03 Literature Review

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[Britt; Jeffery s. (tucswon.AZ) Wiedeman; Scott (Tucson.AZ) 2012]

They have presented an experimental investigation to study a semiconductor material

used in a PV cell and its importance in determining the efficiency of the solar cell at various
parameters such as regards to behavior with respect to temperature, weight and as well as other
parameters with which it is used and all those contribute to the deciding factor of efficiency of
the PV cell The inventor has conducted many experimental researchers to devise improvised
methods and apparatus for forming thin film layers of semiconductor materials.

The field of photovoltaics generally relates to multi-layer materials, converts sun light
directly into DC Electrical Power. The basic mechanism for this conversion is “The Photovoltaic
Effect”. Solar cells are typically configured as a co-operating sandwich of P-Type and N-Type
semiconductors, in which the N-Type semi conductor material (on one side of the sandwich)
exhibits an excess of electrons and the P-Type semiconductor material (on the other side of the
sandwich) exhibits an excess of holes each of which signifies the absence of the an electron.

[Ho; Frank. (Yorba Linda, CA) Yeh; Milton Y (Santa Monica, CA) 1995]

Has worked on in improving the efficiency of Solar Cells. They have found that the
efficiency of the solar cell varies from 15% to 22% and innovations are being carried out by
changing the combination of semiconductor material in the PV cell and find out improved
efficiency. The inventor has analyzed the properties of semiconductor material thoroughly and
has come out with a combination of cells- cascaded cell, permits achieving more than overall
efficiency of 23%.

Up to the present time it has been proposed to use either Germanium or Gallium Arsenide
as the substrate for solar cell in which the principal active junction is formed of N-Type and P-
Type Gallium Arsenide. Attempts are continuing at developing solar cells that efficiently use as
much of solar spectrum as possible. In order to catch as much as possible protons, the
semiconductor used in the solar cell must be designed for a small band gap, since the
semiconductor material is otherwise transparent to radiation with proton energy less than the
band gap.

[Bareis; Bernard F (Plano,TX) and Goei; E Esmond T. (Dublin, CA) 2004]

They have investigated on the concentrating solar energy receivers. In their study they
have commented that the solar collectors can be classified into focusing type (concentrating
type) and Non – focusing type (non-concentrating type). The inventor has designed the
concentrating type solar energy receiver comprising a primary parabolic reflector having a centre
and a high reflective surface on a concave side of the reflector and having a fixed axis extending
from the concave side of the reflector and passing through a fixed point of the primary parabolic
reflector and a conversion module having a reception surface. Non concentrating type solar
collecting devices intercept parallel un-concentrated rays of the sun with an array of photovoltaic
cells. The output is the direct function of array.

[Britt; Jeffery s. (tucswon.AZ) Wiedeman; Scott (Tucson.AZ) 2009]

They have presented an experimental investigation to study a semiconductor material

used in a PV cell and its importance in determining the efficiency of the solar cell at various
parameters such as regards to behavior with respect to temperature, weight and as well as other
parameters with which it is used and all those contribute to the deciding factor of efficiency of
the PV cell The inventor has conducted many experimental researchers to devise improvised
methods and apparatus for forming thin film layers of semiconductor materials.

The field of photovoltaic’s generally relates to multi-layer materials, converts sun light
directly into DC Electrical Power. The basic mechanism for this conversion is “The Photovoltaic
Effect”. Solar cells are typically configured as a co-operating sandwich of P-Type and N-Type
semiconductors, in which the N-Type semi conductor material (on one side of the sandwich)
exhibits an excess of electrons and the P-Type semiconductor material (on the other side of the
sandwich) exhibits an excess of holes each of which signifies the absence of an electron. They
have worked on thin film solar cells. When an incident photon excides an electron in the cell into
the conduction band, the excited electron becomes unbound from the atom of the semi conductor
creating a free electron, hole-pair. It extends a conductive path between the two sides of the cell.
Electrons will move from N-Type side to P-Type side along the external path, creating an
electric current. Such a photo voltaic structure when appropriately located electrical contacts are
included and the cell is in-cooperated into a closed electric circuit constitutes a PV Cell device.
One particular type of solar cell that has been developed for commercial use is “Thin Film PV
Cell”. Thin Film Cells require less light absorbing semiconductor material to create a working
cell and thus can reduce processing costs.

[Zhao; Xiaofeng (Guangdong, CN) 2011]

The authors have conducted a study on solar collecting and utilizing device and have
concluded that the efficacy of a solar energy conversion system depends on the various
parameter such as the quantum of radiation, intensity, direction, the tilt angle of the collector,
temperature etc. In case of solar collector and utilizing device the sun tracking and beam focused
radiation are of paramount importance. This device consist of paraboloidal mirror, a sun light
collector, a solar storage and conversion device and a solar tracking equipment wherein said sun
light collector compresses a light guide which convert factual into substantially parallel light
beam and deflect them in a desired direction and a curved surface condenser mirror which
receive the substantially parallel light beams reflected from the light guider and converting
them into a solar storage and conversion.

[SB Sadati, M.Yazdani – Asrami and others 2010]

The author worked on evaluation of supplying ruler and residential area using
photovoltaic systems in I.R. Iran. They have commented on use of sun’s energy has the biggest
energy supplies and is clean and annexable source which can be utilize by using appropriate
technologies. The total solar radiation received by different regions throughout the year the
average energy consumption required effect of temperature voltage –current curve characteristics
have been conceder for evolving a photo voltaic system to meet the domestics required,
economic analysis has been made for justification of the use age of photovoltaic system.

[Zhao; Xiaofeng (Guangdong, CN) 2007]

They had worked Solar Collectors. The solar device is categorized as a multi-layer heat
storage structure and the said heat storage structure corresponds to plurality of curved surface
mirrors and as a light receiving hole for receiving the condensed light from the curved surface
mirror. The heat structure contains a working fluid to transfer of storing the energy such as
groups of melted salts, water steam, smelting raw material and photo electric cell. As compared
thermal power generation the solar electric power generation reduces the civil works in the
building, avoids pollution, waste handling and air preheat-pollution treatment with comparative
calculation for building a solar thermal power station, it is inferred that it’s costs intensive
compared to conventional power station. However considering the environmental impact on the
space occupation and land usage, his method is more appropriate.

[Coc Oko and S.N Nanchi 2012]

They have worked on Optimum Collector Tilt Angle for low latitudes. There are many
factors that affect the solar radiations falling on the earth. Some of the factors that affect the
intensity of the extra terrestrial solar radiation on the earth’s horizontal and tilted surfaces are
clouds, dusts and shades. In designing the solar equipment the designer has to pay more attention
towards harnessing the insolation to the optimum level for effective performance of the
equipment. Determination of the tilt angle at lower latitudes is one such effort for a country like

[Nataraj Pandiarajan, Rama Badran, Rama Prabha and Ranganathan 2012]

They have worked on application of circuit model for energy conversion system. The
solar energy is directly converted to electrical energy without any electrical parts by the use of
photovoltaic system. PV system is widely utilized to cater power demands of the society in many
countries. The efficacy of the PV system depends on the operation of the system components and
its performance. The efficiency of the solar system conversion technology stands at about 15 to
25% mainly because of the conversation of DC power to AC power through battery bands. The
best way to utilize the PV System energy is to deliver it to the AC mains directly, without battery
banks. Studies on the PV system in operation reveal that inverters contribute to 63% failure rate,
modules 15% and other components 23% with a failure occurring on an average of every 4 to 5

years. To reduce the failure rate of the PV systems it is necessary to reduce failure rates of
inverters and components of effective performance.

[H.O Njoku and C.V. Ekechekwu 2011]

These authors have worked on thermal performance, modeling of the reverse absorber
shallow solar pond. There are many application of solar energy catering to the varied demands
of the society which are cost effective and culminate in efficient effective use of solar thermal
power which are usually required for low temperature applications. Some of the popular
applications are air heaters, crop dyers, solar cookers, solar stills-solar ponds etc. However lot of
research is still going on about in-cooperating these applications with some modifications.
Shallow solar pond (distinct from the non convictive salt gradient solar ponds which are of
considerable depths) is a type of “Collection-Cum-Storage” water heater. The conventional type
solar ponds attain temperatures ranging less than 100 C.

The theoretical thermal analysis and simulation of the performance of two configurations
of reverse absorber shallow solar pond (RASS), one with top insulated another with top exposed
are presented ensuing model equations are solved to determine the desired performance
parameters. Simulation studies are carried out and graphical descriptions are made in the
proposed research work.

Present Unanswered Questions

The thermal behavior of the switching devices or components seems to be quite
interesting with many applications on the performance of the Solar PV system both from user
point of view and application point of view. Hardly very few researches are being attempted in
evaluation of the performance of the solar PV panels as regards to the switching components of
the inverter. Therefore an earnest attempt is made to analyze and evaluate the performance of the
solar PV panel in this regard by having an experimental setup and investigations. By improving
the performance, will result with a optimum power utilization by the power system with greater


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