Srikant H 2016
Srikant H 2016
Srikant H 2016
DOI 10.1007/s11906-016-0683-0
syndrome and type 2 diabetes, atherogenic dyslipidemia man- all modifiable risk factors. Hence multifactorial risk factor
ifests in routine lipoprotein analysis by raised triglycerides and modification addressing hyperglycemia, hypertension, and
low concentrations of HDL cholesterol [3•]. A more detailed dyslipidemia is emphasized. Various pharmacological and
analysis usually reveals other lipoprotein abnormalities, e.g., non-pharmacological therapeutic interventions to treat the
increased remnant lipoproteins, elevated apolipoprotein B, metabolic and cardiovascular abnormalities have evolved over
small LDL particles, and small HDL particles. All of these the last century. Therapies that have been proven to have long-
abnormalities have been implicated as being independently term therapeutic benefit have generally shown concurrent im-
atherogenic. provement in insulin sensitivity and endothelial dysfunction.
After entering the arterial wall, the particles bind to extra- The therapeutic goals for management of cardiovascular risk
cellular matrix molecules, and are modified through oxidation facts have been outlined by the ACC, AHA, and the
and other processes, which increase their inflammatory prop- Endocrine Society (see Table 1). They include reduction of
erties and their unregulated uptake by macrophages [4]. The abdominal obesity, regular physical activity, dietary modifica-
macrophages become engorged with lipid, and turn into foam tion, and treatment of specific cardiovascular risk factors as
cells forming Bfatty streaks^; they magnify the inflammatory identified. In the following sections individual components of
response through release of interleukins. This leads to smooth the therapeutic strategy will be briefly reviewed with a special
muscle proliferation in the media resulting in the development focus on management of dyslipidemia.
of a fibrous cap or plaque [5]. As the plaques mature and
atherogenic particles continue to infiltrate, lipid-rich areas Lifestyle Modification
form within the fibrous plaque. Inflammation triggers process-
es that weaken the fibrous cap and make the plaque suscepti- Current evidence suggests that the first step in the manage-
ble to rupture [6]. Thus, dyslipidemia plays an important role ment of patients with dyslipidemia and metabolic syndrome
in the initiation of atherosclerosis, progression to a mature should be focused on weight loss and increased physical ac-
plaque and eventually, plaque instability, and rupture. tivity. Lifestyle modifications including diet, weight loss, and
Atherosclerotic plaque rupture is generally the proximate physical exercise reduce insulin resistance, obesity and im-
cause of acute coronary syndromes. prove endothelial function. The benefit of weight manage-
Epidemiologic studies have demonstrated a strong relation- ment in controlling the metabolic syndrome is highlighted
ship between serum cholesterol levels and increased ASCVD by the CARDIA study [11]. In this observational study of
risk, and, conversely, low rates of ASCVD are associated with more than 5000 young individuals for 15 years between the
low levels of cholesterol. Observational data from the UKPDS ages of 18 and 30 years, increasing BMI was associated with
showed that a 1 mmol/L increase in LDL-C was associated progression of components of metabolic syndrome as opposed
with a 57 % increase in CVD endpoints. Clinical trials includ- to those who maintained a stable BMI over the same period.
ing the Heart Protection Study and Collaborative Atorvastatin Obese individuals can lose up to 0.5 kg/week by restricting
Diabetes Study amply demonstrate that lowering of LDL-C calories to less than 500–1000 kcal below daily requirements
with drugs will reduce the risk of CV events [7]. The impor- [12]. Combining calorie restriction with regular exercise can
tance of LDL-C in ASCVD is also substantiated by hereditary lead to a weight loss of 5–10 % from baseline over a 6 month
conditions such as familial hypercholesterolemia (FH). In this period. A realistic goal for weight reduction is a target of 7–
autosomal co-dominant genetic disorder characterized by very 10 % over a 6 to 12 month period. Such reductions in body
high levels of LDL-C (and LDL particles) and early ASCVD, weight are associated with much greater loss of visceral adi-
the removal of apo B-containing lipoproteins by lipoprotein posity (the central problem in cardio-metabolic syndrome).
apheresis has been shown to markedly reduce arterial wall This marginal weight loss results in improvement of many
inflammation [8]. The beneficial impact of lowering athero- of the metabolic abnormalities [13].
genic cholesterol levels for reducing ASCVD risk is also sup-
ported by genetic studies of individuals with PCSK9 muta- Diet Intervention
tions and with polymorphisms in the Niemann-Pick C1-like 1
(NPC1L1) protein, both of which result in reduced levels of Several dietary approaches have been advocated for treatment
LDL-C throughout life [9•, 10]. of the metabolic syndrome. The Dietary Guidelines for
Americans recommend a balance between energy intake and
expe nditu re to maintain a healthy body weight.
Management of Dyslipidemia Recommended macronutrient ranges for adults are 45–65 %
of energy from carbohydrate, 10–35 % from protein, and 20–
In individuals at risk of developing cardiovascular disease 35 % of energy from fat. Avoiding excessive sodium intake
which include those with diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and limiting consumption of saturated fats, trans fats, refined
and metabolic syndrome it is essential to aggressively manage grains and added sugars are emphasized. Consumption of
Curr Hypertens Rep (2016) 18:76 Page 3 of 10 76
Table 1 The therapeutic goals and clinical recommendation for management of metabolic syndrome
Abdominal obesity Diet control and increased physical activity 10% weight loss in the first year and
continued weight loss thereafter
Physical inactivity Moderate-intensity aerobic activity 5 days/week; Resistance training 30-60 min of exercise daily
2 days/week
Atherogenic diets Total fats 25-35 % of total calories, saturated fats <7 % of calories Reduced intake of saturated fats, trans
fats and cholesterol
Smoking Complete cessation Complete cessation
High LDL cholesterol Lifestyle changes. Initiate statin therapy for primary prevention if Medium intensity or high intensity
LDL >190. For LDL 70–189, initiate therapy if >7.5 % 10-year stain therapy dictated by risk
ASCVD risk
High triglycerides No defined therapies or goals No defined goals
Low HDL cholesterol Lifestyle changes Insufficient data
High blood pressure Lifestyle therapy and antihypertensive drugs BP <140/90 for age <60 year; BP
<150/90 for age > 60 year
Elevated glucose Lifestlye therapy and hypoglycemic drugs Reduction and maintenance of fasting
glucose 80-130 mg/dL; A1c < 7%
Prothrombotic state Consider low-dose aspirin when risk of CV events is higher than risk Reduction of prothrombotic state
of GI bleed or stroke
fruits and vegetables; nuts, peas, and legumes; whole grains; modification, metformin, troglitazone, or placebo. The meta-
lean sources of protein; low-fat or fat-free dairy products; bolic syndrome (using ATP III criteria) was present in 53 % of
seafood; and liquid vegetable oils are recommended [14]. DPP participants at baseline. In the remaining subjects, both
The 2015 DGAC evaluated three dietary patterns, all of intensive lifestyle intervention and metformin therapy reduced
which have been associated with health benefits. These are the risk of developing the metabolic syndrome. The rate of
the healthy US-style pattern, the healthy Mediterranean-style development of diabetes/metabolic syndrome was least in the
pattern, and the healthy vegetarian pattern. These have similar intensive lifestyle modification group which consisted of low
food-based characteristics to those defined by the 2013 AHA/ fat diet and 150 min of walking per week [18]. Exercise may
ACC Guideline on Lifestyle Management and, compared to be beneficial beyond its effect on weight loss by more selec-
the average American diet, are higher in vegetables, fruits, and tively removing abdominal fat, at least in women [19].
whole grains; low- or non-fat dairy; seafood, legumes, and
nuts; moderate in alcohol (for adults); lower in red and proc-
essed meats; and low in sugar-sweetened foods/drinks and Pharmacologic Options
refined grains [15]. The Mediterranean diet which is high in
fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains and olive oil results in At present pharmacologic approach to address dyslipidemia in
improved lipid profile and insulin resistance as compared to a the setting of various metabolic conditions primarily com-
low-fat diet [16, 17]. Objective data on other weight reducing prises of statins. Other groups of medications which have been
diets such as high-protein low carbohydrate diet is limited. developed to address various concurrent abnormalities such as
Foods with low glycemic index may be beneficial. hyperglycemia, obesity, and hypertension are also important
components of the therapeutic regimen. No specific drug has
Exercise been developed that can reverse or block the fundamental
abnormality/abnormalities that lead to insulin resistance, en-
Current guidelines recommend practical, regular, and moder- dothelial dysfunction, and vascular inflammation.
ate regimens for exercise. The standard exercise recommen-
dation is a daily minimum of 30 min of moderate-intensity Anti-Lipemic Therapy
physical activity (e.g., brisk walking). The Diabetes
Prevention Project (DPP) study showed that multiple metabol- Reducing elevated levels of atherogenic cholesterol will lower
ic risk factors can be controlled and type 2 diabetes prevented ASCVD risk in proportion to the extent that atherogenic cho-
or delayed by controlling weight with regular exercise. The lesterol is reduced. This benefit is presumed to result from
study enrolled 3234 normotensive subjects who were mostly atherogenic cholesterol lowering through multiple modalities,
obese and randomized them to intensive lifestyle including lifestyle and drug therapies. Pharmacotherapy in the
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management of dyslipidemia has been enormously successful. of clinical lipidology, the NLA Expert Panel’s consensus view
Multiple RCTs, involving, in aggregate, hundreds of thou- is that non-HDL-C is a better primary target for modification
sands of participants, have shown that drug therapies (partic- than LDL-C. Non-HDL-C comprises the cholesterol carried
ularly statins) that lower atherogenic cholesterol levels are by all potentially atherogenic particles, including LDL, IDL,
effective in reducing ASCVD morbidity and mortality [20, VLDL, and VLDL remnants, chylomicron particles, and chy-
21]. The Cholesterol Treatment Trialists’ meta-analysis of lomicron remnants, and Lp (a). Both non-HDL-C and LDL-C
more- vs less-intensive statin regimens demonstrated that a are considered targets for lipid-altering therapy, and goals for
1.0 mmol/L (38.7 mg/dL) change in LDL-C resulted in a therapy have been defined for both. Using non-HDL-C as a
22 % relative risk reduction (hazard ratio of 0.78) for major target for intervention also simplifies the management of pa-
ASCVD events [20]. In addition, there was no evidence of an tients with high triglycerides that is seen frequently in the
LDL-C threshold within the range studied. Larger LDL-C setting of metabolic syndrome (200–499 mg/dL).
reductions, for example 2 to 3 mmol/L (77.4–116.1 mg/dL), In addition to lipoprotein lipid levels, ASCVD risk assess-
could yield up to 40 to 50 % relative risk reduction for ment includes evaluation of other major ASCVD risk factors
ASCVD. The ATP-III guidelines emphasized that LDL reduc- and other conditions known to be associated with high or very
tion is the primary target in lipid management even in the high risk for an ASCVD event (Table 2). Treatment with
metabolic syndrome with low HDL and triglycerides being statins is recommended based on 10-year risk of cardiovascu-
secondary targets [22]. lar events (nonfatal MI, CHD death, or nonfatal and fatal
In all adults (≥20 years of age), a fasting or non-fasting stroke) with goal of therapy being, reduction in LDL by half
lipoprotein profile should be obtained at least every 5 years. from baseline if initiated. Risk assessment is made to deter-
At a minimum, this should include total cholesterol and HDL- mine the clinical risk category the individual falls under. Very
C, which allows calculation of non-HDL-C (total-C–HDL-C). high-risk conditions include individuals with clinical
Lipoprotein lipid measurement and ASCVD risk assessment ASCVD, diabetes mellitus (type 1 or 2), with ≥2 major clinical
should be repeated in 5 years, or sooner based on changes in risk factors or evidence of end-organ damage (estimated glo-
ASCVD risk factors (including weight gain), a premature merular filtration rate, 60 mL/min/1.73 m2). High-risk condi-
ASCVD event in a first-degree relative, evidence of tions include severe hypercholesterolemia phenotype (LCL-
ASCVD in the patient, or a new potential secondary cause C ≥ 190 mg/dL), diabetes mellitus (type 1 or 2) with 0 or 1
of dyslipidemia. For those with atherogenic cholesterol in major clinical risk factor and chronic kidney disease stage 3B
the desirable range, public health recommendations regarding or 4 (estimated glomerular filtration rate <45 but >15 mL/kg/
lifestyle should be emphasized. When intervention beyond 1.73 m2). If above conditions do not exist, classification may
public health recommendations for long-term ASCVD risk be done by counting major ASCVD risk factors; 0–1 risk
reduction is used, levels of atherogenic cholesterol (non- factor being low risk, 2 major ASCVD being moderate risk
HDL-C and LDL-C) should be the primary targets for thera- and ≥3 major ASCVD risk factors being high risk.
pies. Although LDL-C has traditionally been the primary tar- Quantitative risk scoring may be considered for risk refine-
get of therapy in previous lipid guidelines and in the practice ment, particularly in patients with moderate risk. Three com-
monly used risk calculators are: ATP III Framingham risk
Table 2 Risk assessment calculator, Pooled Cohort Equations (ACC/AHA) and
Framingham long-term risk calculator.
Very high risk
Diabetes mellitus with ≥2 other major ASCVD risk factors
or end-organ damage Table 3 Moderate- vs high-intensity statins
High risk
Diabetes mellitus with 0–1 other major ASCVD risk factors High-intensity statin Moderate-intensity statin
Chronic kidney disease stage 3B or 4
LDL-C reduction ≥50 % LDL-C reduction 30–50 %
LDL-C ≥190 mg/dL
Atorvastation, 40–80 mg Atorvastatin, 10–20 mg
≥3 major ASCVD risk factors present
Rosuvastatin, 20–40 mg Fluvastatin, 40 mg bid
Moderate risk
Fluvastatin XL, 80 mg
2 Major ASCVD risk factors present (If quantitative risk score reaches
Lovastatin, 40 mg
high-risk threshold or high risk is indicated by additional testing such
as coronary artery calcium score, high-sensivity CRP, strong family Pitavastatin, 2–4 mg
history etc., assign to high-risk category) Pravastatin, 40–80 mg
Low risk Rosuvastatin, 5–10 mg
No or 1 risk factor and no other major indicators of higher risk Simvastatin, 20–40 mg
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Desirable levels of atherogenic cholesterol for primary pre- important in this group to identify additional family members
vention are <130 mg/dL for non-HDL-C and <100 mg/dL for who would benefit from assessment and early treatment.
LDL-C. In very high-risk patients, the desirable levels are Secondary causes of severe elevations of LDL-C ≥190 mg/
<100 mg/dL for non-HDL-C and <70 mg/dL for LDL-C. dL and triglycerides ≥500 mg/dL (e.g., excessive alcohol in-
The designation of non-HDL-C treatment targets as 30 mg/ take, uncontrolled diabetes, overt albuminuria) often contrib-
dL more than the LDL-C concentration is based on the as- ute to the magnitude of the hyperlipidemia and should be
sumption that Bnormal^ VLDL-C concentration when triglyc- evaluated and treated appropriately.
erides are <150 mg/dL is typically <30 mg/dL, and when
triglycerides are elevated, VLDL-C is typically >30 mg/dL. Lipid Lowering Therapy Beyond Statins
Support for these thresholds derives primarily from observa-
tional evidence showing low ASCVD incidence rates in For patients with very high triglycerides (>500 mg/dL), the
groups with levels in these ranges [23, 24•]. In observational primary objective of therapy is to lower the triglyceride level
studies, each 1-mg/dL increment in triglyceride-rich lipopro- to <500 mg/dL to reduce the risk of pancreatitis. For patients
tein cholesterol is associated with an increment in ASCVD with hypertriglyceridemia who have high triglycerides (200–
event risk at least as large as that for each 1 mg/dL increase 499 mg/dL), the primary objective of therapy is to lower levels
in LDL-C. The current guidelines from ACC/AHA however of atherogenic cholesterol (non-HDL-C and LDL-C) to reduce
do not set a goal LDL level for titration of therapy. risk for an ASCVD event by using statins. ADA clinical prac-
Unless contraindicated, first-line drug therapy for treatment tice guidelines note that combination therapy (statin/fibrate
of elevated atherogenic cholesterol levels is a moderate-or and statin/niacin) has not been shown to provide additional
high-intensity statin (see Table 3). A moderate-intensity statin CV benefit above statin therapy alone [25•, 26•].
will generally lower LDL-C by 30 to <50 % and a high- Epidemiologic evidence suggests that HDL-C is inversely
intensity statin by approximately 50 %, although individual associated with ASCVD and the level of HDL-C is widely
patient responses should be expected to vary considerably. In accepted as an important risk indicator. Low HDL-C is also
some patients taking high-intensity statin therapy, atherogenic a component of the metabolic syndrome. HDL particles have
cholesterol levels may drop to low levels (e.g., LDL-C ≤ several properties that are expected to provide protection
40 mg/dL). At present, no evidence suggests harm with such against ASCVD including reverse cholesterol transport, anti-
low circulating cholesterol levels, and therapy may be contin- oxidation, endothelial protection, antiplatelet activity, and
ued in such patients, particularly those at very high ASCVD anticoagulation, but a direct mechanistic relationship between
event risk, in the absence of signs or symptoms of intolerance. low HDL and ASCVD is not fully understood. To date, clin-
High-intensity statin therapy should be initiated for adults ical trials of agents that markedly raise HDL-C, including
≤75 years of age with clinical ASCVD who are not receiving niacin and cholesteryl ester transfer protein inhibitors, have
statin therapy, or the intensity should be increased in those failed to demonstrate that they reduce all-cause mortality,
receiving a low- or moderate-intensity statin, unless they have CHD mortality, myocardial infarction, or stroke in statin-
a history of intolerance to high-intensity statin therapy or other treated patients [27, 28, 29•]. Apolipoprotein B may be an
characteristics that could influence safety. When characteris- optional optional secondary target for treatment particularly
tics predisposing to statin-associated adverse effects are pres- in patients with high triglyceride levels and low HDL-C levels
ent, moderate-intensity statin should be used as the second [30, 31]. This is particularly relevant when statin therapy
option, if tolerated. In individuals older than 75 years of age, lowers cholesterol concentration more than the apo B level,
there is no clear benefit of using high-intensity statin therapy which is a potential contributor to residual ASCVD risk.
compared to moderate-intensity statin. Hence moderate- Clinicians may also consider measuring LDL particle concen-
intensity statin therapy should be considered in these individ- tration as an alternative to apo B.
uals if indicated and therapy should be individualized.
The 2013 ACC/AHA guidelines also recommend high- Newer Lipid Lowering Agents
intensity statin therapy for individuals ≥21 years of age with
primary hypercholesterolemia due to lifetime exposure from In July 2015, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
genetic causes. High-intensity statin therapy might not be ad- approved alirocumab (Praluent), the first in a new class, the
equate to lower LDL-C sufficiently to reduce ASCVD event proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 (PCSK-9) inhib-
risk in individuals with primary severe elevations of LDL-C. itors. PCSK-9 is part of the proteinase K subfamily of
In addition to a maximally tolerated dose of statin, nonstatin subtilases and plays a key role in lipid metabolism. It increases
cholesterol-lowering medications are often needed to lower degradation of the low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDL-R),
LDL-C to acceptable levels in these individuals. Because the modulates cholesterol metabolism and transport, and contrib-
hypercholesterolemia in these high-risk individuals is often utes to the production of apolipoprotein B (apoB) in intestinal
genetically determined, family screening is especially cells. Statins increase PCSK9 messenger RNA expression and
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attenuate the capacity to increase LDL-R levels. Therefore, the a 48 % reduction in stroke after a median 3.9 years of follow-
inhibition of PCSK9 in combination with statins provides a up. The study was prematurely ended because of the early
promising approach for lowering low-density lipoprotein cho- positive results. The relative benefit of atorvastatin was similar
lesterol (LDL-C) concentrations. in individuals whose baseline LDL cholesterol was <120 mg/
Alirocumab, a monoclonal antibody that inhibits dl and those with LDL cholesterol >120 mg/dl.
proprotein convertase subtilisin–kexin type 9 (PCSK9), when In patients with diabetes who are aged >40 years, without
administered subcutaneously every 2 weeks has been shown overt CVD, the new ACC/AHA cholesterol guidelines indi-
to reduce low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels in cate that there is strong evidence that moderate-intensity statin
patients who are receiving statin therapy [32•]. In this random- therapy should be initiated or continued for adults 40–75 years
ized trial involving 2341 patients at high risk for cardiovascu- of age, or high-intensity statin if the individual calculated risk
lar events who had LDL cholesterol levels of 70 mg per deci- is high (≥7.5 % estimated 10-year atherosclerotic cardiovas-
liter (1.8 mmol per liter) or more and were receiving treatment cular disease [ASCVD] risk using the pooled cohort equa-
with statins at the maximum tolerated dose (the highest dose tions. In persons with diabetes who are <40 years of age or
associated with an acceptable side-effect profile), with or >75 years of age or whose LDL-C is <70 mg/dl, statin therapy
without other lipid-lowering therapy there was evidence of should be individualized on the basis of considerations of
reduction in rate of cardiovascular events as well in a post ASCVD risk-reduction benefits, the potential for adverse ef-
hoc analysis. Larger and longer-term studies are needed to fects and drug-drug interactions, and patient preferences. It is
establish safety and efficacy however. important to recognize that the results of statin interventions in
patients with diabetes have demonstrated that the observed
benefits were independent of baseline LDL-C and other lipid
Dyslipidemia and Diabetes values.
Clinical trials conducted to date do not support triglyceride
The most typical lipoprotein pattern in diabetes, also known as reduction in the presence or absence of diabetes as a means to
diabetic dyslipidemia or atherogenic dyslipidemia, consists of reduce CVD risk. Four major fibrate trials in which patients
moderate elevation in triglyceride levels, low HDL cholesterol with CHD and/or diabetes have been included have been com-
values, and small dense LDL particles. This lipoprotein pat- pleted. The VA-HIT (Department of Veterans Affairs High-
tern is associated with insulin resistance and is present even Density Lipoprotein Intervention Trial) was carried out in men
before the onset of diabetes. Small dense LDL particles are with known CVD and low levels of HDL-C (<40 mg/dl), and
highly atherogenic because of their enhanced susceptibility to gemfibrozil was the fibrate chosen. The VA-HIT was the only
oxidative modification and increased uptake by the arterial fibrate study to demonstrate a significant benefit of a fibrate on
wall. In addition about 40 % of patients with diabetes have CVD, an effect mostly demonstrated in the 25 % of patients
elevated triglyceride levels (>200 md/dl) and 10 % with levels with diabetes.
greater than 400 mg/dl. LDL cholesterol remains the strongest
independent predictor of ASCVD followed by HDL in the Dyslipidemia in the Hypertensive Patient
individual with diabetes [33].
Subgroup analyses of intervention trials using statins sug- There is evidence from clinical trial data that suggests a syn-
gest that the relative cardiovascular benefit of statins is similar ergy between blood-pressure control and lipid lowering. The
among diabetic and nondiabetic participants. The strongest first demonstration of a positive interaction between simva-
evidence for the beneficial effect of cholesterol lowering with statin and antihypertensive agents was published by Sposito
statins in diabetic individuals with and without evidence of et al. [36]. This group reported the results obtained from a
CVD and average cholesterol values comes from the Heart small population of patients with hypertension and high serum
Protection Study (HPS) [34] and the Collaborative total cholesterol in which the antihypertensive effect of enal-
Atorvastatin Diabetes Study (CARDS) [35], the first statin april or lisinopril was significantly enhanced by the concom-
trials conducted in diabetic subjects. The HPS included 5963 itant administration of pravastatin or lovastatin. Because of the
diabetic individuals, 2912 of whom had no known CVD. All multiplicative effects of risk factors such as dyslipidemia in
subjects were >40 years of age. Treatment with 40 mg of the presence of hypertension special attention should be given
simvastatin reduced the risk of major CHD by 27 %. In when making pharmacologic choices in managing high blood
CARDS, 2383 individuals (mean age 62 years, mean LDL pressure.
cholesterol 118 mg/dl) with diabetes but no CVD and at least While thiazide diuretics have been advocated as initial ther-
one risk factor, including hypertension, smoking, retinopathy, apy in most patients with hypertension, based on data from
and micro- or macroalbuminuria, were randomized to atorva- ALLHAT, we have to pay attention to the potential lipid ab-
statin 10 mg per day versus placebo. Treatment with atorva- normalities that may occur and affect overall cardiometabolic
statin resulted in a 36 % reduction in acute cardiac events and risk [37]. The ALLHAT trial was a long-term, multicenter trial
Curr Hypertens Rep (2016) 18:76 Page 7 of 10 76
that included 42,418 participants aged 55 and older with stage dose of the ARB valsartan (up to 160 mg), when added to
1 or stage 2 hypertension and at least one other cardiovascular lifestyle intervention reduced the risk of diabetes but not of
disease risk factor. The mean fasting serum glucose levels at cardiovascular events in patients with impaired glucose toler-
baseline were 123.5, 123.1, and 122.9 mg/dL (6.9, 6.8, and ance and established cardiovascular disease or risk factors.
6.8 mmol/L); at 4 years, the mean levels were 126.3, 123.7, The relative reduction of 14 % in the risk of diabetes in the
and 121.5 mg/dL (7.0, 6.9, and 6.7 mmol/L) in the valsartan group was consistent across all subgroups that were
chlothalidone, amlodipine, and lisinopril groups respectively. examined [41]. Animal studies have shown improvement in
The chlorthalidone group had more hypokalemia, higher insulin resistance, reduction of ROS production, and increased
mean serum cholesterol and glucose levels, and higher inci- mitochondrial biogenesis with enalapril and losartan [42, 43].
dence of new cases of diabetes at 4-years follow-up. The com- Studies have also shown significant increase in adiponectin
parison of the lisinopril and chlorthalidone groups showed levels with inhibition of RAAS with ACEI or ARB, which is
statistical significance (p < 0.05). Among individuals classi- associated with improved insulin sensitivity [44]. ACEI and
fied as nondiabetic at baseline, with baseline fasting serum ARBs might increase peroxisome proliferators-activated re-
glucose less than 126 mg/dl (7.0 mmol/L), incidence of dia- ceptor (PPARγ) activity which might promote adipogenesis
betes (fasting serum glucose >126 mg/dl) at 4 years was 11.6, thus improving metabolic perturbations [45].
9.8, and 8.1 %, respectively. Both comparisons with the
chlorthalidone group were statistically significant at p < 0.05. Dyslipidemia in the Patient with the Metabolic Syndrome
Echoing the results from ALLHAT, data from the ASCOT-
BPLA showed that treatment with traditional anti- Obesity is an important aspect of the metabolic syndrome
hypertensive therapy was associated with significantly higher apart from dyslipidemia and hyperglycemia. Majority of the
incidence of new-onset diabetes and attendant dyslipidemia as patients with obesity have trouble losing weight or regain
compared to contemporary therapy with ACEI-I and CCB. weight quickly after losing it with caloric restriction and in-
The Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes Trial—Blood creased physical activity. There have been attempts to develop
Pressure Lowering Arm (ASCOT-BPLA) was a multicenter, medications that can cause weight loss. Various medications
prospective, randomized controlled trial that enrolled 19,257 have been tried in the past and new medicines or combinations
patients (age, 40–79 years) with hypertension [38]. Patients have recently been used to achieve weight loss.
were randomly assigned to either amlodipine 5–10 mg adding Metabolic benefits associated with sibutramine-induced
perindopril 4–8 mg (n = 9639) or atenolol 50–100 mg adding weight loss were reported by Krejs et al. [46]. Sibutramine
bendroflumethiazide 1.25–2.5 mg and potassium as required. was subsequently withdrawn from the market due to increased
Both regimens significantly lowered blood pressure (BP), incidence of stroke and myocardial infarction [47]. Similarly,
with amlodipine reducing systolic BP an additional 2.7/ fenfluramine which showed efficacy for weight loss was with-
1.9 mmHg on average compared with atenolol (p < 0.0001). drawn due to association with valvular heart disease and pul-
This difference would have been expected to result in 4 % monary hypertension with its use [48, 49]. Orlistat has been
fewer coronary events, and 11–14 % fewer strokes. shown in a few studies to improve individual components of
However, amlodipine reduced nonfatal myocardial infarction metabolic syndrome in addition to promoting weight loss and
(excluding silent MI) and coronary heart disease by 13 %, mobilizing visceral fat [50, 51]. The problem with this drug
total cardiovascular disease events and procedures by 16 %, continues to be a relatively high rate of adverse side effects
total coronary events by 13 %, all-cause mortality by 11 %, leading to poor compliance.
cardiovascular mortality by 24 %, and fatal and nonfatal The discovery of the endocannabinoid system and its role
stroke by 23 % compared with atenolol. In addition, the in feeding and energy balance promised the potential of a new
amlodipine-based regimen was associated with a significantly therapeutic approach to the problem of insulin resistance and
lower risk for the new onset of diabetes. obesity. Endocannabinoids act at the CB1 receptors to in-
The value of ACE inhibitors and ARBs in hypertensive crease hunger and promote feeding and it is speculated that
patients with the metabolic syndrome who do not have CVD they decrease intestinal peristalsis and gastric emptying. Thus,
or diabetes is not clear. Several large clinical trials on hyper- antagonism at these receptors can inverse these effects [52].
tension such as the Losartan Intervention For Endpoint (LIFE) Inhibition of CB1 with rimonabant in humans is associated
reduction in hypertension study and the Heart Outcomes with weight loss, reduced waist circumference, improvements
Prevention Evaluation (HOPE) study which used ramipril in in atherogenic dyslipidemia, blood pressure, glycemia, and
patients at high risk of cardiovascular events have shown the adiponectin levels. Antagonism of CB1 receptors in peripher-
benefit of RAAS blockade with angiotensin-converting en- al tissues increases insulin sensitivity and oxidation of fatty
zyme inhibitors (ACE-I) and angiotensin receptor blockers acids in muscles and the liver [53]. The first CB1 antagonist
(ARB) by demonstrating lower incidence of new-onset diabe- Rimonabant, which was developed and marketed is no longer
tes mellitus [39, 40]. In the NAVIGATOR study, a single daily in use due to neuro-psychiatric adverse effects. A number of
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attempts have been initiated to develop CB1 antagonists that and naltrexone/bupropion cause a slight increase in
target only peripheral CB1 receptors by restricting their ability HDL-C. The degree of blood pressure reduction seen is
to cross the blood brain barrier to avoid the side effects that commensurate with the loss in weight. However, there is a
were noted with Rimonabant. paradoxical increase in heart rate with all pharmacological
Other medications recently approved by the Food and agents in contrast to nonpharmacological weight loss. The
Drug Administration for the treatment of obesity include issue of concern is that available data on the weight loss
pherntermine/topiramate, liraglutide, and naltrexone/ medications are limited to short-term effects of these
buproprion [54–56]. The phentermine/topiramate combi- agents on weight loss alone with the exception of
nation was the first drug approved for the long-term man- liraglutide [63•]. No trial has specifically studied the ef-
agement of obesity [57]. Phentermine is a sympathomi- fects of these agents at the approved doses for weight loss
metic amine which blocks reuptake of norepinephrine to on outcomes such as atherosclerosis, heart failure, coro-
suppress appetite and increase energy expenditure. nary artery disease, or diabetes. Nevertheless, there is ev-
Topiramate, which was initially released as an anti- idence to support the use of liraglutide over other agents
epileptic agent causes weight loss by altering nerupeptide particularly in diabetic individuals. Moreover, naltrexone/
Y levels thus reducing appetite. Clinical trials with this bupropion may have a particular role in treating obesity in
combination have shown weight loss between 7.5 and patients with alcohol or nicotine dependence.
9.3 %. While no major cardiovascular events have been
associated with the use of this combination, the heart rate
does increase and should not be used with recent coronary Conclusion
syndromes. The naltrexone/bupropion combination is
comprised of a μ-opioid receptor antagonist and a dopa- Insulin resistance, hypertension, and endothelial dysfunc-
mine and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor. Naltrexone is tion occur as a result of genetic predilections and environ-
approved as monotherapy for opioid addiction and alco- mental influences and together lead to vascular inflamma-
hol dependence, whereas bupropion is approved as mono- tion. Vascular inflammation is characterized by athero-
therapy for depression, smoking cessation, and seasonal sclerosis which is exaggerated by hyperlipidemia.
affective disorder [58]. The mechanism of action of the Dyslipidemia is one of the common link between hyper-
combination relates to complex central pathways of re- tension, metabolic syndrome, and diabetes. Lipid disor-
ward and satiety. Use of this combination achieved weight ders in these conditions consist of multiple abnormalities
loss of 2.5–5.2 % of initial body weight compared to including high triglycerides, low HDL cholesterol, and
placebo in the Contrave Obesity Research trials [59–61]. increased or normal LDL cholesterol with highly athero-
Naltrexone/bupropion is contraindicated in patients with genic component referred as small dense LDL cholesterol.
uncontrolled hypertension but can otherwise be prescribed Several of these abnormalities are related to the underly-
to patients with known cardiovascular disease. Liraglutide ing insulin resistance, the common link between hyperten-
is a glucagon-like peptide (GLP)-1 receptor agonist. sion, metabolic syndrome, and diabetes. Because of this,
Liraglutide exerts its action through binding the GLP-1 management of hyperlipidemia is an important aspect of
receptor on pancreatic beta cells, increasing their sensitiv- therapy as it can prevent the progression of atherosclero-
ity to glucose. Originally approved for the treatment of sis and the related macrovascular events such as MI and
type 2 diabetes mellitus on the basis of the LEAD stroke. However, it is important to emphasize that the
(Liraglutide Effect and Action in Diabetes) series of trials, intervention strategies should always incorporate multi-
liraglutide was noted to promote significant weight loss factorial risk management. The primary component of this
[62]. Liraglutide was approved by the FDA in 2014 for strategy should be lifestyle modification, which includes
the treatment of obesity in patients with a body mass dietary adjustments and physiologic exercise patterns for
index (BMI) >30 or >27 kg/m2 with an obesity-related a healthy life style. Secondary component of management
comorbidity and can be used in patients with known car- is pharmacologic interventions.
diovascular disease.
When comparing the weight loss seen with these med-
ications, any improvement in cardiometabolic parameters Compliance with Ethical standards
induced by them are less than similar weight loss
achieved by non-pharmacological means. In terms of gly- Conflict of Interest Drs. Srikanth and Deedwania declare no conflicts
of interest relevant to this manuscript.
cemic measures, only liraglutide potentially produces an
improvement in HbA1c over a similar degree of
Human and Animal Rights and Informed Consent This article does
nonpharmacological weight loss. Beneficial changes in not contain any studies with human or animal subjects performed by any
lipid profile are also marginal though both liraglutide of the authors.
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