5 - Childhood Psychiatric Disorder (2017!06!02 23-15-39 UTC)
5 - Childhood Psychiatric Disorder (2017!06!02 23-15-39 UTC)
5 - Childhood Psychiatric Disorder (2017!06!02 23-15-39 UTC)
Teketel Tegegn
MD, Neuropsychiatrist .
1. Intellectual Disability
2. Autism spectrum disorder
3. ADHD- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
4. Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder
5. Disruptive behavior disorder
6. Elimination disorder- Enuresis
• Frequently co-occur
– Individuals with autism spectrum disorder often
have intellectual disability
– Children with ADHD will have a specific learning
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DSM-5 criteria
Onset during the developmental period that
includes both intellectual and adaptive
functioning - Deficits in conceptual, social, and
practical domains.
The following three criteria must be met:
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Psychosocial support
Minimize the sequelae or consequent disabilities
o Training in
o adaptive skills
o communication skill
o social skills
o vocation
No cure, only improve the quality of life
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Pharmacotherapy – of comorbidity
• Methylphenidate –ADHD
• Risperidone–ADHD; aggression and self-injurious
• Lithium - aggression and self-injurious behavior
• Carbamazepine and valproic acid - aggressive
behavior, seizure
• Antidepressants (SSRI, TCA)- depression,
– SSRI’s for pervasive developmental disorder,
• Antipsychotic medications: repetitive self-
stimulatory behaviors, explosive rages
• Beta-blockers- propranolol: explosive rages
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2. Autism Spectrum Disorder
DSM-IV TR diagnosis of
• Autistic disorder
• Asperger’s disorder
• Childhood disintegrative disorder
• Rett's disorder
• Pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise
DSM 5 criteria
Associated features
Multifactorial disorders
A. Genetics
B. Environmental Pollutants and Toxins
C. Vaccines, Viruses and Impaired Immune Systems
D. Nutrition, Food Sensitivities and Digestive
E. Additional in utero Factors
A.Behavioral programs
• Careful training of parents in the concepts and
skills of behavior modification
• Structural classroom training – in combination with
behavioral methods
• “Facilitated communication” technique
B. Pharmacotherapy
To control behavioral/additional symptoms
1. Atypical antipsychotics
2. Lithium
3. SSRI’s
4. Methylphenidate
5. Anticonvulsants
C. Dietary
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3. ADHD- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
• Persistent pattern of
– inattention
– hyperactivity
– impulsive behavior
ADHD-Diagnostic criteria(DSM 5)
Minimum of six symptoms from each group
o Inattention
o Hyperactivity-impulsivity
Several symptoms were present prior to age 12
A minimum duration of 6 months
Persistent symptoms
Impairment in two or more settings
Three major components
1. Inattention
2. Hyperactivity
3. Impulsivity
1. Inattention
2. Hyperactivity
3. Impulsivity
Not known
o Amphetamines & amphetamine like substances
o Methylphenidate
Other drugs
o Bupropion –with commorbid depression
o Clonidine –tic disorder
o Tricyclics –despiramine (?safety concern)
o Antipsychotics
o Modafinil –used for narcolepsy
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Behavioral therapy
8. Has been spiteful or vindictive(mean, malicious,
unkind) at least twice within the past 6 months.
Destruction of Property
8. Has deliberately engaged in fire setting with the
intention of causing serious damage.
9. Has deliberately destroyed others’ property
(other than by fire setting).
Deceitfulness or Theft
10. Has broken into someone else’s house, building,
or car.
11. Often lies to obtain goods or favours or to avoid
obligations (i.e., “cons” others).
12. Has stolen items of nontrivial value without
confronting a victim (e.g., shoplifting, but without
breaking and entering: forgery).
No single factor - combination of biological,
environmental, and psychological factors
A- Environmental
1. Parental Factors-Harsh, punitive parenting -
severe physical and verbal aggression
– Chaotic home conditions, Divorce
– Sociopathy, alcohol dependence, and substance
abuse in the parents
2. Socioeconomic - growing up in urban
environments; Unemployed parents, etc.
B. Biological
– Neurobiological Factors - Neurotransmitters-
NE, serotonine,
– EEG abnormalities
C. Psychological
– Unresolved conflicts as fueling aggressive
behaviors towards authority figures(oppositional
defiant disorder)
– Reinforced, learned behavior; poor modeling of
impulse control
o Behavioral
o Family therapy
• Drugs rarely required
– For the most severe cases
– For impulse control, very aggressive behaviour
• Anticonvulsants such as valproate or
• Antipsychotics – Risperdal, haloperidol
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6. Enuresis
(Elimination Disorder)
DSM 5 criteria
A. Enuresis is the repeated voiding of urine into a
child's clothes or bed – whether involuntary or
• Pass urine in the toilet just before bedtime
• Desmopressin
• Tricyclic antidepressants
– decrease the amount of time spent in REM
– stimulate vasopressin secretion
– relax the detrusor muscle
Imipramine, Amitryptyline