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Part I - Geometry

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University of Cebu

College of Engineering

Engineering Mathematics

1. A thin sheet of metal in the form of a sector If the upper base diameter is 2 m, what is
of a circle is 72 cm in diameter with a central the lower base diameter? ANS. 4 m
angle of 270°. Compute the volume of a 14. The upper and lower base radii of the
cone. ANS. 18178 cu.cm frustrum of a right circular cone are 2 m and
2. The lateral height of a right circular cone is 1 m respectively. If the volume is 43.98 m,
40π sq.m. The base radius is 4 m. What is what is the altitude in meters? ANS. 6 m
the slant height? ANS. 10 m 15. The volume of the frustrum of a right circular
3. A cardboard in the form of a sector of a cone is 36.65 cu.m. The distance between
circle is formed into a cone. If the sector has the bases is 5 m. If the upper base radius is
a radius of 36 cm and a central angle of 90°, 2 m, what is the upper base radius? ANS. 1
what is the volume of a cone in cu.cm? m
ANS. 2957 cu.cm 16. The center of gravity of a regular triangular
4. The slant height of a right circular cone is 5 pyramid is 3.675 m from the vertex of the
m. What is the volume of the cone in cu.m if pyramid. Determine the side of the triangle
the base diameter is 6 m? ANS. 37.70 m³ face. ANS. 6 m
5. A right circular cone with vertical axis and 17. A regular pyramid having a volume of 800
with base uppermost is surmounted by a m³ has a horizontal base in the form of an
hemisphere. If the volume of the hemisphere equilateral triangle. If the altitude is 12 m,
is twice that of the cone, what angle is calculate for the lateral area. ANS. 435.7 m²
formed by a slant height and the axis of the 18. A regular hexagonal pyramid has a volume
cone? of 280.59 cu.m and an altitude of 9 m. What
ANS. ∅ = 45° is the base edge in meters? ANS. 6 m
6. A cone with a volume of 2800 cu.m has a 19. A regular square pyramid has an altitude of
horizontal base having a diameter of 22 cm. 20 cm and a lateral area of 1500 sq.cm.
The axis makes an angle of 56° with the What is the base edge in cm? ANS. 30 cm
base. What is the length of the axis in cm? 20. Find the surface area of a regular pyramid
ANS. 26.7 cm whose volume is 25.46 m³. ANS. 62.4 m
7. A cone has an axis of 30 cm inclined at 60° 21. A pyramid has an altitude of 20 cm and a
with the horizontal base. The horizontal square base of 8 cm by 8 cm. It is cut
base has a diameter of 20 cm. What is the parallel to the base at a distance of 7 cm
volume of the cone? from the base. Determine the volume of the
ANS. 2720.6 cu.cm smaller pyramid.
8. The axis of the cone, 2 m long makes an ANS. 117 cm³
angle of 65° with it’s horizontal base. What 22. The upper base of a frustrum of a regular
is the area of the base if it’s volume is 5 triangular pyramid is an equilateral triangle
cu.m. ANS. 8.3 m² having an area of 3.897 sq.m. The volume
9. The 30 cm axis of a cone is inclined at 55° of the frustrum is 67.55 cu.m. If the bases
with the horizontal base. If it’s volume is are 4 m apart, what is the lower base edge?
2500 cu.m what is the diameter of it’s ANS. 9 m
horizontal circular base? 23. The volume of the frustrum of a regular
ANS. 19.7 cm triangular pyramid is 135 cu.m. The lower
10. A plane parallel to the base of a right circular base is an equilateral triangle with an edge
cone cuts the cone x (meters) from the of 9 m. The upper base is 8 m above the
vertex. If the volume of the smaller cone is lower base. What is the upper base edge?
½ times the volume of the big cone and the ANS. 3 m
height of the big cone is 10 m. ANS. 7.94 m 24. The upper and lower bases of the frustrum
11. What is the lateral area of the frustrum of a of a regular rectangular pyramid are 3 m by
right circular cone whose base diameters 4 m and 6 m by 8 m respectively. What is
are 2 m and 4 m if it’s altitude is 5 m. the distance between the bases? ANS. 5 m
ANS. 48.06 m² 25. The bases of a frustrum of a pyramid are 18
12. The frustrum of a right circular cone has an cm by 18 cm and 10 cm by 10 cm. It’s lateral
upper base radius of 2 m and lower base area is 448 cm². What is the altitude of the
radius of 1 m. If the distance between the frustrum? ANS. 6.93 cm
bases is 4 m, what is the volume of the 26. The upper and lower bases of a regular
frustrum of the cone? ANS. 29.32 m³ pyramid are 4 m by 4 m and 6 m by 6 m.
13. The frustrum of a right circular cone has an Each lateral edge is 2.5 cm long. Determine:
altitude of 7 m and a volume of 51.31 cu.m. 26.1. Volume of the frustrum
26.2. Lateral area of the frustrum The tanks diameter is 2/3 of its height. Find
26.3. Total surface area the height of the tank. ANS. 5.28 m
ANS. 52.2 m³, 45.8 m², 97.8 m² 38. The lateral surface of a circular column is
27. The volume of the frustrum of a regular covered with 5.65 sq.m of wall paper. If the
rectangular pyramid is 93.333 cu.m. The column is 3 m high, find its diameter. ANS.
upper base is 2.5 m by 4 m. What is the 60 cm
area of the lower base? ANS. 40 m² 39. A cylindrical tank can hold 54 cu.m of oil.
28. The lower base of the frustrum of a regular The tanks height is 1.5 times it’s diameter.
rectangular pyramid is 5 m by 8 m. The Find its height. ANS. 5.37 m
volume is 116.667 cu.m and the altitude is 5 40. 500 cu.m of water are to be stored in eight
m. What is the area of the upper base? cylindrical tanks with a diameter of 4 m.
ANS. 10 m² What should be the height of each tank?
29. The frustrum of a square pyramid has a ANS. 4.97 m
lower base 24 cm x 24 cm and an upper 41. Find the area of the heptagon inscribed in a
base of 15 cm x 15 cm. If the altitude is 10 circle if the area of the circle is 210 sq.m.
cm, what is the lateral area? ANS. 182.9 m²
ANS. 855.35 cm² 42. Find the area of a pentagon that is inscribed
30. A regular square pyramid has a horizontal in a circle if the area of the circle is 314 m².
base 26 cm by 26 cm and an altitude of 50 ANS. 237.6 m²
cm. A plane is passed parallel to the base 43. Find the area of a decagon that is inscribed
and 28 cm from the vertex. What is the in a circle if the area of the circle is 412 m².
lateral area of the part of the pyramid below ANS. 385.4 m²
the plane? 44. Find the area of a hexagon that is inscribed
ANS. 1843.8 cu.cm in a circle if the area of the circle is 170 m².
31. If each edge of a cube is increased by 50%, ANS. 140.6 m²
by how much, in percentage, will the volume 45. Find the area of nonagon that is inscribed in
increase? ANS. 237.5% a circle if the area of the circle is 94 m².
32. If the edge of the cube is increased by 30%, ANS. 86.5 m²
by how much will the surface area increase? 46. A circle with an area of 300 m² is inscribed
ANS. 69% in a pentagon. Find the area of the
33. A regular hexahedron has an edge of 32 cm pentagon. ANS. 346. 9 m²
long. What is the ratio of it’s total surface 47. The area of a circle that is inscribed in a
area to it’s volume? ANS. 0.1875 heptagon is 128 m. What is the area of the
34. If there is a block of wood in the form of heptagon.
rectangular parallelipiped 2’ by 3’ by 4’ ANS. 137.3 m²
whose faces are painted red. 48. A circle is circumscribed about a hexagon.
34.1. How many times must you cut The difference between the area of the two
completely through the whole block to is 96 m². Find the area of the hexagon.
form cubes 1’ by 1’ by 1’? ANS. 458.9 m²
34.2. How many cubes will there be? 49. A circle is circumscribed about a hexagon.
34.3. How many cubes will have 3 red The area outside the hexagon but inside the
faces? circle is 15 m². Find the area of the hexagon.
34.4. How many cubes will have two red ANS. 71.70 m²
faces? 50. Find the area of a pentagram inscribed in a
34.5. How many cubes will have one red circle having a radius of 5 cm. ANS. 45.41
face? sq.cm
ANS. 6 cuts, 24, 8, 12, 4 cubes 51. The volume of a right prism is 500 cu.cm.
35. The sphere of a cubical box touch the The bases are hexagons with each side 6
spherical she’ll that encloses it. If the volume cm long. What is the distance between the
of the box is 27000 cu.cm: bases in cm? ANS. 5.35 cm
35.1. What is the volume of the sphere? 52. A right prism has hexagonal bases with an
35.2. What is the volume of the space edge of 6 cm. The bases are 12 cm apart.
outside box but inside the sphere? What is the volume of the prism? ANS.
ANS. 73459 cu.cm, 46459 cu.cm 1122.4 cm³
36. A circular cylindrical tank having a base 53. A right prism has pentagonal base ls which
diameter of one meter and a length of 2 m is are 9 cm apart. If it’s volume is 557.415
partly filled with water. When it’s axis is cu.cm, what is its total surface area? ANS.
horizontal, the water is 2/3 of the diameter 393.84 cm²
deep. How deep will the water be when its 54. The altitude of a right prism is 15 cm and it’s
axis is vertical? volume is 929.025 cm³. What is the lateral
ANS. 1.42 m area if the bases are pentagons? ANS. 450
37. 68 sq.m of sheet metal was used to cm
construct a cylindrical tank with open top.
55. The volume of a right prism whose height is CA = 50 cm. The vertical edges through A,
6 cm is 420 cu.cm. Each base has 6 equal B, and C are 18 cm. Compute the volume of
sides. What is the base edge? ANS. 5.19 the prism. ANS. 13800 cu.cm
cm 69. A truncated prism has a base which is a
56. Three identical circles are tangent to one square right section. The edges
another. The area enclosed by three circles perpendicular to the base are 20 cm, 17 cm,
but outside each of the three circles is 16.13 and 20 cm long. Determine the length of a
sq.m. What is the area of each circle? ANS. side of the base if the volume of the prism is
314.2 sq.cm 5780 cu.cm. ANS. 19 cm
57. A circle having an area of 452 m is cut into 70. The volume of a truncated prism is 6240
two segments by a chord which is 6 m from cu.cm. The base is a right section in the
the center of the circle. Compute the area of form of equilateral triangle. The edges
the biggest segment. ANS. 363.68 m² perpendicular to the base are 15 cm, 18 cm,
58. Two chords of a circle intersect and divide and 15 cm long. Find the length of one side
each other into two line segments. The of the base.
segments of the first chord are 6 cm and 3 ANS. 30 cm
cm long. One segment of the second chord 71. How far from any vertex is the center of
is 2 cm long. How long is the remaining gravity of a tetrahedron if an edge is 50 cm.
segment? ANS. 9 cm ANS. 30.6 cm
59. A road runs tangential to a circular lake 8 km 72. What is the altitude of a regular tetrahedron
long from the point of tangency. Along the whose surface area is 140 m². ANS. 7.3 m
road, a new road and bridge were 73. Determine the total surface area of a regular
constructed to cross the lake. This new road tetrahedron whose volume is 12.3 cu.m
is extended to cross the lake. If the bridge is ANS. 38.4 sq.m
2.14 km long, how long is the new road 74. What is the surface area of a regular
before the bridge? ANS. 7 km tetrahedron whose altitude is 12 m? ANS.
60. Three identical circles are tangent to one 374.3 m²
another. The radius is 20 cm. Find the area 75. How far from the vertex is the opposite side
enclosed by the three circles but outside of a tetrahedron if the edge is 50 cm? ANS.
each of the three circles in sq.cm. ANS. 64.5 40.82 cm
sq.cm 76. Each face of the octahedron is an equilateral
61. A circle with a diameter of 8 cm is inscribed triangle. If it’s vlume is 58917 cu.cm, how
in a circular sector with a central angle of long is the side of the triangle? ANS. 50 cm.
80°. What is the area of the sector? ANS. 77. The number of vertices of a dodecahedron
72.96 cm² is: ANS. 20
62. QRS is a circular sector with a central angle 78. The total surface area of a dodecahedron is
of 40° at 0 and a radius of 20 cm. RS is the 4645.3 sq.cm. If each face is a regular
arc. From point R, a line is drawn to point C, pentagon, find the length of its side. ANS. 15
the mid point of QS. Find the area of RCS in cm
sq.cm. ANS. 75.3 sq.cm 79. The number of edges of an icosahedron is:
63. The area of a rhombus is 132 sq.cm. It has ANS. 30
one diagonal equal to 12 cm. Determine: 80. One side of the faces of an icosahedron is
63.1. The sides of the rhombus anequilateral triangle. If the length of one of
63.2. The acute angle between the sides of a the side is 8 cm, compute its volume. ANS.
rhombus 1116.16 cm²
ANS. 22, 12.53, 57.22° 81. Find the ratio of the surface area of a
64. Two sides of a parallelogram are 68 cm and sphere to it’s volume if the radius is 8 cm.
83 cm and one of it’s diagonals is 42 cm. ANS. 3:8
Solve for the biggest interior angle of the 82. What is the surface area of the sphere
parallelogram. ANS. 149.73° whose volume is 36 cu.cm? ANS. 52.7 cm²
65. Find the area of a quadrilateral having sides 83. The volume of a sphere in cu.cm is equal to
AB = 10 m, BC = 5 m, CD = 14.14 m, and twice its surface area in sq.cm. Find its
DA = 15 m if the sum of opposite angles is radius. ANS. 6 cm
equal to 225°. ANS. 100 m 84. A spherical steel ball is placed into a vertical
66. Two sides of a parallelogram are 68 cm and circular cylinder containing water, causing
83 cm. What is the difference in lengths of the water level to rise by 12 cm. If the radius
the diagonals? ANS. 103.81 cm of the cylinder is 15 cm, what is the radius of
67. The sides of a cyclic quadrilateral are a = 3 the ball? ANS. 12.65 cm
m, b = 3 m, c = 4 m and d = 4 m. Find the 85. A spherical steel ball having a radius of 10
radius of the circle that can be inscribed in it. cm is placed into a circular cylinder
ANS. 1.71 m containing water. If the radius of the cylinder
68. A truncated prism has a horizontal triangular is 12 cm, by how much will the water level
base ABC. AB = 30 cm, BC = 40 cm, and rise? ANS. 9.26 cm
86. A spherical shell has a thickness of 4 cm
and a solid volume of 0.33805 cu.m. What is
the internal radius? ANS. 0.8 mThe surface
area of a sphere in cm² is numerically equal
to its volume. Find the volume. ANS. 113.10
87. A spherical shell has a thickness of 2 cm
and an external radius of one meter.
Determine it’s solid volume. ANS. 0.256
88. A spherical tank is partly filled with 22.9
cu.m of liquid. Find the depth of the liquid
from the bottom of the tank if the diameter is
400 cm. ANS. 250 cm
89. 5 cu.m of water is inside a spherical tank
whose radius is 2 m. Find the height of the
water surface above the bottom of the tank.
ANS. 2.3 m
90. A sphere has a diameter of 30 cm. The
altitude of the first segment is 6 cm. What is
the ratio of area of the zone of the 2nd
segment to that of the first? ANS. 4:1
91. The radius of a spherical sector with a
central angle of 60° is 12 cm. Compute the
area of the zone of the spherical sector.
ANS. 121.22 cm
92. The level of gasoline in a spherical tank 6 m
in diameter dropped from 5.5 m to 3.5 m.
How much gasoline was taken out? ANS.
40.3 cu.m
93. One meter curved strip around and above
the base of a hemispherical dome is to be
painted with two coats of enamel which has
a spreading capacity of 200 sq.ft per gallon.
Determine the number of gallons of paint
needed if the diameter of the dome is 16 m.
ANS. 5.39 gallons
94. A spherical segment has 2 parallel bases.
The bigger base is a great circle with a
radius of 80 cm. The smaller base has a
radius of 30 cm. Find the area of the zone.
ANS. 37278 sq.cm
95. A spherical sector is cut from a sphere
whose radius is 12 cm. Find its volume if it’s
central angle is 30°. ANS. 123.3 cu.cm
96. A sphere is whittled down into a spherical
sector with a central angle of 53° and a
volume of 420 cu.cm. Find the radius of the
sphere. ANS. 12.4 cm
97. Find the volume of a spherical wedge having
a radius of 2 m and a central angle of 1.25
radians. ANS. 6.7 cu.m
98. A spherical wedge has a curve surface area
of 9.2 sq.m and a radius of 2.36 m.
Determine it’s volume. ANS. 7.24 cu.m
99. A spherical sector is cut from a sphere such
that its central angle is 25° and it’s volume is
185 cu.cm. Determine the radius of the
sphere. ANS. 15.50 cm.
100. What is the radius of the spherical
wedge whose curve surface area is 12.4
sq.m with a central angle of 1.08 radians?
ANS. 2.4 m

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