Handwriting Recognition

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Handwritten Character Recognition (HCR) USING NEURAL NETWORK

Thesis · September 2009

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.21287.24488


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1 author:

Hitesh Mohapatra
Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology


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A Constituent College of Biju Patnaik University of Technology,Odisha

October 2009
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
College Of Engineering And Technology
(a Constituent College of Biju Patnaik University of Technology,Odisha)
Techno Capmus,Ghatikia,Kalinganagar,Bhubaneswar-751003,India

Prof(Dr..)Prashant Kumar Patra Letter No._____/CSE/_________ Dated.__/__.____

Professor and Head


This is to certify that project work entitled “HCR using Neural Network” carried out by Hitesh

Mohapatra under the guidance's of Prof(Dr.)P.K.Patra and Prof.(Dr.)S.P.Panigrahi, Regd. No:

0707106021, and a student of 2nd year M. Tech in Computer Science and Engineering from College

of Engineering and Technology , Bhubaneswar,Odisha , has been satisfactorily completed by him

and worthy of acceptance for the degree of Master of Technology in Computer Science and

Engineering ,Biju Patnaik University of Technology,Rourkela,Odisha.


Department of Computer Science and Engineering
College Of Engineering And Technology
(a Constituent College of Biju Patnaik University of Technology,Odisha)
Techno Capmus,Ghatikia,Kalinganagar,Bhubaneswar-751003,India

Prof(Dr..)Prashant Kumar Patra Letter No._____/CSE/_________ Dated.__/__.____

Professor and Head

The foregoing thesis is hereby accepted as a credible study of an engineering subject carried out and

presented in a manner satisfactory to warrant its acceptance as a prerequisite to the degree for which

it has been submitted. It is understood that by this approval the undersigned do not necessarily

endorsed or approve any statement made ,opinion expressed or conclusion drawn therein, but

approve the thesis for the purpose for which it is submitted.

Final Examination for the evaluation thesis.

1. ________________________________

2. ________________________________

3. ________________________________

(Signature of Examiners)

* Only in the case the thesis is approved.


My special gratitude to my project guide Prof.P.K.Patra for his inspiration,adroit

guidance,constant supervision and constructive criticism in successful completion of the

I am very grateful to express my deep sense of gratitude to Dr.P.K .Patra,Professor and

Head of Computer science and Engineering Department,College of Engineering and
Technology,Bhubaneswar for his constant encouragement through out the project .

I am very grateful to my external guide, Dr.S.P.Panigrahi ,Professor,Department of

Electrical Engineering , Krupajal Engineering College, Bhubaneswar for creating an
excellent climate , which made this endeavour possible.

I am very thankful to Miss.Sasmita Nayak, lecturer in CIT,Bhubaneswar for proving

adequate and prompt facilities during the course of my project.

I express my gratitude to all the professors and lecturers of our department for their
cooperation and keen interest throughout this project.

My sincere thanks to all my friends who helped me during this project.

Hitesh Mohapatra
Regd.No: 0707106021

Handwriting recognition is the ability of a machine to receive and interpret handwritten input from

multiple sources like paper documents, photographs, touch screen devices etc. Recognition of

handwritten and machine characters is an emerging area of research and finds extensive

applications in banks, offices and industries.

The main aim of this project is to design expert system for ,

“HCR(English) using Neural Network”.

that can effectively recognize a particular character of type format using the Artificial Neural

Network approach. Neural computing Is comparatively new field, and design components are

therefore less well specified than those of other architectures. Neural computers implement data

parallelism. Neural computer are operated in way which is completely different from the operation

of normal computers. Neural computer are trained (not Programmed) so that given a certain

starting state (data input); they either classify the input data into one of the number of classes or

cause the original data to evolve in such a way that a certain desirable property is optimized.


Off-line Handwritten Recognition,Handwritten Character,Pattern Recognition ,Feature

Extraction,Neural Network.

1 Introduction 1
1.1 Project Definition ........................................................................................... 1
1.2 Relevant Theory ............................................................................................. 1
1.2.1 Benefits of Character Recognition : ................................................... 1
1.2.2 Implementation of HCR : .................................................................. 2
1.2.3 What is Neural Network .................................................................... 2
1.2.4 Why use Neural Network................................................................... 2
1.3 Literature Survey ............................................................................................ 3
1.3.1 Offline Handwritten English Numerals Recognition using Correla-
tion Method ........................................................................................ 3
1.3.2 Recognition of Handwritten Hindi Characters using Backpropaga-
tion Neural Network .......................................................................... 3
1.3.3 Devnagiri Character Recognition Using Neural Networks ............... 3
1.3.4 Intelligent Systems for Off-Line Handwritten Character Recogni-
tion: A Review ................................................................................... 3
1.3.5 Fuzzy Based Handwritten Character Recognition System ................ 4
1.3.6 An Overview of Character Recognition Focused on Off-Line Hand-
writing ................................................................................................ 4
1.3.7 Handwritten Devanagari Character Recognition using Neural Network4
1.3.8 Recognition of Handwritten Devnagari Characters through Segmen-
tation and Artificial neural networks.................................................. 4
1.3.9 A Recognition System For Handwritten Gurumukhi Characters . .5
1.3.10 Image preprocessing for optical character recognition using neural
networks ............................................................................................. 5
1.3.11 Recognition for Handwritten English Letters: A Review .................. 5
1.3.12 Diagonal Based Feature Extraction For Handwritten Alphabets Recog-
nition System Using Neural Network ................................................ 5
1.4 Scope .............................................................................................................. 6
1.5 Objective......................................................................................................... 6

2 Requirement Analysis 7
2.1 Requirement Specification ............................................................................. 7
2.1.1 Functional Requirements ................................................................... 7
2.1.2 Normal Requirements ........................................................................ 7
2.1.3 Expected Requirements ..................................................................... 8
2.1.4 Excited Requirements ........................................................................ 8
2.1.5 Non-Functional requirements ............................................................ 8
2.2 Validation of Requirements ............................................................................ 9

2.3 System Requirements ..................................................................................... 9
2.3.1 Hardware Requirements .................................................................... 9
2.3.2 Software Requirements ...................................................................... 9

3 System Design 10
3.1 Process Model ................................................................................................ 10
3.1.1 Incremental Model ............................................................................. 11
3.1.2 Advantages of Incremental Model ..................................................... 12
3.1.3 Why we use Incremental Model? ...................................................... 12
3.1.4 Characteristics of Incremental Model ................................................ 12
3.2 Breakdown Structure(Modules) ..................................................................... 13
3.2.1 Image Preprocessing .......................................................................... 13
3.2.2 Segmentation ..................................................................................... 13
3.2.3 Feature Extraction .............................................................................. 13
3.2.4 Classification ..................................................................................... 14
3.3 Project Estimation .......................................................................................... 14
3.3.1 Estimation of KLOC .......................................................................... 14
3.3.2 Efforts ................................................................................................ 14
3.3.3 Development Time for Implementation and Testing........................... 14
3.3.4 Development Time for Project ........................................................... 14
3.3.5 Number Of Persons ............................................................................ 15

4 System Analysis 16
4.1 Projects scheduling and Tracking ................................................................... 16
4.1.1 Project Work Breakdown Structure(Analysis) ................................... 16
4.1.2 Project Work Breakdown Structure(Implementation) ....................... 18
4.2 Tasks ......................................................................................................................... 19
4.3 Project Schedule ............................................................................................. 21
4.3.1 Time Line Chart ................................................................................. 23
4.4 Analysis Model ............................................................................................... 24
4.4.1 Behavioural Model ............................................................................ 24
4.4.2 Functional Modelling......................................................................... 27
4.4.3 Architectural Diagram ....................................................................... 29
4.5 Mathematical Model ....................................................................................... 30
4.5.1 Set Theory .......................................................................................... 31
4.5.2 Venn Diagram .................................................................................... 32
4.5.3 State Diagram .................................................................................... 33
4.5.4 Time and Space Computation ............................................................ 34

5 Risk Management 35
5.1 Risk Identification .......................................................................................... 35
5.1.1 Product Size Related .......................................................................... 35
5.1.2 Customer Related............................................................................... 35
5.1.3 Process Risk ....................................................................................... 35
5.1.4 Technical Risk ................................................................................... 35
5.1.5 Development Environment Related ................................................... 35
5.2 Risk Projection ............................................................................................... 35
5.2.1 Risk Table................................................................................................... 35
5.2.2 Strategies Used To Manage Risks ...................................................... 36

5.2.3 Risk Table Along With RMMM Plan ................................................ 36
5.3 Feasibility ....................................................................................................... 37
5.3.1 Technical Feasibility .......................................................................... 37
5.3.2 Cost Feasibility .................................................................................. 38

6 Technical Specification 39
6.1 Technology Details Used in Project .............................................................. 39
6.1.1 JAVA Development Kit ...................................................................... 39
6.1.2 Eclipse................................................................................................ 40
6.2 References to Technology .............................................................................. 40

7 Software Implementation 41
7.1 Introduction .................................................................................................... 41
7.2 Important Modules And Algorithm Used ....................................................... 41
7.2.1 Module 1: Image Processing ............................................................. 41
7.2.2 Module 2: Segmentation .................................................................... 43
7.2.3 Module 3: Feature Extraction ............................................................ 44
7.2.4 Module 4: Training And Recognition ................................................ 44

8 Software Testing 48
8.1 Introduction .................................................................................................... 48
8.1.1 Unit Testing: .......................................................................................... 48
8.1.2 Integration testing .............................................................................. 48
8.1.3 Validation testing ............................................................................... 49
8.1.4 GUI Testing ........................................................................................... 49
8.2 Test cases ........................................................................................................ 50
8.3 Snap shots of Test Cases and Test Results ...................................................... 52

9 Results 57

10 Deployment And Maintenance Details 59

10.1 Installation And Un-installation ..................................................................... 59
10.1.1 Installation ......................................................................................... 59
10.1.2 Un-installation ................................................................................... 59
10.2 User Help ........................................................................................................ 59

11 Conclusion and Future Scope 60

11.1 Conclusion ...................................................................................................... 60
11.2 Future Scope ................................................................................................... 60

References 60

List of Figures

3.1 Incremental Model.......................................................................................... 11

3.2 Breakdown Model .......................................................................................... 13

4.1 Project Work Breakdown structure(Analysis) ................................................ 17

4.2 Project Work Breakdown structure(Implementation) ..................................... 19
4.3 Time line Chart(Analysis Phase) .................................................................... 23
4.4 Time line Chart(Implementation Phase) ......................................................... 23
4.5 Use Case Diagram .......................................................................................... 24
4.6 Sequence Diagram of Preprocessing .............................................................. 25
4.7 Sequence Diagram of Segmentation ............................................................... 25
4.8 Sequence Diagram of Feature Extraction ....................................................... 26
4.9 Sequence Diagram of Classification ............................................................... 26
4.10 DFD(level 0) for HCR System ....................................................................... 27
4.11 DFD(level 1) for Image Reader ...................................................................... 27
4.12 DFD(level 1) for Recognition Unit................................................................. 27
4.13 Data Flow Diagram for ANN) ........................................................................ 28
4.14 Control Flow Diagram for HCR System ........................................................ 28
4.15 Deployment Diagram ..................................................................................... 29
4.16 Venn Diagram ................................................................................................. 32
4.17 State Diagram ................................................................................................. 33

6.1 JDK ................................................................................................................. 40

6.2 Eclipse ............................................................................................................ 40

8.1 Integration testing ........................................................................................... 49

8.2 Information ..................................................................................................... 52
8.3 Setting Project ................................................................................................ 53
8.4 Violation ......................................................................................................... 53
8.5 Auto-fixable Violations .................................................................................. 54
8.6 Metrics ............................................................................................................ 54
8.7 Auto-Fixes ...................................................................................................... 55
8.8 Project Summary ............................................................................................ 55
8.9 Developers ...................................................................................................... 56
8.10 Console ........................................................................................................... 56

9.1 Modules Result ............................................................................................... 57

9.2 Recognized Text .......................................................................................................... 57
9.3 Input Image ..................................................................................................... 58
9.4 Recognized Text .......................................................................................................... 58

11.1 Project Planner................................................................................................ 65
11.2 Plagiarism Report ........................................................................................... 66

List of Tables

4.1 Project Schedule ............................................................................................. 21

4.2 Project Table ............................................................................................................ 22

5.1 Risk Table ................................................................................................................ 36

5.2 Risk Table Along With RMMM Plan ............................................................. 36

8.1 Test case 1 ....................................................................................................... 50

8.2 Test case 2 ....................................................................................................... 50
8.3 Test case 3 ....................................................................................................... 50
8.4 Test case 4 ....................................................................................................... 51
8.5 Test case 5 ....................................................................................................... 51
8.6 Test case 6 ....................................................................................................... 51

11.1 Testing table .................................................................................................... 64



Handwriting recognition is the ability of a machine to receive and interpret handwrit-

ten input from multiple sources like paper documents, photographs, touch screen devices
etc. Recognition of handwritten and machine characters is an emerging area of research and
finds extensive applications in banks, offices and industries.The main aim of this project is
to design expert system for , “HCR using Neural Network”that can effectivelly recognize
a particular character of type format using the Artificial Neural Network approach.

Neural computing Is comparatively new field, and design components are therefore
less well specified than those of other architectures. Neural computers implement data par-
allelism. Neural computer are operated in way which is completely different from the oper-
ation of normal computers. Neural computer are trained (not Programmed) so that given a
certain starting state (data input); they either classify the input data into one of the number
of classes or cause the original data to evolve in such a way that a certain desirable property
is optimized.

1.1 Project Definition

This application is useful for recognizing all character(English) given as in input image.
Once input image of character is given to proposed system, then it will recognize input
character which is given in image.Recognition and classification of characters are done by
Neural Network.The main aim of this project is to effectively recognize a particular character
of type format using the Artificial Neural Network approach.

1.2 Relevant Theory

1.2.1 Benefits of Character Recognition :
1.The idea of Neural Network in HCR will brings us the reading of various combined
style of writing a character.

2.In forensic application HCR will be an effective method for evidence collection.

3.It will also help to reduce noise from the original character.

4.Our method develop accuracy in recognizing character in divert font and size.

5.More set of sample invites more accuracy rate because of heavy training and testing

1.2.2 Implementation of HCR :

HCR works in stages as preprocessing, segmentation, feature extraction and recognition
using neural network. Preprocessing includes series of operations to be carried out on doc-
ument image to make it ready for segmentation. During segmentation the document image
is segmented into individual character or numeric image then feature extraction technique is
applied on character image. Finally feature vector is presented to the selected algorithm for
recognition.Here this extracted features are provided to NN for recognition of character.

1.2.3 What is Neural Network

An Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is an information-processing paradigm that is in-
spired by the way biological nervous systems, such as the brain, process information.The
key element of this paradigm is the novel structure of the information processing system.
It is composed of large no. of highly interconnected processing element (neurons) work-
ing in union to solve specific problems. ANN‘s like peopling, learning by example. An
ANN is configured for a specific application. such as pattern recognition or data classifica-
tion, through a learning process .Learning in a Biological system involves adjustments to the
synaptic connections that exist between the neuron.

1.2.4 Why use Neural Network

Neural network with their remarkable ability to derive meaning from complicated or im-
precise data can be use to extract pattern and detect trend that are too complex to be noticed
by either human or other computer techniques. A trained neural network can be thought of
as an “expert” in the category of information it has been given to analyze. This expert can
then be used to provide projections given new situations of interest and answer “what if”
questions. Other Advantages Include:
• Adaptive Learning: An ability to learn how to do tasks based on the data given for
training or initial experience.
• Self-Organization:An ANN can create its own organization or representation of the
information it receives during learning time.
• Real Time Operation: ANN computations may be carried out in parallel, and special
hardware devices are being designed and manufactured which take advantage of this
• Fault Tolerance Via Redundant Information coding: partial destruction of network
leads to the corresponding degradation of performance. However, some network ca-
pabilities may be retained even with major network damage.

1.3 Literature Survey
1.3.1 Offline Handwritten English Numerals Recognition using Corre-
lation Method
In this paper author has proposed system is to efficiently recognize the offline handwritten
digits with a higher accuracy than previous works done. Also previous handwritten number
recognition systems are based on only recognizing single digits and they are not capable of
recognizing multiple numbers at one time.So the author has focused on efficiently perform-
ing segmentation for isolating the digits. [1]

1.3.2 Recognition of Handwritten Hindi Characters using Backpropa-

gation Neural Network
Automatic recognition of handwritten characters is a difficult task because characters are
written in various curved and cursive ways, so they could be of different sizes, orientation,
thickness, format and dimension. An offline handwritten Hindi character recognition system
using neural network is presented in this paper. Neural networks are good at recognizing
handwritten characters as these networks are insensitive to the missing data. The paper
proposes the approach to recognize Hindi characters in four stages 1) Scanning, 2) Prepro-
cessing, 3) Feature Extraction and, 4) Recognition. Preprocessing includes noise reduction,
binarization, normalization and thinning. Feature extraction includes extracting some use-
ful information out of the thinned image in the form of a feature vector. The feature vector
comprises of pixels values of normalized character image. A Back propagation neural net-
work is used for classification. Experimental result shows that this approach provides better
results as compared to other techniques in terms of recognition accuracy, training time and
classification time. The average accuracy of recognition of the system is 93 %. [2]

1.3.3 Devnagiri Character Recognition Using Neural Networks

Neural network approach is proposed to build an automatic offline character recognition

system. Devnagari is an Indo-Aryan language spoken by about 71 million people mainly
in the Indian state of Maharashtra and neighboring states. One may find so much work for
Indian languages like Hindi, kanada, Tamil, Bangala, Malayalam etc but devnagari is a lan-
guage for which hardly any work is traceable especially for character recognition. In this
paper, work has been performed to recognize Devnagari characters using multilayer percep-
tron with hidden layer. Various patterns of characters are created in the matrix (n*n) with
the use of binary form and stored in the file. We have used the back propagation neural net-
work for efficient recognition and rectified neuron values were transmitted by feed forward
method in the neural network. [3]

1.3.4 Intelligent Systems for Off-Line Handwritten Character Recog-

nition: A Review
Handwritten character recognition is always a frontier area of research in the field of pat-
tern recognition and image processing and there is a large demand for Optical Character

Recognition on hand written documents. This paper provides a comprehensive review of ex-
isting works in handwritten character recognition based on soft computing technique during
the past decade. [4]

1.3.5 Fuzzy Based Handwritten Character Recognition System

This paper presents a fuzzy approach to recognize characters. Fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic
are used as bases for representation of fuzzy character and for recognition. This paper de-
scribes a fuzzy based algorithm which first segments the character and then using fuzzy
system gives the possible characters that match the given input and then using defuzzication
system finally recognizes the character. [5]

1.3.6 An Overview of Character Recognition Focused on Off-Line Hand-

Character recognition (CR) has been extensively studied in the last half century and pro-
gressed to a level sufficient to produce technology driven applications. Now, the rapidly
growing computational power enables the implementation of the present CR methodologies
and creates an increasing demand on many emerging application domains, which require
more advanced methodologies.[6]

1.3.7 Handwritten Devanagari Character Recognition using Neural Net-

In this digital era, most important thing is to deal with digital documents, organizations
using handwritten documents for storing their information can use handwritten character
recognition to convert this information into digital. Handwritten Devanagari characters are
more difficult for recognition due to presence of header line, conjunct characters and similar-
ity in shapes of multiple characters. This paper deals with development of grid based method
which is combination of image centroid zone and zone centroid zone of individual character
or numerical image. In feature extraction using grid or zone based approach individual char-
acter or numerical image is divided into n equal sized grids or zones then average distance
of all pixels with respect to image centroid or grid centroid is computed. In combination of
image centroid and zone centroid approach it computes average distance of all pixels present
in each grid with respect to image centroid as well as zone centroid which gives feature vec-
tor of size 2xn features. This feature vector is presented to feed forward neural network for
recognition. Complete process of Devanagari character recognition works in stages as docu-
ment preprocessing, segmentation, feature extraction using grid based approach followed by
recognition using feed forward neural network. [7]

1.3.8 Recognition of Handwritten Devnagari Characters through Seg-

mentation and Artificial neural networks
Handwritten character recognition is the ability of a computer to receive and interpret
intelligible handwritten input from sources such as paper documents, photographs, touch-
screens and other devices.Handwritten Marathi Characters are more complex for recognition
than corresponding English characters due to many possible variations in order, number, di-
rection and shape of the constituent strokes. The main purpose of this paper is to introduce

a new method for recognition of offline handwritten devnagari characters using segmenta-
tion and Artificial neural networks. The whole process of recognition includes two phases-
segmentation of characters into line, word and characters and then recognition through feed-
forward neural network.[8]

1.3.9 A Recognition System For Handwritten Gurumukhi Characters

This paper represent Handwritten Gurmukhi Character Recognition system using some
statistical features like zone density, projection histograms , 8 directional zone density fea-
tures in combination with some geometric features like area, perimeter, eccentricity, etc.
The image document is first pre-processed by using many techniques like binarization, or-
phological operations (erosion and dilation) applied to remove noise and then segmented
into isolated characters. The highest accuracy obtained by using these features and back
propagation classifier is 98 %.[9]

1.3.10 Image preprocessing for optical character recognition using neu-

ral networks
Primary task of this master’s thesis is to create a theoretical and practical basis of prepro-
cessing of printed text for optical character recognition using forward-feed neural networks.
Demonstration application was created and its parameters were set according to results of
realized experiments.[10]

1.3.11 Recognition for Handwritten English Letters: A Review

Character recognition is one of the most interesting and challenging research areas in the
field of Image processing. English character recognition has been extensively studied in
the last half century. Nowadays different methodologies are in widespread use for charac-
ter recognition. Document verification, digital library, reading bank deposit slips, reading
postal addresses, extracting information from cheques, data entry, applications for credit
cards, health insurance, loans, tax forms etc. are application areas of digital document pro-
cessing. This paper gives an overview of research work carried out for recognition of hand
written English letters. In Hand written text there is no constraint on the writing style. Hand
written letters are difficult to recognize due to diverse human handwriting style, variation in
angle, size and shape of letters. Various approaches of hand written character recognition
are discussed here along with their performance.[11]

1.3.12 Diagonal Based Feature Extraction For Handwritten Alphabets

Recognition System Using Neural Network
An off-line handwritten alphabetical character recognition system using multi layer feed
forward neural network is described in the paper. A new method, called, diagonal based fea-
ture extraction is introduced for extracting the features of the handwritten alphabets. Fifty
data sets, each containing 26 alphabets written by various people, are used for training the
neural network and 570 different handwritten alphabetical characters are used for testing.
The proposed recognition system performs quite well yielding higher levels of recognition

accuracy compared to the systems employing the conventional horizontal and vertical meth-
ods of feature extraction. This system will be suitable for converting handwritten documents
into structural text form and recognizing handwritten names.[12]

1.4 Scope
1. System will be designed in way to ensure that offline Handwritten Recognition of
English characters.

2. Our old and epic HCR literature can be restore in digital form.

3.Use of Neural Network for classification .

4.Large number of training data set will improve the efficiency of the suggested ap-

1.5 Objective
1. Use Neural signs in literature domain.

2. Reduced man-power to convert old literature into digitized form manually.

3.proposed system served as guide and working in character recognition areas.

4.Making rich the digitized library with English language.


Requirement Analysis

Requirement analysis results in the specification of software’s operational characteristics

indicates software’s interface with other system elements and establish constraints that soft-
ware must meets. Requirement analysis allows the software engineer(sometime called An-
alyst or Modeler in this role) to elaborate on basis requirements during earlier requirement
engineering task and build models that depict user scenarios,functional activities , problem
classes and their relationship s,system and class behavior and the flow of data as it is trans-

The requirements analysis task is a process of discovery , refinement , modeling and

specification. The scope , initially established by us and refined during project planning , is
refined in details.Model of the required data , information and control flow and operations
behavior are created.

2.1 Requirement Specification

2.1.1 Functional Requirements
The functional requirements for a system describe what system do.

1.The developed system should recognize handwritten English character present in the

2.System shall show the error message to the user when given input is not in the required

3.System must provide the quality of service to user.

4.System must provide accuracy for character recognition.

2.1.2 Normal Requirements

These are the requirements clearly stated by the customer hence requirement must be
present for customer satisfaction.

N1 : Application should have graphical user interface.

N2 : Input of characters with various font size and styles should recognize.

N3 : Database should identify computer based English character by comparison .

N4 : Application should be able for matching the stored patterns on input handwritten char-

N5 : Minimum 10*50 (characters * patterns) should be available for each character.

2.1.3 Expected Requirements

These requirements are implicit type of requirements.These requirements are not clearly
stated by customer but even though customer expects them.

Exp1 : Instead of only one character application should take set of characters or text.

Exp2 Application should be user friendly and also easy to install.

Exp3 : By using Neural Network bringing more accuracy in character recognition process.

Exp4 : Application also recognize English numerals.

Exp5 : Minimum 26*50 (character * patterns) should be available for each character.

2.1.4 Excited Requirements

These requirements are neither stated by customer nor expected. But to make the customer
satisfied , developer may include some unexpected requirements.

Exc1: Application interpret all the English alphabets through NN training process.

Exc2: Using this application Continuous handwritten characters need to be recognize.

Exc3: Alphanumerical characters with special symbol should be recognized with proposed

Exc4: Development of HCR system for noisy images.

2.1.5 Nonfunctional requirements

As the name suggest these are the requirements that are not directly interacted with specific
functions delivered by the system.

Performance: Handwritten characters in the input image will be recognised with an accu-
racy of ablut 90

Functionality: This software will deliver on the functional requirements.

Availability: This system will retrieve the handwritten text regions only if the image con-
tains written text in it.

Flexibility: It provides the users to load the image easily.

Learn ability: The software is very easy to use and reduces the learning work.

2.2 Validation of Requirements
The project “HCR using Neural Network” will be recognized as successful
implementation if it provide all the required images on the basis of suitable input with
minimum time. The requirement specification define should be validated such a that the
successful implementation of product can be recognized. Hence validation specifies
classes of tests to be performed to validate function, performance and the constraints.

With respect to the system under consideration the following issues are to be validated to
ensure consistency of system.

V1: The Neural Network are known to be capable of providing good recognition rate at the
present as compare to other methods.

V2: Handwritten Character Recognition system give much better result in terms of
performance and accuracy in comparison with existing usual approach due to the
application of artificial way character recognition and Neural Network in detection of

V3: Handwritten Character Recognition technology provides image definition, image pre-
processing and image segmentation and recognition capabilities and still maintains
high level of accuracy in the field of image processing.

2.3 System Requirements


2.3.1 Hardware Requirements

• Intel i3 Processer
• 128 MB RAM
• 10 GB Hard Disk.

2.3.2 Software Requirements

• Windows 7/8/8.1
• Language: Java(J2SE) JDK 1.7.
• Eclipse


System Design

3.1 Process Model

Process Model are processes of the same nature that are classified together into a model.
Thus, a process model is a description of a process at the type level. Since the process model
is at the type level, a process is an instantiation of it. The same process model is used
repeatedly for the development of many applications and thus, has many instantiations.
One possible use of a process model is to prescribe how things must/should/could is done
in contrast to the process itself which is really what happens. A process model is roughly
anticipation of what the process will look like. What the process shall be determined during
actual system development.

The goal of a process model is to be:

• Descriptive
1.Track what actually happens during a process.
2.Take the point of view of an external observer who looks at the way a process has
been performed and determines the improvements that must be made to make it
perform more effectively or efficiently.
• Prescriptive
1.Define the desired processes and how they should/could/might be performed.
2.Establish rules, guidelines, and behavior patterns which, if followed, would lead
to the desired process performance. They can range from strict enforcement to
flexible guidance.
• Explanatory
1.Provide explanations about the rationale of processes.
2.Explore and evaluate the several possible courses of action based on rational
3.Establish an explicit link between processes and the requirements that the model
needs to fulfil.
4.Pre-defines points at which data can be extracted for reporting purposes.

3.1.1 Incremental Model
Incremental model is used as the process model in our system. Figure 3.1 shows the
process model of the system. To save actual problems in an industry setting, Software Engi-
neering must incorporate a development strategy that encompasses the process, method and
the tool layers; this strategy is often referred as process model. A process model for Software
Engineering is chosen base on the nature of the Project and its application. For our project,
we have selected Incremental Model.
1. Using these models, a limited set of customer requirements are implemented quickly
and are delivered to customer.
2. Modified and expanded requirements are implemented step by step.
3. It combines elements of linear Sequential Model with the iterative Philosophy of pro-
4. Each linear sequence produces a deliverable Increment of the Software.
5.Each linear Sequence is divide into 4 parts:-

• Analysis
• Design
• Code
• Testing

Figure 3.1: Incremental Model

1. Analysis
It includes understanding of information domain, required functions, behavior, perfor-
mance and interface. Requirements for the system and software are documented and
reviewed with customer.

2. Design
It is multiple processes that include four attributes of program data structure, software
architecture, interface representation and procedural detail.

3. Coding
Translation of design to machine code is done by this step.

4. Testing
It focuses on Logical internals of Software and ensures that all statement is correct to
uncover all hidden errors. For an incremental model, the first Increment is developed
as a core model, which is used by the customer. Then as things are added after the first
delivery, product gets and better.

3.1.2 Advantages of Incremental Model

1. Generates working Software quickly and early during the software life cycle.

2. More Flexible-less costly to change Scope and Requirements.

3. Easier to test and debug during a smaller iteration.

4. Customer can respond to each built.

3.1.3 Why we use Incremental Model?

The main aim of using the model is the reason that we have to add more features in
the existing modules to increase project reliability and usability. Using this model we can
adapt to the changing requirements of the customer which helps in developing the project in
relatively small amount of time. The next increment implements customer suggestions plus
some additional requirements in the previous increment. The process is repeated until the
project is completed.

3.1.4 Characteristics of Incremental M o d e l

1. Using these models a limited set of customers’ requirements are implemented quickly
and are delivered to customer then modified and expanded requirements are implemented
step by step.

2. Each increments produces the product which is submitted to customer and suggests some
change and increment implements that changes with some extra requirements to previous.

3. Incremental model does not facilitate the development of project in one go. This is
useful for developing modules and then testing them which helps us to modularize the entire
project for better handling.

So finally, it is easier to develop project in increments. We can develop a working proto-

type 1st with just basic functions and then build upon this prototype in later increments. This
will help to reduce the complexity of system by dividing entire system in different levels of
priority. We have discarded the other process models based on following points:

1. When staff is less then we can go for step by step evolution of increments.
2. In case of increment process model, scope for intermediate requirements change and test-

3.2 Breakdown Structure (Modules)

As shown in Fig 3.2 implemented of proposed work is divided in the following modules:

Figure 3.2: Breakdown Model

1.Image Preprocessing


3.Feature Extraction


3.2.1 Image Preprocessing

The image is preprocessed using different image processing algorithms like Inverting im-
age , Gray Scale Conversion and image thinning.

3.2.2 Segmentation
After preprocessing of the image segmentation is done. This is done with the help of
following steps:

1.Remove the borders

2.Divide the text into rows

3.Divide the rows (lines) into words

4.Divide the word into letters

3.2.3 Feature Extraction

Once the character is segmented we generate the binary glyphs and calculate the summa-
tion of each rows and columns values as an features.

3.2.4 Classification
In this phase, we are going to train and test the Neural Network.

3.3 Project Estimation

3.3.1 Estimation of KLOC
The number of lines required for implementation of various modules can be estimated as

1.Graphcal User Interface: 1.3 KLOC

2.Image Processing: 0.3 KLOC

3.Segmentation Module: 0.4 KLOC

4.Feature Extraction: 0.4 KLOC

5.Training: 0.6 KLOC

6.Testing: 0.4 KLOC

7.Texture code: 0.95 KLOC

Thus the total number of lines required is approximately 4.35 KLOC

3.3.2 Efforts
E=3.2 * (KLOC)ˆ1.05 (Boehm Simple Model)
E=3.2 * (4.35)ˆ1.05
E=15.87 person months

3.3.3 Development Time for Implementation and Testing

D=E / N
D=15.87 / 5
D=3.17 months

3.3.4 Development Time for Project

Requirement analysis requires 3 months.
Implementation and Testing requires 3.17 months.
D= 3 + 3.17 months
D= 6.17 months

3.3.5 Number of Persons
5 Persons are required to complete the project with given time span successfully.

D1: Hitesh Mohapatra


System Analysis

4.1 Projects scheduling and Tracking

We have selected an appropriate process model we have identified the software engineer-
ing tasks that we have to perform, we estimated the amount of work and the number of
people, and we know the deadline. Now we have to create a network of software engineer-
ing tasks that will enable us to get the job done on time. Once the network is created, we
have to assign responsibility for each task, make sure it gets done, and adapt the network as
risks become reality. In a nutshell, it is called software project scheduling and tracking.

It is important because in order to build a complete system, many software engineering

tasks occur in parallel, and the result of work performed during tasks may have performed
effect on work to be conducted in another task. These interdependencies are very difficult to
understand without a detailed schedule.

4.1.1 Project Work Breakdown Structure(Analysis)

T1: Communication
Software development process starts with the communication between customer and devel-
oper. According to need of project, we gathered the requirements related to project.

T2: System Design

It includes the process model used for the development of the system. The Breakdown Struc-
ture (Modules) is also defined in this task. Different Modules used in the system are viewed
in Breakdown Structure.

T3: Project Planning

It includes complete estimation and scheduling complete time line chart for project develop-
ment and tracking. it is also tasks required to define resources, time line, and other project
related information.

T4: Modeling (Analysis & Design)

It includes detailed requirements analysis and project design. In requirements analysis, ac-
cording to the customer requirements the analysis of the system is carried out and what will
be the starting of system, in which direction it travels and what will be the destination is
given by analysis phase. In design according to analysis, system design takes place.

T5: Risk Management
It includes identifying the risks during project development and according to that managing
the risks which are affecting the project development.

Figure 4.1: Project Work Breakdown structure(Analysis)

4.1.2 Project Work Breakdown Structure(Implementation)
Module 1 :Preprocessing
Gray Scale :
An image is an array, or a matrix, of square pixels(picture elements) arranged in
columns and rows. In an (8 bit) gray scale image each picture element has an assigned
intensity that ranges from 0 to 255. A gray scale image is what people normally call
a black and white image,but the name emphasizes that such an image will also in-
clude many shades of gray. A normal gray scale image has 8 bit color depth- 256 gray
scales.A “ true color images 24 bit color depth 8 * 8 * 8 bits 256 * 256 * 256 colors
= 16 million colors. Some gray scale images have more gray scales, fro instance 16 bit
=65536 gray scales.There are two general groups of images :vector graphics(or line
art) and bitmaps(pixel based or images ).
Thinning :
Thinning algorithm is a Morphological operation that is used to remove selected fore-
ground pixels from binary images.It preserves the topology (extent and connectivity)
of the original region while throwing away most of the original foreground pixels.

Module 2 :Segmentation
In this part the characters will be identified as letters and the image will be converted
to text.After the image is cleaned up and becomes a binary image which contains only
the text, the binary image is then saved and the memory is cleaned up.This step is very
important to increase the speed of the system.After the following steps should be done.
• Divide the text into rows
• Divide the rows into words
• Divide the word into letters
Module 3:: Feature Extraction
In pattern recognition in image processing, Feature extraction is a special form of
dimensionality reduction. When the input data to an algorithm is too large to be
processed and it is suspected to be notoriously redundant (much data,but not much
information) then the input data will be transformed into reduced representation set
of features(also named feature vector). Transforming the inputbdata into the set of
features is called features extraction.

Module 4:Recognition Using Neural Network

The back end for recognition is neural network. The number of input to each network is
associated with the size of the feature vector for each text.The no of output considered
for this data sets are 27(Characters a-z and 1 reject neuron for non character pattern.

Figure 4.2: Project Work Breakdown structure(Implementation)

4.2 Tasks
In project management, a task is an activity that needs to be accomplished within a defined
period of time or by a deadline. A task can be broken down into assignments which should
also have a defined start and end date or a deadline for completion. One or more assignments
on a specific task normally render the completed. Tasks can be linked together to create

T1: Searching of Project Definition

T2: Collection of Required Literature
T3: Requirement Gathering and validation
T4: Determine process model
T5: Determine KLOC breakdown structure
T6: Detail information gathering of each module
T7: Project Scheduling, timeline chart, project Table
T8: UML Modeling
T9: Mathematical Model
T10: Risk Analysis and Risk Management
T11: GUI Module
T12: Implementation of Image Preprocessing Algorithm
T13: Implementation of Segmentation Module
T14: Implementation of Feature Extraction Module
T15: Implementation of Classification Module
T16: Implementation of Neural Network algorithm
T17: Unit Integration
T18: Testing
T19: Make Required Modifications with Documentation
T20: code Review

4.3 Project Schedule
In project management, a schedule consists of a list of projects terminal elements with in-
tended start and finish dates. Terminal elements are the lowest elements in a schedule, which
are not further subdivided. Those items are often estimated in terms of resource require-
ments, budget and duration, linked by dependencies and schedule events. Table describes
the schedule for the project development. It also highlights all the tasks to be carried out
along with their duration, dependencies, and developers assigned to accomplish those tasks.

Table 4.1: Project Schedule

Tasks Days Dependencies Developers Assigned
T1 16 - D1
T2 04 T1 D1
T3 19 T2 D1
T4 07 T3 D1
T5 12 T4 D1
T6 10 T2,T3,T5 D1
T7 18 T4,T6 D1
T8 07 T4,T6 D1
T9 05 T6 D1
T10 08 T7,T8 D1
T11 12 T5,T6 D1
T12 15 T5,T6,T7 D1
T13 17 T5,T6,T7 D1
T14 15 T5,T6,T7 D1
T15 11 T5,T6,T7 D1
T16 13 T5,T6,T7 D1
T17 06 T5,T6,T7 D1
T18 06 T5,T6,T7 D1
T19 10 T12-T18 D1
T20 13 T11-T19 D1

Table 4.2: Project Table
Task Starting Ending Developers Remark
Time Time
T1 20/6/15 5/7/15 D1
T2 6/7/15 9/7/15 D1
T3 10/7/15 28/7/15 D1
T4 28/7/15 3/8/15 D1
T5 4/8/15 15/8/15 D1
T6 16/8/15 25/8/15 D1
T7 26/8/15 2/9/15 D1
T8 3/9/15 9/9/15 D1
T9 10/9/15 14/9/15 D1
T10 15/9/15 22/9/15 D1
T11 14/12/15 25/12/15 D1
T12 26/12/15 9/1/15 D1
T13 10/1/15 16/1/15 D1
T14 17/1/15 31/1/15 D1
T15 1/2/15 11/2/15 D1
T16 12/2/15 24/2/15 D1
T17 25/2/15 1/3/15 D1
T18 2/3/15 7/3/15 D1
T19 8/3/15 17/3/15 D1
T20 18/3/15 31/3/15 D1

4.3.1 Time Line Chart Time line Chart(Analysis Phase) Time line Chart(Implementation Phase)

Figure 4.3: Time line Chart(Analysis Phase)

Figure 4.4: Time line Chart(Implementation Phase)

4.4 Analysis Model
4.4.1 Behavioral Model Use case Diagram
The use case view models functionality of the system as perceived by outside uses. A use
case is a coherent unit of functionality expressed as a transaction among actors and the sys-

Figure 4.5: Use Case Diagram

23 Sequence Diagram
A sequence diagram is a graphical view of a scenario that shows object interaction in a time-
based sequence what happens first, what happens next. Sequence diagram establish the role
of objects and helps provide essential information to determine class responsibilities and
interfaces. This type of diagram is best used during early analysis phase in design because
they are simple and easy to comprehend. Sequence diagram are normally associated with
use cases.

Figure 4.6: Sequence Diagram of Preprocessing

Figure 4.7: Sequence Diagram of Segmentation

Figure 4.8: Sequence Diagram of Feature Extraction

Figure 4.9: Sequence Diagram of Classification

4.4.2 Functional Modelling Data Flow Diagram
Data flow diagram (DFD) is also called as Bubble Chart is a graphical technique, which
is used to represent information flow, and transformers those are applied when data moves
from input to output. DFD represents system requirements clearly and identify transformers
those becomes programs in design. DFD may further partitioned into different levels to show
detailed information flow e.g. level 0, level 1 etc.

Figure 4.10: DFD(level 0) for HCR System

Figure 4.11: DFD(level 1) for Image Reader

Figure 4.12: DFD(level 1) for Recognition Unit

Figure 4.13: Data Flow Diagram for ANN) Control Flow Diagram

The large class of applications having following characteristics requires control flow mod-
• The applications that are driven by events rather than data.
• The applications that produce control flow information rather than reports or displays.
• The application that process information in specific time.

Figure 4.14: Control Flow Diagram for HCR System

4.4.3 Architectural Diagram Deployment Diagram
A deployment diagram shows the allocation of processes to processors in the physical design
of a system. A deployment diagram may represent all or part of the process architecture of a

Figure 4.15: Deployment Diagram

4.5 Mathematical Model
when solving problems we have to decide the difficulty of our problem. There are two types
of classes provided for that.These are as follows.
• class P
• class NP
• Class P
P is the class of decisions that are polynomially bounded. P is defined only for deci-
sion problems. It may seem rather extravagant to use the existence of a polynomial
time bound as the criterion for defining the class of more or less reasonable problems
polynomials can be quite large. There are, however a number of good reasons for this
First, while it is not true that every problem in P has an acceptably efficient algorithm,
we can certainly say that if a problem is not in P, it will be extremely expensive and
probably impossible to solve in practice.
A second reason for using a polynomial bound to define p is that polynomials have
nice closure properties. An algorithm for a complex problem may be obtained by
combining several algorithms for simpler problems. Some of the simpler algorithms
may work on the output or intermediate result of others.
A third reason for a using polynomial bound is that it makes P independent of the
particular formal model of computation used. A number of formal models are used to
prove rigorous theorems about the complexity of algorithms and problems.

• Class NP
NP is the class of decision problems for which a given proposed solution for a given
input can be checked quickly (in polynomial time) to see if it really is a solution. More
formally, inputs for a system and proposed solution must be described by strings of
symbols from some finite set.
There may be decision problems where there is no natural interpretation for solutions
and proposed solutions. A decision problem is abstractly just some function from a
set of input string to the set yes, no. A formal definition of NP considers all decision

>NP-Hard Problems
NP-hard (Non-Deterministic polynomial time hard), in computational complexity theory,
is a class of problems that are, informally at least as hard as the hardest problem in NP.
A problem H is NP-hard if and only if there is an NP-complete L that is polynomial time
Turing reducible to H.
NP-hard problems may be of any type: Decision problems, search problems or optimiza-
tion problems.

>NP-Complete Problems
NP-Complete is the term used to describe decision problems that are the hardest ones in
NP in the sense that, if there were a polynomially bounded algorithm for an NP-complete

problem, then there would be a polynomially bounded algorithm for each problem in N.

Conclusion-: As we have seen all the classes of problem. Our Topic is ”HCR Using Neural
Network.” is of P class problem.

4.5.1 Set Theory

Set theory is the branch of mathematical logic that studies sets, which are collections of
objects. Although any type of object can be collected into a set, set theory is applied most
often to objects that are relevant to mathematics. A set is a collection of objects which are
called the members or elements of that set. If we have a set we say that some objects belong
(or do not belong) to this set, are (or are not) in the set. We say also that sets consist of their

S = {I, P,R, O}


I = Set of inputs.

P = Set of Process.

R = Set of rules.

O = Set of Outputs.

I = {I1}


I1 = Input image.

P = {P1,P2,P3, P4}


P1 = Accept image.

P2 = Preprocess on image.

P3 = Feature Extraction.

P4 = Classify and Display Recognize character.

O = {O1}


O1 = Recognize character.

4.5.2 Venn Diagram

Figure 4.16: Venn Diagram

4.5.3 State Diagram

Figure 4.17: State Diagram

q0=Image Acquisition



q3=Feature Extraction

q4=Classification and Recognition


4.5.4 Time and Space Computation
The space complexity can be defined as amount of memory required by an algorithm to run.
To compute space complexity we used two factors:
• Constant Characteristic
• Instant Characteristic
Space requirement S(p) can be given as: S(p)= C + Sp
C is constant i.e. fixed part that denotes space of inputs, outputs, instructions used. Sp is
space dependent on instance characteristic i.e. variable part and it include space for recur-
sion stack.
The time complexity of an algorithm is the amount of processor time required by an algo-
rithm to run to completion. It is difficult to compute time complexity in terms of physically
clocked time. For instance in multi tier system, executing time depends on many factors such

• System Load
• Number of other programs running
• Instructions used and speed of underlying hardware
IR2 tree algorithm time complexity:
The processing time T for the searching nearest hotels/lodges is proportional to the number
of hospital register to the particular location T = O(NC), where, N is the number of ho-
tels/lodges and C is the number of users, C can be represented by S as C = O(S). Thus, the
total processing time T could be estimated as:
T = O(NC) = O(S2)


Risk Management

5.1 Risk Identification

5.1.1 Product Size Related
R1 Extra line of codes or redundant algorithm may cause wastage of memory.

5.1.2 Customer Related

R2 As the customer is not the technical person, so it creates a problem while understanding
the extra requirements of customer.

R3 If customer provides irrelevant information then it may generate some unknown risk.

5.1.3 Process Risk

R4 During segmentation, processing on blur or noisy image may occur.

5.1.4 Technical Risk

R5 Without extracting feature of character complexity of ANN will be increased.

5.1.5 Development Environment Related

R6 If customer asks for change or gives some unexpected modification in later stages of
development then it is difficult to alter the entire system design in accordance with that

R7 Lack on training on tools and inexperience may cause difficulty in completing project

5.2 Risk Projection

5.2.1 Risk Table
The table 1 shown lists of all possible risks that may occure at any stage during develop-
ment of the project.

Risk Category Probability Impact
R1 Product Size More High
R2 Customer More High
R3 Customer Less Low
R4 Execution Less High
R5 Technical Less Low
R6 Development Less Low
R7 Development Less High

Table 5.1: Risk Table

5.2.2 Strategies Used To Manage Risks

S1 We can Avoid Risk R1 by using minimizing our redundant code.

S2 Regular meeting with customer reduce the risk to some extent.

S3 To reduce above stated risk R3, Properly design the system with a flexibility to adopt
changes in later stages and also maintain all necessary documentation for the same.

S4 Before processing for segmentation use suitable noise removal algorithm.

S5 Extract the Feature of character to reduce complexity of ANN.

S6 As the number of persons are sufficient, and ANN part of project is complicated and
enlarged so, we have selected incremental process model so that the project can be
completed and handed over to customer in same way.

S7 We will try to improve the quality of the software as customer demand changes time to

S8 We can avoid R7 by giving well training on tools.

5.2.3 Risk Table Along With RMMM Plan

Table 2 clearly shows the impact of the risks and RMMM plan to deal with any such risks.

Risk Category Probability Impact RMMM plan

R1 Product Size More High S1
R2 Customer More High S2
R3 Customer Less Low S3
R4 Execution Less High S4
R5 Technical Less Low S5
R6 Development Less Low S6,S7
R7 Development Less High S8

Table 5.2: Risk Table Along With RMMM Plan

5.3 Feasibility
The feasibility of the project is analysed in this phase and business proposal is put forth
with a very general plan for the project and some cost estimates. During system analysis the
feasibility study of the proposed system is to be carried out. This is to ensure that the pro-
posed system is not a burden to the company. For feasibility analysis, some understanding
of the major requirements for the system is essential.Dimensions of Software Feasibility are
as follows:

• Technology:
Is project technically feasible?
Is it within state of art?
Can defect be reduce to a level matching application’s need?

• Finance:
Is it financially feasible?
Can development be completed at a cost the software organization and its client or
market can afford?

• Time:
Will project’s time to market beat competition?
• Resources:
Does the organization have resources needed to success?
Two key considerations involved in the feasibility analysis are:
1. Technical Feasibility.
2. Cost Feasibility.

5.3.1 Technical Feasibility

This study is carried out to check the technical feasibility, that is, the technical require-
ments of the system. Any system developed must not have a high demand on the available
technical resources. This will lead to high demands on the available technical resources.
This will lead to high demands being placed on the client. The developed system must have
a modest requirement,as only minimal or null changes are required for implementing this

Technical feasibility assessment can be done through following ways:


P Class:Class of all deterministic polynomial language problems.
NP Class:Class of all non-deterministic polynomial language problems.
NP Complete Problems are always solves within given time and space.

These are problems for which there are no efficient solutions are found. Generally
complexity of these problems are more than P,NP,NP-Complete. These may include
higher multiplicative constants, exponents terms or high order polynomial.

3.SAT (Satisfiability):
Boolean formula is satisfiable if there exists at least one way of assigning value to its
variable so as to make it true and we denote it by using SAT. The problem of deciding
whether given formula is satisfiable or not.

5.3.2 Cost Feasibility

This study is carried out to check the economic impact that the system will have on
the organization. The amount of fund that the company can pour into the research and
development of the system is limited. The expenditures must be justified. Thus the developed
system as well within the budget and this was achieved because most of the technologies used
are freely available. Only the customized products had to be purchased.


Technical Specification

6.1 Technology Details Used in Project

6.1.1 JAVA Development Kit
STEP 1: Download JDK.
1. Goto Java SE download site that is www.oracle.com visit technetwork than java click on
javase then downloads to visit index.html page.
2. Click the ”Download” button under ”JDK” of ”Java SE 7”.
3. Choose your operating platform, e.g., Windows x86 (for 32-bit Windows OS - ”jdk-7u2-
windows-i586.exe” 84MB); or Windows x64 (for 64-bit Windows OS).

STEP 2: Install JDK/JRE

1. Run the downloaded installer, which installs both the JDK (Java Development Kit) and
JRE (Java Runtime). By default, the JDK and JRE will be installed into C drive:Program
Files,java and into jdk1.7.0” and C drive:Program Files,java and into jre7”, respectively.Refer
JDK installed directory as JAVA HOME,by accepting terms and conditions and by clicking
to next we can use jdk for our java programs.

Setting PATH and CLASS PATH variables in order to compile or execute java (Environ-
mental variable):

1.Click My computer ,properties and then advanced settings.

2.Now click Environment Variables, here variables are divided into two sections.

3.User variables : whenever it is modified the corresponding language only effected.

4.System variables : whenever it is modified not only a single language, corresponding

all languages are only effected.

5.Set variable name = classpath and variable value as directory where java is installed.One
more environment variable ,we have to set for Java home directory similar to path and

class path.For verification ,whether java is installed successfully or not ,just goto com-
mand prompt,type javac if you see java compiling commands then you have installed
it successfully.

Figure 6.1: JDK

6.1.2 Eclipse
STEP 3:install eclipse.
1.Download latest version of eclipse .
2.install eclipse on our system.
3.Eclipse stores your projects in a folder called a workspace.Choose a workspace folder to
use for this session.

Figure 6.2: Eclipse

6.2 References to Technology

www.install/windows/jdk installation-windows.html


Software Implementation

7.1 Introduction
GUI Specification For the creation of GUI we have used the java swing toolkit.
Swing library is an official Java GUI toolkit released by Sun Microsystems. The main char-
acteristics of the Swing toolkit

1.platform independent





7.2 Important Modules And Algorithm Used

Following is a description of the various implementation steps , which were applied in
order to achieve the final target our project.

7.2.1 Module 1: Image Processing

Preprocessing includes steps that are required to shape the input image into a form
suitable for segmentation. Color image is converted into gray scale.Image transform into
binary image that means in the form of black in white image.

Gray Scale Conversion

As each color pixel is described by a triplet (R,G,B) of intensities for red, green and
blue color. we can map that to a single number giving a gray scale value. There are many
approaches to convert color image into gray scale.Here average method is used for color to
gray scale conversion.

Algorithm :Gray Scale Conversion

Input :Scanned Handwritten Document Image

Output :Gray Scaled Document Image
Step 1: Start
Step 2: Select Input Document Image.
Step 3: Repeat for x=0 to Width of Image.
Step 4: Repeat for y=0 to Height of Image.
Step 5: Extract RGB value for each of pixel as RGB(i,j)
int col = inPixels[x][y];
int r = col & 0xff;
int g = (col >> 8) & 0xff;
int b = (col >> 16) & 0xff;
int gs = (r + g + b)/3;
Step 6: Set Pixel with computed gray level as :
inPixels[x][y] = (gs | (gs << 8) | (gs << 16));
gimage.setRGB(x, y, inPixels[x][y]);
Step 7: Display Gray Scale image.
Step 8: Stop

Image Binarization converts an image pf upto 256 gray level to a black and white im-
age. The simplest way to use image binarization is to choose a threshold value and clasify
all pixels with values above the threshold as black and all other pixels are white.

Algorithm :Image Binarization(Threshoulding)

Input :Gray Scaled Image
Output :Black and White Image
Step 1: Start
Step 2: Select Gray Scaled Document Image.
Step 3: Repeat for x=0 to Width of Image.
Step 4: Repeat for y=0 to Height of Image.
Step 5: Set the Threshold.
Step 6: Extract RGB value for each of pixel as RGB(i,j)
int col = inPixels[x][y];
int r = col & 0xff;
int g = (col >> 8) & 0xff;
int b = (col >> 16) & 0xff;
int gs = (r + g + b) / 3;
Step 7: If pixel(gs) is Above Threshold Then
Step 8: Set Pixel with computed Threshold level as :
inPixels[x][y] = (b | (g << 8) | (r << 16));

bimage.setRGB(x, y, inPixels[x][y]);
Step 9: Display Binarized Image.
Step 10: Stop

7.2.2 Module 2: Segmentation

Once image preprocessing is done it is necessary to segment document into lines, lines
into words and words into characters.When characters has been extracted from document we
can extract features from it for recognition.Segmentation of image is performed to separate
the characters from the image.Characters separation from the input image involves three
steps as:
• Line Segmentation
• Word Segmentation
• Character Segmentation

Line Segmentation
To perform line segmentation, we need to scan each horizontal pixel row starting from
the top of document. The lines are separated where we finds a row with no black pixels.This
row acts as a separation between two lines.

Algorithm : Line Segmentation

Input : Binarized Document Image
Output : Segmented lines from Document Image
Step 1: Start
Step 2: Select Document Image.
Step 3: Repeat for x = 0 to Height of Image.
Step 4: Repeat for y = 0 to Width of Image.
Step 5: Scans Each pixels from Horizontal pixel row.
Step 6: Extract RGB value for each pixels inPixels[x][y]
Step 7: If pixel with no Black pixel is found then
Segment line from document image
Step 8: Stop

Word Segmentation
To perform word segmentation, we need to scan each vertical pixel column starting
from the left of line. The words are separated where we finds a column with no black pixels
for more than predefined columns. This column acts as a separation between two words.

Algorithm : Word Segmentation

Input : Segmented lines from Image and avgpxl = average pixel width for word separation
Output : Segmented words from line

Step 1: Start
Step 2: Select Document Image.
Step 3: Repeat for x = 0 to Height of Segmented line image.
Step 4: Repeat for y = 0 to Width of Segmented line image..
Step 5: Scans Each pixels from Vertical pixel column.
Step 6: Extract RGB value for each pixels inPixels[x][y]
Step 7: If pixel with no Black pixel is found for more than avgpxl then
Segment Word from lines
Step 8: Stop

Character Segmentation
To perform character segmentation, we need to scan each vertical pixel column starting
from the left of word. The characters are separated where we finds a column with no black
pixels columns. This column acts as a separation between two character.

Algorithm : Character Segmentation

Input : Segmented words from lines
Output : Segmented characters from words
Step 1: Start
Step 2: Select Document Image.
Step 3: Repeat for x = 0 to Height of Segmented word.
Step 4: Repeat for y = 0 to Width of Segmented word.
Step 5: Scans Each pixels from Vertical pixel column.
Step 6: Extract RGB value for each pixels inPixels[x][y]
Step 7: If pixel with no Black pixel is found then
Segment characters from words
Step 8: Stop

7.2.3 Module 3: Feature Extraction

As individual characters has been separated, character image can be re sized to 15 x 20
pixels. If the features are extracted accurately then the accuracy of recognition is more.Here
we have use the 15 x 20 means 300 pixels as it is for feature vector. This extracted feature
are stored in .dat file

7.2.4 Module 4: Training And Recognition

The Features extracted from previous modules are given as an input for Neural Network.
The Kohonen algorithm is an automatic classification method which is the origin of Self-
Organizing Maps.This SOM is used for training and recognition.

* This method is called to train the network. It can run
for a very long time and will report progress back to the
owner object.
@exception java.lang.RuntimeException

public void learn ()

throws RuntimeException
int i, key, tset,iter,n retry,nwts;
int won[],winners ;
double work[],correc[][],rate,best err,dptr[];
double bigerr[] = new double[1] ;
double bigcorr[] = new double[1];
KohonenNetwork bestnet;
Preserve best here
totalError = 1.0 ;
for ( tset=0 ; tset¡train.getTrainingSetCount(); tset++ ) {
dptr = train.getInputSet(tset);
if ( vectorLength( dptr ) ¡ 1.E-30 ) {
throw(new RuntimeException(“Multiplicative normalization has null training case ”)) ;
bestnet = new KohonenNetwork(inputNeuronCount,outputNeuronCount,owner) ;
won = new int[outputNeuronCount];
correc = new double[outputNeuronCount][inputNeuronCount+1];
if ( learnMethod==0 )
work = new double[inputNeuronCount+1];
work = null ;
rate = learnRate;
initialize () ;
best err = 1.e30 ;
main loop:
n retry = 0 ;
for ( iter=0 ; ; iter++ )
evaluateErrors ( rate , learnMethod , won ,bigerr , correc , work ) ;
totalError = bigerr[0] ;
if ( totalError ¡ best err ) {
best err = totalError ;
copyWeights ( bestnet , this ) ;
winners = 0 ;
for ( i=0;i¡won.length;i++ )
if ( won[i]!=0 )
if ( bigerr[0] ¡ quitError )
break ;

if ( (winners ¡ outputNeuronCount) && (winners ¡ train.getTrainingSetCount()) ) {
forceWin ( won ) ;
continue ;
adjustWeights ( rate , learnMethod , won , bigcorr, correc ) ;
owner.updateStats(n retry,totalError,best err);
if ( halt ) {
owner.updateStats(n retry,totalError,best err);
if ( bigcorr[0] ¡ 1E-5 ) {
if ( ++n retry ¿ retries )
break ;
initialize () ;
iter = -1 ;
rate = learnRate ;
continue ;
if ( rate ¿ 0.01 )
rate = reduction ;
copyWeights( this , bestnet ) ;
for ( i=0 ; i¡outputNeuronCount ; i++ )
normalizeWeight ( outputWeights[i] ) ;
halt = true;
n retry++;
owner.updateStats(n retry,totalError,best err);

Called to initialize the Kononen network.

public void initialize()

int i ;
double optr[];
clearWeights() ;
randomizeWeights( outputWeights ) ;
for ( i=0 ; i¡outputNeuronCount ; i++ ) {
optr = outputWeights[i];
normalizeWeight( optr );

* Present an input pattern and get the
winning neuron.
@param input input pattern
@param normfac the result
@param synth synthetic last input
@return The winning neuron number.
public int winner(double input[] ,double normfac[] ,double synth[])
int i, win=0;
double biggest, optr[];
normalizeInput( input , normfac , synth ) ;
biggest = -1.E30;
for ( i=0 ; i < optr = outputWeights[i];
output[i] = dotProduct (input , optr ) * normfac[0]+ synth[0] * optr[inputNeuronCount] ;
output[i] = 0.5 * (output[i] + 1.0) ;
if ( output[i] > biggest ) {
biggest = output[i] ;
win = i ;
if ( output[i] > 1.0 )
output[i] = 1.0 ;
if ( output[i] < 0.0 )
output[i] = 0.0 ;
return win ;


Software Testing

8.1 Introduction
Software Testing is the process of testing the functionality and correctness of software.Software
testing is an empirical technical investigation conducted to provide stakeholders with infor-
mation about the quality of the product to the context in which it is intended to operate.This
includes,but is not limited to,the process of executing a program or application with the intent
of finding errors.

8.1.1 Unit Testing:

In this each module is tested individually.Criteria selected for identifying unit test module is
to identify module that has core functionality implementation.Module could be an individual
or procedure.
The following is a list of functions for unit testing that will tested:
• Select the scanned input image of handwritten document.
• Apply Preprocessing.
• Apply Segmentation.
• Apply Feature Extraction.
• Extract Digital character.

8.1.2 Integration testing

Integration testing integrates individual modules and tested as a group.Integration testing
takes as its input modules that have been unit tested,groups them in larger aggregates,applies
tests defined in an integration test plan to those aggregates,and delivers as its output the
integrated system for testing.

Figure 8.1: Integration testing

8.1.3 Validation testing

The process of evaluating software during or at the end of the development process in to
determine whether ot satisfies specified requirements.

8.1.4 GUI Testing

GUI testing is the process of testing a product’s graphical user interface to ensure it meet
its specification,ensuring the navigation between icons/buttons with source code.

8.2 Test cases

Table 8.1: Test case 1

Use case ID 1
Test Case Name Check image format
Test case Description Valid image format MUST be provided to continue
Steps 1.Open application
2.Give image with proper format input
Expected Results Input image accepted and display
Actual Results As Expected.

Table 8.2: Test case 2

Usecase ID 2
Test Case Name Application should allow selecting any type of image.
Test case Description Application should allow selecting any type of image, which
we want.
Steps 2.Click on Browse for image button
Expected Results After choose any image, image is selected
Actual Results As Expected.

Table 8.3: Test case 3

Usecase ID 3
Test Case Name Add character from image
Test case Description Application should allow to select character
for training of character of
an image, which we want to add.
Steps 1. Browse image
2. Click on Add from image button and select character and
click OK button.
Expected Results Character should add successfully.
Actual Results As Expected.

Table 8.4: Test case 4
Use case ID 4
Test Case Name Start Training
Test case Description Start training character.
Steps 1.Start training of character which are in .dat file by user

Expected Results Training should be done and accurate.

Actual Results As Expected.

Table 8.5: Test case 5

Use case ID 5
Test Case Name Select image for recognition.
Test case Description Image should be accepted.
Steps 1.accept any type image.

Expected Results Application should be able to do accept image

for recognition.
Actual Results As Expected.

Table 8.6: Test case 6

Use case ID 6
Test Case Name Character recognition from the selected image.
Test case Description Character from the image should be displayed .
Steps 1.Accept any scanned image.
2.Click on >>(Recognition)button
Expected Results Application should be able to display Recognized
text from image.
Actual Results As Expected.

8.3 Snap shots of Test Cases and Test Results
AppPerfect Java Code Test is a Java code analysis software designed to perform the
following two key tasks: Automate Java code review and Enforce Good Java Coding Prac-
tices. AppPerfect Code Test analysis your Java and Java Server Pages (JSP) source code and
applies over 750 Java coding rules to apply the collective knowledge of leading experts in
the Java programming field to your code.
Locating and fixing Java coding problems during source code development time is ar-
guably the cheapest way to resolve problems. As your project goes past the development
phase, in to testing and deployment, the cost of fixing problems grows exponentially. By
conducting source code analysis and successfully identifying and correcting all such issues,
software developers can eliminate the risk and potential costs early in the software develop-
ment cycle.

Figure 8.2: Information

Figure 8.3: Setting Project

Figure 8.4: Violation

Figure 8.5: Auto-fixable Violations

Figure 8.6: Metrics

Figure 8.7: Auto-Fixes

Figure 8.8: Project Summary

Figure 8.9: Developers

Figure 8.10: Console



“HCR Using Neural Network ”is aimed at recognizing the handwritten characters. The
“handwritten Character Recognition System ”is implemented using a neural network.in this
system original image is converted into gray scale image then After gray scaling image is
converted in black and white and segmented form. After preprocessing and segmentation
operation system show final output.

Figure 9.1: Modules Result

Figure 9.2: Recognized Text

Figure 9.3: Input Image

Figure 9.4: Recognized Text


Deployment And Maintenance Details

10.1 Installation And Un-installation

10.1.1 Installation
For installation of application just double click on the executable jar file,the application will
smoothly work on the windows 7 or onward versions.

10.1.2 Un-installation
For un-installation of the application user can simply delete the jar file,the application will
be delete permanently.

10.2 User Help

HCR is easy process. Just follow these steps to guide you through the HCR process.

1.Run a Project.

2.Load and Train Datasets.

3.Save datasets.

4.Select an Image through browse for image button.

5.After selecting image you can click on Recognize button.

6.When you click on Recognize button they show us grayscale, black and white and
segmented image as well as final output also shown in recognize text box.

HCR English 2015-2016. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions.


Conclusion and Future Scope

11.1 Conclusion
Many regional languages throughout world have different writing styles which can be
recognized with HCR systems using proper algorithm and strategies. We have learning for
recognition of English characters. It has been found that recognition of handwritten charac-
ter becomes difficult due to presence of odd characters or similarity in shapes for multiple
characters. Scanned image is pre-processed to get a cleaned image and the characters are
isolated into individual characters.
Preprocessing work is done in which normalization, filtration is performed using pro-
cessing steps which produce noise free and clean output. Managing our evolution algorithm
with proper training, evaluation other step wise process will lead to successful output of sys-
tem with better efficiency. Use of some statistical features and geometric features through
neural network will provided better recognition result of English characters. This work will
be helpful to the researchers for the work towards other script.

11.2 Future Scope

This work further extended to the character recognition for other languages. It can be used
to convert the fax and news papers into text format.In order to recognize words,sentences
or paragraphs we can use multiple ANN for classification.It can be used in post office for
reading postal address.


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tion System using neural network”International Journal of Computer Science and Infor-
mation Technology (IJCSIT), Vol 3, No 1, Feb 2011. Access Date:09/07/2015.

Appendix A: Project Quality and Testing

Table 11.1: Testing table
Test Module Description Expected Output Actual Out- Remark
case ID Name put
TC 00 01 Image Ac- Uploading image Image file should Image file Pass
quisition be selected selected
and uploaded and up-
successfully loaded
TC 00 02 Image Ac- Wrong input file error message error Pass
quisition uploaded should be dis- message
played displayed
TC 01 01 Image Pre- To preprocess im- Gray scale con- Gray scale Pass
processing age which is up- version should be conversion
loaded done done
TC 01 02 Image Pre- To preprocess im- Binarization(ConverB
siionnarization Pass
processing age which is up- from RGB to done
loaded B/W image)
TC 02 01 SegmentationLine Segmenta- Line Segmenta- Line Seg- Pass
tion tion should be mentation
done should
TC 02 02 SegmentationWord Segmenta- word Segmen- Word Seg- Pass
tion tation should be mentation
done should
TC 02 03 SegmentationCharacter Seg- Character Seg- Character Pass
mentation mentation should Segmenta-
be done tion should
TC 03 01 Feature Feature extrac- Feature should be Feature ex- Pass
Extraction tion extract tracted suc-
TC 04 01 Training Training of char- Character should Character Pass
acters be train success- trained suc-
fully cessfully
TC 05 01 Recognition Recognition of Character should Character Pass
character be recognized recognized
successfully success-

Appendix B: Project Planner and
Progress Report

Figure 11.1: Project Plan


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