This document contains a list of 28 students from SDN KEBONSARI 01 including their name, school, class, gender and date of birth. It also includes the name of each student's parents. The data is presented in a table with multiple columns collecting details about the students and their families.
This document contains a list of 28 students from SDN KEBONSARI 01 including their name, school, class, gender and date of birth. It also includes the name of each student's parents. The data is presented in a table with multiple columns collecting details about the students and their families.
This document contains a list of 28 students from SDN KEBONSARI 01 including their name, school, class, gender and date of birth. It also includes the name of each student's parents. The data is presented in a table with multiple columns collecting details about the students and their families.
This document contains a list of 28 students from SDN KEBONSARI 01 including their name, school, class, gender and date of birth. It also includes the name of each student's parents. The data is presented in a table with multiple columns collecting details about the students and their families.
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nama_siswa nama_sekolah kelas JK tanggal_lahir
1 Muhammad Roif Saputra SDN KEBONSARI 01 2 L 8/12/2009
2 Mohammad Fadil SDN KEBONSARI 01 5 L 5/17/2006 3 Dimas Fattan Athoriq Syah SDN KEBONSARI 01 4 L 2/2/2008 4 Divia Pramesti Putri Ramadhani SDN KEBONSARI 01 5 P 10/15/2006 5 Bunga Naila Dwi Mayrani Al Fiansyah SDN KEBONSARI 01 4 P 5/17/2007 6 Intan Maulina Putri SDN KEBONSARI 01 4 P 3/29/2007 7 Adellita Putri Wahyu Ningtyas SDN KEBONSARI 01 3 P 5/30/2008 8 Fatimah Nuraini SDN KEBONSARI 01 4 P 3/19/2007 9 Rany Nanda Fawziah SDN KEBONSARI 01 2 P 10/17/2009 10 Pandu Wiratama Natanagara SDN KEBONSARI 01 4 L 7/22/2008 11 Nazwa Andariputri Pramono SDN KEBONSARI 01 3 P 8/20/2009 12 Eggy Fahreza Putra Setiawan SDN KEBONSARI 01 5 L 4/26/2007 13 Julia Syifa Nafila Putri SDN KEBONSARI 01 2 P 7/8/2009 14 Mohamad Faisal SDN KEBONSARI 01 5 L 4/4/2006 15 Fani Cahya Audina SDN KEBONSARI 01 2 P 8/3/2009 16 Yunita Permatasari SDN KEBONSARI 01 1 P 6/10/2010 17 Achmad Habiburachman SDN KEBONSARI 01 4 L 11/3/2007 18 Muhammad Rafi SDN KEBONSARI 01 4 L 5/16/2007 19 Mahessa Anggara Palguna SDN KEBONSARI 01 3 L 2/5/2008 20 Jalaludin Muhammad Akbar SDN KEBONSARI 01 1 L 6/5/2010 21 Dea Rahma Nur Hasanah SDN KEBONSARI 01 1 P 12/15/2010 22 Cinta Naira Zazkia SDN KEBONSARI 01 1 P 11/11/2010 23 AFDHAL FAIRUS ZAQI SDN KEBONSARI 01 1 L 4/10/2011 24 Dendi Rasyatulloh SDN KEBONSARI 01 1 L 10/11/2011 25 Renata Az Zahra Arifin SDN KEBONSARI 01 6 P 11/29/2006 26 Rafa Kyla Balques SDN KEBONSARI 01 5 P 1/5/2008 27 Muhammad Rasya Azaylani SDN KEBONSARI 01 5 L 7/10/2007 28 Azizahtul Ananta SDN KEBONSARI 01 4 P 4/10/2008 29 Arri Rizqi Hidayat Ramadhan SDN KEBONSARI 01 5 L 10/14/2006 nama_ayah nama_ibu Sugianto Ida Ratna Sari MUSTOFA TUNIK Solehan Sumiat ERIK WAHYUDI NANIK AGUSTIN SILVIA Ronald Edi Kuswanto Mina Watningtas Suyono Samad Riadi Darsono Sit Umi Kulsum (Alm) Mochammad Hisyam Yet Kusrini Karno Kabsoh Yusuf Sumarno (Alm) Holis Latana Galih Pramono Eka Cahya Wulandari MOH. WAWAN HARYANTO SANTY NINGRUM Samsul Arifin Desi Wulandari SLAMET BUDIARTO SITI AMINAH Erfan Wibi Suprayitno Sit Buani Mustofa Tunik Saiful Rahman Susana Ahmad Anwar Sumiat Bayou Isnaeni Tant Alviana Hendra Adinata Darwat Hariyanto Heny Rath Dewi M. Wawan Hariyanto Sant Ningrum RISUN AFANDI IKA YULIANA Bagas Wirawanda Andreyani FADLILAH ARIFIN SITI MUSAHARO Achmad Sugiharto Fitri Wulansari Dono Mulyanto Eny Hanifah Agus Junaidi Ifa Rosida Abdillah Salam yuliat astutk