Company: CMG Engineer: JMF
Project: Chequeos 9:06:18 p. m. 17/10/2019
File: C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\edgar garcia 2019\faustino chiquiza\faustino.rcb
D R I F T - B A S E D F L E X I B L E - S TO R Y C H E C K - N S R - 10
E A R T H Q U A K E - X E A R T H Q U A K E - Y
---------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
Story ∆cm* ∆cm/h ∆n/∆n+1 Irregular ∆cm* ∆cm/h ∆n/∆n+1 Irregular
_____ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________
cub 0.1254 0.0011 - - 0.1448 0.0013 - -
4 0.6290 0.0025 5.0174 ? 0.6362 0.0025 4.3930 ?
3 1.3393 0.0053 2.1294 ? 1.1935 0.0047 1.8761 ?
2 1.9965 0.0078 1.4907 ? 1.7801 0.0070 1.4915 ?
1 2.5510 0.0081 1.2777 NO 2.4239 0.0077 1.3616 ?
_____ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________
Vertical irregularities type 1a, 1b, 2 and 3 do not apply if drift ratio of each story is less
than 1.3 that of next story above (i.e. n/n+1 ∆/h < 1.3). Story drift ratio of top two stories are not considered
X - D I R E C T I O N Y - D I R E C T I O N
------------------------------- --------------------------------
Story Shear X ∆cm X Kx Shear Y ∆cm Y Ky
______ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________
cub 13.7 0.1254 109.0 13.7 0.1448 94.3
4 65.6 0.6290 104.3 65.6 0.6362 103.2
3 216.6 1.3393 161.7 216.6 1.1935 181.5
2 320.9 1.9965 160.7 320.9 1.7801 180.3
1 379.7 2.5510 148.8 379.7 2.4239 156.6
______ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________
S T I F F N E S S - B A S E D F L E X I B L E - S TO R Y C H E C K - N S R - 10
E A R T H Q U A K E - X E A R T H Q U A K E - Y
---------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
Story Kn Kn/Kn+1 Kn/Kavg3 Irregular Kn Kn/Kn+1 Kn/Kavg3 Irregular
_____ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________
cub 109.0 - - - 94.3 - - -
4 104.3 0.958 - NO 103.2 1.094 - NO
3 161.7 1.550 - NO 181.5 1.759 - NO
2 160.7 0.994 1.286 NO 180.3 0.993 1.427 NO
1 148.8 0.926 1.046 NO 156.6 0.869 1.011 NO
_____ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________
Stiffness-soft story irregularity is considered to exist if Kn/Kn+1 < 0.7 or Kn/Kavg3 < 0.8
Stiffness-EXTreme soft story irregularity is considered to exist if Kn/Kn+1 < 0.7 or Kn/Kavg3 < 0.8
The determination stiffness-soft story irregularity (vertical structural irregularity types 1a and 1b) is conducted
based on story-stiffness computed for the design seismic shear distribution, according to FEMA's NEHRP Recommended
Provitions for Seismic Regulations for New Buildings and other Structures, Provisions and Commentary
ed. 1994, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2009, which is applicable to the following building codes derived from the above
documents: (USA) IBC-03/06, ASCE 7-05/10, CBC-01/07, UBC-97, (COLOMBIA) NSR-10, (PAN) REP-2004,(DOM) R-001, (GUA) NSE
W E I G H T (M A S S) I R R E G U L A R I T Y C H E C K
EngSolutions RCB Version 8.8.5 - License No: A27996-A21317 Page No. 2
Company: CMG Engineer: JMF
Project: Chequeos 9:06:18 p. m. 17/10/2019
Floor Wn Wn/Wn+1 Wn/Wn-1 Irregular
_____ _________ _________ _________ _________
CPJ 12.3 - 0.236 -
cub 51.9 - 0.263 -
4 197.3 3.799 1.000 YES
3 197.3 1.000 0.982 NO
2 200.9 1.018 - NO
_____ _________ _________ _________ _________
Weight (mass) irregularity is considered to exist if effective weight of any floory is more than 1.5 times
the effective weight of an adjacent floor. That is, if Wn/Wn+1 > 1.5 or Wn/Wn-1 > 1.5.
A roof that is lighter than the floor below is not considered.