Proposal Sample
Proposal Sample
Proposal Sample
Prepared for:
Jane Doe Jane Doe
President Nonprofit Association
Video Production Services
Online Education Content
Prepared by:
Richard Harrington
Company Logo
Executive Summary
Scope of Work Solution
Nonprofit Association is looking to expand its RHED Pixel proposes one method of production
abilities to produce additional web video content in order to achieve the goals for the production of
for its educational video series. additional content.
The videos are comprised of an on-camera host, techniques RHED Pixel can dramatically decrease the
time to market. RHED Pixel has two recording spaces
slide content, and informational graphics, and
available as well as a scaleable workforce which
screen capture material.
allows for short notice projects to still be completed in
The videos is to feature authors and medical a timely fashion.
Your Project
Existing branding will be used.
A separate proposal to expand
branding is in development.
A representative of Nonprofit
Association will have one
round of review for each video
title. This review will also
include the author of the title.
Both sets of comments will be Project
integrated in one round of
editing changes. Management
Our project managers know that projects require a quick response.
All videos will be acquired in We create detailed schedules for each project, assigning the
high definition. appropriate persons for each responsibility, the approximate number
of work hours necessary, and deadlines for each step along the course
of the project.
All videos will have a single
mezzanine file delivered.
Our professional interactions with our clients build long-term
relationships. While most of our competition sell hours on the clock,
If the scope or schedule of we sell the actual performance of creative partnering.
work is altered, additional
charges may apply. Whenever In fact, RHED Pixel’s clients have been quite pleased by our ability to
possible, Nonprofit assist in a timely and professional manner. RHED Pixel’s Dunn &
Association will be informed Bradstreet Past Performance Evaluation reveals a Responsiveness
of these situations in advance Performance rating of 94 and a Reliability rating of 95.
and presented with
alternatives to mitigate risk.
Option A
Single Title – Two Days in Studio
This option brings the author into one of two recording studios at RHED Pixel’s offices in Washington, DC
for two consecutive days. The talent will work with a producer who will coach performance as well as
ensure thorough coverage of all items on the class outline. The studio will provide greater consistency in
audio and video quality and will also allow the author to solely focus on their delivery and performance.
Screen capture material will be captured as high-quality digital video.
Videographer — 2 days
Videographer — 5 days
Our Capabilities
services to various groups
(list of clients)
Our Services
RHED Pixel is a full-service visual communications company.
We have extensive in-house capabilities to produce professional
projects for our clients.
Our Capabilities
A/V Production Excellence – RHED Pixel has over 12 Creativity – We are well-known for our ability to
years of experience in producing award-winning videos create attractive, dynamic videos that capture
that tell stories and capture the audience. The company an audience’s attention.
has vast experience working in several genres and
We will work closely with your organization to
categories of clientele.
create video segments that serve the mission of
Technological Expertise – RHED Pixel’s Professional your project and enhance your reputation.
Web Video, published by Focal Press, showcases our
We have won numerous awards for our creative,
expertise. In fact, RHED Pixel has authored more than
full-service productions including Peer, Telly, and
40 books and DVDs used by the Film and Video
Ciné Golden Eagle awards.
The Company
working with the high and low
ends of production budgets.
We have produced national
television commercials that
were shot on film and aired
extensively. Yet, we have also
helped nonprofit organizations
and government agencies
design targeted outreach
programs that engage a very
specific audience.
Our Approach
Creative Kickoff – Scripting – The detail of scripting will Delivery – We see your project all the
Everyone comes together to vary depending upon the creative way through final delivery. No matter
brainstorm the most approach, but all approaches begin what the final format (web, Blu-ray,
effective approach for the with a full creative treatment. App, live event, or broadcast), we’ll
project. work with you until your target
Production – Our crew hits the road audience is reached.
Budgeting Detail – (or the studio) to capture the content
We put together a detailed and spirit of your project.
budget and scope We like to think of projects as
statement, which allows us Editing – Stay involved by reviewing a creative collaboration
to provide the maximum your project on the Internet, or join us between many parties. At the
in one of our comfortable editing suites. core of this collaboration is the
production value possible
within your budget We can also bring the edit to you with client. Nobody knows your
one of our mobile editing systems. message better than you and
client involvement is crucial to
Schedule – A realistic Review – We deliver your project via producing a product that
project schedule is the web allowing you to conveniently effectively reaches its target
review the latest cut of your video or
developed and updated audience. We have developed
weekly to ensure an on-time pick sound bites from anywhere you the following workflow to
can access the Internet. We can also
delivery. encourage this client
deliver a DVD if that works better for involvement.
We are a visual
communications company...
The Company
Founding Principles
We created RHED Pixel as a place where we Our team works in all facets of production: from writing
could explore the art of communication without a compelling script and bringing out our camera crews,
the boundaries most of our peers face. to creating custom motion graphics and putting your
finished video on the web for many to enjoy.
Our casual office setting is a relaxing place to
step away to; here ideas flow freely and we’re
constantly looking to engage the audience with
new approaches. We’re also steps ahead of
most others when it comes to technology (and
the knowledge to use it). • RHED Pixel is dedicated to helping our
clients achieve results.
Contact Us
best address any
questions you may have.
Richard Harrington
RHED Pixel
Contact info:
111.222.3333 111.222.3333
Richard Harrington, PMP
Richard is the CEO and founder of the visual
communications company, RHED Pixel. A
certified instructor for Adobe, Apple, and Avid,
Harrington is a practiced expert in motion graphic
Key Personnel
Falls Church, VA
design and digital video. Richard has also served
as program manager for the National Association RHED Pixel is a visual communications company.
of Broadcaster’s Post| and New Media The company offers six complementary services
conferences. that can be divided into two major categories:
technical services and managerial services. RHED
Harrington is a member of the National Pixel specializes in bundling these services to
Association of Photoshop Professionals Instructor meet each project’s demands.
Dream Team, and a popular speaker on the
digital video circuit. In addition, Harrington’s Manager of Production Services,
book, Photoshop for Video, was the first of its PCI Communications
kind to focus on Photoshop’s application in the Alexandria, VA
world of video. Harrington is also a contributing Responsible for all aspects of video and event
author for Final Cut Pro On the Spot, After Effects production at a communications agency.
On the Spot, Broadcast Graphics On the Spot,
Functioned as both manager and contributor to
and Producing Video Podcasts. the creative process. Responsible for budgets
and scheduling. Also served as a project
Richard also has a firm grasp on the business
manager for many top clients.
side of video. He is a certified Project
Management Professional by the Project Editor/Producer, dhg Productions
Management Institute. A master’s degree in
Des Moines, IA
Project Management fills out his broad
experience. Served as the primary nonlinear editor and as a
producer. Other duties included directing, event
coordination, talent and crew coordination, set
construction and web development.
Master of Project Management Keller
Graduate School of Management, 2001