The Life Os St. Lawrence (Laurence) Deacon: 31 December AD 225 or Less Likely, (Modern-Day) 10 August AD 258 (Aged 32)

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Born 31 December AD 225[1]

Valencia[2] or less
likely Osca, Hispania (modern-
day Spain)

Died 10 August AD 258 (aged 32)


Venerated in Roman Catholic Church

Eastern Orthodoxy
Anglican Communion

Canonized Pre-congregation

Major shrine Basilica di San Lorenzo fuori le

Mura in Rome

Feast 10 August

Attributes Usually holding a gridiron and

wearing a dalmatic

Patronage Rome, Rotterdam(Netherlands), H

uesca (Spain), San
Lawrenz, Gozo and Birgu(Malta),
Barangay San LorenzoSan
Pablo (Philippines), Canada, Sri
Lanka, comedians, archivists, libra
rians, students, miners, tanners, c
hefs, Balangiga, Eastern Samar,
roasters, poor, firefighters

Saint Lawrence was Chief of the seven deacons of Rome. In the year 258 Pope Sixtus
was led out to die, and Saint Lawrence followed beside him, weeping because unable to
share his fate. Where are you going, my father, without your son? Where are you going,
holy pontiff, without your deacon? Never did you offer a sacrifice without my serving
you at the altar. In what way have I displeased you? The holy Pope comforted him with
the words, I am not abandoning you, my son; a more difficult trial and a more glorious
victory are reserved for you; in three days you will follow me.

This prophecy was fulfilled. After the Pope's martyrdom the prefect of the city, knowing
the rich offerings which the Christians put into the hands of the clergy, demanded the
treasures of the Roman Church from Lawrence, their guardian. The Saint promised to
show him, at the end of three days, riches exceeding all the wealth of the empire. He was
granted the time of delay. The Archdeacon of Rome went about assembling the poor, the
infirm, and the religious who lived by the alms of the faithful, and he brought them to
the prefect on the appointed day. Behold the treasures I promised you; I add pearls and
precious stones — these virgins and widows consecrated to God; the Church has no
other riches. The prefect replied: How dare you play games with me, miserable one? Is
this how you show your contempt for the imperial power?

Christ, whom Lawrence had served in His poor, gave him strength in the conflict which
ensued. After being placed on the rack, he was stretched on a grill over a slow fire. He
joked about his pains. I am roasted enough on this side, he said, perhaps you should
turn me over. Soon, his gaze towards heaven, he gave up his soul to God. He was buried
in the catacomb near the Tiburtine Way, called the Verano Field, a little over a mile from
the city walls. The faithful watched there for three days to mourn their holy Archdeacon
who had been so good to them. God, by the glory of this holy martyr, demonstrates the
value He sets upon love for the poor. Innumerable prayers were offered at his tomb.
Saint Lawrence continued from his throne in heaven his charity to those in need,
granting them, as Saint Augustine says, the smaller graces which they sought, and
leading them to the desire of better gifts.

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