Study On Braking Stability of Commercial Vehicles: An Optimized Air Brake System
Study On Braking Stability of Commercial Vehicles: An Optimized Air Brake System
Study On Braking Stability of Commercial Vehicles: An Optimized Air Brake System
The braking stability has significant importance for commercial vehicles, especially tractor-semitrailer. However, the
brake lag of air brake system brings serious safety risk to the vehicle. To improve the braking stability of tractor-semitrai-
ler, an optimized air brake system is proposed. Using characteristic of the fast exhaust response of spring brake cylinder
of composite brake chamber, a normally open solenoid valve and a normally closed solenoid valve are connected with
the spring brake cylinder of composite brake chamber of semitrailer to control the spring brake force, which responds
more quickly than service brake force. A strategy is proposed to control the difference between the actual braking tor-
que of the semitrailer brake and the target braking torque and is simulated based on AMESim and SIMULINK. An experi-
ment is made to verify the effectiveness of the optimized system. The simulation shows that the improved scheme
reduces the response time of semitrailer brake system by 0.19 s, and effectively restrains the lateral movement of the
vehicle downhill braking and improves the stability of the braking direction of the vehicle. And the experiment indicates
that the brake of semitrailer responds earlier than tractor, which means the brake lag is improved significantly.
Braking stability, commercial vehicle, air brake system, brake lag, transportation
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2 Advances in Mechanical Engineering
greatly, but also cause brake fade, and even the braking pneumatic brake system based on closed-loop feed-
efficiency declines or fails completely.3 back. The controller was designed based on PID, and
The hydraulic retarder can be used to augment or the feasibility and effectiveness of the scheme were veri-
replace some of the functions of primary friction-based fied by simulation. Lu13 proposed to use the electronic
braking systems.4 It is usually used as an additional control system to control the pneumatic brake system,
‘‘assistance’’ to reduce speed, so that the main brake and designed the trailer air brake electronic control sys-
will achieve an increased life. Hydraulic retarders con- tem, thus achieving the optimization goal of the trailer
vert the kinetic energy of the vehicle into heat energy of brake coordination consistency. Rajaram and
the fluid. The oil is pumped into the working chamber, Subramanian14 developed nonlinear controller for
when retarder is required, and then the vanes, attached heavy commercial vehicle based on Lyapunov theory.
to the transmission driveshaft in the chamber, churn The controller was tested and compared with a control-
the oil to induce viscous drag to decelerate the drive- ler developed using a linear full state feedback control-
shaft. The working oil will heat and circulate in the ler. It was proved that the nonlinear controller has an
cooling system. advantage in terms of reduced brake delay.
Due to the length of pneumatic tube and the Current techniques used to reduce brake lag can be
response time of pneumatic components of air brake broadly divided into four categories: improving the
system, longer time is required for the compressed air structure of pneumatic valve, optimizing the parameters
to reach the brake chambers in semitrailer than in trac- of pneumatic components and pipe, adding high-speed
tor, and the time difference is called brake lag. The switch valve, and applying PID controller. But hydrau-
brake lag makes semitrailer produce a braking force lic retarder is not considered when calculating the brake
later than the tractor, which may cause an impact force lag. In this article, an improved structure of air brake
between tractor and semitrailer and introduce unstable system is proposed to decrease the brake lag of tractor-
situations,5 such as folding and drift, and these situa- semitrailer-equipped hydraulic retarder; the simulation
tions may lead to serious traffic accident. However, as and experiment are also made to verify the effect of the
the retarder could produce braking torque much faster new structure.
than air brake system, which means tractors with The organization of this article is given as follows: in
hydraulic retarder brake earlier than those without the next section, the improved scheme of air brake sys-
hydraulic retarder, hydraulic retarder may make brake tem is presented. Then the simulation model based on
lag worse. Thus, it is significant to reduce or avoid AMESim, SIMULINK, and TruckSim is developed.
brake lag. Next, the control strategy is proposed and developed in
Some research has been done with brake lag nowa- SIMULINK. Then the analysis of brake lag and lateral
days. Ma et al.6 reduced the brake response time by movement stability are made to validate the effective-
optimizing the diameter of pneumatic pipe of the air ness of the optimized air brake system. And experiment
brake system. He7 optimized the parameters such as is also made to verify the improved structure. Finally,
the exhaust space of the brake valve and the relay valve conclusions regarding the presented study are given.
and the diameter of the pneumatic line to reduce the
brake lag. Karthikeyan and Subramanian8 proposed a
proposal using an electronically controlled regulator Introduction of the optimized air brake
instead of the foot valve to improve the braking system
response of the air brake system. Kumav et al.9 shor-
tened the time required for brake start-up by adding The semitrailer in this article is equipped with compo-
PID (proportional integral derivative) controllers based site brake chamber, which is consisted of spring brake
on the research of Karthikeyan P. Wang et al.10 cylinder and service brake cylinder, and the exhaust
designed an electronic pneumatically controlled auxili- speed of spring brake cylinder is much faster than
ary brake device using a high-speed on–off valve. The inflating speed of service brake cylinder. So the service
device uses a PI controller output pulse width signal to brake cylinder can produce faster if using the air from
regulate the open and close state of the high-speed on– exhaust port of spring brake cylinder as input instead
off valve to control the brake chamber air pressure to of original input at the begging of braking process.
reduce the response time of brake system. Zhu et al.11 Plus, a normally open solenoid valve and a normally
proposed a set of hysteresis compensation system for closed solenoid valve are added into air brake system to
the brake lag of semitrailer. The system adds two infla- control the spring brake cylinder electronically, which
tion valves, two isolation valves, two exhaust valves, can reduce the time to receive control signal signifi-
and two one-way valves to the original car air brake cantly. Target braking torque of semitrailer is calcu-
system, and electronically controls the inflation valve lated by ECU (electronic control unit) (1) in accordance
and the exhaust valve to overcome the brake lag. Qi with the displacement of tractor brake valve mandrel
et al.12 proposed a hysteresis control method for and braking torque of hydraulic retarder, then the
He and Jing 3
ground normal force of second axis of semitrailer, FZA6 e = TbG TbGtar ð3Þ
is the ground normal force of third axis of semitrailer.
where, Fs is status flag (1 is pressurizing, 0 is holding
According to the difference between the actual brak-
pressure, 21 is decompression), e is the difference
ing torque and the target braking torque, the pressure
between the actual braking torque and the target brak-
of the spring brake air chamber switches among three
ing torque of the semitrailer brake, TbG is the actual
modes: pressurizing (braking torque decreases), holding
braking torque of the semitrailer brake.
pressure (braking torque remains), and decompression
At last, determine the displacement of the mandrel
(braking torque increases). Since the pneumatic–
of tractor brake valve, and the braking ends when the
electronic control system well oscillates if switched
displacement is 0 mm.
between pressurized and depressurized mode fre-
The flow chart of control strategy is shown in
quently, reasonable upper and lower threshold values
Figure 9. This strategy is built based on SIMULINK/
are determined after several simulations, which are
100 Nm and 2100 Nm, respectively, and the switching Stateflow and linked to AMESim and TruckSim, which
logic is as follows is presented in Figure 10.
The simulation is made on a downhill with 0.2 road
8 adhesion coefficient of left side and 0.5 of right side,15
< 1 e ø 100
Fs = 0 100\e\100 ð2Þ the initial speed of braking is 30 km/h, the time step is
: 0.01 s. The result of original air brake system is shown
1 e ł 100
in Figure 11. It can be seen that the braking torque of
6 Advances in Mechanical Engineering
obtained that the maximum lateral displacement of 30 km/h, the improved scheme inhibits the lateral
center of gravity and maximum yaw velocity of tractor movement of the tractor-semitrailer obviously on the
are 0.60 m and 14.97 °/s, respectively, and in the new bisectional road, and reduced the brake lag by 0.19 s.
system, they are 0.46 m and 8.38 °/s. For the semitrai-
ler, the maximum lateral displacement of center of
Experimental verification of the improved
gravity and the maximum yaw velocity are 4.37 m and
4.05 °/s, respectively, and in the new system, they are air brake system
2.54 m and 3.85 °/s. The maximum hitch angle is 60.95° An experiment is designed to compare the brake lag
corresponding to 27.9° after optimization. The simula- before and after the air brake system being optimized
tion results show that when the initial braking speed is to verify the effectiveness of this study. For the tractor-
8 Advances in Mechanical Engineering
Original Optimized
brake brake system
semitrailer, the performance of time lag is the difference solenoid valve and normally closed solenoid valve will
in response time of brake chambers between the tractor get the signal to active.
and semitrailer. So air pressure sensors are installed on The photo of experimental facility is presented in
the brake chambers of both tractor and semitrailer. Figure 18.
Due to limited test conditions, the experiment only tests Figure 19 presents the changes in air pressure of ser-
for the brake and does not validate the control strategy. vice brake cylinders of both tractor and semitrailer,
And once the brake pedal is pushed, the normally open while Figure 20 shows the corresponding data of the
He and Jing 9
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