315ASX Datasheet
315ASX Datasheet
315ASX Datasheet
15-1,200 Hz
1Ø4 0-132VL-N
2Ø4 0-264VL1-L2
3Ø4 0-132/228VL-L
1. Rated output power is based on a combination of nominal output voltage, rated current and load power factor. Values stated represent the maximum capabilites of a given model. Consult factory for assistance in determining specific unit
capabilities as they might apply to your application.
2. Unit is operable as single phase with dual range capability or as a three phase. Output voltage range and 1/3 conversions are selected by front panel or bus commands.
3. Vmax is output voltage with nominal input and full rated load applied.
4. Available current will vary with output voltage and power factor.
ASX Power Source Specifications (PF = 1.0, Vout > 25% F.S.)
Full Power 0.1% max for a 3Ø direct coupled: 0.25% 15 to 400 Hz., 0.25% THDAVG 15 to 200 Hz 60 µsec typical,
15-1,200Hz Direct Coupled ±10% line change 0.50% 400 to 1,200 Hz. 1.25% THDAVG 200 to 1,200 Hz -66dB 10-90% load step
16.8 4.67 7
0.00 PF
14.4 4 6
0.00 PF 0.50 P
12 3.33 5
0.50 P F
F 2.67 4 0.70 P
0.70 P F
7.2 F 2 3 1.00 P
1.00 P
4.8 1.33 2
2.4 0.67 1
0 0 0
150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 300 280 260 240 220 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60-2 Phase Mode
150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30-3 Phase Mode
Short term overloads to 20A are permitted. Operating time before thermal Short term overloads to 12A are permitted. Operating time before thermal
shutdown or circuit breaker trip varies from seconds to several minutes shutdown or circuit breaker trip varies from seconds to several minutes
depending upon line and temperature conditions. depending upon line and temperature conditions.
Output Modes 1Ø, 2Ø, & 3Ø 1Ø, 2Ø, & 3Ø 1Ø, 2Ø, & 3Ø Frequency Range 15-1,200Hz 20-5,000Hz (1)
DRM Link-Synchronization NO OPTIONAL (1) Full power output limited to 1,200 Hz in ASX models
3U 3U
(5.25", (5.25",
133mm) 133mm)
Variable speed fans M99211 2kVA, 3Ø, External Magnetics Module. Ordered as seper-
Audible Noise: 65 dba Max @ 1 Meter ate line item.
M99526 Input Current Soft Start Option
Safety UL 61010 -1
Agency Approvals: EN 61010 -1 /MXXXXX Other factory specified modifica-
EMC EN 61326 -1
Software/Firmware Options
/S RS-232 Interface, 38.4 KBps (std UPC-3)
Ordering Information
Available Models
Model Controller Options Input Voltage (V )
With Manual Controller
315ASX UPC3M See List Above 100V 1Ø ± 10%, 47-63Hz
UPC3 110V 1Ø ± 10%, 47-63Hz 315ASX-UPC3M
UPC32 120V 1Ø ± 10%, 47-63Hz
200V 1Ø ±10%, 47-63Hz With Programmable Controller
208V 1Ø ±10%, 47-63Hz
220V 1Ø ±10%, 47-63Hz 315ASX-UPC3 315ASX-UPC32
230V 1Ø ±10%, 47-63Hz
240V 1Ø ±10%, 47-63Hz