addition to the Danger.
move’s other results, even on a miss.
You cannot Hack and Slash with your whip. Instead, when you crack your whip at an
o Halfling enemy within reach, roll+DEX. *On a 10+, choose two. *On a 7-9, choose one:
You can always ask the GM “Where’s the best hiding place • You entangle one of their limbs, preventing them from using it as long as you
around here?” and get an honest answer. keep your whip wrapped around them
• You avoid any retaliation or counterattack
o Human • You move them to any place within reach range
When you Make Camp, if you possess adventuring gear with • You knock them prone or off-balance; the next person who takes advantage of
less than 5 uses, gain 1 use of that adventuring gear. this takes +1 forward
• You make them drop an object they are holding

Fill in the names of your companions in at least one: When you spend at least a full day researching old tomes, dusty maps, and bits of lore
about a nearby location, roll+INT. *On a 10+, choose two from the list. *On a 7-9,
I need ___________’s help to find a valuable treasure. choose one. *On a 6-, choose one anyway, but don’t describe it yet. Instead, ask the GM
what it will cost you or what you must do to gain that benefit.
• You find part of a map, draw it out or otherwise present it to the group.
___________ may be the brawn of this group, but I’m the brain. • You learn of a trap or similar hazard, describe it and hold +1 preparation.
• You learn of a dangerous enemy or group in the area, describe and/or name
___________ joined me on my first expedition, and they’re still them and hold +1 preparation.
willing to work with me after the... you know. • You learn of a valuable treasure, describe it and where it’s kept.
• You learn something useful about the area’s history, layout, or politics; tell us
___________ thinks I take too many needless risks, but what do
they know? • You gain something that will be particularly useful in there (a key, a password,
etc.), tell us what you got.

Your Load is 9+STR. You start with dungeon rations (5 uses, 1 weight),
adventuring gear (5 uses, 1 weight) a whip (1 weight), and a map to
someplace hidden, tell us where! Choose two:
o A bag of books (5 uses, 2 weight)
o Leather armor (1 armor, 1 weight)
o Bandages (3 uses), antitoxin, and a short sword (close, 1 weight)
o A hand crossbow (near, reload, 1 weight) and a pack of bolts (3 ammo, 1

When you gain a level from 2-5, choose from these moves. When you gain a level from 6-10, choose from these moves or the level 2-
5 moves.
o Academic Reputation
When you Parley with someone who highly respects knowledge or o Careful Explorer
history, you may roll with INT instead of CHA. When you Undertake a Perilous Journey, you always spot trouble in
advance, as if you had taken the scout role and rolled a 10+. You can also
o Bookworm take on a second job, roll for it as normal.
When you make the Research move, you get +1 preparation in addition to
any of the move’s other effects. o Investigator
Requires: Sleuth
o Danger Sense When you Discern Realities, up to two of your questions can by anything,
When you take a moment to survey an area, you may ask the GM “Is there not limited by the list.
an ambush or trap here?” If the answer is “yes”, roll+INT. *On a 10+, ask
the GM three questions from the list below. *On a 7-9, ask one. o Master Looter
• What will trigger the trap or ambush? Requires: Treasure Hunter
• What will happen once it’s triggered? When you obtain a valuable treasure or artifact for the first time, hold 4
• How could it be disarmed or thwarted? on Treasure Hunter instead of 2.
• What else should I be on the lookout for?
o Mola Ram
o Moment of Insight When you use a magical item and force it to obey your will, instead of
When something supernatural makes you Defy Danger, take +1 forward using its effects as written, roll+INT. *On a 10+, you control the degree and
to Spout Lore about that threat. extent of its effects. *On a 7-9, you direct its effects, but choose one:
• You break it; it cannot be used again until it is fixed.
o Simon Belmont • You lose control, producing additional, unwanted effects.
Add the following option to the Whip Tricks list:
• You deal your damage o Society of Explorers
Requires: Well-Connected
o Sleuth When you make the Well-Connected move, on a hit your contact will also
When you Discern Realities, the GM will always tell you what happened have some useful information for you; choose an option from the Researcher
here recently in addition to the move’s other results, even on a miss. list for free once you have time to talk with them.

o Sneaky o Perfect Planning

Gain a move from the thief playbook. When you Defy Danger, you may spend 1 preparation to roll with INT
instead of whatever the GM says.
o Treasure Hunter
When you obtain a valuable treasure or artifact for the first time, hold 2. o Professor
Spend a hold to gain one of the following benefits: When you make the Antiquarian move, on a 12+ you may answer one of the
• Take +1 forward to Defy Danger questions yourself. Whatever you say, it is the truth.
• Deal +1d6 damage forward, no more than once per attack
• Heal yourself for 1d8 HP o Very Sneaky
Gain a move from the thief playbook.
o W ell-Connected
When you declare that you know someone who can help you solve a task, o W hip Perfection
describe that person and roll+CHA. *On a hit, you can get help from your Replaces: Whip Mastery
contact. *On a 7-9, there’s a catch, choose one and explain why this is: When you use Whip Tricks, on a hit choose one additional option, and add
• You owe them a debt, or their help will cost you the following options to the list:
• You snatch an object they held or were guarding. Now it’s yours!
• Reaching them will be inconvenient or dangerous
• They’re not exactly trustworthy or reliable
o W hy’d it Have to be Snakes?
• They hold some enmity towards you
When you Spout Lore about a monster, on a 12+, in addition to the normal
effects, you may ask the GM any one question about the subject. Take +1
o W hip Mastery forward when acting on that information.
When you use Whip Tricks, on a 12+ choose three options from the list.
Dwarf: Andvare, Brokir, Silbar, Holda, Thora, Jari, Tongus, Clarana, Rosina, Zula Wise Eyes, Shrewd Eyes, or Curious Eyes
Elf: Arathel, Barien, Xylinna, Sedana, Eredania, Nalthanis, Dalinna, Mahtan Pointy Hat, Neat Hair, or Velvet Hood
Human: Karn, Argus, Orland, Lucan, Erin, Jalane, Nerida, Cwenhild, Tania Formal Robes, Runed Robes, or Travelling Robes
Stained Fingertips, Glowing Tattoos, or Crystal Glasses

o Good Craft Enchantments
Create something that helps someone else. You possess a kit of magical supplies and tools, which you use to place enchantments
upon mundane objects. It can hold an amount of Stock equal to your WIS+3. When you
o Neutral spend several hours in safety gathering and purifying reagents, refill your Stock to its
Discover something about a magical mystery. maximum.

When you set out to enchant an object, tell the GM what effect you want to accomplish
o Evil
and how you mark the object, then spend 1-3 Stock and roll+Stock spent. *On a 10+,
Gain power or influence for yourself at someone else’s expense.
choose two. *On a 7-9, choose one.
• The enchantment is permanent, as long as the mark remains whole and
Race •
The enchantment does not have any known side effects
o Dwarf • The enchantment does not have any weird limitations
When you enchant an object that you have made with your *On a 6-, the item is cursed. The GM will tell you the nature of the curse, but only after it
own hands, take +1. is too late.

o Elf A given object can hold only one enchantment, but you can always end any enchantment
When you enchant an object, your mark is invisible to anyone you create by erasing your markings. Any item you enchant always has at least 1 weight.
who isn’t an elf.
Analyze Dweomer
o Human When you closely examine a magical object for the first time, roll+INT. *On a 10+, ask
When you duplicate an enchantment you have studied or the GM three of the following questions. *On 7-9, ask two. *On a 6-, ask two anyway, but
made before, you are refunded 1 Stock after rolling. the GM will give you a false answer for one of them.
• What does this do?
• How is it activated?
• Who created this object and how old is it?
Fill in the names of your companions in at least one: • Who used this object last?
• What has been done to or with it recently?
__________ needs me to do the heavy thinking, and I need them • What’s wrong with it and how could it be fixed?
to do the heavy lifting.

Ironically, __________ seems to have enchanted me.

Runic W eapon
When you mark a melee weapon with runes of battle and spend 1 Stock, choose one of
I have enchanted something for __________ before, but it didn’t the following options; the effect lasts until you erase your mark. The enchantment will
work out well. only function for you; you can’t enchant someone else’s weapon in this way.
o Rune of the Sun: The weapon sheds light at your command, about the equivalent
of a torch, and can affect insubstantial monsters as if they were solid.
o Rune of Thunder: Your weapon strikes like thunder, add the forceful tag.
o Rune of the Mountain: You may Defend with WIS instead of CON while you
wield this weapon.
o Rune of Ice: Your weapon chills your foes to the bone, add the stun tag.
o Rune of the Moon: While you wield this weapon you get +1 armor, and an
additional +2 armor against magic.

Your load is 7+STR. You start with dungeon rations (5 uses, 1 weight), a Describe your enchanter’s tools:
staff (close, 2-handed, 1 weight) and your enchanting tools (1 weight). o Made patiently by my own hands
Choose two: o Passed down from my mentor, and my mentor’s mentor...
o Enchanted robes (1 armor, 1 weight) o A gift or reward from someone important
o Poultices and herbs (2 uses, 1 weight) o Stolen from a place of ancient power
o Bag of books (5 uses, 2 weight)
o Adventuring gear (5 uses, 1 weight) o Many pouches of ground herbs, plants, and tree bark
o Bottles of carefully-mixed chemical compounds
o A wooden case of inks and brushes
o Jars of specially consecrated clays, paints and chalk
o A bag of crystals and semi-precious stones

S to ck:

When you gain a level from 2-5, choose from these moves. When you gain a level from 6-10, choose from these moves or the level 2-
5 moves.
o Admixture
While you are in an appropriate laboratory or place of power, when you o Enchanter’s Soul
roll+Stock spent, you are refunded 1 Stock after rolling. When you have time and safety with a magic item in a place of power,
you can empower that item so that its effects are amplified the next time you
o Affinity for M agic use it. The GM will tell you exactly how.
When you Discern Realities, on a hit, you may ask the GM “What here is
magical or enchanted?” in addition to your other questions. o Enchanter’s W ill
When you use a magical item and force it to obey your will, roll+INT.
*On a 10+, you control the degree and extent of its effects. *On a 7-9, you
o Battle Enchanter direct its effects, but choose one:
When you attack with your runic weapon, your damage die is a d8. • It is damaged and cannot be used again until repaired
• It slips out of your control, creating additional, unwanted effects
o Enduring Mark
When you create an enchantment, the markings you make will withstand the o Eternal M ark
ravages of time and nature. Only someone deliberately acting to remove your Replaces: Enduring Mark
mark can do so, and even then they take 1d6 damage of magical backlash When you create an enchantment, the markings you make cannot be
when they do. This does not affect you willingly erasing your own mark, removed by anything short of magic, and even then the person dispelling
which you can always do without risk. your mark takes 2d6 damage of magical backlash. This does not affect you
willingly erasing your own mark, which you can always do without risk.
o Hermetic Circle
When you draw a magical circle on the floor or ground and spend 1 o Master Craftsman
Stock, roll+INT. *On a 10+, you get both effects. *On a 7-9, choose one: When you craft an enchantment, on a 12+ the GM will tell you one further
• Name a type of creature, they cannot enter or leave the circle thing you can do to perfect your enchantment. When you do it, you get the
• No magic, save your own, can enter or leave the circle third option from the list.

o Maker’s Tether o Runic Mastery

When you concentrate, name an object you have enchanted. The GM will Requires: Runic Empowerment
tell you approximately where it is, as long as the enchantment is still intact. When you mark your weapon with runes, choose two runes instead of one.

o Risky Enchantment o Soulforger

When you craft an enchantment, you may choose to spend zero Stock. If you You may now enchant living objects, including people. Your subject must be
do, make the roll at -1. either willing or restrained for you to enchant them.

o Spellbreaker
o Runic Empowerment Add the following question to Analyze Dweomer:
Add the following runes to the Runic Weapon list:
• How can I remove or negate the magic on this object?
o Rune of Doom: Name a type of monster, the weapon deals +1d6
damage to the chosen type
o Tricky Enchantment
o Rune of Flame: Add the fiery tag
Replaces: Risky Enchantment
When you craft an enchantment, you may choose to spend zero Stock. If you
o Sagacity do, make the roll at +0.
When you use Analyze Dweomer, the GM will always truthfully tell you
what the object does, even on a 6-. o W ar Enchanter
Requires: Battle Enchanter
o W orldly Scholar When you attack with your runic weapon, you roll with WIS instead of the
When you Parley with someone who highly respects knowledge or the usual stat.
arcane, you may roll with INT instead of CHA.
o W ealth of Knowledge
When you Spout Lore or use Analyze Dweomer, on a 12+, GM will also ask
you a question about the subject. Whatever you answer, it is the truth.
Like you’d ever let anyone know your real name! Choose a name from another playbook Sharp Eyes, Shifty Eyes, or Monocle
that no one else is using. Hooded Head, Wide-Brimmed Hat, or Stylish Hair
Dark Clothing, Nondescript Clothing, or Stolen Clothing
Rotund Body, Lean Body, or Sexy Body

o Evil Network
Eliminate a threat to your society or employer. You have a group of informants and scouts who can trade information with you, describe
who or what they are! Every steading will have at least one contact from your network for
o Chaotic you to meet. When you spend some time trading information with one of your
Disrupt a power structure or organization. contacts, hold 2 plus your CHA. When you consult your contact’s intel, spend a hold to
ask the GM one of the following:
• What’s the greatest danger here?
o Neutral
Break into a secure place without being detected. • Where is __________ hidden?
• Where could I best hide or blend in around here?
• Who can help me out around here?
Background • Is there a trap or ambush here, and if so, where?
Choose any race, then choose how you came to be a spy: • Where’s my best way in, out, or through this place?
• Who does __________ serve?
o Criminal Mastermind • What does __________ most desire?
When you spend hold from Network to ask if a trap or • How can I best serve my society or employer around here?
ambush is present and get an answer of “No”, roll a d6. On a After meeting your contact, you must come up with some new information to pass on
3 or higher, the spent hold is refunded to you. before you can meet then again and gain more hold from this move.

o State Agent
Sleight of Hand
Hirelings you Recruit have +1 Loyalty.
When you pick locks or pockets, disarm a trap, or escape restraints, roll+DEX. *On a
10+ you succeed unnoticed, no problem. *On a 7-9 you are still successful, but the GM
o Private Investigator will offer you two options between suspicion, danger, or cost.
When you Discern Realities, the GM will always tell you what
happened here recently in addition to the move’s other results,
even on a miss. Cloak and Dagger
You are trained to fight dirty. When you attack a surprised or defenseless enemy with a
melee weapon, either deal your damage or roll+DEX. *On a 10+ choose two. *On a 7-9,
choose one:
Fill in the names of your companions in at least one: • You deal your damage, ignoring armor
• One of their limbs or senses of your choice is crippled for a few moments
I know a dirty secret about ____________, but they don’t know • You disengage from combat before they can retaliate against you
• No one notices you make your attack, and your target doesn't make a sound
____________ has some ties to my organization or employer.

I’ve worked with ____________ before on a job; they’re


____________ is the most likely one to betray us, I’d better

watch my back around them.

Your load is 9+STR. You start with dungeon rations (5 uses, 1 weight) and a
set of thieves’ tools (2 weight). Choose three:
o Rapier (close, precise, 1 weight)
o Stiletto (hand, 1 weight), which is never found even if you are searched
o 3 throwing knives (thrown, near, 0 weight)
o Leather armor (1 armor, 1 weight)
o Adventuring gear (5 uses, 1 weight)
o Antitoxin
o 10 coins

When you gain a level from 2-5, choose from these moves. When you gain a level from 6-10, choose from these moves or the level 2-
5 moves.
o Acquisition
When you put out word to your contacts about something you want or o Black Ops
need, roll+CHA. *On a 10+, someone has it, just for you. *On a 7-9, you’ll When you use Cloak and Dagger, on a 12+ you get three choices from the
have to settle for something close or it comes with strings attached, your call. list.

o Agent Provocateur o Enigma

When you spend some time trading gossip in a community, roll+CHA. No force can make you betray your colleagues, not even Death itself. Any
*On a hit, you learn of an interesting opportunity nearby. *On a 10+, you can attempts to scry on your location, read your thoughts, or manipulate your
also start a rumor of your own; it will spread like wildfire. mind fail.

o Backup o Fade Away

While you are in a steading, you can spend a hold from Network to have an While you stay still or act meek and unobtrusive, even in broad daylight,
agent of your organization accompany you for one task. Treat them as a people only notice you if they are looking for you specifically.
hireling with skill points equal to your level, loyalty equal to your CHA, and
the cost, “service to our society”. After completing your task, they leave you o Field Agent
unless you spend another hold. You can spend preparation as if it were hold on Network.

o Blackmailer o Master Impersonator

Add the following option to Network: Replaces: Impersonation
• What could I use as leverage against __________? When you disguise yourself as a specific person, you look just like them.
Your actions may give you away, but anyone who does not know the person
o Data Handler intimately will be fooled by your appearance. When you meet someone who
When you gain hold from Network, you gain 1 additional hold. is intimately associated with the person you are impersonating,
roll+CHA. *On a 10+, they are fooled, even by strange behavior, until you
o Impersonation give yourself away for certain. *On a 7-9, they are already suspicious of you.
When you disguise yourself as a specific person, roll+CHA. *On a 10+,
only that person’s most intimate associates can tell the difference. *On a 7-9, o Sealed Fate
only those who do not know the person are fooled. Add the following option to Network:
• How is __________ vulnerable to me?
o In Your Shadow
When you follow or shadow someone, roll+DEX. *On a 10+, you find out o Secret Stash
exactly what they’re up to without arousing suspicion. *On a 7-9, it’s either You may spend a hold from Network to reveal a stash of useful equipment
an impression of their doings or you can reveal yourself to learn more. hidden nearby, the GM will tell you what you got.

o Incognito o Social Psychology

When you blend into a crowd or the shadows, foes never spot you until When you Parley, on a hit you can ask their player a question from the
you draw attention to yourself or leave your cover. You can move while Network list, they must answer it truthfully to the best of their knowledge.
remaining in your cover, but no faster than a leisurely walk. This information comes from a slip of the tongue or their body language
giving it away. On a 10+ they don’t notice that they gave up their
o License to Kill information, on a 7-9 they do.
When you deal damage with a weapon with a range of hand or the
precise tag, deal +1d4 damage. o Very Sneaky
Gain a move from the thief playbook.
o Sneaky
Gain a move from the thief playbook. o W eb of Contacts
When you put out word to your contacts that you want to meet with
someone, roll+CHA. *On a 10+, someone can set up a meeting, with
circumstances in your favor. *On a 7-9, you can meet with them, but there
are strings attached or the circumstances are less than ideal.
Names: Taya, Daine, Mallory, Shana, Ricard, Freya, Xaldin, Isabel, Minerva, Glenn Golden Eyes, Wary Eyes, or Disdainful Eyes
Ornate Helmet, Winged Circlet, or Fiery Hair
Dragon Names: Brodahmik, Heyvkaal, Venahkrin, Centhylion, Frethiel, Benthylios, Burnished Armor, Gilded Armor, or Crested Surcoat
Kenzodomu, Morokegos, Rovostraza, Strunvahlok, Tyraxes, Aurion Long Shanks, Regal Bearing, or Unblemished Body

o Lawful How to Train Your Dragon
Deliver justice to an evildoer. Your soul is linked with that of a young dragon, about the size of a horse. Give your
dragon a name! As long as you treat your dragon with respect, it will usually obey you.
o Good Your dragon is capable of speech like a human. When you whistle loudly for your
Endanger yourself to protect someone weaker than you. dragon when it is not nearby, it will quickly arrive at your side in dramatic fashion.
When your dragon dies, so do you, and vice versa.
o Evil
You have a stat called Link. Your Link is equal to your link stat, which depends on what
Gain wealth or power for yourself at someone else’s expense.
kind of dragon you ride. Your Link can never be less than zero. When you would reduce
your Link below zero, your dragon instead refuses to obey your orders for a while.
Dragon Choose a cost; your dragon expects its cost to be paid regularly like a hireling’s would.
When you pay your dragon’s cost, reset your Link to the value of your link stat.
Choose any race, then choose the type of dragon you ride: o Gold and jewels
o The blood of its enemies, specify who or what they are
o Chromatic Link stat: +CON o Ancient knowledge and magics
Your dragon is no stranger to combat, and neither are you. When o The cowering obeisance of mortals
you Defend, take +1 armor forward.
Choose three moves for your dragon. When you command your dragon to perform a
o Metallic Link stat: +WIS move it knows, roll+Link. *On a 10+, the move is done, no problem. *On a 7-9, the move
Your dragon is quite sociable, and so are you. You can write one happens, but there’s either a consequence or limitation, or reduce your Link by 1. If a
extra Bond with your companions, giving you a total of four. move would deal damage, roll your own damage die.
o Strike with fang and claw o Intimidate with a mighty roar
o Gemstone Link stat: +INT o Belch forth elemental fury o Harry from the air
Your dragon will always accept crystals as payment of its cost. o Scout from high above o Flap its wings to create a gust of wind
o Hunt or track by scent o Recall ancient lore

Fill in the names of your companions in at least one: Your dragon is capable of flight, and can carry you and one passenger with it. When you
fly upon your dragon for a great distance or to someplace dangerous, say where you
____________ was with me when I first met my dragon. are going and roll+Link. *On a hit, you get where you need to be. *On a 7-9, choose one.
• A threat is waiting for you when you arrive
I’ve been burned by ____________ before, if you know what I • The ride exhausts or injures your dragon, and it cannot fly until it gets some rest
mean. • Reduce your Link by 1
• It takes longer than you expected to get where you want
My dragon seems to like ____________; they must be someone
I can trust. Voice of Fire
When you publicly impress yourself upon a group of people, by words or deeds,
roll+CHA. *On a 10+ the GM chooses two NPCs present that you have impressed and a
reaction. *On a 7-9, the GM chooses one. *On a 6-, you’ve attracted some unwanted
• They back you up, stand by your side, or support your cause.
• They come to you with something they think you want, need or could use.
• They come to you with valuable information.

Your load is 10+STR. You start with dungeon rations (5 uses, 1 weight), Choose a look for your dragon:
chainmail (1 armor, 1 weight), and a symbol of the bond between you and Great Horns, Barbels, or Ridged Crest
your dragon, describe it! Choose your armament: Sinuous Body, Powerful Body, or Spiny Body
o Spear (reach, thrown, near, 1 weight) and shield (+1 armor, 2 weight) Shining Scales, Stony Scales, or Fine Scales
o Recurve bow (near, 1 weight) and bundle of arrows (3 ammo, 1 weight)
o Halberd (reach, +1 damage, two-handed, 2 weight) Choose strengths for your dragon equal to your
Choose one: Link:
o Adventuring gear (5 uses, 1 weight) Swift, strong, quick reflexes, tireless, agile,
o Broadsword (close, 1 weight) ferocious, intimidating, keen senses, cunning
o Poultices and herbs (2 uses, slow, 1 weight)
o Something that would satisfy your dragon’s cost, tell us what! Choose one weakness for your dragon:
Flighty, headstrong, prideful, hot-tempered,
vindictive, arrogant, easily distracted

L ink:

When you gain a level from 2-5, choose from these moves. When you gain a level from 6-10, choose from these moves or the level 2-
5 moves.
o Battle Standard
You have a symbol of some kind that you use to inspire others—maybe not a o Burninator
literal standard, but something visible and obvious. When you raise your When you command your dragon to use a move that deals damage, on a
standard in support of a cause, anyone who joins that cause gains 1d6 10+ add two of the following tags to the attack: piercing 3, forceful, messy,
temporary hit points until you lower your standard (by your own choice or area. On a 7-9, add one tag.
not) or they turn away from your cause. Any damage they take must reduce
these temporary hit points before being applied to their own hit points. o Conflagration
Requires: Ignition
o Dragon Eye When you draw upon the fire within your soul, roll+Link. *On a hit, you
You can always see through your dragon’s eyes as if they were your own, no breathe fire; deal your damage to all creatures in the path of the flames. *On
matter the distance. a 7-9, you also either deal your damage to yourself (ignoring armor), or the
flames get out of control.
o Faerie Dragon
Your dragon can shrink itself to the size of a housecat or back to its normal o Dragon Heart
size at your command, no need to roll. While in this small form your dragon When you Make Camp, hold 1. When you would reduce your Link, you may
cannot use any of its other moves. It can still fly, it just can’t carry you. spend this hold instead of reducing your Link.

o Fáfnir o Gold Standard

Treasure can never hide from you. When you are in the presence of Requires: Battle Standard
something hidden and valuable, you spot it right away. Those who join the cause you raise your standard for gain 2d6 temporary hit
points, instead of 1d6.
o Fiery Crusader
Gain a move of your level or lower from the paladin or immolator playbook. o Loyal Unto Death
When your dragon takes a blow that was meant for you, the damage is
o Ignition negated, but reduce your Link by 1.
When you draw dragon-wrath into your weapon, the weapon gains the
fiery tag as long as you wield it. o My Armor Is Like Tenfold Shields
While you are riding your dragon, you have armor equal to your Link.
o Mighty Charge
When you charge an enemy while riding your dragon, your attack is o My Teeth Are Swords, My Claws Spears
forceful and deals +1d6 damage, but on a 7-9 you are also dismounted after Requires: Mighty Charge
the attack. When you deal damage while riding your dragon, add your Link to the
o Targaryen o Paragon of Flame
Heat and flame can no longer harm you (though they can still burn or melt Gain a move of your level or lower from the paladin or immolator playbook.
your possessions).
o Thundering Voice
o W atch How I Soar When you use Voice of Fire, on a 12+ you can instead choose one NPC
When you use Dragonrider, on a 10+ choose one of the following: specifically to impress. The GM chooses their reaction from the list.
• You get there much quicker than you expected
• You get the drop on any danger waiting for you there o W yrm-Tongue
You speak the language of dragons. Any creature of this world will
o W ell-Trained understand what you say, and you can understand them.
Choose another move for your dragon from the list.
Dwarf: Maran, Halnar, Donarak, Varas, Balgrim, Armeril, Skori, Kalna, Haegara Hard Eyes, Wary Eyes, or Eyepatch
Human: Wallace, Bertrand, Roger, Tomoe, Maeve, Emilia, Caterina, Halvard, Sigmund Helmet, Bald, or Long Ponytail
Old Uniform, Tattered Clothing, or Rust-Stained Clothing
Scarred Body, Bulky Body, or Toned Body


o Good I’ll Be There For You
Suffer or endure hardship so that someone else does not have to. When you make a promise to protect someone, they become your ward. You may only
have one ward at a time. When you Defend your ward, you get the following benefits:
o Lawful • You take +1 armor forward
Fulfill a promise to protect someone during a dangerous journey • If you get a 6- on your Defend roll, treat it as a 7-9 instead
or situation. • Add the following option to Defend: “Give your ward an opportunity to escape a
dangerous situation
o Chaotic
Upstage, humiliate, or dethrone an unjust or evil authority figure.
Payback Time
Choose two things that make you burn with righteous anger when you encounter them:
Race o Bullying, slavery, and oppression
o Dwarf o Wanton cruelty and unnecessary suffering
Choose a specific type of foe, such as demons, goblin-kin, o Injustice and inequality
dragon-kin, or undead. When you enter battle with your o Cowardice, treachery, and selfishness
chosen foe, you burn with righteous anger. o Threats to your loved ones
o The despoiling of beauty and innocence
o Violence to children, animals, and the innocent
o Human o Perversions of nature
You’re an experienced bodyguard. While you are Defending,
you do not need to spend hold to redirect an attack from the When you burn with righteous anger, hold 3 Payback. When you act on your anger,
thing you are defending to yourself; you just do it. spend a Payback to:
• Act despite pain, fear, or doubt
• Act suddenly and with conviction, catching your foe off-guard
• Add +1d6 damage and the forceful tag to your next attack
Fill in the names of your companions in at least one:
• Stand fast, keeping your position, stance, and course despite what befalls you
• Throw off the effects of being stunned, confused, or enchanted
__________ was one of my first wards, but things have changed
between us since then.
When there are no threats to you or your ward in sight, lose all of your held Payback.
I’ve saved __________’s life more than once.

__________ is always getting into trouble, I must protect them

from themselves. Make a Stand
When you call out someone’s villainous actions and demand they stand down,
__________ has been on the wrong side of my wrath before. roll+CHA. *On a 10+, they choose one:
• Cease what they are doing and back off
• Focus their attention on you and attack, and you take +1 forward against them
*On a 7-9, they can choose either of the above, or:
• Dissemble, stall, make excuses, defer to another, or argue the point

Your Load is 10+STR. You start with dungeon rations (5 uses, 1 weight),
chain mail (1 armor, 1 weight), a shield, (+1 armor, 1 weight), and a melee
weapon of your choice (close, 1 weight). Choose one:
o Adventuring gear (5 uses, 1 weight)
o Healing potion
o Antitoxin and bandages (3 uses)
o Keg of dwarven stout (4 weight)

When you gain a level from 2-5, choose from these moves. When you gain a level from 6-10, choose from these moves or the level 2-
5 moves.
o Armored
You ignore the clumsy tag on armor you wear. o Avenging Strike
When you spend a hold from Defend to deal damage, you deal +1d4
o Bastion damage and scar, mark, or diminish your target in some way, the GM will
When you Defend someone you have a bond with, you take +Bond armor tell you how.
forward. This is in addition to the armor bonus if they are your ward.
o Beacon of Hope
o Bodyguard When you make a stand against the darkness while in sight of your
When you use your promise of protection as leverage, you may Parley ward, your ward holds 1 Payback, which they can spend just like you can.
with CON instead of CHA, but on a hit they must become your ward until
your promise is fully kept. o Eternal Flame
If you are reduced to zero HP while you hold Payback, you keep fighting and
o Burning Bright don’t take your Last Breath until you spend all your Payback. When you take
Choose a third thing that makes you burn with righteous anger. damage when you are at zero HP, you lose 1 Payback.

o Crusader o Mirror Shield

Gain a non-multiclass move from the paladin playbook, except Quest. While you have a shield equipped, add the following option to Defend:
• Redirect a spell or magical effect from the thing you defend to the
o Hell’s Gate ground, making it fizzle harmlessly
When your ward would take their Last Breath in your presence, you may
intercede with Death on their behalf. They will live for now, but Death will o Paragon
demand a favor or bargain from you in exchange. Gain a non-multiclass move from the paladin playbook, except Quest.

o Just Bring It o The People’s Champion

When you use Make a Stand, if your foe attacks you, you also get +1 Requires: Just Bring It
Payback. When you use Make a Stand, on a 12+ you fluster or intimidate your foe;
you choose how they react from the list.
o Shield Bash
When you Hack and Slash while wielding a shield, you may deal +1d6 o Shield Slam
damage. If you do, take -1 armor forward as well. Replaces: Shield Bash
When you Hack and Slash while wielding a shield, you deal +1d8 damage.
o Sleep W ith One Eye Open
When you stand watch for an entire night, you always see anything o Sleep W ith Both Eyes Open
approaching your camp in time to wake the camp and prepare a response, as Replaces: Sleep With One Eye Open
if you had rolled a 10+ to Take Watch. However, doing this exhausts your When you stand watch for an entire night, you always see anything
vigilance; you lose the benefits of having a ward until you get a proper approaching your camp in time to wake the camp and prepare a response, as
night’s sleep, then you can choose a new ward. if you had rolled a 10+ to Take Watch.

o Vigilant o Retribution
Add these to the list of Discern Realities questions: When you have engaged a foe in melee and they break off or make an
• How can I get my ward out of here? attack that doesn’t include you, you may deal your damage to them.
• What here poses the greatest threat to my ward?
o You Shall Not Pass
Add the following option to Payback Time:
• Glare at an approaching enemy, stopping them dead in their tracks
Names: Nihlath, Myrkul, Azoth, Mordecai, Nija, Nihasa, Prosperine, Zente, Dante Haunted Eyes, Dead Eyes, or Inky Black Eyes
Deep Hood, Bald, or Styled Hair
Tattered Robes, Heavy Cloak, or Funerary Attire
Bony Body, Pale Body, or Corpulent Body

o Lawful Undertaker
Carry out a spirit’s last request. When you perform last rites over a recently dead or dying sentient creature, you gain
1 Soul, and you may ask the deceased’s player the following questions, they must answer
o Neutral you truthfully:
Help someone to understand death or soothe their grief. • What caused your death?
• What regret burdens your soul?
o Evil You may hold a maximum of 3 Soul. You begin play with 2 Soul.
Exploit your power over death for personal gain.

Race Soul M agic

Death doesn’t care who or what you are. All are equal in his You can cast any spell from the Reaper spell list of your level or lower without needing to
eyes. Choose any race you want, it doesn’t matter. prepare them first. When you cast a Reaper spell, roll+WIS. *On a hit, the spell is
successfully cast. *On a 10+, choose a consequence from the list below. *On a 7-9, choose
two consequences.
• You spend 1 Soul
• The spell has other effects as well
• You may not cast this spell again until after the next time you Make Camp
Fill in the names of your companions in at least one: • You draw attention to yourself or put yourself in a spot, the GM will tell you
One of __________’s ancestors gave me a message for them, but
I’m waiting for the right time to give it to them.
I brought __________ back from Death’s Door.
When you verbally rebuke an undead creature and spend 1 Soul, roll+CHA. *On a
10+, choose three. *On a 7-9, choose one.
__________ fears the power I wield over souls. I will help them
to understand. • You deal your damage to the target, ignoring armor
• You place a burden upon them, limiting their supernatural abilities
__________’s beliefs about the afterlife are wrong. I shall try to • The target may not come any closer to you, as long as you lock its gaze
show them the truth. • You may ask two questions from the Discern Realities list about the target

Death Lore
When you first encounter an important creature, location, or item that pertains to
spirits, the undead, or the afterlife, you can ask the GM any one question about it; the
GM will answer truthfully.

Additionally, when you Spout Lore about spirits or the lands beyond the Black Gate,
you roll with WIS instead of INT.

Your load is 6+STR. You start with dungeon rations (5 uses, 1 weight), two
coins, and the tools you use to perform last rites, describe them! Choose two:
o Scythe (close, two-handed, 1 weight) and antitoxin (0 weight)
o Sacrificial dagger (hand, 1 weight) and bandages (3 uses, slow, 0 weight)
o Bag of books (5 uses, 2 weight)
o Healing potion

When you gain a level from 2-5, choose from these moves. When you gain a level from 6-10, choose from these moves or the level 2-
5 moves.
o Ashes to Ashes
When you perform last rites, you may choose to turn the corpse you have o Cross the Veil
used to ashes. That corpse can never be raised again, including as an undead, When you step partially into the land of shadows and spend 1 Soul, you
nor can its spirit be contacted in any way, short of direct intervention by turn yourself insubstantial. Your can pass through solid objects, and
Death himself. mundane weapons will pass through you. You may still be repelled or
harmed by magic or energy. Attacking or casting a spell ends this effect.
o Canopic Jars
The maximum number of Soul you can hold is now 4. o Dust to Dust
Requires: Ashes to Ashes
o Exorcist When you reduce a living creature to zero HP, you may turn its corpse to
ashes, as per the Ashes to Ashes move. If you do, you instantly gain 1 Soul.
You can now use Castigate on spirits and extra-planar creatures. When you
do, add the following option to the Castigate list:
• You drive the target out of any person or object they are
o Expel
Requires: Exorcist
possessing, and prevent them from possessing anything else as
When you deal damage with Castigate, deal +1d6 damage, and when you
long as you are present
reduce an undead, spirit, ghost, or extra-planar creature to zero HP, it is
henceforth barred from appearing on the material plane in any form. If the
o Ferryman creature would be sent back beyond the Black Gates, Death will personally
When you Parley with ghosts and other intelligent undead, you may offer make sure it never leaves his domain again.
the comfort of oblivion as leverage. If they accept, they depart this world for
the one beyond the Black Gates. o Grim Reaper
Any weapon you wield draws power from beyond the Black Gates. Your
o I See Dead People weapon can affect insubstantial creatures as if they were solid, and your
You no longer have to roll to cast the spell Spirit Medium; you can just cast attacks get +Soul piercing.
it whenever you like. Additionally, Spirit Medium no longer has an ongoing
cost. o Memento Mori
When you take your Last Breath, take +Soul to the roll.
o Phantom Guard
While you have at least one Soul, you have 2 armor. o Phantom Armor
Replaces: Phantom Guard
o Reverence While you have at least one Soul, you have 3 armor.
Choose a spell from the cleric list. You may cast that spell as if it were one
of your own. o Rest In Peace
You no longer need to spend Souls to use Castigate.
o The Scales of Life and Death
When someone takes their Last Breath in your presence, they take +1 to o Soul M astery
their roll. When you cast a spell, on a 12+, choose no consequences.

o Spirits of Knowledge o Spirits of W arning

When you enter a new place, the spirits of the dead will tell you a fact from When you consult the spirits of those who died at your location,
the history of that location or something that has changed since you were roll+CHA. *On a 10+, a spirit will guide you past danger, keep you from
there last. becoming lost, or show you something hidden. *On a 7-9, a spirit will show
you a danger, but no more than that.
o Vital Transfer o Vital Infusion
When you touch someone, you can spend 1 Soul to heal them of 1d6 Requires: Vital Transfer
damage, as many times as you like, as long as you have Souls to spend. You When you use Vital Transfer, you heal 2d6 damage per Soul spent instead.
can use this ability on yourself if you wish.
First Level Spells
o Speak With Dead level 1 o Spirit Medium level 1 ongoing
A corpse converses with you briefly. It will answer any three questions you While this spell is ongoing, you can detect and interact with ghostly,
pose to it to the best of the knowledge it had in life and the knowledge it insubstantial, or extra-planar entities, and you take -1 to cast a spell. Any
gained in death. such creatures will be aware of you while this spell is ongoing, and more
likely to interact with you.
o Spook level 1 ongoing
Choose a target you can see and a nearby object. The target is afraid of the o Corpse Lantern level 1
object so long as you maintain the spell. Their reaction is up to them: flee, You draw a spiritual lantern from beyond the Black Gates, which floats
panic, beg, or fight. While this spell is ongoing you take -1 to cast a spell. nearby you. It gives off no heat or sound and requires no fuel but is
You cannot target entities with less than animal intelligence (magical otherwise like a mundane lantern. You have complete control of the color of
constructs, undead, automatons, and the like). the lantern. The spell lasts until the next dawn.

Third Level Spells

o Séance level 3 o Shroud level 3 ongoing
Name the spirit you wish to contact (or leave it to the GM). You pull that Choose an area you can see: it’s filled with supernatural darkness and
creature through the planes; just close enough to speak to you. It is bound to shadow. While this spell is ongoing you take -1 to cast a spell.
answer any one question you ask to the best of its ability.

Fifth Level Spells

o Grim Visions level 5 o Unholy Blight level 5 ongoing
Cast this spell and gaze into a reflective surface to see where Death thinks A swarm of vicious insects from beyond the Black Gates of Death fill the
you are needed most right now. The GM will reveal the details of a grim immediate area. Whenever a creature in the area takes damage it takes an
portent to you—a bleak event that will come to pass without your additional, separate 1d4 damage, which ignores armor. This spell persists so
intervention. They will then tell you something useful about how you can long as you can see the affected area, or until you dismiss it.
interfere with the grim portent’s dark outcomes.

Seventh Level Spells

o Death Grip level 7 o Mark of Death level 7
Touch an enemy and strike them with the power from beyond the Black Choose a creature whose true name you know. This spell creates permanent
Gates, dealing 2d8 damage to them and 1d6 damage to yourself. This runes on a target surface that will kill that creature, should they read them.
damage ignores armor.

Ninth Level Spells

o Final Judgment level 9 o Doom level 9
The mindless undead creature you touch is destroyed and you steal its Name a city, town, encampment, or other place where people live. Death will
negative energy to heal yourself or the next ally you touch. The amount of pay them a little “visit”, in the Biblical sense, during the next night.
damage healed is equal to the HP that the creature had remaining before you
destroyed it.

Names: Leofrick, Syrio, Favian, Beatrix, Cordelia, Kasper, Joren, Annette, Garnier, Coronet, Fancy Hat, or Flowing Locks
Maerwynn, Rhyannon, Eleanor Shrewd Eyes, Haughty Eyes, or Greedy Eyes
Family Names: Altard, Beaumont, Cline, Herzog, de Montfault, Lowe, Gaveston, Oberst, Ostentatious Clothing, Fashionable Clothing, or Military Dress
Perevel, Rostilav, Talbot, Volodier Rotund Body, Immaculately Groomed, or Graceful Body

o Good Master of Your Domain
Protect the lands you rule from evil. You have claim to a stronghold and its surrounding lands. Describe it and give it a name,
and place it on the map as a keep. Your stronghold begins with the following tags: Poor
o Evil Prosperity, Shrinking Population, Guard Defenses, and Oath(protection for nearby lands).
Increase your fortunes at the expense of another. Take the Stronghold sheet and choose features for your stronghold on it, and the GM will
then add Need(a resource of the GM’s choice).
o Neutral While your stronghold is secure and you are present to rule it unchallenged, at the
Increase the prestige of yourself or your stronghold. start of the session, roll+CHA. *On a 10+, choose two. *On a 7-9, choose one.
• Gain 1 Surplus

Stronghold •

Gain a unit of any resource your stronghold produces
Your stronghold is free from want or danger for the time being
o Conqueror
You seized your stronghold by force, and rule with an iron fist.
Castle Builder
When you command your retainers or make the Master of
When you endeavor to add or remove a feature to your stronghold tell the GM what
Your Domain move, roll with STR instead of CHA.
you’re trying to achieve. The GM will give you one to four of the following conditions,
when you meet them all, you get your desired change:
o Scion • You’ll need help from ________
Your family has held these lands for many generations. Your • You must spend some Surplus
stronghold begins with 1 Surplus, and name a relative who holds
• You must spend a unit of ________
a position of power in a nearby steading; they will usually be
• It will take weeks/months/years
willing to aid you for a reasonable price.
• First you must ________
• You’ll need to acquire ________
o Champion • You and your allies will risk danger from ________
You received this stronghold as reward for some prior service,
and people are eager to join your banner. When you recruit
from your lands, you automatically get a 10+ on the roll. Loyal Retainers
You have a few (4-7) loyal retainers who will back you up, follow your orders, impress
people, carry things, and help you conduct your business. Choose what type of people
compose your retainers:
o Noble Courtiers: When they help you Parley, on a 10+, ask your subject a
Fill in the names of your companions in at least one:
question; they must answer it truthfully.
o Seasoned Warriors: When they help you fight, your damage die is a d10.
__________ helped me get where I am today, and I owe them
o Stalwart Guards: When they help you fight, you get +1 armor.
for it.
o Wise Scholars: When they help you Spout Lore, you roll with CHA instead of
__________ is a great help to my stronghold. I always listen to
their council.
Treat your retainers as a single hireling with skill points equal to your level+1, and the
cost, “service to your stronghold”. When you command your retainers to do something
I tolerate __________ for the service they bring, but I wouldn’t
like you would a hireling, roll with CHA instead of Loyalty.
trust them.

__________’s family and mine have some history. I hope it

doesn’t cause us problems.

Your Load is 7+STR. You start with dungeon rations (5 uses, 1 weight), a
melee weapon of your choice (close, 2 weight), a horse, and a signet ring
identifying you as a member of the nobility, describe your emblem or coat of
arms! Choose three:
o Chain mail (1 armor, 1 weight)
o Shield (+1 armor, 2 weight)
o Healing Potion
o Adventuring gear (5 uses, 1 weight)
o 1 Surplus
o Keg of dwarven stout (4 weight)

When you gain a level from 2-5, choose from these moves. When you gain a level from 6-10, choose from these moves or the level 2-
5 moves.
o Bodyguards
When you Defend while accompanied by your retainers, you get +1 hold, o Court Intrigue
even on a miss. When you meet with someone for diplomatic affairs, ask the GM two
questions from the list below, they will answer truthfully:
o Council • Is there an ambush waiting for me?
When you call a council at your stronghold and spend 1 Surplus, ask the • What are they really feeling?
GM two of the following questions, they will answer truthfully: • What is my best way out of this?
• What is the greatest threat to my stronghold, right now? • Who is watching?
• Who would be willing to trade ________ for ________ with me?
• Who holds influence in/with ________? o Devoted Retainers
• What is the relationship between ________ and ________? Requires: Voice of Authority
You never need to roll to command your retainers; they will obey even the
most dangerous of orders from you without hesitation.
o Everyone W ants Something
When you Parley with someone or Discern Realities connected to them, o Diplomat
on a hit you can also ask the GM one of these questions; they will answer When you send a letter requesting a person’s presence in your
truthfully: stronghold, roll+CHA. *On a 10+, they agree to visit with the expectation of
• What does this person really want from me? hospitality. *On a 7-9, they name some terms, meet them or they refuse.
• What does this person value most?
• What is the most valuable thing here? o Fantastic Estates
Requires: Wealthy Estates
o Festival When you use your influence to acquire something ridiculously rare or
You may spend 1 Surplus to make the Carouse move, even if you haven’t expensive, spend at least 1 Surplus and roll+Surplus spent. *On a hit, it will
returned triumphant. If you do, roll+CHA instead of coins spent, and on a be yours. *On a 7-9, there will be strings attached.
12+ you can choose as many options as you like.
o Field Marshal
o Hold Court When you organize your land’s defenses against a threat, your lands get
When you hold court and hear the problems of the people, the GM will +Defenses as long as you are present and involved.
tell you of at least one opportunity within your stronghold or the areas
surrounding it. o Masterful Strategist
Gain a non-multiclass move from the warlord playbook.
o Largesse
When you bestow gifts to a person or group, spend 1 Surplus and o Metropolis
roll+CHA. *On a 10+, they are impressed and feel the need to reciprocate. When you gain this move, your stronghold immediately gets +Population,
*On a 7-9, they are merely impressed and treat you with respect. Not +Prosperity, or +Defenses, your choice, and add the following to the list of
everyone in the community may feel this way, but the majority does. *On a available features for your stronghold that you can add with Castle Builder:
6-, they remain superficially cordial at least, but you’ve attracted unwanted o A mighty cathedral. Add Divine.
attention. o A wizard and their tower. Name them and add Arcane.
o Ambassadors and craftsmen from far-distant lands. Add either
Dwarven or Elven.
o Strategist
Gain a non-multiclass move from the warlord playbook.
o Spoils of W ar
When you return home triumphant after dealing with a threat to your
o Talented Retainers stronghold, you gain 1 Surplus.
Choose a second type of people that compose your retainers.
o Versatile Retainers
o Voice of Authority Choose a move from another playbook. You may use this move as long as
Take +1 to order hirelings, including your retainers. you are accompanied by your retainers.

o W ealthy Estates o You W in or You Die

When you use your influence to acquire something unusual or expensive, Requires: Council
spend at least 1 Surplus and roll+Surplus spent. *On a hit, it will be yours. When you call a council, ask three questions instead of two, and add, “Can I
*On a 7-9, there will be strings attached. trust ________?” and “Can I trust ________ to ________?’to the list of
questions you can ask.
Name your stronghold: _________________________________________ Stronghold tags

Describe your stronghold: (Choose at least one in each category) Defenses

_____________________________ Oath (protection for nearby lands)
o Set atop a promontory overlooking the sea
o Lonely, hidden and remote among the forest or moors Prosperity _____________________________
_____________________________ Need ( )
o Guards a major crossroads, either man-made or natural
o Built around, atop, or inside something interesting Population _____________________________

o Constructed in ancient times, yet well preserved _____________________________ _____________________________

o Rebuilt from the ruins of a much older structure
o Fresh and modern architecture, but untried in a real war _____________________________ _____________________________
o Notably unique in design or material

o Grim and foreboding, a gargoyle on every gutter

o A shining beacon of light, with graceful arches and soaring towers Resources in stock
o Stout and pragmatic, built for function rather than appearances
o Lavishly decorated with the most trendy of furnishings _____________________________ _____________________________

o Bears the marks of assaults turned back _____________________________ _____________________________

o Once a place of great wealth and commerce
o Has changed hands many times _____________________________ Surplus: ________________
o The site of a legendary mystical event
Surplus is not necessarily coin, but also building materials, goodwill,
o Labyrinthine, with hidden passages and catacombs political favors owed, and so forth. Resources may be turned into Surplus if
o A fortified monastery or similar religious structure you have a trading partner, or they can be used to build upgrades, or used as
o Steeped in intrigue and politics currency in negotiations with other steadings. In a pinch, you can turn 1
o Haunted by ghosts or similar spirits Surplus into 2d6 x your Charisma (the stat itself, not the modifier) in coins.
o Built by another race, either as slaves or inhabitants You cannot turn coins into Surplus.
o A patchwork of many different peoples and buildings
o Utilizes unique and unusual technology
o A forgotten history, full of secrets and riddles Notable features and persons
Choose three features for the lands your stronghold rules: _____________________________ _____________________________
o Sturdy walls and manned watchtowers. Add +Defenses.
o Skilled and seasoned warriors. Add +Defenses. _____________________________ _____________________________
o A bustling trade port on a good harbor. Add Market.
o A person of exceptional skill. Describe them and add Craft. _____________________________ _____________________________
o Hardworking and honest folk. Add either +Prosperity or
+Population. _____________________________ _____________________________
o Swift rivers and serene lakes, bringing fish and commerce. Add
Trade(a neighboring steading) and +Prosperity. _____________________________ _____________________________
o Rich farmland, dotted with manors. Add either +Population or
o A vast forest and all the hamlets and game therein. Add either Your retainers are: (Fill in the blanks for at least four)
Resource(timber) or Resource(game).
o Mountains, hills, and all the wild clans that live there. Add either • _____________________, who has served me the longest.
Resource(stone), Resource(iron) or Resource(horses).
o Sacred sites where the pilgrims come. Add Religion. • _____________________, the most reliable.
o A major highway leading to other nearby towns. Add Trade(a
neighboring steading) and +Population. • _____________________, the most cunning.
Choose one problem for your lands, and the GM chooses one as well:
• _____________________, the most fearsome.
o Someone else wishes to claim your lands for themselves. Describe
them and add Enmity.
• _____________________, who bears ____________________.
o There are monsters roaming about unchecked. Describe them and
add Blight.
o Your authority is weak, and discontent is rampant. Tell us why and • ___________________________________________________
add Lawless.
o You owe fealty, a debt, or support to someone else. Describe them • ___________________________________________________
and add Oath(your seigneur).
o Some sinister force lurks deep within a dungeon in your lands,
perhaps under your stronghold itself! Describe what it is or where Retainer skills:______________________________________________
it lurks, but not both.
o Within your lands is a source of something wild, chaotic, or ______________________________________________
dangerous, which may attract unwanted attention from beyond
your lands. Tell us what it is and what desires it, but not both. ______________________________________________

The Dragon Knight
Your dragon is capable of flight, and can carry you and one
passenger with it. When you fly upon your dragon for a
When your soul is bonded to the soul of a young dragon, great distance or someplace dangerous, say where you
the next time you level up you may choose to gain this are going and roll+CON. *On a hit, you get where you
move: want to be. *On a 7-9, choose one.
• A threat is waiting for you when you arrive.
⃞ How to Train Your Dragon • The ride exhausts or injures your dragon, and it
You are empathically bonded to a young dragon, about the cannot fly until it gets some rest.
size of a horse. As long as you treat your dragon with • It takes longer than you expected to get where
respect, it will usually obey you. Your dragon is capable of you want.
speech like a human. When you whistle loudly for your
dragon when it is not nearby, it will quickly arrive at your
side in dramatic fashion.
If you have the move How To Train Your Dragon, these
Choose a name for your dragon: count as class moves for you; you can choose from them
Brodahmik, Heyvkaal, Venahkrin, Centhylion, Frethiel, when you level up:
Benthylios, Kenzodomu, Morokegos, Rovostraza,
Strunvahlok ⃞ Dragon Eye
You can always see through your dragon’s eyes as if they
Choose a look for your dragon: were your own, no matter the distance.
Great Horns, Barbels, or Ridged Crest
Sinuous Body, Powerful Body, or Spiny Body
Shining Scales, Stony Scales, or Fine Scales ⃞ Faerie Dragon
Your dragon can shrink itself to the size of a housecat or
Choose two strengths for your dragon: back to its normal size at your command, no need to roll.
Swift, strong, quick reflexes, tireless, ferocious, While in this small form your dragon cannot use any of its
intimidating, keen senses, agile, cunning other moves.
Choose one weakness for your dragon:
Flighty, headstrong, prideful, hot-tempered, vindictive,
⃞ Well-Trained
arrogant, easily distracted
Choose another move for your dragon from the list.
Choose a cost; your dragon expects its cost to be paid
regularly like a hireling’s would.
o Gold and jewels ⃞ Mighty Charge
o The blood of its enemies, specify who or what When you charge an enemy while riding your dragon,
they are your attack is forceful and deals +1d6 damage, but on a 7-9
o Ancient knowledge and magics you are also dismounted after the attack.
o The cowering obeisance of mortals

Choose three moves for your dragon. When you command ⃞ Burninator
your dragon to perform a move it knows, roll+CHA. When you command your dragon to use a move that
*On a 10+, the move is done, no problem. *On a 7-9, the deals damage, on a 10+ add two of the following tags to
move happens, but there’s either a consequence or the attack: piercing 3, forceful, messy, area. On a 7-9, add
limitation. If a move would deal damage, roll your own one tag.
damage die.
o Strike with fang and claw
o Belch forth elemental fury ⃞ Wyrm-Tongue
o Scout from high above
o Hunt or track by scent You speak the language of dragons. Any creature of this
o Intimidate with a mighty roar world will understand what you say, and you can
o Harry from the air understand them.
o Flap its wings to create a gust of wind
o Recall ancient lore
The Baron o Some sinister force lurks deep within a
dungeon in your lands, perhaps under your
stronghold itself! Describe what it is or
When you lay claim to a stronghold, either by where it lurks, but not both.
birthright, conquest, or grant from someone else, o Within your lands is a source of something
gain the following moves: wild, chaotic, or dangerous, which may
attract unwanted attention from beyond your
lands. Tell us what it is and what desires it,
but not both.
You have claim to a great hall and its surrounding
lands. Describe it, and place it on the map as a keep.
Your hall begins with the following tags: Poor
Prosperity, Shrinking Population, Guard Defenses,
Oath(protection for nearby lands) and Need(a If you have the move Landed, these count as class
resource of the GM’s choice). moves for you; you can choose from them when you
level up:
Choose three features for the lands your
stronghold rules: ⃞ Hold Court
o Sturdy walls and manned watchtowers. Add When you hold court and hear the problems of the
+Defenses. people, the GM will tell you of at least one
o Skilled and seasoned warriors. Add opportunity within your lands.
o A bustling trade port on a good harbor. Add
Market. ⃞ Spoils of War
o A person of exceptional skill. Describe them
Requires: Hold Court
and add Craft.
When you successfully deal with a problem in your
o Hardworking and honest folk. Add either
lands set forth by the GM or successfully pursue
+Prosperity or +Population.
an opportunity you heard about while holding
o Swift rivers and serene lakes, bringing fish
court, you may add another feature to your lands
and commerce. Add Trade(a neighboring
from the list.
steading) and +Prosperity.
o Rich farmland, dotted with manors. Add
either +Population or Resource(crops).
o A vast forest and all the hamlets and game ⃞ Field Marshal
therein. Add either Resource(timber) or When you organize your land’s defenses against a
Resource(game). threat, your lands get +Defenses as long as you are
o Mountains, hills, and all the wild clans that present and involved.
live there. Add either Resource(stone),
Resource(iron) or Resource(horses).
o Sacred sites where the pilgrims come. Add ⃞ Call the Banners
Religion. When you recruit from your lands, treat a 6- as if
o A major highway leading to other nearby you had rolled a 7-9 instead.
towns. Add Trade(a neighboring steading)
and +Population.
⃞ Court Intrigue
Choose one problem for your lands, and the GM
When you meet with someone for diplomatic
chooses one as well:
affairs, ask the GM two questions from the list below,
o Someone else wishes to claim your lands for
they will answer truthfully:
themselves. Describe them and add Enmity.
• Is there an ambush waiting for me?
o There are monsters roaming about
• What are they really feeling?
unchecked. Describe them and add Blight.
o Your authority is weak, and discontent is • What is my best way out of this?
rampant. Tell us why and add Lawless. • Who is watching?
o You owe fealty, a debt, or support to
someone else. Describe them and add
Oath(your seigneur).
Stress and Horror II. Stress
Rules for Dungeon The core of the new mechanic presented here is
World called Stress. Stress is an abstraction of the
psychological fatigue and strain that comes from
prolonged exposure to dangerous environments and
the threat of sudden and imminent harm. Characters
accrue Stress by encountering things that are either
I. Preface physically or emotionally painful, by wearing down
their resolve over time, or by witnessing acts of
The following rules deal with incorporating stress horror. Coping with and removing Stress is key to
and madness into your game, for groups interested in survival.
exploring a darker or grimmer Dungeon World. The
material presented herein may be unsettling to some All characters begin with zero Stress. This amount
people. Please let courtesy and respect be your guide will wax and wane as the characters explore the
in dealing with disturbing things. Feel free to make dungeon, confront both literal and figurative demons,
use of the X-Card if things are getting too and find ways to cope with their experiences. Stress
uncomfortable for you. (http://tinyurl.com/x-card- can never go below zero. While Stress normally
rpg) accrues over time spent in the dungeon, it is not a
direct threat to the characters until they encounter
To reflect the needs of a game about such things, add something that truly tests their nerve.
the following to your list of GM principles:
New basic move: Steel Yourself
Address the characters’ humanity When you steel yourself against extreme pain,
Rarely do people return from adventures unscathed stress or horror and power through, roll+Stress.
and unchanged. Events and actions take a toll on *On a 6-, you’re okay for now. *On a 7-9, choose
people. Sure, you may have emerged from the one. *On a 10-11, choose two.
dungeon with the lich’s treasure, but now you don’t
• You flinch or hesitate from the fear or pain.
dare sleep at night. Because that’s when you see the
• Your nerves are rattled; take -1 forward
horrible things the lich’s magic revealed to you, and
when you act against the source of your fear.
you wake up screaming.
• You gain 1 Stress.
This principle emphasizes that a life of adventure
*On a 12+, gain 1 Stress, and choose a reaction from
also takes an emotional toll on a person. Achieving a
this list:
goal will require a sacrifice. What price is too high?
• Run screaming in terror until the threat is
How far will you go to get what you want?
out of your sight.
• Drop whatever it is you’re holding, and
freeze in shock until someone or something
snaps you out of it. Anything that happens
around you goes unnoticed.
Reference Material, Suggested Reading, and • Fly into an uncontrolled rage until the threat
Touchstones: is gone. Expect collateral damage.
• Gain a Quirk of the GM’s choice.
Darkest Dungeon: http://www.darkestdungeon.com
Deathtrap Dungeon World, an article by Sersa Note that for this move, you want to roll low. You do
Victory: http://www.critical- not mark XP on a 6- from this move.
Stress is primarily relieved by seeking solace in a New auxiliary Stress moves:
vice or other activity that eases the tormented soul. When you fulfill your alignment goal or resolve a
There are many ways to accomplish this, but most Bond at the end of a session, you may remove 1
people have some preference. When you create your Stress instead of marking XP.
character, choose your preferred solace from the
following list: When you Recover, every two days you do nothing
• Faith: You prefer to seek solace through but rest in comfort and safety, you also remove 1
intense prayer or similar rituals. This may Stress.
include penance, tithing, or self-flagellation.
• Gambling: You prefer to seek solace in When you willingly and deliberately lose your cool
games of chance or by taking risks. while acting under stress, remove 1d4 Stress and
• Hedonism: You prefer to seek solace with gain a Quirk of the GM’s choice.
wild revelry or by indulging in the pleasures
of the flesh. When your Stress reaches 10, it all becomes too
• Catharsis: You prefer to seek solace by much. You either go permanently, incurably mad or
letting it pour out of you violently, perhaps suffer a fatal heart attack. Either way, this is the end
in a fighting pit or through hours of harsh for you.
training or similar physical exertion.
• Narcotic: You prefer to seek solace with
strong drink or some other drug that lets you New GM move: Inflict Stress
forget your troubles. “Nothing like marching through freezing, rank
stagnant water while your armor chafes and your
New basic move: Seek Solace heavy backpack cuts into your shoulders. Except
When you spend an evening seeking solace to maybe doing all of this surrounded by darkness that
relieve Stress, spend 3d6 coins and roll: hides things that want to rend you limb from limb.
• +1 if you have someone to watch your back Oh look, there go some half-eaten corpses floating
and confide in while you indulge by. Hey, I think I know one of those guys. Wonder if
that will be me soon? And now the map has gotten
• +1 if you have a safe place to indulge that is
wet and we can’t read it anymore. Gods, I hate you
firmly in your control
• +1 if you have just returned victorious
• +1 if you are indulging in your preferred
Adventuring is full of all kinds of horrifying things
that can take a toll on both body and mind. When the
• -2 if you can’t—or won’t—pay the coin
characters endure things that would make most
normal people turn tail and run for home, inflict some
*On a hit, remove 2d4 Stress. *On a 7-9, choose one
Stress on them. For low intensity stressors over a
or the other. *On a 6-, both:
prolonged period of time (a long march in the cold
• You only remove 1d4 Stress instead
with little sleep, food, or comfort), or a sudden
• Your actions cause some trouble, or draw stressful event without a persistent threat (a trap
unwanted attention suddenly harming someone), just tell them to gain 1
Stress. If the source of the stress is something more
Examples of trouble: potent or an active danger that must be confronted,
• You lost a lot of money at the gambling ask them to Steel Yourself, especially if the
table, and now you owe someone. characters are trying to act in the face of the stress.
• Something was stolen from you while you Charging into battle against a monster with the
were passed out drunk. terrifying tag is a good example of an action that
• The priest won’t grant you absolution until would trigger Steel Yourself.
you do something for him first.
III. Quirks List of Quirks

Quirks are the result of maladaptive responses to Gambler: Take an inadvisable risk to acquire wealth.
stress. The character has become slightly unhinged as
a result of their experiences, and has acquired a way Compulsion: Investigate something interesting while
to deal with stress that is potentially harmful to them ignoring the obvious risks.
socially in the long term. When you acquire a Quirk,
the GM will choose one from the list that they think Paranoia: Refuse help from, or refuse to help an ally
is appropriate to the stress acting upon you. when you could have.

A Quirk replaces your normal alignment move. Phobia: Run away from or go to great lengths to
Instead of gaining XP or relieving Stress at the end of avoid __________.
the session from fulfilling your alignment, you gain
this benefit when you fulfill your Quirk’s goal. Greed: Take more than your fair share of the party’s
Quirks also have an additional downside: At the end loot, or refuse to share your possessions with others.
of the session, if you did not fulfill your Quirk, you
gain 1 Stress. Withdrawal: Avoid putting yourself in harm’s way
when you could have helped someone by doing so.
Quirks should ideally create tension or conflict
between the characters, or get the character in trouble Guilt: Take on a responsibility you can’t handle.
with the environment. They are not an excuse to
disregard the group’s social contract or behave in a Savage: Reject the comforts that civilization offers
manner that creates resentment between players. As a when they would otherwise help you.
courtesy, please be mindful of your fellow players’
enjoyment when acting on a Quirk. Fearful: Act preemptively against a possible source
of harm.
A character can have multiple Quirks at once. If you
do have multiple Quirks, you must fulfill them all to Hopeless: Refuse to address an imminent threat.
gain the end of session benefit of marking XP or
relieving stress. If you have multiple Quirks that you Selfish: Choose short-term emotional comfort over
did not fulfill at the end of the session, you gain 1 the long-term benefit to your allies.
Stress for each Quirk that went unfulfilled. Having
multiple Quirks can add up the Stress in a hurry. Addiction: Relieve stress by __________, regardless
of the cost or convenience.
Removing Quirks is a matter of GM discretion, but
should involve some fairly significant confrontation Abusive: Lash out at an undeserving ally.
of one’s personal demons. Knowingly and willingly
acting against your Quirk and paying a considerable Masochistic: Put yourself in a position where you
price for doing so (at least 1 Stress, most likely more) will be physically injured.
is one possible way that Quirks can be removed.
Gluttony: Over-indulge in food, drink, or trappings
Upon removal of all of a character’s existing Quirks, of wealth to the point of extravagance or waste.
their normal alignment move returns to play.
Avarice: Hoard possessions and wealth, and don’t
use them, even if they would be helpful.

Megalomania: Make others recognize your

IV. New Moves If you prefer not to use the Stress mechanic but still
want to be able to test your characters’ steel, you can
The following advanced moves may be taken as part use this version of Steel Yourself instead:
of the normal Level Up process:
When you steel yourself against extreme pain,
New Barbarian advanced move: Gallows Humor stress or horror and power through, roll+WIS or
When you laugh boisterously in the face of certain CON, your choice. *On a 10+, you hold it together,
doom, everyone who can hear you takes -1 forward and may act as you please. *On a 7-9, choose one.
to Steel Yourself, including yourself. (This is a good • You flinch or hesitate from the fear or pain.
thing, since you want to roll low for this move.) • Your nerves are rattled; take -1 forward
when you act against the source of your fear.
New Bard advanced move: Inspiration *On a 6-, choose a reaction from this list:
When anyone you have a Bond with Seeks Solace • Run screaming in terror until the threat is
while in your company, they remove +Bond out of your sight.
additional Stress. • Drop whatever it is you’re holding, and
freeze in shock until someone or something
New Cleric advanced move: Absolution snaps you out of it. Anything that happens
When you cast a spell that heals HP, roll 1d4. If the around you goes unnoticed.
roll is higher than the amount healed, you also • Fly into an uncontrolled rage until the threat
remove 1 Stress from the target. is gone. Expect collateral damage.
• Gain a Quirk of the GM’s choice.
New Druid advanced move: Athelas
When you use herbs and poultices, you may remove At the end of the session, if you did not fulfill your
1 Stress from the target instead of healing HP. Quirk, take -1 ongoing to Steel Yourself for each
Quirk unfulfilled until you finally accomplish the
New Fighter advanced move: Battle Trance Quirk’s requirement.
While you are actively in combat, you never have to
Steel Yourself.

New Paladin advanced move: Zeal

While you are standing on the front lines against
the darkness, everyone who can see you gets -1
ongoing to Steel Yourself, including yourself.

New Ranger advanced move: Therapy Pet

Your animal companion always counts as someone to
watch your back and confide in while you relieve

New Thief advanced move: Den of Iniquity

When you ask your contacts in the criminal
underworld, they’ll tell you of a place where you can
relieve stress that is safe and firmly under your/their

New Wizard advanced move: Rationalist

While your Stress is less than or equal to your
INT, you take -1 to Steel Yourself.
DUNGEON WORLD HP and Load are now hard-coded for each playbook, rather than
being calculated from Ability Scores
UNLIMITED EDITION A natural extension of using only modifiers rather than ability
scores, static HP and Load cuts down on the unnecessary
paperwork needed to create a new character.

A revision of the mechanics and playbooks Each playbook now has only seven advanced moves
for Dungeon World by LaTorra and Koebel Many advanced moves offered little besides bonuses to other
moves. We wanted moves to add cool new things that characters
can do, and our choices here reflect this principle.

Changes made in this edition All moves and mechanics now use a single type of die: the d6
This removes the complexity of using multiple types of dice
Dungeon World has come a long way in its roots from the while still allowing for the variance that dice bring to the table.
original Apocalypse World. As such, it has inherited several This is most noticeable during combat, lessening the divide
legacy mechanics and quirks from Dungeons and Dragons, and between classes and making “+n” damage bonuses feel more
we feel that these quirks ultimately do not serve the interests of impactful (be it from weapons, class choice, or other factors).
the game. The following playbooks have been revised to better This change also alters monster damage as follows:
represent a more classic Apocalypse World style experience. • If an effect uses 1d4, it now uses 1d6-1. (Minimum of
Alignments have been replaced with Drives • If an effect uses 1d8, it now uses 1d6+1.
Our goal is to allow the players to explore the motivations of • If an effect uses 1d10, it now uses 1d6+2.
their characters without the traditional moral codes of Good and • If an effect uses 1d12, it now uses 1d6+3.
Evil. We hope removing these alignments will also remove some
of the stigma about alignment as a straightjacket for a +1/-1 forward has been replaced with advantage/disadvantage
character’s actions. Die modifiers are, in practice, cumbersome and easy to forget.
Instead, anything that would give a bonus to a roll gives
Races have been replaced with Backgrounds advantage, and anything that would penalize a roll gives
The choice of a different background adds a little more weight to disadvantage. These changes are incorporated into the
the style of each class. The effect that a character’s race has is playbooks.
now part of the new Heritage mechanic (see below). This way, • When you roll with advantage, roll an extra die and
characters can choose any race they like, not limited by what is discard the lowest die.
on the sheet. • When you roll with disadvantage, roll an extra die and
discard the highest.
Ability Scores (3-18) have been removed; only the modifiers If you ever have both advantage and disadvantage; they cancel
remain each other out; just roll normally.
In practice, these scores contributed little to actual play and
caused confusion for new players. Only the modifiers remain. Note that damage rolls can also have advantage or disadvantage.
In this case, roll two dice instead of one and keep the higher or
Level Up has been revised lower of the two, as prescribed. Any monster damage dice listed
As part of removing ability scores, the Level Up move is hereby as “best” or “worst” are not affected by this change. (See DW,
replaced by the following version: page 25)
When you have downtime (hours or days) and XP equal to The change also affects the bonuses and penalties to rolls found
(or greater than) your current level+7, you can reflect on your in the Discern Realities and Encumbrance moves. It does not
experiences and hone your skills; do all of the following: affect Carouse (you still roll+100s of coins spent) or the bonus
• Subtract your current level+7 from your XP, granted by spending Preparation from Bolster. Spending
• Increase your level by 1, and, Preparation still only gives +1.
• Choose to either take a new advanced move, or increase
one of your stats by 1, to a maximum of +2. Aid/Interfere has been revised
In light of the above changes, the Aid/Interfere move is hereby
When you reach level 6 or higher, you may choose one of the replaced with the following version:
following options when you level up instead of taking a new
advanced move or increasing a stat, but only once for each When you help or hinder someone, roll+bond with them. *On a
option: hit, they get either advantage or disadvantage to their roll, your
• Increase one of your stats by 1, to a maximum of +3 choice. *On a 7-9, you also expose yourself to any risks, costs,
• Gain an advanced move from another playbook (not a or consequences associated with their move. You must
starting move) physically give the player one of your dice if possible.
• Write a third Heritage move and draw a third Heritage
box, then mark all of your Heritage boxes The rules for hirelings have been replaced by followers
• Gain a capstone move for your class playbook (see each The above changes necessitate changes to the hirelings rules.
individual playbook for details) Followers and their new rules are detailed below.
The names of debilities have been changed If the players are looking for something very specific that the
This is a cosmetic change we feel better represents different GM knows isn’t in the area, the GM may offer an alternative
types of injuries or stressors acquired from the harsh life of instead. For example, if the players are looking for the location
adventuring. Mechanically, debilities are affected by the above of a bandit lair, but the GM knows they are looking in the wrong
rule; debilities now give disadvantage to any roll made with the place, they may suggest they look for clues as to the location to
debilitated stat. the bandit lair instead.

Parley has been revised New Basic Move: Tavern Tales

The original version of Parley suffered from a troublesome
When you spend time swapping tales and sorting through
trigger and was difficult to use in practice. Parley is hereby
information about a dangerous place you have yet to explore,
replaced with the following version:
name a place you want to know more about, then spend at least 1
preparation and roll+preparation spent. *On a hit, choose one
When you influence or manipulate an NPC to do something
from the list and tell us how you get it. *On a 7-9, your
they normally wouldn't do, roll+CHA. *On a hit, they reveal
information will be slightly off, out of date, or incomplete when
the easiest way to convince them to go along. *On a 7-9, they
you try to use it.
reveal something you can do to convince them, though it’ll
likely be costly, tricky, or distasteful. • You acquire part of a map, draw it out or otherwise
present it to the group.
Undertake a Perilous Journey has been revised • You learn of a trap or similar hazard, describe it. When
The rules for Undertaking a Perilous Journey have been revised you encounter it, gain advantage on your next move.
to offer more player choice and authorship as follows: • You learn of a valuable treasure, describe it and where
it’s kept.
When you travel through hostile territory, choose one member • You learn of a dangerous enemy or group in the area,
of the party to act as trailblazer, one to scout ahead, and one to describe and/or name them. When you encounter them,
be quartermaster. Each character with a job to do rolls+WIS: gain advantage on your next move.
• You learn something useful about the area’s history,
For the scout: *On a hit, you are not ambushed or taken by layout, or politics, tell us what.
surprise on the journey. *On a 10+, choose one: • You acquire something that will be particularly useful
• You get the drop on a threat, either on the path or at in there (a key, a password, etc.), tell us what you got.
your destination *On a 6-, choose one anyway, but don’t describe it yet. Instead,
• You discover an interesting or useful place or ask the GM what it will cost you to gain that knowledge, and
landmark, tell us what you found and add it to the map even then what you get will be slightly off, out of date, or
• You notice a sign of a nearby threat; ask the GM what it incomplete when you try to use it.
is, and what it might signify
For the trailblazer: *On a hit, the journey takes the expected New Basic Move: Raid
amount of time. *On a 10+, choose one: When you plan an attack on a place, describe your approach
• It takes less time than you expected, the GM will tell and your primary objective, then whoever made the plan rolls…
you how much time you saved • +1 if you exploit a known weakness or vulnerability in
• You discover an interesting or useful place or your target
landmark, tell us what you found and add it to the map • +1 if you have allies to coordinate your attack with or
someone on the inside
For the quartermaster: *On a hit, the party consumes the
• +1 if you have detailed knowledge of the terrain, either
expected number of rations, one per day of the journey. *On a
from a map or a scouting report (c.f. Scout Ahead)
10+, you either manage your provisions well or find food in the
wild: tell us how, then the GM will say how many rations you • +1 if you have the drop on them or the element of
recover; distribute them among the group as you see fit. surprise on your side
*On a 12+, you get all three. *On a 10-11, choose two. *On a 7-
9, choose one:
• You have the initiative; your enemies are either caught
New Basic Move: Hexcrawl off-guard, demoralized, or in disarray
When you spend at least a full day exploring a region in • You have seized some tactical advantage that gives you
search of adventure, say what you are hoping to find and how the upper hand in the fight, the GM will tell you what
many days you wish to search for, then everyone marks 1 ration • There are no unexpected complications present
per day spent and roll+days spent. *On a 10+, you find what *On a 6-, your plan has gone awry, the GM will describe the
you’re looking for and are in a relatively advantageous position scene with you already at a disadvantage or in a desperate
when you find it. *On a 7-9, choose one. *On a 6-, both, and it situation.
will be even worse than you thought.
• You’ll have to overcome a hazard or enemy, or pay a The GM will describe the starting point of the action as the
cost to find what you were looking for battle is joined or as your main forces breach the perimeter,
• What you find won’t be exactly what you hoped, or based on your roll and options chosen. They will also ask some
there will be some other complication present establishing questions as to what happened and present you with
the opportunity to act.
New Mechanic: Followers Revised Move: Recruit
When you go looking to hire help, tell the GM what you’re
The rules in this section cover the creation, recruitment, and looking for, phrased in one of the following ways:
usage of followers, replacing the original Dungeon World rules • A group of ______ (porters, guards, minstrels, etc.)
for hirelings. These rules are designed to make followers feel • A skilled ______ (guide, sage, burglar, bodyguard, etc.)
more impactful and allow for greater customization. A group is a follower like any other, but with the Group tag.
If the GM says you can’t find that kind of help in a place like
The rules presented here are adapted from The Perilous Wilds by this, start over or move on. Otherwise, roll…
Jason Lutes with Jeremy Strandberg and are used under the • +1 if you have a good reputation in these parts
Creative Commons Attribution license 3.0.
• +1 if you’re willing to throw around some money in the
attempt, the GM will tell you how much
*On a hit, you find someone suitable. *On a 7-9, the GM
Only the penniless and foolhardy undertake an expedition
chooses one:
without proper support in the form of porters, hunters, guides,
and guards, not to mention specialists who can bring their skills • They demand greater compensation, in coin or some
to bear in any number of ways. Followers are those individuals other form
who offer such assistance, accompanying the party on their • They have a need that must be met first (permission
exploits about the world. from someone else, a favor, etc.)
• You can tell at a glance they are less than ideal, the GM
Like monsters, followers have HP, damage, and instincts. They will say how
usually have moves and/or tags that indicate what they’re good
at and how they act. Unlike monsters, they have three additional In general, the players can tell the GM what they want their
statistics: Quality, Loyalty, and Cost. followers to do and expect that they will do it. Unless otherwise
noted, they don’t make any of the basic moves. Instead, use the
Quality represents how effective the follower is, particularly in following moves:
the areas defined by their tags and moves. A followers’s Quality
can range from -1 (rubbish) to +3 (masterful). A follower of New Move: Order Follower
average competence has a Quality of 0. When you order or expect a follower to do something
dangerous, degrading, or contrary to their Instinct,
Loyalty tracks how committed the follower is to you and your roll+Loyalty. *On a 10+, they do it, to the best of their ability.
cause. It usually starts at +1 but changes often, ranging from -3 *On a 7-9, the GM chooses one:
to +3. Note that Loyalty is a resource to be used up by the GM • Decrease the follower’s Loyalty by 1
like any other. • They complain loudly, now or later, and demand
something in return
Cost describes what motivates the follower to follow. Although • Caution, laziness, or fear makes them take a long time
a strong leader or worthy cause can be motivating factors, all but to get it done
the most selfless followers do the dirty work in exchange for
coin or other material reward. A follower’s Loyalty is increased New Move: Do Their Thing
when you pay their Cost. Costs aren’t always tangible things, When a follower does something chancy within the scope of
they may be include revenge against a common enemy, an their tags or moves, roll+Quality. *On a 10+, they do it, as well
opportunity to discover something, or the rush of glory in battle. as one could reasonably hope. *On a 7-9, they do it, but there’s
an unforeseen cost, consequence, or limitation; the GM will say
When you pay a follower’s Cost, increase their Loyalty by 1 (to what.
a maximum of +3). In general, the higher the Follower’s Quality,
the greater amount of their Cost will be required to meet it. When a follower does something chancy that falls beyond the
When a follower has -3 Loyalty, they betray or abandon you at scope of their tags or moves, or does anything on their own, the
the next opportunity. GM will tell you what happens.

Call for Assistance

Followers can deal and take damage like a monster does. When When a follower helps you make a move that calls for a roll,
they would deal damage, you roll a d6 and add their damage you gain advantage for that roll, but know that they will be
modifier (usually+0). When they take damage, they lose HP. exposed to any potential consequences.
When they are reduced to 0 HP, they are out of the action and
probably dead or dying—their fate is in the GM’s hands. When a follower helps you Hack and Slash or Volley, your
damage roll gets advantage, and add any damage bonuses the
follower has on top of that.

When a follower helps you Defend, you can spend 1 hold to

redirect an attack to them instead of yourself.
Creating Followers Cost
What motivates the follower to accompany and assist the
characters? Choose one, make one up, or roll 2d6:
Like any important NPC, followers should have their own
2-3. Fellowship: Risks taken, by you, to help them
names. By default, followers have 6 HP, a damage bonus of +0,
4. Defense: Threats to their home put down
and can carry 2 weight beyond what they come equipped with.
5. Debauchery: Food, drink, gambling, sex, and mischief
The GM will choose their specifics (Quality, Instinct, Cost, tags, 6. Glory: Defeating a worthy foe in battle
etc.) as needed, to be discovered through play.
7. Wealth: Valuable treasure looted (of which they get
their cut)
As a benchmark for follower aptitude:
8. Renown: Public recognition for their deeds and skills.
• Reasonably competent: Quality +0, 1 tag 9 Vengeance: Payback against those that have wronged
• Skilled and experienced: Quality +1, 2 tags them or their loved ones.
• Very talented veteran: Quality +2, 3 tags 10. Knowledge: secrets, mysteries, and wonders only
found by exploring the wider world.
• Has lived a life of servitude and oppression: +Meek 11-12. Good: suffering alleviated, innocents defended, wrongs
• Past their prime: -1 to Quality, +1 Wise (see Tags & righted.
• Has lived a life of danger: +2 tags
• Has lived a life of privilege: +1 tag Follower Tag list
• Not their fist adventure: +1 tag • ______-wise: They know all about ______ and can roll
• Specialist: +1 to Quality, -2 tags +Quality to Spout Lore about it on your behalf. Examples:
Woods-wise, Sea-wise, Herb-wise.
Follower Tags • Archer: They use ranged attacks (not necessarily bows)
The first tag every follower has is a Wise, expressed as ______- effectively and can roll +Quality to Volley when ordered.
wise, where the blank is filled by whatever subject or thing the • Athletic: Good at running, jumping, climbing and the like.
follower knows best. Write down the follower’s Wise. • Beautiful: They make an impression, drawing admiration
If the follower has more than 1 tag, choose additional tags from and attention.
the Follower Tags list, either now or as needed. • Cautious: They are careful and methodical; they avoid
acting rashly.
Follower Moves • Connected ( ____ ): They have friends or contacts in ____,
Write 1-3 moves for the follower that further describe their a steading or group.
behavior and abilities. These are for you, the GM. Use them like • Cunning: Clever and observant. They can roll +Quality to
other GM moves, when the players look to you to see what the Discern Realities when ordered.
follower does, or when they give you a golden opportunity. • Devious: Deceitful, treacherous, tricky. Just the sort you
The players might order or expect a follower to use one of these want working for you.
moves on their behalf. That’s fine, but you might require them to
• Group: A team, gang, or mob, with all the strengths and
Order Followers and/or that the follower Do Their Thing.
disadvantages that come with greater numbers.
A follower move reflects a skill, ability, or trait that can’t be
• Guide ( ____ ): Knows a particular steading or region and
better summarized by a tag. Examples include:
can roll+Quality to Spout Lore, or take on a job when
• Point out a flaw in the plan Undertaking a Perilous Journey for the area in question.
• Notice something hidden
• Hardy: Tough, hard-working, and willing to put up with
• Follow quarry by tracks and spoor discomfort. They can carry an additional 2 weight.
• Tend to the sick and injured • Healer: They have the knowledge and ability to provide aid
• Divine the future to the injured and the sick. When they tend wounds with
• Poison someone bandages or herbs & poultices, add their Quality to damage
Loyalty • Meek: They accept their lowly lot and will do degrading or
By default, a new follower starts with Loyalty +1, but the GM unreasonable things without needing to Follow Orders.
may add or subtract 1 Loyalty to reflect their initial disposition • Magical: They are magical by nature or training, and
and their respect (or lack thereof) for the characters they follow. sensitive to the workings of magic. Use at least one of their
moves to elaborate on their powers.
• Organized: They make and follow plans well and work well
What does the follower do naturally that might cause trouble?
in a group. Once they agree to a plan, you do not need to
Choose one, make one up, or roll 1d6:
Order Followers as long as the plan doesn’t go south.
1. Hold grudges and seek payback
• Stealthy: They can avoid detection and often get the drop on
2. Slack off and give into temptation
3. Treat others as beneath them
4. Hew to superstition and tradition • Warrior: They have 1 armor and take +1 to their damage
5. Take things too far when given a chance to indulge die roll, and you don’t need to Order Followers to get them
6. Bicker and fight amongst themselves to fight (as long as the opposition is not terrifying or
New Mechanic: Heritage Dwarves of the Iron Mountains
Heritage is a mechanic that replaces the Race move presented in • Analyze stonework
the original Dungeon World playbooks. This mechanic is • Resist poison
designed to better reflect a character’s background and history, • See through the darkness
as well as offering may more choices for greater customization • Sniff out gold and silver
to each game.

The Heritage system presented here is adapted from Planarch Elves of the Borderlands
Codex: Dark Heart of the Dreamer by Johnathan Walton and is
used under the Creative Commons Attribution license 3.0. • See clearly in faint light
• Balance with uncanny grace
When you create a new character, decide on your species, • Blend into the forest
ethnicity, and cultural heritage, choosing anything or any • Listen to the whispers of the trees
combination of things that sounds interesting to you and the
other players. Then choose two Heritage moves to start with,
based upon your background. Heritage moves are simple phrases People of the Northern Wastes
or actions your character can do that are reflective of your
• Endure hardship to keep a sworn vow
character’s heritage: their ancestry, homeland, culture, or youth.
• Find shelter in harsh places
You also get two Heritage boxes. At the start of each session
(including the first one), mark a Heritage box. • See the honor in others
• Ignore pain and cold
When you draw upon your heritage to perform a task, erase a
mark from one of your Heritage boxes, and then make one of
your Heritage moves. No roll is necessary; you just make that Citizens of the Great Empire
move. • Read and write a foreign language (choose the language
when you first use this move)
When you Spout Lore about your heritage, you may erase a • Hold fast to what you love
mark from one of your Heritage boxes to automatically succeed, • Rationalize in the face of madness
as if you had rolled a 10+. • Blend in with a crowd
Using a Heritage move may allow you to obviate or overcome a
Danger that would otherwise need to be Defied, or grant Lore
without having to Spout it first. However, they should not be Vagrants of Highcastle
allowed to deal damage without having to roll for it. Using a • Find a place to hide
Heritage move to set up or augment another move may give • Survive on an empty stomach
advantage on that move. Exactly what happens is left to the • Deflect aggression or suspicion by acting meek
GM’s discretion. • Size up a mark

We have presented a few common racial and cultural choices

here as examples, but players are encouraged to think of their
own heritages and accompanying moves.
Military Caste of the Federation
• Remain focused or marching despite fatigue
• Evaluate a military situation
• Hold the line
• Make hasty repairs to your gear

Nomads of the Plains

• Scavenge for food or shelter in the plains
• Watch a threat from afar
• Read the weather
• Coordinate an assault on a bigger target

Written by Peter Johansen

Version October 23, 2018
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit
http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ or send a letter to Creative
Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California,
94041, USA.
The Barbarian Bonds (Fill in the names of your companions in at least one)

Name __________________________________ _______________ is puny and foolish, but amusing to me.

Heritage _________________________ _______________’s ways are strange and confusing.

______________________________________________ _______________ is always getting into trouble; I must protect them

from themselves.
_______________ shares my hunger for glory; the earth will tremble
at our passing!

Look (Choose one for each category)

Tormented Eyes, Haunted Eyes, Wild Eyes, or Shrouded Eyes
Mighty Thews, Long Shanks, Scrawny Body, or Supple Body
Strange Tattoos, Unusual Jewelry, or Unmarred by Decoration
Scraps, Silks, Scavenger's Outfit, or Crude Hides

Drive (Choose one)

o Exile Gear
Teach someone the ways of your people and learn about them in Your Load is 10. You start with dungeon rations (5 uses, 1 weight), a
exchange. dagger (hand, 1 weight) and some token of where you’ve travelled or
where you’re from, describe it! Choose your weapon:
o Honor o Axe (close, 1 weight)
o Two-handed sword (close, +1 damage, 2 weight)
Uphold your personal code of honor despite the cost or
Choose one:
o Adventuring gear (5 uses, 1 weight)
o Shield (+1 armor, 2 weight)
o Conquest o Ragged bow (near, 2 weight) and bundle of arrows (3 ammo, 1
Prove yourself superior to someone in power. weight)

Barbaric Ways (Choose one)

o Outlander
At the start of the session, you mark two Heritage boxes instead of

o Berserker
When you work yourself into a violent, howling frenzy, you are
immune to fear and any other mental effects, and the Ironhide move
gives you 2 armor instead of 1, until you take an action requiring
subtlety, finesse, thinking or discussion or otherwise come out of
your frenzy.
Level____ Experience____________________
o Vandal When you level up, choose to either take a new advanced move, or
When you Discern Realities, on a hit you may also ask "What here is increase one of your stats by 1, to a maximum of +2.
weak or vulnerable?" for free. When you reach level 6 or higher, you may choose one of the
Additionally, when you prove yourself superior to someone in following options instead, but not more than once for each option:
power, gain advantage on your next move made against their o Increase one of your stats by 1, to a maximum of +3
followers, underlings, and hangers-on. o Gain an advanced move from another playbook
o Write a third Heritage move and draw a third Heritage box,
then mark all of your Heritage boxes
o When you Hack and Slash, on a 12+ deal your damage and
choose something physical your target has (a weapon, their
position, a limb); they lose it.
Assign these scores to your stats: +2, +1, +1, +0, +0, -1 Choose one of the following advanced moves to begin with:
o What Are You Waiting For?
D6 +2 When you cry out a challenge to your enemies, roll+CON. *On a
10+, they treat you as the most obvious threat to be dealt with and
o Injured o Shaken o Sick
ignore your companions, and your damage rolls against them have
INT WIS CHA Armor advantage until the end of the fight. *On a 7-9, only a few (the
weakest or most foolhardy among them) fall prey to your taunting.

o Muddled o Tired o Stressed o Mark of Might

HP When you take this move and spend some uninterrupted time
reflecting on your past glories, you may mark yourself with a
symbol of your power (a long braid tied with bells, ritual scars or
tattoos, etc.) Any intelligent mortal creature who sees this symbol
Max HP: 24 knows instinctively that you are a force to be reckoned with and
treats you appropriately.
You begin with the following moves:
o For the Blood God
Ironhide You are initiated in the old ways, the ways of sacrifice. Choose
While you are below your Load and not wearing armor, you have something your gods (or the ancestor spirits, or your totem, etc.)
1 armor. Shields do not count as armor for this move. value—gold, blood, bones or the like. When you sacrifice those
things as per your rites and rituals, roll+WIS. *On a 10+ the GM
Herculean Appetites will grant you insight into your current trouble or a boon to help you.
*On a 7-9 the sacrifice is not enough and your gods take of your
Others may content themselves with just a taste of wine, or dominion
flesh as well, but still grant you some insight or boon.
over a servant or two, but you want more. Choose two appetites:
o Pure destruction
o Power over others o Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken
o Mortal pleasures When you Make Camp, you may describe a scar you gained in your
o Conquest last fight. If you do, heal an extra 1d6 HP or a debility.
o Discovering lost knowledge
o Riches and property
o Fame and glory o Great Khan
When you would roll for a move while pursuing one of your When you Recruit by rallying warriors to your banner, the roll
appetites, you may re-roll one of the dice, but you must keep the gains advantage, and any followers you recruit gain the Warrior tag
second roll. If you choose to re-roll and any of the dice are a 1, even for free while you are leading them.
the die you re-rolled, the GM will also introduce a complication or
danger that comes about due to your heedless pursuits.
o Samson
When you level up, you may cross off one of your appetites if you When you are restrained, physically or mentally, you may mark a
feel that you have satisfied it or it no longer applies to you; if you do, debility to break free of your restraints
you may select a new appetite in exchange. You may only do this
once. o Is That All You’ve Got?
When you deliberately take the full brunt of an attack, roll+CON.
Musclebound *On a hit, choose one:
Any melee weapon you wield gains the forceful and messy tags. • Your enemy leaves themselves open
• You learn one of the enemy’s weaknesses, describe it
The Upper Hand • Your lack of reaction infuriates or terrifies your enemy
*On a 10+, you also reduce the damage taken by half, before any
When you take your Last Breath, on a 7-9, you may make an offer armor is applied.
to Death in return for your life. If Death accepts, he will return you to
life. If not, you die.
The Bard Bonds (Fill in the names of your companions in at least one)

This is not my first adventure with _______________.

Name __________________________________
I sang stories of _______________ long before I ever met them in
Heritage _________________________ person.

______________________________________________ _______________ is often the butt of my jokes.

______________________________________________ I am writing a ballad about the adventures of _______________.

_______________ trusted me with a secret.

_______________ does not trust me, and for good reason.
Look (Choose one for each category)
Knowing Eyes, Fiery Eyes, or Joyous Eyes
Fancy Hair, Wild Hair, or Stylish Cap
Finery, Traveling Clothes, or Poor Clothes
Fit Body, Well-fed Body, or Thin Body

Drive (Choose one)

o Fellowship
Use your art to help those in need.

o Adventure Gear
Spur others to significant and decisive action. Your maximum Load is 9. You start with dungeon rations (5 uses, 1
weight) and a musical instrument of your choice, describe it! Choose
o Diplomacy o Leather armor (1 armor, 1 weight)
Avoid a conflict or defuse a tense situation. o Dueling rapier (close, precise, 1 weight)
o Ragged bow (near, 2 weight), bundle of arrows (3 ammo, 1
weight), and short sword (close, 1 weight)
o Adventuring gear (5 uses, 1 weight)
Bardic College (Choose one) o Poultices and herbs (2 uses, 1 weight)
o Lore
When you use Bardic Lore, on a 10+ you may also ask the GM an
additional follow-up question about the subject, they will answer

o Fencing
When you Hack and Slash while making an appropriate quip or
pithy saying, choose one of the following before rolling:
• If you hit, your damage roll gains advantage
• The next damage roll made against you has disadvantage

o Whispers
When you Parley with someone, on a 10+, you may ask them one
question which they must answer truthfully. This information comes Level____ Experience____________________
from a slip of the tongue or their body language giving it away; they When you level up, choose to either take a new advanced move, or
won't notice that they gave up their information. increase one of your stats by 1, to a maximum of +2.
When you reach level 6 or higher, you may choose one of the
following options instead, but not more than once for each option:
o Increase one of your stats by 1, to a maximum of +3
o Gain an advanced move from another playbook
o Write a third Heritage move and draw a third Heritage box,
then mark all of your Heritage boxes
o When you Parley with someone, on a 12+ the GM will also
tell you something you could do to make them your ally.
Assign these scores to your stats: +2, +1, +1, +0, +0, -1 Choose one of the following advanced moves to begin with:
o Charming and Open
When you speak frankly with someone, you can ask their player a
D6 +0 question from the list below. They must answer it truthfully, then
o Injured o Shaken o Sick they may ask you a question from the list, which you must answer
INT WIS CHA Armor truthfully:
• How can I get you to __________?
• What are you feeling right now?
• What do you most desire?
o Muddled o Tired o Stressed • What do you wish I’d do?
HP • Whom do you serve?

o Web of Contacts
Max HP: 16 When you declare that you know someone who can help you solve
a task, describe that person and roll+CHA. *On a 10+, choose two.
You begin with the following moves: *On a 7-9, choose one:
• You don't owe them a favor
Vox Arcanus • They’re not already in some sort of trouble
You have the ability to weave magical effects into your • They don't have a dangerous secret
performances, be it music, song, dance, oratory, or otherwise.
Describe your style of performance, then choose three songs you o Swashbuckler
know: When you dash into a fray or dangerous situation, roll+DEX. *On
o Soothing Hymn: Choose an ally, they heal 1d6+1 HP. a 10+, hold 3. *On a 7-9, hold 1. Spend a hold at any time to:
o Anthem of Courage: Choose an ally, their mind is cleared • Leap around, over, or through an obstacle in your path
of fear, despair, or enchantment.
• Create an obstacle or distraction an enemy has to deal with
o Countersong: You drown out the incantations or other
• Divert attention from yourself to an ally, or from an ally to
sound-based effects of a magic-user you can hear, causing
their magic to fail.
When the danger is passed or resolved, any remaining hold is lost.
o Battle Ballad: Choose an ally, they gain advantage on the
next damage roll they make.
o Frightening Dirge: Choose an enemy, they feel fear and o Loremaster
react accordingly, as long as you continue to perform this When you spend at least a full day trading stories and
song. investigating rumors and bits of lore in a steading, you may make
o Discordant Blast: Choose an enemy, they become briefly the Tavern Tales move, rolling with +CHA instead of +preparation
stunned and deafened. spent.
o Fascinating Melody: You hold the attention of a number of
creatures equal to your level, they will listen to you as long
as you do nothing but perform and nothing else distracts o Words of Fire
them. When you use your words to enflame the passions of a group,
o Vicious Mockery: Choose an enemy, they will go after you roll+CHA. *On a 10+, choose two. *On a 7-9, choose one:
with extreme prejudice, but they also leave themselves open • The passion you enflame need not be the foremost in their
or make a rash decision as they act, the GM will describe mind. You may choose it: love, lust, hatred, fear, loyalty,
how. greed, jealousy, savagery, etc.
When you weave magic into your performance, choose one of the • They must act on their passion right now.
songs you know and roll+CHA. *On a hit, you achieve your selected • The effect is great. They feel an overwhelming passion that
song’s effect. *On a 7-9, the GM chooses one: is plain for all to see.
• Your magic reverberates to other targets you didn’t intend
to hit, affecting them as well
• You draw unwanted attention o Wide-Wanderer
• You expose yourself to danger You’ve travelled the wide world over. When you arrive someplace,
ask the GM about any important traditions, rituals, and so on, they’ll
When you reach level 3, 6, or 9, choose an additional song from the tell you what you need to know. When you return to a civilized
list to learn. settlement you’ve visited before, you may answer one of the
following questions; if you do, the GM answers the other:
• Who have you met here before?
Bardic Lore • What did you leave behind here?
When you Spout Lore about someone or something you’ve heard
tales, songs, or legends about, you roll with CHA instead of INT.
The GM may then ask you what tale, song, or legend you heard that o Jack of All Trades
information in. Tell them the truth, now. Gain a move from another playbook, even a staring move.
(Other playbooks may not take this move.)
The Cleric Bonds (Fill in the names of your companions in at least one)

_______________ has insulted my deity; I do not trust them.

Name __________________________________
I trust _______________ implicitly; they are good and faithful.
Heritage _________________________
_______________ is in constant danger, I will keep them safe.
I am working on converting _______________ to my faith.


Look (Choose one for each category)

Kind Eyes, Sharp Eyes, or Sad Eyes
Tonsure, Strange Hair, or Bald
Flowing Robes, Habit, or Common Garb
Thin Body, Knobby Body, or Flabby Body

Drive (Choose one)

o Pilgrim
Bring the light of your faith to a new place or people and leave them Your Load is 9. You start with dungeon rations (5 uses, 1 weight)
better for it. and a symbol of your deity, describe it! Choose three:
o Staff (close, two-handed, 1 weight) and poultices and herbs (2
uses, 1 weight)
o Evangelist o Mace (close, 1 weight) and bandages (3 uses, 0 weight)
Prove the superiority of your church or god. o Adventuring gear (5 uses, 1 weight)
o Healing potion (0 weight)
o Leather armor (1 armor, 1 weight)
o Shepherd o Bag of books (5 uses, 2 weight)
Endanger yourself to help another.

Articles of Faith (Choose one)

o Cloistered Monk
When you Spout Lore, you roll with WIS instead of INT.

o Militant Order
You ignore the clumsy tag on any armor your wear.

o Light-Bearer
Add the following options to Divine Ward:
• They are freed of any fear, confusion, or stun effects
• They stand fast, keeping their position, stance, and course
despite what befalls them Level____ Experience____________________
When you level up, choose to either take a new advanced move, or
increase one of your stats by 1, to a maximum of +2.
When you reach level 6 or higher, you may choose one of the
following options instead, but not more than once for each option:
o Increase one of your stats by 1, to a maximum of +3
o Gain an advanced move from another playbook
o Write a third Heritage move and draw a third Heritage box,
then mark all of your Heritage boxes
o When you use Invocation, on a 12+ your deity’s
magnificence shines through you. You describe how your
chosen Blessing manifests.
Assign these scores to your stats: +2, +1, +1, +0, +0, -1 Choose one of the following advanced moves to begin with:
o Chirugy
When you treat a major injury, such a broken limb or a damaged
D6 +0 eye, the GM will tell you “sure, no problem, but...” and then one to
o Injured o Shaken o Sick four of the following:
INT WIS CHA Armor • It will take days/weeks/months to heal
• You’ll need help from ________
• It will need treatment with ________
• It’s going to leave one heck of a distinctive scar
o Muddled o Tired o Stressed • The best you can do is a replacement; quirky, unreliable or
HP with less functionality than the original
• They’ll be incapacitated for ____ days while they recover
The GM may connect them all with “and,” or a merciful “or.” Once
Max HP: 16 you’ve accomplished the necessaries, the injury heals.

o Picker of the Slain

You begin with the following moves:
When you go through the corpses after a battle, roll+WIS. *On a
hit, pick someone who was seemingly dead; they’re alive instead.
Deity *On 7-9, they’re alive but also permanently disfigured, maimed or
You serve and worship some deity, who grants you power. Give your disabled; tell them how.
deity a name and define your deity's domain by filling in each blank:
Controls (the sun, the seas, the skies): ___________________ o Orison for Guidance
Represents (love, death, war, wind): ___________________ When you fulfill your deity's Demands and pray for guidance,
you are granted some useful knowledge or a boon; the GM will tell
Worshippers (nobles, dwarves, wizards): ___________________ you what. In return, your deity tells you what it would have you do.
Enemies (demons, undead, heretics): ___________________ If you do it, mark XP.
Demands (sacrifices, secrets, victory): ___________________
o Sacred Space
When you reach level 6, choose another facet for your deity; When you have time and suitable materials to consecrate a space
something else that they control, represent, or another type of to your deity, describe how you do so, which may include paying a
worshipper, enemy or demand. cost described by the GM, and choose a Blessing from the Invocation
list. The chosen Blessing will affect the consecrated area and remain
Invocation in effect until something happens to ruin your consecration.
When you call out for your deity's aid in a time of need, choose a
Blessing: o Preacher
• Your invocation manipulates the realm your deity Controls When you preach to a mob, roll+CHA. *On a 10+, hold 2. *On a 7-
• Your invocation commands something your deity 9, hold 1. Spend a hold to make the mob do the following:
Represents • Bring people forward and deliver them to you
• Your invocation bolsters your deity's Worshippers • Bring forward all their precious things
• Your invocation rebukes or repels your deity's Enemies • Unite and fight for you
…and roll+WIS. *On a hit, your deity will intervene on your behalf • Fall into a frenzy of emotion: joy, sorrow, or rage, as you
according to your chosen Blessing, the GM will tell you how. *On a choose
7-9, you will also need to choose a Requirement: • Go quietly back to their lives
• Your invocation is obvious and immediate, drawing
attention to you
o Bear Witness
• The intervention is subtle or takes a while to manifest
• Your deity Demands something in return. The GM will tell When you approach an enemy to negotiate in good faith, they will
you what at least hear you out. Even the most debased and savage foe will
delay violence until you've had your say, though the must be able to
• The experience overwhelms you; you have disadvantage to
understand you.
all WIS rolls until you have time to rest and clear your head
Additionally, when you speak the truth with conviction and
candor, none can doubt you. They might deny what you say, but in
Divine Ward their hearts they recognize the truth.
When you call upon your deity for protection for yourself or an
ally, roll+WIS. *On a 10+, grant two of the following effects to the o Anathema
subject of your prayers. *On a 7-9, grant one, and choose a When you Hack and Slash your deity's Enemies, you roll with
Requirement from the Invocation list as well. WIS instead of STR, and on a hit choose one in addition to dealing
• They are healed for 1d6+1 HP your damage:
• The next damage roll made against them has disadvantage • Your attack ignores its armor or other defenses
• They have advantage the next time they Defy Danger • You suppress one of its unnatural powers
• An enemy facing them is briefly driven back • You force it from its host
The Druid Bonds (Fill in the names of your companions in at least one)

________________ smells more like prey than a hunter.

Name __________________________________
The spirits spoke to me of a great danger that follows
Heritage _________________________ ________________.

______________________________________________ I have showed ________________ a secret rite of the Land.

______________________________________________ ________________ has tasted my blood and I theirs. We are bound

by it.


Look (Choose one for each category)

Wise Eyes, Wild Eyes, or Haunting Eyes
Furry Hood, Messy Hair, or Braided Hair
Ceremonial Garb, Practical Leathers, or Weathered Hides

Drive (Choose one)

o Renewal
Reclaim something for the natural world.
Your maximum Load is 7. You start with dungeon rations (5 uses, 1
o Cultivation weight) and some token of your land, describe it! Choose three:
Help something or someone grow or move on to the next step in the o Hide armor (1 armor, 1 weight)
cycle. o Wooden shield (+1 armor, 2 weight)
o Poultices and herbs (2 uses, 1 weight)
o Preservation o Staff (close, two-handed, 1 weight) and bandages (3 uses, 0
Eliminate an unnatural menace. o Spear (close, thrown, near, 1 weight)
o Adventuring gear (5 uses, 1 weight)

Druid Circle (Choose one)

o Healer
When you spend several hours healing a person’s spirit, you heal
them of a debility, or cure them of a poison or disease afflicting
them. You can use this ability when you Make Camp, but it takes all
of your concentration and leaves you no time to do anything else.

o Witch
When you deal damage, hold 1 Balance. When you touch someone
and channel the spirits of life, you may spend Balance; for each
Balance spent, your subject heals 1d6 HP. The maximum amount of
Balance you may hold is equal to your CON.
Level____ Experience____________________
o Shaman When you level up, choose to either take a new advanced move, or
When you Shapeshift, choose a stat; your rolls using that stat while increase one of your stats by 1, to a maximum of +2.
shapeshifted have advantage. The GM will also choose a stat; your When you reach level 6 or higher, you may choose one of the
rolls using that stat while shapeshifted have disadvantage. following options instead, but not more than once for each option:
o Increase one of your stats by 1, to a maximum of +3
o Gain an advanced move from another playbook
o Write a third Heritage move and draw a third Heritage box,
then mark all of your Heritage boxes
o When you use Shapeshifter, on a 12+ the GM holds zero
Instinct, and you may also suppress your tell while in this
form, if you wish.
Assign these scores to your stats: +2, +1, +1, +0, +0, -1 Choose one of the following advanced moves to begin with:
o Communion of Whispers
When you spend time in a place, making note of its resident
D6 +0 spirits and calling on the spirits of the land, roll+WIS. You will be
o Injured o Shaken o Sick granted a vision of significance to you, your allies, and the spirits
INT WIS CHA Armor around you. *On a 10+, the vision will be clear and helpful to you.
*On a 7-9, the vision is unclear, its meaning murky.

o Muddled o Tired o Stressed

o Eyes of the Tiger
When you mark an animal (with mud, dirt, or blood), you can see
HP through that animal’s eyes as if they were your own, no matter what
distance separates you. Only one animal at a time may be marked in
this way.
Max HP: 16

You begin with the following moves:

o Weather Weaver
When you are under open skies when the sun rises, the GM will
Shapeshifter ask you what the weather will be that day. Tell them whatever you
like, it comes to pass.
You learned your magic in a place whose spirits are strong and When you perform an elaborate ritual to affect the weather,
ancient and they’ve marked you as one of their own. No matter describe how you do so, which may include paying a cost described
where you go, they live within you and allow you to take their shape. by the GM, and choose a type of weather: cold, warm, dry, or wet.
Choose a land to which you are attuned—when shapeshifting you The weather within a few miles will change to that type for the next
may take the shape of any animal who might live in your Land. week.
o The Great Forests o The Sapphire Islands
o The Whispering Plains o The Open Sea
o The Vast Desert o The Towering Mountains o Elemental Mastery
o The Stinking Mire o The Frozen North When you call on the primal spirits of fire, water, earth or air to
o The Depths of the Earth o The Blasted Wasteland perform a task for you, roll+CON. *On a 10+, choose two. *On a
Choose a tell—a physical attribute that marks you as born of the 7-9, choose one. *On a 6-, some catastrophe occurs as a result of
soil—that reflects the spirit of your land. It may be an animal feature your calling.
like antlers or leopard’s spots or something more general: hair like • The effect you desire comes to pass
leaves or eyes of glittering crystal. Your tell remains no matter what • You avoid paying nature’s price
shape you take. • You retain control
The larger your task, the greater price you can expect to pay, and the
When you call upon the spirits to change your shape, you greater the dangers that may arise from losing control.
transform yourself into an animal from your land, and roll+WIS. *On
a 10+, the GM holds 1 Instinct. *On a 7-9, the GM holds 2 Instinct. o Trackless Stride
*On a 6-, the GM holds 2 Instinct, and you cannot resist when they
spend Instinct, in addition to any other move they make. When you move through natural terrain, you leave no trail, and
any natural hazards (thorns, mire, rubble) do not hinder you, nor do
You may take on the physical form of any species whose essence they cause you to Defy Danger when you move through them. When
you have studied or who lives in your land: you and your possessions you Undertake a Perilous Journey or Make Camp in the
meld into a perfect copy of the species’ form. You have any innate wilderness, you do not need to consume any rations.
abilities and weaknesses of the form: claws, wings, gills, breathing
water instead of air. You still use your normal stats but some moves o Barkskin
may be harder to trigger—a housecat will find it hard to do battle While you are not wearing any armor or shield and are touching
with an ogre. The GM may spend their Instinct at any time to make the ground, you have 2 armor.
you give into an instinct of your form, though you can resist this
instinct by Defying Danger with CHA. You may revert to your
natural form whenever you wish; when you revert to your normal o Red of Tooth and Claw
form, any Instinct the GM holds is lost. When you take the form of a creature both dangerous and
fearsome, choose one of the following to add to your natural attacks:
Spirit Tongue forceful, messy, or 2 piercing.
You can understand any animal native to your land or akin to one
whose essence you have studied, and you can closely study and
Parley with them as if they were people. You can always ask the
GM, “What spirits are active here?” and get an honest answer.

Studied Essence
When you spend time in meditation with an animal spirit, the
spirit may ask you to perform a deed. When you perform this deed,
you may add its species to those you can assume using Shapeshift.
The Fighter Bonds (Fill in the names of your companions in at least one)

__________ owes me their life, whether they admit it or not.

Name __________________________________
I have sworn to protect __________.
Heritage _________________________
I worry about the ability of __________ to survive in the dungeon.
__________ is soft, but I will make them hard like me.


Look (Choose one for each category)

Hard Eyes, Dead Eyes, or Eager Eyes
Wild Hair, Shorn Hair, or Battered Helm
Calloused Skin, Tanned Skin, or Scarred Skin
Built Body, Lithe Body, or Ravaged Body

Drive (Choose one)

o Guardian
Endanger yourself to defend those weaker than you. Your maximum Load is 12. You start with dungeon rations (5 uses, 1
weight) and a basic melee weapon of your choice (close, 1 weight).
Choose your defenses:
o Warlord o Chainmail (1 armor, 1 weight) and adventuring gear (5 uses, 1
Prove yourself in battle against a worthy opponent. weight)
o Scale armor (2 armor, 3 weight)
Choose two:
o Champion o Shield (+1 armor, 2 weight)
Choose honor over personal gain. o Ragged bow (near, 2 weight) and bundle of arrows (3 ammo, 1
o A mighty weapon (reach, +1 damage, two-handed, 2 weight)
o A dagger (hand, 1 weight) and poultices and herbs (2 uses, 1
Fighting Style (Choose one) weight)
o Brutal o Adventuring gear (5 uses, 1 weight)
All melee weapons you wield are forceful, and all melee weapons
you wield that have more than 1 weight are also messy.

o Graceful
All daggers, spears, and one-handed swords you wield are precise,
and get +1 piercing.

o Stoic
Any shield you wield grants an additional +1 armor, and when you
Defend while wielding a shield, you get +1 hold, even on a miss.
Level____ Experience____________________
When you level up, choose to either take a new advanced move, or
increase one of your stats by 1, to a maximum of +2.
When you reach level 6 or higher, you may choose one of the
following options instead, but not more than once for each option:
o Increase one of your stats by 1, to a maximum of +3
o Gain an advanced move from another playbook
o Write a third Heritage move and draw a third Heritage box,
then mark all of your Heritage boxes
o When you Hack and Slash, on a 12+ you deal your damage,
avoid their attack, and impress, dismay, or frighten your
Assign these scores to your stats: +2, +1, +1, +0, +0, -1 Choose one of the following advanced moves to begin with:
o Bend Bars, Lift Gates
When you use pure strength to destroy an inanimate obstacle,
D6 +2 roll+STR. *On a 10+, choose 3. *On a 7-9 choose 2.
o Injured o Shaken o Sick • It doesn’t take a very long time
INT WIS CHA Armor • Nothing of value is damaged
• It doesn’t make an inordinate amount of noise
• You can fix the thing again without a lot of effort
o Muddled o Tired o Stressed
o Come and Get It
HP When you single out a foe in combat, roll+CHA. *On a 10+, choose
two. *One a 7-9, choose one. *On a 6-, your foe chooses one to use
against you!
Max HP: 20 • No one else will attack you, except your chosen foe
• Your damage rolls against them have advantage until you
You begin with the following moves: attack someone else
• If they attack someone else, you may deal your damage to
Armored them as they drop their guard
You ignore the clumsy tag on armor you wear. • You learn something about their true nature as you cross
blades; the GM will tell you what

Fighting Style
o Battlefield Tactics
You’ve been trained in a variety of combat tricks and techniques.
Name your fighting style, and choose three maneuvers that are When you survey a battlefield or dangerous environment, ask the
part of your style: GM two of the following questions. The GM will answer truthfully.
o Swordbreaker: You disarm your opponent. • Where's the best way in, out, or through?
o Run Through: Your damage roll gets +3 piercing. • Where is the best place to make a defensive stand?
o Parry: The next damage roll made against you has • Where is the best place to attack from?
disadvantage. • What here is the biggest threat to me?
o Rallying Cry: Either you or an ally that can both see and
hear you heals 1d6 HP and shakes off any fear affecting o Setup Strike
o Crushing Blow: If your enemy has armor, reduce their When you Hack and Slash and get a 10+, you may choose to instead
armor by 1, to a minimum of zero. treat that as a 7-9 result. If you do, gain 1 Focus, up to your normal
o Feint: You create an opening for someone else to exploit; maximum of 3.
describe it, and the next person to take advantage of it gains
advantage on their roll when they do so. (You cannot gain o Armor Mastery
this benefit yourself) When you make your armor take the brunt of damage dealt to
o Disengage: You disengage from combat with your enemy you, the damage is negated but you must reduce the armor value of
and safely withdraw a few steps, either before or after both your armor or shield (your choice) by 1. The value is reduced each
of you would deal damage, your choice. time you make this choice. If the reduction leaves the item with 0
o Evil Eye: You draw the enemy’s attention fully to yourself, armor it is destroyed.
for as long as you keep eye contact.
o Sixth Sense: Ask two questions from the Discern Realities
list, right now. o Through Death’s Eyes
When you go into battle, roll+WIS. *On a 10+, name someone who
When you prepare yourself for battle (through careful will live and someone who will die. *On a 7-9, name someone who
strategizing, tranquil meditation, or otherwise), hold 3 Focus. will live or someone who will die. Name NPCs, not player
Your maximum Focus is 3. characters. The GM will make your vision come true, if it’s even
remotely possible. *On a 6-, you see your own death and
When you Hack and Slash, on a hit, in addition to your dealing your consequently have disadvantage on all rolls throughout the battle.
damage, you may also spend a Focus. If you do, you perform a
maneuver that is part of your style in addition to dealing your
damage. o Hard to Kill
When you would take your Last Breath, you may spend a Focus to
When you reach level 3, 6, or 9, choose an additional maneuver from instead set your HP to 1.
the list to add your style.
The Paladin Bonds (Fill in the names of your companions in at least one)

_______________’s misguided behavior endangers their very soul!

Name __________________________________
_______________ has stood by me in battle and can be trusted
Heritage _________________________ completely.

______________________________________________ I respect the beliefs of _______________ but hope they will

someday see the true way.
_______________ is a brave soul, I have much to learn from them.


Look (Choose one for each category)

Kind Eyes, Fiery Eyes, or Glowing Eyes
Helmet, Styled Hair, or Bald
Worn Holy Symbol, Fancy Holy Symbol, or Emblazoned Crest
Fit Body, Bulky Body, or Thin Body

Drive (Choose one)

o Chivalry
Endanger yourself to defend those weaker than you. Gear
Your maximum Load is 12. You start with dungeon rations (5 uses, 1
o Judgement weight), scale armor (2 armor, clumsy, 3 weight), and some mark of
Deny mercy to a criminal or unbeliever. your faith, describe it! Choose your weapon:
o Halberd (reach, +1 damage, two-handed, 2 weight)
o Long sword (close, +1 damage, 1 weight) and shield (+1 armor, 2
o Crusade weight)
Lead others in righteous battle. Choose one:
o Adventuring gear (5 uses, 1 weight)
o Healing potion (0 weight)

Vow of Duty (Choose one)

o Leadership
When you raise your voice, it carries far and cuts through even the
din of heavy battle. When you Recruit or Order Followers, your roll
gains advantage.

o Protection
While you are Defending, you may spend Zeal as if it were hold on

o Retribution
When you pray for guidance, even for a moment, and ask, “What
here is evil?” the GM will tell you honestly. Level____ Experience____________________
When you level up, choose to either take a new advanced move, or
increase one of your stats by 1, to a maximum of +2.
When you reach level 6 or higher, you may choose one of the
following options instead, but not more than once for each option:
o Increase one of your stats by 1, to a maximum of +3
o Gain an advanced move from another playbook
o Write a third Heritage move and draw a third Heritage box,
then mark all of your Heritage boxes
o When you Defend, on a 12+ instead of gaining hold the
nearest attacking creature is stymied, giving you a clear
advantage. The GM will describe it.
Assign these scores to your stats: +2, +1, +1, +0, +0, -1 Choose one of the following advanced moves to begin with:
o Lay on Hands
When you touch someone else, skin to skin, and pray for their
D6 +2 well-being, choose one of the following:
o Injured o Shaken o Sick • They heal 1d6+1 damage
INT WIS CHA Armor • They are cured of one mortal poison or disease
Then roll+CHA. *On a 10+, they are healed or cured, as you wished
it. *On a 7-9, they are healed or cured, but the effect is taxing; you
either spend 1 Zeal or whatever damage, poison, or disease you
o Muddled o Tired o Stressed healed is transferred to you.
o I Am the Law
When you give an NPC an order based on your righteous
Max HP: 20 authority, roll+CHA. *On a hit, the GM chooses one:
• They do what you say
You begin with the following moves: • They back away cautiously, then flee.
• They attack you
Armored *On a 10+, you also gain advantage on your next move against them.
*On a 6-, in addition to whatever the GM says, you get disadvantage
You ignore the clumsy tag on armor you wear.
on your next move against them.

Paladin’s Oath o Inquisition

You adhere to a strict moral code that grants you power beyond that
When you look into someone's eyes and gaze upon their soul,
wielded by normal folk. Choose up to four tenets of your oath:
roll+CHA. *On a 10+, hold 2. *On a 7-9, hold 1. *On a 6-, hold 1
o Never lie or cheat anyway, but they also hold 1 on you. While in their presence, spend a
o Always protect the weak hold to ask their player one of the following and get an honest
o Never let a crime go unpunished
o Always offer enemies mercy
• Are you lying?
o Never refuse to help someone in need
• Are you hiding something from me?
o Never indulge in mortal pleasures
If they answer "yes", gain advantage on your next move against
o Never let a ________ live (this tenet supersedes any tenet of
mercy) them.

When you spend some time in religious observance, hold an o Beacon of Hope
amount of Zeal equal to the number of tenets of your oath. When you When you make a heroic stand against the coming darkness,
act in service to your oath, you may spend a Zeal to: anyone standing on the front lines with you gains 1 Zeal, which they
• Act despite pain, fear, or doubt can spend just like you do. When the darkness is defeated or you
• Act suddenly and with conviction, catching your foe off- withdraw from the front lines or fall, this Zeal is lost if it hasn't
guard been used yet.
• Gain advantage on your damage roll and add the forceful
tag to your attack
• Stand fast, keeping your position, stance, and course despite o Quest
what befalls you When you dedicate yourself to a mission through prayer and
ritual cleansing, state what you set out to do (such as discover the
When you break a tenet of your oath, lose any held Zeal, and that truth about something, or slay a blight on the land). The GM will
tenet does not count when you gain Zeal again until you atone for give you a blessing (such as a voice that transcends language, or an
your misdeeds; the GM will tell you what you must do. invulnerability to bladed weapons); stay true to your goal, and this
blessing remains yours. When you complete your Quest, mark XP.
When you level up, you may cross off one of your tenets if you feel
that you have fulfilled it completely or it no longer applies to you; if o Smite
you do, you may select a new tenet in exchange. You may only do
When you Hack and Slash a creature of darkness or chaos, on a
this once.
hit, you may spend a Zeal; if you do, your damage roll gains
advantage. If you spend Zeal and got a 10+, also choose one :
• You banish them if they lack anchor to this world
• You brand them as an agent of chaos or darkness, describe
how you mark them
• You break their resolve, the GM will describe how

o Shield of Faith
When you bear a shield, it can turn away spells, magical effects, and
insubstantial attacks as if they were physical blows.
The Ranger Bonds (Fill in the names of your companions in at least one)

I have guided __________ before and they owe me for it.

Name __________________________________
__________ is a friend of nature, so I will be their friend as well.
Heritage _________________________
__________ has no respect for nature, so I have no respect for them.
__________ does not understand life in the wild, I will teach them.


Look (Choose one for each category)

Wild Eyes, Sharp Eyes, or Animal Eyes
Hooded Head, Wild Hair, or Bald
Camouflaged Clothing, Dark Clothing, or All-Weather Clothing
Long Shanks, Lean Body, or Rugged Body

Drive (Choose one)

o Wildling Gear
Eschew a convention of the civilized world. Your Load is 10. You start with dungeon rations (5 uses, 1 weight),
leather armor (1 armor, 1 weight), a fine bow (near, far, 2 weight),
and bundle of arrows (3 ammo, 1 weight). Choose two:
o Naturalist o Short sword (close, 1 weight) and bandages (3 uses, 0 weight)
Help an animal or spirit of the wild. o Spear (reach, thrown, near, 1 weight) and poultices and herbs (2
uses, 1 weight)
o Sentinel o Adventuring gear (5 uses, 1 weight)
o Bundle of arrows (3 ammo, 1 weight) and antitoxin (0 weight)
Endanger yourself to combat an unnatural threat.

Call of the Wild (Choose one)

o Hunter
When you spend a few moments scanning your surroundings, you
can ask the GM "What tracks or signs of passage are here?" When
you Discern Realities by studying tracks or signs of passage, gain
advantage on the roll, and add "Where did they go?" to the list of
questions you may ask.

o Guide
You can always find your way back to a place you have been to
before without Defying Danger from getting lost or any natural
rough terrain, and “Find magnetic north” is a Heritage move for you.
When you Undertake a Perilous Journey, you automatically take the
10+ result on whatever job you choose.
Level____ Experience____________________
When you level up, choose to either take a new advanced move, or
o Warden increase one of your stats by 1, to a maximum of +2.
When you Spout Lore about a monster, you roll with WIS instead When you reach level 6 or higher, you may choose one of the
of INT. Additionally, choose a favorite type of enemy such as following options instead, but not more than once for each option:
dragons, giants, goblin-kin, or demons: ______________________ o Increase one of your stats by 1, to a maximum of +3
Add the following to the list of questions for Skirmisher: o Gain an advanced move from another playbook
• Am I fighting my favorite type of enemy? o Write a third Heritage move and draw a third Heritage box,
then mark all of your Heritage boxes
o When you Volley, on a 12+ your shot hits a vital point,
ignoring armor and debilitating or crippling the target
somehow. The GM will describe it.
Assign these scores to your stats: +2, +1, +1, +0, +0, -1 Choose one of the following advanced moves to begin with:
o Blot Out the Sun
When you Volley, you may spend ammo before rolling. For each
D6 +1 point of ammo spent you may choose an extra target. Roll once and
o Injured o Shaken o Sick apply damage to all targets.
o Scavenger
When you scavenge the land for supplies, choose one of the
o Muddled o Tired o Stressed following: food, water, shelter, clothing, medicine, simple weapons
or armor, then roll+WIS. *On a hit, you can make or find what you're
HP looking for, within reason. *On a 7-9, also choose one:
• It takes a long time to find or make
• The quality is poor, it may fail at an inconvenient time
Max HP: 18 • You draw or create trouble while you're scavenging

You begin with the following moves: o Camouflage

When you keep still in natural surroundings, enemies never spot
Scout Ahead you until you do something to reveal yourself. When you move with
When you go off on your own to explore a dangerous area, say care and calm, you make no noise and leave no sign of your
how you do it and roll+DEX. *On a hit, you make it back safely; the passage.
GM will describe what you encountered. *On a 10+, choose three.
*On a 7-9, choose one:
• Ask a question from the Discern Realities list about what
o Wild Empathy
you encountered (you may choose this more than once) You can speak with and understand animals, and you can closely
• You were able to sneak something out of there; the GM will study and Parley with them as if they were people, and you may also
tell you what you got Recruit animals as if they were followers.
• You made some preparation or created some advantage to
exploit upon your return; work out the details with the GM o Pathfinder
• You got away clean, leaving no trace and rousing no When you Defy Danger to overcome a natural obstacle or
suspicion difficult terrain, on a hit, you may also bring one of your
*On a 6-, choose one: companions through with you safely. Whatever you roll, you may
• You make it back, but with trouble hot on your heels! The sacrifice a piece of your gear to ignore a consequence—whichever
GM will tell you what follows you piece is most readily at hand or makes the most sense. If this is
• You're missing in action; the details will be revealed later adventuring gear that is still undefined, say what it is now.

Skirmisher o Trick Shot

When you enter a battle, answer the following questions: When you make an improbable bow shot with an unusual effect,
• Am I neither encumbered, nor wearing armor with the describe what you want to happen and roll+DEX. *On a 10+, the
clumsy tag? GM will tell you one thing you have to do to pull off the shot. *On a
• Have I scouted this threat? 7-9, up to three things.
• Is there ample room to maneuver here? • Spend some time lining up the shot
• Is the enemy much larger than I am? • Get into a vulnerable position
• Spend 1 ammo
For each question you answered "yes" to, hold 1 Readiness. During • Sacrifice or endanger something important
the battle, you may spend a Readiness to accomplish one of the
following, describing how you do it:
• Draw an enemy's attention to you and lure them into a bad o Trapper
position When you set a trap, describe how you set it, which may include
• Close the distance between you and an enemy before they paying a cost described by the GM, then choose two effects from the
can react following list:
• Disengage from melee range of an enemy, avoiding any • The trap deals your damage to the target
retaliation • The target is ensnared and cannot escape until it breaks the
• Evade a hazard on the battlefield without Defying Danger trap; strong monsters can break out of the trap faster
• The trap sets off a loud alarm; no matter where you are,
you'll hear it or be able to sense when it goes off
• The target's leg is crippled; its ability to run is impaired until
the injury is healed
• The target is moved a short distance
When a monster stumbles into your trap, roll+WIS. *On a 10+,
you get both effects. *On a 7-9, you get one, your choice.
The Thief Bonds (Fill in the names of your companions in at least one)

I stole something from ____________.

Name __________________________________
____________ has my back when things go wrong.
Heritage _________________________
____________ knows incriminating details about me.
____________ and I have worked together on a job before.


Look (Choose one for each category)

Shifty Eyes, Eyepatch, or Criminal Eyes
Hooded Head, Messy Hair, or Cropped Hair
Dark Clothes, Fancy Clothes, or Common Clothes
Lean Body, Tense Body, or Quick Body

Drive (Choose one)

o Treasure Hunter
Take a major risk to acquire something valuable. Your maximum Load is 9. You start with dungeon rations (5 uses, 1
weight), leather armor (1 armor, 1 weight), and thieves' tools (1
weight). Choose your armaments:
o Infiltrator o Dagger (hand, 1 weight) and short sword (close, 1 weight)
Infiltrate a secure or dangerous location. o Rapier (close, precise, 1 weight)
Choose two:
o 3 throwing daggers (thrown, near, 0 weight) and antitoxin
o Daredevil o Ragged bow (near, 2 weight) and bundle of arrows (3 ammo, 1
Leap into danger without a plan. weight)
o Adventuring gear (5 uses, 1 weight)
o Healing potion

Shadowcraft (Choose one)

o Burglar
When you Discern Realities or use Danger Sense, you may ask the
GM “What here is useful or valuable to me?” for free, even on a

o Assassin
Add the following to the list of options for Backstab:
• You temporarily disable one of their limbs or senses
When you Backstab, on a 10+ you get three choices from the list
instead of two.

o Trickster Level____ Experience____________________

When you use lies, bluster, or deception to avoid suspicion or get When you level up, choose to either take a new advanced move, or
out of trouble, roll+CHA. *On 10+, hold 3. *On 7-9, hold 1. Spend increase one of your stats by 1, to a maximum of +2.
a hold to: When you reach level 6 or higher, you may choose one of the
• Move about or maneuver unchallenged following options instead, but not more than once for each option:
• Withstand direct scrutiny or questioning o Increase one of your stats by 1, to a maximum of +3
• Direct suspicion or attention elsewhere o Gain an advanced move from another playbook
• Provide cover for an ally o Write a third Heritage move and draw a third Heritage box,
then mark all of your Heritage boxes
o When you Defy Danger, on a 12+ you transcend the danger.
The GM will also offer you a better outcome, or a moment
of grace.
Assign these scores to your stats: +2, +1, +1, +0, +0, -1 Choose one of the following advanced moves to begin with:
o Connections
When you put out word to the criminal underbelly about
D6 +1 something you want or need, roll+CHA. *On a 10+, someone has
o Injured o Shaken o Sick it, just for you. *On a 7-9, you'll have to settle for something close or
INT WIS CHA Armor it comes with strings attached, your call.

o Shoot First
o Muddled o Tired o Stressed You're never caught by surprise. When an enemy would get the
drop on you, you get to act first instead.
o Disguise
Max HP: 16 When you have time and materials, you can create a disguise that
will fool anyone into thinking you're another creature of about the
same size and shape. Your actions can give you away but your
You begin with the following moves: appearance won't.

Danger Sense
o Escape Route
When you take a moment to survey an area, you may ask the GM
"Is there an ambush or trap here?" If the answer is "yes", roll+WIS. When you're in too deep and need a way out, name your escape
*On a 10+, ask the GM three questions from the list below. *On a 7- route and roll+DEX. *On a hit, you're gone. *On a 7-9, you leave
9, ask one. something behind or take something with you, the GM will tell you
• What will trigger the trap or ambush?
• What will happen once it's triggered?
• How could it be disarmed or thwarted? o Poisoner
• What else should I be on the lookout for? When you have you have time to gather materials and a safe
place to brew, you can create up to three doses of poison. Describe
what effects your poison has, and the GM will give you one or more
Backstab caveats:
When you attack an unaware foe in melee, either deal your damage • It will only work under specific circumstances
or roll+DEX. *On a 10+, deal your damage and pick two. *On a 7-9,
• You'll need ___________ to make it
deal your damage and pick one.
• The best you can manage is a weaker version
• Your damage roll gains advantage
• It'll take a while to take effect
• You slip away before they can react or strike back
• It's dangerous for anyone to handle—including you
• You stun or hamper them for a few moments, anyone taking
• It'll have obvious or undesirable side effects
advantage of this gains advantage
• You steal a visible, unprotected item off of their person;
they won't notice it's gone until you flaunt that you have it o Heist
• You reduce their armor by 1 until they repair it When you take time to make a plan to steal something, name the
thing you want to steal and ask the GM two the following questions:
Tricks of the Trade • Who will notice it's missing?
• What's its most powerful defense?
When you pick locks or pockets or disable traps, roll+DEX. *On a
10+, you do it, no problem. *On a 7-9, you still do it, but the GM • Who will come after it?
will offer you two options between suspicion, danger, or cost. • Who else wants it?
The first time someone acts on an answer, they gain advantage.

o Like a Ghost
When you roll for another move that you want to perform in a
clandestine manner, you may choose options equal to your DEX or
less (but not fewer than none), and then tell the other players:
• ...how you draw attention elsewhere instead of to you
• ...how you stay out of sight
• ...that you remain silent
• ...why you leave no trace behind
*On a 10+, all that you say is true. *On a 7-9, the GM chooses one of
your statements to be false, the others are true. *On a 6-, no
The Wizard Bonds (Fill in the names of your companions in at least one)

__________ will play an important role in the events to come. I have

Name __________________________________ foreseen it!
Heritage _________________________ __________ is keeping an important secret from me.

______________________________________________ __________ is woefully misinformed about the world; I will teach

them all that I can.


Look (Choose one for each category)

Haunted Eyes, Sharp Eyes, or Crazy Eyes
Styled Hair, Wild Hair, or Pointed Hat
Worn Robes, Stylish Robes, or Strange Robes
Pudgy Body, Creepy Body, or Thin Body

Drive (Choose one)

o Power
Use your magic to command the respect of others or enhance your Your Load is 7. You start with dungeon rations (5 uses, 1 weight), a
prestige. staff (close, 2-handed, 1 weight) and an arcane treasure through
which you draw power; describe it! Choose two:
o Enchanted robes (1 armor, 1 weight)
o Knowledge o Poultices and herbs (2 uses, 1 weight)
Discover something about a magical mystery. o Bag of books (5 uses, 2 weight)
o Adventuring gear (5 uses, 1 weight)
o Dagger (hand, 1 weight) and antitoxin
o Weird
Confront or embrace something strange or other-worldly.

Art of Magic (Choose one)

o Arcane Student
When you Cast a Spell, you ignore any disadvantage you have from
ongoing spells.

o Natural Gift
When a magical effect happens close by, you can feel it, and tell
roughly which direction and how far it is from you.

o Sorcerous Pact
You learned your magic from someone--or something else. Describe
them, and the GM will tell you their agenda. When you perform a
Ritual which advances their agenda, and they consent to aid you Level____ Experience____________________
(GM's call), you may ignore one condition the GM tell you for the When you level up, choose to either take a new advanced move, or
Ritual. increase one of your stats by 1, to a maximum of +2.
When you reach level 6 or higher, you may choose one of the
following options instead, but not more than once for each option:
o Increase one of your stats by 1, to a maximum of +3
o Gain an advanced move from another playbook
o Write a third Heritage move and draw a third Heritage box,
then mark all of your Heritage boxes
o When you Spout Lore, on a 12+ the GM will also ask you a
question about the subject. Whatever you answer, it is the
Assign these scores to your stats: +2, +1, +1, +0, +0, -1 Choose one of the following advanced moves to begin with:
o Antiquarian
When you closely examine an interesting object for the first time,
D6 -1 roll+INT. *On a 10+, ask the GM three of the following questions.
o Injured o Shaken o Sick *On 7-9, ask two. *On a 6-, ask two anyway, but the GM will give
INT WIS CHA Armor you a false answer for one of them:
• What does this do, or what does it signify?
• What is it made of?
• Who created this object and how old is it?
o Muddled o Tired o Sick • Who used this object last?
HP • What has been done to or with it recently?
• What's wrong with it and how could it be fixed?
• Does this have magical properties, and if so, what are they?
Max HP: 12
o Counterspell
You begin with the following moves: When you counter a magical spell as it is being cast, roll+INT.
*On a 10+, the spell is successfully countered. *On a 7-9, choose
Cast a Spell one:
You have mastered the workings of magic. Take the Wizard domains • The spell is countered, but the unraveled magic causes some
sheet. You begin with mastery of the Cantrip domain. Choose two undesirable collateral damage or side effects
more domains that you have mastered, and choose one Bane • The spell is only partially countered, a weaker version gets
from the following list as well (or work with the GM to make up through
your own Bane): • The spell is countered, but you are left vulnerable elsewhere
o While you cannot speak clearly, you do not have both hands
free, or you wear or wield something made of metal, you o Spellbreaker
cannot cast a spell.
When you unweave an ongoing magical effect, roll+INT. *On a
o When you cast a spell, if the dice are doubles, you also lose
10+, choose two. *On a 7-9, choose one.
1d6 HP (ignores armor)
• The magic doesn't return after a short time
o Your magic is granted to you by a greater power, and they
will occasionally make demands of you. Ignore them at • A weaker version of the magic doesn't linger
your peril. • The unwoven magic doesn't lash out and harm anything
o When you Cast a Spell, if either of the dice show a 1, a bit
of taint or corruption warps the area around you, the GM o Empower
will describe how. Rest assured, it will be to your detriment. When you Cast a Spell, on a 10+ you may choose from the 7-9 list. If
you do, you get 3 Power instead of 2 Power.
When you weave a spell using one of your mastered domains,
roll+INT. *On a 10+, you get 2 Power to spend on your spell. *On a
7-9, you get 1 Power, and choose one of the following as well: o Magic Circle
• Your spell will have some undesirable side effect or When you have adequate time, arcane materials, and a safe place
limitation. to work, you can create your own place of power. Describe to the
• You draw unwelcome attention or put yourself in a spot. GM what kind of power it is and how you’re binding it to this place,
• The spell disturbs the fabric of reality as it is cast; you have which may include paying a cost described by the GM, and the GM
disadvantage to Cast a Spell until you take some time to rest will tell you one problem or limitation that you’ll have to deal with in
and refocus yourself. using it.

When you reach level 3, 6, or 9, choose an additional domain from o Arcane Eye
the list to master.
When you are in the presence of something magical, the GM will
point it out to you. Gathering more information may require further
Ritual effort on your part.
When you draw on a place of power to create a magical effect, tell When you Discern Realities, you may also ask "What mystic
the GM what you're trying to achieve. Ritual effects are always energies or influences are present here?" for free, even on a miss.
possible, but the GM will give you one to four of the following
o Mystic Tether
• It's going to take days/weeks/months
While a spell you cast is ongoing on another person, you may aid,
• First you must ________
interfere, or study them closely, no matter where they are, and you
• You'll need help from ________
gain advantage when you do so.
• It will require a lot of money
• The effect will be unreliable or limited
• You and your allies will risk danger from ________
• You'll have to disenchant ________ to do it
Cantrip o Conjuration
You conjure a minor magical effect. Choose one: You summon forth a magical construct, which aids you as best it can.
• An item you touch glows with arcane light, about as bright Describe what you call forth! Treat it as your character, but with
as a torch, until you dispel it or it leaves your presence access to only the basic moves. It has a +1 modifier for all stats, HP
• You make cosmetic changes to an object you touch: clean it, equal to your level, and uses your damage modifier. The construct
soil it, cool it, warm it, flavor it, or change its color also gets your choice of one of these traits for each Power:
• You repair a single break or tear in an object you touch • It has +2 instead of +1 to one stat (may be chosen more than
• You slowly telekinetically lift, move, or manipulate an once)
object weighing no more than one pound. • It’s not reckless
Power has no effect on this spell, just ignore it. • Its damage rolls gain advantage
• It has some useful adaptation or secondary ability
o Divination The construct persists until destroyed or you dismiss it. While this
You conjure a vision through space and time. Answer one question spell is ongoing, you have disadvantage to Cast a Spell.
yourself, then ask the GM one question for each Power:
• Who do I see? o Enchantment
• What circumstance are they in? You wrap a beguiling charm around a target you can see. Choose one
• What do I see happening to them? effect for each Power:
• What consequences will this have? • They cannot harm you, except in self-defense
The GM’s answers represent the most likely outcome based on the • They must act single-mindedly upon a strong emotion that
current situation. The GM will try to make your vision come true if they already are feeling
possible, but it is not infallible. • They fall into a light sleep or stand entranced, until
something shakes them out of it
o Evocation • They will truthfully answer one question you ask them
You summon a bolt of magical energy, which strikes a target you can • They will have no memory of what you had them do or that
see for 1d6+1 damage. Choose one of the following for each Power: they were ever enchanted, even after the spell ends
• The attack is forceful The enchantment lasts until they leave your presence, the effect you
• A second target nearby takes half of the damage chose is completed or violated, or until you choose to end it. While
• The damage ignores armor this spell is ongoing, you have disadvantage to Cast a Spell.
• The attack is elemental in nature; fire, ice, or lightning
• The attack debilitates or restrains your target instead of
o Necromancy
dealing damage; describe how, and the GM will tell you You bind the energy of life and death that surrounds all creatures.
how effective it is Choose one effect for each Power:
• A corpse you touch answers any three questions you ask to
o Illusion the best of the knowledge it had in life or gained in death
You create an illusion upon someone or something you can touch, • No undead may come within reach of you until the next
changing its appearance or rendering it invisible. This illusion lasts time you cast a spell
as long as you concentrate on it, or until someone interacts with it to • You fill a target you can see with supernatural fear, they
prove it an illusion. Choose one additional effect for each Power. choose to flee from you, panic, cower, or fight in
• Your illusion can include smells and flavors desperation, until the next time you cast a spell
• Your illusion can include sounds • You inflict a curse upon a target you can see. The next
• Your illusion can move, independent of its original damage roll made against them gets advantage
appearance (you must choose this option if your target is a • You weaken a target you can see. The next damage roll they
person, otherwise the illusion breaks if they move) make gets disadvantage
• Your illusion lasts for a short time after you stop
concentrating o Transmutation
While this spell is ongoing, you have disadvantage to Cast a Spell. You alter yourself or a person you touch. Choose one effect from the
list or an additional target for each Power, describing how you grant
o Abjuration them the chosen effects.
Cast this spell as you place a ward upon an area, object, or a circle • They gain advantage to all rolls made with one stat of your
you have drawn. Choose one option for each Power: choice and disadvantage to all rolls made with another stat
• No magic, save your own, can cross the ward of the GM’s choice
• Choose a type of creature; they cannot cross the ward • Any damage rolls made against them get disadvantage
• The first creature to touch, cross, or disturb your ward takes • They gain the ability to breathe under water
1d6+1 damage • They gain the ability to see clearly in the dark
• When your ward is touched or crossed, it will set off an • They gain the ability to levitate, floating gently either up or
alarm. No matter where you are, you'll know about it down as they choose
• The inside of the ward is concealed from anyone outside, The effects last until you choose to end them. While this spell is
even against magical scrying ongoing, you have disadvantage to Cast a Spell.
You may exempt a number of creatures equal to your level from your
effect. The ward lasts until it is erased or otherwise disrupted.
The Immolator Bonds (Fill in the names of your companions in at least one)

___________ has felt the hellish touch of fire, now they know my
Name __________________________________ strength.
Heritage _________________________ I will teach ____________ the true meaning of sacrifice.

______________________________________________ I cast something into the fire for ___________ and still owe them
their due.


Look (Choose one for each category)

Smoldering eyes, Warm eyes, Searing eyes
Strange brands, Ritual scars, Perfect skin
Imperious bearing, Manic attitude, Barely-hidden rage
Crackling voice, Whispering voice, Roaring voice

Drive (Choose one)

o Firebrand
Spread a dangerous new idea.
Your Load is 8. You carry no weapons and need no armor but the
flames that burn within you. You begin with dungeon rations (5 uses,
o Destruction 1 weight), and a symbol of your sacrifices past, describe it! Choose
Utterly obliterate something significant or meaningful (not one:
necessarily a physical object). o Healing potion (0 weight)
o Adventuring gear (5 uses, 1 weight)
o Torment
Freely sacrifice of yourself to bring about a good result.

Fire in the Blood (Choose one)

o Dragon-Blooded
Non-magical heat and fire do not harm you, and when you use Zuko
Style, on a 10+, the flame will persist a short time without fuel.

o Infernal Touch
Your Burning Brand does not have uses; it lasts as long as you wish
instead. Your Burning Brand is also not dangerous, but instead a
living and hungry thing; make sure you feed it, or else.

o Phoenix Soul
When you go out in a blaze of glory and would take your Last
Breath, the flames intervene on your behalf; you return to life with Level____ Experience____________________
1d6 HP and with something inherent and valuable to you sacrificed When you level up, choose to either take a new advanced move, or
to the flames; the GM will say what. increase one of your stats by 1, to a maximum of +2.
When you reach level 6 or higher, you may choose one of the
following options instead, but not more than once for each option:
o Increase one of your stats by 1, to a maximum of +3
o Gain an advanced move from another playbook
o Write a third Heritage move and draw a third Heritage box,
then mark all of your Heritage boxes
o When you conjure your burning brand, on a 12+, choose
three options.
Assign these scores to your stats: +2, +1, +1, +0, +0, -1 Choose one of the following advanced moves to begin with:
o From Hell’s Heart
When you summon fire with any of your moves, you may replace
D6 +1 it with the black fires of hell itself. This fire does not burn with heat
o Injured o Shaken o Sick and ignores armor, scorching the soul itself. Creatures without souls
INT WIS CHA Armor cannot be harmed by this type of flame.

o Fighting Fire with Fire

o Muddled o Tired o Stressed When you take damage, the flames within you come to your aid;
choose one:
HP • Add 1 use to your Burning Brand (if active)
• Gain advantage next time you summon your Burning Brand
• Reduce the damage by 1
Max HP: 16
o Lore of Flame
You begin with the following moves: When you stare into a source of fire, looking for answers,
roll+WIS. *On a hit, the GM will tell you something new and
Burning Brand interesting about the current situation. *On a 10+, the GM will give
When you conjure a weapon of pure flame, describe its shape and you good detail. *On a 7-9, the GM will give you an impression. If
roll+CON. *On a 10+, choose two of the following tags. *On a 7-9 you already know all there is to know, the GM will tell you that.
choose one:
• close
o Cleansing Flames
• reach
When you Make Camp around a large bonfire, choose one. When
• thrown and near
you engulf yourself in a large and very powerful flame, or
• advantage on damage rolls
perform a ritual before such a blaze, choose two:
• remove the dangerous tag
• You are healed to your full HP
The weapon always begins with the fiery, hand, precise, dangerous,
and 3 uses tags. Each attack with the weapon consumes one use. • You are cured of a debility of your choice
When all of the weapon’s uses are consumed, it is extinguished, • You regrow any lost limbs
but it can be summoned again. • You are purged of any mortal poisons or diseases

Zuko Style o This Killing Fire

When you bend a flame to your will, roll+WIS. *On a 10+ it does Add the following tags to your options for Burning Brand:
as you command, taking the shape and movement you desire for as • messy
long as it has fuel on which to burn. *On a 7-9, the effect is short- • forceful
lived, lasting only a moment. • thrown and far

Give Me Fuel, Give Me Fire o Enkindler

When you gaze intensely into someone eyes, you may ask their When you speak firmly and passionately to an NPC, choose one of
player “What fuels the flames of your desire?” they’ll answer with the following and roll+CHA. *On a hit, the desired effect comes to
the truth, even if the character does not know or would otherwise pass. *On a 7-9, the effect is only fleeting.
keep this hidden. • You instill in them a new idea, which they take to with
• You bolster their resolve, removing all sense of fear and
• You belittle them, forcing them to back down—for now

o Twice as Bright, Half as Long

When you call upon the flames of fate, you may treat one of your
missed rolls as a 7-9, or a 7-9 as a 10+. Tell the GM what you’ve lost
to make this come to pass; an emotion, a memory, or some innate
piece of your being; it’s gone forever, right now. The flames will
then make a request of you, big, or small (the GM will say exactly
what). You may not use this move again until you have fulfilled their
wishes, refusing to do so may have dire consequences.
The Extra
Assign these scores to your stats: +2, +1, +1, +0, +0, -1

Name _____________________________________ D6 +0
o Injured o Shaken o Sick
Look (Choose one for each category) INT WIS CHA Armor
Ordinary Hair, Wide-Brimmed Hat, or Helmet
Plain Uniform, Work Clothes, or Traveler’s Clothes
Covered Face, Earnest Face, or Surly Face
o Muddled o Tired o Stressed
Job (Choose one)
o Warrior
Increase your damage bonus to +1. Max HP: 10
You get the following moves:
o Expert Expertise
When you use your area of expertise, you roll with advantage. You are an expert in a certain field. Choose your area of expertise:
o Herbalism and medicine (WIS)
o Adept o Pathfinding and survival in the wilds (WIS)
You may cast Cantrips as if you were a Wizard. o Infiltration and burglary (DEX)
o Esteem in a certain social circle (tell us what!) (CHA)
o The trade and appraisal of exotic artifacts (INT)
Gear o Protection and guarding (CON)
o Brute force and heavy hands (STR)
Your maximum Load is 4. You start with a basic melee weapon of
o Skilled craftsmanship (tell us your field, and the GM will
your choice (close, 1 weight), and choose one:
choose the stat most appropriate)
o Ragged bow (near, 2 weight), and bundle of arrows (3 ammo, 1
When you perform a feat, task, or Spout Lore relevant to your
o Leather armor (1 armor, 1 weight)
area of expertise, roll+the indicated stat. *On a 10+, you accomplish
o Adventuring gear (5 uses, 1 weight)
your task. *On a 7-9, you still succeed, but the GM will offer you a
worse outcome, hard bargain, or ugly choice.

Ace in the Hole

When things are looking bad, you have a special advantage to help
you out of a tight spot. Choose one, but don’t describe it until it
comes up in play, and reveal it when you need it:
o The favor of someone powerful
o A web of contacts (choose either well-placed or loyal)
o Membership in a guild (choose either prestigious or
o A hideout (choose either secret or fortified)

You have neither Heritage, Drive, or Bonds; you’re here because you
got hired to do a job. You can never gain XP.

When you sacrifice yourself trying to accomplish something,

choose one:
• The other characters learn from your death; tell us what they
• You give them an opening; say how you temporarily hold
back or impede a threat just long enough for someone to
take advantage of the opening
• You were just doing your job; tell us something you
managed to do before dying, such as opening up a locked
door, taking out a minor enemy, or doing the thing you were
The Extra is a supporting character which can be used when you have a hired for
guest player at your table, or if a player’s regular character is off doing At the end of the session, if you are still alive, any XP you would
something else. They're good for a quick taste of the game, when you need gain from answering the End of Session questions may be applied to
some expendable minions, or a one-shot scenario or situation. Don't feel bad another character you own, or will make in the future.
about letting them die; they are Expendable, after all.

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