Content Creation Proposal

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Consultant: Yza Belle Vego

Project: Social Media Content Management
Duration: 6-month contract

PROPOSAL A - Php 8,000 / mo

I. Social Media Calendar Planning for Facebook and Instagram

a. Once or twice a month client-consultant meeting
Client and consultant will meet twice a month to plan social media calendar
and brainstorm on ideas on promotions and marketing strategies for the
b. Social Media performance discussion (report with analysis)
The consultant will prepare and discuss a report of the social media
performance for the previous month and will provide analysis to the client
c. Goal setting for the next month
The consultant and client will set goals such as target reach/likes, target
engagement, etc.

II. Content Generation (max of two posts per day)

a. Post scheduling/captioning via Facebook Business Suite
The consultant will execute social media plan through FB Business Suite
b. Caption generation
c. 4 graphic design layouts
The consultant will deliver 4 layouts per month
i. 3 revisions per design max
ii. Resizeable
iii. With PSD files
iv. delivery of 2 posts will be after 10 days’ lead time
d. Canva-generated posts and videos

Video creation, ad setup, photography
Responding to inquiries, comments, recommendations, or any engagement with customers. 
Consultant: Yza Belle Vego & Arvin Jay Tinampay
Project: Social Media Content Management
Duration: 6-month contract

PROPOSAL B - Php 9,000 / mo

I. Social Media Calendar Planning for Facebook & Instagram

a. Once or Twice a month client-consultant meeting
Client and consultant will meet twice a month to plan social media
calendar and brainstorm on ideas on promotions and marketing strategies
for the business.
b. Social Media performance discussion (report with analysis)
The consultant will prepare and discuss a report of the social media
performance for the previous month and will provide analysis to the client
c. Goal setting for the next month
The consultant and client will set goals such as target reach/likes, target
engagement, etc.

II. Curation of Instagram page

a. A separate calendar will be developed for Instagram every month
b. Instagram Stories generation (for engagement purposes)
c. Social Media performance discussion (report with analysis)
The consultant will prepare and discuss a report of the social media
performance for the previous month and will provide analysis to the client

III. Content Generation (max 2 posts per day)

a. Post scheduling/captioning via Hootsuite
The consultant will execute social media plan through Hootsuite platform.
b. Caption generation
c. 4 graphic design layouts
The consultant will deliver 4 layouts per month integrated in the schedule
i. 3 revisions per design max
ii. Resizeable
iii. With PSD files
iv. delivery of 2 posts will be after 10 days’ lead time
d. Canva-generated posts and videos
e. Write-up / setup for Coffee Brewtherhood Facebook page and website
landing pages (one-time task)

Video creation, ad setup, photography
Responding to inquiries, comments, recommendations, or any engagement with customers. 

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