Conducive Classroom Environment in Schools: Anjali Singh
Conducive Classroom Environment in Schools: Anjali Singh
Conducive Classroom Environment in Schools: Anjali Singh
Abstract: Learning takes place within a web of social relationships as teachers and pupils interact both formally and informally.
Schools are institutional spaces for communities of learners, including both students and teachers. Education to be effective in schools,
the environment needs to be conducive to learning, allowing the pupils space and time to interact within the learning and teaching
process. Creating and maintaining stimulating learning environments can be achieved through effective classroom organization,
interactive and whole school displays and a climate of innovation. Learning is directly linked to stimulants available in schools. Two
schools were selected to find out the stimulants available that affects the learning of the students in schools. Teacher’s behavior, good
infrastructural, excursions were found out to be major stimulants in the schools for students whereas the methods of teaching like
conducting activities, discussions, demonstrations were also considered as an important factors bring students to the classrooms. Hence,
stimulating environment is a pre-requisite for better learning and understanding.
1. Introduction
“Children’s minds are sensitive to the influences of the
In all aspects of the school and its surrounding education world. Their sub-conscious minds are active, always
community, the rights of the whole child, and all children, to imbibing some lesson, and realizing the joy of knowing. This
survival, protection, development and participation are at the sensitive receptivity allows them, without any strain, to
centre. This means that the focus is on learning which master language, which is the most complex and difficult
strengthens the capacities of children to act progressively on instrument of expression, full of indefinite ideas and abstract
their own behalf through the acquisition of relevant thinking.
knowledge, useful skills and appropriate attitudes; and which
creates for children, and helps them create for themselves According to educational philosophy of Rabindranath
and others, places of safety, security and healthy interaction. Tagore a young boy was interested to a great scientist for
instruction and training. The scientist left the boy in the vast
Rabindranath Tagore says, “The highest education is that laboratory and taught him nothing. When asked why he had
which does not merely give us information, but makes our taught him nothing he replied, “if the boy had not caught
life in harmony with all existence”. “The mind of the child is anything from the environs of such a laboratory, it would be
always on the alert, restless and eager to receive firsthand no good teaching him either. Real education is got from
knowledge from Mother Nature. Children should be stimulating atmosphere. Education in ancient India was
surrounded with the things of nature which have their own based upon this theory. The child was handed over to the
educational value. Their minds should be allowed to stumble Guru (Preceptor) with whom he lived, talked, worked,
upon and surprised at everything that happens in today’s walked, studied, rendered him service, paid him homage in
life”Rabindranath Tagore’s ShantiNiketan is a renowned love and labor and values of the Preceptor. Tagore exactly
educational institution across the world.Santiniketan is a believed in such a theory of education through stimulating
small town near Bolpur in the Birbhum district of West atmosphere. He did not wish the ideas to be stuffed in the
Bengal, India, and approximately 180 kilometres north of minds of children, but caught through invisible contagion.
Kolkata (formerly Calcutta).It was made famous by Nobel To him education was not “the conscious process of filling
Laureate Rabindranath Tagore, whose vision became what is but the sub-conscious process of absorption” (Taneja, 1980).
now a university town (Visva-Bharati University ) that
attracts thousands of visitors each year. Shantiniketan is a 1.1 Stimulants
tourist attraction also because Rabindranath lived here and
penned many of his literary classics (namely Tagore songs, According to oxford dictionary the surroundings or
poems, novels etc.) and his home is a place of historical conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or
importance. operates. ‘A multi-sensory environment is a dedicated space
or room where stimulation can be controlled, manipulated,
Attractions-A China Bhavana: A centre for Chinese studies. intensified, reduced, presented in isolation or combination,
Natir Puja, a dance drama of Tagore is painted on its wall packaged for active or passive interaction and temporally
under the guidance of Nandalal Bose, pioneering Indian matched to fit the perceived motivation, interests, leisure,
artist. Kala Bhavan: The College of Fine Arts & Crafts has a relaxation, therapeutic and/or educational needs of the user.
museum exhibiting sculptures, frescoes & murals and a It can take a variety of physical, psychological and
library of art books and many others. Rabindranath Tagore sociological forms’.
created a natural environment for their students to learn
things better which they can retain for their lifetime. Now a Stimulating environment provides an area for users to
day’ schools providing so many stimulating environments to control, manipulate, intensify or reduce stimulation within a
make their students to lead to better learning safe environment (Best, 1992) while relaxing, interacting
and learning from one another (Glenn et al., 1996). The
Volume 3 Issue 1, January 2014
Paper ID: 02013831 387
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
chief stimulants were the computer’s increased capacity to 1.3 Perception of teachers
stimulate complex thought process a reawakened interest in
the strategies people use to solve difficult problems, a Teachers are important and make a difference. The quality of
demonstration of certain reasoning and communicative. By teaching is a crucial factor promoting effective learning in
stimulating the senses, the individual learning can be schools. Effective teaching requires individual who are
enhanced, for example- if a person prefers to learn through academically able and who care about the well-being of
visual aids, “seeing” material should be used. Another children and youth.
person may prefer listening and thus, audio related education
materials should be used. The sense of touch, taste and smell A good teacher can play important role in the learning of an
should also be included in the learning process. However, it individual. He can (1) Observe the individual and try to
has been noted that the seeing and the hearing senses are understand his present abilities, interests, and needs, (2)
mostly used in ones learning. In many schools, this is put Stimulate and encourage him to explore them further, and (3)
into practice with a variety of classes that are given, from the help to provide further experiences of a nature as he can
basics of reading, writing, arithmetic to the special or probably use in satisfying the needs and curiosities he feels
electives of music, drama and athletics. at the moment. The effective teacher is an artist at guiding a
student experiences in ways that will satisfy, at least in parts,
1.2 Stimulating environment in classroom some of the need she feels at that time.
A child's development is directly linked to its ability to Teachers can extend invitations for expressions to children
interact with its environment. Children develop an and provide a containing feeling to hold those expressions in
understanding of themselves through their interactions with part through their design of the environment. A classroom
events and materials outside themselves (Piaget, 1951). All that consists of rows of desks, a globe, a flag and some
environments have the ability to contribute or retard this bookshelves communicates that the priority is order and
process. Anita Old states that "the motivation to interact with teacher-directed learning. A classroom that has a variety of
the environment exists in all children as an intrinsic property materials, such as crayons and paper, a block corner and
of life, but the quality of the interactions is dependent upon wood-working and dramatic-play areas, communicates that
the possibilities for engagement that the environment symbolic activity, self-expression and social endeavors are
provides". valued. A classroom that is loaded with materials that flow
from one space to another and in which every inch of wall
The finding of the Milwaukee and the British studies are space is covered with posters or children’s work is likely to
consistent with those of earlier investigation. The cognitive be an over-stimulating environment. A classroom with
development of the children is likely to be facilitated if they clearly defined centers while children can explore various
are exposed to the environments that are stimulating in kinds of learning and move between personal and social
which they get considerable attention and that provide them endeavors may be the most conducive to emotionally
with the enriched cognitive experiences. responsive practice when it coexists with a well-thought-out
routine, an attached teacher, and an emphasis on the use of
The term environment is broad. It covers layout, furniture symbol and metaphor (Skinner, 2006).
and decoration but also the emotional climate that is created.
Getting the environment right for the children makes a 1.4 Perception of students
considerable difference. Children who feel comfortable, yet
stimulated in the environment are able to settle in and enjoy Students’ perception friendliness of the environment may or
learning. It also has an impact on parents as they can see that may not be accurate. But, if they are then changes need to be
the environment will be a safe and secure one for their made. Research on change has indicated that the person be
children. Interestingly, children also respond to the asked to change must be involved in the process. Therefore,
environment that they are in. behavior can be improved in the student to be consulted about how to rectify the
responsive, stimulating environments that have been environment. For example if a child fails it is too noisy to
carefully planned. study at home, adults can ask what needs to be done to make
it quite. It may be as simple as asking, “what would be take
A first step in making changes is to acknowledge the role of for you to do well?” it is important that students be involved
the environment in children's lives. The environments that in helping find solutions to the environmental road blocks.
children experience in their early years of life are responsible When consulting students about how their environment
for creating their understanding of many concepts, giving might be modified, active and empathetic listening on the
them spatial awareness, educating their senses, nourishing part of the parent or teacher is crucial. Active listening is
their curiosity, and encouraging their interaction. For some powerful tool; chances are that those who influence us most
children with special needs this process does not happen so are power endless practice worksheets of multiplication facts
spontaneously. For these children you need to be aware of are senseless. An environmental change is required in this
their skill level and preferences in order to piece together situation (Francis, 2005).
activities and sensory information in a way that will entice
them to interact with their surroundings. 1.5 Perception of school administrators
• To study the perception of teachers regarding what acts as Going to school vs Taking off from school: A very
stimulant for students to learn. interesting fact that emerged out was, the students despite of
• To study the perception of administrators on how can the having option of not going (bunking) to the school, yet is
school as a whole act as a stimulant to facilitate learning? willing to attend it. Though the student’s stimulating factor
• To find out children’s ideas on what motivates them to are many as well as various negative aspects got reflected
learn better and what changes can be introduced within the but even when they are given option to stay at home or go
school to make it a fun learning place. with their parents out, they prefer not to miss the studies.
• To identify the various stimulants which act like a driving This in some way reflects the sort of unconscious bonding
force for the better learning and understanding. which the school has maintained with the students that stops
them to get away.
3. Methodology
Good things about their school: Students were also
Locale: The study was conducted in 2 different private enquired about the 4 good things that they liked the most
schools of Delhi to determine the various stimulants that about their school. Sports activities and good teachers topped
facilitate learning in students. All the data were collected the list with 30% each. Students perceived that good teachers
from Presidum School and G. D. Goneka School situated in are an important part of their school. Also children of 7th
Indirapuram and Karkardooma. standard were fascinated with the sports activities held in
their school. Play is an important part of their lives. As a
Sample: Students, teachers and principals were interviewed result nearly 15% considered a big playground to be one of
to gather the information regarding various stimulants. A the good things about their school. A good playground is
total of 300 students would be randomly selected from all the very important for recreational activities. Rest said that their
sections of VII Standard from both the schools (Presidum school had good technology (15%). Rest of them gave
School and G. D. Goneka School) All the major subject responses such as good laboratories, art and work experience
teachers (n=15) i.e. Mathematics, Science, English, Hindi, classes, school canteen, dance and music activities and good
Social Science, Art/Music, Sports of VII Standard were discipline to be some of the positive or good things about
interviewed. Principal of both the schools will also be their school which stood them apart from others.
interviewed for the same.
Difference between your school and others: Almost 50%
Tools: Semi Structured Interview Schedule was used to elicit students responded said that their schools facilities are good
the perceptions of students as to what acts as a stimulant for and 38% students appreciated teachers, and rest 12%
them, what is an ideal school and their suggestions on how students preferred infrastructure provided in the school to be
to make school a fun learning place. Two interview different.
schedules were prepared and pretested to gather information
regarding stimulants from Teachers and Principals. Role of good infrastructure: On being asked “is your school
different from other schools in terms of infrastructure”, more
than half of them did not believe that their school had
Volume 3 Issue 1, January 2014
Paper ID: 02013831 389
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
different infrastructure from other schools. This constituted position to help them out. 44% students were comfortable in
almost 54% of students. The rest 46% thought that their approaching their peers in case of any doubt because some
school infrastructure was definitely different from other of them were afraid to go and ask teachers. Rest, 1% had no
schools whether good or bad. Some of them were not particular preference for teachers or peers.
satisfied with their infrastructure. They thought that their
school building is very old and needs renovation. It had poor Best Teaching Method: Conducting activities was
construction, needed better painted walls. They also felt an considered to be the best teaching method by students. 40%
increased need of E-rooms and smart classes. They wanted percent children agreed with the same. The next best
better hygiene conditions in their classrooms, toilets and teaching method was discussion (22%), followed by
canteen. teaching in E rooms (20%). More than half of the children
believed that they could learn better in an E Room.
Need for separate rooms for different activities: Almost Excursion method was also very popular among students.
90% of the students agreed to the fact that they needed Almost 10% students reported that they liked the excursion
separate rooms for separate activities. Other (10%) did not method of teaching. Demonstration and lecture method was
felt the need for separate rooms for separate activities. least liked by students which constituted 4% each. So
Students require separate rooms for separate activities therefore, it can be concluded that activity method of
because they feel that it facilitates better learning (31%), it teaching was most popular among students and they found it
also helps in better maintenance and organization of rooms more useful than other methods of teaching.
and activities (24%) and helps in better space management
(21%). They also require separate rooms because they Working in a Group: Almost 60% students reflected that
believe that with the availability of more rooms, many more working in a group help in some or the other way like better
activities can be organized in their school (4%), it makes the understanding, whereas in contrast 40 % stated that it does
learning environment interesting and there is also freedom of not help in any way.
expression (2%).
Favorite Subject: Science was the favorite subject of
Role of teacher: When students were asked if they felt their students. It was liked by 30% students. It was closely
teachers were different, only 58% agreed to it. Rest 42% followed by social studies and mathematics 27% each.
thought that there teachers were not different from other Language was also liked by 11% students which included
school’s teachers. When we compared both the schools, Hindi and English. Art and music and sports were liked by
almost same number of children agreed that they had less number of students only. Students liked a particular
different teachers. Nearly 70% liked their teachers because subject majorly because of teacher’s nature and the
they had a good nature. According to them they were very methodology adopted in teaching.
polite, friendly, caring, kind, patient, frank, cooperative and
sensitive to their needs and problems. Some of them (20%) Favorite Teacher: Student’s favorite subject teacher was
were even satisfied with the teaching methods they adopted Science teacher which was liked by 33% children, followed
for teaching. Also teachers clarified the doubts of children by Social science teacher with 30%. Mathematics and
not just once but again and again as and when required. They English teachers were also liked by 15% students each. Rest
also considered their teachers to be different because of their preferred Art and music and games teachers. As mentioned
content knowledge and qualification. Nearly 10% children earlier also, the reasons for liking for a particular teacher
agreed to this. could be due to their nature and/or the methods adopted for
Quality of Teachers: When asked about “what qualities of
the teachers students like the most”, the diverse responses Educational Trips: Out of the total study sample, almost
were given by the respondents. The personal attitude of the half of them (97%) agreed that they were taken out for
teachers towards the students affect the student’s likes and educational trips and it helped them in better retention of
dislikes the most. According to the data about 48% liked the concepts also it improved their knowledge and
teacher’s polite, helping, understanding etc natures. 17% of understanding of the subject. For others (3%) educational
the respondents said that they liked the teachers who clarify trips gave them opportunity to enjoy with their friends. Some
their doubts. Knowledge about the content and method of of them do not find educational trips very useful because
teaching got 13 % each. Rest Approachability of the teachers they feel that they are not in accordance with the syllabus
was only 9% and most of the time was out of reach. and also they do not take them so seriously.
Behavior of Teachers: Out of the total sample under study, 5. Perception of Teachers
half of them reported that their teachers were very friendly
and 35% students considered their teacher’s behavior Stimulants to make good classroom: Out of 12 teachers 3
towards them to be polite. Rest 15% said that their teacher’s felt that students learn things by doing themselves. School as
behavior was rude. an institution provides new opportunities for all the students
to learn things on their own and knowledge is the outcome
Approachability of Teacher: Students were more of child’s own activity. Whereas 2 teachers felt students are
comfortable in approaching their teachers as compared to stimulated by things from their natural environment such as
their peers. More than half of the students (55%) preferred adequate light, fresh air and green plants.
approaching teachers because they thought teachers knew
much more than their peers and hence they are in a better
Volume 3 Issue 1, January 2014
Paper ID: 02013831 390
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Types of Stimulants used by the teachers: About 8 teachers Principal of Presidum School stated that teachers must also
felt that performing any kind of activity in the classroom is keep themselves in tune with the changing times. The role of
the best stimulant that they provide to students. As per NCF parents in the progress of the child should not be
2005 Activities enable teachers to give individualised underestimated.
attention to children, and to make alterations in a task
depending on their requirements and variations in the level Infrastructure in schools that enhance learning: Principals
of interest. Also providing e-rooms for the students makes of both the schools stated there should be adequate space,
the learning effective. Well-lighted classrooms, and well furnished Library and
Equipped labs in order to enhance learning.
Approaches used by teachers to stimulate learning: Most of
the teachers felt that use of different kinds of teaching aids in Qualities in a teacher: As per NCFTE 2009 Teachers should
the classrooms stimulate learning process. The practices of take care for children and love to be with them, love
teachers in classrooms, the materials they use should be knowledge and be constantly learning, they should change
consistent and planned before (NCF 2005). Half of the their perception of child as a receiver of knowledge and
teachers were of the view that interactive sessions help the encourage its capacity to construct knowledge. Teachers
students to ask questions. Also, children must be encouraged should to be trained in organizing learner centered, activity
to answer in their own words. based, participatory learning experiences -play, projects,
discussion, dialogue, observation, visits, integrating
Classroom Management: About 5 teachers adopted the academic.
technique of dividing the students in the groups to maintain
the discipline in the class where others used discussions and 7. Conclusion
relating content with daily life experiences and teaching aids
to manage the class. A lesson that is planned well can Students found to be attending school rather than going for
challenge students to think about the content that is being an outing, reflects the stimulating environment provided in
taught in the class, so were the views of some of the the school.
teachers. Along with the teacher equal importance was given to the
playground as a stimulating factor.
Effects of techniques and technologies: Providing children Teacher’s behavior came out to be the most effective
more direct access to multimedia equipment and Information stimulant as students believed that rudeness restricts them.
Communication Technology (ICT), and allowing them to Liking for the subject and the teacher were interrelated as
mix and make their own productions and to present their students liked the subject because the teacher’s behavior.
own experiences, could provide them with new opportunities
Good infrastructural facilities act as stimulants as it was
to explore their own creative imagination (NCF 2005).
given utmost importance.
Almost all the teachers (10) felt that there was a positive
Students were more comfortable in approaching their
impact of technologies on learning.
teachers as compared to their peers.
Knowledge about Constructivism: Almost all the teachers Conducting activities was considered to be the best
(11) were using constructivist approach in their classroom teaching method by students followed by discussion
like conducting activities, demonstrations, taking out method even teachers also liked to conduct activities in the
students for excursions etc. but they were not familiar with classroom to make the class more participatory.
the term constructivism. Learning is a process of Majority believed that working in groups helps in the
construction of knowledge. coordination and understanding of the concept.
There should be separate rooms for different activities so
that simultaneously many activities can take place.
6. Perception of Principal
Educational trips were preferred by the students because
Factors influencing learning in schools: “A friendly of retention and understanding of the subject.
atmosphere, conducive to learning has to be created in the Teachers gave full freedom of expression to the students
classroom and freedom to acquire knowledge at once own as they come up with their own ideas in the classroom.
pace could be the factors that enhance learning in schools”- Teachers used discussion method to maintain the
Principal of G.D.Goneka school. Children will learn only in discipline in the classroom rest related the content to daily
an atmosphere where they feel they are valued. Our children lives.
need to feel that each one of them, their homes, All the teachers were aware of the constructivism
communities, languages and cultures, are valuable as approach as they stated learning is a process of
resources for experience to be analyzed and enquired into at construction of knowledge.
school” (NCF, 2005). Whereas Principals said that friendly environment and
good infrastructural facilities are important stimulants in
Strategies should be adopted to stimulate learning: the school.
Principal of G.D.Goneka School believed that each and
every child should feel wanted, loved and cared, Comfort 8. Suggestions
level in the classrooms should be taken care of, Self
Discipline and desire for knowledge should be included. Classroom environment plays a very important role in
Other aspects can also be added to the study.
Volume 3 Issue 1, January 2014
Paper ID: 02013831 391
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
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Author Profile