Selective Catalytic Reduction FAQ
Selective Catalytic Reduction FAQ
Selective Catalytic Reduction FAQ
1. Why select SCR for low-speed engines?............................................. 3
1.1. Why WinGD is promoting SCR for low-speed engines?................................ 3
1.2. What are the benefits of SCR compared to EGR?.......................................... 4
2. SCR Concept & design........................................................................ 6
2.1. What are the differences between high-pressure (HP) and
low-pressure (LP) SCR?.............................................................................. 6
2.2. Which parties are involved in the supply of SCR systems and what
are their responsibilities?............................................................................ 8
2.3. Is SCR applicable for engines with more than one turbocharger?................ 9
3. SCR and engine operation.................................................................. 9
3.1. What engine tunings are possible with SCR?............................................... 9
3.2. Does low ambient temperature affect the SCR system?............................. 10
3.3. What is the acceptable back pressure for HP SCR and LP SCR?.................. 10
3.4. What is the purpose of the soot blowing system? How does the soot
blowing system operate?........................................................................... 10
3.5. Is reactor trace heating needed?................................................................ 10
3.6. Is thermal shock to the catalyst elements a concern when starting up
under cold ambient conditions?................................................................. 11
4. Catalyst element.............................................................................. 12
4.1. What is the lifetime of catalyst elements in an SCR system?...................... 12
4.2. How many running hours (RH) do the catalyst elements in an SCR
system last?.............................................................................................. 12
4.3. What are the typical weight and dimensions of a catalyst block inside
the SCR reactor?........................................................................................ 12
4.4. How can the used elements of a catalyst block be disposed of?................. 12
5. UREA handling................................................................................. 13
5.1. Why is urea used for SCR and what is the required grade of urea?............. 13
5.2. What are the chemical and physical characteristics of urea?..................... 13
5.3. How should urea be stored on board a ship?.............................................. 13
6. Rules and certification..................................................................... 14
6.1. Who is responsible for arranging the Tier III engine certification and
who is the SCR system supplied to?........................................................... 14
6.2. Is on board NOX monitoring mandatory in ECA areas?................................ 14
6.3. How long does it take to carry out the Scheme B test on board?................ 14
1. Why select SCR for low-speed engines?
1.1. Why WinGD is promoting SCR for low-speed engines?
SCR is the marine industry standard for medium and high speed
SCR is the industry standard and the most used technology for removing NOX
from exhaust gas of four-stroke main and auxiliary engines in marine and
stationary applications.
WinGD has extensive and broad experience with SCR systems, with over 600
units ordered/installed in a large variety of engines and applications:
• Diesel and high-pressure (HP) gas engines
• Marine and stationary applications
• four and two-stroke engine applications
1.2. What are the benefits of SCR compared to EGR?
Fuel penalty is up to 2 g/kWh at low Fuel penalty for EGR is between 3-8 g/kWh
engine load only (across the entire engine power range)
Negligible energy consumption for the High energy consumption for the water
ancillary systems, such as the urea system treatment system, blower, additional
and soot blowing cooling water and sludge
Figure 2: Indicative consumable cost comparison for HP EGR and HP SCR.
SCR on/off valves and control Exhaust Gas Recirculation system: cylinder
bypass, EGR on/off valves, EGR blower, EGR
cooler and control
SCR reactor and catalyst elements Scrubbing system: Scrubber, fresh water
production, tank, pump, filter and injection system
Urea system: tank, pump, filter and Caustic soda: tank, pump, filter and mixing unit
Soot blowing system: bottles, filter, Black water treatment: Pumps, filter, sludge filter,
injectors air compressor, drain & sludge tank
2. SCR Concept & design
2.1. What are the differences between high-pressure (HP) and
low-pressure (LP) SCR?
There are several differences between HP and LP SCR. Below are the most
Reactor position
The reactor is before the turbocharger. The reactor is after the turbocharger. The
The exhaust gas in the reactor has a higher exhaust gas in the reactor has a relatively
pressure (max 4 bar(g)) and temperature. lower pressure (about 0.6 bar(g)) and
An HP SCR system has 3 main design An LP SCR system has the following
features. The SCR reactor (1), a pipe design features: the SCR reactor, the
section, known as the Evaporation or Mixing decomposition unit for ammonia generation
Pipe for urea injection and evaporation and the control valves (V1, V2, V3)
(2), and the interface valves to the engine
The HP SCR reactor is typically installed in the engine room. The ship
designer has the choice to position the reactor in a horizontal or vertical
position according to the engine room layout and available space.
The LP SCR reactor is typically installed outside the engine room in the
stack. This provides more flexibility for the ship designer. However additional
components such as the fuel burner and blower must also be integrated in
the ship design.
Ammonia generation
Urea is injected into the mixed piping with Through ammonia generation using a fuel
high temperature exhaust gas, no energy oil burner
Fuel penalties
Engine interfaces
SCR bypass valves controlled by the engine SCR bypass valves controlled by the SCR
control system system control
SCR components
- Burner
- Blower
2.2. Which parties are involved in the supply of SCR systems and what
are their responsibilities?
The engine manufacturer, the engine designer (WinGD), the SCR supplier
and the shipyard are all involved in SCR project developments.
Engine manufacturer
The engine manufacturer produces the engine in accordance to WinGD’s
design and includes the mechanical and automation interfaces (in the case of
The engine manufacturer is responsible for the IMO Tier III NOX certification.
SCR supplier
The SCR supplier designs and manufactures the key SCR elements.
The reactor, mixing pipe, ammonia generator, the catalyst element with
appropriate size and volume, urea injection system, soot blowing system,
urea dosing system, etc.
The SCR supplier provides detailed interface and mounting specifications to
the engine manufacturer and shipyards.
The shipyard designs the structural support for the reactor housing and
ducting, and arranges the SCR system on the ship.
The shipyard designs, procures and manufactures the connecting piping,
compensator, flanges etc. and carries out the final assembly of the SCR
system on the ship.
2.3. Is SCR applicable for engines with more than one turbocharger?
Both LP and HP SCR are possible solutions for engines with more than one
(1) turbocharger application. WinGD has developed several configuration
solutions that are available on demand.
Tuning Options
Available engine tunings
The tuning options “HP SCR” and “LP SCR” will ensure that the exhaust gas
temperature is always above the minimum required temperature for reliable
operation of the SCR system. In case the exhaust gas temperature goes
below this minimum required temperature, the engine control system reacts
and adequately increases the temperature.
3.2. Does low ambient temperature affect the SCR system?
Cold external conditions have no impact on the SCR system because the
engine’s Tier III tuning will control the exhaust gas temperature so that it
stays above the minimum required low temperature.
3.3. What is the acceptable back pressure for HP SCR and LP SCR?
3.4. What is the purpose of the soot blowing system? How does the soot
blowing system operate?
The accumulation of deposits, like soot and ash, is very likely to occur on
the surface of the catalytic elements. The soot blowing system regularly
removes such deposits with a dedicated soot blowing line provided for each
catalyst layer in the reactor.
The soot blowing is controlled and enforced by the SCR control system.
Typically, the soot blowing is operated automatically and sequentially at a
pressure of 8 bar(g).
How much power is needed for trace heating?
The energy required depends on how fast the customer would like to heat
the catalyst element and on the volume of the catalyst elements. According
to our experience and current projects, the pre-heater power is well below
50 kW.
How is trace heating for the HP SCR’s reactor used in an ECA port?
If the ship’s port stay is short, the catalyst elements will still be hot after the
engine has been switched off. Therefore the pre-heater (if switched on at
this moment) will provide a small amount of energy to compensate for the
thermal dissipations of the reactor, and will keep the catalyst element at the
right temperature.
How long does it take to pre-heat the HP SCR’s reactor when the
ship enters an ECA area?
In the case of the ship entering an ECA area, the catalyst elements are
heated by partially opening the SCR valves according to a specific heating
Before the SCR system is switched on, the catalyst elements need to be
heated to the minimum SCR operational temperature before any reducing
agent is injected.
4. Catalyst element
4.1. What is the lifetime of catalyst elements in an SCR system?
It is common practice to assume that the lifetime of the catalyst elements is 5
years, i.e. the time corresponding to the ship’s dry-docking schedule.
The proper maintenance of the catalyst elements is the key to extended life
and a well-functioning SCR installation. As well as soot blowing and the
ammonia bi-sulphate (ABS) regeneration measures, manual maintenance is
also important.
4.2. How many running hours (RH) do the catalyst elements in an SCR
system last?
The maximum number of running hours (RH) for the catalyst elements
depends on the design of the SCR system (e.g. the volume of the catalyst
element, flow velocity, layers, fuel type, engine operating profile, etc.).
Therefore, the maximum RH of catalyst elements is the result of the SCR
supplier’s design, taking into account the customer’s operating profile for a
lifetime of 5 years, and the need to keep the reactor size within reasonable
4.3. What are the typical weight and dimensions of a catalyst block
inside the SCR reactor?
The catalyst element blocks are designed so that they can be dismounted
and removed without any special tools. The typical catalyst element block
measures 300x300x500 mm and weighs 24 kg.
4.4. How can the used elements of a catalyst block be disposed of?
Metal from the canisters/frames/cassettes is recycled as normal metal.
Local disposal of the catalyst blocks is managed through recycling waste
disposal companies. The supplier of the catalyst can provide advice
regarding disposal globally.
5. UREA handling
5.1. Why is urea used for SCR and what is the required grade of urea?
The chemical element required for the reaction of NOX to water and Nitrogen
is Ammonia (NH4). However, ammonia is difficult to store and handle on a
ship and is therefore generated from urea. Urea is stored and transformed
into ammonia after injection into the exhaust before entering the reactor.
Urea is injected into the exhaust gas stream mixed with compressed air or
fresh water.
The standard Aqueous Urea Solution (AUS) for marine applications is 40%
urea in water (Marine urea/AUS40). The appropriate quality requirements
for the urea solution are presented in ISO 22241. On board the vessel, a ready
urea water mixture can be bunkered or stored. Urea can also be stored on
board in powder or pellet form and can be mixed with purified water when
Urea tanks are to be kept clear from fire or high temperature sources to
avoid evaporation. Urea is corrosive on carbon steels, nickel and non-
ferrous metals (copper, zinc, etc.). Therefore, the urea tanks must be
suitably coated or made of stainless steel or selected plastics. Furthermore,
the recommendations from the class societies must be considered when
designing the urea tank.
6.3. How long does it take to carry out the Scheme B test on board?
Discussions regarding the various test procedures are ongoing and are not
yet finalised. WinGD is actively participating in these discussions, which also
include the test procedures according to scheme B, with IACS (and IMO).
Winterthur Gas & Diesel Ltd. (WinGD) is a leading developer
of two-stroke low-speed gas and diesel engines used for
propulsion power in merchant shipping.
WinGD sets the industry standard for reliability, efficiency and
environmental sustainability. WinGD provides designs, training
and technical support to engine manufacturers, shipbuilders
and ship operators worldwide.
WinGD is headquartered in Winterthur, Switzerland, where, as
one of the earliest developers of diesel technology, it started
the design of large internal combustion engines in 1893 under
the “Sulzer” name.